
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    All classes are naturally nerfed to the respected class is the point. It is true in this game to, and no i am not making your point i'm promoting class imbalance in certain areas as it should be, while you on the other hand; wish for things to just balance out in nearly every aspect.

    Of course each class has unique attributes that has advantages over other classes. This is designed so that each class assembled as a squad or party as a whole has all the advantages of all classes working together. That is how it was meant to be and how it was in the beginning but not anymore. That's my problem with how the game has evolved. When a certain classes share a single attribute, 5 aps in this case, has the ability to make most other classes obsolete the game is broken. I don't know about your server but on mine sins seem to outnumber any other class.

    Aps squads arn't the only ones tearing through nirvys in breakneck speeds. Even 5 aps toons need dph(if they want to aoe mobs) and hp (only need like 4k hp to solo frost really but more for aoe) to solo frost efficiently and even the more so in trophy mode. Yes they twitch bosses to death but they still use skills. Aps can be relatively in effective in pvp. My point is a +2,3 refined 5 aps toon with +10 end game weapon with no sage/demon skills are not a gods. They are glass cannons unable to to anything effective in any high level content.

    My point is that no single class should be able to solo an instance like FC at breakneck speeds. It should be a challenge. To me running through an instance like NV in under 4 minutes is like eating a plate of good food in 2 bites. You don't enjoy the benefits of tasting it even though you get a full belly. I've been on a 5 aps NV party because they wanted me to see what it was like. I hated it because I contributed so little to getting the job done. It was pathetic.

    It is totally relevant I was pointing out that operating 2 windows isn't as streamlined as controlling a pet. You can't control 2 windows at once it is an either or situation where you must switch windows and if you change the window size by accident you have a black screen

    Macroing pet skills would be awesome but that is really old code the new devs would never touch.

    All I was saying is I have an extra char besides my veno that I have to manipulate. And sometimes it's actually gratifying fighting 1 target with the herc and another with the veno. GV I use the herc to tank the boss while I AoE on leftover mobs. Only other char that can do anything close to that is a mystic.

    You should go do trials

    I do when I can.

    Once again aps has some influence with leveling it is hypers and fc that contribute the most. Yes you may improve the standard noob a little bit but fail will still be on the raise.

    No disagreement with that. Too many examples of that to even think about.

    I'm sorry but your little dream of a rainbow squad in tt would not happen in this situation. As we are now we take magic classes in to tt no biggie. Take away the aps and the dd chain will resurface. not only that squad hierarchy will be reestablished.

    squads will look like this---> 1.barb 2.cleric/mystic 3.bm 4.sin
    Oh there are 2 spots open i wonder what they will be filled in with. Hmmmmmm take other casters? Maybe a veno with defuffs and a herc for the 5th spot, but the other casters **** no.

    Used to work just fine. It just now everyone wants to be more relevent than everyone else. As I stated above an ideal squad for any instance ought to include the need for the attributes that every class has to offer and not just 2 or 3. Making entire classes obsolete is a great indicator of a truly broken game. That's all I'm saying here.
    well still have bramble hood that is possible to use in pk if im not mystaken secondly for what ive seen it works in 1v1

    Ummm no. Bramble hood doesn't work 100% in PvP. If it did venos would not need yet another (3rd to be precise) bramble type skill that works in open PvP. Both Bramble guard and bramble hood work in duels and TW but not in open PvP.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver
    Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    When a game structures it that solo play is more effective, the rational thing to do is play by yourself. Since most people are going to make this decision, the people who will play old school anyway goes down. This means less people for squads. The net affect of aps is that people rush to 100 on sins/bms (all i ever see is sins) and don't do the quests, don't run TTs (effectively killing a market I used to make decent money in), don't bother learning how to play their character (and as a cleric with sage rez, i am the only in squad who gets a real penalty for this,), and refuse to do unwined bhs/fbs which is increasingly trickle down to even the low level easy bhs. I see people demanding wine for bh51, and usually isince those players are broke, they insist we all split the costs. More than that, it created a controversy and unhappiness amongst the playerbase. Making people in general ruder, and less willing to help. I've also have been asked and only gotten into squads because my aps on my sin is only missing a tome. I've seen others get kicked because they didn't have the max aps for their level. This is all low level things, mind you.

    It's actually the same phenomenon you see all over the world, any time you have a collective group of people trying to reach a certain goal. You have the free-rider problem, people who don't want to contribute their fair share because they know they'll get the rewards. Take those clerics for example. What rational person would want to pay a stranger when they get the run for free? And people will probably make the most rational choice for them as well. That's why the game needs to have a reward (besides just nostalgia) for doing things a different way. Otherwise that content becomes devalued and the people who want to do it, can't. Just like you have penalties for people not to do behaviors that you don't want them to do. The fact that nobody got banned for goon glitching is precisely why so many people did it. The first few days, people weren't brazenly doing it. They were sneaking into squads with guildmates and you didn't see constant wc spam for it. When they realized that people weren't going to be punished for violating the ToS, they became pretty brazen with their behavior.

    Doesn't matter where you got it, or when. What matters is that you can't do it without it. If something went wrong, would you be able to get back up, rebuff without leaving the instance and do it again? No? Then you can't do it without another classes heals.

    I'm sorry but a lot of what your post says has nothing to do with aps. Most of your issues have more to do with "FC HEADS" junkies than anything else (pertaining to my last comment on my original post).

    To break it down a bit for you (color coded...and just a few things from your first paragraph):

    Red=pertaining to FC lvl restriction problem...easily fixed by making it not possible to enter FC below lvl75
    Lime=SO WHAT? Adjust by finding a new market. If anything, thank your local 5aps player when you need to buy TT99/Nirvy mats
    SandyBrown=This has a HELLA lot more to do with MANY MANY other issues and isn't as related to aps as you think!!
    Cyan=wow...what does that have to do with aps AT ALL?!?! Farm mats for wines for free...get a high lvl tank.
    I'm done after that because I just would rather play than sit here color coding any more or your post.
    Just don't QQ rage aps at least until you see what lvl100+ squads are like. Ever been in Warsong? Nirvy? SoT? Abba?

    Maybe you should join a guild with active players around your lvl who aren't so concerned with aps? Maybe it's time you find a new game? (not being a doosh...just giving you ideas)

    Feel free to reread my original post on why nerfing aps is a really bad idea.
    lvl101 Legit archer...not 1 hyper used or multi-FC
  • FanFon - Dreamweaver
    FanFon - Dreamweaver Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    also the MAIN QQ I SEE IN ALL POSTS IS 5APS AND SINS OP... wen i saw a herc veno trying to say that he had the right to solo just because he takes more time for him to solo it completely pissed me off... i mean really? veno is not meant to tank what i mean is that if sin/bm shouldnt be rightfully able to solo same as a herc then take the herc advantage also out of venos... thats what i would say to someone who thinks he has all the rights

    there there b:chuckle
    I'll go even further. Level restrictions on every FB instance as well as HH. No more lvl 1 toons in those to help open. Also lets give regular NV the same talisman requirement that casters get. We get 4 keys a day so limit the run to 4 talismans a day too. I say revert FC back into a mat and gear producing instance like HH and Lunar.

    lol make a thread like that and you are asking for a flame war, and that is a lie we can get 6 keys a day ,but I would not pay 3 mil for the 6th key ever..........
    Of course each class has unique attributes that has advantages over other classes. This is designed so that each class assembled as a squad or party as a whole has all the advantages of all classes working together. That is how it was meant to be and how it was in the beginning but not anymore. That's my problem with how the game has evolved. When a certain classes share a single attribute, 5 aps in this case, has the ability to make most other classes obsolete the game is broken. I don't know about your server but on mine sins seem to outnumber any other class.

    My point is that no single class should be able to solo an instance like FC at breakneck speeds. It should be a challenge. To me running through an instance like NV in under 4 minutes is like eating a plate of good food in 2 bites. You don't enjoy the benefits of tasting it even though you get a full belly. I've been on a 5 aps NV party because they wanted me to see what it was like. I hated it because I contributed so little to getting the job done. It was pathetic.

    Used to work just fine. It just now everyone wants to be more relevent than everyone else. As I stated above an ideal squad for any instance ought to include the need for the attributes that every class has to offer and not just 2 or 3. Making entire classes obsolete is a great indicator of a truly broken game. That's all I'm saying here.

    Same could be said about venos at one point.............

    You do know caster squads can go at the same speed in nirvys right? That is actually wrong venos can contribute alot in a 5 aps squad. you are not there for dd you are there to purge debuff and use pet as flame bait.

    In the past they had no choice in the matter. There were only a handful of high levels in their 90s. It was a take it or leave it situation. Now that is not the case it is quite easy to build an ideal situation.
  • seekerdo
    seekerdo Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    You all say as if they (PW) weren't plainning for aps at all. Putting all these -int in the game, stacking them, plus demon spark, all of this wasn't an accident: they knew it, and they did it. Why should they change this? APS is the worst pvp build anyway, let's nerf something else, like Psy's invincibility (considering the argue above, they should nerf NOTHING).
  • Frijolero - Sanctuary
    Frijolero - Sanctuary Posts: 820 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes. They are removing the -int bonus form all the gears because PWI CN said there are too many of them and they're ruining the economy and affecting everyones game experience also.

    But don't worry, since they are so worried about their player base, they are adding the brand new Diamond of Godly Swiftness so you can shard your gear to become aps again. This new item can be obtained at a %0.0000000001 chance on the new Ripoff packs that gonna be added to the boutique when the new expansion comes.
    Sliding we go, only fear on our side. To the edge of the wire and we rush with the tide.
    Although I'm still alive, pray to God I survive
    How long on this longest day, 'til we finally make it through.
    - June 6, 1944. The day earth stood still.
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Yes. They are removing the -int bonus form all the gears because PWI CN said there are too many of them and they're ruining the economy and affecting everyones game experience also.

    But don't worry, since they are so worried about their player base, they are adding the brand new Diamond of Godly Swiftness so you can shard your gear to become aps again. This new item can be obtained at a %0.0000000001 chance on the new Ripoff packs that gonna be added to the boutique when the new expansion comes.

    Couldn't have said it better then that MySeLf!!!!! b:laugh

    Why just Nerf the Spark Enhancement to APS! When you can Just Mooch! more Cash!! From everyone! ROFLMAO!!!!b:laughb:dirty Isn't Runaway (Corruption & Capitalism) Just so Hilarious......b:spit
  • oralungo
    oralungo Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    b:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender lets just wait..
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    there there b:chuckle

    lol make a thread like that and you are asking for a flame war,

    Now that sounds like fun. Seriously I see nothing wrong with making players earn their levels and culti instead of buying them. Achievement has a whole new meaning when one actually goes through the struggle and succeed rather than just almost given with little or no effort. It took me 4 months of pure grinding, merchanting, dodging PK's etc to get my herc. I have more respect for it because of all I did to get it then had I just bought some cash shop pack and got a herc ticket. It's too bad people don't seem to see the value in that kind of effort. b:surrender

    ...and that is a lie we can get 6 keys a day ,but I would not pay 3 mil for the 6th key ever..........

    I stand corrected. Never got the 5th and certainly wouldn't get the 6th because I didn't know one could. Calling me a liar for that is ridiculous and immature to say the least.

    Same could be said about venos at one point.............

    You do know caster squads can go at the same speed in nirvys right?

    No caster squad I've ever been in even comes close and I've had squads where all but me are r9.

    That is actually wrong venos can contribute alot in a 5 aps squad. you are not there for dd you are there to purge debuff and use pet as flame bait.

    Perhaps but I only had 5 runs with this particular squad and I couldn't even keep up with them. Sure I amp when I can but I get a cast or 2 off and the boss is dead. My total DD for each run was no more than 500K which included crits. They didn't need me. They told me as such. They only invited me because I never seen a 5 aps party do NV. I won't be going on anymore of those runs.

    In the past they had no choice in the matter. There were only a handful of high levels in their 90s. It was a take it or leave it situation. Now that is not the case it is quite easy to build an ideal situation.

    If a game is to be easy, that is reduce or remove challenges then what is the point of playing it? That's as boring as watching paint dry. Speaking of which I have noticed more WC comments about how bored people in the game are..more clues...

    I'm hoping the expansion brings new life into the game. I hope by 'balancing old skills and being forced to adapt or parish' means just that. I hope it brings relevance to all classes in part or as a whole in the gameplay again. We shall see.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver
    _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender
  • XXHaruka - Dreamweaver
    XXHaruka - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Well I'd agree with you if all archers stuck to their bows/xbows/slingshots instead of using fists/claws, steal aggro, and get killed immediately coz you can't get the benefit of BP b:chuckle

    who needs bp when you can tank without it? c:
  • Channman - Lost City
    Channman - Lost City Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    there making squads 10 people now so even if they nerf aps its no big deal(not sure if the squad thing will happen this update or one thats gonna happen soon)
  • FanFon - Dreamweaver
    FanFon - Dreamweaver Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I stand corrected. Never got the 5th and certainly wouldn't get the 6th because I didn't know one could. Calling me a liar for that is ridiculous and immature to say the least.

    No caster squad I've ever been in even comes close and I've had squads where all but me are r9.

    Perhaps but I only had 5 runs with this particular squad and I couldn't even keep up with them. Sure I amp when I can but I get a cast or 2 off and the boss is dead. My total DD for each run was no more than 500K which included crits. They didn't need me. They told me as such. They only invited me because I never seen a 5 aps party do NV. I won't be going on anymore of those runs.

    If a game is to be easy, that is reduce or remove challenges then what is the point of playing it? That's as boring as watching paint dry. Speaking of which I have noticed more WC comments about how bored people in the game are..more clues...

    You can get 1 keys from bh1 and another from bh2. Anyways I said that was a lie I did not call you a name. I said that statement was a lie. A liar is a person who lies on purpose you did not. Assuming someone called you a liar for correcting you is umm... hmmm how do I put it?Ridiculous and immature to say the least is all I have to say. b:chuckle

    They might not be as fast but I heard they yield higher profit margins per run, so ehhhh it balances out in my eyes.

    Well of course you are not needed but that's not the point. You are there to debuff and purge not dd. Most of your contribution to the squad comes from amp.

    That's why the put in new challenges. It took the dominating tw factoin on my server like a month to even complete the 9 trials.

    there making squads 10 people now so even if they nerf aps its no big deal(not sure if the squad thing will happen this update or one thats gonna happen soon)

    That is one old rumor. 10 man fail fc squad anyone? Hyper noob squad would have to try to fail. Bh would sure be easier for all the idiots out there.

    What do you get when you have 9 idiots and a cleric? You fill in the blank from here.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    That is one old rumor.

    That's actually not a rumor. It was a planned update announced on the CN servers. It was official but nothing ever came of it. Kinda like Base Wars, or *insert any other example of them pulling the rug from under everyone*.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Khaia - Raging Tide
    Khaia - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    not to mention solo'ing instances like frost and NV that a veno and herc just can't and never have been able to do.


    I solo FC quite a lot actually "send pet in to pull 4 groups or so of mobs, myriad rainbow fox, tangling mire, parasitic nova (demon amplify), noxious, run back, noxious = all mobs dead" sure a sin can just stealth past all of the mobs i have to kill and i can't kill bosses anywhere near as fast so i can see why so many people just roll a sin lol.

    Not being a hater or anything but sins are supposed to be the huge DD class balanced by being a bit squishy, veno the best solo class balanced by being much slower to kill mobs/bosses with.

    That a sin can solo everything a veno can in a quarter of the time shows just how unbalanced the game has become since i started playing.
  • Seascraper - Sanctuary
    Seascraper - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    I solo FC quite a lot actually "send pet in to pull 4 groups or so of mobs, myriad rainbow fox, tangling mire, parasitic nova (demon amplify), noxious, run back, noxious = all mobs dead" sure a sin can just stealth past all of the mobs i have to kill and i can't kill bosses anywhere near as fast so i can see why so many people just roll a sin lol.

    Not being a hater or anything but sins are supposed to be the huge DD class balanced by being a bit squishy, veno the best solo class balanced by being much slower to kill mobs/bosses with.

    That a sin can solo everything a veno can in a quarter of the time shows just how unbalanced the game has become since i started playing.

    lol do you noticed what you just said in this quote? do you know that a 99 sin(me for example) without hitman legend(as powerfull as r8 daggers and have -int bonus wich turns them at same lvl as r8 ones but not more powerfull) hardly gets past dread because he purges/puts for sleep. the only way to do dread without hitman legend is almost only by having a charm(yes this is the hardest boss for sin) if u compare well in the time you kill 4 groups of mobs i only kill one maybe 2 probably and nowhere i get a pet that helps me.
    your pet can tank a good amount of mobs your pet tanks boss and you dont have almost if no charm **** because you just spam heal on your pet <.< takes you more time to solo but by the end of one run of fcc the sin will have a way higher repair cost than you because sins are tanking and killing so we loose endurance on everything besides we loose hp on charm not talking about the number of crab meats that will also be needed making it even more expensive for us than for a veno if you come and talk about spirit charm youre wrong again because sins use mp also wen on stealth at the end you might have used more mp charm than me but still sins have an higher cost(like any melee class soloing FCC) than what a veno will ever have.

    try out a 6 person squad with venos/mystics only for example no repair fees(if you get 10k repair fee is much) and almost no use on mp charm or foods plus that with pet theres in total 12 chars doing fcc (6chars+6pets). a stealth squad is the faster of all squads but we dont get to hyper dread/wolf halls (the assassins) and yes its still good exp at 99. plus we jump every piece of exp on other mobs (its minimum i know but every bit counts)

    if you ask me anything most play now stealth squads because theres almost no healling chars playing that much anymore wich also turns ppl into going to make a sin.
  • Khaia - Raging Tide
    Khaia - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    and nowhere i get a pet that helps me.
    your pet can tank a good amount of mobs your pet tanks boss and you dont have almost if no charm **** because you just spam heal on your pet <.<

    After lvl 95 or so a veno becomes the tank the pet the support unless i just spam heal with an occasional debuff/spell i pull aggro immediately, against a group of mobs my pet heal attracts more aggro then my herc does LOL!
    sin will have a way higher repair cost than you because sins are tanking and killing

    The only thing i use my herc for in fc is to gather mobs with for aoe or tank Dread while i do bishops otherwise i AM the tank my repair bill and charm use is equivelant to yours if not more so as i use Arcane Armor lol.

    As an example outside of frost, Pole bh69 can still wipe me out in 3 hits, if i were to just spam heal pet any much lower lvl aps squad member who goes all out would steal aggro and die. Bring in a sin same lvl as i am and they can kill Pole in less then 10 seconds with demonspark taking no damage at all.

    Like i said im not hating on sins or aps but there is no balance with the way things are now.
  • Atmostphear - Heavens Tear
    Atmostphear - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    On my veno (full R8, +3gear +5weap)i can't get past Dread, the bishops are just too much. Can't kill them fast enough to work on Dread too. Charm gets tore up. Also, i can't pull more than two groups either. I do rely on pet to round up, but if i pull more than two, it's just a herc spam heal. Even with two, it's barely more efficient than 1 group at a time. As i said with dread, Shock is same way, soo much more time involved, majority of the time is spent in bubble, either me or the herc.

    On the sin (R8 3.33aps sparked, +3gear +5weap). Shades: i dunno, 10seconds max? If i'm killing mobs too. Focused on. Chill, grab 3-4 (phys mob) groups, emblem, spark, RDS, earthen, subsea, tackling, earthen. If all not dead, they will be 1shot, try to work in another rds or tackling, but anything will do. If need chi, rotate inner harmony and shadow escape. Magic groups are 1 at a time tho. On Dread I ignore bishops, and just go all out on Dread, with usuall skills against boss's. Usually only 2 or 3 bishops get spawned, after dread is dead kill bishops. Rest is easy.

    Charm usage for veno is more on shock and dread than sins is for the entire run, assuming sin kills all mobs. I'd almost go as far as either one of those boss's eats up more charm (HP charm) on the veno. Solo Sin drops 3-4 groups of mobs, 15-20 seconds, veno 2 groups 20-30 (average as veno has no way of getting chi at the pace a sin does, so 1 aoe consistent with a nova here n there) Boss's on sin, a minute or two? Veno, i haven't timed, but it takes a long time.

    And i'm an old veno, so herc/nix cost more than my 3.33aps sin.

    Edit: I'm probably not the most efficient veno as solo'ing FC, i've only attempted it a few times and failed. Sin was kinda difficult first time, easy now.

    Not Complaining about the veno. Life pre90 was a walk in the park, other than 4 boss's everything was solo-able at lvl and if i wanted to be lazy, just hold down the pet heal key while on a boss.
  • Khaia - Raging Tide
    Khaia - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i can't get past Dread, the bishops are just too much.

    It's very close for me as well i need to use extra damage pots, extreme poison, myriads, amp on Dread for pet and demon parasitic nova (extra amp, seal and aoe) on bishops as well as a lot of chi pots for the continual use of nova just to get through Dread.
    i can't pull more than two groups either. I do rely on pet to round up, but if i pull more than two, it's just a herc spam heal. Even with two, it's barely more efficient than 1 group at a time.

    I can handle a half pull in heads room solo by using pet to run past gathering all the mobs without hitting them then call him back to me, Bramble Hood (2 sparks), chi pot for the 2 sparks needed for Nova, Tangling Mire, Demon Nova, Noxious, run away till cooldown is over then noxious again, repeat the running away and nox again if needed.

    I go in with Barb and Cleric buffs from my alts, use the bless boxes from teach and also use attack charms :)

    Probably silly to not make a sin alt to solo fc much faster with but i enjoy the challenge XD
  • Shayd - Raging Tide
    Shayd - Raging Tide Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    nerf The Sins
    Mystic: 99 lvl (Main)
    Psychic: 96 lvl (Alt)
    Assassin: 78 lvl (Retired)
    Cleric: 75 lvl (Retired)

    Big bumpy ride since 2008
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    You can get 1 keys from bh1 and another from bh2. Anyways I said that was a lie I did not call you a name. I said that statement was a lie. A liar is a person who lies on purpose you did not. Assuming someone called you a liar for correcting you is umm... hmmm how do I put it?Ridiculous and immature to say the least is all I have to say. b:chuckle

    In fairness, "that is a lie" usually implies that the person who made the statement was purposely telling the lie. Saying "you are wrong" or "that is incorrect" does not imply that the false statement was meant as a lie. b:cute
  • ScarFury - Lost City
    ScarFury - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i swear every 6months or so theres a "rumor" that aps will be nerfed...guess wat, it hasnt happened yet..and its not going to...
  • Karen_Divine - Sanctuary
    Karen_Divine - Sanctuary Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Lol I don't get what all the aps QQ is about. Solo wise Aps is a cheaper version of r9. Anything an aps toin can solo can be soloed by an r9 so if you want to say something breaks the game look at r9 ;). As for all of you hating on the sins grow up and get over it.
  • KingThis - Heavens Tear
    KingThis - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I Say Nerf Them Archers Gawd They Suck!
    Btw Sins Are A Joke. My Archer Makes Em Lay On They' Back! Askin Fo Mo!
    <3 SLITNOTb:chuckle
  • Aesh - Raging Tide
    Aesh - Raging Tide Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Just have to add this...

    The only reason APS is considered OP is because they fked over the casters...

    Face it.. they "fixed" instant channel option, because it was to OP.

    In my opinion they should make it possible for casters to instant cast again, OR cap the aps at 3.33 max

    But anyways, its not like pwi ever listens to us, the playerbase.
  • Deant - Raging Tide
    Deant - Raging Tide Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Just have to add this...

    The only reason APS is considered OP is because they fked over the casters...

    Face it.. they "fixed" instant channel option, because it was to OP.

    In my opinion they should make it possible for casters to instant cast again, OR cap the aps at 3.33 max

    But anyways, its not like pwi ever listens to us, the playerbase.

    Well that is ur point of view, if they ask me ill tell them not o touch aps. so where is the truth and why should they listen to u? actualy the small minority of whining ppl stay in forums and cry about aps. how about the catsers nirvana? why they always search for r8 casters? what about the non rank casters? they should whine that they arent rank? well ppl always find reasons to whine. end of story.
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    well ppl always find reasons to whine. end of story.

    I agree..

    QQ APS..
    QQ Rank
    QQ too many packs in boutique but when there's none it's QQ token prices..
    QQ no end game content after rushing to 105..
    QQ about incoming stuff that might not even come..

    Can we just wait till expansion is here to see what has/has not been changed at least ?
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Killer_Tank - Raging Tide
    Killer_Tank - Raging Tide Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    They don't need me to charge for gold again. I'll keep playing a broken game but I'll refuse to actually dump my money into it.

    yea i feel the same way if they do that cause i put alot into geting all my aps toons 5aps so yea i would not spend anything els on this game if that happen b:angry
  • Tsingani - Raging Tide
    Tsingani - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I look at it this way:
    PW is a game to play for fun, you hang out with people, improve your char, overall have a good time. The key point of the game is teamwork (the near opposite of APS, or in this case, people hell-bent into worshipping APS like it's a damn religion).
    And yes, I'll agree that most of the people who believe that all it takes to "win" the game is APS (so say, 90% of the sin population) are people whose egos can barely fit in FC and Nirv themselves.
    For example, the other day in FC, I witnessed our sin yelling at our cleric who was a little rusty (she hadn't played in a few months, and the sin died at the big pull due to AOE before the bm stunned), threatening to kick her because she was "expendable", that she was a "dime a dozen", when she retaliated saying that was like the pot calling the kettle black, he raged about APS supperiority and booted her, making us wait twenty minutes to find another cleric.
    Does my story have a point? Calm your balls and keep reading.
    I don't neccesarily believe that APS is "bad", but an APS reduction would most definitely give some sins an ego-check, reminding them that yes, you have BP, which is handy.
    Yes, you have stealth, which is handy.
    But they invented squad mode for a reason.

    Any rage retaliations to my comment or "Rofl, wow, just uninstall" comments won't be seen, I'm simply voicing my opinion such as you're allowed to do on a forum, stating my business and being done with it.
    On another note, hope everyone enjoys their game and looking forward to the expansion! :)
    Hani: Leave some fash for the rest of us D:
    Morr: NO! Take all the fash!
    Hani: Whyyy T_T
    Morr: Cause then I get to see the girls running around naked instead b:sin
    Lulu: You're into hairy shemales now? I wasn't aware you'd raised your standards.
    Oh Lulu <3 we love you
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I look at it this way:
    PW is a game to play for fun, you hang out with people, improve your char, overall have a good time. The key point of the game is teamwork (the near opposite of APS, or in this case, people hell-bent into worshipping APS like it's a damn religion).
    And yes, I'll agree that most of the people who believe that all it takes to "win" the game is APS (so say, 90% of the sin population) are people whose egos can barely fit in FC and Nirv themselves.
    For example, the other day in FC, I witnessed our sin yelling at our cleric who was a little rusty (she hadn't played in a few months, and the sin died at the big pull due to AOE before the bm stunned), threatening to kick her because she was "expendable", that she was a "dime a dozen", when she retaliated saying that was like the pot calling the kettle black, he raged about APS supperiority and booted her, making us wait twenty minutes to find another cleric.
    Does my story have a point? Calm your balls and keep reading.
    I don't neccesarily believe that APS is "bad", but an APS reduction would most definitely give some sins an ego-check, reminding them that yes, you have BP, which is handy.
    Yes, you have stealth, which is handy.
    But they invented squad mode for a reason.

    Any rage retaliations to my comment or "Rofl, wow, just uninstall" comments won't be seen, I'm simply voicing my opinion such as you're allowed to do on a forum, stating my business and being done with it.
    On another note, hope everyone enjoys their game and looking forward to the expansion! :)

    I have found my Signature b:victory
  • Deant - Raging Tide
    Deant - Raging Tide Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Game is broken, as the Real world is broken. So we have to adapt or not playing it. I just want a mod lock those kind of rumor/arguing posts.