TW Discussion - Twilight Temple



  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    ooklong wrote: »
    Desperate vindicate attempts to cause friction between alliances.

    Let's recap who "attempts to cause friction" between whose alliances:
    dingo488 wrote: »
    ...a very disappointing showing from ChinaTown as they were too focussed on helping Vindicate instead of actually worrying about their own faction...
    dingo488 wrote: »
    ChinaTown lost because they put their money on Vindicate...
    dingo488 wrote: »
    Vindicate wasted ChinaTowns efforts as they didnt manage to secure a single victory
    dingo488 wrote: »
    Vindicate got roflstomped even tho ChinaTown has been holding off Hoorah for you basically since the start of the season
    dingo488 wrote: »
    ChinaTown made that mistake this season, I hope they dont do that again... I hope they come to their senses, this alliance stuff is not good.
    dingo488 wrote: »
    I want to see Hoorah/ChinaTown fight over who is the strongest Tier 1 faction. And Vindicate can just sit in a corner and do nothing, while telling eachother how good their faction once was before they joined, all season long, like they have been doing for the past 3 seasons.

    Now let’s recap what causes friction between Hoorah’s alliances and who said it:
    dingo488 wrote: »
    Overall the alliances didnt really impact the outcome of the season at all, Hoorah being in the lead is the expected outcome if u look at the TW results themselves.
    dingo488 wrote: »
    I would disagree, Knights/Insurrect/Demigodz all arent big enough to be considered a Tier 1 faction. They have no chance of winning the TW season...
    dingo488 wrote: »
    Its never good to overrate ur allies, even when they are ur allies.

    Pretty sure that speaks for itself and nothing more needs to be said on this topic. ​​
  • ooklong
    ooklong Posts: 7 Arc User
    ooklong said:

    Pretty much grasping at straws to quote a person who is from Chinatown since the merger and only recently joined hoorah. In Battlefront Report - Twilight Temple thread no less. lol No point to keep typing this post. This silliness will be removed by mods anyway.

    He does sound bitter about how vindicate treated his previous faction.
  • davidmurphy
    davidmurphy Posts: 31 Arc User
    lol what's up with all this QQing? clearly there's not really a point in saying vindi can beat hoorah or CT can etc,Vindi lost to hoorah 1vs1 and Chinaclowntown lost muti times against hoorah 1vs1 too u both need to come up with better excuses. chinaclown was the top fac in lost city only to get smashed by a pve fac and for vindi u guys lost to hoorah last season and still this season too get good ez win.

  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    Guys please, friends pls, there is no need to be aggresive here.

    I would like to compare this situation to a dog that was left in the woods, to die from starvation. This dog was left after being wounded by human hands. Now another hand reaches out to feed the dog, but the dog recognizes a human hand and fears it and bares its fangs. Vindicate please dont bare your fangs, I am only trying to help.

    The first step to bring about change is to admit change is required. Stuff like blaming alliances/ganks for your defeats, aswell as begging your allies to lend you their members will only get in the way of the change that is much needed. Instead you should look to yourselves and realise u dun goofed, and then you can bring about change and improve! If you keep blaming ganks you will be a Tier 2 faction forever.
  • daymond
    daymond Posts: 273 Arc User


    Hoorah didn't lose to CT due to bad endurance, Hoorah lost that TW due to horrible coordination, and missing their strongest squad.

    My mistake.
    I see now from your correction that their attendance did not go down as I said, it was actually only that they were missing people.

    Everyone, that I have talked to that knows you, has told me you yourself do not even like Hoorah, yet you would rather them win over other people.

    We (All 3 Leaders) decided our alliance goal was to see that anybody other than the 2 guilds who'd been winning every single season would win this one. New Season, New Server, New Winner. A new age. Mix it up a bit.

    I don't care who wins so long as we are successful in achieving our goal we set out for.

    So this is who you support?

    Knights supports their allies.


    We made a commitment for the season.
    I take any commitments I make seriously.

    Because they protect you?

    I am not aware they have protected us?

    Even though Hoorah people openly trash Knights and Insurrect, you do what they say.

    The map would be quite different right now if that were true. Dball and I have disagreed often.


    Below, i have put some information which might help answer your questions to motivations and reason.

    Quick History of the Season (don't read if you aren't interested):
    When the servers first merged, Hoorah and SHINRA immediately allied. Kirby, as many of you know him, had a character in both guilds (on both servers) prior to the merge.

    SHINRA was Knights main opposition on Lost City, so when we saw Hoorah had allied them we sought out Hoorah's opposition (Vindicate). I friended Slaystar and their leader as well (Who's name escapes me at this time) and tried to work out an alliance with them. They told me that they were interested in it, and we talked about it some for the next 2 weeks.

    ChinaTown was also discussing an alliance with Vindicate. This was slightly troublesome because of our relationship with Insurrect (which we were still figuring out). ChinaTown, VengefuI, and Knights had been allies in opposition to Insurrect for years in seasons past. ChinaTown stepped out of the alliance eventually, I believe mainly due to rising conflict between them and VengefuI. Knights and Vengeful remained allies, but then Vengeful merged to Insurrect. That was awkward... Knights and Insurrect safelisted one another to preserve friendships at the request of VengefuI's once leader Wadzio, but we hadn't allied.

    Knights themselves didn't have any strong cause to dislike ChinaTown. Though it would be false to say there wasn't some resentment at the idea of being cast aside after nearly 3 years when they felt we were no longer useful to them. Still, Knights generally preferred them to SHINRA.

    For the first 2 weeks of the server merge, Knights assisted Vindicate in PvP against both Hoorah and SHINRA.
    I spoke with some CT officers as well about relations for this server. Vindicate and ChinaTown both asked their members not to attack Knights during these discussions and safe-listed Knights (Though many still did. Usually we would be called to their aid and asked to help in PK, then after we helped them and the Hoorah/SHINRA were gone, several would turn around and attack us).

    Nearing the end of that 2 weeks, I was approached by the Vindicate leader who asked about pseudo safe-listing us and not having an official alliance. He asked about having our members free to PK each other but if Hoorah shows up they stop and kill Hoorah. Afterward they can kill each other again. He also wanted to be allowed to attack Knights land in a "friendly fight". I told him no, we were looking for legitimate allies. Safe-listing does not work well anyhow, and even in the course of this 2 week period it had not worked out. ChinaTown also denied our olive branch.

    After that two week period, Vindicate proceeded to attack Knights in TW anyway. My guild no-longer felt inclined to help them. SHINRA had died during this time.
    RavenTail merged into Knights.
    Wadzio and I spoke, and discussed an official alliance with Insurrect and Hoorah. Since SHINRA was no more, Knights had no reason oppose Hoorah. 1/2 our old allies were in Insurrect (VengefuI), and the other half had just denied us (ChinaTown).
    These discussions also grew to include Pepito.

    Our 4 guilds allied, and for the week or two our 4 way alliance dominated PvP.

    That's when Dball came back from his vacation.
    Without talking or giving any warning, he cut alliances.

    LDaVinci (Insu leader) and myself took offense to this, as did the Pepito leader I believe.
    Our 3 guilds resolved to remain allies. We decided Hoorah could try to fight Vindicate and CT all alone if that is what they wanted. It didn't take long for Dball to realize he had made a mistake and to pursue alliance again.

    Dball wanted Knights and Insurrect to drop our alliance with Pepito, as there was some manner of personal dispute between his wife and their leader. We refused, and said he could ally all 3 of us or none of us. We do not abandon allies when a commitment has been made. So negotiations didn't go very far for a while.

    Dball also requested that Knights remove the RavenTail members from their guild, as he had personal dispute with them as well, and would not ally us if they were here. We refused this too. The RavenTail members were now Knights and as such we would stand up for and support them. Hoorah could not dictate who was in our guild.

    At some point during this all, the Pepito leader quit and passed leadership to a friend (SuchaFreak). This resulted in mass membership loss for Pepito. Knights made a deal with Pepito to help preserve their team they'd built and the work they'd put into their guild.

    Pepito members would merge to Knights, and the faction Pepito would become Knights new alt guild (previously Squires) so that the faction would not go to waste. We went through with it, and SuchaFreak lead Pepito guild to Knights.

    This opened back up negotiations, as now there could in fact be a 3 way alliance as Dball wanted. Pepito was now Knights.
    There was still the personal issues with RavenTail though. In addition, Dball had made an alliance with DemiGodZ for reasons nobody seemed able to fathom.

    That is when TheDan took over negotiations. TheDan spoke with Wadzio (Insurrect Director at the time) and myself. We were able to reach an agreement.
    Below are the Terms:
    - One Season Commitment, we would re-evaluate the alliance at the end of the season.
    - Knights & Insu may not attack Hoorah's new allies (DemiGodZ), and in exchange Hoorah would not be permitted to attack our alt guilds (Pepito & VengefuI).
    - This season's goal would be to prevent the 3 Year year long monopolization of TW from continuing, and our TW movements would be based on such. We would try to make sure someone new won a TW season for once, whoever that may be, even if they were not part of our alliance.

    Since then,
    The majority of Ex-RavenTail left Knights and joined Hoorah, despite the fact that only weeks prior Hoorah had been trying to exile them and have they be kicked from Knights as a condition of alliance.
    (Later most of them left Hoorah too and did a 180 switching over to ChinaTown)

    The new Pepito Leader, SuchaFreak, also moved to Hoorah with a few of Pepito's stronger members despite the fact Hoorah wanted them excluded from the alliance and Knights had stuck up for them and refused.

    One Hoorah member in particular who I will not name, was allowed to put an alt in Knights and has on several occasions attempted to recruit our Marshals and other members to Hoorah.

    Insurrect has lost several members to Hoorah including their Director, Wadzio.


    Our goal is on track.
    A faction that has not won before is currently leading the TW season.

    Our allies have honored their words, as have we.
    We have not attacked each other in TW, and the ally system has been honored in PvP
    The few infractions that have occurred were dealt with swiftly.

    Our core members from Lost City remain here and loyal, and our strength has been bolstered by new recruits who come from Sanctuary.

    Our members seem to think we are doing a good job, and Knights is doing well.
    I appreciate your concern though.


    alFcxeg.png | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven |
  • dontbemadman
    dontbemadman Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    it took Hoorah, who again has had TW with CT almost the whole season, 2 hours and 20 minutes to take down the out of practice Vindicate crystal. Not bad for people who havent TWed in a while is it? And I've seen the few videos and talked to people, Vindi wasn't turtling, but with the sheer tankiness of barbs these days, what are you to expect, it takes quite a bit to take down an end game barb. Some have 70k+ HP and many are now candleflame.

    Vindicate is still a tier 1 faction, I dont see how a 2 hour and 20 minute TW with Hoorah makes them a tier 2. But again you are just trying to make them look bad lol. If Vindicate has been claiming for the last 3 seasons how good they are but were not actually good, how did they win the last 2 season (season 6 and season 7) with a majority of the map, most of those wins against Hoorah? Did they beat Hoorah because Vindi bragged so much Hoorah got scared? Please if you are going to say this have something to back it up. Vindicate beat Hoorah about 90% of the time, and 1 loss, after 1 fight doesn't really prove much. Probably could've gone the full 3 hours, but in an attack TW there's no point in turtling, as you also pointed out.

    its ok, they got lots of practice defending 7 factions, and fake bidding. so by their logic theyve had 7x more practice in TW than hoorah or ct has.

    maybe if vindi wasnt so scared they wouldnt need to fake bid on themselves to try to manipulate time slots

    maybe if you can win a tw 1v1 against ct or hoorah you can considered a tier 1 tw faction bracket but until youre still a tiier 2 faction like the rest of your dog faction fake bids
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    edited October 2015
    dingo488 wrote: »
    Guys please, friends pls, there is no need to be aggresive here.

    I would like to compare this situation to a dog that was left in the woods, to die from starvation. This dog was left after being wounded by human hands. Now another hand reaches out to feed the dog, but the dog recognizes a human hand and fears it and bares its fangs. Vindicate please dont bare your fangs, I am only trying to help.

    The first step to bring about change is to admit change is required. Stuff like blaming alliances/ganks for your defeats, aswell as begging your allies to lend you their members will only get in the way of the change that is much needed. Instead you should look to yourselves and realise u dun goofed, and then you can bring about change and improve! If you keep blaming ganks you will be a Tier 2 faction forever.

    To be fair, a large part of the problem is the huge amount of fake bidding and the blatant violations of the TW rules that go ignored by PWE. It makes the season unfair, and really ruins TW for a lot of people. The "top tier" factions could give a rats **** about the rest of us though. Both Hoorah and Vindi went all out to gather as many bids against each other by coercing all the neighboring factions as they could.

    The other part of the problem is that you have to realise half the community acts like spoiled 10-year-olds instead of adults. Imagine all the whining if PWE actually enforced the rules and started banning leaders for the violations.
    Think of what it would do to the top factions if their leaders were missing for a full month because of this. Not just the top faction, but the alt factions as well.

    But then look at how much that would impact spending, and we all know PWE only cares about the bottom line. The shenanigans will continue, the "top tier" factions will keep on keeping the fun to themselves, and they'll continue to QQ when things don't work out how they want.

    Anyway, this isn't the "TT TW QQ Thread". I was tempted about 12 hours ago to split posts off into one though.​​

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  • lagunal8
    lagunal8 Posts: 48 Arc User
    What qontroL says is true in a way tho. He is like hoorahs mascot. He embodies how hoorah's members think and act and he is going out of his way to help and show us. As such, we need to constantly remind ourselves and incorporate his truth among their faction members.​​
    A.K.A DECEPTISTAR I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha... [img][/img]
    ★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous
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  • dontbemadman
    dontbemadman Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    whats sad is that vindi can field more players for forum pk than they can for in-game pk..

    does anyone else see wahts wrong with this picture?

    seems like vindi can only talk shet when theyre inside safe zone like they are on forum right now. even eirghan himself who bind their emprrors tomes talking shet, no wonder theyll never be a tier 1 faction. its funny who represents vindi leadership

    learn2play or learn2merge dog factions
  • lagunal8
    lagunal8 Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    whats sad is that vindi can field more players for forum pk than they can for in-game pk..
    does anyone else see wahts wrong with this picture?
    seems like vindi can only talk shet when theyre inside safe zone like they are on forum right now. even their officers who bind their emprrors tomes talking shet, its funny who represents vindi
    learn2play or learn2merge dog factions
    well not really. In the end vindi is just annoyed at some trolls as hoorah were pretty much a tier2 faction, essentially bumped down even further down up until the server mergers with LC, as opposed to vindi that was pretty steady # 1 (or you could say stagnant) from pre and post merger. Being baited is another term too. In the course of the servers history and current goings, if i bet my life on it, i would say its definately hoorahs lime light atm, and vindi not doing so well (regardless of ganks or whatever reasons) but it doesnt look too cool nor smart to bloat an anthill of a starting limelight to a mountain. Its great to win and im sure many in hoorah are happy at the steady(?) progress finally, but some of the things that the members of hoorah post here make others question the intellect of their members. Of course, most of it is just plain trolling for the sake of riling others up, but humility goes a long way. (tho we know that this isnt exactly hoorah members strong points)​​
    A.K.A DECEPTISTAR I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha... [img][/img]
    ★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous
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  • shaiyrdren
    shaiyrdren Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    dingo488 said:

    Theory could be that Vindicate bid on themselves to push Hoorah into another timeslot as 8 TWs wont fit in the same timeslot and 1 would be bumped to another day, sadly this happened to Nefarious instead..Im not looking for this to be confirmed or denied, Im just throwing the theory out there.

    Would like to clarify this one point so that no misinformation is spread. If anyone has noticed, the multi attacks that have occurred have had the main actors always attacking in the same order (Hoorah > Insurrect > Knights > Other Factions, Vindicate > ChinaTown > Other Factions) even when the 7 land defense per time slot limit is surpassed. This implies that the algorithm of first come, first served is used (assuming no outbidding occurs). It's possible a random faction is selected to be bumped, so if anyone from Nefarious knows if they were the last faction to bid that would really help in figuring that mechanic out.
    Celestris - Twilight Temple
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    eirghan said:

    dingo488 wrote: »

    10/10 bait thread


  • lagunal8
    lagunal8 Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    phage69 wrote: »
    Thats the biggest load of Horse Manure ive ever read how does one guy speak for 200 ppl??? And wasnt he just like in CT like 3 weeks ago lolz So your saying a faction hopping 1 man mouth represents 200 ppl he cant even be loyal too??? lolz did you ppl leave logic in bed or something this morning???

    thats me trollin :]​​
    A.K.A DECEPTISTAR I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha... [img][/img]
    ★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous
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  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Decep come see me after class, we need to talk
  • barbslayer456
    barbslayer456 Posts: 5 Arc User
    > @daymond said:
    > Kniraven
    > Hoorah didn't lose to CT due to bad endurance, Hoorah lost that TW due to horrible coordination, and missing their strongest squad.
    > My mistake.
    > I see now from your correction that their attendance did not go down as I said, it was actually only that they were missing people.
    > Everyone, that I have talked to that knows you, has told me you yourself do not even like Hoorah, yet you would rather them win over other people.

    Reread that, I said Hoorah didn't lose to endurance. Their top squad was out for a party, supposedly, I dont believe thats endurance issues. Any other time and they would have been there. Don't twist what I say.

    > We (All 3 Leaders) decided our alliance goal was to see that anybody other than the 2 guilds who'd been winning every single season would win this one. New Season, New Server, New Winner. A new age. Mix it up a bit.
    > I don't care who wins so long as we are successful in achieving our goal we set out for. So this is who you support?

    I'm sorry LC TW was so boring and apparently CT always dominated with the main faction and alt factions (wasn't there but this is what I hear from almost everyone). Vindicate was not always the winner, LG won once, and Vindicate and Hoorah both switched off as to who was on top many times in a season. Vindi was just able to keep it together longer. So all the factions that could never pull off being on top for longer ganged up because they wanted to be able to say someone else was a new winner is kinda funny.

    > I am not aware they have protected us? Even though Hoorah people openly trash Knights and Insurrect, you do what they say.
    > The map would be quite different right now if that were true. Dball and I have disagreed often.

    So the Hoorah people that trash Knights and Insurrect aren't in Hoorah? Or are they not talking down on you when they call you TT99 or no show TWs that require no effort? Or how about when they say you both give horrible PK turnout and cant hold your own in TW to be able to be dependable in TW? I believe thats all trash talking. Please correct me if I am wrong

    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Not gonna quote what you said about how Knights has been involved in TW politics this season, but I have talked to some people from ChinaTown and they say the reason for dissolving the alliance was because PvP was boring. TW was boring, PK was boring, why even play at that point? I am surprised it lasted that long. Sanctuary has had many power shifts over its time, Nef, Regi, Vindi, and Leg all had times when they were the dominating, Hoorah did as well, but I dont think they ever had a point on Sanctuary when they held more land than every other faction, even if they were stronger than the rest. Lost City apparently was happy with being bored in PvP, you guys could have changed that sooner if you wanted, but no one likes change.

    > Our core members from Lost City remain here and loyal, and our strength has been bolstered by new recruits who come from Sanctuary.
    > Our members seem to think we are doing a good job, and Knights is doing well.
    > I appreciate your concern though.

    However you cant seem to keep your allies from taking the stronger members they want in TW, lol. And yes holyhead's alt psy is in Knights, and ofc he is trying to recruit your people. They wont openly try to recruit from Insu and Knights until you are useless to them, they will take who they can while trying not to have you know. But you know and do nothing, so do you care? He is still in your faction.


    To everyone who says Vindi is fake bidding on themselves, lets get real. Vindicate has never purposely tried to avoid a fight or alter TW schedules to best suit its needs. If that were the case why didn't they repeat it last weekend? Instead it looks like a few factions disagreed with how Hoorah is choosing to win this season and they wanted a piece of the action. Unfortunately for them, it wasnt enough to make Hoorah loss to CT.

    People still say Vindi is weak in TW, but without a CT vs Vindi fight there is no way to know who is truely better at TW. Better at TW is also not the same as being stronger, TW requires strategy as well, you can have 80 +12 JoSD people against 80 mixed +5-12 people with w/e shards and the first group could lose because they just run around PKIng. The goal is to destroy the crystal and to protect your own. Doing this poorly could make even the strongest of factions lose.

    Lost City seems to TW a lot differently than Sanctuary, especially given all the Sanctuary faction wins earlier in the season, while most Lost City factions were losing. I look forward to a new season where everyone is improving. But I also hope all these multi attacks stop. It proves nothing, other than that you probably couldn't win alone.

    If you know endurance if your weakness, don't run from fights because you cant handle 2 real TWs in a day. Fix it. Running from your problems doesn't fix them. Same with forcing a no show.

    To Dball, the season may not be over, and if it is are you really proud of all you had to do to finally get a rainbow weapon to afk with? If you are then congrats, but look at those who have come before Hoorah, how did they get there? If you are not proud of what you had to do I hope you do not repeat these things next season.
  • dontbemadman
    dontbemadman Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    > @daymond said:

    > Kniraven


    > Hoorah didn't lose to CT due to bad endurance, Hoorah lost that TW due to horrible coordination, and missing their strongest squad.




    > My mistake.

    > I see now from your correction that their attendance did not go down as I said, it was actually only that they were missing people.

    > Everyone, that I have talked to that knows you, has told me you yourself do not even like Hoorah, yet you would rather them win over other people.


    Reread that, I said Hoorah didn't lose to endurance. Their top squad was out for a party, supposedly, I dont believe thats endurance issues. Any other time and they would have been there. Don't twist what I say.



    > We (All 3 Leaders) decided our alliance goal was to see that anybody other than the 2 guilds who'd been winning every single season would win this one. New Season, New Server, New Winner. A new age. Mix it up a bit.


    > I don't care who wins so long as we are successful in achieving our goal we set out for. So this is who you support?


    I'm sorry LC TW was so boring and apparently CT always dominated with the main faction and alt factions (wasn't there but this is what I hear from almost everyone). Vindicate was not always the winner, LG won once, and Vindicate and Hoorah both switched off as to who was on top many times in a season. Vindi was just able to keep it together longer. So all the factions that could never pull off being on top for longer ganged up because they wanted to be able to say someone else was a new winner is kinda funny.


    > I am not aware they have protected us? Even though Hoorah people openly trash Knights and Insurrect, you do what they say.




    > The map would be quite different right now if that were true. Dball and I have disagreed often.


    So the Hoorah people that trash Knights and Insurrect aren't in Hoorah? Or are they not talking down on you when they call you TT99 or no show TWs that require no effort? Or how about when they say you both give horrible PK turnout and cant hold your own in TW to be able to be dependable in TW? I believe thats all trash talking. Please correct me if I am wrong

    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    Not gonna quote what you said about how Knights has been involved in TW politics this season, but I have talked to some people from ChinaTown and they say the reason for dissolving the alliance was because PvP was boring. TW was boring, PK was boring, why even play at that point? I am surprised it lasted that long. Sanctuary has had many power shifts over its time, Nef, Regi, Vindi, and Leg all had times when they were the dominating, Hoorah did as well, but I dont think they ever had a point on Sanctuary when they held more land than every other faction, even if they were stronger than the rest. Lost City apparently was happy with being bored in PvP, you guys could have changed that sooner if you wanted, but no one likes change.

    > Our core members from Lost City remain here and loyal, and our strength has been bolstered by new recruits who come from Sanctuary.


    > Our members seem to think we are doing a good job, and Knights is doing well.

    > I appreciate your concern though.


    However you cant seem to keep your allies from taking the stronger members they want in TW, lol. And yes holyhead's alt psy is in Knights, and ofc he is trying to recruit your people. They wont openly try to recruit from Insu and Knights until you are useless to them, they will take who they can while trying not to have you know. But you know and do nothing, so do you care? He is still in your faction.


    To everyone who says Vindi is fake bidding on themselves, lets get real. Vindicate has never purposely tried to avoid a fight or alter TW schedules to best suit its needs. If that were the case why didn't they repeat it last weekend? Instead it looks like a few factions disagreed with how Hoorah is choosing to win this season and they wanted a piece of the action. Unfortunately for them, it wasnt enough to make Hoorah loss to CT.

    People still say Vindi is weak in TW, but without a CT vs Vindi fight there is no way to know who is truely better at TW. Better at TW is also not the same as being stronger, TW requires strategy as well, you can have 80 +12 JoSD people against 80 mixed +5-12 people with w/e shards and the first group could lose because they just run around PKIng. The goal is to destroy the crystal and to protect your own. Doing this poorly could make even the strongest of factions lose.

    Lost City seems to TW a lot differently than Sanctuary, especially given all the Sanctuary faction wins earlier in the season, while most Lost City factions were losing. I look forward to a new season where everyone is improving. But I also hope all these multi attacks stop. It proves nothing, other than that you probably couldn't win alone.

    If you know endurance if your weakness, don't run from fights because you cant handle 2 real TWs in a day. Fix it. Running from your problems doesn't fix them. Same with forcing a no show.

    To Dball, the season may not be over, and if it is are you really proud of all you had to do to finally get a rainbow weapon to afk with? If you are then congrats, but look at those who have come before Hoorah, how did they get there? If you are not proud of what you had to do I hope you do not repeat these things next season.


    so basically you got pooped on twice from both toilets,, . try harder plis

  • tanyerz2
    tanyerz2 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    barbslayer456 said: " To Dball, the season may not be over, and if it is are you really proud of all you had to do to finally get a rainbow weapon to afk with? If you are then congrats, but look at those who have come before Hoorah, how did they get there? If you are not proud of what you had to do I hope you do not repeat these things next season. "

    I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure that's not what it's about. It's about finally winning a season. For once it's nice for a faction other than Vindicate to win a season (Disregarding that one time Legendary won because vindicate let them because they rather LG win over Hoorah)

    Also, as winning a season might not be the most important thing in the world (As most -/+ some vindicate seems to think) It's quite sad thinking that vindicate would rather focus winning a season rather than have good TWs considering that one day Kuroth made it clear on world chat that Vindicate's motives were to basically do anything to win TW season so Hoorah couldn't. It makes Hoorah want to take the victory from Vindicate so much more, while fighting for it. Hoorah has had great TW's this season and worked pretty hard to win. What did Vindicate do? Stayed in a corner fighting low tier factions to just gain most land as possible while Hoorah was fighting ChinaTown. Anyone can say that Hoorah didn't fight for it since their allies did play a big part in helping. If anyone does say that don't forget ChinaTown kept Hoorah busy most of the season so Vindicate could just pick their noses and easily obtain lands and QQ when they're not getting their way.

    You know even if the season isn't over and lasts a few more weeks and the odd's turn back to Vindicates favor, Who cares honestly. Stop being so butthurt over Hoorahs possible chance at winning a season for once.
  • tanyerz2
    tanyerz2 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    ┻━┻ ︵ ¯\(ツ)/¯ ︵ ┻━┻
  • capnk
    capnk Posts: 486 Arc User
    tanyerz2 said:

    What did Vindicate do? Stayed in a corner

    Mhmm. Vindicate has been around Archosaur, a Tier 3 city for the entire season. The one who started in the desert corner was Hoorah. It turned out to be a good move for accruing lands, but it's not very high on the bravery scale.
  • lagunal8
    lagunal8 Posts: 48 Arc User
    ya'll quoting so much this page is getting heavy lol​​
    A.K.A DECEPTISTAR I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha... [img][/img]
    ★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • strife614
    strife614 Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    >To Dball, the season may not be over, and if it is are you really proud of all you had to do to finally get a rainbow weapon to afk with?
    -What all did Hoorah have to do to get there that they should not be proud of? Merged with some groups, same as everyone else post server merge. Allied with some factions with similar goals, same as the opposition. Are people still implying/thinking Hoorah would use fake bids at the risk of **** up attacks? I mean if that was the case, opposing factions should have ticketed heavily, GMs can determine pretty quickly when bids are not legitimate. After 1 week of supposed fake Hoorah bids and the general nimrod finally understanding how attack slotting works, the fake bids on Vindi ended. Peculiar.

    >If you are then congrats, but look at those who have come before Hoorah, how did they get there?
    -They got there pretty much uncontested. A large group of powerful players joined together and crushed the current powerhouse. New powerhouse attracted bandwagoners who wanted to feel like WINNERS (being the best in a MMORPG is all that matters afterall). Following that, for whatever reason, Sanctuary never really attempted to take down the powerhouse factions. I don't really understand why.

    >If you are not proud of what you had to do I hope you do not repeat these things next season.
    -Don't really see where pride is a factor in this again. Hoorah hasn't used fake bids to bolster the success of their attacks or defenses. If our allies want to continue what we have going on, why not? If so, Hoorah and all their allies can still take actual pride in knowing that we upheaved the status quo. Even if only for a short period of time. Hoorah has endured a lot to get where it is, whether it lasts or not, who knows. Think the faction is a bit more volatile than Vindicate, which will likely be the undoing. At least Sanctuary is finally interesting. I can't understand why people have spent years being in an uncontested top dog faction in this game, other than to circlejerk each other about how wonderful they all are.

  • booker27
    booker27 Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Someone threw a bait and you guys fell right for it.

    This is pretty much biased people talking from their pov that is altered and exaggerated and is very far from THE ACTUAL TRUTH because everybody is busy trying to make themselves and their side look good when we all know both sides are full of ****.

    "vindicate hid in a corner" "no it was hoorah who hid in a corner!" are you ppl serious when map resets you have no way of knowing who bid where.

    vindicate tired of hoorah trash talk? have you ever considered ignoring them? i dont even know why you guys always get so upset by whatever it is some hoorah members say that are so painfuly obviously bait. I dont even know why people get so damn upset over **** random people say in the game like... who the **** cares. log off and they are gone.

    but i have to say hoorah calm down on the **** talking and win talking, it does get a bit old tbh
  • lagunal8
    lagunal8 Posts: 48 Arc User
    strife614 wrote: »
    Hoorah hasn't used fake bids to bolster the success of their attacks or defenses.
    hoorah just uses transposition TW glitches tiger-2.gif​​
    A.K.A DECEPTISTAR I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha... [img][/img]
    ★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • davidmurphy
    davidmurphy Posts: 31 Arc User
    lagunal8 said:

    strife614 wrote: »

    Hoorah hasn't used fake bids to bolster the success of their attacks or defenses.

    hoorah just uses transposition TW glitches tiger-2.gif​​

    lol? Vindi does the same even tho Erig and half of them brag they don't use it come up with better excuses

  • dontbemadman
    dontbemadman Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    lagunal8 said:

    strife614 wrote: »

    Hoorah hasn't used fake bids to bolster the success of their attacks or defenses.

    hoorah just uses transposition TW glitches tiger-2.gif​​

  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    it gets really tedious to see all this insider snitching on their own factions in forums.

    to be clear, i dont even dislike most of the factions being mentioned here, as the membership of the top factions on each server are pretty fluid. the main contingent in hoorah was once the 2 main warring subfactions in TW in years prior. cant really badmouth a factions membership without admitting the failings of your own faction's members.

    i noticed the main thing that happened this season, was that LC was able to provide gear but sanct was able to provide STRUCTURE. the largest criticism i have seen of LC factions is a general lack of discipline and tactics in TW, a few people even admitted it. hoorah won due to the massive vindi hate (meh, i dont begrudge it, change is good) and maneuvering around all the LC intrigue.

    i cant really give hoorah as much credit as they claim simply because they really needed to merge more than a few factions AND play some games with the map in order to win, AND a fair bit on internal drama with their own membership (bit thats another story). by any means necc, or w/e, tactic is tactics but don't claim valor when you threw it out the window for a win.

    as for the lesser players in hoorah's plan, i hope your individual factions are satisfied with the outcome. it looks to me by what kniraven said and a few other facts running around, that the smaller factions were basically plundered for resources in order to stack hoorah. i cant be mad at this again, it is the natural response of a server to a faction that maintains a streak. nobody should take that personally. but i wonder if the "human assets" that were absorbed by hoorah will return to their homes? it was suggested that the alliance didnt care who won as long as it wasnt vindi, but the truth is that those factions just threw their own seasons away to ensure hoorah won. that is not the same statement and doesnt really speak of mutual benefit.

    it seems even with the merge, we are going to have the same amount of major players on the board, and the middle just got a bit thicker. the short season makes it easier for middle tiers to be on the map by the end which i agree is a great idea, but SANCT has always been divided down the middle along 2 fronts and it seems LC has no choice but to choose a side and play their position. that was not meant to be an insult to LC factions, it just seems that in comparison there is no real dominating force standing out after the merge. it seems even CT is viewed as the weaker of the two allies (i have no reference to judge that though, its just my observation from all the banter).

    this season for me, was half frustrating and the the other half was very rewarding even without the win. i do congratulate hoorah on the win in general, but for real the posturing makes it hard to acknowledge.

    i look forward to the next season and seeing a bit more distribution of power. the middle tier has the opportunity to have much better TWs than the top tier for once, with the amount of possible opponents. maybe one can step up and make the top tier a 4-way match?
  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    also about the glitching, at this point it is moot to keep throwing it at hoorah about using it. it is however entirely valid to point the finger at PWI for not addressing it in a timely fashion. we depend on the GMs to respond to these issues that effect the outcome of TWs and they are severely ignoring a tactic that needs to be patched or enforced.
  • lagunal8
    lagunal8 Posts: 48 Arc User
    strife614 wrote: »
    Hoorah hasn't used fake bids to bolster the success of their attacks or defenses.
    hoorah just uses transposition TW glitches
    lol? Vindi does the same even tho Erig and half of them brag they don't use it come up with better excuses
    who says its an excuse lol what is it an excuse for?​​
    A.K.A DECEPTISTAR I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha... [img][/img]
    ★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • booker27
    booker27 Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    was that LC was able to provide gear but sanct was able to provide STRUCTURE.
    Many LC player actually complain that sanc players are far more geared than LC players. hard to say which server had most gear
    hoorah won due to the massive vindi hate
    Are we playing on the same server? Hoorah is far more hated than vindicate will ever be. lots of people have hated hoorah to the point of pinpointing anything bad to them even when they did nothing. Majority of kaku players at least before the merger hated hoorah and trash talked them in their guild chat that officers didnt know what to do anymore to stop it. just ask their officers, thats not why i left tho. Lets not even talk about a certain incident that that made hoorah those horrible people when vindi were anything but honest, but better not open that can of worms here.
    they really needed to merge more than a few factions
    Not trying to defend hoorah here but.. vindi = tier 1, china town = tier 1 what tier 1 faction did hoorah have to ally/merge with?
    no one.

    most shinra people went to kakumau actually ask them. a group of people joining another faction doesnt equal a faction merger to me. only recently insurrect people began joining hoorah. One or two people that were there before doesnt equal merger. Hoorah needed more than one ally because there was no tier 1 ally available for them. Most of knights people are NV3 that are 2-3 shots (no offence intended) for example.

    First day of hoorah ct tw, hoorah had 100 sign ups ct had like 150 or something. what does that tell you? hoorah lacked people, they NEEDED allies to fight vindi/ct. people keep whining wah wah wah hoorah has too many allies but won't even try to think why is that, rather just whine no?

    as for the lesser players in hoorah's plan, i hope your individual factions are satisfied with the outcome. it looks to me by what kniraven said and a few other facts running around, that the smaller factions were basically plundered for resources in order to stack hoorah. i cant be mad at this again, it is the natural response of a server to a faction that maintains a streak. nobody should take that personally. but i wonder if the "human assets" that were absorbed by hoorah will return to their homes? it was suggested that the alliance didnt care who won as long as it wasnt vindi, but the truth is that those factions just threw their own seasons away to ensure hoorah won. that is not the same statement and doesnt really speak of mutual benefit.
    people love to pretend the allies are hoorah's dog servants arent they? do you honestly think their allies are so stupid? the dude kniraven pretty much told you why and what was the goal but you guys rather twist it around to the version of the story you like

    shall people start calling chinatown, vindi's dog servant as well oh look chinatown members moved to vindicate, vindi asked their dogs to come protect the faction

    Imma just repeat myself:
    vindicate tired of hoorah trash talk? have you ever considered ignoring them? i dont even know why you guys always get so upset by whatever it is some hoorah members say that are so painfuly obviously bait. I dont even know why people get so damn upset over **** random people say in the game like... who the **** cares. log off and they are gone.

    im not here to defend hoorah tbh because i dont like their trash talk either but you know.. i can just ignore them and move on with my day, but you guys always gotta make such a huge deal about it especially when ITS SUCH AN OBVIOUS BAIT LOL

    man these forum suck cant even quote properly i give up
  • davidmurphy
    davidmurphy Posts: 31 Arc User
    lagunal8 said:

    strife614 wrote: »

    Hoorah hasn't used fake bids to bolster the success of their attacks or defenses.

    hoorah just uses transposition TW glitches

    lol? Vindi does the same even tho Erig and half of them brag they don't use it come up with better excuses

    who says its an excuse lol what is it an excuse for?​​

    u pretty much just stated like thats the only way we can win tw.maybe its not an excuse but don't go siting there and saying hoorah uses transposition in tw like it's the only way we win 1vs1 vindi,Erig and half of vindi sat there and **** talked on forums over it saying they don't use it which is funny cuz SuchaFreak in the tw with hoorah vs vindi was in the wall and other cata barbs too. vindi lost to us and get more soured then a grape fruit which is funny