Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ive put about 3 grand into this game and if i dont get a pack not a penny more, -removed- may start looking pretty good
  • Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    oh ***** lol, PWI screwed up this time tooo funny!
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It's now 6 PM Sunday for Morai server, and system messages are scrolling by of players getting orbs.

    So is there a new scam? it's been quite a while since the code was allegedly "disabled".
  • Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It's now 6 PM Sunday for Morai server, and system messages are scrolling by of players getting orbs.

    So is there a new scam? it's been quite a while since the code was allegedly "disabled".

    Same here on archosaur, same person keep getting orbs on system messages.
    I guess its the old code that they abused and keep it in mailbox.
  • Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well to be honest we are not being treated like humans if GMs make mistake we get the panishment why ???

    isnot it their mistake in the first place... i know human makes mistakes but comeone its not the first... not the second... not even the third till when these mistakes will keep on going.

    We just not happy banning ppl who abuse it... we simply just want either Roll-back so everything wil back as we used to have or just give us some orbs since some of us didnot get anything Which isnot fair

    Hope GMs will care for ppl for at least once !!!!!!!

    The GG
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    It's now 6 PM Sunday for Morai server, and system messages are scrolling by of players getting orbs.

    So is there a new scam? it's been quite a while since the code was allegedly "disabled".

    All orbs you see were already in the mailboxes of whichever names show up. They've simply chosen not to open it until the time you see it.

    There is no new code or glitch involving it.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I want my reward like everybody else this is not fair b:angry
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    saber1012 wrote: »
    I want my reward like everybody else this is not fair b:angry

    i want a bmw, like everyone else

    oh wait, lifes a *****, aint it
  • Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i want a bmw, like everyone else

    oh wait, lifes a *****, aint it

    Stop comparing game to life ffs, this is virtual ****, and has no real value other than psychological!
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    Problem is and this is why i have stoped login their are about 4 groups of people now.

    1. Taken Full advantage and got 50~ 10*
    2. Got told and started to take advantage got 25~ 10* orbs
    3. People who used the code and got 12~ 10*
    4. People who didnt even get to use the code.

    To me its not like its 1 or 2 groups of people. PWE is saying its low amount of the players that got this BUT... its a lot more of the server that was affected than the players that abused it.

    To me in this instance they had a way to fix that players would accept if it was done quickly... now... well its gonna be like goons... you wont easily be able to tell who abused it.

    And to be fair i dont understand y this was not tested pre being posted...
  • Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    weedwizrd wrote: »
    ive put about 3 grand into this game and if i dont get a pack not a penny more, -removed- may start looking pretty good
    I agree with this here, I've put alot of time, effort and money in this game for +10/ +12 main
    toon just so know everyone else around can now have a very comparable character to mine at fraction of time, effort, and money that I've put in. Complete bs and my money will be spent elsewhere too if I am unable to redeem a code for this wonderful pack.
  • Posts: 617 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Checking again for any actual fix...
  • Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    heero200 wrote: »
    Problem is and this is why i have stoped login their are about 4 groups of people now.

    1. Taken Full advantage and got 50~ 10*
    2. Got told and started to take advantage got 25~ 10* orbs
    3. People who used the code and got 12~ 10*
    4. People who didnt even get to use the code.

    To me its not like its 1 or 2 groups of people. PWE is saying its low amount of the players that got this BUT... its a lot more of the server that was affected than the players that abused it.

    To me in this instance they had a way to fix that players would accept if it was done quickly... now... well its gonna be like goons... you wont easily be able to tell who abused it.

    And to be fair i dont understand y this was not tested pre being posted...

    wow x.x
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Checking again for any actual fix...

    A. They're not here on the weekend.
    B. If they were going to rollback, it would have been done on Friday.
    C. I wouldn't expect any sort of new code until after they've sent out bans.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    same on ragin tides server
  • Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    This exploit is unsolvable without a rollback and a more thoughtfully distributed form of compensation.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    After seeing a lot of rage on this thread and how people take two sides: rollback or ban

    Im surprised you are not able to see the real solution to this mess

    to only way to fix this problem is shut down the servers for a few hours and remove the orbs from everyone.

    It is hard to do?


    does it take time?


    Do they need to rollback for this?


    Lets face it, at this point there will be no rollback
    and if they ban the ones who abused that code, THAT WILL NOT TAKE AWAY THE ARMY OF TROLLS running on +10 gear

    and you know why?

    because most of these guys did not get the codes that way
    they had them from before by buying the codes from other people or even scamming..
    or in best case guys with 20 accounts lol
    And they cant ban those because they said it was fine to do what you want with the code.

    So, just take the orbs from everyone and end of the drama.
  • Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I agree with this here, I've put alot of time, effort and money in this game for +10/ +12 main
    toon just so know everyone else around can now have a very comparable character to mine at fraction of time, effort, and money that I've put in. Complete bs and my money will be spent elsewhere too if I am unable to redeem a code for this wonderful pack.

    Help me out here. What exactly are we expecting it to accomplish if those of us who weren't able to redeem before eventually get a code. Game balance is gone (to the extent there was balance to begin with), and even if they CAN and DO figure out how to award any compensatory pack to only those who lost out last go-around, which is doubtful in the extreme, the train has already left the station in terms of an equitable and proper fix for this fiasco.
  • Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    eeepsilon wrote: »
    After seeing a lot of rage on this thread and how people take two sides: rollback or ban

    Im surprised you are not able to see the real solution to this mess

    to only way to fix this problem is shut down the servers for a few hours and remove the orbs from everyone.

    It is hard to do?


    does it take time?


    Do they need to rollback for this?


    Lets face it, at this point there will be no rollback
    and if they ban the ones who abused that code, THAT WILL NOT TAKE AWAY THE ARMY OF TROLLS running on +10 gear

    and you know why?

    because most of these guys did not get the codes that way
    they had them from before by buying the codes from other people or even scamming..
    or in best case guys with 20 accounts lol
    And they cant ban those because they said it was fine to do what you want with the code.

    So, just take the orbs from everyone and end of the drama.

    In my opinion, and only my opinion, THIS may be the dumbest smart idea yet.

    How it is dumb: PWI screws up, take the offending items away, and give the players a middle finger.

    How it is smart: Removing the items from people, or reducing the amount might be a good idea. Reduce everyone to the intended amount. EVERY PLAYER. 100 event gold, 3 10 star orbs, etc. People would complain, but then again this would be the intended amount.
    If you don't like the way I talk, please, for everyone's sanity, keep in mind that I have ASPERGERS. I don't see a reason to not tell you like it is, or what I think of you. If you are being an idiot, or one minded, I tend to disregard you like trash.
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    eeepsilon wrote: »

    So, just take the orbs from everyone and end of the drama.

    Do you really think they still keep orbs in their inventory? Most of them already used for refine. Those orbs don't exist anymore. Your solution has not any effect.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    In my opinion, and only my opinion, THIS may be the dumbest smart idea yet.

    How it is dumb: PWI screws up, take the offending items away, and give the players a middle finger.

    How it is smart: Removing the items from people, or reducing the amount might be a good idea. Reduce everyone to the intended amount. EVERY PLAYER. 100 event gold, 3 10 star orbs, etc. People would complain, but then again this would be the intended amount.

    Yes, i think you are right (I forgot the rage factor there sorry b:surrender )

    Also as a punishment for the abusers ill just revert they refines to the previous state, before they use those orbs, so lets say a guy was full +5 then he used a lot of orbs and got full +10, revert him to +5 so he is forced to buy all orbs on a legal way

    I think it would be much better that the GM simply turn off the servers some time and solve this...

    they can even do it on maint and take some extra time

    No one is going to die for not playing one day
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What are the people who didnt even get a chance to anything getting?
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    preston77 wrote: »
    Do you really think they still keep orbs in their inventory? Most of them already used for refine. Those orbs don't exist anymore. Your solution has not any effect.

    also true, but i think that gm can see if someone did use those, maybe im wrong

    but when some one lets say get ****, GM are able to track what the hacker did to the victims account
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    - We will be punishing legitimate abusers of the compensation code who received far more than is possible from redemption page lag. We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise. So do not worry if you are one who got more orbs unintentionally. We do not want to penalize those who did not intend abuse of the system.

    I received codes by accident last week. I did not intend to abuse the system, but i when trying to get my orbs that i saw every1 getting in wc, I did hit refresh and entered the code again a few times. To my surprise, I started getting the 3 times the orbs almost 10 minutes later than i entered the first code.

    I claimed the first 3 set of orbs as I have determined that that was the original intent of the code...3 per person. Unfortunately, my mailbox was almost full so i claimed all the lesser prizes as well. I don't think consumables give much advantage but if u want them back then i will npc them.

    As for the remaining 6 10* orbs...they are in my mailbox. So basically my dilemma is...should i delete these or can i use them? according to DoD's quote above, where do i stand? I didn't spam the code because i quit entering/refreshing once stuff started to come in my mailbox, but once it started to come in I could not stop it. I would like a GM/moderator response or some1 that has had a response already on this type of situ.

    For now, they sit in my mail until otherwise. Please let me know. ty for reading.
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    well, i really hope they do find a solution and release another code or something for the people who didn't manage to redeem it before they disabled the code, because it said 24'th... and some people were patient enough to wait until they redeemed it...
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    heero200 wrote: »
    And to be fair i dont understand y this was not tested pre being posted...

    They didn't tested the first compensation code, on which all the mess started, they sent a one +10 dragon orb on a pack supposed to be 3. If they tested it before send it none of this thing would ever happened.
    But they didn't. So they started to send account specific codes (2 codes per account) to compensate the compensation of the first mistake with the 10* orbs, and that was going moderatelly well.

    What i don't really understand is why they decided to create a unique code able to be used by anyone, and not only that, they also adviced on the ticket replies that this final code was able to be used not only in Archosaur server but in any other server... Why did they do that? the problem was concerned to Archosaur server only, and they projected it to all servers....

    This is really odd, it's way beyond of my understanding...

  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What are the people who didnt even get a chance to anything getting?

    proly nothing but pls next time
  • Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    And my answer...

    I respectfully do not accept your auto-response to the issue at hand.

    I really don't care how many or how few other players received Ocean orbs (1, 5, 10, 50, or 100). What I do care about is my compensation. If this was to be "Compensation For All" for those active players that had login issues since the time change, I being one of those players, would appreciate receiving compensation.

    Don't give up.
  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    And my answer...

    I respectfully do not accept your auto-response to the issue at hand.

    I really don't care how many or how few other players received Ocean orbs (1, 5, 10, 50, or 100). What I do care about is my compensation. If this was to be "Compensation For All" for those active players that had login issues since the time change, I being one of those players, would appreciate receiving compensation.

    Don't give up.
    lol if i get same mail :D i lol bad tho i smeelll nothign for other ppl now
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What about the people like myself that never got to use the code due to the issue? Will we have another oppurtunity to redeem the code after bug is fixed???/

This discussion has been closed.