Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited November 2013
  • Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    because their other system is just as bugged if not worse, do you not remember anni rewards, charge rewards, heroic chests? ironguard promotion

    oh, lol.
  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    oh, lol.

    they should better make re-roll depends how skilfull they with re-lol.

    If serious, roll-back even knows how it bad Is now a single option.

    Coz someone got zero, someone got all isnt good at all.
    Nec sutor ultra crepidam
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    glaesum wrote: »
    they should better make re-roll depends how skilfull they with re-lol.

    If serious, roll-back even knows how it bad Is now a single option.

    Coz someone got zero, someone got all isnt good at all.

    true story... it's just not fair!

    code is expired, i got none... :(

    well, we're in "Notperfect World International" after all ~

    Glad days, sad days... are all brighter made with the...
    "Happy Knowledge", that our...
    Friendship will not fade.

    me: ^.^
    my family: <3
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    true story... it's just not fair!

    code is expired, i got none... :(

    well, we're in "Notperfect World International" after all ~

    You know what... Stop acting like a pissed off teenager.... I got none but i know that there will be something else that i will be able to get and others wont... ya it sux but most of the people that are crying are the ones that normally get the hacks/glitches....

    I say reward those that didnt get any AND NEVER put money on thier accounts.
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    2 days passed and thei didnt made anything yet to fix any sht , that so lame
    goin to play epic pw since thei fix pwi , if thei never fix i will never come back
    bb pwi
  • Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i'm with rollback too .. every day u late it will be indemnity more and more .. really u was should listen to ppl 1 day rollback will not make ppl lose much .

    you can do something else but this need more effort from ur developers XD try make new orb give +10 and disable old ocean orb ,, so ppl who hax and got like 50 orbs they will not be able use it anymore XD ...

    this will be bad for orb shopper but i think they should give some sacrifice they already ritch enough b:laugh

    and woow at ppl still get orn at this moment its look they hax lots at just few hours when code was run -.- wonder those ppl how many orbs they have now
  • Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    i'm with rollback too .. every day u late it will be indemnity more and more .. really u was should listen to ppl 1 day rollback will not make ppl lose much .

    you can do something else but this need more effort from ur developers XD try make new orb give +10 and disable old ocean orb ,, so ppl who hax and got like 50 orbs they will not be able use it anymore XD ...

    this will be bad for orb shopper but i think they should give some sacrifice they already ritch enough b:laugh

    and woow at ppl still get orn at this moment its look they hax lots at just few hours when code was run -.- wonder those ppl how many orbs they have now

    What if they had used it already ? so plain roll back is the solution and you know these guys cant code ... if they fix some thing they break 10 more things
  • Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What if they had used it already ? so plain roll back is the solution and you know these guys cant code ... if they fix some thing they break 10 more things

    u know something really i wish at least pwi make official Announces not ignore this with make it pass away and hear there official next step .. do they will keep everything same or they have other idea to fix this problem .. then i will know pwi care about there players . lool
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What about those of us that weren't able to redeem the code in the first place because of the spamming and the lag? Do we not deserve some kind of a reward also??
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Mod edit because it appears people refuse to scroll down enough to read:
    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    ^This is the reason why the code is saying it has expired when you try to enter it!

    It's not so much that we're refusing to scroll down to read it as most of us are wondering what's going to happen now for those of us who weren't around while the code was active. This started out as Archo needing something for their rollback, but then it was opened to everybody, and yes, some people took advantage and that's why it was closed. But what about those of us that weren't able to turn it in? The code was only up for about 3 hours, two and a half of which the page was crashed from over use. While I approve of the decision to not roll them back, that still leaves only a few people on the server with anywhere from 3-50 +10 orbs that shouldn't be there, while the rest of us feel kind of jipped.

    I know by now pwi's probably used to seeing some form of rage or another from it's members, what with past events like putting rep for sale in the boutique, or the nirvy rage when NW started (just a couple I remember quite clearly.) Maybe because in the past, the rage from these has eventually faded away to some form of acceptance or another that has the staff thinking "oh well, ignore it and it will go away, too."

    The sad thing is, you're probably right. it will go away. Those last ones stopped though because one way or another, the change benefited everybody. The anger only stuck around because pwi's vague promises of "punishment" usually worked itself up to a 3 day ban, and that was all. You didn't lose what you exploited.
    Steal gear from another player?
    "temp ban, keep the gear or coin you sold it for."
    goons glitch?
    "temp ban, keep your 105."
    dreamchaser packs, temp ban, keep everything. You have a pattern, and quite frankly, it's disappointing to those of us who genuinely try to stick to your ToS and not take the rip out of the mods who try to give us things, like DoD did at the start of this thread. Yes, some users took the **** out of this glitch. some of the users that are upset that it was disabled so quickly would have also taken the ****.

    But some of us are just sad that we didn't get what was promised to "everyone."
    Some of us are sad because we know that your vague promises of "punishment" will only equal a 3-4 day ban, while letting those people keep their whole new +10 set of G16. (because lets be honest, most people who can afford R9rr, can also afford +10.)
    Some of us are sad because not getting what was promised because some other people got to take ridiculous advantage makes us feel like we're the one's being punished, for not even having a chance.

    Quite frankly, pwi, I'm not even mad. I'm disappointed.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well Said EIayne, I will stay away from PWI til there is a real solution and spend no more money. Seems as though a lot are already doing that. Next time I would give us a chance to vote on the solution.
  • Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    No Point of our post here till monday .. Prolll pwi crew must be enjoying weekend and boozing while we are waiting like ******* . b:laugh

    Even after that it will be the same as always ... They see and ignore b:laugh
  • Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    heres a Q that i dont think i saw anywhere in the 400+ pages of the thread -

    The in-game mailbox is not unlimited.. somewhere under 50 limit right? so in order for the abusers to get all the orbs ( since each pack is like 7-10 mails - and only 2 are for orbs ) , they would have to be actively opening/deleting what they get to make space to keep getting new ones ( especially main accounts that have jones blessings/other mails in it )

    SO - are the Devs/GMs saying that the ppl who "accidentally" got more than they should have because of the site lag were "accidentally" emptying their mail while getting it or are they saying that theres an automated mail queue where mails are or were still to be sent to players who had full inboxes?
    xaiyuri wrote: »
    In my case, one of my other characters did not receive the free celestial fashion, and in my ticket, the GMs said "your mailbox is full."
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Stop venting. They provide a thread for you to vent in because it's to their benefit that your frustration is vented. People interested in this game are more likely to see the activity of the forum than your vent post buried in a long thread.

    PWI has a history of crapping on their customers, and not fixing their huge blunders. 2x and some gift pack is not a compensation for anything: it's a diversion.

    PWI seems incapable of learning, and so is the remaining player base for the most part. This recent event is nothing new, and history shows us it's not going to get fixed. -So why do we see threats to quit every single time?

    Trudge on and not support the company, contribute properly to review sites, etc or quit.

    Threatening is venting which is why threats don't have a huge follow up rate.

    Imagine if people got even w/o threats. It's nice when your enemies have no idea why something bad happened, or who to direct retaliation to. Imagine if people just quit and the managers had no idea why. Feedback is good for people; so why give it to them?
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I wish u lil confused GMs would at least tell us if the ones of us that had lives in those 3 hours will get smthing at least or not it would make ur life easyer n less rage if u just say 'yes noobs u will get smthing just wait for our lazy ***** to figure this out'

    for 400 pages u keep avoiding ppl askin that question n the only update u make 'for those lazy to scroll down code is disabled' ...
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    heres a Q that i dont think i saw anywhere in the 400+ pages of the thread -

    The in-game mailbox is not unlimited.. somewhere under 50 limit right? so in order for the abusers to get all the orbs ( since each pack is like 7-10 mails - and only 2 are for orbs ) , they would have to be actively opening/deleting what they get to make space to keep getting new ones ( especially main accounts that have jones blessings/other mails in it )

    SO - are the Devs/GMs saying that the ppl who "accidentally" got more than they should have because of the site lag were "accidentally" emptying their mail while getting it or are they saying that theres an automated mail queue where mails are or were still to be sent to players who had full inboxes?

    Probably it is because the Mailbox Works like this , i mean, from my experience.

    You get something, If it is full, Then the items sent goes like in a waiting state. When this happens the mailbox refresh in 5 mins aprox, and then tries again.

    Of course this is only for items sent to you outside of the game.

    Inside of the Game is another tale. There it is checked even before you sent your message if your mailbox can accept it.

    That's what i've been observing anyhoo :O
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    While abuse sucks and things went badly, I am actually kinda glad how PWE handled it. They checked their logs and decided only minority abused code to get absurd amounts of orbs, which seems pretty true for archo. There are only so many names getting shouted who got more orbs than e-mail codes + universal should give. Instead of listening to crybabies QQing demanding rollback and whatnot, they stuck to what they saw fit. They showed backbone or they would went with the QQ and rolled back servers. Next we`re gonna see what happens to abusers, till next week there is just no point QQing how nobody got banned yet, most of their staff dont work on weekends.

    You must still believe in Santa Claus and the Fairy tooth.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    b:surrenderall here Have +10 Full +10, Just i , only my Wep +10 i want my gear too +10b:angry

  • Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I wish u lil confused GMs would at least tell us if the ones of us that had lives in those 3 hours will get smthing at least or not it would make ur life easyer n less rage if u just say 'yes noobs u will get smthing just wait for our lazy ***** to figure this out'

    for 400 pages u keep avoiding ppl askin that question n the only update u make 'for those lazy to scroll down code is disabled' ...

    That's rude, unhelpful, and shows a complete lack of understanding of the difference between forum mods, GMs, and management.

    The mods are doing an amazing job, and moving up the info about the code being disabled was to help the 4075138718 people who were unwilling or unable to read the full first post on page one.

    Reading is fundamental, but I find that illiteracy is far more common, at least here.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As they are doing targeting the ones who got an extreme amount of +10 orbs should be the only ones with rollback. lol would be funny to me atleast b:laugh
  • Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Per DoD,

    "-A highly focused and targeted Archosaur-specific compensation effort will be enacted."

    The interpretation I read from this statement, is that those that were not able to use the code, unfortunately will not be getting the items at all. Because they had to stop the code, and problems arose from the website crashing, they have to use man power to find those that caused the ruckus, ban them for however long, and then concentrate on Archosaur. It would take far too long to check every account that didn't receive the items, so in a nutshell, the only server that will receive compensation will be Archosaur (hence the usage of the words Archosaur-specific).

    That means Little Lucy who never had the chance to use the code, or get on the website, is out of luck. No cookies for you...

    And Mean Marvin who spammed the code and got 20 of the free cookies, will be sent to his room with no cookies and no video game for as long as his parents (PWE deems necessary)

    Lastly because of the recent cookie problems, PWE will probably never offer cookies again for any issue.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Howmany times do people have to tell others that, as the mod's info said, THERE WILL NOT BE A ROLLBACK. Seriously, learn to friggin read people. And, about the ones wanting something for not being around when the code was out, or not getting the chance to redeem it, it's the weekend right now for them so you all won't get a response to at least Monday their time. Patience is a virtue.
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As they are doing targeting the ones who got an extreme amount of +10 orbs should be the only ones with rollback. lol would be funny to me atleast b:laugh

    Lol thats funny because the rollback cant be selective b:chuckle

    Its for all of us or none :O
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    They are "targeting" noone. Someone on Arch server yesterday opened at least 100 orbs. At least. Was opening for hours and hours and hours.

    Don't fool youselves, lol, they are "targeting" noone. They themselves said there are only a few they are looking at. If only a few, the "abusers" should be banned already. But they aren't.

    They were supposed to "target" those abusing the fc glitch as well - but tons and tons of lvl 105s still running around. And all they did was "target" them with the copper paperweight NW blessing.

    Target me, please gms. Target me.
  • Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    They are "targeting" noone. Someone on Arch server yesterday opened at least 100 orbs. At least. Was opening for hours and hours and hours.

    Don't fool youselves, lol, they are "targeting" noone. They themselves said there are only a few they are looking at. If only a few, the "abusers" should be banned already. But they aren't.

    They were supposed to "target" those abusing the fc glitch as well - but tons and tons of lvl 105s still running around. And all they did was "target" them with the copper paperweight NW blessing.

    Target me, please gms. Target me.

    coz they cant find people who abused .. you think ? they dont even know to write code ... you expect them to find selective abusers and ban ? ... no way ..

    They might end up banning all who didnt get b:laughb:laugh
  • Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    What about those of us that weren't able to redeem the code in the first place because of the spamming and the lag? Do we not deserve some kind of a reward also??

    Swallow it and live with it, or move on, quit the game and perform fresh start on another game, where GMs really care about keeping their customers satisfied. Just scroll back and see there is 400+ pages of ****, and there will be another 400 or more pages of even more ****, all round and round around the same subject.

    And the solution? there will not be any solution as requested by the customers. But hey you can keep posting your thoughts, at least they give you that. It wont lead you anywhere, it wont change anything, it wont bring any positive result to your demands. But it will let you flow your anger, that seems to be PWI's primary and only goal. They will act as they want, despite of what you deserve, despite of what you claim as 'justice'.
  • Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    They are "targeting" noone. Someone on Arch server yesterday opened at least 100 orbs. At least. Was opening for hours and hours and hours.

    Don't fool youselves, lol, they are "targeting" noone. They themselves said there are only a few they are looking at. If only a few, the "abusers" should be banned already. But they aren't.

    Target me, please gms. Target me.

    They also said it would take more time in this case, but the punishing will be precise as well.
    Of course those people arent banned yet lol.
    We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise
    I like potatoes <(O~O)>
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm one of those who is getting screwed because I wasn't set up to get email from pwi. I have sent in support tickets and if that doesn't work I'm going to start playing for free! In the past I have spent real money to get charms, scrolls, hypers, eqip. refines, gear, you name it. I have never been into farming.
    But if I can't get compensated like most other people are. I'm going to change my style and start enjoying the social aspect of the game more. There is plenty to do without trying to build my toon to be competitive in TW, NW and PVP, and that is kind of hopeless anyway with all these people who got dozens of free dragon orbs. I won't quit, I'll just stop spending real money in the game.
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Doesnt matter much what they will do its already alot of work for them and damage already done this mistake will follow them around for years not only on pwe but also on the other games that pw host.

    balans in game is complete lost for now and the next months its all just a sad story.
This discussion has been closed.