Goodbye from Fuzzy
XXHotXx - Morai wrote: »...
well at least US has something sometimes
EU doesnt even have a forum b:shocked players had to open EU unofficial forum
We already have ****book as unofficial forum wich is already too much, we do not need ANY unofficial forum ! Even more, we do not need an unofficial forum rejecting French and German languages !!!
We do have French offficial forum and German official forum and that should be enough... If only these forums were read on a regular basis by, at least, MODs and GM's...
If employees who should read, maintain and moderate official forums don't do it, do you think they will, in any case, take care of your unofficial forum ? b:laughb:chuckleb:laugh0 -
Forum moderators are just normal players that were elected by players and other moderators after a lot of discussion and interviews. If anything we're as normal players as everyone else, with the exception with qualities that allowed us to be elected as moderators.
With that being said, you will be missed Fuzzy. Aside from your disappearances and a few clashes here and there with the way you've handled a few threads (I think you were drunk for a few of them xD), you've done nothing but help the community as a whole. While I do agree with how communication is key, it can also be said that communication is key to any type of relationship. From company to community, from moderators to players, from faction officers to their members, from player to player. Without communication, messes happen, but with corporate F2P MMOGs, especially one that has many different MMO games, communication is almost always non-existent.
But I cannot say much, as you have seen a lot more than I have. Though I will say that the best CM that we have had so far was V4liance. He's still missed to this day.
Kudos Fuzzy, it was a great run working with you!
-Skai[SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony![/SIGPIC]
Need to talk to a pony?
I'm watching you o.o
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The other mods have pretty much already said it all. I can't say it better myself. So I'll just say, goodbye Fuzzy! Good luck in all that you do in life. f:farewell0
Game died when genies were introduced into game. You know I'm hella bored if I've came to the forums to read this and even log in to post. Glad you finally came to your senses about how bad they (the company) are.0
Saveless - Harshlands wrote: »Game died when genies were introduced into game. You know I'm hella bored if I've came to the forums to read this and even log in to post. Glad you finally came to your senses about how bad they (the company) are.
Oh look, it is a clown from harshlands, some life you have by logging onto the forums being "hella bored" . Of course the game got really badly screwed when genies existed in the game and yes I still wish that never existed, but oh well, I moved on. Well guess what? What MMORPG company or any company at all care if you enjoy something for free? None. When it comes to money, people are corrupted souls, they seek money and become greedy. They lie, cheat and steal in order to get that. So do not think PWE is the only company in the world that is only bad. Because I seen much worse. If you haven't then you're ignorant.Sage barb in progress.0 -
Chuck_smith - Sanctuary wrote: »Oh look, it is a clown from harshlands, some life you have by logging onto the forums being "hella bored" . Of course the game got really badly screwed when genies existed in the game and yes I still wish that never existed, but oh well, I moved on. Well guess what? What MMORPG company or any company at all care if you enjoy something for free? None. When it comes to money, people are corrupted souls, they seek money and become greedy. They lie, cheat and steal in order to get that. So do not think PWE is the only company in the world that is only bad. Because I seen much worse. If you haven't then you're ignorant.
Ouch, stay mad on that incognito account. The feels.0 -
Take care and Good bye Fuzzy b:byePoisonous Crew f:victory
there has always been a difference between a literate person and an educated person,
Anyone can be literate by studying books, or even going to school, college, universities and stuff, but that would only give them enough knowledge to lets say write codes for such big games, the truly educated person, not only knows how to build something, but also knows how to maintain and progress it. What Fuzzy said is not wrong or bad its true.... I had sent in a ticket 3 days back tot he Ticketing service, and i didn't even get the regular auto response from them... yet.... anyways pwi been through lots of changes, but apparently this time it seems to be going down hill badly, never before has any moderator been so true enough on their decision to step down...
You shall be missed Fuzzy...0 -
I never really liked some of your posts, as they came off rude-like but a few have made me laugh. I'm 100% with what you've wrote here. The whole community of PWI have completely lost all forms of communication. xD
I remember when I first started and someone was stuck in the waterfall in Etherblade. A GM popped up and got them out. GMs use to be on all the time. Not anymore. Hardly see that red GM tag standing around doing silly things.
Hell, we don't even have our own CM anymore now. We are borrowing the ones we have atm.
It's kind of sad to see you go fuzzy because you have been here a long time but maybe it'll motivate some other oldies into moving on away from this game as nothing is improving here.0 -
Thank you for trying..
I wish this post would wake em up but don't think it will.
'You've done your best now **** the rest..'
Nothing you could do for the Company its thier fault that stuff is still broken and probobly will always be that way..
Good Bye and Thank You for trying.....0 -
Bye Fuzzy, and dont worry others will follow you soon.Game is at its lowest level atm, just exploiters and rich kids whos parents dont look at the money they throw in the game couldve argued with what you said.All you said its true and sad but dont worry...
Been playing here for 4-5 years and it was WAY BETTER THEN ! Yes .. it was better when a dragon orb +12 used to cost 11.200 $ (no. not a joke). And when warsoul weps were just a dream.It was easyer, and less bugs. You know why ? Becouse we had good staff members to take care of things.Now even tho the game itsellf its 20 times easyer at least than back then, its actually worse.The gameplay experience is worse.
So goodbye Fuzzy... your the prime example that the game is falling apart.You were the first who had enough courage to do something !0 -
I was a level 30 barb on the early days of Raging tide , trying to do the 2 oracle II's i got from the pack. Here comes Fuzzy 2nd or third day of server already lvl 70 with calamity axes! Offering to buff etc.
My other favorite fuzzy memories ~ The Many QQme varden TW's in which varden always acted with great class and resolve.
As to game and management related stuff consider this ~ When you started playing PWI no one guaranteed any updates at all, that we do get updates in itself is a blessing.
Yes a lot of players may be a tad bit negative, that is the player base for this free MMORPG. They can point the finger to no one but themselves. I prefer to mute negative players, and cast my gaze on players like Astrelle who give a lot to the community!
The several weeks of server maintenance gone wrong we had... Made me realize that we were pretty lucky that for the previous 3 years they went pretty smoothly with almost no problem at all!
I think sometimes PWI would benefit from not listening to the community as much as it has in the past. (when dominance blessings were removed, when PvP was enabled in secret passage, when people asked for compensation, even our PWI version of rank 9 recast)
Anyways Man wishes the fluffy panda a wonderful retirement b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Take care, and good luck in whatever you do Fuzzy. Don't think that I ever had the opportunity to play with you in game. Would have been nice to do so. I wish you the best in life, and all of your endeavors. You will be missed by this old cleric. I remember you were active before I was even a player. (I read forums before even downloading to get a general idea of games.) I also remember that you were the one that stickied my guide.
In regards to your point, you're absolutely correct. Communication is key in any MMO, and honestly in any company/business/transaction/relationship...etc. All of which PWI has a part of, and are failing to do. The glitches not being resolved properly, the massive orb glitch, the massive goon glitch, the lack of response to the playerbase. The lack of communication even about this new expansion. Were it not for players like Asterelle, Bubbles, and others, many of us would not know what to expect...or even for that matter, how to get to the primal world...and even moreso, where the npc's are. To date, I still cannot find the level 80 primal world npc, and that other players have asked. On that, no response from the is true for many other issues.
It was the power creep, and abuse that caused this cleric to leave for over a year. So I fully understand your resignation, and decision to leave due to communication issues...especially as a mod who wants to help...yet is stifled in doing so. That puts a great strain on you, and you're a remarkable panda/person for having endured it for as long as you have.
Be safe Fuzzy. Hopefully I will still have the opportunity to one day squad you in this game if I'm still playing it. Long live the Panda."Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."
Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.
(Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)0 -
i want to agree with what op say but i think this post describes him too wellHexalot - Dreamweaver wrote: »You know, this is some hilarious hypocritical sh** right here. b:chuckle
You Fuzzy basically made your reputation as a PWI mod in part by mocking those on here who QQ about the state of the game. Even those old veterans who were here from nearly the beginning and seen the way the game slipped all the way from being truly Epic to becoming the laughing stock of MMOs weren't spared your ridicule and thread locking.
IN FACT... I remember you going on a RANT a couple years ago (Michael_Dark come to mind ? b:bye) about doing your utmost to get those posters who incessantly complain about the state of the game, banned from the forums.
Now... LOL... here you are taking a MASSIVE DUMP on these same forums with not one but TWO stickied threads complaining about the SAME b:fatb you were ridiculing other people for saying not so long ago.
All I can say is... well trolled Sir, well trolled !!
Ha Ha !! nice to see some other Mod on here wake up, grow a pair and do the right thing by unstickying and merging Fuzzy's ridiculous threads !
congrats for putting up with pw **** for 3 years
many of us players put up with it for much longer
u made ur name on these forums being a ******bag to qqers putting their post in lower depth with mocking response
now hilariously u sticky ur own qqthread cuz evidently this is all qq we dont already know and that anyone can already read on a daily basis
op is right on a number of issues like the rest of the community qqing about same problems but more than that op is a hypocrite loser0 -
A MOD posting this kind of thread, wheter right or wrong ( i think hes 90% right on whats hes saying, but thats beside the point) shows he's not suitted for the job, if u wanna leave, leave, dont trash game, and leave a mess and people QQing and complaining to the ones who stayed and keep working, he could have left in peace.0
Fuzzy, I am sad to hear you say good bye.
You are a very smart person, just apply for a part-time community manager position for pwi, even as a trial one. Your background in business would help you alot and from that position, you could do more for us. b:victory0 -
Who is this twit? Half of the first post is him saying how awesome and great he is. Then all his posts after that is him arguing with people who leave negative comments. How did he get mod in the first place? Talk about attention *****. If you're gonna leave, just leave. No need to trash the game and make a big deal about your departure.0
Ahw, Fuzzy... You're leaving us alone in this cold dark place now? Well... Can't say I blame you... Thank you for being a great Mod over these past years... And know that you will be missed... b:sad[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
BigHearts member... f:grin0 -
I don't see any issue with this thread. He said he is quitting and why but haters gonna hate i guess. b:chuckle
Take care Fuzzy and thanks for everything.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Outch on the post. We need strong people when things happen Fuzzy. Community Supporting each other is important in this game is one of the reasons its still working. Yes I agree we need a new CM and yes i agree we need better Communication. But for now we need everyone that will support this game to do so!
GL hope to see you around!0 -
oVenusArmanio wrote: »The other mods have pretty much already said it all. I can't say it better myself. So I'll just say, goodbye Fuzzy! Good luck in all that you do in life. f:farewell
You took my words. xD
We're going to miss you Fuzzy, I hope you don't forget us ^_^.0 -
Have a good 1 Fuzzy, even though you deep six'd and Depthed more then a couple of my threads in the past (whether they be light hearted troll or purely QQ) I never held it against you, cause you were just doing what you felt was best with your duties as a Moderator...
I will admit your Farewell thread shocked me though..{b:laugh} But boy what a way to go ~ By Stickying an In YOoo face Negligent Admin's style of thread like this ~ As you're departing measure to try and get them to wake the *e** ^!! Before they make the state of the game any worse then it already is... You actually earned alot of respect from me by doing so, so lets just hope that your sacrifice & departure makes them wake the **** up again and stop lazing about when it comes to PWi.....b:bye0 -
Good bye Fuzzy and good luck with your new goals. My memmories about Fuzzy was... i meet in fishi elder when im a archer 55, i ask him for help for goshiki quest, for kill tideborn traitor, he politely accept help (fuzzy was lvl 100) and he with 2 hit killed the miniboss and i b:shocked wow.
Another memories is Fuzzy in few facts vs Leviathan b:chuckle, he running for all the base with the cata.0 -
its not just in this game
these sorts of threads pop up in s bunch of their games0 -
I am so sorry Fuzzy. I see exactly what you're saying and I agree 100%. I was here in RT years ago when the community was bright, cheerful, and helpful. Most new forum members are immediately met with a sarcastic bitter response now from players who are frustrated themselves. I'm still floored with how PWE handled the orb issue, but now that I see your post and what you've been through, the incompetence and lack of clarity is becoming clear itself, of the management and administration.
Best wishes on wherever you go from here. You've been a pillar in the community for a long time, if you go, you will be sorely missed, and PWI will fall yet further into the void.
And finally, respect. It took a lot to say all that, and that earns a lot of respect....A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the heavens come crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear in this world, I bid you stand, warriors of Pellucidar!
Some are implying that PWI is the best game of it's type by pointing out worse ones. Have they checked any top 10 lists lately? PWI isn't even in the ones I've checked. I've also tried out a few of them and much prefer them.Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.0
I dunno, I'm with Hoju on this one. Also, I just LOVE how you consistently point out you've been around longer than anyone else as a Mod, CM or GM. PRetty sure I know a FEW GMs that have been around since the beginning of the game. Just because they don't talk on this cesspool of a forums.
Oh and, way to slap your fellow Mod's in the face by spouting off ... here's a little tid-bit for you: Just because you've been there the longest, doesn't make you the best or even very good at all. At one point I remember you being a nice mod.. but here's the deal... it's JUST a forum on a game... Get down off your soap box and step away from the mic. I haven't seen you in a long time. so what's changed now? Why make a big stink out of nothing. I read your thread and I cant' seem to actually find the reason you are upset. No communication from the higher ups? Well, DUH they are a company and you are a volunteer. Also most GMs works under NDA's. Get it through your heads people they CANNOT talk about things just because we WANT them to. They HAVE HAVE HAVE to get permission for everything they tell us, and that my friends can be some long red tape to go through.
tl;dr: Get over yourself, Fuzzy. The first doesn't = the best.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Character Roster:
Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired0 -
I'm from the Rusty Hearts department, and it really isn't any better here.
The last content update was 8 months ago, mods and GM's have been silent forever and the game is filled with hackers.
Some time ago, they said they were looking for new mods, I never applied despite many people were vouching for me, because I knew that I would be in the same situation you are now. To top it off, not a single moderator was ever chosen, which leaves the forums with the cancer you speak of, including pony/hentai pictures all over the place. Their solution was to disable posting images alltogether while the solution should have been just freaking updating and supporting the game you publish so people can have a good time.
Everyone thinks the game is dying at this point.
Without a doubt, the management is horrible and the players don't deserve the **** PWE has been tossing them all the time.0 -
dakustorm1 wrote: »Hi.
I'm from the Rusty Hearts department, and it really isn't any better here.
The last content update was 8 months ago, mods and GM's have been silent forever and the game is filled with hackers.
Some time ago, they said they were looking for new mods, I never applied despite many people were vouching for me, because I knew that I would be in the same situation you are now. To top it off, not a single moderator was ever chosen, which leaves the forums with the cancer you speak of, including pony/hentai pictures all over the place. Their solution was to disable posting images alltogether while the solution should have been just freaking updating and supporting the game you publish so people can have a good time.
Everyone thinks the game is dying at this point.
Without a doubt, the management is horrible and the players don't deserve the **** PWE has been tossing them all the time.
yea, and are u sure u can call the update 8 months ago an actual content update? all it pretty much did was:
-New Costume
-Tradeable Epics (excluding raids)
-Raid keys
-Messed up drop rates
And the game isnt full dying, despite the fact that basically only west is left with the most people, sure its not good, but at least the game isnt TOTALLY dead
and the players and game deserve so much better
~Burkia0 -
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