TW Discussion - Twilight Temple



  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
  • capnk
    capnk Posts: 486 Arc User
    I can't wait for the next territory reset in six months so Raventail can come back again!
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Such a rough TW, turns out a lot of Stormbringers in large scale PvP just make the game unplayable :( spent the whole hour lagging from one vortex to another with 1 FPS n no options to counter it, seeing how Stormbringers are only going up in popularity thats a big RIP for any fun TWs :( also had to stop recording due to the extreme FPS situation, but my TW video wudve looked something like

  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    dingo488 wrote: »
    Such a rough TW, turns out a lot of Stormbringers in large scale PvP just make the game unplayable :( spent the whole hour lagging from one vortex to another with 1 FPS n no options to counter it, seeing how Stormbringers are only going up in popularity thats a big RIP for any fun TWs :( also had to stop recording due to the extreme FPS situation, but my TW video wudve looked something like ~removed~
    If your FPS is that bad, it's most likely your system. If your system is that bad, turning off graphic features can help a lot. Simple models is one of the easiest for a TW battle, and you can also turn the effects down without completely disabling them. (Disabled, you wouldn't see the vortex to know to avoid it.)

    In our battle we faced several Stormbringers, and getting out of that vortex is actually pretty easy. Just hit a Vac powder and leave. HP and other speed pots works fine as well.​​

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  • lordkidaa#0823
    lordkidaa#0823 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    thread still going o.o;;
  • lagunal8
    lagunal8 Posts: 48 Arc User
    for the first time since their making hoorah had a 6 defense tiger-1.gif open the champagne bottles qontroL is going balistic​​
    A.K.A DECEPTISTAR I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha... [img][/img]
    ★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous
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  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    dingo488 wrote: »
    10/10 bait thread

    Your analysis of China Town throwing away their own plans for the TW season could be applied to other factions who allied in the cause of "bigger" factions as well, such as Knights, Insurrect and DemiGodz who selflessly allied in the name of getting any other faction to win the season other than CT or Vindi. It's a great cause and I'm impressed how the factions worked together, but in the end there really was only one faction who was going to win that. I'm sure the times they gave up land to help you in multiple attacks were not for their own wallets.
    Successful alliances are symbiotic relationships. The only difference between the Vindicate/CT alliance and the Hoorah/Knights/Insurrect/DemiGoDz alliance is that Vindicate's alliance is currently is a give and take (CT took a land last week, We took a land this week), whereas yours is a Give, Give, Give, Take... (Hoorah took a land each time the last few weeks, Knights and Insu both lost lands every week) So lets not go there...
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I would disagree, Knights/Insurrect/Demigodz all arent big enough to be considered a Tier 1 faction. They have no chance of winning the TW season. Where I would argue that ChinaTown is a lot stronger than Vindicate, not only that but ChinaTown actually managed to beat Hoorah where as Vindicate didnt even come remotely close.

    The statement ''CT took a land last week, We took a land this week'' is quite hilarious to me.
    Vindicate didnt take anything, Vindicate was given the land, we made the choice to let u guys get that land, none of that was on you, if we wanted to we couldve just as easily smashed u guys as we did last week, but we wanted to fight CT this week since Vindicate didnt put up a very entertaining fight...turtling on an attack TW...

    The bottemline is I dont like these alliances. They take away from the big 1v1 TWs between Tier 1 factions. Especially when small none-TW factions feel the need to get involved too.


    And Hoorah didnt have a 6-way defense, we literally only fought 1 faction, and the 1 faction we did fight wasnt even prepared to fight us.

    2 of the factions didnt show up and 2 that did show up had less than 1 single squad, these factionleaders can expect to get punished for this.

    Its comparable to ur celebrating ur multi-defense last week, cept we're not as stupid as to claim they all showed up while it was just a series of no-shows
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    xD while I agree with you that alliances can take away from the "real fight" sometimes... you are essentially admitting that Hoorah's allies gave up their attacks and lands to help you obtain a goal, and had no chance whatsoever benefit from that because they aren't tier 1 and therefore are "small non-TW" factions in your eyes. Basically a Pawn to Hoorah. And you were saying that CT were the ones whose efforts were being wasted by Vindi....

    To me, that statement that would be a major kick in the pants after sticking my neck out if I were one of your allies.

    dingo488 wrote: »
    Its comparable to ur celebrating ur multi-defense last week, cept we're not as stupid as to claim they all showed up while it was just a series of no-shows

    How do you come to know that the 7 way defense we had last week were all no shows? If that's true (which I am pretty sure it's not) Why did 6-7 factions attack with Hoorah if they were no showing? Are you admitting in written word that a coordinated attack your faction made were all fake bids?
  • ooklong
    ooklong Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Maybe people are overthinking things. Hoorah's allies are the ones that choose where hoorah attack and defend based on a weekly poll on the website. With this image as the calendar thumbnail.

  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    you are essentially admitting that Hoorah's allies gave up their attacks and lands to help you obtain a goal

    -> Yes, thats exactly what im saying. I believe they chose to go this route due to the Vindi/CT alliance being formed.

    And you were saying that CT were the ones whose efforts were being wasted by Vindi

    -> Yes, thats what im saying, cuz Vindicate got roflstomped even tho ChinaTown has been holding off Hoorah for you basically since the start of the season, I dont even know how you guys messed this season up, ChinaTown gave you a shot in front of an open goal and u still missed. You guys only had to show up for 1 single week in a 3-month season and you still couldnt make it happen.

    To me, that statement that would be a major kick in the pants after sticking my neck out if I were one of your allies.

    -> I would assume Insurrect/Knights know what they are doing, especially after repeating it for multiple weeks.

    How do you come to know that the 7 way defense we had last week were all no shows?

    -> I talk to people.

    Why did 6-7 factions attack with Hoorah if they were no showing?

    -> I dont know, ask them?

    Are you admitting in written word that a coordinated attack your faction made were all fake bids?​​

    -> Im not involved with these discussions so I dont know, though I believe 3 out of the 7 factions are owned by your very own members. Theory could be that Vindicate bid on themselves to push Hoorah into another timeslot as 8 TWs wont fit in the same timeslot and 1 would be bumped to another day, sadly this happened to Nefarious instead..Im not looking for this to be confirmed or denied, Im just throwing the theory out there.


    I thought I was speaking in normal common english but apparently to you its like reading Shakespeare, since u seem to require an explaination from everything Ive sad, Its like im talking to a 5-year old, didnt realise anything I said was so complicated, I feel like future communication might be difficult since the most basic of english is apparently still lost on you.
  • lagunal8
    lagunal8 Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    eirghanpoo there is a reason why his name has a trol weaved into it tiger-1.gif dont cross his bridge ​​
    A.K.A DECEPTISTAR I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha... [img][/img]
    ★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous
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  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    dingo488 said:


    dingo488 said:

    I thought I was speaking in normal common english....

    I was able to decipher what you were saying actually. I didn't ask you to clarify due to lack of understanding of your language, I just couldn't believe my eyes that you would publicly take a **** all over your allies right at the end of the season. Guess I should have seen that coming xD
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Its never good to overrate ur allies, even when they are ur allies. We dont make an alliance to sit in a circle around the campfire and jerk eachother off and compliment eachother on our shoes.

    ChinaTown made that mistake this season, I hope they dont do that again. Im really looking forward to ChinaTown and Hoorah fighting it out over who is the #1 faction next season. The whole ''Vindicate = Sanctuary's #1 faction'' shroud is kinda gone, so I hope they come to their senses, this alliance stuff is not good. I want to see Insurrect/Knights fight Legendary/Kakumau over who is the strongest Tier 2 faction. And I want to see Hoorah/ChinaTown fight over who is the strongest Tier 1 faction. And Vindicate can just sit in a corner and do nothing, while telling eachother how good their faction once was before they joined, all season long, like they have been doing for the past 3 seasons.
  • strife614
    strife614 Posts: 22 Arc User
    This next weekend is a great opportunity for all. Hoorah attack on Archosaur. What will you do? I will be going to get candy though so maybe we could get some fake bids to bump that Vindi TW to Sunday? I'd appreciate it. Otherwise nobody gonna build towers :smirk:


  • barbslayer456
    barbslayer456 Posts: 5 Arc User
    Wow qontrol, your posts show much bias towards Hoorah and how strongly you hate Vindicate, probably because they had such a long reign on Sanctuary, and Hoorah tried so hard for so long to finally win a season. I do applaud them for their victory, however its a shame they needed their whole alliance to attack every week to ensure the victory. Of course you can boast that Hoorah beat Vindicate in the only 1v1 the 2 factions had the entire season, but 1 fight does not really prove much. Vindicate had gone about 4 months, since the end of season 7, since a fight with Hoorah. Hoorah has had plenty of TW practice against CT, so they were back in the swing of things, whereas Vindi just got back into the swing of things.

    Also, I wouldnt say that CT was more focused on Vindi than on their own TW, I mean, do all 200 or so of their people have a character in Vindi as to where they would rather TW in Vindicate than in ChinaTown? No, probably at max like 10 people, but I heard due to European time change many missed TW as well. Its a shame for them, but hey, it happens, can't win them all.

    The fact that one of the top factions, being Hoorah, and probably the 4th and 5th best factions, needed to multi attack Vindi to secure Hoorah wins shows Vindis strength solely based on that. I know they dont want Vindi to win, but Hoorah could have tested Vindi out first to see if it was really necessary, but Hoorah would rather gain free land from Vindi, I believe you said it was given not earned, regarding Vindis land from Hoorah, and the same principle applies here. Hoorah was given land from Vindi because they got no showed when Hoorah attacked. In the Hoorah attack, it took Hoorah, who again has had TW with CT almost the whole season, 2 hours and 20 minutes to take down the out of practice Vindicate crystal. Not bad for people who havent TWed in a while is it? And I've seen the few videos and talked to people, Vindi wasn't turtling, but with the sheer tankiness of barbs these days, what are you to expect, it takes quite a bit to take down an end game barb. Some have 70k+ HP and many are now candleflame.

    You say the alliances didn't impact the outcome of the season at all, but it is completely the reason Hoorah is in the lead, and if it were to end this week, would most likely be declared the victor. Hoorah's entire alliance, Knights, Insurrect, DemiGodz and Hoorah attacked Vindi, and most likely it was planned. To all max bid at the same time takes a bit of planning, especially since none of these factions max bid at start the rest of the season, except for Insu trying to take Archosaur.

    You also state that Vindicate didn't beat Hoorah or ChinaTown. First of all, why would Vindicate attack their one ally against the rest of the server? Just because you wanted it to happen and were practically begging to ChinaTown that they needed to attack Vindicate? Because you knew that Vindicate is a force that can beat Hoorah, and you needed to be sure they didn't win again. When you realized you couldn't achieve your goal, you jumped ship and went back to Hoorah.

    Constantly you say, Vindicate doesn't count, Vindicate isn't good, Vindicate didn't put up a good fight, whereas CT you don't talk about in the same manner. Sounds like you have an obsession to take down Vindicate. Just saying :)

    As far as the Vindicate 8 defense weekend, I believe that the 4 Hoorah alliance factions put up an effort to show, as did Nefarious, but the other 3 did not. You claim these are Vindicate factions, but they didnt pop up until after LC merged with Sanc, other than Arcadia, 3/4 of the factions in the Hoorah alliance are from LC, so sounds like they are tied to them, but this is purely speculation.

    I dont know why you would say all other 6 fights were no shows, Insurrect, Knights, and DemiGodz would no show and attack with Hoorah? No showing an attack is against the ToS, if Hoorah's allies would really do this they would really do anything just so Hoorah could win a TW season lol. This is just another ploy to discredit Vindicate, and is completely false. There is video evidence that these factions showed to TW. Which discredits most of what you have to say because you are clearly lying to make Vindicate look bad. (wow we keep coming back to that lol).

    Just to wrap this up, Vindicate was clearly Sanctuary's #1 faction, they won all but 1 season, and a majority of the time they were taking land from Hoorah in the last few seasons (not gonna go too far into the past), while Hoorah has always gained a majority of land from smaller factions that stand no chance in a defense against Hoorah. I myself was hoping that alliances would be mostly for PK, since 1 faction cant really end up fighting the rest of the server, but unfortunately it made its way to the TW scene. Which, as I will kindly point out, started mostly because the Hoorah alliance triple bid on Vindicate right as bidding started 2 weeks ago, so of course Vindicate and CT would decide to attack together on Hoorah. Why let 1 alliance stop all over you while you also have an alliance?

    Vindicate is still a tier 1 faction, I dont see how a 2 hour and 20 minute TW with Hoorah makes them a tier 2. But again you are just trying to make them look bad lol. If Vindicate has been claiming for the last 3 seasons how good they are but were not actually good, how did they win the last 2 season (season 6 and season 7) with a majority of the map, most of those wins against Hoorah? Did they beat Hoorah because Vindi bragged so much Hoorah got scared? Please if you are going to say this have something to back it up. Vindicate beat Hoorah about 90% of the time, and 1 loss, after 1 fight doesn't really prove much. Probably could've gone the full 3 hours, but in an attack TW there's no point in turtling, as you also pointed out.
  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    at the end of the day the only thing that matters is who won.

    i hope the entire server is happy that they could finally dethrone Vindicate in some fashion but please dont act like it was a clean, prideful win. Hoorah did any and everything it could to win, including breaking the rules and generating a strategy based on a glitch/exploit. Hoorah needed almost every tier 2 faction to assist them in weakening their opponents. Hoorah needed to treat their own members a certain way to field the top-geared ppl.

    but what Hoorah hasn't done, similar to how they did in seasons past, was show up and win on their own power without sacrificing their own allies and members to a few people's egos.

    its real easy to declaim how great Hoorah is by closing your eyes to everything but the standings. but if hoorah wins this season, will they be able to continue? are all of these factions still going to support you now that you easily and flippantly referred to their obediance? Can Hoorah repeat this season without needing 3 other factions bid with them? can Hoorah successfully defend against 3-4 attacks from credible threats?

    i'm not even going to say Hoorah CANT do that, in fact i hope they do since some of those members i actually like. i think it is good for competition when one faction is not winning all of the time. just dont get so cocky because you managed to galvanize a server against Vindi, when you win you become the enemy.

    i'm pretty sure more factions will be gearing up and players will be graduating up and down the tiers. a bit of humility goes a long way in this chest-pounding charge-o-matic game.

    talk tough when you are defending champs.
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    strife614 said:

    maybe we could get some fake bids to bump that Vindi TW to Sunday?

    Man, I've heard it all, from Vindicate's leader being banned and wiped from the character database for taking the whole map by fake factions named Vindi1, Vindi2, Vindi3 5 years ago (We have all of our leaders still in faction by the way and I know who made fake bids in the first few years of TW on sanctuary as well as you do -- if you don't you should because they're in your faction!) to Vindi max fake bidding using a parody of our own name on a land bordering our land where we naturally would want to bid. At the end its pretty clear it's all just more rumors spread around to make Vindi look like the rule breaking hypocrites of the server. Same old, same old... Except now there's a larger audience who haven't watched the history of the factions and have to trust the talk instead of the walk... How long will talk be enough to outweigh contradictory actions people witness? We watched a blatant disregard for rules of bidding on allied faction's lands this season. That was an action that was observable by a verifiable faction. But Vindi is doing the fake bidding. Hmm.....

    You guys should just embrace the image you enjoy rather than trying to pretend you're something you're not. What happened to the Hoorah of the "dark side"?
  • daymond
    daymond Posts: 273 Arc User
    Just thought I would add my 10 cents.
    1.) Hoorah is indeed the stronger guild, but that does not mean allies do not play a role. Hoorah does not have endurance. Such has been admitted by Dball. When they try to do more than 1 large scale war in a day, their attendance plummets down. This caused their loss to CT one week.

    2.) Knights and Insurrect multi-attack Vindicate each week, so that Vindicate must choose to defend us or Hoorah. We know they will choose to lose less land and give Hoorah a crystal walk. This ensures that Hoorah members will only have to fight one difficult battle and they won't suffer attendance issues.

    3.) Qontrol is one of many. Every guild has people who are obnoxious. Some guilds have obnoxious leaders. None of that really matters. This season's goal was for there to be a new winner for the new server, and challenge the monopolization of TW which has been happening for years. It doesn't matter to us if Hoorah won, Legendary won, or Oldies won. A member of our alliance doesn't have to win to make our goal a success, and what Qontrol may think of me doesn't effect much either.

    As for Knights, Insurrect, Legendary, and Kakumau:

    Knights beat Legendary in less than 1 hour (in a defense war too)
    Knights beat Kakumau twice (defense, as well as an attack that was less than 1 hour)

    Videos Below:
    Knights vs Kakumau
    Knights vs Legendary
    alFcxeg.png | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven |
  • bannedabuse
    bannedabuse Posts: 38 Arc User
    Hoorah's full of annoying people.

  • dontbemadman
    dontbemadman Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    vindicate is full of pregnant people, they all scream together on forum after getting mass r***ed

    shut up or put up, go merge with your other dog factions or go back to arch age
  • barbslayer456
    barbslayer456 Posts: 5 Arc User
    Hoorah didn't lose to CT due to bad endurance, although it may be true they have bad endurance, which I haven't seen in the past really. However, Hoorah lost that TW due to horrible coordination, and missing their strongest squad.

    Everyone, that I have talked to that knows you, has told me you yourself do not even like Hoorah, yet you would rather them win over other people. So this is who you support? Why? Because they protect you? Even though Hoorah people openly trash Knights and Insurrect, you do what they say.
    Also, idk why everyone says Vindi and CT pass around characters, they look like alts to me to help out in TW if need be. Obviously Vindi was going to be multi attacked, so a good ally would put useful characters in the ally faction to assist a multi defense. All the rest but 1 actually moved to Vindi from CT for permanent, this isnt some faction hop for TW. People are allowed to move factions right? I mean half of Insu's strong people now are in Hoorah, and many of Knights strong recruits from Sanc are also now in Hoorah. Did they hop for TW as well and will return? Or are all the good people from both factions really going to Hoorah for good? Hoorah has all these people and they still cant attempt to defend Vindi and CT? I heard from people in Hoorah they were recruiting hard to be able to defend both, but they have all those people and wont even try to defend both?

    Also, in that Vindi defense against Hoorah, apparently not many CT people actually played in that defense, it was almost all 80 Vindicate. So much for you guys trying to feel better about beating Vindi by telling yourselves that tons of characters needed to move over to fight Hoorah.
  • feymir
    feymir Posts: 10 Arc User
    lololol so much jealousy towards vindi
  • ooklong
    ooklong Posts: 7 Arc User
    Desperate vindicate attempts to cause friction between alliances. Kniraven has always acted on the best interest of his guild. Everything else is secondary. You guys act as if he's not part of the decisions being made. Sorry to disappoint, but he's not on anyone's leash like "people who know him" led you to believe. :D

    Pretty much grasping at straws to quote a person who is from Chinatown since the merger and only recently joined hoorah. In Battlefront Report - Twilight Temple thread no less. lol No point to keep typing this post. This silliness will be removed by mods anyway.
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    ooklong wrote: »
    ....l No point to keep typing this post. This silliness will be removed by mods anyway.

    I've been keeping a close eye on it. It's been pretty borderline today. (well most of yesterday technically)
    So far it's not like it was last time I had to do cleanup, but it's getting close.

    Loved the toilets BTW.​​

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  • booker27
    booker27 Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Vindicate/ChinaTown are allied that is two tier 1 factions. The other tier faction is Hoorah. So that is two tier 1 factions against one. Of course Hoorah needed allies because do you people honestly think hoorah had a chance against TWO tier 1 factions? just by the numbers of people alone hoorah can't do it by itself. So i don't see why some people keep complaining about hoorah's alliance.

    What did you guys want to happen? have hoorah be by itself? hoorah would just get ganked 2v1 in tw, they would win some tws but they would always lose lands and one of the two factions (vindi or ct) would always get no shows (how exciting) because like i said, its two tier 1 factions against one. In pk you would basically roll hoorah simply by outnumbering them and then hoorah would give up and you would have nobody to pk against. (well things have been quiet lately but there's been plenty of big pks) What would vindi/ct do then? would they begin fighting each other, or would they just sit there doing nothing?

    I don't kno about you guys but im happy hoorah has allies because this actually makes two strong sides that can fight each other. There is actual competition. Or do you guys prefer quiet times when you have nothing to do?

    Now when people stop pointing fingers at each other. We all know vindi is not some innocent saint, they have members that exploited cheats, seekers that use transportation glitch back to hoorah and ct was well known on LC for fake bidding their lands to mess up multi-defence times so the fakes bids on hoorah and vindi lands could very well have been ct but we'll never know who did so why idk why people keep trying to find someone to blame.

    Also when will people realise that those who trash talk do it to get a reaction out of people or do it for gigglez. Most of these people wouldn't give two shets if they are trashed talked back and probably don't give a rats butt about pwi's players as soon as they log off. People time and again get offended and bothered by what trash talkers say and that only makes the trash talkers do it MORE because people react to it. Most of these people are actually pretty ok and fun to be around if you get to know them. And as you can see im not specifically pointing any trash talker from any faction because.. lo and behold ALL FACTIONS HAVE THEM

    and last like someone else said.. when will people realise one person =/= whole faction just because you know 5 people that troll and trash talk it doesn't mean the rest of the faction is full of butts ijs. Hoorah has some nice, friendly people and many who just join together for a common goal, regardless of win or loss. Vindicate has plenty of cool people, that are fun to play with. CT has some nice people that are cool and totally chill about the game even if others might not think so just because some CT members rage all day long.

    But hey we cant have pwi without trash talking and drama and pointing fingers at each other. Sanctuary trash talkers and lost city trash talkers joined together to create a server of mega trash talking i don't think any server can even get close to our level of trash tralking.

    I wish there were no allies, just vind vs ct vs hoorah and knights, insu, whatever again lg and kaku tho lg and kaku dont really pk but they would have tws. would be funny to see what could have happened if vindi ct and hoorah all met together and were all pking against each other.. no sides, just 3 top factions slauthering one another.
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Ayylmao everyone comes out of the closet, well played friends B) Ive had my fun, I shall be taking my leave

    On a more serious note, who cares who wins the season? Its not like you win anything, and proving ur the strongest group of 80 in a game where only 300 people PvP isnt exactly a great accomplishment either. However Im happy to see you guys still care so much, we need people to care, else this game is just gonna be boring.
  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    I love how everyone is just assuming the season is over.

    When was the last time PWE ended the season at the right time?
    That's right. "Never" was the correct answer. monkey-2.gif
    Soonest so far was three weeks after it was officially supposed to end, and that's only happened once. It's more common 4-6 weeks, leaning more towards 6.

    Yes we have a new CM, yes he's talking the talk. No, we haven't heard anything solid on this yet.
    I don't blame Domino though, I mean he's been handed a pretty full plate and also has a lot of catching up to do.​​

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  • capnk
    capnk Posts: 486 Arc User
    Yeah remember that season that Legendary won? If it had ended on time Vindicate would have won that one also. Getting a lead is one thing, keeping it is another. Good luck Hoorah. Now your real work starts.

  • dagoddominator
    dagoddominator Posts: 218 Arc User
    so let me get this straight,

    vindi and ct are weak because they are allied and have a limited amount of shared players....

    but hoorah is strong because it employs about 3 smaller factions and has absorbed talent from many others ( lets face it, on sanct all competitive factions swap members, many of hoorahs top tier came from vindicate directly because of drama and vindi has hoorahs who left because of drama).... and this makes them strong?

    hoorah has no endurance to fight more than one competitive TW a day so they use their "dog factions" to mitigate the amount of work it takes to on the top...... and this makes them strong?

    i mean really, you cant fault vindi for the same thing you are claiming is your strength. a dominant faction will galvanize the rest of the server against them, over time it will work. happened to nef, and the rest of the dominant factions. facts of life there.

    my question is if hoorah wins, are the same "dog factions" going to be making sure they dont have to do any work to stay winning? its one thing to win and another to earn it. hoorah collapses when they lose, as they have in previous seasons. their new tactic worked (use other factions to dilute their opponents strength while they bid for advantage rather than competition) now but i dont see knights and insu backing them up once they win and are bragging like they won it on their own strength, which they didnt.

    the toilet gag was funny ill admit, but i wonder how well hoorah will take it when the tables are turned? last i checked the garbage truck gag moved with it's primary user from vindi to hoorah and stopped being used when he started having to get picked up by it. if you can dish it out, you can take it is all im saying.