Goodbye from Fuzzy
Thanks Fuzz for everything you have done. I don't blame you a bit for making this thread and expressing yourself.
As for Hoju and the rest of the GD trolls, go spend some more cash, I think there may be one or two players left who don't have +12 on everything. Go work some more over time and have no life other than work and PW. You guys make me sick.
There is freedom of speech, people who just stay quiet and never "rock the boat" surely don't get far in life. That type of people surely isn't remembered long after they are gone either. I commend people like Fuzz who are not afraid to "rock the boat" in an attempt to make things better. All Hoju does is try to make himself look like a big man to his cash shopper faction.
If Hoju wants to keep the game going by his faction paying the salaries of the people not doing their jobs anyways, by all means grasshopper... keep it going. However, if you want to sit here and complain about Fuzz speaking his mind, then I suggest you go complain somewhere else. The majority of us here agree with Fuzz and commend him for taking a stand here. What do you stand for Hoju? You call Fuzz's thread "QQ" whatever kind of stupid term that is... But yet you are just here to complain and try to draw attention to yourself. You are the most inconsiderate, moronic, idiotic piece of **** to ever try to tell someone else how they should feel, act, or type on a forum.
That is the last amount of time I will ever spend even thinking about such an idiot as you Hoju... Geez some people's children should have been... nah... not worth it.
Fuzz, good luck to you in whatever you do, just stay happy and have a good life. I am done with the game myself.
Who wants to play a game where you have auto botting allowed, power level noobs who don't know how to play the game, people getting only to lvl 100 then decide, oh noooo it is too hard to go all the way to 105 now that the FF glitch isn't there and I actually have to work at it, and they go back to lvl 1 and are level 100 in a couple days cause they get 4X exp. and all... Hello, you guys are pathetic.
I miss the days of NO hypers, NO power leveling and you actually had to get in a squad, and actually work for what you were doing. People would take at minimum an hour just to complete bh 69, you had to work together and actually communicate with each other to get an instance done successfully. There was no "oh you are a fail..." There were people who had been there done that to help mentor and teach people that were struggling rather than call them names and attempt to embarrass them and such.
This game has just gone to hell and partly because of people like Hoju who cash shops the hell out of everything. It makes people feel bad if they aren't able to A.) Cash shop like them, B.) They don't have adequate gear to farm the things they need, C.) They don't live on the game like some people do, etc. So, get off your high horse Hoju and company and let others speak their mind without adding your nonsense.0 -
It's sad to see you go fuzzy. You were a great mod and done great things for the community. I agree with you though on what is wrong. In my opinion though, sometimes there isn't much left to say and it is better to move on. Perfect Word as a whole company is one of those things. I wish you well and hope the best for you in life.0
WilliamTell - Raging Tide wrote: »I am so sorry Fuzzy. I see exactly what you're saying and I agree 100%. I was here in RT years ago when the community was bright, cheerful, and helpful. Most new forum members are immediately met with a sarcastic bitter response now from players who are frustrated themselves. I'm still floored with how PWE handled the orb issue, but now that I see your post and what you've been through, the incompetence and lack of clarity is becoming clear itself, of the management and administration.
The orb issue was a fiasco of epic proportions, but it's history. All the QQing in the Final Compensation thread will change nothing. The thread needs to be locked and sent to the Lower Depths.
Best wishes on wherever you go from here. You've been a pillar in the community for a long time, if you go, you will be sorely missed, and PWI will fall yet further into the void.
And finally, respect. It took a lot to say all that, and that earns a lot of respect.
NOT! A pillar in the community would have sent that rant to DoD, resigned, and graciously said his goodbyes, no respect due here.
Fuzzy, although frustrated handled this all wrong.0 -
rip on into the aether dude0
comments coz im also from rh and what daku says is true
do people on the pwi forums get banned a lot for no reason coz that happens a lot on the RH forums.0 -
I didn't want to bump this thread again but since somebody already did,
I'd just like to say you're not a martyr, and this thread is disgraceful.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kniraven - Lost City wrote: »I didn't want to bump this thread again but since somebody already did,
I'd just like to say you're not a martyr, and this thread is disgraceful.
No it's not, but that's just my opinion.
Please tell me by disgraceful you mean "PWE is the good guy here, fuzzy isn't"0 -
No it's not, but that's just my opinion.
Please tell me by disgraceful you mean "PWE is the good guy here, fuzzy isn't"
I agree with many of the points he made, however as a moderator he abused his power and RQd in a hypocritical and unprofessional manner.
Fuzzy was well known for being verbally abusive toward people making similar claims and threads.
He created two stickied threads, purposefully posted on Friday night when GMs are on their day off. Another moderator had to merge and unsticky them.
This is defamation and abuse of power in an attempt to be a martyr. If he wanted to say his piece he should have done so on a non-staff avatar and left his position gracefully[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
If only fuzzy had more power here but maybe it would go too his head. where I see that before???[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
The many sides of a Venomancerb:victory0 -
Kniraven - Lost City wrote: »I agree with many of the points he made, however as a moderator he abused his power and RQd in a hypocritical and unprofessional manner.
Fuzzy was well known for being verbally abusive toward people making similar claims and threads.
He created two stickied threads, purposefully posted on Friday night when GMs are on their day off. Another moderator had to merge and unsticky them.
This is defamation and abuse of power in an attempt to be a martyr. If he wanted to say his piece he should have done so on a non-staff avatar and left his position gracefully
Abused his power?? What Mod hasnt at some point, sometimes blatantly and sometimes without realizing it, on any forum anywhere?
Seriously? You do realize he is a volunteer and not an employee, right? There is no professionalism in volunteering. Players make RQ threads all the time, and few critize other than make sure that player knows how much they dont care they are leaving.
Hypocrisy, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. If it serves your purpose, hypocrisy becomes 'helpful', lol.
Really? Do you write Romance Novelas in your spare time too? Very dramatic. b:chuckle
For me, Fuzzy is well known for believing he sucked at Haiku. b:chuckle0 -
Brillance - Raging Tide wrote: »Abused his power?? What Mod hasnt at some point, sometimes blatantly and sometimes without realizing it, on any forum anywhere?
Even if breaking rules and abusing trusted/granted ability were common practice that would not make it okay.
Seriously? You do realize he is a volunteer and not an employee, right? There is no professionalism in volunteering. Hypocrisy, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. If it serves your purpose, hypocrisy becomes 'helpful', lol.
This has nothing to do with what i said and is a weird red herring fallacy.
For me, Fuzzy is well known for believing he sucked at Haiku. b:chuckle
Good for you.
Derp 10char.
I really think kossy should depth this, it is not okay[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Im wondering what your deep-seeded personal problem is with it? f:stare
(FYI - there's an edit up there too.)0 -
Your name couldn't be more ironic.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Kniraven - Lost City wrote: »Your name couldn't be more ironic.
Yours could. b:chuckle
But, I wont help you get this locked. A troll should know when to just shut up. It would be best for everyone if you took a hint, Knitroll. *ghost shrugs*
Btw, Ive had a question on your 'Ask Kniraven' thread that you have not answered yet. Guess you dont know everything, at least not as much as you thought you did. Until next time, Knigrinch. b:bye
0 -
What exactly is the management structure? Is there anyone of any substance in the US offices or is it all handled by faulty communication from China? Maybe things get lost in translation b:laugh
Anyways does anyone believe the Chinese give a flying **** about us? god they are world leaders in making things that break after a few years why would a game be any different? They are only interested in making money and that surely is drying up rapidly in this title
I know there was much rot before but I think buying over Cryptic didn't help this game's chances as they got popular titles that probably generated more money and interest.
Anyways bye dude b:bye0 -
SonofAnarchy - Dreamweaver wrote: »What exactly is the management structure? Is there anyone of any substance in the US offices or is it all handled by faulty communication from China? Maybe things get lost in translation b:laugh
Anyways does anyone believe the Chinese give a flying **** about us? god they are world leaders in making things that break after a few years why would a game be any different? They are only interested in making money and that surely is drying up rapidly in this title
I know there was much rot before but I think buying over Cryptic didn't help this game's chances as they got popular titles that probably generated more money and interest.
Anyways bye dude b:bye
Dont forget that they are releasing -LASERS- in one of the Asian countries for -crowbar-So im guessing they will make money from -LASERS-
0 -
Gotta's become sad. Each expansion breaks things that are never fixed which most legit game companies never deal with...because they heavily test their expansions to be as bug free as possible.0
you know its kinda funny that it still says v4liance is a gm and community manager lol man is pwi slow.... infact they still have his name thread as a sticky even though no one is doing that anymore.░░░░███████]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.0 -
b:bye Fuzzy, i think he will remain a mod until the game shutdown cause they don't read or take actions XD b:byeb:bye0
Hey Fuzzy, played together in the early days, was fun. Back when the game wasn't completely broken, and the community gave a **** and helped each other. All the best mate!0
SonofAnarchy - Dreamweaver wrote: »What exactly is the management structure? Is there anyone of any substance in the US offices or is it all handled by faulty communication from China? Maybe things get lost in translation b:laugh
Anyways does anyone believe the Chinese give a flying **** about us? god they are world leaders in making things that break after a few years why would a game be any different? They are only interested in making money and that surely is drying up rapidly in this title
I know there was much rot before but I think buying over Cryptic didn't help this game's chances as they got popular titles that probably generated more money and interest.
Anyways bye dude b:bye
This is typically how it works based on my understanding of talking to GMs from other MMOs who've walked out of frustration or the like:
These games are developed overseas, typically in Korea or Japan, but in our case, China. Typically the developers overseas are focused on designing the game first for their country, then for others. This means the developers specifically research and focus on pleasing the Chinese community, and anything we get is this sort of watered-down compromise. Why? Because what often seems to happen is the developers believe that they know what's best since GMs and CMs are simply focused more on communication and management while the devs are qualified for that AND game programming and design.
The result is that the localized management often becomes apathetic entirely because much of the work they attempt to do simply never sees the light of day or gets ignored completely. As an example, we once had...frankie? Frankie (or someone) made the decision to make r9 a CS thing that was reasonably affordable ("reasonably") because in China, the atmosphere is one where players are FULLY ready to no-life the game and farm it, whereas here, none of us do that and simply don't have the time. Such a situation where the localized team and the development team have two different communities to cater to is one where issues often arise, and it could've just as easily occured that the developers ignored that suggestion and r9 became absolutely unreasonably obtainable for PWI because none of us are willing to put that much time and effort into farming it.
Over time it just slowly takes it's toll on the localized team and they stop trying entirely, which is when we, the community, begin to notice things going rather slow. I also think I recall reading business reviews from former employees with PWI, and they often said "the company knows what it's doing and will remain profitable, but at YOUR expense," AKA it sounds like they get worked pretty hard simply because the company knows it can get away with it. Think one complaint I read was that they were severely understaffed for answering tickets, so the people reading and responding to tickets constantly have work around the clock.
To top ALL of that off, let's be real here: MMO communities aren't exactly the most mature communities. I'm sorry, but while PWI deserves some criticism, it doesn't deserve even half of the criticism it gets. There's users who complain for good reason, then there's those who entertain naive thoughts of "fighting the man!!" and overthrowing the poor leadership, taking over and immediately making PWI the best game evar cuz omg da GMs so dumb n i so smert. I've actually had multiple requests on my server for me to write tickets on BEHALF of other people simply because I typically have better success with the support team (and for if my guild reads this, no you're not the only ones so no I'm not talking about you :P ), and man some of the tickets I've seen that people have sent or wanted to send are just downright rude. In that sense, it's sort of a thankless job, making the workers MORE apathetic cause they grow to hate the very community they're employed to serve.
Lastly, realize that the gaming industry is one that tends to attract naive employees. Ask yourself how many people you know who would like a job involving game development or management or something game-related. That's part of the problem: there's a looooot of fish in the sea. The companies know this, so they have no problem whatsoever giving their employees sub-par treatment, because the moment someone has enough and walks, someone will be there to take his place. Case and point, I PROMISE you a good 20+ people who've posted in this thread entertain thoughts of taking Fuzzy's position. (yes I know mods aren't paid workers, but I'm merely making a point about the naivety of the community and the area of profession/interest) Hell, NOT accusing here and merely using this as an example, but it could very well be Fuzzy had ambitions of becoming a GM/CM and fixing those problems. As I said not accusing cause I dunno the guy so it'd be a misplaced accusation on my part, but I simply mean people who've been in his shoes before (and there have been MMOs with similar situations; I've personally seen something like this before) definitely have.
V4liance? We all liked him right? He totally walked out the door. Guarentee it. Dunno and don't remember what was said, but I'd bet money he got sick of seeing his work get diminished to almost nothing. Kinda sad cause it's like all the best workers leave from what's essentially a broken heart. :P
So in short, I think it's simply a clash of cultures, where what the localized team says is best gets interpreted as ignorance and poor advice from less-qualified workers by the actual development team, so much of the localized team's work is undermined. Meanwhile, the localized team also -BASICALLY- has to babysit a community with the average maturity of a 13 year old, so it becomes taxing on their morale and they slowly begin to stop giving a damn. The moment they do, the community notices and complains even MORE and the cycle simply worsens.
Seen it happen myself with another MMO, got friends who play other MMOs and all report the same exact pattern. Just how it is, sadly. All we can do is hang in there and hope that the GMs do the same.IAGOREY
0 -
damn fuzzy it was great playing with ya good luck with whatever you do in the future0
Longknife - Harshlands wrote: »snip
How many are employed in the US offices? I remember reading back when game kicked off that there was about 180 ppl don't know if that's dwindled or whether the fact that they have more titles to manage has given the sense of no one being in control.
Seems to me the best/easiest thing would be to have a dev team handle the PWI side separately and semi-autonomously from China after all we have different styles, likes, game playing etc yada yada. Not that I presume to know what's best for the game.
But then that would be too simple
Anyhow sorry for the brief off topic
Bye Fuzzy b:bye0 -
All the players should do what Fuzzy did......bye bye!!!
The game has become a joke, they take all the things that you can do money with, now is just Pay2Play. Thank God i found an amazing game to play and I quit this joke of a game and now I am happy that i am not here anymore and spend 8 h farming TT and get 0 golds, do BH and get chips and 2 coins drop on floor, not to say no more mirages OMG!!!!
After 4 years I am happy I am out of here and I look on forums and cant believe how many people are idiots like I was and still play this boring, crappy, pay2play game! Wake up people cuz you will see you spend lots lots lots of real money on this game and years wasted for a pay to play game that there is nothing to do but duel ....0 -
From one old player to another, Good bye Fuzzy...
I have the feeling most people who are left playing this game never played it at the beginning.
The first year of PWI was absolutely GREAT!
We had GM online, cheaters WERE banned, very few things were broken ingame, there were lots of players everywhere, the game was FUN to play. We had good communication with PWI's staff on the forums (who still remember Orinj and Xarfox?). We had WORKING events (who remember the first Xmas event when everyone was hunting snowmen for card drops and celestones? Who remember Santa's quest? The first Valentine event? The Chinese New Year events? The "follow the GM" events? The "GM make a million boss popup and crash the server" event?) Now, all we have for this Holidays are snowmen and some snow falling from the sky.....
Then came the first anniversary, and from that point, it slowly went downward, even if some bright sparks happened from time to time (too few, sadly...)
Like someone previously said, this game is made and managed in China, by Chinese, for Chinese players. Their methods are probably acceptable there, but they don't adapt too well for the western market.
And I have the feeling PWI probably have too many games to manage and not enough staff to do it properly. And as long as they make enough money, I doubt anything will change here. And I doubt anything that can happen will make them change their ways. The day PW will not be profitable enough, they will simply shut it down, like they did to some of their games in the past already.
If you started to play after the one year anniversary, then you never experienced this game at its best time...
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
SonofAnarchy - Dreamweaver wrote: »...
Seems to me the best/easiest thing would be to have a dev team handle the PWI side separately and semi-autonomously from China after all we have different styles, likes, game playing etc yada yada. Not that I presume to know what's best for the game.
But then that would be too simple
Please read a few posts above (#202) : "...
Lastly, realize that the gaming industry is one that tends to attract naive employees. Ask yourself how many people you know who would like a job involving game development or management or something game-related. That's part of the problem: there's a looooot of fish in the sea. The companies know this, so they have no problem whatsoever giving their employees sub-par treatment, because the moment someone has enough and walks, someone will be there to take his place.
Newbies and underpaid devs can't work on such complex softwares that mmo's are...b:surrenderRyuTiger - Raging Tide wrote: »All the players should do what Fuzzy did......bye bye!!!
The game has become a joke, they take all the things that you can do money with, now is just Pay2Win. Thank God i found an amazing game to play and I quit this joke of a game and now I am happy that i am not here anymore and spend 8 h farming TT and get 0 golds, do BH and get chips and 2 coins drop on floor, not to say no more mirages OMG!!!!
After 4 years I am happy I am out of here and I look on forums and cant believe how many people are idiots like I was and still play this boring, crappy, pay2win game! Wake up people cuz you will see you spend lots lots lots of real money on this game and years wasted for a pay to win game that there is nothing to do but duel ....0 -
I am so sorry Fuzzy that everything has brought you to this. Thank you for the care, concern and and years of service. I was not lucky enough to play with you in-game but have appreciated the job you have done in the forums. I could not have done your job. I think it took courage to lay it out as you did-kudos
This is an edited version of my original post. I went back and read some of the responses to your good-bye and couldn't believe the amount of venom in many of them. With any job, there are people who appreciate what you do and others that don't. I do know for a fact that there are two sides to every story so I would not presume to say who is right and who is wrong. All I know is what I have seen in the forums-and what I have seen from you is predominantly good. I know you put your heart and soul into this game and community. I know all of our mods do and sadly, are not recognized for the good but are quickly blamed when things go to hell.
To our remaining mods if no one has thanked you, THANK YOU! I can't imagine how frustrating it is to try to help and end up being a punching bag.
I, for one, am extremely sad that you are leaving Fuzzy but I don't blame you and would ask you to stay if it would do any good-but I know it won't. You have valid points in your goodbye that I hope will be at least considered by the "higher-ups".
I wish you the best of everything and will ask even though I know the answer-please don't go
b:cry0 -
It's not a new thing that PWI is treated as a Fundraiser for PWE. The ONLY and LAST reason PWI did not shut down is because people who spend thousands of dollars on this game AKA: Server sponsors, those who buy Rank 9, Spam WC and actually care about the sales. Yeah those guys would be pretty pissed. Esspecially since spending money gives them Elite Status, being above everyone else in PVP with gear that is best in the game. So yeah time to look for different MMORPG. But I agree PWI was really FUN back in 2008 when I started, Active, helpful community. The only way for the to bring it back is to either reset everything back the way it was (Impossible) Or make Perfect World II..or is it called Forsaken World now.Mystic: 99 lvl (Main)
Psychic: 96 lvl (Alt)
Assassin: 78 lvl (Retired)
Cleric: 75 lvl (Retired)
Big bumpy ride since 20080 -
Kitty has pretty much quit this game by now. Kitty originally was going to login for NWs when she made the decision, but even NWs aren't worth going anymore from Kitty's POV, so Kitty can be considered as fully quit one. There's quite many reasons for Kitty quitting.
1. Too much to do for anyone who can't choose a class to concentrate on.
As Primordial Bloods can be obtained from dailies only, not farmed at all, there's bit too much to do both Morai and Primal World dailies. Not to mention doing all BHs(if Kitty would have got to that point again, unreincarnated ones are at disadvantage with all those skill upgrades and leveling a char back to 100 takes about a week on average, 10 weeks total for that thanks.)
2. Untradeable cards forcing to concentrate on single character.
As cards are untradeable and becoming big part of end-game, it pretty much trashed Kitty's plans about maxing out Lunar-T3-gears. Kitty wouldn't be competetive without end-game cards too, probably not even with them. And no, Kitty won't play this game on one or two mains only, Kitty's been hating this game everytime she's been playing one character for longer than 3 days straight.
3. Decline in average intelligence of playerbase.
So many players seemed to lack common sense that it was a pain for Kitty to play with them(or better said: do majority of work in squad due to others totally lacking common sense/not bothering to learn even very basics). PWI was much better a bit over year ago, things began going far worse around February.
Kitty's also heard there's been waves of players coming from localized versions(mainly BR) to PWI, so this issue might be caused by language barrier. Still, it's hellishly annoying. Kitty's not saying they all are bad, but sad truth seems to be that majority of them are.
4. Merchants...and fixed bounty orders
As they made Jolly's bounty orders unstackable again(can't do more that 7/day), Kitty lost her ability to stack those orders to do them on some boring "nothing-to-do"-day to get the coins. As Kitty has too much to do already, Kitty can't do those daily too and that's another major decrease in income for Kitty as Kitty's luck with BH Rewards and everything
As merchants have risen ToL prices to around 25k-(insert some high number here), even some BHs have become unprofitable to do(BH W2 on certain classes...). Kitty had no chances to get enough coins for upgrading gears anymore on top of upkeep-costs.
EDIT: And Kitty's not going to do merchanting too either. Greedy merchants are one of worst issues around, this game would be so much better if humans weren't so greedy(one of the things Kitty despises humans most for).
Kitty says "Goodbye" for good ones, "Shame on you" for bad ones.
PS. Not giving gears to anyone. They are Kitty's property.
PSS. No stealing [Kitten's Ball], it's Kitty's property.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Final ragequit on 21/02/2014 'cause ARC. Back on 15/04/2014, RL was bored.
Ten Paths of Kittyness(old mains when deleted): Kittysama 100(100) Sage HA-Venomancer |Aivina 100(101) Sage (ex-Zerk) Str. Seeker | Kittytart 90(101) Demon All path Zerk BM | KittyFishie 92(101) Demon APS/DPH Zerk Assassin | Haroin 100(100) Demon Vit. Zerk Barbarian | Elfborn 82(100) Demon Cleric | Pessimiste 85(100) Sage Wizard | PalavaEnkeli 87(100) Demon Fist/APS-Archer | VerenVanki 85(100) Demon Mystic | MerenPeto 85(100) Sage Psychic
Current mains: Old psy and 19 new/recreated mains(avg. level 82)0 -
Kniraven - Lost City wrote: »I didn't want to bump this thread again but since somebody already did,
I'd just like to say you're not a martyr, and this thread is disgraceful.
LOL you shouldn't use words you don't understand. b:chuckle0
This discussion has been closed.
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