For Anyone Who Cannot Patch



  • eonz
    eonz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ive tried to log in serveral times, ive made accounts that say it will alloy me to play perfect world including here, and their forum as well. it still says LINK - your username or password isnt correct. when i go to sign in the servers are ORACLE and DELPHI
    not Heaven's Tear or Lost City . ive seen my friends play on heaven's tear server so why is mine different and why wont it let me log in?
  • cypherlonewolf
    cypherlonewolf Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It says: Server Connection failed and i have surfed in the suggestions and guesses but i ended in a bad way and it still says all the time...Server Connection failed when i'm updating and even the look at the login when i started up the game without the update then i do not see any speed, ping or other things in Lost City server or Heavens Tears server...why is this happening when i really like this amazing game!?:(
  • cypherlonewolf
    cypherlonewolf Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    I just got it to 8.Version and it still in the where i can't log in the Heaven's Tears and Lost City and i got XP and no block on PWI and i got it downloaded from the Direct one and i am sure i have no problems in my Laptop PC it should work all good and fine but no server connection just a bunch of Timout Seconds **** that i don't get or knows even WHY!?

    Help me please...i beg you to help me i really like this game so much!?
  • warlodofdeath
    warlodofdeath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ive downloaded the freacken direct 3 times and looked allover my computer but there still no place where i can play it! yes i have an account.
  • thirst
    thirst Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ya hopefully y'all have the manual patch up after maintenance, not days later when thats not really helping me at all.
  • sailormoon
    sailormoon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi, i'm new here, I downloaded the game from filefront earlier and installed and updated without any problems, I made a couple of characters then logged into play for the first time, within about 3 minutes I was disconnected and now i'm unable to log back in :confused:

    I'm in North America, is this country part of the IP block? If so, why allow us to download the game and create an account and then, block the user?

    :update: my bad, I didn't activate the game after downloading it :blush:
  • hrath
    hrath Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Just a quick idea: make sure you're downloading the INTERNATIONAL version of Perfect World, as well as going to the INTERNATIONAL site to create an account ( is the MALAYSIAN site; thus the '.my' extension).
  • calico
    calico Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Can we get a manual patch for the newest patch?
  • evitare
    evitare Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have Vista OS on all my computers and I have found that it can be a real pain while trying to play online games. I run into patcher or update problems frequently. I find this method works well for me, so try if you like.

    Go to Control Panel/System/Advanced System Settings

    Under the Advanced tab, click on Settings under Performance

    Under the Data Execution Prevention tab, click on add

    Go to C:/Program Files/Perfect World Entertainment/Perfect World/Patcher/Patcher.exe and click Open

    Try running the patcher again to see if it works for you.
  • ryne
    ryne Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I've played PWI for 3 days now without any problem whatsoever (other than being noob lol). Yet today, I was playing and alluvasudden the game froze... I could walk around but couldn't attack, pick up items, heal, etc.

    So I force-ended the program, rebooted, and tried to log in... but it kept saying "character already logged in". Waited for like 10 minutes and it finally let me log in. But then it started saying "character list cannot be retrieved" over and over and then would disconnect me from the server. So I exited and restarted the program and had the program verify all the files. Still no go.

    Pulling my hair out, I put in a ticket but have zero verification after 8 hours that they even received the ticket and I'm getting impatient. Anyone have any ideas?

    I'll give you a cookie ~.^

    EDIT: Heh, they finally sent me an email letting me know the servers were down. Maybe it'll work when I get home.
    Average everyday sane psycho.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    They are working on it. Always behind the live in-game downloadable patches.
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • jojogirl
    jojogirl Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am going to SCREAM. Why is this so difficult????? Not making me want to play this game, thats for sure. I did the patch, I did the patch 4 times! I did the one from fileform or whatever, EVERYTHING. I cannot get this thing to work.
  • jojogirl
    jojogirl Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Seriously, this is driving me nuts. Took about 4 hours to download game last night, come home and started to download this patch 3 hours ago. This is insane and so making me not want to play this game.
  • dhdth
    dhdth Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i tried every single ideas that is been posted on the web, but it didn't work, it aways stoped at the element.exe section. What can i do to help?
  • jiriki69
    jiriki69 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I don't have the time to officially post something up yet, but I will post this info here to see it'll help some of you *crosses fingers*

    IP addresses (ignore the letters a,b,c, they are there for listing purposes only). If you know what you are doing, you can allow for these IP addresses, or ask your ISP, school, etc; to allow them for your traffic. Same thing with your anti-virus and security software.

    Heaven's Tear (PVE)
    a. 29000:
    b. 29000:
    c. 29000:
    d. 29000:
    e. 29000:
    f. 29000:
    g. 29000:
    h. 29000:

    Lost City (PvP)

    a. 29000:
    b. 29000:
    c. 29000:
    d. 29000:
    e. 29000:
    f. 29000:
    g. 29000:
    h. 29000:

    Patch server


    I hope that helps some of you. :D

    Well, I thought it would help also, but when trying to add/open the port on my router I'm getting the following error:

    And when I try to ping the addresses you've given above, I get the following failure:

    Any ideas? I have a Netgear router. But have tried to run the game plugged directly into the modem also (same thing). Incidentally, the error I'm getting on my login screen ( is the same screen I'm getting on another free MMO that I was playing perfectly fine until about 2 weeks ago. I'm running Vista Business, and have disabled all firewall and security software trying to get this (and the other game) to work... I finally gave up on the other one and someone suggested this one. After about 10 hours of downloading prog files and updates, I'm getting the SAME #@$& THING here!!! My router has not changed (though I did install a new one identical to the original a week ago), and nothing else has been installed on my computer (I'm the only one that uses it). This system is less than a year old and all of my hardware is well over what I need to run the PW game. Any help from anyone who can help me get this to work will be very much appreciated!... I've spent the last 20+ years in computer tech support so I understand completely the frustration of trying to troubleshoot these issues.
  • pandalovin
    pandalovin Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    you guys are eather lazy or just don't care because i know how easy it is to redirect the download
    i know you guys can nock down perfect world for a day or two week max and reset the download fix the patch and get this game running so it doesn't take a month to figure out how to get it to run

    you guys are just lazy :p or just dont care enuf in the hole time you guy's have been "trying" to help us out you could have solved the problem and have the new comers not have to go thrue all this **** i mean seriosly it isn't that hard and don't even try to say it is because you should have a big **** team working on it 24/7 all your doing is degradeing this game by not fixing this simple errore

    T.Y. for your time

    love: Paches
  • jiriki69
    jiriki69 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    pandalovin wrote: »
    you guys are eather lazy or just don't care because i know how easy it is to redirect the download
    i know you guys can nock down perfect world for a day or two week max and reset the download fix the patch and get this game running so it doesn't take a month to figure out how to get it to run

    you guys are just lazy :p or just dont care enuf in the hole time you guy's have been "trying" to help us out you could have solved the problem and have the new comers not have to go thrue all this **** i mean seriosly it isn't that hard and don't even try to say it is because you should have a big **** team working on it 24/7 all your doing is degradeing this game by not fixing this simple errore

    T.Y. for your time

    love: Paches

    Personally? I think you're full of it and you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I've been in software development and have spent the last 23 years in computer support (ya, i'm over 40 now). But seriously, it's not a "piece of cake" and it does take a lot of work. Still frustrating as heck, yes. And a helluvalotta work! So give them a break and post something your system config and error msgs. Everyone's got a different config, and trying to get it working correctly on EVERY system harder than building a space least then you're working with just one system, everyone's got the same specs, and you know what the heck you're dealing with. So chill out... Go outside and get a little sun for a change. Life goes on and they'll get it fixed eventually...
  • jiriki69
    jiriki69 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    jiriki69 wrote: »
    Well, I thought it would help also, but when trying to add/open the port on my router I'm getting the following error:

    And when I try to ping the addresses you've given above, I get the following failure:

    Any ideas? I have a Netgear router. But have tried to run the game plugged directly into the modem also (same thing). Incidentally, the error I'm getting on my login screen ( is the same screen I'm getting on another free MMO that I was playing perfectly fine until about 2 weeks ago. I'm running Vista Business, and have disabled all firewall and security software trying to get this (and the other game) to work... I finally gave up on the other one and someone suggested this one. After about 10 hours of downloading prog files and updates, I'm getting the SAME #@$& THING here!!! My router has not changed (though I did install a new one identical to the original a week ago), and nothing else has been installed on my computer (I'm the only one that uses it). This system is less than a year old and all of my hardware is well over what I need to run the PW game. Any help from anyone who can help me get this to work will be very much appreciated!... I've spent the last 20+ years in computer tech support so I understand completely the frustration of trying to troubleshoot these issues.

    OK... I just installed the game on another machine in the house (but slower and not one to run graphix intense games on...). It launches just fine! Connects to servers w/o any probs. No errors. Did the auto update to game v?.9. And I was able to create/modify my character. So that kinda rules out the router or ISP blocking the port/IP addresses... ANYONE have any ideas on this? I've checked my Windows config and nothing's changedsince midle of last month except that I installed the Microsoft .net framework v3.5. I'll probably try removing that and downgrading back to v2.0 next. Other suggestions are more than welcome...
  • calico
    calico Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Can i get an admin or GM to tell me that they are doing anything to help our situations? Making a manual patch or fixing the corrupted torrent file? Anything at all to show that u actually acknowldge we are having problems.
  • cosmosthemouse
    cosmosthemouse Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yeah i'm also new and can't auto update at all.
    I've tried just about every method on these boards and the update just stops and sits there.

    I've tried directly downloading the update files as well.... same thing. So my guess is that there's something wrong on THAT side and not mine.
  • kuldeep
    kuldeep Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    My problem is completely different. I spent a few hours on the game earlier today. I exited the game then tried to play again later. Now I can't get on a server. It keeps saying cannot connect to server but when it checks for updates, there are no problems. Only when I try to log onto the game. Any ideas? I even tried reinstalling the game, renewing my IP, resetting my DSL modem, etc. I am at a loss as to what to try next.
  • Jinosi - Lost City
    Jinosi - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have nothing wrong things except for it is saying Server update connection fails everyday, everytime, everytrial, everycraptime i try to Connect to one of HT or LC but it is still denying me.

    What to do?

    I have even tried all the things i have found on the Forum to do something they have tried and worked for them ain't helping for me at all...please Admins!. Answer one time to help us in here please please i really like this game!

    Thank for Listening:)

    I forgot to say i have even done the right download and manual patched it and that worked but not the Connection to the Update...Help please!
  • calico
    calico Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have to same problem as Jinosi. The problem is no one of authority checks the boreds i guess, Great customer service guys!
  • calico
    calico Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    So u are admitting no one checks the forum and by extention doesnt give a cute, cuddly, hug about their customers.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This isn't high-school, or grade school. Please act mature and communicate appropriately on these forums.

    We put in the requests, and are waiting to get the latest one put up. There are multiple levels of communication to go through (you all wouldn't even have the current manual patches if I hadn't kept requesting and trying to get them put together and uploaded,requested by you all, and the mods requesting it) in order to get what seems like a simple task, really isn't.

    So, for the patching process, there is no reason on our end why anyone shouldn't be able to download the patch from with-in the game.

    We're working on a more in-depth tech support FAQ that addresses the IP addresses you need to have open for your router and anti-virus/security software for (which you can read here right now:

    Try bypassing your router and plug your computer directly into the cable or DSL modem, at least while attempting to patch, and turn off all of your security and anti-virus software and see if that helps, at least while patching, if not while playing too.

    Make sure you have downloaded the game from OUR website. Do not get the patch from anywhere else either, because you might get the wrong one from another region/company/version, which will NOT work with PWI.

    When attempting to patch from within the game's front end, when it stops, try re-starting it, or resuming from where it left off, after you have made sure your router, computer, and software are allowing traffic for the patch server's and the game server's IP addresses.

    So please be nice. Things get read, we don't always have time to reply, as we are working to keep the game and community running for all of you.

    We show you all respect, do the same for us, please. :D
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    What countries are you connecting from? Where in the world are you, and who are your ISPs?

    Have you tried connecting your computer up directly to the cable or DSL modem, bypassing your router?
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • Jinosi - Lost City
    Jinosi - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have connected to the Direct possible downloade located in the upper left corner instead of Bitorrent and the part downloads and not using any of those Mirror possibilitys and i live in Norway a part of Europa as you know and i do use Cable and it should work too that right?

    And i don't know what ISP is cuz i have never been thinking about that thing even heard it cuz i have all the games working on my PC except for Perfect World International and it should WORK!!!

    Is these the answers you are looking for?:)
  • blood17
    blood17 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i deleted the task and there is no element.. but but theirs a elements... it still doesnt work. it sais connection failed select a new server. and the box next to it with the PW advertisements sais cannot connect to web page
  • Jinosi - Lost City
    Jinosi - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Its the almost same it happens to me but the thing at the Web page cannot been shown is being shown at my XP-Laptop and the game just keep saying Server connection fails but not Web page and i use Cable and i should have this game working excellent since i play DOMO, Shaiya, Last Chaos so these do work and the other games but not PWI and i begin to miss my patience here it does works at my fathers PC when i am at his home so i play it there when i am at my fathers time but it still don't work at my Laptop no matter what i do and try those suggestions and helpful hints that does not help me at all it should work see here...

    Live in Norway
    Cable Connection
    Downloaded from Direct Mirror

    IP thing ain't my thing cuz i have never bothered with that thing whatever it is since everything always works so fine and excellent until Perfect World comes on my Laptop and it does not work at all...i can start up to login but then it says Timeout and after it has came to 21 secs it stops on the timout and even not the status at the Servers are coming up...Help Admin! please help me i beg you sorry for bothering you but help me at least this time!?
  • packofwolves99
    packofwolves99 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    My server update runs fine, but connecting to actually play the game doesn't...
    What countries are you connecting from?Where in the world are you,

    In the USA
    and who are your ISPs?

    I'm hooked up directly to a university network, I don't have an ISP (Tier 1 connection).
    Have you tried connecting your computer up directly to the cable or DSL modem, bypassing your router?

    Yes... unfortunately, it doesn't solve anything.
This discussion has been closed.