Vindicate unbeatable?



  • Daruvial - Sanctuary
    Daruvial - Sanctuary Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Right i kinda wanna get this straight, I'm a member of Enelysion and to be honest i couldn't give a rats behind about spawn killing. Everybody bloody does it so why moan about it.

    The only reason why members are moaning about it now because they are butt hurt about being beaten so badly, in my opinion they have no right at all to moan about it. We nowhere near compare to the gear to Vindi so why would we have the right to have most lands? Before the TW members believed they "could" win (lol) so they raged afterwards when they got there *** handed to them.

    Just thought i'd say this just so everyone doesn't believe that all members of Enelysion are QQ'ing like little 12 year old girls.

    wow someone in enelysion that's actually reasonable. although i dont understand why people think vindi only wins cause of gear..
  • Svaarog - Sanctuary
    Svaarog - Sanctuary Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wow someone in enelysion that's actually reasonable. although i dont understand why people think vindi only wins cause of gear..

    When its obviously fashion.
    Viking Pride b:cute
  • Daruvial - Sanctuary
    Daruvial - Sanctuary Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    When its obviously fashion.

    oh yes, the fashion.
  • ____BM____ - Sanctuary
    ____BM____ - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wow someone in enelysion that's actually reasonable. although i dont understand why people think vindi only wins cause of gear..

    Oh no don't get me wrong. I think it's mentioned mostly about the gear because it does give a little less leeway in the amount of "skill" or "coordination" needed in a Tw, but even so they seem to work very well together and know how to get things done.
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Vindi might also win equal fights, but they've never been tested this way cuz their gear is simply overpowering.

    I can never claim vindi pplz are unskilled cuz I dont know

    but you can also never claim that vindi is skilled cuz of the same reason b:chuckle

    its a gray area, tho im sure ur all badasses b:pleased cept from the dramaqueens ofc b:bye

    <3 Tyson b:chuckle

    That said I do QQ like a 12 year old, cuz I rly want sum better male fashion :(
    Especially headpieces
    super mega interresting:
  • IllumiZoldyk - Sanctuary
    IllumiZoldyk - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Right, lets get a few things straightened out first...

    In regards to the spawnkilling, which seems so be the main thing being discussed here, there are no rules against it. And yes, I know that every faction does it at least once. As an officer of Enelysion I can say for sure that those who we catch doing it will be adressed about it, regardless whether it's a member, officer or even one of leadership.

    Personally I am not a fan of it, in fact I hate it and refrain from doing it. But that does not mean that it is forbidden or what not and whether it's a tactic or not I'll leave that up for debate. If any opponent witnesses one of our members spawnkilling, by all means pm me during the TW, I have no issues to talk about it.

    Vindicate is a strong opponent, they have some very skilled players and are aiming to remain nr.1 on the server, which is nothing more than logic in my book. Whether their actions caused by some were right? Maybe yes, maybe no, that is a personal opinion but when I visited W.Arch the other day and spotted talk about it there were several Vindi members assuring me that they were told not to spawn kill. I know their word is true and yes, actions caused by a few individuals cannot be 'blamed' on a whole faction.

    Enelysion wasn't butthurt, let me make that clear, and personally I find it hilarious to see non-Vindi members talk smack in World Chat after Vindi defeated us. We may or may not have the current force to stop them but for us it was a test. I have both friends and 'enemies' in Vindi but I do respect the faction as a whole, just like I expect them to respect us whether some of us get along or not.

    In the end it's just a game and some people do take it more seriously than others, as if their lives depend on it or something. Personally, I just do it for the fun, kill as many people as I can and move on. You win some, you lose some you know ?

    Just saying b:laugh

    They call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make your bed rock.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's nice when people make assumptions based on a prior reputation. H&SM was very well-behaved during the brief period they were with Enelysion.

    This isn't about H&SM behaving. I dont give a **** about spawn killing and I'm not their ****ing catholic school teacher waiting to shake my finger and paddle them if they hurt someone's feelings. This was about Enelysion's hypocrisy, and the fact that they think they're entitled to QQ about spawnkill and bite the hand that fed them. Don't go there with the parading around as an Enely good guy because no one here who has ever had to deal with Enely will buy into that ****.
  • IllumiZoldyk - Sanctuary
    IllumiZoldyk - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This isn't about H&SM behaving. I dont give a **** about spawn killing and I'm not their ****ing catholic school teacher waiting to shake my finger and paddle them if they hurt someone's feelings. This was about Enelysion's hypocrisy, and the fact that they think they're entitled to QQ about spawnkill and bite the hand that fed them. Don't go there with the parading around as an Enely good guy because no one here who has ever had to deal with Enely will buy into that ****.

    Read my post again please, there's no need for you to talk about hypocrisy if what you saw was done by few. As a matter of fact, and you can ask SOcean this, is that when I, personally, hear of someone spawnkilling I tell them off. If you cannot believe my word, or that of others, at least believe your faction leader's word.

    This is a fact, just saying...

    They call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make your bed rock.
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This isn't about H&SM behaving. I dont give a **** about spawn killing and I'm not their ****ing catholic school teacher waiting to shake my finger and paddle them if they hurt someone's feelings. This was about Enelysion's hypocrisy, and the fact that they think they're entitled to QQ about spawnkill and bite the hand that fed them. Don't go there with the parading around as an Enely good guy because no one here who has ever had to deal with Enely will buy into that ****.

    Im a little confused as to what ur point is :(

    Enely = a faction

    people complaining about spawnkilling = individuals


    there's no rule regarding spawnkilling in NW

    there is a rule regarding spawnkilling in TW

    there's no rule that people are not allowed to complain when bein spawnkilled, while finding it conflicting with their personal believes

    we leave base after TW is over, which I saw vindi do aswell, which was good to see b:pleased

    please tell me what exactly u want us to do to satisfy you :)
    cuz seems to me like ur just throwing random hate-comments in there hoping someone cares
    super mega interresting:
  • Mikosu - Sanctuary
    Mikosu - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This isn't about H&SM behaving. I dont give a **** about spawn killing and I'm not their ****ing catholic school teacher waiting to shake my finger and paddle them if they hurt someone's feelings. This was about Enelysion's hypocrisy, and the fact that they think they're entitled to QQ about spawnkill and bite the hand that fed them. Don't go there with the parading around as an Enely good guy because no one here who has ever had to deal with Enely will buy into that ****.

    All factions that have had to "deal" with Enely have done so by their own choice. Enelysion is not an aggressive faction as many have pointed out. But that doesn't mean they are going to sit around and let other factions wail on them for fun.

    As for being good guys, I don't think there are any good guys on this server.
  • IllumiZoldyk - Sanctuary
    IllumiZoldyk - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In the end it's just a game lol...

    Our 'characters' or 'factions' do not make a difference irl when we go buy a carton of milk.

    It's a competition for TW to be the 'Nr.1 of the season'

    Everyone should just relax b:laugh

    They call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make your bed rock.
  • Rfskkirby - Sanctuary
    Rfskkirby - Sanctuary Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    me shy girlb:cute
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Tyson +13 my fists please b:bye

    tbh anyone who has killed the Kun Kun is a high skilled player in my book, that's by far the biggest challenge PWI has ever thrown at me b:shocked
    super mega interresting:
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Vindi might also win equal fights, but they've never been tested this way cuz their gear is simply overpowering.
    One thing i saw for myself, being the critical person that i am, is that vindi doesn't start off with R20+9000 SUPAjosd gear. Thats just the typical excuse pple tell themselves so they can feel better about themselves and their faction. Sure there are a handful of original vindi that are OP geared like any OTHER faction out there, but alot of whom joined, weren't in vindi to start off with. Also these guys are way more active and its a overall smoother step by step process in gear upgrades if your active along with them.
    Read my post again please, there's no need for you to talk about hypocrisy if what you saw was done by few. As a matter of fact, and you can ask SOcean this, is that when I, personally, hear of someone spawnkilling I tell them off. If you cannot believe my word, or that of others, at least believe your faction leader's word.

    This is a fact, just saying...
    just saying... SOceans word isnt exactly trustworthy as the whole of old endeavour knows that he outright lied to LeoNerd about making an attack on Ende land.
    The hypocrisy that is talked about goes both ways. A few individuals doing a 'bad' thing does not speak for the whole of the faction. Likewise a few individuals doing a 'good' thing and parading like its speaking for the whole of the faction is also fake advertisement. The latter is what was going on. Thus why cute little rain there pooped an iron brick right now. :3
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ''Sure there are a handful of original vindi that are OP geared like any OTHER faction out there''

    those are ppl with +12 everything JOSD

    amount of ppl with that gear in vindi = 20 (?? sound about right)
    amount of ppl with that gear in enelysion = 0 b:thanks

    not that I rly care tho, but ur comment is very silly b:thanks b:chuckle

    they make for a fun opponent and its very good practice for us to fight such a dominant force :)

    Disclaimer: This post is in no way directed towards vindi, but purely towards ur ignorance b:chuckle just making sure, tho I had previously concluded that ur posts arent exactly high-value
    super mega interresting:
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Thus why cute little rain there pooped an iron brick right now. :3

    Yes I can see how my festive decorative stars may have given off that impression
    please tell me what exactly u want us to do to satisfy you :)
    cuz seems to me like ur just throwing random hate-comments in there hoping someone cares

    Obviously you care enough to respond, hate to sound cliche but that is what just happened. FYI if I was actually making hate comments, they'd be very specific and clear rather than random. You sound like you're trying to dare me to say something, but on the other hand you also sound like a poor, ignorant fool.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Seriously the gear comment is just dumb and old. Plenty of people get their gear without paying for it. If you want to break out the "I have a life" comment big surprise for you: People who spend more resources on an MMO have more stuff. If you can't accept that don't play an MMO.

    About Vindi never having had a "serious challenge" gear-wise really what the **** do you know? There was a period of time before last reset when I was surprised Vind was even winning fights considering how many fully-geared players have quit/were inactive at the time.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • ____BM____ - Sanctuary
    ____BM____ - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    One thing i saw for myself, being the critical person that i am, is that vindi doesn't start off with R20+9000 SUPAjosd gear. Thats just the typical excuse pple tell themselves so they can feel better about themselves and their faction. Sure there are a handful of original vindi that are OP geared like any OTHER faction out there, but alot of whom joined, weren't in vindi to start off with. Also these guys are way more active and its a overall smoother step by step process in gear upgrades if your active along with them.

    I see no point in this even being in this thread in the slightest........ Who cares where the members come from? If they are in the faction at the point of Tw and are better geared then they have a significant higher chance of winning. Period. Who cares how they get there gear? They can cash shop fully R9 third cast +12 JOSD, they can merchent it, whatever they wish too, the end result is that Vindi have more members with the higher tiered gear than others AT THIS POINT IN TIME.

    Give it a couple of months and the other factions will have caught up and it might be more interesting Tw's for them but atm they are winning because they have a significantly higher chance when they enter. This even excluding how they play there char, how prepared they are and how well they work together.
  • Nuke_Cleric - Sanctuary
    Nuke_Cleric - Sanctuary Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Seriously ppl this thread is pointless, it was a troll attempt by someone's alt to get everyone whined up and it's working. What can you conclude about this TW?

    * Vindicate is the strongest faction at this point, regardless if is gear-wise, skill-wise or good teamwork.

    * Vindicate spawn killing DURING tw is a strategy (very effective I might add) and you can't expect everyone to agree with it. We did ask no to spawn kill AFTER tw was done.

    * Vindicate does have the intention of winning the TW season.

    * Saying vindicate hasn't prove their worth in tw is way beyond accurate. You can find over a year of tw footage on this very forum to prove otherwise.

    What you are seeing here is just the drama that ensues after every tw, created out of no where for the sole purpose of instigating for other things.

    Everyone jsut need to chill and ignore the trolls. b:shocked
  • Rfskkirby - Sanctuary
    Rfskkirby - Sanctuary Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    At least we know one thing for sure, Legendary isnt even saying anything cuz their all trash and I broke their faction apart
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Dont make me punch yo face kirby b:chuckle b nice to ppl b:chuckle
    super mega interresting:
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    amount of ppl with that gear in vindi = 20 (?? sound about right)
    amount of ppl with that gear in enelysion = 0 b:thanks

    i r tard :)

    indeed there others out there not in vindi. I know that common sense eludes you but seriously why would any +12JOSD reside in enelysion when they are a faction that scurries away from challenging fights all they been fighting are either small, dead, or dying factions. You have to be pretty slow not to realize that.
    I see no point in this even being in this thread in the slightest........ Who cares where the members come from? If they are in the faction at the point of Tw and are better geared then they have a significant higher chance of winning. Period. Who cares how they get there gear? They can cash shop fully R9 third cast +12 JOSD, they can merchent it, whatever they wish too, the end result is that Vindi have more members with the higher tiered gear than others AT THIS POINT IN TIME.

    Give it a couple of months and the other factions will have caught up and it might be more interesting Tw's for them but atm they are winning because they have a significantly higher chance when they enter. This even excluding how they play there char, how prepared they are and how well they work together.
    You see no point because you want to cherry pick that single thing to use as an excuse for your flaws. "AT THIS POINT IN TIME" is redundant because at any given point in time, most any faction has had these pple in their faction. I find it re tarded that a couple months back, or even a year back, it was not vindi who had these top notch geared pple but one of the other TW factions. Enely has been in this circle too before, when R9 first came out. Whether or not the factions capably utilized their resources and keep them is another story. All im saying is each big TW faction had their chance to grasp these individuals
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • ICielos - Sanctuary
    ICielos - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Star smash! Star Bash!b:shocked
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ''I know that common sense eludes you but seriously why would any +12JOSD reside in enelysion when they are a faction that scurries away from challenging fights all they been fighting are either small, dead, or dying factions.''

    ''Sure there are a handful of original vindi that are OP geared like any OTHER faction out there''

    2 posts, 1 day b:surrender u managed to say the exact opposite thing within 1 day, u ever thought about gettin into politics? -_- as for me im giving up on you and shall consider ur posts non-existant
    super mega interresting:
  • Ganden - Sanctuary
    Ganden - Sanctuary Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Their all noobs if you ask me, All they used was a credit card. No skill involved. Move on and stop complaining
  • Daruvial - Sanctuary
    Daruvial - Sanctuary Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Their all noobs if you ask me, All they used was a credit card. No skill involved. Move on and stop complaining

    didnt you quit?
  • ICielos - Sanctuary
    ICielos - Sanctuary Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    didnt you quit?

    people dont really quit, I love you Daru b:dirty
  • Father_gold - Sanctuary
    Father_gold - Sanctuary Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    people dont really quit, I love you Daru b:dirty

    they never quit, they roll alts.....

    why does it sound like now, ene ppl are claiming that they don't have ANY highly refined and geared players......?

    i just don't get it, why is the running line that vindi = r9rr? i've seen other toons without vindicate over their heads with it.

    the last three pages just seem like damage control to me. just finding another way to scream boo hoo instead of keeping it moving.

    so in summation,

    spawn-killing is a useless tactic to complain about as any faction worth the coin they bid with will do it if they can.

    ene is admittedly "not an aggressive faction"...... unless their opponents are weaker than them.

    QQ vindi has good gear.....QQ no use opposing or even signing up (thats LG's problem no?) because we are going to lose anyway..... QQ hatez on teh cash shoppers (who make it possible for you to farm your gear and obtain items from boutique....b:cry

    the end.

    *request to close?*
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ''I know that common sense eludes you but seriously why would any +12JOSD reside in enelysion when they are a faction that scurries away from challenging fights all they been fighting are either small, dead, or dying factions.''

    ''Sure there are a handful of original vindi that are OP geared like any OTHER faction out there''

    2 posts, 1 day b:surrender u managed to say the exact opposite thing within 1 day, u ever thought about gettin into politics? -_- as for me im giving up on you and shall consider ur posts non-existant
    Well its not our fault such pple dont want to join such a droll faction b:chuckle your like the product of noa and sinangel mixed and spit out... even your close friends think you dont make sense but too sorry to tell you b:surrender
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Metsomi - Sanctuary
    Metsomi - Sanctuary Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    all guilds at this server sooooooo stupid , now its best chance to att vindi stupid no way they can manage 7 defence at same time .

    so go and destroy vindi nobs loool