
  • jeremyhuff
    jeremyhuff Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i keep seeing all this talk about "balancing existing skills" but "aps" isnt a skill. there not going to take away aps simply bc theres nothing wrong with it. every single 1 of you (anyone whos played a decent amount) has at 1 point or another needed or had help from an aps based toon. the ONLY thing assassin has is aps. i can admit we NEED it to be great. and why you might ask? bc assassin skills are ****. they dont have the defense or hp to be a tank and they dont have the damage from skills to have real effect. your asking for literally the only thing they have to be taken away. not all are cash shoppers either some earned everything they have and some people dont care enough to the point to where they want it ripped away from them. what if seriously clerics had NO heals and ur toon was just like it is now. noone would ever party u bc ur worthless. if barbs had hp of a sin? noone would need them for a tank. what if aoe's were takin away from aoe dd classes. its ALL you guys have and its ALL sins have and u have np ripping the ONLY thing they have from them but if it was in your shoes youd QQ all over this forum.
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    imagine it the new gear give tons of deff lv wish mean mobs might have some attack lv
    wish if we would pu ta full 5aps toon get sorounded why tree simpel attack lv magic mobs he wont survive.

    while the new player who uses the quest given armor he will survive very easy

    well at least its how i see it and i do hope its how iit is made.

    the 5aps can keeep there nv while the one who could care less get npc deff attack lv gear

  • bowgataboppa
    bowgataboppa Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Ever take a pacifier from a baby who really likes it. QQ city.
    Take 5 aps away, QQ city.
    But life goes on.

    This was a pretty good troll while it lasted.
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    jeremyhuff wrote: »
    i keep seeing all this talk about "balancing existing skills" but "aps" isnt a skill. there not going to take away aps simply bc theres nothing wrong with it. every single 1 of you (anyone whos played a decent amount) has at 1 point or another needed or had help from an aps based toon. the ONLY thing assassin has is aps. i can admit we NEED it to be great. and why you might ask? bc assassin skills are ****. they dont have the defense or hp to be a tank and they dont have the damage from skills to have real effect. your asking for literally the only thing they have to be taken away. not all are cash shoppers either some earned everything they have and some people dont care enough to the point to where they want it ripped away from them. what if seriously clerics had NO heals and ur toon was just like it is now. noone would ever party u bc ur worthless. if barbs had hp of a sin? noone would need them for a tank. what if aoe's were takin away from aoe dd classes. its ALL you guys have and its ALL sins have and u have np ripping the ONLY thing they have from them but if it was in your shoes youd QQ all over this forum.

    umm i am a barb and what am i to tank ur sin take all the tank away and with bp even cleric is less and less needed.
    when you have played long enough come back and plz play a real class as far as i know the barb was pwe tank and no where does sin STAND out as a tank or should i read you the barb and assasin subcription when one make a new toon.

    next time you wish to troll make it more legit acting as sin is tank wtf
    take away sin aps and you cant tank that is my friend cos assasin is not a real tank that
    was barbarians role so again stop trolling b:surrender
  • Sefiere - Sanctuary
    Sefiere - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Hmmmmmmmm. A herc I can use to solo a certain TT instance in an hour vs. an APS that can solo the same instance in 10 minutes. Yeah that's really balanced. Oh and try solo'ing frost with a herc, or NV with a herc like an APS can. Yup I guess that's balanced if you're looking at it with rose colored glasses and an APS. LOL!!!!! Problem is on a whole people like you can't see the forest for the trees but that comment is probably far beyond your comprehension.

    lol? i said it was balanced? I was merely saying ppl get hercs and aps for similair reasons lol. calm down alittle. using your logic wizards should be angry at psychics cuz they get easy attack/def lvls lol. you seem to forget the fact you can solo faster than a axe vit barb-cleric combo, but thats not important, totaly balanced that you have a cs pet to solo stuff that other need a squad for. but damn now aps is 100x faster its time to QQ.

    a (non-high-aps) veno was never supposed to solo like a bm/sin/archer with high aps lol.

    edit: sry forgot the high aps barbs :P
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    mages will rule pvp in pwi if this goes through. oh unless BM, sins, and barbs go rank 9 to stay relevant.... oh wait that's what pwi wants huh? silly me i thought this game cared about its community and not just making monies b:chuckle
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Do you even know how trophy mode runs work? They really don't rely on APS, its more of a barb/bm duo thing. In any event, prices for trophy mode capes, like any other thing for sale in the history OF THE ENTIRE GAME EVER, demand and supply will determine prices, with outside influence from whomever decides boutique sales.

    To answer your question, I can imagine what a nerfed APS change would do to peeps needing (TM/cape) runs [sic]; the prices will be wholly unchanged by any adjustment to attacks-per-seconds. Your input seems uneducated. Hi :D

    Every run I've ever been on or assisted with, within the last year has been either {APS SIN} or {BM} or preferably both! with support charis like mine, around only to back them by dropping the (Stun/Paralysis) mobs so they can do their thing or just to back them with our 'Absolute Domain' when they might need it, incase they've used theirs......& BTW I've been on over 30 runs this last year alone, not including the first 3+ years that I've played the game from year-1, and the APS teams blow away the old teams........SO yes i do know how they run (Both old style & NEW)....b:kiss

    And I do remember from year (1&2) of the game, that Barbs were the choice tank for it, but that was back then, b4 everyone started going for max APS......Since that APS Cut down WAYyyyyy SOOooo DRASTICALLY on the MAIN TANKS Time exposed to,0 Charm R*P*... So If they do nerf the rate, the tanks charms would BuRn Off WaY QuIcK, so thats 1 good thing about the max APS.... It made sure the TM PROs could do a tidy efficient way of making in-game coin, while helping peaple that were actually in need of quest help......b:chuckle

    SOOooooo The only one who comes off as WHOLEY uneducated is you, Soooo!!! Lo LOL ^_~' LOL oL

    And yes I know "only 30(+) runs?!??" LoLz!!! I only help the Pro Runner's, when they need a support DD who actually knows what their doing on the runs, to support them for succesful runs in (TM or FC), thats why my runs were only 30'ish this last year.......ROFLMAO!!!!
  • Geshwur - Raging Tide
    Geshwur - Raging Tide Posts: 570 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    I heard that sins will also be using soggy wet bananas instead of daggers, and BMs will use 2 rubber chickens instead of axes... Barbs too for that matter.

    Oh, and seekers have their swords taken away and replaced with stuffed narwhals.

    And don't forget archers! They lose weapons in general. They have to THROW rocks at stuff.

    But you mages, you guys get it worst. All your skills are taken away, the only weapons you guys are allowed to use are twigs, but if it breaks when you auto attack something (because, again, you have no skills) you can't get a new one.

    But anyway.
    Rumors are rumors are rumors.
    If they DO cut APS to 2.0 then EVERYTHING will take FOREVER for EVERYONE.
    Try doing Nirvy with nobody over 2.0 APS. See how long it takes. I dare you.
    Casters got their own nirvy, can farm just as many mats in the same time (higher drop rate to make up for longer runs) so stop your complaining.
    If they take our APS then in a week all you anti-APSers will be QQing to bring it back, and even if PWI does, 90% of the people who either spent cash, or hours upon hours upon hours farming for 5APS will have already quit.

    Nerfing APS would be the WORST idea for PWI right now. APS players make up a good chunk of their cash spenders. TBH I think they're more focused on nerfing APS in PvP than PvE (look at all the new skills that would be nearly useless if they took away APS)

    Now. Look back a few months to when there was talk of making Claws and Fists BM only. They didn't do that for the same reason they can't (Legally if I'm not mistaken) nerf APS.
    People spent money for their archers to restat and to buy APS gear and Fists/Claws for their archer, just like people spent money on their sins and BMs to get 5APS (or in [some] cases spent hours upon hours.) So to say "Well, you spent all that money (or time) on getting this specific thing, but we're going to take it away now..." would be a BIG middle finger to a LARGE portion of the playerbase/cash flow of PWI.
    Current Gears
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Hmmmmmmmm. A herc I can use to solo a certain TT instance in an hour vs. an APS that can solo the same instance in 10 minutes. Yeah that's really balanced. Oh and try solo'ing frost with a herc, or NV with a herc like an APS can. Yup I guess that's balanced if you're looking at it with rose colored glasses and an APS. LOL!!!!! Problem is on a whole people like you can't see the forest for the trees but that comment is probably far beyond your comprehension.

    Someone needs to take things in perspective. A herc was used to solo instances when gold was a lot lower and at a time when no one else could solo those instances without significantly higher costs. Back then, some of the richest players on the server were venos. Come to think of it, -int gear is only as OP now as hercs were OP back then.

    Soloing an instance back then could easily get you several gold in that hour...compare that to how much the average APS users make per hour now. Really it just takes better and better gear to make as much as one use to. If you can't beat them, join them or deal with it some other way (like merchant). How many older players had veno alts?
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Someone needs to take things in perspective. A herc was used to solo instances when gold was a lot lower and at a time when no one else could solo those instances without significantly higher costs. Back then, some of the richest players on the server were venos. Come to think of it, -int gear is only as OP now as hercs were OP back then.

    Soloing an instance back then could easily get you several gold in that hour...compare that to how much the average APS users make per hour now. Really it just takes better and better gear to make as much as one use to. If you can't beat them, join them or deal with it some other way (like merchant). How many older players had veno alts?

    My old primary chari was a Veno LoLzzz....But I retired her soon after the TB were introduced, since veno's quickly became unwanted for anything except luring, not long afterwards.....b:chuckle

    I remember when All us Veno Users were making FULL Veno Squads for flattening FC Runs...... GoDzZ Now those were the days!!!!!!!b:laugh

    But nowadays, I'm primarily on '2 Sins & a Mystic' on the 3~servers I play on now...b:pleased
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    lol? i said it was balanced? I was merely saying ppl get hercs and aps for similair reasons lol. calm down alittle. using your logic wizards should be angry at psychics cuz they get easy attack/def lvls lol. you seem to forget the fact you can solo faster than a axe vit barb-cleric combo, but thats not important, totaly balanced that you have a cs pet to solo stuff that other need a squad for. but damn now aps is 100x faster its time to QQ.

    a (non-high-aps) veno was never supposed to solo like a bm/sin/archer with high aps lol.

    edit: sry forgot the high aps barbs :P

    ROTFL! When you see a herc solo anything permasparked or a nix PK by stunlocking and permasparked we can talk. When you see a veno PT with hercs take on regular NV in under 4 minutes we can talk. Until then your points are quite baseless. As I said earlier only people as nutty as you think a 5 APS permasparked sin taking down a fully buffed lvl 100 herc in 2 seconds and a nix in less than a second is fair and balanced since you insist on comparing my CS items to yours. Fact is that hercs can not do what an APS character can so you trying to compare the 2 as "equally acquired for the same reasons" is an incredibly flawed argument.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    mages will rule pvp in pwi if this goes through. oh unless BM, sins, and barbs go rank 9 to stay relevant.... oh wait that's what pwi wants huh? silly me i thought this game cared about its community and not just making monies b:chuckle

    Mages ruled PvP before the tideborne expansion? I must have missed the memo.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Someone needs to take things in perspective. A herc was used to solo instances when gold was a lot lower and at a time when no one else could solo those instances without significantly higher costs. Back then, some of the richest players on the server were venos. Come to think of it, -int gear is only as OP now as hercs were OP back then.

    Soloing an instance back then could easily get you several gold in that hour...compare that to how much the average APS users make per hour now. Really it just takes better and better gear to make as much as one use to. If you can't beat them, join them or deal with it some other way (like merchant). How many older players had veno alts?

    Again someone trying to compare a herc with a 5 aps. I guess only to APS people it's only fair that they can do in minutes what takes a veno and a herc over an hour or more not to mention solo'ing instances like frost and NV that a veno and herc just can't and never have been able to do. When a veno and a herc can do now what you 5 aps people can you may have a point but now it's not even reasonable to compare the 2. Do keep on telling us that is an equally balanced scenerio though. I won't even get into the PvP aspect of 5 aps but then again you might think the chi gain from 5 aps in PvP is fair and balanced too.

    ~edit~ join them? why would I want to take the challenge out of my game to roll something that is nothing more than a tab and twitch toon? why would I want to bore myself like that? At least when I solo something with my herc it still takes actual skill to do so. Oh and by the way, selling tokens and end gear items in packs and rank gear did more to raise the price of gold and destroy the HH mat market than anything else.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Mages ruled PvP before the tideborne expansion? I must have missed the memo.

    rank sale was out and everyone was running with atleast r8 before the tideborn expansion? i must have missed the memo
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    ROTFL! When you see a herc solo anything permasparked or a nix PK by stunlocking and permasparked we can talk. When you see a veno PT with hercs take on regular NV in under 4 minutes we can talk. Until then your points are quite baseless. As I said earlier only people as nutty as you think a 5 APS permasparked sin taking down a fully buffed lvl 100 herc in 2 seconds and a nix in less than a second is fair and balanced since you insist on comparing my CS items to yours. Fact is that hercs can not do what an APS character can so you trying to compare the 2 as "equally acquired for the same reasons" is an incredibly flawed argument.
    Mages ruled PvP before the tideborne expansion? I must have missed the memo.
    Again someone trying to compare a herc with a 5 aps. I guess only to APS people it's only fair that they can do in minutes what takes a veno and a herc over an hour or more not to mention solo'ing instances like frost and NV that a veno and herc just can't and never have been able to do. When a veno and a herc can do now what you 5 aps people can you may have a point but now it's not even reasonable to compare the 2. Do keep on telling us that is an equally balanced scenerio though. I won't even get into the PvP aspect of 5 aps but then again you might think the chi gain from 5 aps in PvP is fair and balanced too.

    ~edit~ join them? why would I want to take the challenge out of my game to roll something that is nothing more than a tab and twitch toon? why would I want to bore myself like that? At least when I solo something with my herc it still takes actual skill to do so. Oh and by the way, selling tokens and end gear items in packs and rank gear did more to raise the price of gold and destroy the HH mat market than anything else.

    Triple post much?
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Again someone trying to compare a herc with a 5 aps. I guess only to APS people it's only fair that they can do in minutes what takes a veno and a herc over an hour or more not to mention solo'ing instances like frost and NV that a veno and herc just can't and never have been able to do. When a veno and a herc can do now what you 5 aps people can you may have a point but now it's not even reasonable to compare the 2. Do keep on telling us that is an equally balanced scenerio though. I won't even get into the PvP aspect of 5 aps but then again you might think the chi gain from 5 aps in PvP is fair and balanced too.

    ~edit~ join them? why would I want to take the challenge out of my game to roll something that is nothing more than a tab and twitch toon? why would I want to bore myself like that? At least when I solo something with my herc it still takes actual skill to do so. Oh and by the way, selling tokens and end gear items in packs and rank gear did more to raise the price of gold and destroy the HH mat market than anything else.

    wait so your telling me you don't have a macro that can heal your herc automatically? how is that different than a spark macro for aps classes?

    and is it me or are you just mad that you aren't the only class that can solo an instance anymore? listen people call the other classes OP all the time and not just now but back in the day too. listen back in the day a veno only needed a herc and she could easily make a huge amount of money just soloing instances and was the only class able to solo instances. now any aps class can solo it right?

    well lets look at the prices it takes----

    venos: herc ->$100 (give or take, i can't really remember)
    aps classes: get 5 aps -> ugh tome, leggings, wrist, cape, wep.... $300ish
    showing you that life gets easier in pwi the more money you spend in it -> priceless
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    wait so your telling me you don't have a macro that can heal your herc automatically? how is that different than a spark macro for aps classes?

    and is it me or are you just mad that you aren't the only class that can solo an instance anymore? listen people call the other classes OP all the time and not just now but back in the day too. listen back in the day a veno only needed a herc and she could easily make a huge amount of money just soloing instances and was the only class able to solo instances. now any aps class can solo it right?

    well lets look at the prices it takes----

    venos: herc ->$100 (give or take, i can't really remember)
    aps classes: get 5 aps -> ugh tome, leggings, wrist, cape, wep.... $300ish
    showing you that life gets easier in pwi the more money you spend in it -> priceless

    I AM, but i still can't hear a thing you're saying b:cry
  • FanFon - Dreamweaver
    FanFon - Dreamweaver Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    ~edit~ join them? why would I want to take the challenge out of my game to roll something that is nothing more than a tab and twitch toon? why would I want to bore myself like that? At least when I solo something with my herc it still takes actual skill to do so. Oh and by the way, selling tokens and end gear items in packs and rank gear did more to raise the price of gold and destroy the HH mat market than anything else.

    Soloing with a herc takes skill? Lets see rush mobs with fox form.. heal herc... throw amp and other debuffs..... watch boss die... Hmmmmmmm any skill real skill involved to do this? Not really simple enough I can train a 9 year old brat to do this. Never mind I can replace that brat and raise you a monkey.

    Jadsia qq more about hercs. You get what you pay for price wise r9>5 aps>4 aps>3.33 aps> herc=2.86 aps
  • StudmuffinIX - Archosaur
    StudmuffinIX - Archosaur Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Soloing with a herc takes skill? Lets see rush mobs with fox form.. heal herc... throw amp and other debuffs..... watch boss die... Hmmmmmmm any skill real skill involved to do this? Not really simple enough I can train a 9 year old brat to do this. Never mind I can replace that brat and raise you a monkey.

    Jadsia qq more about hercs. You get what you pay for price wise r9>5 aps>4 aps>3.33 aps> herc=2.86 aps

    i feel like you re-posted my post but in your words :< i feel cheated THIS IS BLASPHEMY! b:angry
  • magicsabre
    magicsabre Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    mages will rule pvp in pwi if this goes through. oh unless BM, sins, and barbs go rank 9 to stay relevant.... oh wait that's what pwi wants huh? silly me i thought this game cared about its community and not just making monies b:chuckle

    What I have found (not my words, but I think same):
    I'll be honest, I never PVP, it does not entertain me .... But since it is a part of the game, and others might be interested in it, I have to mention it. There are these PVP lovers who are rich in real life and they spend thousands of dollars on pixels just to kill other players... No offence, but this is ridiculously stupid. But yeah, there are players like that. Cash shop DOES imbalance PVP. You DO need better gear than the average PVE stuff to compete in PVP. Nothing to be surprised about, PVP works like this in every free MMOs, sadly. This does not mean the game is 'pay to win' because PVP is a very small part of the game, it's highly optional (PVE server), and you basically get nothing for PVPing.

    Since some classes like Assassins have better possibilities at PvE, they can get more coins, better equipment, etc.

    And they can go at every other instance to complete quests.
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    wait so your telling me you don't have a macro that can heal your herc automatically? how is that different than a spark macro for aps classes?

    and is it me or are you just mad that you aren't the only class that can solo an instance anymore? listen people call the other classes OP all the time and not just now but back in the day too. listen back in the day a veno only needed a herc and she could easily make a huge amount of money just soloing instances and was the only class able to solo instances. now any aps class can solo it right?

    well lets look at the prices it takes----

    venos: herc ->$100 (give or take, i can't really remember)
    aps classes: get 5 aps -> ugh tome, leggings, wrist, cape, wep.... $300ish
    showing you that life gets easier in pwi the more money you spend in it -> priceless

    ok i am gona raise you on ur silly gold tag if we go after wasted gold i should always 1 shoot a boss as i have all armor pieces of r9 hell mobs should die from it as its what
    like 800 gold + refine.

    aps toon are just to cheap for what they get they should be around 2 biljion so at least it costed money to be a GOD.
  • warrioroftherose
    warrioroftherose Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2012

    Nerfing APS would be the WORST idea for PWI right now. APS players make up a good chunk of their cash spenders..

    i think ive spent more money on my fash's // then my aps gear(seeing how most of it is easily farm'd) b:laugh

    only sins use aps gear with r9 wep? r9 is the major chunk of cash spenders.

    well that and prolly end game shards/refines b:surrender
  • Sefiere - Sanctuary
    Sefiere - Sanctuary Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    ROTFL! When you see a herc solo anything permasparked or a nix PK by stunlocking and permasparked we can talk. When you see a veno PT with hercs take on regular NV in under 4 minutes we can talk. Until then your points are quite baseless. As I said earlier only people as nutty as you think a 5 APS permasparked sin taking down a fully buffed lvl 100 herc in 2 seconds and a nix in less than a second is fair and balanced since you insist on comparing my CS items to yours. Fact is that hercs can not do what an APS character can so you trying to compare the 2 as "equally acquired for the same reasons" is an incredibly flawed argument.

    *facepalm* thx for not reading my comment...<.<

    and calm down.
  • FanFon - Dreamweaver
    FanFon - Dreamweaver Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    i feel like you re-posted my post but in your words :< i feel cheated THIS IS BLASPHEMY! b:angry

    there there we on the same side b:laugh
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    wait so your telling me you don't have a macro that can heal your herc automatically? how is that different than a spark macro for aps classes?

    and is it me or are you just mad that you aren't the only class that can solo an instance anymore? listen people call the other classes OP all the time and not just now but back in the day too. listen back in the day a veno only needed a herc and she could easily make a huge amount of money just soloing instances and was the only class able to solo instances. now any aps class can solo it right?

    Why don't you compare the actual DD I do while spam healing my herc compared to the DD a 5 aps does permasparked then come back and talk about equality, balance, fairness, **** for tat ****?

    I couldn't care less if another class can solo an instance I can. What bothers be is the degree that a 5 aps toon can do that compared to any other class. Why is it that when you people insist on comparing a veno with a herc soloing an HH to a 5 aps you fail to mention that a 5 aps solos instances that a veno and herc never ever could. Frost, NV, trophy mode, etc.

    Personally I think if they are going to nerf anything it ought to be the cooldown times of the sparks. Triple the cooldown times. That way it's a nerf against all classes but we'd see who would QQ the most then. LOL.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Soloing with a herc takes skill? Lets see rush mobs with fox form.. heal herc... throw amp and other debuffs..... watch boss die... Hmmmmmmm any skill real skill involved to do this? Not really simple enough I can train a 9 year old brat to do this. Never mind I can replace that brat and raise you a monkey.

    Jadsia qq more about hercs. You get what you pay for price wise r9>5 aps>4 aps>3.33 aps> herc=2.86 aps

    ROTFL! This only proves how ignorant you are.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Jadsia - Lost City
    Jadsia - Lost City Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    *facepalm* thx for not reading my comment...<.<

    and calm down.

    *Facepalm* for not reading my posts LOL! My point revolves around the discrepancies between the raw DPS of my herc vs. a 5 aps toon in both PvP and PvE since the lot of you insist on comparing a herc to a 5 aps toon. Never once did I say other classes shouldn't be able solo what I can solo with a herc but it's those discrepancies that created a situation where a 5 aps toon can out DD and solo instances like NV, Frost, trophy mode FBs, etc when other classes who spent just as much money on and time farming their gear as the 5 APS person can't not to mention the PvP aspects of being permasparked. Nobody in the 5 APS crowd seems to want to defend that though.

    Thus this has made the game broken for it's not being played as it was meant to be and that's why many of us want it to be fixed. Keep you 5 aps but triple the cooldown times of the sparks.
    I **** bigger than you...

    Shut up and play the game.....Damn
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    A lot of classes can kill a fully buffed herc in 2s...

    You still don't get it do you? The point others were making is that venos were the rich farming class at that time. The amount they were making in gold was arguably comparable to the amount you can make with a 5aps toon now. One veno could practically out DD a squad of 3 other classes.

    Also, lols at permasparking in PvP. I don't think you PvP at all. If you're talking about sins, they have chi skills that have nothingg to do with APS.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    Again, the eternal battle..

    Well let's see if I can add something intelligent to it.

    1st off, I don't think there's a APS nerf, it's just that the new expansion will make it "less useful" and more new gear oriented.

    As for all those venos here, I sympatise. I know that at one point, YOU were the class that was the money making one. Even with a simple glacial walker, u could accomplish a lot more then "some" squads that had no clue what they were doing.. With a herc/nix, you were a force to be reconned with and having one showed u had supported the game (read, cash shopped a little). You were loved for pulls, bramble and as a overall great DD in any squads.

    Then, the game started putting equipement in packs and "rare" stuff people were willing to pay insane prices for.. 160 mils for a flyer ? like come on... Which led to a overpopulation of spoiled people that JUST cash shopped to be "good". Sins came soon after and with bloodpaint, were the last nail in the coffin... Mixed with APS, how easy getting gear got for a serious merchant or cash shopper, they left all other classes in the shadows.

    Good sins DO exists, those who still care about squad. But the majority got so much big headed cause "I put 2000$ in and I play a OP class, worship me !!" , those I hate.

    Now "IF" APS would get nerfed to let's say 3.33 sparked. I woudn't mind.. I'm at that and don't have the job or merchant skill to get a Pan GU/Love Up and Down or the 250-260 cannies needed for my legs. (No one wants to run Nirvy with a 2.5 base BM..)

    It would somewhat balance hings out, but sins (or even BM/claw barbs) with bloodpaint would still be able to accomplish much...Just a tad slowler..

    Well that's the thing..Does everything in game have to be done in 5 mins then "Omg im bored ??" or are they still people out there who actually still love the thrill to kill stuff and not auto-atk and go "Look at me, I know how to play..." b:surrender
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • ellero
    ellero Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited February 2012
    If they nerf 5 aps it WOULD be bad... cuz atm hundreds of millions are comming in the ingame economy with packs, bhs etc... --> Gold prices are constantly going up, but everything farmable stays at same price /gold mats, etc/ and even with nerfed aps will be the same. But u just will make coins slower.