PWI Content feedback megathread
Bring back the DQ system0
- castrate the sins and db's /fix the imbalance to magic classes; its rly no fun to play like this pwi
- also game stucking since latest updates so often, almost every day game stucking 3 times min.
- fix the mystic pets (the just working while mystic standing on one place, and dont moving)
- bring back helmet and cape without 999 farming
- rework on the arena points and set down the big point range for sqd searching(which is pretty to high)
- rework about the g17 weapon stuff and g17 stuff (actually its just able to farm years or cash a half house to get this stuff)
maybe this game become funny again if such points getting fixed by pwi
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Game need some rebalance like sin hit way too hard while old class like archer are very weak compare to newer class like db sb mystic seeker etc0
destructionofevil wrote: »Game need some rebalance like sin hit way too hard while old class like archer are very weak compare to newer class like db sb mystic seeker etc
Other classes are ok, but sin's damage output is so much. Their damage must be nerfed to bring balance. No wonder they stay at the top of the chain.0 -
destructionofevil wrote: »Game need some rebalance like sin hit way too hard while old class like archer are very weak compare to newer class like db sb mystic seeker etc
+1shadowblade wrote:Other classes are ok, but sin's damage output is so much. Their damage must be nerfed to bring balance. No wonder they stay at the top of the chain.
edit: If would being just sins problematic i would agree totally. Just noticed alot magic classes became quiet in stuff like pk. supporters become to be rare and archers u can search pretty long. ppls already quiet or noticed to have change classes.THIS development established not just by sins op dmg.
PWI have to rebalance the classes. Magics have to get more power/survive or the problematic classes have to get a big downgrade.
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shadowblade#5313 wrote: »destructionofevil wrote: »Game need some rebalance like sin hit way too hard while old class like archer are very weak compare to newer class like db sb mystic seeker etc
Other classes are ok, but sin's damage output is so much. Their damage must be nerfed to bring balance. No wonder they stay at the top of the chain.
I disagree. Sins are only an issue if they outgear people like some 2nd RB NP sins with multiple G17.5 weapons and max gear..they can literally kill anything on their own. However, don't forget to realize the difference in gear. My own sin has 53k base damage and 254 att level. Sounds like much? Even triple sparked I can barely make a dent into max geared endgame players, even without buffs, if I don't land multiple zerkcrits in a row.
There are classes that went below the radar that are VASTLY more powerful than a sin could ever be. Barbarians and Mystics to be exact, if you play them to their maximum potential. Barbs can literally oneshot anything and mystics can block your genie and if specced to have high damage output, can kill you insanely fast too. Both of those classes also have means to stay alive quite significantly longer than comparable classes, even if offensively specced, due to their skillset. What can sins do in contrast to that? Sure, paralyze on Cursed Jail is dangerous. Use expel and then kite tidal. Only attack if tidal is off and you have genie ready to save yourself in case the sin uses Ulti or faith. Sure, there are ways a sin can play around that but a sin is only OP if he has enough damage to instantly Oneshot you, which just isn't the case on pure equal gears.
If we are talking about things that can kill you insanely fast and ignore gear difference..try a nuema portal, full devil stone, max gear archer with with 90k+ base damage and 250 attack level and Zerk proc...that can kill you way faster than any sin could and just using expel will not save you vs an archer since they have physical and metal skills.
That is why I said the game needs rebalancing and it cannot listen to people with nearly no experience. Most people wanna balance something based on their own, very limited experiences, while completely ignoring equality. A game with such a vast gear difference needs to be balanced upon equal gears. nothing else. if you dont do that and balance classes based on average gear level (like China does) then you end up having super strong classes on mid-range gear but those end up being SUPER MEGA BROKEN once they reach maximum endgame gear. That is the biggest issue this game has. True balance needs to start on equal terms, not some random BS.
If people wanna complain about being OS...well, I promise you, I can OS anyone with any class if the gear difference is big enough. Even classes like clerics..go full devil stones, np and get a zerk weapon and see what happens
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Figures its Joe babbling nonsense again. Sin dmg is broken, if you cant destroy ppl with your gear, well, sounds like a you problem.
You clearly dont understand where problems with sins stem from. They have ridiculously high constant dmg threat, compared to most other classes, which have spike high but wont deal constant dmg. Sins arent hindered in the slightest by def charms, while barbs for one have to plan their armas way more carefully than sin has to plan their elimination. Next part is, sins are stupidly hard to pin down. Tidal & stealths offer way too much for them.
That, which sounds like complete max endgame, archer, would still get destroyed by your average sin nowdays. Would the archer have dmg output to kill the sin? Yes, definitely. The problem arises from the fact archer will not be allowed to shoot and if you arent shooting you arent dealing any dmg, no matter your gear. And that gear is so squishy sin wont need much gear to charm bypass or even 1shot the archer back.
Of course there are more broken things in this game than just sins but they are definitely on the top of the list due how impossible they are to deal for majority of the classes.0 -
@datsang Do I really look like someone babbling nonsense? Anyone knows I have the most experience in PvP than anyone else, yet ppl still question me because they can simply not relate and have not lived through as many situations as I have.
Yes, sins can be annoying and yes, sins can kill on equal gears with just one CJ or Elimination. However, this requires them to land several ZC in one skill and they have to be placed perfectly as well. Yeah, I thought so too back in the day. I thought it was OP until I tried it myself and yeah, my sin can kill people too..IF I get those zerks. If not..the charm ticks, expel is on, kite mode, not much I can do. Even if you manage charges well and go in for a Paralyze Port...Another expel is ready yet again. Believe it or not, catching moving targets with expel spam-genies when you are not super lucky is not 1,2,3 easy mode on a sin.
If you wanna complain about something then complain about how ridiculously lucky most sins are. Yes, IF they are lucky they are nasty...however, classes Like Barb and myst do not need to be lucky. They act at the right time and you are dead 100%. No contest. THAT is the definition of broken.
Also, on absolute endgame, aka Archer with g17.5 offensive and defensive weapon, def chart and offensive chart, maybe even 2 sets of CoM/WoA, one with devil stones, one with serenities...then archer stops having any disadvantage over sins. With a full mag genie the archer can easily kite the sin with those g17 procs and def level until tidal is off...and even on Stun through tidal..if the sin doesnt use genie instantly then he dies right there. Land 2 stuns in a row and the fight is already over, even easier for when tidal is down. The main issue is that most archer just suck and do not utilize the potential of their class at all. You can also use Blessing of the Condor for even more defense against sins, that evasion helps a bunch.
Another defensive means against sins on endgame is having 2 different G17.3 weapons: Untarget, 1 damage proc over time and one with purify spell or the r9.3 weapon of caster. Combine that with a full expel genie and keep your saves ready for when you need it and you can go circles around a sin. Still, if you try to face a 53k base damage sin with 254 att lvl or more with a 20k HP caster with 20k pdef..welp, you are expected to die. Any class with that gear of the sin would wipe you away like a piece of paper then..f you sport 28k+ HP, 30k+ selfbuffed pdef and 140+ def level and a decent counter genie AND maybe those g17 weapons..if you dont mess it up and the sin isn't too insanely lucky..then you will survive the sin. Maybe not forever in a 1v1 but since most ppl do not like that..I can easily assume 3v3 or Mass-PvP and there you can survive long enough for help to arrive at least.
All these things are useless if you are facing a Barb or BM or Mystic. They will eventually catch you and if they do, you die. If you use multiple G17 weapons than a BM might be your absolute worst nightmare of those 3. Have your genie down once and you get disarmed, HFed and OS by a red glyphed skill of your choice. The new genie helps alot ijs
People complain about sins because absolute tools with enough gear and luck can just instantly kill you. I am annoyed by that, too and imho that should never be possible. However, if you face decent players on many other classes then they will show you why you should not be that afraid of sins. They do have weaknesses. some classes leave you completely chanceless. No contest.
PS: Before anyone says anything: This is not even the tip of the iceberg. Merely a very few examples. IF you want me to write it all out, be ready to read a friggin book because while most ppl think that this game is easy and not complex..oh boi, it can be0 -
There is no world where archer will ever **** sin with landing 2 stuns trough tidal if the sin isnt complete trash or if there isnt massive gear imbalance in place. If you are saying archer needs all that gear to not get rolled by average sin, yea, it wont get rolled but who the **** wants to get mortgage just to not get rolled by ppl who pay less than 10% of that?
Sin really is as easy as ppl make it seem - barbs arma is telegraphed and far easier to counter than randon ZCs popping and just dropping you, no matter what you do. You really dont need 50k+ p.att with those attack levels to rip trough ppl, you can kill ppl with far less gear. And not some random 20k hp robes but actually geared ppl.
There are classes, which can prolly stand up to sins but the thing they dont have is that constant kill pressure on everybody. Arma has CD, sin doesnt really have much of downtime and its not like sins dont deal dmg outside of elim/CJ. So while barb might kill person every whatever arma CD is, assuming they get around all the defenses, sin kills several ppl during that time. And thats the problem, no other class drops ppl as fast while being extremely hard to pin down themselves like sins.
So if most of the archers are trash, you saying most of the sins are some unstoppable gods when it comes to ability to play this game? Cause if no, the skill level of average archer is irrelevant in this discussion as generally both parties would have similar level of skill.
Sins are complained the most for a reason, just because you dont seem to understand why sins are a problem wont change that.0 -
Like I said, sins are ridiculous if they are lucky. Look at my videos. Look at the damage I deal, even sparked. Sure, you can say 10k no zerk no crit on buffed ppl is alot and yeah, that would be hardcore if it ZC or even just crit or zerk. Fact is, that does not always happen and if you are at the short end of the RNG stick like myself...welp. I've seen sins full ZC every hit of CJ and elimination constantly while I constantly get no zerk or sometimes not even crits on any hit of those skills xD maybe even a few misses.
In the end, it is RNG based. Most sins are also deity specc'ed..and if you dont have some OP defenses on your chart..getting CCed twice in a row through tidal in mass pvp can already be your end, same goes for other classes too, yes, but sins are ultimately quite squishy and their defense is yet again just RNG. IF a sin has used ulti and you throw a de-stealth pot right after and tidal doesnt work than a sin can basically do nothing at all anymore. Good. Not complaining there, would be totally broken if they could but a Barb in contrast has way more means to stay alive and also way more damage.
IDK why you keep mentioning arma. A average deity barb with 220 att lvl and 70k+ base damage can easily kill ppl even without arma. 60% skill damage + 100% crit on the next hit...all I am saying is ancestral Rage...or literally any random skill to at least bypass some classes. Yet again, that is what I am saying. Every other noob plays sin. Some of the best geared players in the game are sins. Ofc, people hate on them more because more people play them and like I said, I agree, sins get away with too much and require way too low amounts of skill and are still effective as hell, especially if lucky but people forget that other classes are far more broken, simply due to the fact that not many ppl play different classes. Even classes like barbs..the absolute most broken class in the game atm if you do everything right and I cant tell you a single barb in PWI right now that could do that, except for me ofc (sorry, it's true). You see most of them repeating the same BS combo again and again, no playing around with the enemy, no changing things up, no timing of things to be 100% devastating. Just the same predictable combo again and again. Barbs like ludicium could use 100% para glyph on swing and use any random skill with violent triumph and get ppl killed if its off def charm. Does he do that? Nope. Wonder why.
Same for a mystic. Go full offensive mode with it, demon spark, rapid growth, paramount chi skill into Thicket. If you are fighting a class without weapon procs and thicket seals and freezes then the fight is over right there. 8 seconds of trip-sparked Absorb soul spam from a high damage mystic is something no class can survive. Show me one friggin mystic that does that. Nope. People do not know what is truly broken because no one utilizes it. Fact. 3v3 squads with Mystic, db and Barb for example should be completely unbeatable if done right. Genie block, para, arma, done. Nothing anyone can do about it. Throw in a disarm to seal the deal and they can even stick their def proc to where the sun dont shine. No chance of counterplay at all. That is broken. You. Cant. Do. Anything. Against. It. Things that rely purely on RNG, even if ppl are excruciatingly lucky (and trust me, I had to deal with lucky nubs plenty in my time in PWI), it's still RNG. 100% K.O. is better than "oh, you might die, depending on luck, or not and I might die depending on luck, or not." every day of the week.
People are not able to think outside the box. Do you know what a devil stone BM could do in 3v3 or 1v1 with the new Paramount genie? He catched you in genie block or off genie and you are also 100% dead, by the BM alone. Even HA classes. Ulti + HF + Show me just one to pull that off or that even thought about that before I did. Yeah. Exactly. Yet people still try to argue with me and act as if I BS all the time. Maybe it is time that people accept that I do have the biggest amount of knowledge of the game. Makes it easier for anyone and prevent unneccesary essays from happening.
I would be glad if someone reads that and instead of: "Blablabla Joe noob, doesnt matter what he says, its all BS anyways" thinks about it and actually tries to use it then They would realize how OP some classes can be and that sins are more than small fry compared to the potential of some classes. I agree that sins are the most annoying but anyone with too much luck is insanely annoying, isnt it?0 -
Sin really is as easy as ppl make it seem - barbs arma is telegraphed and far easier to counter than randon ZCs popping and just dropping you, no matter what you do. You really dont need 50k+ p.att with those attack levels to rip trough ppl, you can kill ppl with far less gear. And not some random 20k hp robes but actually geared ppl.
There are classes, which can prolly stand up to sins but the thing they dont have is that constant kill pressure on everybody. Arma has CD, sin doesnt really have much of downtime and its not like sins dont deal dmg outside of elim/CJ. So while barb might kill person every whatever arma CD is, assuming they get around all the defenses, sin kills several ppl during that time. And thats the problem, no other class drops ppl as fast while being extremely hard to pin down themselves like sins.
Sins are complained the most for a reason, just because you dont seem to understand why sins are a problem wont change that.
You are delusional to think that barbs require armageddon to kill other players. Casually spamming mighty swing, penetrate armor and occult ice is more than enough to potentially charm bypass an LA / AA class. Violent Triump + Ancestral is also almost a guarantee to oneshot such classes from 100% hp. Their base damage is already naturally higher than a sins, combo'd with their strength of titans buff and naturally high hp / hp buff - barbs are one of the superior classes currently. With the 60Second faith (even with 5minute cooldown) a barb is immune to cc (besides disarm / bewitch) meaning they will only die to raw damage. Then you need to consider their skillset of being able to stack on 100defense levels, invoke and unique genie skill of solid shield etc etc, barbs are extremely strong.
Damage per hit is the key factor in PvP currently and if we consider all classes fully buffed, sin's damage per hit is quite mediocre primarily due to Ward of Bane passive (20% crit reduction) + Inkdragon Blood (20% crit reduction) + Moon Chart, db buff (45%). As you've pointed out, sins rely quite heavily on damage spikes. Why is that? Because their base physical damage is heavily nerfed from star chart, meridians, cardsets. Additionally, sins MUST go full attack level in order to push some damage out to other end game players, stealth is not even a valid escape skill unless it's ultimate because everyone is 105 and carrying revelation potion. The only time a sin needs to shadow escape is when tidal is about to finish. What happens next? Pop goes the revelation potion and the sin is forced to instantly use ultimate or try and cc the target which is difficult considering arcane purify proc and the numerous anti stuns on almost all classes make it impossible to survive the 60seconds with no tidal and not be forced to use at least 2 extra saves. Sure, sins can get through defense charms fast - so what? I'd rather work harder to get rid of 2 defense charms and have the damage to near enough one shot any class (HA included) than to work through defense charms and then be stumped just because the other player has a full vit + mag genie for expel spam. Shadow teleport and Cursed jail is the only reliable CC that sins have.
Sidenote: I'm kind of proud of you Joe, to finally come to this realisation that sin's reputation precedes their ability atm.
Back to the main point, a significant proportion of the playerbase are stuck with this idea that sins are broken because they keep dying or taking a lot of damage from sins. That is simply not true if you are equally geared / buffed.
My sin has 52.7k-55.9k physical attack base, 295 attack levels, 2648 spirit and 2149 physical penetration. NP + Devil Stone. You won't believe this, but there are plenty of players that I am barely able to even scratch. Most notably heavy armor classes. Maybe I'm just a terrible sin, but when I am in sage spark and only deal 1-5k zerk crits on some seekers with full buffs, yet they can casually hit me for 7-9ks without spark while im fully buffed, I think that's imbalanced. My point being: damage from classes at end game level, sins are arguably at the bottom especially when considering their pitiful defenses and survival. All sins have is tidal and even then it's only 66% chance. Its lack of def lvls / pdef / mdef makes it vulnerable to death from raw damage let alone ccs or debuffs.
Chances are, when you see insane damage come from a sin, that sin outgears you quite heavily. If I had this level of gear on any other class, I GUARANTEE it will be able to survive way more and also kill more in 3v3 / mass pk.
Sidenote 2: Also extremely frustrating to be full dexterity (885 but used to be 920) and still missing skill shots on all classes in particular arcane classes - I don't want to blame RNG but I do think devs need to fix some accuracy issue since it seems to decline with more dex which should not be the case - barbs and seekers' melee skills have far better accuracy than a sin.
In terms of class balance, people should focus more on classes like barbs, seekers and duskblades.
These classes seem to be able to go full defensive gear and still retain more than sufficient damage to kill all (and vice versa) other classes.
Just because there's more sins than any other class doesnt make it broken by default. These players probably just don't want to spend the time or money gearing another class. Sure sins had their prime days a year or two ago, but honestly not that impressive atm. I'm less active on my sin now - considering if I should finish seeker or wait for Paladin0 -
zombiemaster123 wrote: »
I would be glad if someone reads that and instead of: "Blablabla Joe noob, doesnt matter what he says, its all BS anyways" thinks about it and actually tries to use it then They would realize how OP some classes can be and that sins are more than small fry compared to the potential of some classes. I agree that sins are the most annoying but anyone with too much luck is insanely annoying, isnt it?
The reason why ppl dont bother taking you seriously is because you proclaim yourself as some god skilled player while calling everybody else trash basically. You are the reason why ppl find it so amusing to troll you.
I guess we agree to disagree, there are classes, which could be broken with a lot of gear. The difference I find to sins is, you really dont need all that much gear to be an effective sin compared to every other class. Thats prolly one of the main reasons why sins are so god damn popular, you dont need to gear it to complete endgame to faceroll keyboard and skill stuff. And if they land complete endgame? Even ppl who play those sins say their dmg is absolutely broken.0 -
zombiemaster123 wrote: »shadowblade#5313 wrote: »destructionofevil wrote: »
Barbarians and Mystics to be exact, if you play them to their maximum potential. Barbs can literally oneshot anything and mystics can block your genie and if specced to have high damage output, can kill you insanely fast too. Both of those classes also have means to stay alive quite significantly longer than comparable classes, even if offensively specced, due to their skillset.
Hi Joe,
I have subscribed your videos on youtube and watch all your videos. You have strong Barb and Mystic, then why did you choose sin for 3v3 and not others?
Let us take your fight for eg:
Your mystic vs Ruby Inferno
Both were strong and none of them died, it was a like a fight between immortals. Consider the same fight with your sin instead of your Mystic. It would been a different story.
Sins are badass now. I will list some damage output for better understanding.
1) Genesesia[Endgame sin with neumaportal 2nd rb set and +3 def lvl gems] vs Allonade[Endgame psy with np 1st rb set and +3 atk lvl gems]
Damage dealt by Genesesia on Allonade - 109k (Psy was fully buffed and sin doesn't use atk lvl gems) / He even one shotted him, when he was in defense vodoo.
2) Neo[End game sin with A set(RB2)and +2 atk gems] vs Daniii [Endgame psy with np 2nd rb set and +3 atk lvl gems]
Damage dealt by Neo on Daniii - 20k-30k (He killed him in few seconds)
3) Kushyperks[End game sin with A set(RB2) +2 atk gems] vs Genesesia[Endgame sin with neumaportal 2nd rb set and +3 def lvl gems]
On a gank fight dealt 30k damage on Genesesia (See the card and gem difference)
Reference: Videos from Youtube
I even seen you one shotting many classes with same gears. Sins can actually bypass the def charms with fast skills and kill with heavy damage. I don't think assassins are supposed to one shot the other classes.
Worst Part: Cards give more magical def compared to phy def. No wonder arcanes can't survive longer now.0 -
you can talk all you want with your walls of text, but Genesesia just 2 shot me with a life hunter in purge weapon during xNW, unsparked ofc. let that sink in.0
splendideyes wrote: »you can talk all you want with your walls of text, but Genesesia just 2 shot me with a life hunter in purge weapon during xNW, unsparked ofc. let that sink in.
yes, full rb2 NP sin with 4.2k spirit, supposedly 6x lv10 glyphs and several 20.00 charts / g17r5 weapons. I highly doubt you even come 1/10th of his gears, maybe not even 1/100th. Let the cost of those gears sink in. using such examples are stupid af because he is the 1% within the 1% lol.
ViiV hit me for 50k crit on full buffs with a single downburst in triple spark, let that sink in.
Vyrg hit me 20k crits on self buff but he wasn't even spark, just casually rotating between wind blade, gravel blade and glowing blade, edged blur without spark / metal debuff is hitting for 10k and upwards.
I witnessed a serenity duskblade with warsong set deal 50ks on barbs because of their combos etc
I guess we agree to disagree, there are classes, which could be broken with a lot of gear. The difference I find to sins is, you really dont need all that much gear to be an effective sin compared to every other class. Thats prolly one of the main reasons why sins are so god damn popular, you dont need to gear it to complete endgame to faceroll keyboard and skill stuff. And if they land complete endgame? Even ppl who play those sins say their dmg is absolutely broken.
Dmg is broken in self buffed, but once the crit damage reduction buffs come into play, sin damage is embarrassingly low.0 -
you can talk all you want with your walls of text, but Genesesia just 2 shot me with a life hunter in purge weapon during xNW, unsparked ofc. let that sink in.cronicles1 wrote: »splendideyes wrote: »you can talk all you want with your walls of text, but Genesesia just 2 shot me with a life hunter in purge weapon during xNW, unsparked ofc. let that sink in.
yes, full rb2 NP sin with 4.2k spirit, supposedly 6x lv10 glyphs and several 20.00 charts / g17r5 weapons. I highly doubt you even come 1/10th of his gears, maybe not even 1/100th. Let the cost of those gears sink in. using such examples are stupid af because he is the 1% within the 1% lol.
good try mate. i think i vastly outgear even you and yet you could 1 shot me :>
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Would like to see more frequent interaction with GMs in PWI0
splendideyes wrote: »you can talk all you want with your walls of text, but Genesesia just 2 shot me with a life hunter in purge weapon during xNW, unsparked ofc. let that sink in.cronicles1 wrote: »splendideyes wrote: »you can talk all you want with your walls of text, but Genesesia just 2 shot me with a life hunter in purge weapon during xNW, unsparked ofc. let that sink in.
yes, full rb2 NP sin with 4.2k spirit, supposedly 6x lv10 glyphs and several 20.00 charts / g17r5 weapons. I highly doubt you even come 1/10th of his gears, maybe not even 1/100th. Let the cost of those gears sink in. using such examples are stupid af because he is the 1% within the 1% lol.
good try mate. i think i vastly outgear even you and yet you could 1 shot me :>
What class / gear do you have?
I hope there's a GM that tries to start this game from scratch and see how impossible it is to compete / catch up with content without having to sell a limb or two to charge gold
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well all i asked for was, if china devs are aware how broken assassins are in our version (maybe in theirs too, idk)0
Hi all,
you talked about skills they need items to activate?
I will tell you..
When I started the game in autumn 2011 and when I reached the level to use "Sabre Rattle and Krav Marga" you've had to pay 3 worthful Mirage Celestones to activate those skill at a group.
After Morai extension was released I don't remember exactly when, but the cost for activating that skills was gone .. until PWI released the "Homestead" extension.
Two new skills for each class but you need items to activate them. I couldn't undeerstand.
My dissapointment was high when I've seen the useless benefit from my new Seeker skill.
+50% Hight, +??% Speed +500% weapon damage.
The hight and speed are not really important to deal damage.
The speed buff of my Demon Archer is much better than the speed part of that skill.
All in all it was dissapointed to see that PWI was going back in time and released class skills only usable with items.0 -
zombiemaster123 wrote: »
I would be glad if someone reads that and instead of: "Blablabla Joe noob, doesnt matter what he says, its all BS anyways" thinks about it and actually tries to use it then They would realize how OP some classes can be and that sins are more than small fry compared to the potential of some classes. I agree that sins are the most annoying but anyone with too much luck is insanely annoying, isnt it?
The reason why ppl dont bother taking you seriously is because you proclaim yourself as some god skilled player while calling everybody else trash basically. You are the reason why ppl find it so amusing to troll you.
I guess we agree to disagree, there are classes, which could be broken with a lot of gear. The difference I find to sins is, you really dont need all that much gear to be an effective sin compared to every other class. Thats prolly one of the main reasons why sins are so god damn popular, you dont need to gear it to complete endgame to faceroll keyboard and skill stuff. And if they land complete endgame? Even ppl who play those sins say their dmg is absolutely broken.
The problem is something I pointed out before. I am not posing myself as some sort of god. I know I am as good as I am manly due to my vast experience. Most with that experience could do the same. When I say things like some people are ultra-garbage then it is to those that are in turn pose themselves as way more than they actually are. I hate it when ppl behave like that and I will show them that, if they do not even know as much as I do, how can they be anything at all? There is always someone better and that is very humbling.cronicles1 wrote: »splendideyes wrote: »you can talk all you want with your walls of text, but Genesesia just 2 shot me with a life hunter in purge weapon during xNW, unsparked ofc. let that sink in.cronicles1 wrote: »splendideyes wrote: »you can talk all you want with your walls of text, but Genesesia just 2 shot me with a life hunter in purge weapon during xNW, unsparked ofc. let that sink in.
yes, full rb2 NP sin with 4.2k spirit, supposedly 6x lv10 glyphs and several 20.00 charts / g17r5 weapons. I highly doubt you even come 1/10th of his gears, maybe not even 1/100th. Let the cost of those gears sink in. using such examples are stupid af because he is the 1% within the 1% lol.
good try mate. i think i vastly outgear even you and yet you could 1 shot me :>
What class / gear do you have?
I hope there's a GM that tries to start this game from scratch and see how impossible it is to compete / catch up with content without having to sell a limb or two to charge gold
I am really not 100% sure which account was what but splendid is either Rank or Allo, really cant remember.
It's weird tho. kitashi has full jades, 6/8 sovereigns in the ornaments. When fully buffed, in human form, I can hit 18k ZC with CT, SC or Earthen rift on him WITH subsea on as well while I am trip sparked with 53k base damage and 254 att how a Psy with that gear can be killed with a single Life hunter..on def charms, fully buffed is beyond me. Impossible. Unless ofc IW proc with there, then its no miracle tho. IF so, shinzoko would've killed him there too, same as ludicium, ViiV with PT (physical skill) and nearly any Damage built endgame char, doesnt matter the class. Devil stone 110k base damage cleric with PLume Shot just as well, if there was one like that. Well, I guess gene only has 73k base damage, 330 att lvl and 4.5k spirit with god knows how much penetration. How that can deal any damage on a comparatively undergeared toon..dunno.
Nearly any semi-endgame deity sin can OS my deity archer with any random ZC off def charm, doesnt even need to be sparked. Selfbuffs ofc. If my archer was jaded, camping def weap and being maximum buffed...not even close. If people are glass-cannon built, especially other LA and AA then they do have a massive disadvantage against Sins. That's true. Cause tidal and deaden will last them longer in a match in which both players can potentially OS each other, especially with the sins ulti in contrast to the other LA/AAs ultis (cept mystic). They can protect themselves with skills, longer than those other classes.
I one complains when NP Psys ZC people for 30k or even far more with random skill spam, no debuffs at all. That seems to be ok?! Just because psys are not impossible to kill? Soul of Silence is the biggest RNG-cancer this game has to offer and would be better off without it or fixing it by limiting how often it can proc. But I guess having a 30%+ chance to be silenced for 4-5 seconds EVERY TIME YOU ATTACK a psy IF you dont waste genie or pot for being just able to attack is nothing. IF ppl are so afraid of sins, then use your saves in advance, just like any other AA does. I see so many Psys, especially the geared ones, that are just standing there, trip spark, ulti and black save on to make sure they get a kill and then get jumped by a sparked sin from stealth and die cause they are not fast enough to use Expel in time...I mean xDD
Little Pro-Tip: When there is a sin around and I dont see where he is going and dunno if he has used his CJ already..I already focus expel and make sure I can use it at any second if something pops up on me. AA dont die from anything but physical skills anyways..all you need to do is keep Expel much easier can they make it? A deity/devil sin can get easily ZC by any Devil/NP caster by more than their max HP, trough tidal and all. Happened to me, happened to many others. Weird that this seems to be OK. I thought we were talking about selfbuffed fights in which sins still might be a bit broken as I mentioned above..but in fully buffed scenarios...hell no.
All of that goes along with what I was always saying: People are biased af. They can ONLY see their own perspective while being completely blind to the other 80% of variables floating about.
To sum it up: Sins are kinda broken in a 1v1 or purged scenarios vs other squishy/offensive built LA/AA, because duh, if they can OS you with any random ZC then it is kinda hard to kite or circumvent tidal/deaden. A good example is SBs and DBs that are deity vs a sin. Yes, both of them could prolly OS the sin with a decent hit..but the sin just needs to survive reaper form (sb) and otherwise just trip spark, just, not even the need for CJ, land one ZC and the fight is over. IF the SB and DB are both full serenity, extra pdef g17 belts, max def mode possible and maybe even several G17 to cycle through for def procs and the sin can barely charmtick them while being trip sparked + CJ...the sin will lose. Why? Because mechanics. A selfbuffed sin gets PT + Ulti from an SB, even if the SB has no damage, they will die. Debuffs. Same goes vs the Dusk. One Quad + mire into Shadow Prey and the sin is dead. SIn uses genie? Put CD skill on the sin before the first combo and use ulti to reset it afterwards and do it again right after. Lets see if he survives that. Nope (unless MISS)
Yes. Max buffed fights vs chars that are built more defensively..thats a completely different story. A NP, serenity, full vit veno with cap def chart and a g17.5 80 Def weap could basically afk on a sin if she has max buffs in fox form and the sin wouldnt be able to do anything at all if the veno just locks in the movement keys to move around randomly xDD Even purged..if that veno isnt afk and keeps camping fox kill. never. GL purging Ink, wine and DB buffs and such a veno still has 60k pdef and 45k HP in fox. Not much different with the other classes if you just keep moving and sport a full Expel-based genie. LvL4 Expel just to block CJ and then get the hell out of there. Easy. Also, I suggest one to keep genie ready if they decide to go offensive. Just in case something goes wrong.
I also dont know how many times I suggested to people to take the defensive G17.5 weapon instead. I would say "I told you so" but there is no reason for that. If you have the choice to be tankier and to circumvent weaknesses but you prefer to stay full glass cannon, welp, that's your own fault then. Some things in tis game are truly broken and need fixing. Problems that arise due to player-own bias and their own decisions in char-building are not part of it. Barbs, BMs and Mystics can easily sport offensive gear and get away with it in terms of def and they can kill you NO MATTER how you built your char if its still remotely equal gears. I hope people finally realize this.
PS: Essay-MODE! I cant really make that shorter, sorry. I tried. I already left out many things that people will instantly start to question but hey, you dont wanna read a book so please start using your own brains or do some research yourself if someting is still no clear. Thank you.0 -
LADIES, its time to stop. Make another Sin-QQ Thread and leave this one alone. This thread should be used to discuss content feedback and not your daily rant. These posts should be moved to a separate thread. Its very likely that sunny wont read or miss posts which are actually usefull.
Back to topic:
bad Content Changes
-removing Star Chart materials of Primal World Dailies and Flowsilver Palace
All star chart materials were removed from these dailies and only 1 daily is remaining. This daily demands to enter the dungeon Icebound Underworld and kill the 10th boss. I got it. Noone likes the newly introduced dungeon and this is pwi's way to fix it. But its wrong. 1st this dungeon can only entered at Shifting Sky 1 or higher - means new players cant work on their star chart until then. 2nd this dungeon has a key restriction. Its only once per day and you have a limited amount of time (16min) to finish it - means players want the best of the best in their squad and dont want to waste their daily chance with noobs or weaklings. This makes it even harder if not impossible for new players to even enter the dungeon and get said star chart mats. These mats are a great help to improve their strength in advance. Thats why it would be very usefull to have ways to obtain them outside of this dungeon which doesnt require them to spend real money.
-removing the option to craft G16 Helms and Robes
PWI removed this option. The reason? Unclear. Might be the same reason as the star chart material problem - to make players want to do the dungeon Icebound Underworld. This dungeon is the only way to obtain the G15 version of the helms and robes. This version can be upgraded to G16 later. Problem: its like the problem as with the star chart materials. You need the helm and robe to be strong enough to even get into one of these Icebound Underworld squads. The robe and helm are part of an important bonus for new players which boost their strength by a lot. To get a chance to farm this dungeon without them is nearly impossible for newbies. Solution: bring the old ways back - means the option to craft the G15 helms and robes. There are better ways to increase the popularity of Icebound Underworld.
-popularity of Icebound Underworld
the 2 problems above already discussed it and since Pwi doesnt know a good way to fix it here an idea:
improve the rewards of this dungeon!
1st reduce the amount of Underworld Glowstone and Underworld Goldstone which are needed in exchange for rewards. Its just not reasonable to farm this dungeon for 180 days to get 1 Dragon Orb Ocean
2nd add new rewards which are attractive for endgame players
endgame players barely have any reason to enter this dungeon. adding items which they need would fix that problem.
items could be fashion or fash weapon, pets, mounts or items to upgrade star chart, meridian, nuema, materials needed for G17 and the list can go on, there are many items which endgame players need
3rd remove the key restriction of this dungeon (and of others dungeons if possible) - key restriction is just outdated and wrong. I understand that its used to prevent players from rushing content but the dungeon which require keys still have to be farmed over hundred of times. It would still take months or years of farming even without keys
-changing requirements of Primal World Dailies
This change made the Content of the "Active Point" Feature for endgame players very useless. Sure, they can still skip some Daily Quests with it but it was mostly used to skip said Primal World Dailies which they cant anymore. Solution: Either change the requirements to let people with the newly introduced Royal Sky do these quests again OR add the few dailies which are new/left for endgame players to the Active Point Feature like This War o' Mine, Reborn In Fire, Flame of Vengeance, The Darkness of Magnier and Resistance Force Namelist
-new way to obtain vitae
To get more ways to obtain vitae is nice but the way they did it is somehow questionable.
1st if you want to place the mobs @ open world then you have to add more spawns for them. The Royal Sky mobs which are the most needed ones have only 5-6 different spots. Thats just not enough and only results in a new problem - selfishness. Players will just block spots to farm these mobs for themselfs and without caring about others. I see it often enough on myself. I run around and try to find an empty spot. I start auto culti and go afk for a few min just to come back and see a wall of text where someone tells me to "fk off" and stop cause he feels entitled to own this spot now.
2nd reduce the strength and hp of these mobs. The hp and strength - even for astral, mirage and twillight sky mobs are just too high. This should be addressed. Its not rare to see weak people trying to farm these mobs with others and getting killed by the aoe's. This is especially annoying with said entitled players which will just come and attack all mobs because they think they own this place now and want to farm all vitae for themself
3rd members of Royal Sky can only farm 5000 vitae while players up to Twilight Sky can farm 20,000 vitae. I get it. Its to prevent players from rushing the Royal Sky content and maxing it too fast but its just wrong. The amount of vitae needed is extremly high and to increase the daily amount which can be farmed would be appreciated
Solution: add more spawns for these mobs (you have the whole Neverfall map - its mostly not used or empty!) or add the mobs into a dungeon (this way every player can farm the mobs for themself and even invite friends to farm together!), reduce the strength and hp of the mobs
0 -
LADIES, its time to stop. Make another Sin-QQ Thread and leave this one alone. This thread should be used to discuss content feedback and not your daily rant. These posts should be moved to a separate thread. Its very likely that sunny wont read or miss posts which are actually usefull.
my hero
0 -
Can we get the new fairies fixed, they fly around like they are ****.0
remind us again Joe, why did you quit barb, sb, archer and db to play sin in arena?
and did you just compare yourself to genesesia?0 -
Chill, sins should do more damage than most classes, they have speed and dual weapons, thus dual damage stats and boosts. And no I don't play a sin, I play a Psy. Low survivability, decent damage, good, control. Just what a cloth wearing, magic class should be.
We aren't supposed to be front line fighters, we are ranged, distance is our best weapon.Life is what you make it so, make it good.0 -
"Another Reawakening"
Please don't. I don't want to spend another 3 months in PV for 20 dex.
OMG Arc is the worst. Please make it optional again. Make me cashshop for r10 or w/e. idc. Just remove arc - it's awful.0 -
Sin does need some rebalance on damge also they were a lot on colossuem ranking in china and even pwi before score/ranking reset... Wiz probably need faster skill or another def skill. Archer need some def skill or something better than useless evasion and speed buff that hardly do anything these days.Barb used to be weakest but now good class to play because of faith 60sec . I think archer is weakest class but cn pw probably still think they overpower.0
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