New Suggestion Thread



  • Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Most other MMORPGs allow it sadly though =/ But I agree. Also, please PLEASE fix the random deep water areas in the swamp of the wraiths:


    a hostile mob can stand here, but my pet can't be summoned here.

    Edit: Another random deep area... pet un-summoned mid-fight =/


    I believe that was always the intention. The swamps were a great training ground that prepared you for sudden changes in tactics.
  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I believe that was always the intention. The swamps were a great training ground that prepared you for sudden changes in tactics.

    mmk, guess I'll have to...


    Edit: Another suggestion,

    put collection point toggle on the minimap, similar to Forsaken World's.
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Mystic needs sage and demon plants b:cry
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Fix the venomancer's lvl 100 skills please. They are bugged so not worth getting while every other class have a decent or better lvl 100 skill.

    Also allow bramble in open world PvP it would balance PK more as you see alot of sins just tripe spark and aps alot of people to death ...

    And when flying pets gets stuck in a hill and it wont attack, thats pretty annoying for venos that bought a nix and use it to grind with x.x

    Also, as over half of the people on this forum suggested, Ini edition! Atleast try it out because most people really want to edit their eyes or their hair.
  • Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Okay, this is just a crazy idea I know but how about:

    PWI made a real free-to-play server? Where there were no packs, hypers, tokens or reputation badges sold in the boutique. Actually, there shouldn't be anything that cost more than 30 gold. It would be just like it was 3 years ago. And they wouldn't have to worry about losing money since people would still buy fashion, charms, etc. from the cash shop.

    So people who want to play the game like it was supposed to be played could go there, and those who want to buy their way up to 100 in a week can do that somewhere else.

    On a more realistic note I'd say, please filter the world chat. Strictly. I've noticed lately that some words aren't even blocked by **** anymore, and that's a bit revolting, really. I don't want to see some infantile nerds rage publicly, thankyou.
  • Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Lol, I just stumbled upon an old post of mine named "If I ever made a MMO...", and I've made some good points there. Just thought I'd share them here.

    "Make it so that there are less quests in the beginning and more at the end of the game, it would still take longer to level but it wouldn't be only dailies, dailies, dailies..."

    "Make it possible for higher level people to get prizes for helping lower levels with big bosses. Then it would be easier for lowbies to get help."

    "People need to eat. So make them some food. They should have a skill for making food. And different food (higher level food) should give benefits like higher attack speed for an hour, besides filling your characters tummy."

    And my favourite:

    "Give every starting player a home that they can furnish, they could also buy homes in different places and when they log off, they'd have to go to "sleep" in their homes, but you don't have to log off to go to sleep. A player would be able to stay up for 15 hrs in a row (have energy potions in the game for people to keep their characters up for 1 more hour if necessary, but not more) so that people wouldn't get too addicted to the game and forget that they have to sleep and do other things in real life. Then they'd have to sleep for 9-8 hours. They could also sleep less, but then they can't be up for 15 hrs again. And they can keep up a shop while they're asleep."
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Make venomancer pets customizable(Color,longer pet name,etc)

    Add lucky points to venomancer pets,just like genies,they can learn up to 8 skills instead of the fixed 4(Depends on LPs)

    Add more Veno Pet skills

    Make Veno pets less worthless in endgame instances like Adv.Lunar/Warsong/AEU and such.

    Reduce channelling on some Wizard skills or slower the channeling of Psychic/Mystic

    Introduce efficent ways to get Reputation from the start and not only at 95+ with Rep. Badges from Morai

    Make NPC selling better Hp/Mp pots at cheaper prices

    Remove AH fee to fight the hord of catshops

    Improve AH,make that items can be purchased one-by-one and not at fixed stacks ppls put. Add an "auto-add" to automatically re-add items in AH, make filters to reduce item spams, unite the items with the same price as an unique item.
    Add smart search on AH:Players get a mail when a desidered item its auctioned.
    Add an auto buy-now feature in AH:Players deposit money in AH and can purchase any item in X quantity as soon as they're put in AH.
    Make bids in AH non limited to current item price(Even 3 times higher than item's current price).
    Make an auto-bid feature in AH.
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I know this one might get shot down but here it goes:

    Have a Head Hunter at each BH, so people wont have to waste so much time going back and forth.
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Add Head Hunter in 1k streams too
    Add a Mysterious Old Man in all main cities

    Add an advanced version of Nirvana(Like Adv. Warsong/Lunar),to farm (?) 4th stage nirvana maybe lol
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I would like better performance options in game. One I would like to see is a way hide catshops from my view, like I would from hiding a large group of players around me.

    Hiding players help some but with all the catshops still in view when going around Raging Tides and in West Arch, it's still hard for me to go into those areas for long periods of time.
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Tweak Sage Heaven's Flame to be comparable to Demon version

    Demon version last longer?,fine, make Sage version multiply the damage to 2,5 or even 3 instead of 2. Just like Sage/Demon Amplify Damage.

    Make meditation gaining a small amount of chi.
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'd like to see the option to do the 99-key quest in caster.

    -That is all.. Rest of the game is pretty good.
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Add a "non-target" mode for AoEs,so its easier to pop Sins out of stealth.

    Make people's links (https) be click-able ONLY if the one posting its in your friend list OR in your same faction.

    Make BH59 bosses more interesting, geez, they have all the same attack pattern (aside from DoT in Drake/Gluttonix).

    Update Genie Skills so even TB and EG have their own unique skills.

    When someone pick an item(and its in your squad off course), you should be able to click on the "XXX got ITEM" Item word as like he's linking it, so you don't have to ask "link it" like sometimes happens.

    Make tokens obtainable in-game as well...

    Make one-man-army quests worth doing(More Rep).

    Make lower grade equips A LOT easier to refine so even low levels can refine their equips without spending a ton of money on refines.For example you could make equips lower than grade 7 be refined to +5 with 100% chance and grade 8-12 refined to +3 with 100% chance of success.Make grade 1-3 items be refine-able to +10 with 100% success just for the lols.

    Improve in-game macros so they include genie skills and swap weapons(Like Spark + Switch to Axes + Cloud Eruption + Heaven's Flame + Switch to Fist + Attack)

    Remove or edit stupid quests like the "50 Hay" one or the one that requires non-existent bosses(The Circle/Harpy Wrath/what else).

    Place some "Negative Auras" near Delta's spawn point so people stop "cheating" and start doing stuff how they're supposed to be done...

    Remove BH Lunar (Or remove Lunar fee)

    Make some bosses / mini bosses DoT aoes worth purifying (Second nirvana boss anyone? Fallen Warmonk? Noxtouch Culler? all these have really laughable DoT attacks).
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I may sound strange but I rather we NOT make the game any easier than it already is. That means No Summerwind token in boutique, No decrease cost to get those summerwind tokens, and No increase drop rate unless it's an event. Making the game easier is what made it die faster...not make it better.

    Give us back some of the ORIGINAL status on our skills and pets as well as some skill changes. These were nerfed by the GM/developers back in the days of Massive QQing by the undergeared masses. Now that everyone got better refines and weapons, it's about time we remove those nerfs.
    1) Pet attacks should be reverted instead of nerfed by 75% dmg. Many of the younger players do not realize that veno pets used to do alot more dmg to players than they do now. It's because of Nixes when other ppl were lvl 60s that the venos were QQed as the most OP class in the game.
    2) Give the Sage archers their chi skills back.
    3) Give the wizards lower cool downs on their lvl 100 skills and make all lvl 100 skills based on Soul Force. I don't see why psychics should be the only class to benefit from soulforce...this makes no sense.
    4) Give us back Skill Glitching! That was fun when you could glitch skills without the added debuff like how sage bm can cyclone and stop before doing the full cast while still having the speed buff.
    5) Give people a bigger variety of Bosses for BH. In this case, why not have BH bosses in OHT area...which will force players to actually do their chrono quest chains in order to access the map.
    6) Make the game harder! Not easier.

    Finally, Even if you decide to skip everything I said before, there is ONE thing you must do to make this game more fun. With other games coming out, the ONLY fun thing in this game is TW. However, TW is losing its fun. To make it more fun again, it will need different maps. You can have the whole catapult and crystal deal, but change the terrain. add in maps with swamps. Make the path convoluted with traps and obstacles. Can you imagine the horror...errr fun...of having to fight a TW where everything around you is covered in big cherry blossoms. You can't see the enemy but you can still attack.

    To make this harder...Remove the TAB select function in TW. In a real fun fight you have to click on your enemy, if you can't see them you shouldn't be able to select them. The TAB function made TW hella boring for caster classes. By forcing people to have to click on the enemy, huge *** pets and black fashion can be used to trick the eyes. That would be so much more interesting for everyone.
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Give players the option to turn off Duke.... b:cute

    Give barbs some self-purify skill.....they're supposed to be the tanker class yes? they can't spam triple sparks unless they're aps build (which its kinda unnatural build imho).
    I wouldn't have said this before Mystics,but now that we have Mystics,Purify isn't always assured in low level squads, hardly a 80-89 barb can tank Pole without purify (unless he's good enough to cancel all his channels)

    Bring back DQ drop's original price...geez.
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'm sorry to post again but I forgot one very important suggestion, and I'm serious!


    That's all. Need better dancing, badly.
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Modify the Nirvana (Normal) and Nirvana (Caster) entry quest so all squad doesn't lose their Rally Stone/Talisman if one of em doesn't have it in inventory, which kinda sucks.
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I may sound strange but I rather we NOT make the game any easier than it already is. That means No Summerwind token in boutique, No decrease cost to get those summerwind tokens, and No increase drop rate unless it's an event. Making the game easier is what made it die faster...not make it better.

    This is something I've complained about several times before--the general
    "dumbing down" of the game. I've tried other games, and find that I get
    bored very quickly because they are too easy. They are basically a by-rote
    go here, click here & there X number of times, go back here & get reward--
    BORING. And I'm seeing PWI turn into the same thing, esp at lower levels.
    I've literally known people who tried the game recently, and quit for this
    very reason. Told me it wasn't "challenging enough." (This was concerning
    the lower levels as they didn't stay long enough to get past lvl 60 or so.)

    Also, I think PWI should STOP ADDING NEW THINGS TO THE GAME, at least
    for awhile. No new packs, no new tokens, no new skills, classes, quests,
    emblems, badges, runes, etc., etc. The whole game is becoming cluttered
    and unwieldy. There's just too much STUFF.

    Improve, perfect, streamline what you've got now. Tighten it up. I truly
    believe people like a simple well-made thing, better than a cheap,
    poorly-put-together thing with a bunch of bells & whistles.
    Finally, Even if you decide to skip everything I said before, there is ONE thing you must do to make this game more fun. With other games coming out, the ONLY fun thing in this game is TW. However, TW is losing its fun. To make it more fun again, it will need different maps. You can have the whole catapult and crystal deal, but change the terrain. add in maps with swamps. Make the path convoluted with traps and obstacles. Can you imagine the horror...errr fun...of having to fight a TW where everything around you is covered in big cherry blossoms. You can't see the enemy but you can still attack.

    Totally agree. And this goes for regular instances as well. I've always wanted for
    the bosses (and mobs for that matter) in instances to be unpredictable, to change
    up their attacks randomly. Nothing a good, normal-geared player who knows how to
    play his char couldn't handle. But make it where squads have to stay on their toes,
    and be prepared for any eventuality.

    An example I've always used is the mobs in 59. Many players have complained
    about those that run up on walls, & melee chars can't get to them. They've
    considered this a glitch. I've always said--No, this is EXACTLY the thing that's
    needed. All of a sudden, WOW, the ranged classes have to quickly step in. Many
    times as a cleric, I was the only ranged char in a squad, and it was so fun when
    I had to quickly change roles & start dd'ing because no one else could get to the

    Of course, as many have suggested, vary the bh bosses more. Utilize that instance
    in Burning Lands or whatever it is--Cave of Sadistic Glee (is that it?). In over 3 yrs
    of play, I've only been in that place twice.

    Great post, MagicChu. And ur last suggestion about removing tabbing in TW is a
    good one too.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Ok 2 suggestions for the game

    1. Level based PvP instances with random teams of 6-10 people. Example ~ level 30-40 40-50 50-60 etc... and for the love of all that is good make it an all day every day thing instead of that one day out of the week for one hour stuff. Make rewards exp, spirit, and coins. Rewards are scaled to the level of the fight. If they wanted to take the time throw in a new kind of "coin" that can only be spent on items used in that arena. Also can make it just melee or have other types of game modes eg capture the flag etc.

    2. Make all npcs inside instances have no substance so you can run through them to get rid of the glitch where an npc spawns where you are and you are stuck inside of him.
  • Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    nexus1011 wrote: »
    A massive game advantage which would easily done would be:

    - linkable quests (shift and click, shows details of players current quest)
    - allows multi lauguage squads doing the same quest much easier.

    This is a good idea whats more it helps those of whom want to help a lower level person but the person doesn't know all the terms yet.

    - chat windows tab based like world chat, squad, etc. Instead of single window.

    All I'm getting is add the option of multiple windows for it like we have a window dedicated to horns. This could be a good thing or a bad thing.

    - accepted friends list show players on map with icon.

    The ability to track friends your looking for which.....could be a blessing and a curse.

    - Catshops - expire after 24 hours and have a cool down of 24 hours (clears out arch a bit, but doesn't stop trade)

    I dunno that kinda.......drops a bunch of useful 24 hour shops. Besides this won't stop people they will either make two accounts and trade their items between the two or make one account use the account stash. This would really only effect those not rich enough to buy shop extensions for multiple toons.

    - auction house time extention ie 1 week unless has buy now.

    I can get behind this

    - buffs expanded to |player name |buffs you can cast| space | other buffs
    - making it easy for each player to see if buffs are not on.

    Maybe even make a window that can keep track of buffs on a player but.......thats a lot of UI clutter I'm not sure how to do this really

    - craft skill - which is passive shows craft items on mini map.

    You mean show items you need to gather? I oppose that it makes it too easy to farm them.

    /10 char
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1) Pet attacks should be reverted instead of nerfed by 75% dmg. Many of the younger players do not realize that veno pets used to do alot more dmg to players than they do now. It's because of Nixes when other ppl were lvl 60s that the venos were QQed as the most OP class in the game.

    Those fix had been applied after months of threads with title like "nerf damned pets or give other clasess battle pets"

    And someone want to revert changes ? Are you venomancer or suicidal character ?
    4) Give us back Skill Glitching!

    Favorite proposition of those player (to give him back glitchs). No comments.
    6) Make the game harder! Not easier.

    Like change name of bh69 to fb19 and wait for WC requests:
    "Looking for high level character to help with fb19."
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Allow players to breakdown flawless and lower level shards, so that Runecrafting would become viable again b:surrender
    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    /10 char

    I'm guessing you don't like Forsaken World then? :P Their minimap shows gather spots.
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.
  • Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Add the option to pass lead while dead -.-
  • Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Allow players to breakdown flawless and lower level shards, so that Runecrafting would become viable again b:surrender

    Why limit to flawless? Breakdown a DoT into 6 Drakeflames b:dirty
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator -
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I'm guessing you don't like Forsaken World then? :P Their minimap shows gather spots.

    That's why I don't want PWI to implement these things into this game. I gave FW a good
    trial run, but in the end I just couldn't take it. Tedious & boring, (sorry PWE), due to
    the overall "give-it-to-ya-on-a-silver-platter" type of gameplay.

    'Here are where the mats are--just click & go there'
    "We've marked all the (few) mobs that are aggressive with a big X over their heads so you can avoid them'
    'You don't have to watch & guide your char at all--just click the link, then go have
    some coffee. You'll be there when you get back'
    'Here are a bajillion free pots/charms/whatever sent to your mail--good luck finding
    a place to store them (even tho we've also given you a bajillion free stash & bank
    'Want exp? Just stand here, then go to bed. We'll give it to u while you sleep'

    etc., etc.

    It felt overall more an exercise in keyboard & mouse manipulation than true,
    thinking interaction with the game.

    What's lost with change/additions such as these is the thrill of discovery, the
    challenge of fighting & using your brain & skill to accomplish things, the
    feeling of satisfaction when victorious.

    What's lost is the feeling of actual people, using their thinking & planning abilities
    in order to play the game. It makes players into mere automatons. PWI still retains
    good qualities, a "personality" of its own. Implementing too many of what
    I call "dumbing down" factors, will eventually destroy that personality. I don't
    want that to happen.
  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Thank goddess someone feels the same way I do ponyduck! I know that I DID suggest that the minimap show the gather points, but I was thinking to have it off by default :P And only in the Settings dialog somewhere, and not on the minimap as a button or something.

    Regardless, I wouldn't mind if they didn't implement it either, since I have the pw database to look at. (And we can Alt+click on the world map, which I usually do at 78 height.) Still requires you to look hard though :D
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.
  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    New acheivements in CORE:

    Crafting Stuff...

    Blacksmith lv8 - 5aps God

    Tailor lv8 - +100% DEF Level

    Apothecary lv8 - Master Chef

    Craftsman lv8 - Who needs fashion?

    Indigo is a Blue - Craft an indigo color weapon or armor.

    Godly Gold - Craft a yellow color weapon or armor.

    Fire Orange - Craft an orange color weapon or armor.

    Twilight Aqua - Craft an Aqua color weapon or armor.

    Tomes for the Hungry - Craft a tome

    Gotta go fast! - Upgrade a flyer or a mount.

    PVP Stuff...

    Archer: 1000 Kills - Oops, Zat was not medicine.

    Sin: 1000 Kills - I was never on your side.

    Barbarian: 1000 Kills - Cry some more!

    Venomancer: 1000 Kills - Muhuhuhaha... ahahaha!

    Seeker: 1000 Kills - Pow! ha ha!

    Wizard: 1000 Kills - Boom, partyshot.

    Blademaster: 1000 Kills - Thanks for standin' still.

    Psychic: 1000 Kills - I am bulletproof! (Refers to the debuff shields / etc.)

    Mystic: 1000 Kills - Cook 'n Fertilize

    Hard to completely match up the phrases, but I'm sure some of you will recognize them, AND SAY IT IN THEIR VOICES! Continuing PVP...

    Limit Breaker - Deal more than 9999 damage to a player.

    Overkill - Deal more damage to a player than their Max HP.

    Guild of Riches - Participate in and win a Territory War. (People who aren't in the territory grounds during said win, do not get the acheive.)

    Guild of Sorrows - Participate in and lose a Territory War.

    Newbie Ghost - Die 10 times in PVP.

    Spirit of the Newbies - Die 100 times in PVP.

    Phantom Menace - Die 1000 times in PVP.

    Guild of the Ages - Participate in and win a Server versus Server Territory.

    Guild of the Suffering - Participate in and lose a Server versus Server Territory.

    General Stuff...

    Can I keep it...? - Tame one non-battle pet.

    Your Mistress beckons you... - Tame a battle pet. (Cannot be given to Seeker.)

    The real world calls thy name... - Learn a summon (Cannot be given to Venomancer.)

    The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything - Level any character to 42.

    Economic Stuff...

    Who wants to be a Millionaire? - Acquire one million coins.

    4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 - Acquire one billion coins.

    Auctioneer - Sell one item successfully via the Auction House.

    Millioneer - Sell one item that's worth 1,000,000 coins or more in the Auction House.

    Quest Stuff...

    Do dragons exist...? - Complete one dragon quest successfully.

    It's Public Knowledge - Complete a Public/Regional Quest.

    Legendary Hero - Complete a Legendary rank Boss quest.

    Beyond the line of duty - Complete a quest that is beyond your level's capabilities. (Orange circle quests usually.)

    Social Stuff...

    Marriage means Death - Complete a marriage quest after being married.

    Betrothed - Marry another player.

    Free Hugs - Add one friend.

    It's smotherin' time - Add ten friends.

    Alpha and Omega - Reach the Friend Limit. (If Possible)

    Forever Alone - Have no friends for all 105 levels on one character.

    Denied! - Be denied a friend request.

    Character Stuff...

    I look fabulous... - Use a makeover scroll.

    Identity Crisis - Use ten makeover scrolls.

    Rank IX -Acquire a Rank IX Gear

    Like a g16 - Acquire a Grade 16 Gear

    Red Named Items are for Dynasty Only
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.
  • Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I would like to see a lot of apoth items be given their own separate cooldowns. I don't know if it's intend for almost all pots in the game to be given the same cooldown but it is annoying having to wait 1 to 2 minutes to be able to use a different kind of pot after using one.
  • Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    More general acheivement:

    Flight Risk - Drop from 70 height or higher.

    Why so horny...? - Use a horn.

    Telepathic Wavelength - Use a telacoustic.

    Come Hither - Use a squad signet.

    I believe I can touch the sky! - Equip a flyer for the first time.

    Y U NO CAN JUMP?! - Attempt to double jump when unable to.

    A Blind Eye... - Fall out of the world. (Teleported via system due to falling. Alternate Name: Watch your step!)

    Back to the Future! - Time Travel (There's a dungeon that has you teleport to the past iirc.)

    When this baby hits 88 MPH... - Acquire a non-mount speed of 8 m/s or more.

    Blinked! - Use a teleport stone.

    Don't. Touch. Anything. - Opened the Safety Lock dialog

    Their vision is based on movement. - Don't move for 10 minutes. Teleport and leaping will reset the timer.

    Between a rock and a hard place. - Don't move for an hour. Teleport and leaping will reset the timer.

    Petrified - Don't move for 24 hours. Teleport and leaping will reset the timer.

    Medusa's Plaything - Don't move for 3 days (72 hours) straight. Teleport and leaping will reset the timer.

    Golden Wisdom - Opened a box or crate with a Perfect Iron Hammer.

    Heavy Load... - Expand the inventory.

    Clothing Store... - Expand the Wardrobe.

    Safe in my hands... - Expand the Bank safe.

    Teleportation for Items - Acquire Account Stash.

    More PVP Acheivement:

    Doesn't Listen - Start a duel in a safe zone.

    Another Time? - be denied a duel request.

    Dominated - Kill or be killed by the same person 5 or more times.

    You mad bro? - Kill or be killed by the same person 25 or more times.

    FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU - Kill or be killed by the same person 100 or more times.

    That'sss a very niccce everything... - Kill each and every single guild member in a guild at least once, including the leader. Does not count guilds with less than or equal to 20 guild members.

    Means to an end...? - Kill a guild member from the same named faction as you in Server Versus Server from another server.

    Doppelganger - Kill a player that has the exact same name as you in Server Versus Server from another server.

    More Character:

    I vant to suck your blood! - Steal health.

    How does it fly? - Tame a Windwalking Piggy

    It's camped, yo. - Tame a Shadou Cub

    It'll spawn... It'll spawn... - Tame an Armored Bear

    Beauty in the Thorns - Tame a Magnificent Harpy (Human Female bird creature, sparkly!)


    Do-Over! - Decompose a weapon or armor into something else!

    Senseless... - Destroy a piece of equipment.

    Engineer - Sell an item you have crafted via the Auction House.

    Easy Peasy - Use one of the instant-level items to level up a crafting skill to maximum.

    As above, red means Dynasty Only.
    There once a time when I cared about getting to the top quickly as possible to help others. Now, I take it slow, and don't worry about having nothing to do. There's always something to do in an MMORPG, especially if you are high level. PK'ing is for those who desire to inflate their egos. True friendship comes from helping one-another, rather than to start rivalries.

    It takes 315300 Mysterious Chips to make one warsoul weapon, if you have a 100% success rate.


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