Official Notes/Observations for New Horizons - 1.30.14 UPDATED

Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
Please post in this thread any and all changes (not just bugs and glitches) that have been made to the game that isn't in the patch notes. Please note that any text in [RED] is commentary from DefenderofDreams.
Update 1/30/14:
Changed the highlight system. Each classification, Future Patch (yellow) / Investigating (pink) / Awaiting Dev Response (turquoise), have had their own highlight added for easy scanning.
We are sending over as many issues to the devs that we can, and currently are awaiting their response to a couple. The yellow highlights concerning future patch fixes is based on our responses from them. We will be continuing this process until the next content update. (Negatives section will be tackled next).
However, we expect slower responses from the devs unless a major bug affecting a large % of the playerbase is discovered, so the following updates to this thread may be less frequent.
With that said, future updates will be handled by PWI's new CM, SparkieSoft. I do hope my efforts in being the bridge between the community, PWE, and the devs has had a net positive effect on the quality of your play. I'll be shifting into the shadows for now, back to defending the dreams we all have for a better future of PWI!
Mod Added Edit on 1/22/14: I moved resolved issues to their own posts, but kept the same numbering/categories for people who were keeping track. Did this to make viewing issues that are still a problem easier. Anything that still says fixed even though it's listed here are issues in which at least some uses are still reporting having issues.
Update 1/18/14:
Many bug/glitches are currently being verified and sent to devs for responses. The majority of localization errors have been fixed, with a few more to come in the next patch.
Projected Date for Next Update: 1/28
Update 1/11/14:
I've updated the list with more localization and a couple bug fixes that I can confirm will be fixed in the next patch. All issues that will be fixed in the next patch have been highlighted for your viewing convenience.
Projected Date for Next Update: 1/17 - 1/18
Update 1/3/14:
I've talked with the QA team and updated the list with what I can confirm will be fixed or is already fixed. A majority of localization fixes will be in the game in the next patch, and following that, more bugs/glitches will be start to be addressed.
Projected Date for Next Update: 1/9 - 1/10
1. Autopath automatically goes around obstacles
2. Improved max resistances across the board
3. You get 500k coins for completing BH lunar
4. Some grade 9, and grade 10 shards are now stackable
5. Hellfire Abominations damage has been significantly reduced
6. COA orb crafting/warsoul tag crafting time has significantly decreased from 5s to 1s.
7. Manufacturing items now tells you the quantity you'll manufacture, even without the required materials
8. Morai daily quests' experience and prestige reward increased significantly
9. Pets will still do whatever is set as their default attack after changing zones without having to be resummoned
10. New visual added for aggro display (pink swirls)
11. BH100 now rewards 2 holy pills and exp
12. Clicking on a skill while on a mount will stow the mount. Skills that don't require a target will then cast.
13. Macros can move to the next skill in the chain if one is on cooldown instead of stopping. It won't skip two.
14. To exchange martial arts scrolls now, use the exchange tab instead of the quest. The daily limit on exchanging scrolls for worms has been removed.
15. Faction base trials have been increased in difficulty but you can now gain card packs and arcane sky vitae pills from it.
16. Some of the quest gear in the 12-24 quest chain has been replaced with noble gear. These quests are marked in purple.
17. Shortened the travel time for the 20-29 cultivation quests by having you report to the new "mine scout" NPC instead of general summer in between kill quests.
1. All OHT maps are accessible without doing chrono culti for a limited time
2. Politician Level 1 bow now requires Archer class
3. At the startup screen some classes require certain weapon types to view the animations. BMs require pikes, Seekers require dual swords. Venos require patakas, Barbs require dual axes, wizards require magic swords. Archer animation doesn't appear to work at all.
4. FB19-79 have had various dreamchaser/new legendary level gear added to the drop table. Low level molds have been removed from these bosses. This armor drops really frequently but is not tradeable or account stashable. The old molds have been moved to the mob drop tables.
5. Commission Icon has been removed from UI, you can still access it by pressing the function button
6. Cenimator and Watcher of Chasm have less HP
7. Drop rates on all items in TT have been increased slightly
8. Cultivation Assisant's botting availability is time limited to 166 hours and 39 minutes (or 9999 minutes). You will only run into this limit if server doesn't get reset at maintenance, assuming you don't refresh it. Which you can do at anytime to reset the clock to max.
9. TT and EU were added to BH
10. Character Screen no longer shows individual elemental defenses, hover mouse over the display to bring up tooltip explaining this information
11. Hitting mobs that have reset will give the "no effect" message and will not deal damage.
12. Evil Dragon Sademan drops fairyboxes
13. Warsong's difficulty has been slightly increased, including pavillions.
14. Billboard NPC has been removed, it seems future quests may come from the PW promotions agent? The billboard's "whispering words" useless quest has been moved to it.
15. You can have the client remember your username when logging in now
16. The gear forge menu at the nirvana forges has streamlined to include radio buttons and a check box for agreeing to attribute changes.
1. Blinking Poultices are no longer obtainable by exchanging bound dreamchaser gear has been replaced with 1 perfect stone
3. Mulberry Heart quest (and it's associated title) has been disabled but NPC has not been removed
4. Roll Call Daily is available from the chest now but isn't trashable
5. Instance matching system requires a barb and a cleric Requires Cleric only; Barb not required
6. The button for Auto-pot has disappeared and is only accessible through pressing the "h" button
7. Card drops from mobs have been removed
8. Orbs of cultivation now have a level 95 requisite and cannot be used on reincarnated characters
10. Fairy Boxes have been removed
12. Warsong was removed from BH
13. You are no longer able to move freely when holding the ctrl key
14. Trophy Mode for Wraithgate and Hallucinatory Trench have been removed
15. Many of the dreamchaser drops bind on equip status has been removed, making the unique rewards chest orbs unable to be used on them without buying a binding stone. This gear already can't be stashed, traded, or dropped so the bind status only purpose was to use those orbs.
16. Quest Text Font is hard to read
Bug Fixes
1. Jolly Old jones Quest is back to it's original restrictions
2. Many title quests have been fixed
3. Sage Bestial Onslaught can zerk crit
Localization Errors
21. Inconsistent usage of the 4 emperor's names. [click] Fixed in Next Patch
24. The NPC smooth Antoine lists both seeker and mystic damage test rankings under mystic. The icons are still correct but the are both listed under mystic. Fixed in next patch
25. Tiger Leap now has the correct description but has an error in the stated % chance to succeed Fixed in next patch
26. Lady Wraith is now called the correct name at Orchid Temple but still is called YourName in the War Avatar book and card Fixed in next patch
27. In 1k streams at 132, 864 the area still launches you into the air as a remnant from the "Chase the Fairies" quest which was required for the 1st unlock of the world spire in the Primal World Quest. Even on servers that have completed this unlock stage and as a result had the quest removed. Not a localization error; can't be fixed
28. Bloodpaint doesn't say it works for seekers and Sage's 3% bonus is in the description for Demon BP Fixed in Next Patch
29. Endless Breeze passive buff adds a 1% increase in skill damage not 2% with each tier Investigating
1. Certain instances cannot be entered After investigating, our understanding is this may have been the result of network/bug problems following the release of New Horizons. If this problem persists, please create a thread in the Quality Corner section of the forums.
2. Game freezes when attempting to autopath a long distance from a mount. Can be fixed by relogging or using town teleport pot or by embracingFuture Patch - TBD
3. Can't summon venomancer pets when flying Future Patch - TBD
6. Auto path doesn't ignore all obstacles or while flying and doesn't workImprovements on the auto-pathing possible in next content update - Future
8. Mighty Swing doesn't display animation for all users; only those that did that attack and were attacked.Investigating
10. Explore Primal World-->Lord tyrants fortress autopaths you to wrong location. Trash quest can bring up the correct coordinates Investigating
11. Inventory Full error message doesn't appear when using the pickup command action. Clicking the item still produces the error message normally. Investigating
12. Many of Evil Dragon Sademan's drops do not display their name on ground.Investigating
13. The second reincarnation quest "Guard the Camp" cannot be completed because the subquest's "Time for the Living" dig item called "ignition site" doesn't trigger when clicked. This quest is required to advance in the quest chain. Future Patch - TBD
14. Earth boss in warsong doesn't reappear after he splits off, which he means he cannot be killed. As a result his vile boss cannot be summoned and the final boss (both vile and normal) in warsong cannot be summoned or killed. FIXED
15. Fashion has FINALLY been categorized by type as it has been needed for so long but you STILL can't sell any in there. Awaiting dev response
16. While most of the zodiac fireworks stack to 999 in primal world, some of them (e.g. Taurus) only stack to 10 Investigating - Expect Future Patch
17. 1 apple pie dig is missing from alchemy labs
18. Coordinate Assistant doesn't work in primal world Cannot reproduce; Note:There are not many NPCs away from Kirin Town, so it will be sparse as not every NPC has a slot in the Co-ord. Assist.
19. 3 star quality drops from Eden and Brim charge an outdated fee Cannot Reproduce; Needs further clarification
20. Faction Slogans can't use punctuation Awaiting Dev Response
21. Army Crusher and Redstone Venomworm have no sound effects Investigating many sound effects for batch send to devs
22. The pet skill provoking, and the bm skill's alter magical/physical marrow, appear on both the boss and player when used.
Misc Problems/Problems that need more information
1. Nation Wars is called Cross server nation wars and claims 100+ and reincarnated characters only are allowed to attend(probably just a localization error) [Localization Error/Bug]
3. Matching love quest (leon love) is removed (is this a bug or intentional?) [Investigating]
4. Tiger Leap has no sound effect (bug or intentional?) Investigating many sound effect errors for batch send to devs
5. Ma lin has gone missing. (Probably related to matching love quest going missing)
6. Coin drops seem to be missing in many low level fuben/bounty hunter dungeons. bug or negative change?
7. violet dance mode cleric skills appear to be missing and skill functionality may have changed???? And the 10% hp boost has been changed to a 10 hp boost. The debuffs don't work on ? mobs. Skill seems to be working from old skill description, which has been changed to something different. Need more information on this. Must be referring to Ultra-Violet Dance, which increases max HP by a certain % based on your level. Higher the level, the higher the boost. Concerning debuffs on ? mobs, they are 5+ levels higher than the player so the debuffs will not work. Conclusion: Not a bug.
8. Blood Frenzy, Tidal Protection have localization description errors.(needs more info on what the error is)
9. Auto cultivation appears to attempt to town portal at inappropriate times at random
10. Demon Primal Spirit Chaser has a description error More info requested
Needs verification/maybe individual issues for some users
1. War avatar system displays incorrectly on some monitors Cannot reproduce
2. Clicking war avatar button at the bottom of the screen crashes clientCannot Reproduce
3. Prestige and Influence are not displaying accurately
4. Archer animation at startup screen doesn't work for some users but may work by equipping a crossbow for others?Awaiting Dev Response
6. Astral Domain's music file has an error and sometimes overlaps songs from genesis and sanctuary?Investigating
7. The bank and account stash randomly close after only a few seconds for some users. Relogging fixes the bug. Aware and still investigating; reproduction is proving to be difficult
8. The quest to upgrade Heaven Ravager cape in Endless Universe is bugged for some people
9. Auto-party doesn't work for some users even though it is enabled Cleric required
Update 1/30/14:
Changed the highlight system. Each classification, Future Patch (yellow) / Investigating (pink) / Awaiting Dev Response (turquoise), have had their own highlight added for easy scanning.
We are sending over as many issues to the devs that we can, and currently are awaiting their response to a couple. The yellow highlights concerning future patch fixes is based on our responses from them. We will be continuing this process until the next content update. (Negatives section will be tackled next).
However, we expect slower responses from the devs unless a major bug affecting a large % of the playerbase is discovered, so the following updates to this thread may be less frequent.
With that said, future updates will be handled by PWI's new CM, SparkieSoft. I do hope my efforts in being the bridge between the community, PWE, and the devs has had a net positive effect on the quality of your play. I'll be shifting into the shadows for now, back to defending the dreams we all have for a better future of PWI!
Mod Added Edit on 1/22/14: I moved resolved issues to their own posts, but kept the same numbering/categories for people who were keeping track. Did this to make viewing issues that are still a problem easier. Anything that still says fixed even though it's listed here are issues in which at least some uses are still reporting having issues.
Update 1/18/14:
Many bug/glitches are currently being verified and sent to devs for responses. The majority of localization errors have been fixed, with a few more to come in the next patch.
Projected Date for Next Update: 1/28
Update 1/11/14:
I've updated the list with more localization and a couple bug fixes that I can confirm will be fixed in the next patch. All issues that will be fixed in the next patch have been highlighted for your viewing convenience.
Projected Date for Next Update: 1/17 - 1/18
Update 1/3/14:
I've talked with the QA team and updated the list with what I can confirm will be fixed or is already fixed. A majority of localization fixes will be in the game in the next patch, and following that, more bugs/glitches will be start to be addressed.
Projected Date for Next Update: 1/9 - 1/10
1. Autopath automatically goes around obstacles
2. Improved max resistances across the board
3. You get 500k coins for completing BH lunar
4. Some grade 9, and grade 10 shards are now stackable
5. Hellfire Abominations damage has been significantly reduced
6. COA orb crafting/warsoul tag crafting time has significantly decreased from 5s to 1s.
7. Manufacturing items now tells you the quantity you'll manufacture, even without the required materials
8. Morai daily quests' experience and prestige reward increased significantly
9. Pets will still do whatever is set as their default attack after changing zones without having to be resummoned
10. New visual added for aggro display (pink swirls)
11. BH100 now rewards 2 holy pills and exp
12. Clicking on a skill while on a mount will stow the mount. Skills that don't require a target will then cast.
13. Macros can move to the next skill in the chain if one is on cooldown instead of stopping. It won't skip two.
14. To exchange martial arts scrolls now, use the exchange tab instead of the quest. The daily limit on exchanging scrolls for worms has been removed.
15. Faction base trials have been increased in difficulty but you can now gain card packs and arcane sky vitae pills from it.
16. Some of the quest gear in the 12-24 quest chain has been replaced with noble gear. These quests are marked in purple.
17. Shortened the travel time for the 20-29 cultivation quests by having you report to the new "mine scout" NPC instead of general summer in between kill quests.
1. All OHT maps are accessible without doing chrono culti for a limited time
2. Politician Level 1 bow now requires Archer class
3. At the startup screen some classes require certain weapon types to view the animations. BMs require pikes, Seekers require dual swords. Venos require patakas, Barbs require dual axes, wizards require magic swords. Archer animation doesn't appear to work at all.
4. FB19-79 have had various dreamchaser/new legendary level gear added to the drop table. Low level molds have been removed from these bosses. This armor drops really frequently but is not tradeable or account stashable. The old molds have been moved to the mob drop tables.
5. Commission Icon has been removed from UI, you can still access it by pressing the function button
6. Cenimator and Watcher of Chasm have less HP
7. Drop rates on all items in TT have been increased slightly
8. Cultivation Assisant's botting availability is time limited to 166 hours and 39 minutes (or 9999 minutes). You will only run into this limit if server doesn't get reset at maintenance, assuming you don't refresh it. Which you can do at anytime to reset the clock to max.
9. TT and EU were added to BH
10. Character Screen no longer shows individual elemental defenses, hover mouse over the display to bring up tooltip explaining this information
11. Hitting mobs that have reset will give the "no effect" message and will not deal damage.
12. Evil Dragon Sademan drops fairyboxes
13. Warsong's difficulty has been slightly increased, including pavillions.
14. Billboard NPC has been removed, it seems future quests may come from the PW promotions agent? The billboard's "whispering words" useless quest has been moved to it.
15. You can have the client remember your username when logging in now
16. The gear forge menu at the nirvana forges has streamlined to include radio buttons and a check box for agreeing to attribute changes.
1. Blinking Poultices are no longer obtainable by exchanging bound dreamchaser gear has been replaced with 1 perfect stone
3. Mulberry Heart quest (and it's associated title) has been disabled but NPC has not been removed
4. Roll Call Daily is available from the chest now but isn't trashable
5. Instance matching system requires a barb and a cleric Requires Cleric only; Barb not required
6. The button for Auto-pot has disappeared and is only accessible through pressing the "h" button
7. Card drops from mobs have been removed
8. Orbs of cultivation now have a level 95 requisite and cannot be used on reincarnated characters
10. Fairy Boxes have been removed
12. Warsong was removed from BH
13. You are no longer able to move freely when holding the ctrl key
14. Trophy Mode for Wraithgate and Hallucinatory Trench have been removed
15. Many of the dreamchaser drops bind on equip status has been removed, making the unique rewards chest orbs unable to be used on them without buying a binding stone. This gear already can't be stashed, traded, or dropped so the bind status only purpose was to use those orbs.
16. Quest Text Font is hard to read
Bug Fixes
1. Jolly Old jones Quest is back to it's original restrictions
2. Many title quests have been fixed
3. Sage Bestial Onslaught can zerk crit
Localization Errors
21. Inconsistent usage of the 4 emperor's names. [click] Fixed in Next Patch
24. The NPC smooth Antoine lists both seeker and mystic damage test rankings under mystic. The icons are still correct but the are both listed under mystic. Fixed in next patch
25. Tiger Leap now has the correct description but has an error in the stated % chance to succeed Fixed in next patch
26. Lady Wraith is now called the correct name at Orchid Temple but still is called YourName in the War Avatar book and card Fixed in next patch
27. In 1k streams at 132, 864 the area still launches you into the air as a remnant from the "Chase the Fairies" quest which was required for the 1st unlock of the world spire in the Primal World Quest. Even on servers that have completed this unlock stage and as a result had the quest removed. Not a localization error; can't be fixed
28. Bloodpaint doesn't say it works for seekers and Sage's 3% bonus is in the description for Demon BP Fixed in Next Patch
29. Endless Breeze passive buff adds a 1% increase in skill damage not 2% with each tier Investigating
1. Certain instances cannot be entered After investigating, our understanding is this may have been the result of network/bug problems following the release of New Horizons. If this problem persists, please create a thread in the Quality Corner section of the forums.
2. Game freezes when attempting to autopath a long distance from a mount. Can be fixed by relogging or using town teleport pot or by embracingFuture Patch - TBD
3. Can't summon venomancer pets when flying Future Patch - TBD
6. Auto path doesn't ignore all obstacles or while flying and doesn't workImprovements on the auto-pathing possible in next content update - Future
8. Mighty Swing doesn't display animation for all users; only those that did that attack and were attacked.Investigating
10. Explore Primal World-->Lord tyrants fortress autopaths you to wrong location. Trash quest can bring up the correct coordinates Investigating
11. Inventory Full error message doesn't appear when using the pickup command action. Clicking the item still produces the error message normally. Investigating
12. Many of Evil Dragon Sademan's drops do not display their name on ground.Investigating
13. The second reincarnation quest "Guard the Camp" cannot be completed because the subquest's "Time for the Living" dig item called "ignition site" doesn't trigger when clicked. This quest is required to advance in the quest chain. Future Patch - TBD
14. Earth boss in warsong doesn't reappear after he splits off, which he means he cannot be killed. As a result his vile boss cannot be summoned and the final boss (both vile and normal) in warsong cannot be summoned or killed. FIXED
15. Fashion has FINALLY been categorized by type as it has been needed for so long but you STILL can't sell any in there. Awaiting dev response
16. While most of the zodiac fireworks stack to 999 in primal world, some of them (e.g. Taurus) only stack to 10 Investigating - Expect Future Patch
17. 1 apple pie dig is missing from alchemy labs
18. Coordinate Assistant doesn't work in primal world Cannot reproduce; Note:There are not many NPCs away from Kirin Town, so it will be sparse as not every NPC has a slot in the Co-ord. Assist.
19. 3 star quality drops from Eden and Brim charge an outdated fee Cannot Reproduce; Needs further clarification
20. Faction Slogans can't use punctuation Awaiting Dev Response
21. Army Crusher and Redstone Venomworm have no sound effects Investigating many sound effects for batch send to devs
22. The pet skill provoking, and the bm skill's alter magical/physical marrow, appear on both the boss and player when used.
Misc Problems/Problems that need more information
1. Nation Wars is called Cross server nation wars and claims 100+ and reincarnated characters only are allowed to attend(probably just a localization error) [Localization Error/Bug]
3. Matching love quest (leon love) is removed (is this a bug or intentional?) [Investigating]
4. Tiger Leap has no sound effect (bug or intentional?) Investigating many sound effect errors for batch send to devs
5. Ma lin has gone missing. (Probably related to matching love quest going missing)
6. Coin drops seem to be missing in many low level fuben/bounty hunter dungeons. bug or negative change?
7. violet dance mode cleric skills appear to be missing and skill functionality may have changed???? And the 10% hp boost has been changed to a 10 hp boost. The debuffs don't work on ? mobs. Skill seems to be working from old skill description, which has been changed to something different. Need more information on this. Must be referring to Ultra-Violet Dance, which increases max HP by a certain % based on your level. Higher the level, the higher the boost. Concerning debuffs on ? mobs, they are 5+ levels higher than the player so the debuffs will not work. Conclusion: Not a bug.
8. Blood Frenzy, Tidal Protection have localization description errors.(needs more info on what the error is)
9. Auto cultivation appears to attempt to town portal at inappropriate times at random
10. Demon Primal Spirit Chaser has a description error More info requested
Needs verification/maybe individual issues for some users
1. War avatar system displays incorrectly on some monitors Cannot reproduce
2. Clicking war avatar button at the bottom of the screen crashes clientCannot Reproduce
3. Prestige and Influence are not displaying accurately
4. Archer animation at startup screen doesn't work for some users but may work by equipping a crossbow for others?Awaiting Dev Response
6. Astral Domain's music file has an error and sometimes overlaps songs from genesis and sanctuary?Investigating
7. The bank and account stash randomly close after only a few seconds for some users. Relogging fixes the bug. Aware and still investigating; reproduction is proving to be difficult
8. The quest to upgrade Heaven Ravager cape in Endless Universe is bugged for some people
9. Auto-party doesn't work for some users even though it is enabled Cleric required
Post edited by Unknown User on
Resolved Issues
2. New Game Font is hard to read on some monitors or by some people Reverted to normal font type
9. Supply Stash has been removed Intentional; replaced by Unique Reward chest and other ease of play systems
11. Hidden Dragons Den ad it's associated title has been removed CN intentional
Localization Errors
1.Blood paints description is completely wrong (it describes a fake effect, doesn't mention actual effect)Fixed
2. Bounty Hunter 1 (Endless Universe )has an error in the instance name (shows the color code)Fixed
3. Spirits Gift has description error (extra buff is still self only, not target)Fixed
4. 1k exp ticket from exp event scratchcard incorrectly says it contains 1k event silver rather than exp.Fixed
5. Assistant Wang Tsai just says "For" in the first tab where you would exchange dreamchaser gear for p.stonesFixed
6. Kiss of Snake has description error (poison duration is incorrect) Fixed
7. Demon intensified true form has description error (HP given is incorrect) Fixed
8. Swirling Mists tooltip has description error (incorrect damage listed in omega version)Fixed
9. Primal World chain quest at some point asks you to come back after the "fourth re-awakening" to continue.Fixed
10. Demon wolf emblem has description error (rage damage increase duration is incorrect) Fixed
11. The nuemas for tiers 5 and 6 (both drop item and in the UI) claim they are tier 4 in some casesFixed
12. Ancient tome gets cutoff and displays date in a non-localized fashion Fixed
13. Elimination has a description error (it says it stuns but it actually immbolizes) Fixed
14. Lady Wraith has been renamed "YourName"Fixed
15. Both great cyclone descriptions claim to require sage great cyclone Fixed
16. Primal World is called "Primal WOlrd" at morai teleporters Fixed
17. The archosaur golden chest's flyers and fashion are 30-day temporary, but it doesn't say this in the description The description of the items used for the flyer and fashion state the temporary state.
18. Several instances of green quests in primal world referring to Arcane Sky as Magical sky.Fixed
19. Berserker's Rage/Wrath have a description error (doesn't include any information about skill, instead tells a story)Fixed
20. Fruit Candy of Memory says that it increases channeling time, it actually decreases channeling.Fixed
22. The Celestial General just says "For" instead of the name of the option to manufacture summerwind tokens.Fixed
23. Tiger Leap has Leap Back's description Fixed in next patch
4. The NUEMA you dig, when you right click it while the war avatar screen is open doesnt seem to be added up to the current NUEMA unless you reopen the avatar screen [unable to change]
5. Santa does not show up for the Santa Event [Automatic-Event clock activator had issues with keeping the correct time; fall back procedure was manual activation]
7. Both the fall and winter seasonal NPCs are presentNo longer issue as both are not present currently
9. TW's 14:00 time slot on Saturdays appears to be missing Fixed
Misc Problems
2. Certain 3 star OHT gear decomposes into 5 p.stones instead of mirage stones. Unclear if this is a bug as this is less p.stones than 2 star equipment. [CN intentional change]
Problems that may have been specific to individuals/servers
5. Some people can't enter faction bases? mod edit: ah, seems this is morai only and not a problem with the expansion patch itself.Fixed0 -
Built in bot, seems time limited can be good or bad.Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz0 -
Salari - Raging Tide wrote: »Built in bot, seems time limited can be good or bad.
That's in the patch notes actually. Although the hour limitation isnt so I'll add that.0 -
-Bloodpaint description is messed up
-There's a new Auto-mobator function on Ctrl+F12
-Now there's an "Auto accept squad invite" in the 'T' window.
You can change automobator 1h bounds to 166 hours.[S.E.V.C.H.E.N.K.O]
Synthetic Electronic Variant Calibrated for Hazardous Exploration, Nullification and Kamikaze Observation[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
oVenusArmanio wrote: »That's in the patch notes actually. Although the hour limitation isnt so I'll add that.
Oh ok I see it now, just skimmed over the notes. Why not just call a bot a bot b:chuckleMarine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz0 -
oVenusArmanio wrote: »That's in the patch notes actually. Although the hour limitation isnt so I'll add that.
You can change the time.0 -
It would be helpful if you add colours to each category.
Other bugs I know:
-Venomancers are unable to summon pets while they are on a flyer.
-If you are on a mount and you auto-path you get stuck (I think you have to re-log to get un-stuck).
- Primal World chain quest at some point asks you to come back after the "fourth re-awakening" to continue. As far as we know only two re-awakenings available.
★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
1.clicking on the war avatar book tab at the bottom of the screen gives a bug report.
2. autopathing in heaven and hell both freezes the toon in place and if it was on a mount, it gets automatically stowed while the chat channels and timers on quest list still continue. (only temperary fix to this is to use town portal or a teleport stone)The Sure Shot that Flies Straight
Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)
2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 640 -
lol you really didn't notice yet that they improved max phys\ele-res cap from 90% to 95%
lettiing it scaling from the same max value?
f.e. i had 25k phys res yesterday and 85 phys damage redux, now its 90% phys damage redux @ 25k phys res0 -
Venus, you've made my day as you've beat me to the punch b:victory.
I approve of the formatting and categorization of this thread.
It is now the official thread.
Post away everyone, as we'll be sending these through to our QA team to verify and address.
Quality Corner will also be observed per usual, and you should see an increase in attention there as we can now devote more time to investigating bugs.
Once I get the official word from QA, I will update the OP with writing in red for what is intended or a bug. I expect to have a prelim update this Friday, with a larger update on the following Friday.0 -
DefenderofDreams wrote: »Venus, you've made my day as you've beat me to the punch b:victory.
I approve of the formatting and categorization of this thread.
It is now the official thread.
Post away everyone, as we'll be sending these through to our QA team to verify and address.
Quality Corner will also be observed per usual, and you should see an increase in attention there as we can now devote more time to investigating bugs.
Once I get the official word from QA, I will update the OP with writing in red for what is intended or a bug. I expect to have a prelim update this Friday, with a larger update on the following Friday.
b:victory I am glad to hear it! While you're at it can you see if the "bug fix" is really a fix or if it was an accident JJ went back to the original restrictions?0 -
I can confirm that now.
It was a bug fix.0 -
1. SANTA event is a broken quest
2. The NUEMA you dig, when you right click it while the war avatar screen is open doesnt seem to be added up to the current NUEMA unless you reopen the avatar screen
3. The mount stuck issue, you actually can "Unstuck" if you use teleport stone or town portal
4. For some people, the images in the war avatar book or sumthin are not clear, lines all over the images.
5. heres something new, when porting to an instance using the illusion stone in archosaur, i tried to test the nuema thing with qingzi, i used inner harmony right before porting, i saw that i got 2 sparks but when i was inside my chi dissapears.
6. Regarding the BOT, the button right beside the option to pick up items, coins etc doesnt seem to work, if you choose the "coins only" option, it only finds items on ground and doesnt seem to care about the mobs hitting the toon.
1. BOT?? the Cultivation Assistant? yeah, its negative, why is there a need for a BOT now?0 -
does anyone know where yeh kuhan is? like really? b:angry
for the chain quest, after i got to that part about the bridge, then i cannot do it anymore0 -
DefenderofDreams wrote: »I can confirm that now.
It was a bug fix.
Disappointing. Oh well. thank you for the speedy reply.MikoCraig - Archosaur wrote: »1. SANTA event is a broken quest
2. The NUEMA you dig, when you right click it while the war avatar screen is open doesnt seem to be added up to the current NUEMA unless you reopen the avatar screen
3. The mount stuck issue, you actually can "Unstuck" if you use teleport stone or town portal
4. For some people, the images in the war avatar book or sumthin are not clear, lines all over the images.
5. heres something new, when porting to an instance using the illusion stone in archosaur, i tried to test the nuema thing with qingzi, i used inner harmony right before porting, i saw that i got 2 sparks but when i was inside my chi dissapears.
1. BOT?? the Cultivation Assistant? yeah, its negative, why is there a need for a BOT now?
Can you elaborate on the santa event? The fact that it is time limited is a hopefully positive restriction. The existence of the bot is in the patch notes. It's mere existence is therefore a notified change. The merits of which are better discussed in a different thread. This is just to tell what isn't in the patch notes.0 -
500k return on bh lunar.
^ very nice incentive to do it.
Oi fail control f on first page... 'lunar' didnt pull up on your post when i did
Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
Salari - Raging Tide wrote: »Can you elaborate on the santa event?
The Santa event where you get to go to Frigid Bay and dig gifts within 15 minutes and bring it back to him. Santa doesnt even show up.0 -
The mount freeze can be fixed with an embrace. (even if your a male, just have a female come up and give you the request to embrace... it will work itself out)Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
On the OHT maps being accessible, access without the culti is time-limited. I assume that to gain permanent access you'd need the culti quests done. I'd say that having this option available is the promised alternative to having to complete the full quest line to complete Celestial Demon/Sage Cultivation.The Doctor - Speak his name, and he will come. No matter where he is in time or space, if you need him, he will come.
Umbramagis - Celestial Sage Cleric 101/101/101 - Full G16 - Main
Impedim - Celestial Sage Sin 101/8x - Full G16
TerraEnsis - Demon Seeker 100/8x0 -
Just to note, i'm not putting a post each time I add something to the list. I did add your lunar note when you posted it though, as well as the embrace. ^^0
I sure wouldn't call what they did to Jolly a fix. Now none of the old bounty orders can be used. Unlike before this patch if you don't have the time to do all the orders the same day you pick them up well you get screwed over....and if you have saved a bunch before the patch to do later well screwed over even yeah this is by no means a fix b:angry0
Sir_Wolfman - Raging Tide wrote: »I sure wouldn't call what they did to Jolly a fix. Now none of the old bounty orders can be used. Unlike before this patch if you don't have the time to do all the orders the same day you pick them up well you get screwed over....and if you have saved a bunch before the patch to do later well screwed over even yeah this is by no means a fix b:angry
It was a bug though. It was apparently never supposed to be removed. I agree we should be able to do them at a later date though. Not on a ton of 71-80 characters but at least on the same toon we should be able to use up any orders we have. Am not happy with that. But regardless of my personal feelings on it, it is a fix. Not every bug works out negatively for the playerbase. At first, zeal pulling was considered a bug for example.0 -
what about the matching love quest and npcs? are those meant to be gone because I can't seem to find them b:surrender0
oVenusArmanio wrote: »Misc Problems/Problems that need more information
Nation Wars is called Cross server nation wars (probably just a localization error)
And how about the description at the Cross server NW?
especial the part about reincarnated chars+ culti requirement - does that mean that one has to do the rebirth thing to do NW now?Miss my Avatar b:sad
Starfall Marshall b:victory0 -
1. The button for Auto-pot has disappeared and is only accessible through pressing the "h" button (which is the default)
2. The awesome new auto-path feature that moves you around objects only works when on foot (which is impractical) it should also work for flyers
3. If on a mount and you attempt to use a waypoint tracker you get stuck in stowing pet channeling and have to relog to fix it. I have confirmed this with many people and it happens 100% of the time. I can now also confirm if using any ground auto-path and on a mount this happens!
4. MEGA text error for bloodpaint: says: Channel shadowy magic into a shield that protects all allies within 10 meters, reducing incoming physical damage from melee attacks by 2%. Totally disregards bloodsuck and this effect doesn't exist?░░░░███████]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.0 -
Regarding the open oht maps, is this temperary or permanate cause its bad enough to open all 4 maps and having to deal with hellfire abomination when his dmg is really disasterous for a squad when you have under r9 geared.
And dont tell to just gear up, this would also be hazardous towards those that went sage and having to deal with a high dmg boss in sot for their fb99 culti. Heres what i'll say bout that.
Grow Up.The Sure Shot that Flies Straight
Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)
2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 640 -
DefenderofDreams wrote: »I can confirm that now.
It was a bug fix.
I am also very disappointed with this response. I am not always able to be on as long on a work day to do all 7 quests. Now it's extremely inconvenient. Very disappointing indeed f:angryf:shh......[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.0 -
i noticed that heartshatter is missin the "can only be cast on monsters" blue text.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
For character animation on the character select screen, I have noticed this and tested it:
1. Female BM animation requires Poleblade/Pike (Does not work when I equipped her with Dual Axe)
2. Female Seeker animation requires dual sword (Does not work when I equipped her with R9 sword)
b:byeHeaven Tear
Liveena 102/102/102 Demon Cleric
Milfeena 103/102 Demon BM
Silpheena 104/103/102 Sage R9S3 Seeker
Cieleena 101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer0 -
Not on sale they are at normal price 30 gold.
Expert Blacksmith I
Expert Tailor I
Expert Craftsman I
Expert Apothecary I[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Class of QQme 2013!b:victory0
This discussion has been closed.
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