Comprehensive Venomancer Guide



  • rinyo
    rinyo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    o my veno is at lvl15 and i'm wondering how to lvl up my pet heal skill? i see lvl2 heal is available at lvl 13, but i didn't get it back then. now i'm lvl15 and can't find it at the skill lvling npc o.o. what should i do, am i screwed?
  • miraam
    miraam Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    you don't lvl up your pet taming -type skills by the venomancer npc, but by the pet master - the one who gave you your first pet etc. (pet taming option ;) )
  • colombina
    colombina Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Thanks so much for the guide. It is very helpful. Just one thing I would like to ask...

    Under pet skill, you mentioned a rare skill called Mana Drain. (meaning that your pet would drain the monsters' MP and add it to yours right?) Any idea of the % of the drain? If it does add on to our MP, it sounds like it could be a useful PVE skill. =)
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    No, it drains the enemy's mana and converts it to hp for the pet, I think.
  • friskie
    friskie Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Im a venomancer and would like to learn how to charm/lure mobs to be my pets can some one help me plz:)
  • beelzibob
    beelzibob Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    thnx im makeing VM my first too
    they seem great
  • beelzibob
    beelzibob Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i want the oppisate i wnat primaraly fox but to also be a good caster (mainly to heal myself) so what should i do?
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Finally sat down and had a look at this, and It's really well written senovit.

    Really not much I can suggest for now.

    I found some stuff though.

    No mention of Melee Feat Mastery/Melee Mastery.

    Base stats start at 5 and not 3. This is in regards to where you say to have some stats at 3, Con for Heavy and Agi for Mage.

    An idea would be to post coordinates for the popular pets you list, and maybe prices of skills if you want. Also Granny/Zoologist's location would be nice, since you have skills listed but not where to get them.

    If I have more I'll be sure to let you know. :D
    friskie wrote: »
    Im a venomancer and would like to learn how to charm/lure mobs to be my pets can some one help me plz:)
    That involves just knowing when to use Tame, what's immune to it, and at what health to use it. There's really no "teaching" required, honestly.
    beelzibob wrote: »
    i want the oppisate i wnat primaraly fox but to also be a good caster (mainly to heal myself) so what should i do?
    Opposite of what?

    Did you just say heal yourself? Only classes with heal skills are Cleric and Mage, and those don't normally melee. They can but they end up gimping being able to use any of their skills because of using the wrong weapon. There's no hybridized classes in this game, really. There's only so many ways to play a class, most of them very similar to each other.

    WoW Example: Paladin DPSer can heal if they need to, but they'd be bad at it. Hybrid, able to fill three roles.

    PW Example: Blade DPSer has no healing skills what so ever. Not as hybridized as above, and Barb stil out-tanks, so mainly reduced to a DPSer, still.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Oh. Whoops. Add melee in then, I overlooked it since I always like maxing passive skills. Thanks for the notice.

    I put base stats at 3 because even though initial stats start at 5, you can restat them to a minimum of 3. Since some builds require all the stat points you can muster, restatting vit to 3 might be helpful to that end.
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You're welcome. I didn't think you'd omit it on purpose. :)

    Hmm, the stats thing is really interesting. I'm probably gonna do that if I ever make a class that uses only 2 or three stats and I have extra money. Good to know.

    Also might I suggest you take other people's opinions on some things and put it in? You know, like a "second opinion" kind of thing, for readers who don't like to read multipage guides with replies.

    I personally like Blazing Parasite. I use it on monsters, even though I kill them faster than it ticks for full, and I probably shouldn't, but I find that it helps to have it on bosses as extra damage. Heck, even on just mobs that 200 or so that ticked while you were killing it helped you kill ffaster. The skill is decent in situations.

    And I personally like to level Tame maybe once or twice for range. It's really only good for the trick I do with it to get Flys down when I can't fly yet, using it's range. If you always Tame at low health and can fly, there really is no reason to level it past 2 or 3 in my opinion.

    Revive is meh. I really can't say I dissagree with you here, but for the times that you do use it, would you rather save MP or not? If the pet died and you're hauling butt, you wouldn't care because you'll be in either a safe area or just take some time to regen mana/Pot/use MP skill (God I wanna be level 36 already but I haven't been playing a while :p). But in a party (Especially when it's strangers on a speed run to a dungeon or something) do you really have time to ask them to wait for you to regen mana, and expect them to comply? Not really. Pretty situational as well.

    Also just saw you added formatting. It looks pretty. :)
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yep. On my own wf I've got blazing maxed, revive and tame at 6 and 5 respectively. People generally call these a waste of sp though, so I said not to level them at all so that you can spend your sp on more useful things. Tame says it gets +5% success rate with every level, but I've noticed that hp of the monster seems to matter a lot more than the level of tame, so I quit leveling it. Revive... I'll probably level more later, whenever one of my pets dies I usually wait until I'm out of mana before I cast it so that it doesn't hurt me too badly, although I'll probably want a higher level for it for PvP if for whatever reason all my pets get owned. The blazing skill can be useful when you're fighting a boss and need to build vigor =o. I don't really use it on any mobs though.

    I'll edit in various opinions on whatever later though, wasted too much time formatting :p
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yea, I noticed that. For some odd reason I have a full or nearly full vigor bar ever since I got the DOT. Ticks reallly give vigor aparently. I hadn't thought that was the reason until you just said it. Silly me.

    Yea I also think leveling Tame is a waste. It's pretty meh. If you're always using it at low hp there should be no reason to level it, which everybody does use at low hp. Love the Pokemon reference by the way.

    Agree on Revive.

    I still think the formatting is great. Keep going with this. Go go. :D
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Wait what? Ticks of the fire dot give vigor? I never paid attention o-o. I just assumed it would give more vigor than envenom since it was a higher level spell.
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    It's the only thing I can think of, honestly. Both times (Here and MY) I used to have problems with having enough vigor for Iron, but when I got the Fire skill and used it, that problem vanished. I almost always have a nearly full bar after only a couple of mobs (2 since level 30) of it, as opposed to just using Evenom then Iron and sometimes not having enough vigor for Iron.

    It seems logical to assume the ticks give vigor, since I have way more then when I was just using Envenom and Iron, then now I start fights with Fire > Iron > couple of Envenoms and end up with a lot of vigor even if the mob dies fast after the initial Iron which does high damage. I haven't really been keeping an eye on it, just the before and after, which seems noticably more after having started with Fire than not usng it. I could test it full if you think I should.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'll check it out now, and I'll edit this post in a bit.

    Edit: Yeah, it doesn't give it on every tick, but it does give quite a bit of vigor on its first use. It gives 20 vigor, so if you use that + ironrock, you'll only lose 5, which is made up with just one envenom.
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Mhhk, I was gonna get on for the daily anyway, but if you wanna test it yourself, go for it. :D

    Really there's nothing else I can think of that could account for the extra vigor. Pet attacking doesn't do it. Envenom gives vigor, but it can't be what's doing it, because it only takes 1 or two Envenoms after Iron hits, and I'm left with a lot of vigor after the fight. Can't be Iron doing it because it uses vigor, and I only have three attacks. Process of elimination, but it just took me this long to come to this conclusion. I'm slow sometimes with catching on to stuff..

    EDIT: Yay, I was right. Fire does give oddly abnormally high vigor count. It's not useless as the majority claim. :D.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Nice. I came back to look at the guide and it's been completely reorganized. :)

    Very helpful guide.
  • Carcia - Heavens Tear
    Carcia - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If I chose to play as a caster, should I only buy the skills that belong to a caster?

    or should I just buy every skill there is?

    see there is some form of spirits points, will I run out of them if I just buy everything:confused:
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    No, if you only want to be a pure caster, I'd suggest getting all the mage skill trees I outlined, and fox transform/amplify damage/purge. The rest of the debuffs / fox tree attacks aren't really necessary for you.
  • Lunati - Lost City
    Lunati - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi everyone.

    I have a question.
    I love pvp and I don't know if I must up CON or not ?
    I know that I must up MAG (and STR in order to wear my armor) but the dex ? I don't up it ??

    Thanks. :)
  • Battlepants - Heavens Tear
    Battlepants - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    Here's my favorite Venomancer build, tested up to level 91, PvE mode.

    Intel build, you wear robes. Low phys def, Very high magic defense, low hp.
    Str = enough to wear the armor/weapon appropriate to your level
    Con = base
    Agi = base
    Int = as much as you can put in

    You are very weak against physical damage, but it does not matter much, since your pets will take the damage. And if you steal aggro, except for some ranged mobs, the mobs will be dead before they can reach you anyway. And magic mobs won't bother you much, you'll have very good Mdef.

    - very high damage : high intel spells + pet damage = a killing machine (with some luck, at 89+ you can pull out criticals at 50k+)
    - high survivability : let you pet take aggro before attacking, and you'll seldom die
    - very high healing power on your pet, making for easy solo HH runs

    - if your pet dies, you're in trouble (that will mostly happens with multiple aggro)
    - you may draw aggro to yourself while healing your pet.(that will mostly happens with multiple aggro)
    - not the best in PvP (physical damage chars can kill you fast)

    /cheer b:victory WTG on an guide that's actually easy to understand. Simplistic but to the point. As someone who's played MMO's and FPS for along time, it's rather refreshing when you see a guide that isn't 347 pages long, and filled with HUGE words and filled with mumbojumbo that you can't understand becouse your new to teh game . A++
  • mithrand
    mithrand Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    On the contrary, battlepants, I want to thank the original poster for his/her in-depth guide that explains skills, pets and roles. Much too often these insights are left out due to lack of knowledge, time or effort. good job!
  • shisa
    shisa Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Is it ok for me to have both the fox and mage tree skills? i wasnt sure if i was supposed to pick just one and concentrate on it >.<
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yes, it's perfectly fine to have both trees. Just think of the second tree as a lower priority though so that you can get the skills you need first.
  • Urenna - Heavens Tear
    Urenna - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Props senovit for the guide. Very helpful for the new folks.

    My situation:

    lvl 39 Caster with robe armor and main pet is Golem ( Bash lvl 3 once i lvl, Bluster lvl 1 as my main lvling partner is a battle cleric who tends to steal aggro >_>, and sandblow 1 )

    I understand your reasoning for raising your golem as you did, but I am a little uniformed about the other skills and cant seem to find anything that explains them.

    I plan on dropping sandblow for something else, but I dont know what would benefit me most for the other two skills. Frighten and Crustaceous is a good combo as far as I can tell. I want skills that will increase the survivability of my golem(improve his weaknesses) and help him keep aggro better.

    Do you know anything about Exorcism (adds m. def)and how it would benefit golem if I find myself unable to get a Mag. Tank pet?

    Any experience with Sharpclaw or blessing?

    Again, I see the benefits of frighten and crustaceous as you pointed out in your guide. I find myself more and more in those situations with multiple mobs.

    Also, what is the next best thing to the A dharma for luring? I find that buying rare pets is a little expensive as are skills in general. I may be veno, but making money is hard when skills start costing 40k and pet skills 150k + -_-.

  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Those skills will be a bit hard to get :|. They're quite rare and only come from the Dragon Palace and arena treasure chest events, so I don't have any experience with them, sorry :S

    Your golem will work fine in luring for the most part, it won't be until fb69/hh2-1 that you'll actually need something faster. Dharma is optimal of course, but there are a lot of similarly fast pets - A blue chicken from fb59 runs at 9m/s which is just as good, a level 72 plant woman thing runs at 7.5m/s, etc. Really you could lure with anything that's a bit faster than the golem, as long as you have good timing and they can reach the enemy before getting hit, but the faster the pet is, the easier the timing is on you.
  • Urenna - Heavens Tear
    Urenna - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thanks for the info. Helpful as always.b:thanks
  • xia0kats
    xia0kats Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    heya...i've been deciding whether to re-cre8 a veno pure melee form..
    but i am not sure whether it can survive pretty well in light armor build?
    any advice??

    i am concentrating on the PvE situation.. can it survive as good as light robe armor build? :(
    if still not much diff..

    dont mind telling me the stats to add?weapons to hold?
    which stats should i concentrate on? int?vit?str? or dex?
    and most imptly what weapon should i hold??

    pls giv me a reply thks ya so muhc :)
    great effort made in this thread..
  • epiphany
    epiphany Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    shisa wrote: »
    Is it ok for me to have both the fox and mage tree skills? i wasnt sure if i was supposed to pick just one and concentrate on it >.<
    You can have skills from both trees. Keep in mind that later in game you will be dealing with a lot of bosses and will need the fox-form curses to aid in your party's attack. Also, in territory war, a fox's main job is to debuff werebeasts using the fox-form curses.
  • rojoe
    rojoe Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Not sure if this has been touched on already (I did not read through the entire thread, just the first few pages)...but....

    Would it be viable to go heavy armor to buff pdef, and use the fox skill tree with the various melee attacks (the rightmost skill tree) to fight in the fray along with my pet? That plus maybe bramble guard may just make me more formidable.

    It seems like it could work but I get the impression from reading this guide that heavy armor builds won't have enough mana, or if fox form is an efficient melee attacker or not.

    The idea sounds very promising to me though, and I may just try it, but it'd be nice to get input from experienced players.