New CN Expansion Thread #2

Bubbles - Morai
Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
edited June 2012 in General Discussion



...and turns into a white dwarf


PWI: DESCENT(that's us!)



Expansion is out on PWCN
PWI: Decent will be out on Feb 15th






Check back often, new stuff with have a red mark to them.

Links and links

Forum tidbits and Translations (EN):

Top priority links.
korren's post on everything, good translation
post of some new stuff from korren and asty
movie and expansion trailers
asty's translation of updated skills
how to get new skills & faction info (very detailed)
Guide to the new orders
Our version's skills (localized!), new map & instance (New!)

Google translated skills:
(these skills were pulled directly from game files and chucked into google translate)
Bm & wiz
cler & arch
veno & barb
psy & sin
mystic & seeker along with txt documents of skills, translated and original

Other interesting stuff
new fliers
youtube links of new login screen, skills, locations and bosses
pics of new login and launcher
getting frogged by a veno (skill no longer works this way)
getting birded by a veno
vid of ten man squads and black unicorn from attendance daily
new armor and pet
new daily quest
New veno legendary pet.

Relevant Wanmei pages (CN only):

Most important Wanmei pages:

wanmei enter page
wanmei flash page (has info)
wanmei main page
Date for CN expansion
source of list of new skills
Info page on the three new forces, from what I can tell it says nothing about level requirement, but it does say you need 200k to join a force.

Classes and other stuff pages:

Wizard page
Mystic page

Prairie Dogs and a King Woodchuck (that's right, you read that right)
New quests/features
release date dec 7 (test server) + patch notes
Updated skills?

Pictures and wanmei pages with tl;dr information (CN):
Click here for mirrored gallery of wanmei pics
Oldest = first page, newest = last page

pics 1
pics 2
pics 3
pics 4
pics 5
pics 6
pics 7
pics 8
pics 9
pics 10
pics 11
pics 12
pics 13 (everything after this point will be current, above links are going in reverse order)
pics 14 (event?)
pics 15
pics 16
pics 17 (bosses!)
pics 18
pics 19
pics 20
pics 21
pics 22

Click link below if you like super novas:

Original thread is here

Most of the known information is here already but I will go through all 135 pages later and add any more relevant info.


When will the expansion be released?
Feb 15th.

Will there be new classes/races?

But someone said on another website that there would be new classes!
I have PWCN installed on my computer, and I have played the new expansion.
If there were any signs of a new race/class I would have posted pics of them by now.

What level do you have to be to get to the new area/content/skills?
According to the news page, lvl 95.

How do you get the new skills?
There will be three new forces to join from, while certain forces will only give you certain skills, over time it is possible to learn all skills.
There is also a post on this.

What about the new armor/gear?
Collected info has suggested the new gears are more pve-orientated, and has special atk/def levels that work only against mobs.

Does the expansion add only end-game stuff?
From what I seen on my nub char, there is a new daily quest you can start in the starter towns, it's kinda like the elder chest but it's daily and the items it gives are random (I kept on getting a lot of chest of coins... good for dq i suppose?).
There also new freebie quests you can get from seeker npcs and a random npc in the major 5 race cities that give out fantasy and scarlet fruits.

How do I play on pwcn?


No seriously, tell me!
fifty dorrar and i terr you evelything

What's with the sun blowing up?
Because frankie said so.

But uhh....
Post edited by Bubbles - Morai on


  • DeffyNature - Archosaur
    DeffyNature - Archosaur Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Thank you, stupid people turned the other thread into garbageb:surrender
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    It was already messed up anyways because it was already merged with another thread, that alone had made it difficult to find information.
    It was only natural a thread like that went off topic...
  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    It was already messed up anyways because it was already merged with another thread, that alone had made it difficult to find information.
    It was only natural a thread like that went off topic...

    ^repost for mods fail reading skills.

    Took me a while to realise that some fool had melded the threads, I wondered where the sodding info went. 50 odd pages of "nothing here, next!".

    Good idea btw, I'd PM a couple of the mods and draw their attention to it and the reason why if I were you. They don't like thinking before doing.
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Pyrostormz - Raging Tide
    Pyrostormz - Raging Tide Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    thank you for this
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited January 2012
    ^repost for mods fail reading skills.

    Took me a while to realise that some fool had melded the threads, I wondered where the sodding info went. 50 odd pages of "nothing here, next!".

    Good idea btw, I'd PM a couple of the mods and draw their attention to it and the reason why if I were you. They don't like thinking before doing.

    I think we can read fairly well thank you. b:bye

    And don't worry, I'll take a look at the other thread.

    Also, thanks for posting this, I'll have to link this when people ask stupid questions.
  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Krisnda wrote: »
    I think we can read fairly well thank you. b:bye

    And don't worry, I'll take a look at the other thread.

    Also, thanks for posting this, I'll have to link this when people ask stupid questions.

    You're judged by your worst, and shamefully you have (Had? Haven't seen her in a while thank god) Shelly on your team. She does NOT like to read things.

    DW, I love you and Kritty for the most part, even if you do **** up once in a while b:heart
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Jaytrain - Lost City
    Jaytrain - Lost City Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    You Should sticky this thread make it easier for people to find.
  • SinArkan - Lost City
    SinArkan - Lost City Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    The new skills they are adding i really didnt understand them very well, what lvl are they.. can u please be kind of bit more specific ty XD
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    lets hope this one doesnt get merge mixed lol
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Flamespirit - Dreamweaver
    Flamespirit - Dreamweaver Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I think the main thing is untill we get it ...the info is geusses and general ideas. Pretty much every time the advanced knowledge of expansions turns out to be inaccurate.
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    The new skills they are adding i really didnt understand them very well, what lvl are they.. can u please be kind of bit more specific ty XD

    Minimum for skills are either 85 or 90 to 100
    I think the main thing is untill we get it ...the info is geusses and general ideas. Pretty much every time the advanced knowledge of expansions turns out to be inaccurate.

    Except no, it doesn't.
    Mere rumors turning out to be bs? Maybe.
    Like any thread before an expansion is released here, new information is both pulled from wanmei's site and from actual game files and is translated as best as people can.
    Go check out the old tb and eg threads, most of the info is more or less accurate. Of course it won't be 100% accurate, but it's good enough.
    They are not mere guesses, they are interpretations of collected data.
  • Eccii - Raging Tide
    Eccii - Raging Tide Posts: 481 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Much easier on the brain.
    Thanks b:victory
    Retired on Barb-
    Currently playing mystic-
  • Sjuggs - Lost City
    Sjuggs - Lost City Posts: 617 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    The brazillian site that Must posted had much better descriptions and pics than wanmei, ijs.
  • Raequel - Dreamweaver
    Raequel - Dreamweaver Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Thanks, I was getting pretty lost on the other thread.
    Raequel (103 Sage Veno) / Egwaine (101 Demon Cleric)
    Daniiella (101 Sage Sin) / Else (100 Demon Archer)
    Tiae (bm) / Athanasyos (barb) / Zeylene (wiz) / Eleysha (mystic)
  • Kerona - Sanctuary
    Kerona - Sanctuary Posts: 1,771 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    jerks always ruin my threads!
  • Farcryee - Dreamweaver
    Farcryee - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Hopefully no one derails this thread again (like the last one) with in depth analysis of what happens when the sun goes "super nova" and stuff like that. b:avoid.
  • _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver
    _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    just becouse its on CN doesnt mean it will be implemented in PWI b:surrender
    I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender
  • Noel - Dreamweaver
    Noel - Dreamweaver Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    just becouse its on CN doesnt mean it will be implemented in PWI b:surrender
    Sure, in the same since that just because I'm posting this don't mean you'll see it. It has a very low probability.
  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    just becouse its on CN doesnt mean it will be implemented in PWI b:surrender

    Majority of all things that they have, we get.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    just becouse its on CN doesnt mean it will be implemented in PWI b:surrender

    You mean to tell me of all the expansions pw ever had, wanmei decided that out of 5 they won't give us the latest one? b:scorn
  • Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide
    Bobobejumbo - Raging Tide Posts: 934 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    just becouse its on CN doesnt mean it will be implemented in PWI b:surrender

    Frankie says otherwise.
  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    "info is a few days away", its been near 3 weeks since that post, lol. Timekeeping just isn't PWEs thing is it?
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    "info is more than just a few days away", its been near 3 weeks since that post, lol. Timekeeping just isn't PWEs thing is it?


    If you're going to use a quote as the basis for QQ... at least get the damn thing right.
  • John_Smith - Harshlands
    John_Smith - Harshlands Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    If you're going to use a quote as the basis for QQ... at least get the damn thing right.

    Oh I'm so sorry for not directly quoting frankies silly little statement.

    Mention of a few days would suggest less than 3 weeks by anyones standards. It isn't QQ when its an observation b:bye

    Seriously, I'm not too fussed, too busy levelling my Wizard without buying FC to have to hang onto the new skills/expansion as my only hope. (Yes, this bit is slightly QQ :D)
    I've quit excluding TW for my faction. But I still hang around to help out those who still enjoy the game under PWEs horrific handling and to have fun in the forums. b:cute
    #Shame about PWEs absolutely craptastic handling of the goons glitching. Remember kids, there's no punishment for breaking the rules here!#
    If you make a valid complaint, your thread will disapear. Don't post it here, post it on other sites where PW can't hide it.
  • Henacy - Lost City
    Henacy - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Found all this information to be quite interesting and at the same time disturbing...mainly the trailer with the girl dressed as a veno and laying on the guys (PWI god?) arm. It was just...weird. Then again it's the Chinese we are talking about. I also found that weird train filled with PWI ads from top to bottom rather odd too. I mean damn, have enough advertisement?

    Anyways, thanks for all this information in one convenient spot!
  • Shayd - Raging Tide
    Shayd - Raging Tide Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Found all this information to be quite interesting and at the same time disturbing...mainly the trailer with the girl dressed as a veno and laying on the guys (PWI god?) arm. It was just...weird. Then again it's the Chinese we are talking about. I also found that weird train filled with PWI ads from top to bottom rather odd too. I mean damn, have enough advertisement?

    Anyways, thanks for all this information in one convenient spot!

    Thank you Captain Obvious
    Mystic: 99 lvl (Main)
    Psychic: 96 lvl (Alt)
    Assassin: 78 lvl (Retired)
    Cleric: 75 lvl (Retired)

    Big bumpy ride since 2008
  • Bubbles - Morai
    Bubbles - Morai Posts: 1,143 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    updated the front page and added in some colors
    i'll make more final edits later
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Majority of all things that they have, we get.

    Sure but usually we don't get good things. For example NPC where you can get Wedding Candy.b:angry
  • Jacerai - Dreamweaver
    Jacerai - Dreamweaver Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Sure but usually we don't get good things. For example NPC where you can get Wedding Candy.b:angry

    The matchmaker. Two wedding wines.
    b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.

    Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.

    Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Oh I'm so sorry for not directly quoting frankies silly little statement.

    Mention of a few days would suggest less than 3 weeks by anyones standards. It isn't QQ when its an observation b:bye

    Not when he specifically negates that phrase. That's like saying telling someone "Oh, you won't be getting ice cream anytime soon," can be shortened to "you'll be getting ice cream soon!" It's not. Mere mention of the word shouldn't make you expect anything. In this case he's saying you won't be getting any information about the expansion anytime soon. He just said it in a deliberately vague way.


    Those if you guys who played the expansion, how is the new instance? Have you gotten a chance to go inside. Does it take longer than nirvana or shorter?
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
This discussion has been closed.