So Barbarians what pisses you off or just makes you leave when in a squad?



  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    To mention, barb wasn't the background, he waited for healers. Seeker rushed front without heals.
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I wasn't the barb in squad, was on my mystic alt, but my heart hurted to see how one seeker squadplayed in 51.

    We had 2 myst healers, barb, seeker, archer and sin. The seeker seemed to think he is the tank and rushed forward while I put falling petals and shield on the barb. Barb obviously got aggro back, the ***** seeker ***** his charm badly, however. We told him to wait on pulls because barb is the tank. He answers " but I am tank build. "
    Geez. Well we continue. Seeker makes a suicide and pulls 5 mobs, and he has to res. At every boss he tried to steal aggro by vortexing, even at wyvern. I didn't focus on healing him at that point anymore. -_-''

    Tbh that kinda makes you a mystic I wouldn't want to squad with.
    If the Seeker knows what hes doing then he will make the run go faster and safer.
    The barb most likely would of lost aggro on mobs to the archer, so he would have to run around grabbing aggro back.
  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    He actually didn't loose aggro when he had chance to tank. I know the barb personally and have helped with his gear and gameplay. Also the archer was familiar and knew how to not pull aggro off.
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Im almost pure str build barb (Dex For Gear) played this build on 3 servers. Still as effective as ever. Will u hold over the +12 APS sin Most likly not. Will u Drop ppl in PK/TW without a doubt. Will u hold over evenly geared/skilled players most likley. I do Pretty well. Remember 1vit = 1 p def and 1 mag def 1 str =2 pdef So 2 to 1 Rate there. Just make sure u use Ele ornaments and u will be ok. I have 15.6k hp Buffed in tigger atm. Gems arent quiet there yet. 20% crit with 66 dex Lunar rings hlp and the R8 wpn atm hlps. I have 14.6k P att and hit 20-30k hits pretty regular.

    Love this build just thought it should be brought up not just Cat barbs and Claw barbs thx
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Im almost pure str build barb (Dex For Gear) played this build on 3 servers. Still as effective as ever. Will u hold over the +12 APS sin Most likly not. Will u Drop ppl in PK/TW without a doubt. Will u hold over evenly geared/skilled players most likley. I do Pretty well. Remember 1vit = 1 p def and 1 mag def 1 str =2 pdef So 2 to 1 Rate there. Just make sure u use Ele ornaments and u will be ok. I have 15.6k hp Buffed in tigger atm. Gems arent quiet there yet. 20% crit with 66 dex Lunar rings hlp and the R8 wpn atm hlps. I have 14.6k P att and hit 20-30k hits pretty regular.

    Love this build just thought it should be brought up not just Cat barbs and Claw barbs thx

    nice lovely build fellow barb and i am 512 str myself sage barb with 15k in human and 20k in kitty with 20k pdef in kitty and 12k in human with 5.4k mag def.

    3rd cast +10 dual hammer 14000-20000 base damage

    who gve a damn about claw at this point.

    can hold agro pretty well unless they stupid and keep sparking then let them die.

    sage kitty rocks duh
  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Gotta feel bit fail when you cannot hold aggro from T3 +10 wizard.... x___x

    well luckily he could handle it..
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Not playing my barb, but in a squad with two barbs. Who insisted on using human form and not bothering with FR in BH and killing normal mobs.

    DDs dead 3 times, cleric dead once.

  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Sin attacks a group of mobs, nearly dies, I run in to help and the same sin runs to NEXT group of mobs right when I arrive.... sigh.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I multibox a barb and cleric. The ONLY time they've died is when I had to suicide them to get the culti quests -- they are now level-82. (I'm not claiming to be good, just prudent.)

    Occasionally, I will allow other players in squad when I'm doing a BH. I warn them ahead of time that I'm controlling the barb and cleric, saying if they take aggro from the barb I won't be able to heal them (this is a lie because once my barb engages a boss I switch to my cleric for the remainder of the fight, but it's a lie that's successful in restraining sins and archers).

    LOL ... on point, as a barb, I have no complaints -- I always have a pro cleric with me and, though I've never had to do it, I run my squads and can easily kick any player who endangers the squad.

    I'm a nice, helpful person, usually patient to a fault, but I have no tolerance whatsoever for people who haven't learned to play their class, don't know how to avoid taking aggro, and who risk squad safety through reckless behavior. Stealing aggro from a barb is not the sign of a good player; rather, it's the total mark of a rube.

    As an aside, I get the feeling there's a lot of disdain here for clerics. I really dislike seeing that, I'm a competent cleric, I watch out for the barb in squad (have a personal mission of never letting a barb's charm tick), and I take my cleric-role quite seriously. That said, I also enjoy leveraging my clerics' capabilities. For instance, when I'm multiboxing, I invariably tank magic bosses with my clerics. Repair bills are cheaper and it means I can engage the boss with my cleric and whatever alt I've teamed her with. Clerics are also more suited for dealing with poison casting mobs, such as those at the opening of BH69 and at the end of BH79 -- and they can kill them faster than a comparably leveled barb.

    I have a level-82 sin, I enjoy playing it, but I've a general dislike for a lot of sins I encounter in-game; mostly because they have no idea how to play nicely in the sandbox with others. On a cleric doing bh69, for instance, I will heal (or rez) a sin the first time they steal aggro from the barb, after that I let them rot. Bad cleric? Maybe. But how else will they learn their role in squad?
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    On a cleric doing bh69, for instance, I will heal (or rez) a sin the first time they steal aggro from the barb, after that I let them rot. Bad cleric? Maybe. But how else will they learn their role in squad?

    I find it super amusing when people get a rez, they rez just before the boss aoe's and promptly kiss the floor again. These bosses don't have random attack orders like tt 3-x bosses, just have to wait and watch.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I find it super amusing when people get a rez, they rez just before the boss aoe's and promptly kiss the floor again. These bosses don't have random attack orders like tt 3-x bosses, just have to wait and watch.

    LOL ... yup, it's just about as funny as watching people die repeatedly at the clapping hands in BH79 or in TT. b:laugh
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I find it super amusing when people get a rez, they rez just before the boss aoe's and promptly kiss the floor again. These bosses don't have random attack orders like tt 3-x bosses, just have to wait and watch.

    I was in a Lunar on my sin with a very timid barb and I'd been doing half the pulls and tanking all the bosses. We get to the last boss , Primal Fear, are standing on the pillar in the water and the wizards suggest we range glitch it. The barb, bm, and myself all say "no thanks" because its too slow and for us that means we have to sit back and watch. Its not a hard boss anyways and I haven't range glitched Lunar for 2 or 3 years back when my cleric was level 90 and I was the level 80 tanking BM in the squad and other low level times.

    So, we run in and I'm tanking but the boss is hitting really hard and I'm not getting much heals. I switch to def blessing and the damage I'm taking lowers but so do my paint heals and I can't notice any cleric heals. We're inside his belly so I can't even see my squad, so I zoom in to watch for HF and notice no cleric. The cleric and the wizard are max range where the cleric has bb'd. I start trying to swim back to them since I'm pot tanking, basically soloing, the final lunar boss and of course since I stopped attacking and was swimming I die.

    I get rezzed and try to teleport but they're farther away then my demon (35m) teleport can reach. I die, wait for boss to knock down bb again. She rezzes, I swim a little, die. Wait for bb to get knocked down again. She rezzes, I swim a little, die... The barb and bm are doing the same thing and the wizzy is just DDing. Anyways... we finally all got back to bb, 40m away after about 6 rezzes for me, 10 for the barb, and the bm just released but made it back before the wizard and other dd (forget what it was) killed the boss. The 3 of us outside of bb had done about 2/3's of its hp in 30 seconds but took them another 5 minutes to get it close enough to dead that I felt comfortable teleing back and killing it in a triple spark. Sucked. Sucked sucked.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ok this was when I played my psy (I do have a barb toon) in an fcc as we made it to the bishop boss and beat him down. I continued to world chat until I found a barb around the squads lvl range. however an archer told me that this barb I invited, let me in on details. b:angry This is when things got ugly, the barb himself could not pull the halls for a bowl of cereal. The barb then ended up flat dead on the super powerful roaring slash boss. ROFL ROFL ROFL...... sorry I can't help myself, after the barb was rezzed I gave him a boot to the head. After that was over and we heard no more from that rage pun barb. The squad got a temporary bm to help us to exp room, then the temporary bm left and we got a seeker.

    Anyway I can see this not only in my psy's eyes but also my barb's eyes in anger of this rage quit barb I had in my squad for fcc.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    People using knockback when they don't have any aggro. Seriously, if you're a mystic, wizard, or archer over level 60 and you're still using knockback while in a squad you should be lobotomized.

    Squadmates attacking mobs while I'm pulling. I guess I kind of blame other barbs for this. So many squads get used to 1v1ing that when a barb goes to do an actual pull I think it surprises them. So what happens? I run passed a mob, they attack it as I run by, I chose to either keep pulling or go help them. Usually I assume they can just bring the mob with them to me and when I stop I'll aggro it anyways, but alot of the time they stop to kill and the cleric stops to heal. Now I have a full pull and am missing dd's and a cleric...

    Vit clerics or low refine cleric's that expect my heals to magicly come from somewhere. This isn't usually a big issue it's just last night I had a bishy vit cleric (about 70 vit) with level 89 mold weapon, unrefined and unsharded that had an attitude. We were doing the Aba boss and she asked if I knew how to tank the boss... Only done it about 40 times. Then she set the bb about 20 seconds away from the boss back in the path to it which I refused to pull to since you have about 25 seconds before the Aba boss does his self buff that heals and I prefer to kill. So I told everyone just to follow me in, organized which BM HF'd first, and went in ready to do the Aba boss clericless. Well, the archer and one BM were afk and so it was me, a seeker, and an R9 BM with axes, got the boss down to about 20% hp and he buffed. So I drop tiger form, roar, and start FRing. The cleric decides to actually follow 30 seconds later and puts up a bb. Now, I have 18.7k hp, +10 ornies, was in tiger form, and had full hp and still managed to die through bubble (wasted my chi triple sparking/purifying right before it buffed so I didn't attack). The bm has now come back and continued to aps through the bosses buff so now he is hitting pretty hard but with any sort of decent heal I can tank fine, or I can solo with paint which I don't have, but I die. Cleric drops bb right before the boss aoes and dies herself, then precedes to yell and complain at everyone in squad for doing everything wrong when what would have saved us was some decent heals. It always seems the cleric's with the worst heals have the biggest attitudes.

    Barb's who **** about not getting vanas or TTs. Ultimately, these are usually the same barbs that make squads "BH Metal, LF 5 aps BM and Sins, Cleric, and Veno. PM +10 weapon link." I almost always refuse these squads but its even worse if you join and they're a vit-axe barb, and even worse than that if they're +2 refined axes.

    And lastly "Buff please. Buff. Can I get your barb buff?" from randoms outside of squad.

    UR the worst barb bm or whatever u play ever.
    sorry but non r9 barb with decent refine dont need neither invoke heal bb nothing and if u **** about it it mean u sir suck big time sorry to say but dont play barb ur a embaresing.

    i am pure str 3 base vit rith r8 and 1 singel 3rd cast nv and 3rd cast dual hammer and lol abba u kidding me.

    take ur dex build show up ur *** cos u sir sux if u need heal and even if u dont have any decent refine use ur invoke damn noob barb yelling at cleric ugh.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    If only you had a tank of some sort in squad, who had skills to grab and keep aggro..

    so it means ur a useless barb who cant keep agro well so sad.

    a 3rd spark with ream stmop of king new morai skill and a 2nd ream should keep garo for a decent time in kitty form with high enough str refine and weapon you should try it.

    not to mention with our new abba barb skill wish keep adding to our damage base.
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    f31 wrote: »
    *some monkey dialect of English*

    Lol, everytime you post (or double post in most cases) I'm reminded how little you know about the game. Your comments are about as useless as a hodgehog in a condom factory, as I'm sure your tank ability is.

    Everytime you open your mouth you show us how little you know, but give us all a good laugh.

    The point of my post was how the biggest ragers are usually the biggest fails, thanks for helping prove that. The cleric had poor heals, an out of date weapon, didn't know where to place bubble, didn't know how the boss attacked or much about Aba, and when we had trouble she had the biggest mouth. Aba isn't hard, I do it without a cleric regularly, even tanking on my 7.5k hp sin, but if your squad doesn't know what they're doing it will amp itself with Blood Rush and it doesn't seem to cap as quickly as a barbs Blood Rush does. I've seen r9 barbs hit for 30k+ with it after the squad didn't stop attacking. In this case I was hit for most my hp because the bm kept attacking, then received the bleed effect and had zero heals not enough chi to spark.

    And here I am explaining myself to someone who probably doesn't even understand or know what barb skills are.

    Keep shouting your 'aps sucks' rants. Your point on strength barbs is invalid since we are both strength barbs, I just do about triple your damage and actually know how to play my class :D
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I was with you right up until you started barb bashing, again. I agree with you on knockbacks (btw, some numbers. Archer Wingspan -9m, Wizard Phoenix-18m, Psychic Landslide-18m, Mystic Tornado- 12-13m, Barb Slam - 9m, BM Meteor or Atmos-18m) but you tend to be jaded and turn all forum arguments into a vit vs claw argument.

    You're right, whoever heard of a tiger having claws. Ridiculous.

    The point is, bp can heal about 4x better than a cleric and many of our skills require paying a chi cost which claws can help build. So a barb that can't build chi and has low survivability (an axe only barb) is more like an axe bm than a claw barb is like a claw bm. Congratulations, you've made your barb in to a furry axe bm from 2009.

    People who seem to think claws take away anything from the barb seem to be the new players who haven't learned their barb skills or their character. Claw barbs can still use every skill with the click of a button. A difference of 10% hp is nothing when comparing the survivability, versatility, and aggro ability to keep being the tank.

    Not to mention, many of us are f2p and need like to have as many self-sustaining characters as possible for farming. I'll admit, a vit barb is a better catapuller although I've seen some clawbarbs do it amazingly.

    Expand your barbs abilities.

    ur attack on barb using hammer or axe is lame get enough str and bp will heal u right back and better.
    in fact using claw is gona make ur axe do less damage so u will need use ur crith for what u could do waaay more crith if u only was str.

    claw barb is dead its so 2011 get into 2012 where attack lv and str barb is taking back its place using axes.

    when u have 500 600 str +10 g16 or r9 u talk to me how lame ur damage is otherwise you dont know what ur talking about.

    its new time claw is dead for barbs
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Lol, everytime you post (or double post in most cases) I'm reminded how little you know about the game. Your comments are about as useless as a hodgehog in a condom factory, as I'm sure your tank ability is.

    Everytime you open your mouth you show us how little you know, but give us all a good laugh.

    The point of my post was how the biggest ragers are usually the biggest fails, thanks for helping prove that. The cleric had poor heals, an out of date weapon, didn't know where to place bubble, didn't know how the boss attacked or much about Aba, and when we had trouble she had the biggest mouth. Aba isn't hard, I do it without a cleric regularly, even tanking on my 7.5k hp sin, but if your squad doesn't know what they're doing it will amp itself with Blood Rush and it doesn't seem to cap as quickly as a barbs Blood Rush does. I've seen r9 barbs hit for 30k+ with it after the squad didn't stop attacking. In this case I was hit for most my hp because the bm kept attacking, then received the bleed effect and had zero heals not enough chi to spark.

    And here I am explaining myself to someone who probably doesn't even understand or know what barb skills are.

    Keep shouting your 'aps sucks' rants. Your point on strength barbs is invalid since we are both strength barbs, I just do about triple your damage and actually know how to play my class :D

    i bet you the biggest whinner the game ever pwi ever have.

    cant hold agro for sht with ur axes and relly on aps where a r9 sin will out agro u any day.

    i feel sorry u cant even survive abba with apser booosting it.

    u need heal plus bp and u dare complain.

    go back to ur lil hole ur just patetic barb trash i ever seen.

    need heal for abba that is beyond redicilus.

    cant hold agro for sht and praise claw haha.

    i am done with fail pve noob like u.
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Go get a translator so you can read this...
    f31 wrote: »
    a r9 sin will out agro u any day.
    actually, g16 claws can out dd an r9 sin.
    u need heal plus bp and u dare complain.
    reread the story. I didn't have bp or heals and was still comfortable soloing Aba. The only issue was squadmates attacking during the buff so the boss hit extra hard. I've seen the boss hit 34k on barbs. Not many can survive that.
    cant hold agro for sht and praise claw haha.
    I hold aggro perfectly fine, meanwhile you constantly complain about being useless...
    i am done with fail pve noob like u.
    You're right, I've obviously never pk'd /sarcasm. Better than Lost City's jester barb.
    ur attack on barb using hammer or axe is lame get enough str and bp will heal u right back and better.
    Attack on barbs using axes? I use axes 2/3s of the time. I just know when axes are better and when claws are better.

    claw barb is dead its so 2011 get into 2012 where attack lv and str barb is taking back its place using axes.
    You don't even have a point here. G16 axes=40 attack levels, G16 claws=40 attack levels. I'd guess we have very similar attack levels in our gear. I also use Morai axes which have the equivilant of 50 attack levels, except its 50 attack levels that get multiplied by other attack levels. And I am a strength barb. A strength barb that attacks more than 3 times faster than you when I use claws.
    when u have 500 600 str +10 g16 or r9 u talk to me how lame ur damage is otherwise you dont know what ur talking about.
    Umm, I have close enough to 500 str that it doesn't matter, and I use Morai axes which are comprable to R9 axes. You. still. have. no. point.
    its new time claw is dead for barbs
    *Watches versatile claw barbs cream low accuracy strength barbs in Nation Wars and lols...*

    That's cute, 16 posts and they're all stalking me. Looks like I have an admirer.

    All you do is log in for a bit of drama. If it weren't for the poor grasp of the english language and basic game mechanics I'd think you were Yulk. Yulk, is that you? Next you'll be telling us barbs use spears and polearms and frontal aoes is the wave of the future.

    Thanks for the face paint, twirling pasties, and juggling act, fool.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I was in a Lunar on my sin with a very timid barb and I'd been doing half the pulls and tanking all the bosses. We get to the last boss , Primal Fear, are standing on the pillar in the water and the wizards suggest we range glitch it. The barb, bm, and myself all say "no thanks" because its too slow and for us that means we have to sit back and watch. Its not a hard boss anyways and I haven't range glitched Lunar for 2 or 3 years back when my cleric was level 90 and I was the level 80 tanking BM in the squad and other low level times.

    So, we run in and I'm tanking but the boss is hitting really hard and I'm not getting much heals. I switch to def blessing and the damage I'm taking lowers but so do my paint heals and I can't notice any cleric heals. We're inside his belly so I can't even see my squad, so I zoom in to watch for HF and notice no cleric. The cleric and the wizard are max range where the cleric has bb'd. I start trying to swim back to them since I'm pot tanking, basically soloing, the final lunar boss and of course since I stopped attacking and was swimming I die.

    I get rezzed and try to teleport but they're farther away then my demon (35m) teleport can reach. I die, wait for boss to knock down bb again. She rezzes, I swim a little, die. Wait for bb to get knocked down again. She rezzes, I swim a little, die... The barb and bm are doing the same thing and the wizzy is just DDing. Anyways... we finally all got back to bb, 40m away after about 6 rezzes for me, 10 for the barb, and the bm just released but made it back before the wizard and other dd (forget what it was) killed the boss. The 3 of us outside of bb had done about 2/3's of its hp in 30 seconds but took them another 5 minutes to get it close enough to dead that I felt comfortable teleing back and killing it in a triple spark. Sucked. Sucked sucked.

    I dread the rez-kill cycle at times to when things go wrong in tt, warsong or other bosses. Especially if the clerics don't have demon/sage rez. Like you i only did range tanking on bosses a few times, i won't mind doing it, but it goes faster if everyone drop in the boss's belly, cleric sets up bb there and we all have fun. I usually die when the boss purges on my bm, but by that time the boss is down to 50k~300k hp, the squad takes care of that while i lay dead. People are slow on rebuffing, i remember squads where others tanked i timed the purge and gave bell immediately and barbs and sins bp'ed immediately, old days b:chuckle.

    You pulled on your sin b:shocked, my sin would die super quick or be constant charm ticks. Bm can pull fine, but i would never dare that on my sin. Sorry to hear you had such a bad squad.

    One way to check, pan the camera down to your feet so you are looking up, that way you can see everyone from the shoes point of view. Better than nothing.
    f31 wrote: »
    so it means ur a useless barb who cant keep agro well so sad.
    f31 wrote: »
    when u have 500 600 str +10 g16 or r9 u talk to me how lame ur damage is otherwise you dont know what ur talking about.

    I don't know what kind of bms you run with, i have yet to see a barb keep agro r9 or not, str build or not, from g16+10 5 aps bm. Simply because when we do aba boss, we rush in, barb has 2~3 seconds to build agro that is usually 1~2 skills, before aps take over. If things are timed well, no barb/cleric is required for the aba boss. Even when we do lunar, at the first boss i give the barb 10~15 seconds to build agro as i go around killing mobs. When i get back spark, hf agro shifts back to me. This has nothing to do with agro skills. I know barbs are amazing tankers, but if i let barb tanks i would be staring at the boss for 5~10 minutes. I can not use cyclone heel because my aps will over take the damage.

    Only yesterday i was doing warsong with friends. Had a r9+12 dot build archer. Who ever attacked the boss first kept agro on the boss. That is how OP g16 claws/fists are for bm. That has nothing to do with barbs, builds, gears. Once barbs start walking around in r9 3rd cast, i will still have agro.

    Axe damage for barbs at r9 does out dd the claw damage, but that is if your barb has gotten to that level. Very few people here have "Barb mains" and only play barbs. Most have barb alts and are decent at all their classes.

    That is why i think you haven't done aba boss with aps. When we do it, aba boss dies in 2~5 seconds. There is no way a barb can keep agro on the boss for such a short duration. That was not Sakubatou point either btw.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Go get a translator so you can read this...

    That's cute, 16 posts and they're all stalking me. Looks like I have an admirer.

    All you do is log in for a bit of drama. If it weren't for the poor grasp of the english language and basic game mechanics I'd think you were Yulk. Yulk, is that you? Next you'll be telling us barbs use spears and polearms and frontal aoes is the wave of the future.

    Thanks for the face paint, twirling pasties, and juggling act, fool.

    are you comparing 3rd cast nv dual hammer to puny g15 morai axes omg.

    u must be a pve player ever killed someone using axes wish hit for 7.5k or 16k.

    and u did die to abba when u could have waited with chi enough to spark just when abba boss does his aoe.

    yeah ur pro at dying for sure.

    when u do a 5 sin party with only u as barb and u survive u can speak to me.

    we dont need fail who cant tank abba charm potless like u.

    again i am gona ignore ur pve worthless style you dont know sht and you should not open ur silly mouth.

    go back at soloing with fist or whatever and stay there useless barb.
  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Cut off the useless bytching.

    Sins in delta standing around doing nothing useful drives me mad. I'd LOVE to go and take the archer type mobs myself but I have to wait 'til melee mobs go on seeker instead of me (gotta love bramble).
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I stay till the end when i join a squad even when i'm boiled b:angry
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I dread the rez-kill cycle at times to when things go wrong in tt, warsong or other bosses. Especially if the clerics don't have demon/sage rez. Like you i only did range tanking on bosses a few times, i won't mind doing it, but it goes faster if everyone drop in the boss's belly, cleric sets up bb there and we all have fun. I usually die when the boss purges on my bm, but by that time the boss is down to 50k~300k hp, the squad takes care of that while i lay dead. People are slow on rebuffing, i remember squads where others tanked i timed the purge and gave bell immediately and barbs and sins bp'ed immediately, old days b:chuckle.

    You pulled on your sin b:shocked, my sin would die super quick or be constant charm ticks. Bm can pull fine, but i would never dare that on my sin. Sorry to hear you had such a bad squad.

    One way to check, pan the camera down to your feet so you are looking up, that way you can see everyone from the shoes point of view. Better than nothing.

    I don't know what kind of bms you run with, i have yet to see a barb keep agro r9 or not, str build or not, from g16+10 5 aps bm. Simply because when we do aba boss, we rush in, barb has 2~3 seconds to build agro that is usually 1~2 skills, before aps take over. If things are timed well, no barb/cleric is required for the aba boss. Even when we do lunar, at the first boss i give the barb 10~15 seconds to build agro as i go around killing mobs. When i get back spark, hf agro shifts back to me. This has nothing to do with agro skills. I know barbs are amazing tankers, but if i let barb tanks i would be staring at the boss for 5~10 minutes. I can not use cyclone heel because my aps will over take the damage.

    Only yesterday i was doing warsong with friends. Had a r9+12 dot build archer. Who ever attacked the boss first kept agro on the boss. That is how OP g16 claws/fists are for bm. That has nothing to do with barbs, builds, gears. Once barbs start walking around in r9 3rd cast, i will still have agro.

    Axe damage for barbs at r9 does out dd the claw damage, but that is if your barb has gotten to that level. Very few people here have "Barb mains" and only play barbs. Most have barb alts and are decent at all their classes.

    That is why i think you haven't done aba boss with aps. When we do it, aba boss dies in 2~5 seconds. There is no way a barb can keep agro on the boss for such a short duration. That was not Sakubatou point either btw.

    sorry but i do keep agro i am not r9 he is semy r8 g16 wana.
    75 attack lv 14000-18000 base damage in kitty sage form.
    + blood rush i get my damage to 18000-26000 + 3rd spark its something liek 31000-40000.
    i keept agro on r9 sin many times before.
    aps to or it get to be a ping pong.

    not to mention the stomp of king morai skill is great for agro.

    in fact i dont like r9 i like alternative builds
    if u want i can post my current build.
  • Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    f31 wrote: »
    sorry but i do keep agro i am not r9 he is semy r8 g16 wana.
    75 attack lv 14000-18000 base damage in kitty sage form.
    + blood rush i get my damage to 18000-26000 + 3rd spark its something liek 31000-40000.
    i keept agro on r9 sin many times before.
    aps to or it get to be a ping pong.

    not to mention the stomp of king morai skill is great for agro.

    in fact i dont like r9 i like alternative builds
    if u want i can post my current build.

    You know your damage would be even higher if you're in human form, assumed you are a sage barb.

  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Human form just doesn't have aggro skills.
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Human form just doesn't have aggro skills.

    Shivers as I think about the sage barbs that go human to dd. Especially if its to use Slam. I want to kick barbs from the squad everytime there is a nice zhening group and then they use slam and spread all the mobs out >.< Please, don't dd at all rather than use slam on groups of mobs.

    If on a boss the 15% dd difference between tigerform and human is easily made up by Devouring.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Human form just doesn't have aggro skills.

    Why would you combine attack damage with aggro skills? lol
    If on a boss the 15% dd difference between tigerform and human is easily made up by Devouring.

    Depends what classes you have in your squad. I would be satisfied with sage Penetrate Armor (45%/50%... big deal).

  • Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Why would you combine attack damage with aggro skills? lol

    Depends what classes you have in your squad. I would be satisfied with sage Penetrate Armor (45%/50%... big deal).

    Why would you sacrifice your life so you just could pew pew and do better damage and imagine you are "keeping" aggro?



    Available in tiger form
    Range Melee
    Mana 120.0
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 6.0 seconds
    Weapon Axe, Poleaxe, Hammer or Polehammer, Unarmed

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of the Myriad
    Snap at the opponent, dealing base physical damage plus 3317.0.
    Reduces enemy's physical defense by 50% for 10 seconds,
    and increases your threat level. Has a chance to gain Chi instead of consuming it.
    Reduce target's Attck Level by 15 for 4 seconds.

    Requires 35 Chi

    Sage version has a 25% to cast without using Chi, instead gaining 35 Chi.

    ●Penetrate Armor
    Range Melee
    Mana 120.0
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 0.7 seconds
    Cooldown 3.0 seconds
    Weapon Axe, Poleaxe, Hammer or Polehammer

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of the Myriad
    Smash the opponent with serious force, inflicting base
    physical damage plus 3129.0. Reduces target's
    physical defense by 35% for 10 seconds and
    increases your threat level

    Requires 30 Chi

    Sage version always reduces physical defense by 45%.

    Devour is slightly more useful to everyone in squad, it increases your threat level as well as PA and ALSO reduces enemy attack lvl.

    Looking at these skills I am happy I went demon. b:surrender
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Why would you sacrifice your life so you just could pew pew and do better damage and imagine you are "keeping" aggro?

    Sacrifice your life? What?



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