Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • eediot
    eediot Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Still have no orbs on 2 accounts on archosaur server. Hyperstones are not an acceptable substitute. How do I get my orbs?
  • meckba
    meckba Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I abused the D.Orb system I got 63 orbs before they stopped the Code and I would have taken more if I could! b:pleased

    I never got ban and I really don't care if I do get Ban! I just thought I would like you all to know. I'll be owning you soon f:victory
  • SakuLv - Dreamweaver
    SakuLv - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    eediot wrote: »
    Still have no orbs on 2 accounts on archosaur server. Hyperstones are not an acceptable substitute. How do I get my orbs?

    u only get them if u played in that week in which 2 days was roll back

    if u did play then well..damn pwi ;/
    I abused the D.Orb system I got 63 orbs before they stopped the Code and I would have taken more if I could!

    I never got ban and I really don't care if I do get Ban! I just thought I would like you all to know. I'll be owning you soon
    and i wish i could of done it ;/
  • DaSquirrel - Sanctuary
    DaSquirrel - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Glitches for the win b:victory
  • Beleni - Dreamweaver
    Beleni - Dreamweaver Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hope by Release early they have done the Checking of all bugs and are not releasing half finished content
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You didn't understand what PWE are trying to teach us. Don't make the same mistake again!
    Stay firm, this is your big chance: wait for the glitches that might come with the expansion, abuse the glitch as much as you can, then you can take 2 weeks of vacations, while people that didn't abuse the glitch, people that played fair are trying to reach up to you.

    /\ Perfect World International Beginner's Guide. b:bye

    I do NOT abuse glitches f:fume........ its a normal thing for me to wait when every expansion comes out to see what is broken and what isn't.......don't lump me in with the idiots f:scared........

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • Lolgasmic - Raging Tide
    Lolgasmic - Raging Tide Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    karmelia wrote: »
    Great. Releasing an update ahead of time mean even less testing than the minimal one you were doing previously.

    That also mean we will see much more bugs appears than in the previous updates, updates that were already plagued with too numerous bugs.

    This still does not fix the injustice between those who got multiple +10 orbs, those who got the quantity of orbs they were supposed to get and those who got no orbs at all.

    You really are not paying attention to what your player base wants, do you?

    +1 f:worry
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • KeepMeAIive - Raging Tide
    KeepMeAIive - Raging Tide Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Still no one banned b:shocked

    Quickly lets sweep our mess under the new expansion rug!!
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This thread is still going?
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • reborncell
    reborncell Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Free +10 OBR code still not working!!!!! How much long do i need to wait for you to fix it???????'
    We never ask for this **** expansion!!!! Me like everyone else just told you to fix the dam code!!! CAN'T YOU READ???

    Can't you see so many people are leaving this game because u can't do ur job??
    What is this **** expansion for if people leave the game????b:chuckle
  • majge
    majge Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    until now nothing be solved, seems ll dont.. ll be all as be... until today many ppls r getting free orbs, while many others dont get no one.. and this r not all... id see no one explanation ppls that dont get we ll can get after.. all that i see r pwi giving some items to all server yet, so who get orbs and r happy and fine ll continue getting others free itens too.. the only ppls r playing yet r who get free things there, the others dont get, all leave game.. because this r no little fair.. , many ppls get ( +- 800 mil +) because many ppls get a lote more than 20 orbs each ... in dragon orbs with each char.. and for sure who get get to all chars.. and pwi want ppls be fine with all, while some get a lote itens , others dont see no one ... lol ... im leaving game me too, im more than 5 years spending a lote money with all my chars, to now, many ppls get things and me, as many others dont get nothing .. and pwi saying ll come many others itens or events.. of course.. ll come to all get.. not to who dont get nothing.. so this r not good, or fair.. so cya all to who ll stay in this game.. be well all ... b:bye
  • sm3ag0l
    sm3ag0l Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i dont get why you people still whine about the orbs pwi doesnt care and will never care only thing they care about is that people keep spending money on this game when that stops the game probably goes offline.

    i'm pretty shure pwi doesnt give a rats *** about some ppl who glitched the orb thingy
    they prob gonna end up bragging to the other idiots who did it after everyone quit when the update is going to be a crappy half tested bucket of **** that breaks more then it fixes ill stay around to see what the update gonna bring and if you think the worst it can only become better in my opinion.

    i hope its gonna be fun and not just a partial farmable update and the nice things only for the csers
  • Frenrirs - Morai
    Frenrirs - Morai Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Bringing out the expansion sooner.. lol what a bull**** way of compensating!
    Nobody gives a **** about the expansion, cause.. believe it or not, people will still have free +10 gears after that!!! The game was unbalanced before as it was..

    I thought I'd never say this.. but goodbye PW.
    Never playing any of your other games either.. just.. **** you and your managment

    This is how real playas level. f:laugh
    Proud Barb since 2009. b:dirty b:cool
  • shindola
    shindola Posts: 1
    edited December 2013
    People have got Banned or suspended, Stop complaining guys, so got suspended for 2 weeks a few got perma. leave this be and move on.....
  • sposte99
    sposte99 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    People have got Banned or suspended, Stop complaining guys, so got suspended for 2 weeks a few got perma. leave this be and move on.....

    mhm... I am on Server Archosaur and see the same player with full +10 gear...
    Thats the player who got over 3 days every few minutes a dragon orb !

    Only what I can see: PW did nothing!!!

    Its right, the game is complete unbalanced now, time to change b:bye
  • Bodee - Raging Tide
    Bodee - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    sposte99 wrote: »
    mhm... I am on Server Archosaur and see the same player with full +10 gear...
    Thats the player who got over 3 days every few minutes a dragon orb !

    Only what I can see: PW did nothing!!!

    Its right, the game is complete unbalanced now, time to change b:bye

    take a screen shot every time you see ppl breaking the rules and sending a ticket might help more then you complainig here about it ijs stop complaning and help pwi to take care of the players abusing the glitch !b:bye
  • edivair
    edivair Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    take a screen shot every time you see ppl breaking the rules and sending a ticket might help more then you complainig here about it ijs stop complaning and help pwi to take care of the players abusing the glitch !b:bye

    I did and nothing happened... PWE just dont care...
    And the last update of GMs were to say that nothing more will be done.
    I think that its time to stop wasting time in this game.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I hope this expansion isn't being pushed forward too fast.b:shocked
  • ivevalxxv
    ivevalxxv Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I am just wondering whether the people running this game know this game.

    Those who glitched orbs seem to have gotten a temp ban, like 3 days to 2 weeks. Let's do the math. Each orb costs 25 gold on sale, which is around 45mil. If someone can run and sell 2 fc in an hour at 1mil, it will 22 hours to make that. So if you spend 2 hours per day doing just fc, you will take 11 days to make ONE orb. These abusers glitched upwards of 30 orbs, which will take us more than 330 days of HARD WORK to catch up. So they did nothing more than to chance upon a glitch, abuse it (intentionally or not), and all that was done is to temp ban for 2 weeks, and they come back with their loot intact (yes their full +10/11/12 gears)?

    Do the people running this see the unfairness?

    And it seems that the management is pretty messy. The admins here have no power over things in game and have to wait for information from higher-ups. Customer service misunderstood information regarding bans and compensation. So who is running this joint?

    I understand that there is no clear cut solution to this and waited patiently to see how this issue would be resolved to ensure fairness. However, I am left disappointed as it seems that nothing more will be done and everything will be swept under the carpet with the new expansion. Just in time when the orb abusers are unbanned.
  • _Dewi_ - Raging Tide
    _Dewi_ - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ivevalxxv wrote: »
    I am just wondering whether the people running this game know this game.

    Those who glitched orbs seem to have gotten a temp ban, like 3 days to 2 weeks. Let's do the math. Each orb costs 25 gold on sale, which is around 45mil. If someone can run and sell 2 fc in an hour at 1mil, it will 22 hours to make that. So if you spend 2 hours per day doing just fc, you will take 11 days to make ONE orb. These abusers glitched upwards of 30 orbs, which will take us more than 330 days of HARD WORK to catch up. So they did nothing more than to chance upon a glitch, abuse it (intentionally or not), and all that was done is to temp ban for 2 weeks, and they come back with their loot intact (yes their full +10/11/12 gears)?

    Do the people running this see the unfairness?

    And it seems that the management is pretty messy. The admins here have no power over things in game and have to wait for information from higher-ups. Customer service misunderstood information regarding bans and compensation. So who is running this joint?

    I understand that there is no clear cut solution to this and waited patiently to see how this issue would be resolved to ensure fairness. However, I am left disappointed as it seems that nothing more will be done and everything will be swept under the carpet with the new expansion. Just in time when the orb abusers are unbanned.

    people in RT selling +10 orb around 80 mills now, i dont think i wanna buy that. and i need around 15 +10 orb to +10 all my armor. i keep waiting to get good sale on +10 orb.

    To DoD,

    Please answer the question and the issues has been discuss in here. If you wanna talking about the expansion, just make new thread about it. New expansion has nothing to do with the +10 orb fiasco and not the answer for our concern in here.
  • elfenstar2013
    elfenstar2013 Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    shindola wrote: »
    People have got Banned or suspended, Stop complaining guys, so got suspended for 2 weeks a few got perma. leave this be and move on.....

    might be a BIG shock to you, BUT, almost ALL will NEVER forget this!!!!
  • marvinhuddleston
    marvinhuddleston Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    A lot of friends have left over this and because of that . This isn't going away . PWI needs to somehow make this right .
  • KingThis - Heavens Tear
    KingThis - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i want to be post number 6,000 so make sure u reserve it for me or ima QQ at pwe,k?
    <3 SLITNOTb:chuckle
  • dunkelmann30
    dunkelmann30 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Originally Posted by Bodee - Raging Tide View Post
    take a screen shot every time you see ppl breaking the rules and sending a ticket might help more then you complainig here about it ijs stop complaning and help pwi to take care of the players abusing the glitch !

    1. I did often because the bots (over 2 years) and I got always a autoanswer!
    I sent a ticket because the Orbs and got no answer.

    2. Why the GM's did nothing as all saw who got more then 3 orbs? They can not see the chat in
    game? And this over a few weeks? The same with bots, perv player ore some rassist in WC!
    Are the GM's blind or incompetent? In other games you make only 1 click and can speak with a
    GM. If a GM see something is wrong he speak in systemchat. I never seen this!
    Why I must send a ticket? I am not a GM.

    3. Why the GM's not looking into the gamelog who got more then 3 Orbs?
    I bet its easy to find out the player. Or why not watch in the game for Player with +10 gear?
    At moment its easy, on Server arch are not many player more...

    I lost some friends in game because bots and now a few because the orbs. And the GM's did nothing. A 2 week bann is only a joke for all.
  • hypereccentrik
    hypereccentrik Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    +1, this thread won't get the community anywhere :/
  • sm3ag0l
    sm3ag0l Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    wow this thread is still going on dont you ppl get pwi doesnt care and never will lol.
    people who spends some real money on this gam will never get banned for a ong time because that gonna hurt pwi's wallet.
    think pwi made enough money from this game so they gonna let it slowly die by ignoring the player base and hoping ppl gonna play some other fail game of pwi with even worse servers then we have on this game.
    maybe its time to just go play a p2p game and dont be bothered anymore by hyperbabies or glitchers/scammers.

    i'm happy i never spend rl money on this game so its easy to uninstall.

    i hope the update gonna be fun otherwise its time to say goodbye to this game b:laugh
  • BungaSakura - Raging Tide
    BungaSakura - Raging Tide Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    30 minute ago, someone got 12 +10 orb. and my friend told me he just back from 2 weeks ban. So like, he can get 2 weeks ban and getting free +12 orb. pro huh b:surrender
  • Breannak - Raging Tide
    Breannak - Raging Tide Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yeah I saw that too.
  • ToyMaker_NOT - Raging Tide
    ToyMaker_NOT - Raging Tide Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Exploits from expansion.
  • ShawtyStar - Raging Tide
    ShawtyStar - Raging Tide Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    shindola wrote: »
    People have got Banned or suspended, Stop complaining guys, so got suspended for 2 weeks a few got perma. leave this be and move on.....

    Lol what only people got banned where the alts that didnt have any Money spent on them the rest 2 weeks just a slap on the wrists and then they come back and enjoy this wonderful piece of f:poo update
    I am A True Tsundere
    More... I desire more. Can you not indulge me in an even more nightmarish hell?
    Retired 2009-2014 Was a Fun Time b:victory
    Demon Archer- 101 RB2
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This discussion has been closed.