Archer Class Seem Weak Right Now?
BTW.....i am not a fan of miraclin....i don't want to defense him or anything (i don't want to lol who cares if he is a fail)......i wonder if they both can gank saioxery.....which has much less OP gear than mira but much more advantages as a clerics.....0
patrickhuong wrote: »
Ps. I do love how somebody claims to be one of the best archers on archo w/o giving a nick. Funny coincidence, Nick is one of the best if not best but you arent him.
I hope your not here to troll I would love to keep this thread clean as possible and help archers out (if its even possible). You dont need to know who I am this a discussion about archer calss/skills/pvp so please keep it there. P.S there are many archers in Arch right now who can kill the person your talking about without breaking a sweat.
Why dont you name a few of them? Mira might be the only one who would kill him more than he would kill them back. That would be mostly due massive gear difference Mira has over anybody on server, which makes it silly to call him the best when he deals several times more damage than he takes to other archers.
You go and argue by argument from authority. Calling yourself one of the best and thus validating your opinion to over your peer is just that. So it actually is relevant to your argument if you are what you say you are. So I ask you, what are you called on Archosaur? Also name 5 archers who consistently beat Nick.
If I said I am (ONE OF THE BEST) means there are many others like me if not even better I never said (The Best) thus my argument is still valid. You have added 0 value to this conversation with your pointless yak yak please keep to the point.
As for the main point, it’s a well known fact that some archer skills are broken and they need some help and I hope PWI will one day do something about it.
Is this lets throw our brains out day? If you claim to be one of the best, you need to prove it for said argument to be valid. I have asked time after time after time for you to even give us your nick so we can determine if this is true or not. I am starting to believe you have no grounds for this statement. You can keep your anonymity if you want but claiming to be one of the best while doing so is fallacy at best.
You then said "Many archers can kill Nick w/o breaking a sweat". I do expect 5 examples as if they are many surely 5 is easy to come up with.
Archer class doesnt need adjustments to couple of skills, it needs a complete overhaul. There is 2 routes to it. Adjust certain things so archer is still an auto-attack class(Endless breeze works for archer autos for example) or rework the class so it becomes skillspam class like every other class in game currently. Either way simply reworking things to current meta isnt enough, archers need a plain buff in general too.
My point will be valid even if I am a rubbish archer, the fact that I play this class day in and day out means that I can tell which skills works and which doesnt or which skill is broken or which skill doesnt fit the descriptions.
As for other stuff I dont need to prove anything to you or I dont need to give you 5 examples...if you play in Arch server figure it out for yourself. I told you I am not gonna get into that, because we all can argue whos better or whos not until the cows come home and we will get nowhere, clearly you have far too much time on your hand so its pointless for to me to even bother lol (if you think my points are invalid thats fine and lets move on and let others discuss this class).
PWI will never rework this class they cant even get a simple log-in event right, that is just wishful thinking. I am just being practicle and want them to fix what is already there or just adjust what is already there so its more useful. If they can do more that is great but somehting need to be done.
I love this class and I hope something will be done sooner or later.
Peace0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »
i don't want to discuss strategy because everyone got their own........first he is being gank by the 2 OP people jarken is one of the OP archers in archo and the sin is also an OP sin which is not really undergeared compared to mira (yes he is a sheep but he still got aps and stuff). You claim that he AD too early......that's maybe true but consider he is hitting the archer then a sin(sheep) hit's nature reflex that he would AD to gain some extra second to finish off the archer....had the other archer not AD he would have been dropped......and the fight after that is kinna biased against the sheep (sin) because he keeps closing to mira leaving no room for mira to counter attack.....he did use the 1000% evasion buff but unlucky got purged.....against sins get a lot of advantages against archer in PK........and your video proves just that...
Look at the damage log. Asceia, one of the more OP sins on server deals 2k crits on selfbuffed archer. You also say how Jarkhen would of been killed during Miras AD had he not AD`d. Does that yell balanced toons to you? That difference is on the level of R8 vs R9. The difference is incredibly massive, if you dont understand that, there is not much point to continue this with you.
About the strategy part, if not strategy, what does make player good? His strategy in said video was horrible, basically worst approach on the fight he could of taken.
If you are playing by far most OP toon on server, would your reflex be to AD the moment you get hit? Like seriously? I cant stress how idiotic move that was.
I also would like to know how a sheep, who cant use skills, demonstrates sins strengths over archer?
As for Saio? Saio would of rekt those 2 sheep pretty hard. Any one of the more skilled archers if they had Miras gear would of done it all the same. The only reason sheep rekt in that video is because Mira really is that bad at his class. All he knows is how to CS, granted he is pretty phenomenal at that.0 -
My point will be valid even if I am a rubbish archer, the fact that I play this class day in and day out means that I can tell which skills works and which doesnt or which skill is broken or which skill doesnt fit the descriptions.
As for other stuff I dont need to prove anything to you or I dont need to give you 5 examples...if you play in Arch server figure it out for yourself. I told you I am not gonna get into that, because we all can argue whos better or whos not until the cows come home and we will get nowhere, clearly you have far too much time on your hand so its pointless for to me to even bother lol (if you think my points are invalid thats fine and lets move on and let others discuss this class).
PWI will never rework this class they cant even get a simple log-in event right, that is just wishful thinking. I am just being practicle and want them to fix what is already there or just adjust what is already there so its more useful. If they can do more that is great but somehting need to be done.
I love this class and I hope something will be done sooner or later.
So you make a claim how you know something because you are one of the best archers on server. To you it then doesnt matter if you were trash in reality. Yea, maybe its better we are done, I rather not lose more IQ points trying to understand these points.0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »
i don't want to discuss strategy because everyone got their own........first he is being gank by the 2 OP people jarken is one of the OP archers in archo and the sin is also an OP sin which is not really undergeared compared to mira (yes he is a sheep but he still got aps and stuff). You claim that he AD too early......that's maybe true but consider he is hitting the archer then a sin(sheep) hit's nature reflex that he would AD to gain some extra second to finish off the archer....had the other archer not AD he would have been dropped......and the fight after that is kinna biased against the sheep (sin) because he keeps closing to mira leaving no room for mira to counter attack.....he did use the 1000% evasion buff but unlucky got purged.....against sins get a lot of advantages against archer in PK........and your video proves just that...
Look at the damage log. Asceia, one of the more OP sins on server deals 2k crits on selfbuffed archer. You also say how Jarkhen would of been killed during Miras AD had he not AD`d. Does that yell balanced toons to you? That difference is on the level of R8 vs R9. The difference is incredibly massive, if you dont understand that, there is not much point to continue this with you.
About the strategy part, if not strategy, what does make player good? His strategy in said video was horrible, basically worst approach on the fight he could of taken.
If you are playing by far most OP toon on server, would your reflex be to AD the moment you get hit? Like seriously? I cant stress how idiotic move that was.
I also would like to know how a sheep, who cant use skills, demonstrates sins strengths over archer?
As for Saio? Saio would of rekt those 2 sheep pretty hard. Any one of the more skilled archers if they had Miras gear would of done it all the same. The only reason sheep rekt in that video is because Mira really is that bad at his class. All he knows is how to CS, granted he is pretty phenomenal at that.
i smell jellous in your sentence......why do you and all others hate CSers that much lol
anyway you claim that he AD too soon...but do you notice he only AD when the other sheep hit him? maybe he realize the sheep is asceia (or whatever his name is). As i said that sheep is one of the most OP sins in archo sever. I was 1 shot by him many times and so do others (a sin that can 1 shot a RRR9 archer with 28k physical deff and 900 spirit and 23k HP......but only 47 deff LVs though (don't have JOSD yet) )'s natural reflex that you would AD when you see his name and he is asping you...
how horrible is his strategy.....or you pointed out is that he AD too fast......that is arguable......maybe he recognize the sheep as asceia, maybe he want some "free moment" to finish off the other archer....really all you said is that he AD too fast......
to your question "i also would like to know how a sheep, who can't use skills, demonstrates sins strengths over archer" your video proves just that.........
i think you either being 1 shot by mira too many times or you just hate CSers in general.......
like i said the whole reason why you have this video because archer is a dead class with no advantages when it comes to PK with equal gears player especially sin even in sheep form.....anyway if you can post a video how an archer can win these 2 "sheeps" i would like to see
anyway i feel like you were pre-occupied with the feelings toward no matter what he does you would label it fail/noob/don't know how to play class.....
you might not like my responses but mine are from a completely outsider who doesn't like/dislike miraclin.........Post edited by patrickhuong on0 -
To tell the truth I do think most archers are kinda bad these days. That's because a lot of the top players got too frustrated with the lousy state of the class and have either rerolled to a new class or have quit the game.0
patrickhuong wrote: »i smell jellous in your sentence......why do you and all others hate CSers that much lol
anyway you claim that he AD too soon...but do you notice he only AD when the other sheep hit him? maybe he realize the sheep is asceia (or whatever his name is). As i said that sheep is one of the most OP sins in archo sever. I was 1 shot by him many times and so do others (a sin that can 1 shot a RRR9 archer with 28k physical deff and 900 spirit and 23k HP......but only 47 deff LVs though (don't have JOSD yet) )'s natural reflex that you would AD when you see his name and he is asping you...
how horrible is his strategy.....or you pointed out is that he AD too fast......that is arguable......maybe he recognize the sheep as asceia, maybe he want some "free moment" to finish off the other archer....really all you said is that he AD too fast......
to your question "i also would like to know how a sheep, who can't use skills, demonstrates sins strengths over archer" your video proves just that.........
i think you either being 1 shot by mira too many times or you just hate CSers in general.......
like i said the whole reason why you have this video because archer is a dead class with no advantages when it comes to PK with equal gears player especially sin even in sheep form.....anyway if you can post a video how an archer can win these 2 "sheeps" i would like to see
anyway i feel like you were pre-occupied with the feelings toward no matter what he does you would label it fail/noob/don't know how to play class.....
you might not like my responses but mine are from a completely outsider who doesn't like/dislike miraclin.........
Are you high? You go make assumptions bout me with couple posts on an online forum as your evidence, ppl these days.
First of all, I am CSer to an extent. I have never cared if somebody CS or farms or whatever for their gear as long as they arent dicks bout it. I am really only commenting this way because ppl bring up the perfect example of gear gap in this game and act like he actually is good when all the evidence show to the opposite conclusion. He isnt and now that he has toned his ego down a bit I really dont have much problems with him. I do not consider him even average skilled archer though but that has nothing to do with my feelings towards him.
I suspect those numbers are buffed as that spirit number base would not make any sense with that hp. Its a bit high, even with spirit coin, maybe you counted inkblood to it too? Either way, relatively low stats for buffed archer.
I regret this but I try once more to express this in a way even idiot should understand it. If you are as geared as Mira, you dont ever insta AD when you get hit, no matter who is hitting. I dont insta AD to +12 dag sins jumping on me unless I have to and I have oh so much less defenses than Mira. Even chaining ZCs Asceia would of needed to go trough 50k+ hp(Mira is 25k+ hp base). This would of taken 10+ hits. Like sure, insta AD might make sense to lowbie archers but we arent talking of such toon.
How can video show what advantage a freaking sin has over archer when its a transformed sheep? It has no skills, all it can do is auto-attack. It would be the same thing if it was any melee class turned to a sheep. Well, some of those would be tankier so not completely the same thing.
If you find me a sin & archer I outgear by similar extent as Mira did outgear those 2 sheep, I will gladly show how its done. Those 2 specific sheep do outgear me personally though and fairly mundane task would be quite a bit harder on my toon. My gear is basically a step down from Jarkhen in pretty much every sense(Refines, cards, etc.).
And lastly, I explained step by step his mistakes in that fight. How on earth is that calling him fail no matter what he did?0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »
i don't think he could do any better? he did use everything he could to survive.....once agin you prove that archers are not good at 1 VS 1 even with super OP you see how easy it is to counter his leaps? you don't even need tele to do that.....BTW he got purge by other sheep.......this makes him dead lol
ok i give you credit for "buying" neuma portal drop this topic please......what i mean is that it is too expensive to consider as "buying" which means not many can have them.....
and for apm affecting well let's see.......i am sure more than 6 classes have that exists in some form or another like wizzy's undine, and SB's -100% metal and water deff (this is much more effective lol) and searching moon light which increase 15% damge (damn SB have all kind of amps), like you said DB copycat skill from BM.....and cleric mark of weakness too.....that amp effect that you said is just simply increase damge output which i think most classes have it.
If you think he could do no better, I really doubt your opinion regarding this class has much value.
His biggest mistake was his hard-on for Jarkhen. Had he, like anybody with half a brain, simply used Aim Low/Stun as he sage to Asceia at start, he would of had way more room drop Jarkhen/even Asceia before the other could of helped much. He then proceeds to AD with 90% hp, no charm tick used(This is the point where "He could do nothing better" lost all credibility). After this he, like the dummy he is, leaps w/o locking Asceia down but as a result allows him to follow him(Sheep has small movement speed buff on it). After this comes the Condor + Purge. It was clutch purge, I give you that, the condor was imo bit late though. Also, he could of went for WoG after purge over running towards the archer hitting him... WoG would of been risky, might of died during channel, to be safe he could of simply used apoth even if it might of stunned him in case he wasnt carrying pan gus. Either way, basically every time he made decision in that fight it was the wrong one. For crying out loud, he dropped in 20s to sheep who could not even use skills.
Now, the reason why I am speaking specifically of amps is because test dummy has no defenses. This renders anything that reduces defenses useless on it `cept for skills, which reduce defense levels .So I`have to say, try again.
is this what your strategy is.......if you said you have nothing against mira...i don't belive you... makes sense to drop jarken first because he knows he can kill jarken......they probably fought each other a lot in NW and i said if jarken didn't AD he would have been dropped.....
what do you mean by he would have more room to drop jarken? he did stun him/aps him until jarken AD which he couldn't do anything from that point.....until this mira has not done anything wrong......
now come the part that you claim he is stupid.....AD....he might be a bit too fast i give you that but i already give you possible reasons why he does that which you don't seem to accept. It's fine...keep in mind he is fighting 2 persons at the same time.....
he leaps without locking Asceia......this i need to correct you.....he didn't lock down ascia at the first leap because his stun arrow still on cool down......and he did like you said lock down asceia before he made the second leap....but ascia AD or stun arrow missed (come on lock down sin.....are you kidding? lock down sin through tidal protection? give me a break) to this can see how useless the leap skills are......they can be easily countered by a sheep. Up to this point he didn't do anything wrong......but i also have a disagreement with him.....he should drop jarken first before focusing on using WOG and stun/aps jarken to dead........well maybe he has something against Asciea. Again, he did use blessing of the cordon.....if he didn't get purge i think he has the chance to fight back.......why he didn't use WOG? my guess is that he is out of chi/spark since he use the speed skill at the start......0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »is this what your strategy is.......if you said you have nothing against mira...i don't belive you... makes sense to drop jarken first because he knows he can kill jarken......they probably fought each other a lot in NW and i said if jarken didn't AD he would have been dropped.....
what do you mean by he would have more room to drop jarken? he did stun him/aps him until jarken AD which he couldn't do anything from that point.....until this mira has not done anything wrong......
now come the part that you claim he is stupid.....AD....he might be a bit too fast i give you that but i already give you possible reasons why he does that which you don't seem to accept. It's fine...keep in mind he is fighting 2 persons at the same time.....
he leaps without locking Asceia......this i need to correct you.....he didn't lock down ascia at the first leap because his stun arrow still on cool down......and he did like you said lock down asceia before he made the second leap....but ascia AD or stun arrow missed (come on lock down sin.....are you kidding? lock down sin through tidal protection? give me a break) to this can see how useless the leap skills are......they can be easily countered by a sheep. Up to this point he didn't do anything wrong......but i also have a disagreement with him.....he should drop jarken first before focusing on using WOG and stun/aps jarken to dead........well maybe he has something against Asciea. Again, he did use blessing of the cordon.....if he didn't get purge i think he has the chance to fight back.......why he didn't use WOG? my guess is that he is out of chi/spark since he use the speed skill at the start......
It might make sense to drop Jarkhen first but he had such hard-on for him he completely exposed himself to be perfectly ganked by Asceia. Considering they were both sheep and Mira jumped them the moment they got out, I have to assume there was knowledge they both would be participating. Had mira simply used Aim Low on Asceia, he would of been out of fight for 8s, unable to aid jarkhen in any way. This would of given him room to finish Jarkhen while Asceia was unable to participate, I dont understand how hard this can be to understand.
I also said it earlier as you are clearly blind, sin had no tidal because it was a freaking sheep.
So, you are saying, Mira, out of all people, would come out with 1 spark? Its not like archers got skill, which gives them full sparks...
Ps. I tried but I cant quite take you seriously any longer.0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »is this what your strategy is.......if you said you have nothing against mira...i don't belive you... makes sense to drop jarken first because he knows he can kill jarken......they probably fought each other a lot in NW and i said if jarken didn't AD he would have been dropped.....
what do you mean by he would have more room to drop jarken? he did stun him/aps him until jarken AD which he couldn't do anything from that point.....until this mira has not done anything wrong......
now come the part that you claim he is stupid.....AD....he might be a bit too fast i give you that but i already give you possible reasons why he does that which you don't seem to accept. It's fine...keep in mind he is fighting 2 persons at the same time.....
he leaps without locking Asceia......this i need to correct you.....he didn't lock down ascia at the first leap because his stun arrow still on cool down......and he did like you said lock down asceia before he made the second leap....but ascia AD or stun arrow missed (come on lock down sin.....are you kidding? lock down sin through tidal protection? give me a break) to this can see how useless the leap skills are......they can be easily countered by a sheep. Up to this point he didn't do anything wrong......but i also have a disagreement with him.....he should drop jarken first before focusing on using WOG and stun/aps jarken to dead........well maybe he has something against Asciea. Again, he did use blessing of the cordon.....if he didn't get purge i think he has the chance to fight back.......why he didn't use WOG? my guess is that he is out of chi/spark since he use the speed skill at the start......
It might make sense to drop Jarkhen first but he had such hard-on for him he completely exposed himself to be perfectly ganked by Asceia. Considering they were both sheep and Mira jumped them the moment they got out, I have to assume there was knowledge they both would be participating. Had mira simply used Aim Low on Asceia, he would of been out of fight for 8s, unable to aid jarkhen in any way. This would of given him room to finish Jarkhen while Asceia was unable to participate, I dont understand how hard this can be to understand.
I also said it earlier as you are clearly blind, sin had no tidal because it was a freaking sheep.
So, you are saying, Mira, out of all people, would come out with 1 spark? Its not like archers got skill, which gives them full sparks...
Ps. I tried but I cant quite take you seriously any longer.
you don't need to take me seriously........i don't take you seriously too....
first he maybe didn't come out with full sparks.......well he is mira....his awaken might be on cool down and he can't wait to fight these 2 sheeps so he jumped into the fight with 1 spark.......and he used this 1 spark for speed guess is that he doesn't have enough energy on genie for holypath since he might have use cloud eruption for that 1 spark..... have to consider that he has no chi or spark......and it is fair........since he is fighting two sheeps who can't use skill.......
i feel like you contradict said in earlier posts.....asceia is not a threat to mira.......and you gave a huge EXCUSE as to why he is stupid to use AD when asceia apsing him......i don't see your sense in you consider asceia a threat and aim low him first.....then it would make sense if mira AD while asciea asping him because he might post a threat like you just said and unfortunately he has no spark to aimlow him first......
you might consider they are sheeps.....but mira might have considered they are both archer and i would
i should have said more clear.........mira's lock down before leap is not effective not because of tidal but because asciea AD or that stun arrow missed....
what i said in parenthesis in earlier post simply mean that you can't lock down sins in real fight (this is not a real fight as it is to troll mira) your brillian strategies don't work in real fight my friend......lock down sin....give me a break.....
lastly......if i was mira...i will not use skills at all why? because they are sheeps.......they can't use skills so i will not use skills as well.........
anyway from this video I have 2 points to say
First, don't consider yourself have any brillian strategy......aimlow 1 person to have room to fight is not a smart/new thing.........i am sure every archer knows it.........
second, ARCHER IS THE WORST CLASS FOR 1 VS 1 period.........even with sheeps so switch class asap when you see this video0 -
To tell the truth I do think most archers are kinda bad these days. That's because a lot of the top players got too frustrated with the lousy state of the class and have either rerolled to a new class or have quit the game.
any news from pwi devs?.......pwcn has a huge update on 7/15 but nothing for archer QQPost edited by patrickhuong on0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »
you don't need to take me seriously........i don't take you seriously too....
first he maybe didn't come out with full sparks.......well he is mira....his awaken might be on cool down and he can't wait to fight these 2 sheeps so he jumped into the fight with 1 spark.......and he used this 1 spark for speed guess is that he doesn't have enough energy on genie for holypath since he might have use cloud eruption for that 1 spark..... have to consider that he has no chi or spark......and it is fair........since he is fighting two sheeps who can't use skill.......
i feel like you contradict said in earlier posts.....asceia is not a threat to mira.......and you gave a huge EXCUSE as to why he is stupid to use AD when asceia apsing him......i don't see your sense in you consider asceia a threat and aim low him first.....then it would make sense if mira AD while asciea asping him because he might post a threat like you just said and unfortunately he has no spark to aimlow him first......
you might consider they are sheeps.....but mira might have considered they are both archer and i would
i should have said more clear.........mira's lock down before leap is not effective not because of tidal but because asciea AD or that stun arrow missed....
what i said in parenthesis in earlier post simply mean that you can't lock down sins in real fight (this is not a real fight as it is to troll mira) your brillian strategies don't work in real fight my friend......lock down sin....give me a break.....
lastly......if i was mira...i will not use skills at all why? because they are sheeps.......they can't use skills so i will not use skills as well.........
anyway from this video I have 2 points to say
First, don't consider yourself have any brillian strategy......aimlow 1 person to have room to fight is not a smart/new thing.........i am sure every archer knows it.........
second, ARCHER IS THE WORST CLASS FOR 1 VS 1 period.........even with sheeps so switch class asap when you see this video
You clearly have no experience with endgame/close to endgame PvP nor any brains to get trough this disadvantage in this discussion. Its like you look for the dumbest possible thing to say and say it, lol.
Going out w/o sparks with awaken on CD and still not having any chi? Making assumption he used CD for chi = no energy holypath is absolutely **** because he then ADs very soon after. This means, as AD requires way more energy than Holy Path, he did indeed have the energy for it but chose not to use it. Chances are this action also gives away he had more chi, who on earth would use all their chi to move into perfect position to be ganked? Your rationalization of his actions would actually be far dumber than what he did indeed do.
The AD was literally worst AD I have ever seen. You trying to defend it only tells me you have made up your mind, you arent changing it and discussing it further is pointless as you are clearly willfully ignorant. Critiquing the AD and critiquing Mira for positioning himself to be ganked easily arent contradicting statements. Just because I could tank your average aps sins with charm for days, doesnt mean I should run to melee range of them.
*Every archer knows Aim Low but Mira. Also, Mira chose to use skills so I dont see what value your statement "I would not use skills either" has to do with anything.
In this specific fight certain things were in place, which wouldnt be in a normal fight but not utilizing said things is indeed playing the situation badly. He played the situation in manner, which is anything but how best archer(s) on server would play it. Yet you are the one who called him the best archer on server, which is what I been arguing with. He is not even close to level where you could say that.
I never claimed archer was good 1vs1 class. Its the worst, even the mass PvP ability of archer is greatly exaggerated by your general population. But my arguments had nothing to do with those things so I dont quite understand why you bring them up.
As a tangent to this discussion, among better archers the basic actions are fairly similar due how simple class archer is to play. The real difference comes from positioning. Chances are the archer who can position themselves best in a fight, no matter the scale, is the best archer on server.0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »
you don't need to take me seriously........i don't take you seriously too....
first he maybe didn't come out with full sparks.......well he is mira....his awaken might be on cool down and he can't wait to fight these 2 sheeps so he jumped into the fight with 1 spark.......and he used this 1 spark for speed guess is that he doesn't have enough energy on genie for holypath since he might have use cloud eruption for that 1 spark..... have to consider that he has no chi or spark......and it is fair........since he is fighting two sheeps who can't use skill.......
i feel like you contradict said in earlier posts.....asceia is not a threat to mira.......and you gave a huge EXCUSE as to why he is stupid to use AD when asceia apsing him......i don't see your sense in you consider asceia a threat and aim low him first.....then it would make sense if mira AD while asciea asping him because he might post a threat like you just said and unfortunately he has no spark to aimlow him first......
you might consider they are sheeps.....but mira might have considered they are both archer and i would
i should have said more clear.........mira's lock down before leap is not effective not because of tidal but because asciea AD or that stun arrow missed....
what i said in parenthesis in earlier post simply mean that you can't lock down sins in real fight (this is not a real fight as it is to troll mira) your brillian strategies don't work in real fight my friend......lock down sin....give me a break.....
lastly......if i was mira...i will not use skills at all why? because they are sheeps.......they can't use skills so i will not use skills as well.........
anyway from this video I have 2 points to say
First, don't consider yourself have any brillian strategy......aimlow 1 person to have room to fight is not a smart/new thing.........i am sure every archer knows it.........
second, ARCHER IS THE WORST CLASS FOR 1 VS 1 period.........even with sheeps so switch class asap when you see this video
You clearly have no experience with endgame/close to endgame PvP nor any brains to get trough this disadvantage in this discussion. Its like you look for the dumbest possible thing to say and say it, lol.
Going out w/o sparks with awaken on CD and still not having any chi? Making assumption he used CD for chi = no energy holypath is absolutely **** because he then ADs very soon after. This means, as AD requires way more energy than Holy Path, he did indeed have the energy for it but chose not to use it. Chances are this action also gives away he had more chi, who on earth would use all their chi to move into perfect position to be ganked? Your rationalization of his actions would actually be far dumber than what he did indeed do.
The AD was literally worst AD I have ever seen. You trying to defend it only tells me you have made up your mind, you arent changing it and discussing it further is pointless as you are clearly willfully ignorant. Critiquing the AD and critiquing Mira for positioning himself to be ganked easily arent contradicting statements. Just because I could tank your average aps sins with charm for days, doesnt mean I should run to melee range of them.
*Every archer knows Aim Low but Mira. Also, Mira chose to use skills so I dont see what value your statement "I would not use skills either" has to do with anything.
In this specific fight certain things were in place, which wouldnt be in a normal fight but not utilizing said things is indeed playing the situation badly. He played the situation in manner, which is anything but how best archer(s) on server would play it. Yet you are the one who called him the best archer on server, which is what I been arguing with. He is not even close to level where you could say that.
I never claimed archer was good 1vs1 class. Its the worst, even the mass PvP ability of archer is greatly exaggerated by your general population. But my arguments had nothing to do with those things so I dont quite understand why you bring them up.
As a tangent to this discussion, among better archers the basic actions are fairly similar due how simple class archer is to play. The real difference comes from positioning. Chances are the archer who can position themselves best in a fight, no matter the scale, is the best archer on server.
position themselves? don't make me what? holy path, leaps, and speed skill? yeah, see how easy the sin even in sheep form in the video counter the leaps, anyway i don't want to discuss this specific topic with you anywmore (not because i don't have any more reasons to argue with you, in fact all your arguements are made non-valid by mine) from your tone i can see 2 things
1) you are jealous that mira have OP gears because the way you claim him dumb/noob as if you could do better if you were him which i suspect not so much....
2) everything you said is not new/surprised/outstanding or so-called strategies........don't expect others are dumb they know eveything you know.......and come on i would go out with no spark to fight what??? two sheeps......did you read the normal chat? they are probably provoking mira in normal soon as you see 2 sheeps what in your mind is "i can kill them with no spark"......again...going in a fight with full chi/sparks is not a new thing also....but this time it is different because it is against 2 freaking sheeps......
3)like i said archer is the worst class for PK....and this is the reason why he got killed by 2 sheeps matter what he did the result will be the same.....
oh my you are itchy because i said he is the best archer? my bad I should have said it more clear......he is the archer that has the best gears in archo, happy now? BEST archer.....give me a archer = worst archer in front of other equal gears can be that....i give you that title if you want......
I bring "them" up because the reason why mira lost to these 2 sheeps simply because archer is the WORST class period not because of any skill or anything.......
i don't want to upset you but upto this point your claim that mira is dumb/noob is not valid because you didn't provide another video which show how another archer could do better than mira
if you can post another video showing another archer who can win these 2 sheeps, i will gladly admit i am wrong or i am noob......but i doubt you can find any ARCHER (note that i cap the word ARCHER) who can beat these 2 sheeps
until you do that none of what you said is valid IJS0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »position themselves? don't make me what? holy path, leaps, and speed skill? yeah, see how easy the sin even in sheep form in the video counter the leaps, anyway i don't want to discuss this specific topic with you anywmore (not because i don't have any more reasons to argue with you, in fact all your arguements are made non-valid by mine) from your tone i can see 2 things
1) you are jealous that mira have OP gears because the way you claim him dumb/noob as if you could do better if you were him which i suspect not so much....
2) everything you said is not new/surprised/outstanding or so-called strategies........don't expect others are dumb they know eveything you know.......and come on i would go out with no spark to fight what??? two sheeps......did you read the normal chat? they are probably provoking mira in normal soon as you see 2 sheeps what in your mind is "i can kill them with no spark"......again...going in a fight with full chi/sparks is not a new thing also....but this time it is different because it is against 2 freaking sheeps......
3)like i said archer is the worst class for PK....and this is the reason why he got killed by 2 sheeps matter what he did the result will be the same.....
oh my you are itchy because i said he is the best archer? my bad I should have said it more clear......he is the archer that has the best gears in archo, happy now? BEST archer.....give me a archer = worst archer in front of other equal gears can be that....i give you that title if you want......
I bring "them" up because the reason why mira lost to these 2 sheeps simply because archer is the WORST class period not because of any skill or anything.......
i don't want to upset you but upto this point your claim that mira is dumb/noob is not valid because you didn't provide another video which show how another archer could do better than mira
if you can post another video showing another archer who can win these 2 sheeps, i will gladly admit i am wrong or i am noob......but i doubt you can find any ARCHER (note that i cap the word ARCHER) who can beat these 2 sheeps
until you do that none of what you said is valid IJS
I almost felt like writing a proper response but I chose against it.
1. If you have made all my argument invalid, surely you can give us a single example?
2. You are the one who made the initial "nobody could of done better" claim. Burden of proof is yours to prove nobody could of done better, not me to prove somebody could. As matter of fact I have well demonstrated, as far as theories go, how he could of done better.
0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »position themselves? don't make me what? holy path, leaps, and speed skill? yeah, see how easy the sin even in sheep form in the video counter the leaps, anyway i don't want to discuss this specific topic with you anywmore (not because i don't have any more reasons to argue with you, in fact all your arguements are made non-valid by mine) from your tone i can see 2 things
1) you are jealous that mira have OP gears because the way you claim him dumb/noob as if you could do better if you were him which i suspect not so much....
2) everything you said is not new/surprised/outstanding or so-called strategies........don't expect others are dumb they know eveything you know.......and come on i would go out with no spark to fight what??? two sheeps......did you read the normal chat? they are probably provoking mira in normal soon as you see 2 sheeps what in your mind is "i can kill them with no spark"......again...going in a fight with full chi/sparks is not a new thing also....but this time it is different because it is against 2 freaking sheeps......
3)like i said archer is the worst class for PK....and this is the reason why he got killed by 2 sheeps matter what he did the result will be the same.....
oh my you are itchy because i said he is the best archer? my bad I should have said it more clear......he is the archer that has the best gears in archo, happy now? BEST archer.....give me a archer = worst archer in front of other equal gears can be that....i give you that title if you want......
I bring "them" up because the reason why mira lost to these 2 sheeps simply because archer is the WORST class period not because of any skill or anything.......
i don't want to upset you but upto this point your claim that mira is dumb/noob is not valid because you didn't provide another video which show how another archer could do better than mira
if you can post another video showing another archer who can win these 2 sheeps, i will gladly admit i am wrong or i am noob......but i doubt you can find any ARCHER (note that i cap the word ARCHER) who can beat these 2 sheeps
until you do that none of what you said is valid IJS
I almost felt like writing a proper response but I chose against it.
1. If you have made all my argument invalid, surely you can give us a single example?
2. You are the one who made the initial "nobody could of done better" claim. Burden of proof is yours to prove nobody could of done better, not me to prove somebody could. As matter of fact I have well demonstrated, as far as theories go, how he could of done better. i said i will not argue with you but since giving you example won't hurt
1) you said he AD too early....i gave you reasons....first he almost finish jarken and want some free moment to drop's a natural reflex that you would hit AD when a sin aps you because they will start to stun lock and do all kind of nasty things to you....i know asciea is a sheep.....but like i said mira see that sheep as natural reflex kicks over........or he just simply use AD because that sheep is asciea one of the top sin in the sever
2) you keeps saying he is stupid by using AD too early and claim that ascie is not a threat to him and pointing out that asciea only hits him for 2k (clearly you don't know how powerful that 2k is).....anyway i give you credit for that and said the same arguement above
3) then you suggested that mira should use aim low to "lock down" asciea (lock down sin.....give me a break i should dismiss you when you said this....but meh) and dropping you contradict yourself by suddenly grant asciea a threat to mira and require him to "lock down" him first and didn't let mira AD asciea in earlier argument.....see the contradiction? i argue that mira might not have spark for aim low and he knows he can drop jarken and he goes for jarken first.....
4) then you argue that mira doesn't know what aim low is (i highly doubt that) and said he is stupid/noob by not going into battle with 3 sparks.....i argue that.....he is fighting 2 sheeps TWO FREAKING SHEEPs.....and they are constantly provoke mira in common chat.....mira's awaken may be on cool down and in his mind he thinks ( even i would do the same) he can win these 2 SHEEPs with no spark...... and why he can use AD but not guess is that his genie's energy is at around 70-74 which is not enough to use holypath but after he asp jarken for a while he has enough energy to use AD......
5) then you came up with a new arguement about how mira is noob/stupid leap without "locking down" asciea (again i should have dismissed you when you say this....locking down sin.....) anyway i watched the video a couple times and pointed to you that he didn't "lock down" asceia at the first leap, but mira did "lock down" asceia before the second leap but asceia AD or stun arrow missed
6) you misunderstand my words by saying that asceia in the form of sheep doesn't have tidal.....i made it clear that asceia AD or stun arrow missed and has nothing to do with tidal.....and i need to correct you for one last time YOU CAN NOT LOCK DOWN SIN......for GOD SAKE don't ever said "lock down" to a sin......
7) i never said "nobody could of done better". i just said that mira couldn't do any better to survive....he did use AD, stun, leaps, and blessing of condor....look pretty fine to me
7) like i said all you said is nothing new/surprised/outstanding......every archer knows don't assume they don't know
8)lastly i said that if you couldn't provide another video showing another archer doing better than mira and killed these 2 sheeps your arguments/claims are not valid......or you said is just theory...
9) you are welcome to add/correct anything i just said abovePost edited by patrickhuong on0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »patrickhuong wrote: »position themselves? don't make me what? holy path, leaps, and speed skill? yeah, see how easy the sin even in sheep form in the video counter the leaps, anyway i don't want to discuss this specific topic with you anywmore (not because i don't have any more reasons to argue with you, in fact all your arguements are made non-valid by mine) from your tone i can see 2 things
1) you are jealous that mira have OP gears because the way you claim him dumb/noob as if you could do better if you were him which i suspect not so much....
2) everything you said is not new/surprised/outstanding or so-called strategies........don't expect others are dumb they know eveything you know.......and come on i would go out with no spark to fight what??? two sheeps......did you read the normal chat? they are probably provoking mira in normal soon as you see 2 sheeps what in your mind is "i can kill them with no spark"......again...going in a fight with full chi/sparks is not a new thing also....but this time it is different because it is against 2 freaking sheeps......
3)like i said archer is the worst class for PK....and this is the reason why he got killed by 2 sheeps matter what he did the result will be the same.....
oh my you are itchy because i said he is the best archer? my bad I should have said it more clear......he is the archer that has the best gears in archo, happy now? BEST archer.....give me a archer = worst archer in front of other equal gears can be that....i give you that title if you want......
I bring "them" up because the reason why mira lost to these 2 sheeps simply because archer is the WORST class period not because of any skill or anything.......
i don't want to upset you but upto this point your claim that mira is dumb/noob is not valid because you didn't provide another video which show how another archer could do better than mira
if you can post another video showing another archer who can win these 2 sheeps, i will gladly admit i am wrong or i am noob......but i doubt you can find any ARCHER (note that i cap the word ARCHER) who can beat these 2 sheeps
until you do that none of what you said is valid IJS
I almost felt like writing a proper response but I chose against it.
1. If you have made all my argument invalid, surely you can give us a single example?
2. You are the one who made the initial "nobody could of done better" claim. Burden of proof is yours to prove nobody could of done better, not me to prove somebody could. As matter of fact I have well demonstrated, as far as theories go, how he could of done better. i said i will not argue with you but since giving you example won't hurt
1) you said he AD too early....i gave you reasons....first he almost finish jarken and want some free moment to drop's a natural reflex that you would hit AD when a sin aps you because they will start to stun lock and do all kind of nasty things to you....i know asciea is a sheep.....but like i said mira see that sheep as natural reflex kicks over........or he just simply use AD because that sheep is asciea one of the top sin in the sever
2) you keeps saying he is stupid by using AD too early and claim that ascie is not a threat to him and pointing out that asciea only hits him for 2k (clearly you don't know how powerful that 2k is).....anyway i give you credit for that and said the same arguement above
3) then you suggested that mira should use aim low to "lock down" asciea (lock down sin.....give me a break i should dismiss you when you said this....but meh) and dropping you contradict yourself by suddenly grant asciea a threat to mira and require him to "lock down" him first and didn't let mira AD asciea in earlier argument.....see the contradiction? i argue that mira might not have spark for aim low and he knows he can drop jarken and he goes for jarken first.....
4) then you argue that mira doesn't know what aim low is (i highly doubt that) and said he is stupid/noob by not going into battle with 3 sparks.....i argue that.....he is fighting 2 sheeps TWO FREAKING SHEEPs.....and they are constantly provoke mira in common chat.....mira's awaken may be on cool down and in his mind he thinks ( even i would do the same) he can win these 2 SHEEPs with no spark...... and why he can use AD but not guess is that his genie's energy is at around 70-74 which is not enough to use holypath but after he asp jarken for a while he has enough energy to use AD......
5) then you came up with a new arguement about how mira is noob/stupid leap without "locking down" asciea (again i should have dismissed you when you say this....locking down sin.....) anyway i watched the video a couple times and pointed to you that he didn't "lock down" asceia at the first leap, but mira did "lock down" asceia before the second leap but asceia AD or stun arrow missed
6) you misunderstand my words by saying that asceia in the form of sheep doesn't have tidal.....i made it clear that asceia AD or stun arrow missed and has nothing to do with tidal.....and i need to correct you for one last time YOU CAN NOT LOCK DOWN SIN......for GOD SAKE don't ever said "lock down" to a sin......
7) i never said "nobody could of done better". i just said that mira couldn't do any better to survive....he did use AD, stun, leaps, and blessing of condor....look pretty fine to me
7) like i said all you said is nothing new/surprised/outstanding......every archer knows don't assume they don't know
8)lastly i said that if you couldn't provide another video showing another archer doing better than mira and killed these 2 sheeps your arguments/claims are not valid......or you said is just theory...
9) you are welcome to add/correct anything i just said above
1. Those are nothing but excuses. What could Asceia have done to prevent him from finishing Jarkhen off? Stun? Nope, its a sheep. Zerk crit charm jump his charm? Nope, 4k ZC too stronk. None of what you have brought make said AD remotely smart. Its idiotic but as I said earlier, you are willfully ignorant on this one.
2. That 2k crit is in full R9T3 gear. You can tell by his hp. His aps is pretty terrible in said gear and thus it really is not major damage considering Mira has 25k+ hp base.
3. Because its idiotic to take hits you dont need to take, simple as that. Doesnt make ADing at 90% hp any smarter or you suggest IGing the moment people look at you? Bout as logical.
4. So in short he made a mistake. No matter how you portray it, had he won the fight in such way, he would of made correct assessment of the situation. I would argue he had more sparks, claiming ones Awaken is on CD and one still needs to CE for 1 spark? And then run out with little to no energy on genie? Yea, thats totally believable chain of events, lmao. And fyi, Holy path takes 75 energy. AD takes 135. Difference between Alacrity was 10 seconds at most, but to be fair I give it 15s to regen 60+ energy. At bare minium 60/15 = 4/s. There really is no such genie on PWI as it requires 150 mag.
5. Asceia AD`d it. Simply because Asceia played it brilliantly and countered said Stun doesnt make it any less of a right decision. It killed his genie completely for a good while. And "Lock a sin". He has no tidal in that fight for being a sheep, period. It doesnt matter he could have it if he werent a sheep.
6. As I said earlier, it was a sheep, not a sin. Tidal was not in play, which is what ppl usually refer to when discussing CCing a sin.
7. If everybody knows everything, not using said knowledge is a choice. And as I stated, no WoG, no apoth, no stealth or Aim Low, which in this specific case could of been fairly effective even if it usually isnt.
8. You are trying to shift the burden of proof. YOU claimed Mira could of not done any better, which I take as nobody in Miras place could of done better, I refuted this with theory. After which you claim I would need to provide video of somebody beating those 2 sheep for it to be valid. Nope. You would have to provide video of every archer losing to those 2 sheep (in under 20s) for your argument to be valid.
9. You`re welcome. Not a single hit, try again.0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »patrickhuong wrote: »position themselves? don't make me what? holy path, leaps, and speed skill? yeah, see how easy the sin even in sheep form in the video counter the leaps, anyway i don't want to discuss this specific topic with you anywmore (not because i don't have any more reasons to argue with you, in fact all your arguements are made non-valid by mine) from your tone i can see 2 things
1) you are jealous that mira have OP gears because the way you claim him dumb/noob as if you could do better if you were him which i suspect not so much....
2) everything you said is not new/surprised/outstanding or so-called strategies........don't expect others are dumb they know eveything you know.......and come on i would go out with no spark to fight what??? two sheeps......did you read the normal chat? they are probably provoking mira in normal soon as you see 2 sheeps what in your mind is "i can kill them with no spark"......again...going in a fight with full chi/sparks is not a new thing also....but this time it is different because it is against 2 freaking sheeps......
3)like i said archer is the worst class for PK....and this is the reason why he got killed by 2 sheeps matter what he did the result will be the same.....
oh my you are itchy because i said he is the best archer? my bad I should have said it more clear......he is the archer that has the best gears in archo, happy now? BEST archer.....give me a archer = worst archer in front of other equal gears can be that....i give you that title if you want......
I bring "them" up because the reason why mira lost to these 2 sheeps simply because archer is the WORST class period not because of any skill or anything.......
i don't want to upset you but upto this point your claim that mira is dumb/noob is not valid because you didn't provide another video which show how another archer could do better than mira
if you can post another video showing another archer who can win these 2 sheeps, i will gladly admit i am wrong or i am noob......but i doubt you can find any ARCHER (note that i cap the word ARCHER) who can beat these 2 sheeps
until you do that none of what you said is valid IJS
I almost felt like writing a proper response but I chose against it.
1. If you have made all my argument invalid, surely you can give us a single example?
2. You are the one who made the initial "nobody could of done better" claim. Burden of proof is yours to prove nobody could of done better, not me to prove somebody could. As matter of fact I have well demonstrated, as far as theories go, how he could of done better. i said i will not argue with you but since giving you example won't hurt
1) you said he AD too early....i gave you reasons....first he almost finish jarken and want some free moment to drop's a natural reflex that you would hit AD when a sin aps you because they will start to stun lock and do all kind of nasty things to you....i know asciea is a sheep.....but like i said mira see that sheep as natural reflex kicks over........or he just simply use AD because that sheep is asciea one of the top sin in the sever
2) you keeps saying he is stupid by using AD too early and claim that ascie is not a threat to him and pointing out that asciea only hits him for 2k (clearly you don't know how powerful that 2k is).....anyway i give you credit for that and said the same arguement above
3) then you suggested that mira should use aim low to "lock down" asciea (lock down sin.....give me a break i should dismiss you when you said this....but meh) and dropping you contradict yourself by suddenly grant asciea a threat to mira and require him to "lock down" him first and didn't let mira AD asciea in earlier argument.....see the contradiction? i argue that mira might not have spark for aim low and he knows he can drop jarken and he goes for jarken first.....
4) then you argue that mira doesn't know what aim low is (i highly doubt that) and said he is stupid/noob by not going into battle with 3 sparks.....i argue that.....he is fighting 2 sheeps TWO FREAKING SHEEPs.....and they are constantly provoke mira in common chat.....mira's awaken may be on cool down and in his mind he thinks ( even i would do the same) he can win these 2 SHEEPs with no spark...... and why he can use AD but not guess is that his genie's energy is at around 70-74 which is not enough to use holypath but after he asp jarken for a while he has enough energy to use AD......
5) then you came up with a new arguement about how mira is noob/stupid leap without "locking down" asciea (again i should have dismissed you when you say this....locking down sin.....) anyway i watched the video a couple times and pointed to you that he didn't "lock down" asceia at the first leap, but mira did "lock down" asceia before the second leap but asceia AD or stun arrow missed
6) you misunderstand my words by saying that asceia in the form of sheep doesn't have tidal.....i made it clear that asceia AD or stun arrow missed and has nothing to do with tidal.....and i need to correct you for one last time YOU CAN NOT LOCK DOWN SIN......for GOD SAKE don't ever said "lock down" to a sin......
7) i never said "nobody could of done better". i just said that mira couldn't do any better to survive....he did use AD, stun, leaps, and blessing of condor....look pretty fine to me
7) like i said all you said is nothing new/surprised/outstanding......every archer knows don't assume they don't know
8)lastly i said that if you couldn't provide another video showing another archer doing better than mira and killed these 2 sheeps your arguments/claims are not valid......or you said is just theory...
9) you are welcome to add/correct anything i just said above
1. Those are nothing but excuses. What could Asceia have done to prevent him from finishing Jarkhen off? Stun? Nope, its a sheep. Zerk crit charm jump his charm? Nope, 4k ZC too stronk. None of what you have brought make said AD remotely smart. Its idiotic but as I said earlier, you are willfully ignorant on this one.
2. That 2k crit is in full R9T3 gear. You can tell by his hp. His aps is pretty terrible in said gear and thus it really is not major damage considering Mira has 25k+ hp base.
3. Because its idiotic to take hits you dont need to take, simple as that. Doesnt make ADing at 90% hp any smarter or you suggest IGing the moment people look at you? Bout as logical.
4. So in short he made a mistake. No matter how you portray it, had he won the fight in such way, he would of made correct assessment of the situation. I would argue he had more sparks, claiming ones Awaken is on CD and one still needs to CE for 1 spark? And then run out with little to no energy on genie? Yea, thats totally believable chain of events, lmao. And fyi, Holy path takes 75 energy. AD takes 135. Difference between Alacrity was 10 seconds at most, but to be fair I give it 15s to regen 60+ energy. At bare minium 60/15 = 4/s. There really is no such genie on PWI as it requires 150 mag.
5. Asceia AD`d it. Simply because Asceia played it brilliantly and countered said Stun doesnt make it any less of a right decision. It killed his genie completely for a good while. And "Lock a sin". He has no tidal in that fight for being a sheep, period. It doesnt matter he could have it if he werent a sheep.
6. As I said earlier, it was a sheep, not a sin. Tidal was not in play, which is what ppl usually refer to when discussing CCing a sin.
7. If everybody knows everything, not using said knowledge is a choice. And as I stated, no WoG, no apoth, no stealth or Aim Low, which in this specific case could of been fairly effective even if it usually isnt.
8. You are trying to shift the burden of proof. YOU claimed Mira could of not done any better, which I take as nobody in Miras place could of done better, I refuted this with theory. After which you claim I would need to provide video of somebody beating those 2 sheep for it to be valid. Nope. You would have to provide video of every archer losing to those 2 sheep (in under 20s) for your argument to be valid.
9. You`re welcome. Not a single hit, try again.
i don't want to upset you use ton of skills to kill 2 sheeps....yeah you might win...but meh....
and i am waiting for a video of an archer that can win these 2 sheeps......... otherwise all you said is just trash IJS.....
let me sum up what you said....all you said is just AD too fast which i already give you reasons.......and sorry but mira went into the fight with no spark (why not it's against 2 sheeps) so no smart strategy "aim low" of yours can play in here.....
As i said......your "super powerful almighty strategy" doesn't work in real fight, so it is worth 0 coin......congratulation "sheep killler".......let me laugh one last time, freaking "LOCK DOWN" a sin.....
and i repeat one more time.......i never said that "sheep asceia" has tidal.......mira "lock down" doesn't work simple because asceia saw him channeling stunning arrow and AD in time period no tidal involed in here.......what i mean is........FREAKING "lock down" a sin ????? OMG you are so brillian.....thanks for telling me that.
One last sentence and i will ignore you completely......jelly
ARCHER IS THE WORST CLASS FOR PK is the reason why you have such video.....end of discussion
apo, stealth on sheeps............yeah you are so brillian......have a nice day
and one last time.....apo/stealth is not a new things......don't sound like it's OMG so brillian every freaking archer knows it.......
OK since you present your "brillian strategy"'s my turn to tell you how to use aim low properly
aim low is not used like that my friend...
aim low can only be used against BM and barb and that used on other classes you wasted 1 spark why?
wizzy......just simply use tele skill and they will be in their range (and don't forget the purify add-on)
cleric.......super stupid to use any debuff on cleric
archer.......well if you use it on archer you are.........
veno.........the pet will stun you and purify add-on
sin..........FREAKING "lock down" sin
psychic..........bubble of life purify and purify weap add-on and SOS and SOV.......
DB............FREAKING "lock down" sin
SB...........just simply use the increase range buff and also purify add-on
mystic............well pet can stun you and purify add-on
seeker.............simply use QPQ or tele skill.....
THEREFORE, any use of aim low except on barb and BM is STUPID......Post edited by patrickhuong on0 -
I have said this bout 1231231242353 times, there was no sin in fight, it was a sheep, period. There was no tidal in place so locking down said sin would of been no more of a trouble than locking down any melee class, which cant use skills. Well, bit more evasion but thats not "locking down" specific trait. As you are clearly unable to understand concept this simple, I feel this discussion will be pointless for everybody involved.
Mira went to battle w/o sparks, according to what? We cant know it, unless you are Mira himself? In all likelyness he had more chi than he used simply trough archers skill set. The idea of him having awaken on CD and still not have chi when he for all we know had been sitting on SZ for a while? Sounds "logical", lol.
I dont understand this illogical **** you are spouting either, I have nowhere claimed to be brilliant, unique or original and yet you try to insult me as if I had. But the more widely known these things are, the more idiotic it makes Miras gameplay look. If everybody knows this and somebody doesnt utilize it, what does it tell of said person?
Aim Low has few uses outside of killing "sheep". It lasts relatively long and thus is fairly decent for stopping a flag carrier in CTF maps. Its not as much for using it to keep people away from you as it is for keeping ppl running from you. Still, 1 spark cost makes it rarely the best choice w/o some specific situation. But if you cant find uses to it outside of barbs/BMs, man must you suck on your archer.
Ps. If you dont come up with a worthwhile reply, I am not bothering with this any longer. You are willfully ignorant on so many things its not even funny.0 -
You are argueing about the value of a class in a gank-scenario? Are you pepple high? Whats that **** about focusing the strong one first. Are you even higher? If you get ganked...especially as a very CC-vulnerable class then you obviously kill those possible CCers first especially when they die fast.
Besides that being ganked by 3 people must mean deafeat unless those 3 are utterly **** or extremely undergeared. Why are you even discussing about this xDD Talk about 1on1 or ManyvsMany...but not ganks.
That is exactly why I cant take you archer guys for serious. Always comparing rediculous stuff. If you wanna compare something then do it on equal terms and not like that.
I for one am now using 4 kinds of dif genies on the storm and 3 on my barb. If you wanna be successfull in the most diverse situations with your archer then I suggest the same. Most Archer just use a vit/mag based genie with faith. Sure. After you have used faith you are dead to anyone using an OI genie. Very smart using that genie in any given situation then, huh?
Effort people. Thats all you need. Not damn excuses. But ya. Archer are totally weak cause they cant survive a gank of 3 people xDDDD0 -
patrickhuong wrote: »BTW.....i am not a fan of miraclin....i don't want to defense him or anything (i don't want to lol who cares if he is a fail)......i wonder if they both can gank saioxery.....which has much less OP gear than mira but much more advantages as a clerics.....
No. Because Saiorexey is actually good.0 -
guysTo tell the truth I do think most archers are kinda bad these days. That's because a lot of the top players got too frustrated with the lousy state of the class and have either rerolled to a new class or have quit the game.
This... He is tottaly right many + not evry class supose to face roll other class like 1 2 3 ...each class can kill the other one ...just vs some its much faster than vs other...
0 -
laikiraski wrote: »each class can kill the other one ...just vs some its much faster than vs other...0
laikiraski wrote: »each class can kill the other one ...just vs some its much faster than vs other...
#Truth!!! lol
0 -
You're right. Archers are not the best 1v1 class. Boohoo?
They completely dominate in TW and mass pvp.
Venomancers have poor damage compared to other arcane classes.
Assassins are less of a big deal in mass pvp environments.
Mystic's damage dealing summons are all 1 shots that don't hurt at all end game.
Blademasters have the poorest damage of all physical classes (heavens flame makes up for it though)
Wizards amps don't do diddily squat anymore.
Seekers are so easily controlled that w/o genie they're basically just praying and relying on gear to not die.
Are all of these classes broken? No not really.
Some classes are bad at some things and better at others.
Archers aren't the best at 1v1. So what. | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven | -
You're right. Archers are not the best 1v1 class. Boohoo?
They completely dominate in TW and mass pvp.
What else does archer bring to the table than purge and pathetic damage? And how would those make archers to completely dominate TW/Mass PvP?0 -
Archer has the highest base physical damage of every class in the game.
You don't hit super high on the score board because you don't have amps and zerk.
Archer has the best range in the entire game.
Archer has the greatest ranged DPS in the game.
Archer has the only mobile Zhen skill in the game.
Archer is one of 2 physical classes with powerful magic attacks.
Archer has the strongest magic damage buff of the physical classes.
Archer has more anti-stuns than any other class.
Archer has the longest lasting amp skill of any class.
Archer has only 4 spark recovery skill in game.
Archer is one of two classes with non-time limited stealth
Archer has the only free leap skills in the game
double the leaps a wizard has
both leaps greater distance than BM has
Archer has the highest % purge weapon in the game
(+ it is ranged) | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven | -
Archer has the highest base physical damage of every class in the game.
You don't hit super high on the score board because you don't have amps and zerk.
Archer has the best range in the entire game.
Archer has the greatest ranged DPS in the game.
Archer has the only mobile Zhen skill in the game.
Archer is one of 2 physical classes with powerful magic attacks.
Archer has the strongest magic damage buff of the physical classes.
Archer has more anti-stuns than any other class.
Archer has the longest lasting amp skill of any class.
Archer has only 4 spark recovery skill in game.
Archer is one of two classes with non-time limited stealth
Archer has the only free leap skills in the game
double the leaps a wizard has
both leaps greater distance than BM has
Archer has the highest % purge weapon in the game
(+ it is ranged)
Archer does not have highest physical attack in game. We are the only physical attack class that does not have zerk. Ultimately due this we are the worst DPH class among all physical classes.
But I guess we dont have amp, which increases damage on scoreboards. I just go remove BV of my hotkeys then.
That range advantage will be countered by walking for a second by any other ranged class. Barbs move like mounts, BMs got sprints + ranged skills, which render archer unable to attack. Rest of the classes got teles, some which outrange archer.
Archer has worst ranged in the game. Venos might be close but every other caster class flatout out DPS archer on equal gear. This specifically in PvP situations as everybody stacks p.def.
Half the time BoA moving with target is a problem. Nobody sits in a group of allies if you set up BoA on them, specifically now that ones target can easily be seen. Swapping target after setting up BoA is possible but its one more step to add into hassle what BoAing is in the first place.
Powerful magic attacks? POWERFUL? ROFL! Wizzie will hit harder with a gush than archer with any metal skill. The metal debuff is nerfed to hell with def passive so it doesnt really matter any longer.
Most? I would only really count WoG, alacrity has 3min CD. They also cost 1 spark, overwrite any other speed buff(Wing of Protection).
So now we actually have amp? Putting BV back on hotkeys. BV however is 25%, making it by my guess the weakest amp in game. I would much rather take more powerful yet shorter amp cause the damn purifies everywhere. You get full duration almost never.
Sins have better chi regen skill(s). So does SBs I have been told. Awaken CD is 5 mins, making it hardly spammable.
Stealth you cant move in, rendering its usefulness pretty far.
Archer leaps are terrible. One can almost walk the distance during what it takes archer to leap said distance. If the leap glitches, what it likes to do, you leap on air and get falling status. The times I have been airlocked because of it arent even funny.
I already said we got purge.
In short archers got chance to purge weapon, mobility and some chi we cant use for much. Sounds "dominating" mass PvP class.0 -
Archer has the highest base physical damage of every class in the game.
You don't hit super high on the score board because you don't have amps and zerk.
Archer has the best range in the entire game.
Archer has the greatest ranged DPS in the game.
Archer has the only mobile Zhen skill in the game.
Archer is one of 2 physical classes with powerful magic attacks.
Archer has the strongest magic damage buff of the physical classes.
Archer has more anti-stuns than any other class.
Archer has the longest lasting amp skill of any class.
Archer has only 4 spark recovery skill in game.
Archer is one of two classes with non-time limited stealth
Archer has the only free leap skills in the game
double the leaps a wizard has
both leaps greater distance than BM has
Archer has the highest % purge weapon in the game
(+ it is ranged)
Archer does not have highest physical attack in game. We are the only physical attack class that does not have zerk. Ultimately due this we are the worst DPH class among all physical classes.
But I guess we dont have amp, which increases damage on scoreboards. I just go remove BV of my hotkeys then.
That range advantage will be countered by walking for a second by any other ranged class. Barbs move like mounts, BMs got sprints + ranged skills, which render archer unable to attack. Rest of the classes got teles, some which outrange archer.
Archer has worst ranged in the game. Venos might be close but every other caster class flatout out DPS archer on equal gear. This specifically in PvP situations as everybody stacks p.def.
Half the time BoA moving with target is a problem. Nobody sits in a group of allies if you set up BoA on them, specifically now that ones target can easily be seen. Swapping target after setting up BoA is possible but its one more step to add into hassle what BoAing is in the first place.
Powerful magic attacks? POWERFUL? ROFL! Wizzie will hit harder with a gush than archer with any metal skill. The metal debuff is nerfed to hell with def passive so it doesnt really matter any longer.
Most? I would only really count WoG, alacrity has 3min CD. They also cost 1 spark, overwrite any other speed buff(Wing of Protection).
So now we actually have amp? Putting BV back on hotkeys. BV however is 25%, making it by my guess the weakest amp in game. I would much rather take more powerful yet shorter amp cause the damn purifies everywhere. You get full duration almost never.
Sins have better chi regen skill(s). So does SBs I have been told. Awaken CD is 5 mins, making it hardly spammable.
Stealth you cant move in, rendering its usefulness pretty far.
Archer leaps are terrible. One can almost walk the distance during what it takes archer to leap said distance. If the leap glitches, what it likes to do, you leap on air and get falling status. The times I have been airlocked because of it arent even funny.
I already said we got purge.
In short archers got chance to purge weapon, mobility and some chi we cant use for much. Sounds "dominating" mass PvP class.
What you do or don't count in your head has no bearing in reality.
Every class has skills with a lengthy cooldown. Your inability to make efficient use of them is no fault of mine.
You can cry and blame others for your inability all you like, but what i stated were matters of fact, and you are welcome to disprove them with legitimate evidence.
Note: Yes, your amp is 25%. That is why I said you were lacking in hitting a big number on score boards.
No, that does not make it a bad skill/amp. It deals magic damage, reduces your enemy's hp, and lasts a very long time.
Every single class has advantages and disadvantages, things they are good at and things they are not.
You need to learn how to use your class's advantages and the things unique to it instead of whining about the things you can't do. We all have things we can and can't do.
By the way, very small range differences matter immensely.
For example, an assassin will freeze a BM in place and then attack from just outside our range. Daggers have only a slightly greater reach than Axes, much less than the difference between an EA and a mage class. All the same, an assassin can hold a BM at a distance and attack w/o retaliation by learning to use it. | | Twitch.TV/Kniraven | -
By the way, very small range differences matter immensely.
For example, an assassin will freeze a BM in place and then attack from just outside our range. Daggers have only a slightly greater reach than Axes, much less than the difference between an EA and a mage class. All the same, an assassin can hold a BM at a distance and attack w/o retaliation by learning to use it.Archers can't lock people down like sins. The stun is short and every other class has purify / teleports / leaps to get out of the freeze. After those two there aren't any other CC skills.
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