Miss the Original PW?



  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I strongly got the impression that the reason people were falling over themselves to help with FBs had less to do with kindness and more to do with wanting rep.

    b:pleased I was one of the Rare ones, cause I never gave a D*** about the rep... I just liked to Sadistically b:dirty Obliterate! b:chuckle All the mobs in cave for peaple, RoFLMaO!!!!!!b:laugh

    I never even charged peaple for my help....b:thanks

    And even when they offered, I would just simply turn them down, so they could keep building coin, with what they got from the runs....
  • _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary
    _Bloody_Fox_ - Sanctuary Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Wow! A level 60 with a green TT weapon!


    I remember those thoughts
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited January 2012
    Wow! A level 60 with a green TT weapon!

    I remember those thoughts
    Hell, I remember when my TT80 gold Acalanatha wand was so Pro it wasn't even funny. It had two sockets, max gems, and spent cash to get it to +5.

    Man those were the days.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I strongly got the impression that the reason people were falling over themselves to help with FBs had less to do with kindness and more to do with wanting rep.

    A lot of people were like that. I can't say I didn't like the rep or exp, but I've always enjoyed helping people with their cultis and I'd always make sure that whomever's FB I was running would get all their quests done and would get to keep any mold drops, back when molds actually kind of mattered.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Nymfystazia - Heavens Tear
    Nymfystazia - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I do! b:sad

    PWE were good in the early days....then something changed or they grew large, greedy and couldn't care less about quality....

    Triple Humps you! Cuz I'm staz b:dirtyb:chuckle
  • NinjaAssain - Lost City
    NinjaAssain - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    1. Fbs were tossed around like hotcakes u had an fb and theyd swarm to ya to help you. 2. People dident cash shop there lvls. 3. Sure gold was still kinda climbing but never as absurd as this. 4. Packs. 5. The list goes on and on...
  • lordhanzo
    lordhanzo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    A lot of people were like that. I can't say I didn't like the rep or exp, but I've always enjoyed helping people with their cultis and I'd always make sure that whomever's FB I was running would get all their quests done and would get to keep any mold drops, back when molds actually kind of mattered.


    always hated some ppl who just run toward the Bosses even thou the Tabber or other squad members already told to wait because there are other Mobs required to finish the Quest, and just act like "Ha? didn't read chatbox sorry." or just keep ignoring and kill the Boss.
    I'm on Heavens Tear!
  • Ckato - Lost City
    Ckato - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    seitori wrote: »
    Yes I miss the old days "B4 the boutiques constant Pack sales & B4 they brought in the concept of hypers..." and B4 they ignored the glitchers "Who then, really realized how much more glitching would be able pay off for them, under the new (hyper/Pack Items) based game economy... As they 'even more fervently' violated many of the (ToS) rules without punishment..." while the Admins turned a blind eye to their Newest rabidly active cash shoppers, actions....

    And All that, while the newly reassured CS'ing Glitchers, (payed/glitched) their ways to the top outta nowhere... And then began to manipulate the (TW Map) right out from underneath the old REAL TW~factions, and as a result began to Monopolize! Not only the ingame (coin/price) market, but also the F'ing! Gold Prices Aswell!!? b:angry

    Yes I miss the old days, where all players were treated 'fairly & equally' on the F2P Game, and no one was (bypassed & ignored) by the 'powers that be!'

    And that no matter how much you spent on the game, you still would be punished for violations incurred, rather then givin a 'free hand' too do whatever ya basically wanted to do, so long as they don't catch ya doing it themselves (Or until so many peaple have to report your violations that it practically has the chance to crash the Ticket system) just because you gave the DEVS more of your cash, then others that played the game normally "Within the (ToS) Rules" gave them, as a cash influx......

    Ohh! how I miss those days, where everyone whether (CS'r) or just ingame (coin quester) was all givin a fair shake, at accomplishing something equally in a balanced well thought out game, instead of what now exists..........b:surrender

    b:sad Oh how I miss the good old days.........b:bye

    Oh and by the way, can you say, a Major Q to the Q!! ??!!!

    I only wish we could laugh! about how bad its really become......b:spit

    lolz i hate when poor people QQ about their spot in society... you all just need to relize that if u had money to blow on the game you would cash shop too, who has time to farm 5 aps gear or r9? if u have that much free time u have no life XD
  • Sweetfeather - Dreamweaver
    Sweetfeather - Dreamweaver Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I remember back when there were no packs, no tokens, and no oracles.

    I remember when jones gave you free pirate fashion, and I remember everyone selling theirs for like 20k b:laugh

    I remember the time before genies, fishes, and EGs.

    I remember 100k gold b:cry

    good ol' days.. b:sad
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    lolz i hate when poor people QQ about their spot in society... you all just need to relize that if u had money to blow on the game you would cash shop too, who has time to farm 5 aps gear or r9? if u have that much free time u have no life XD

    I have money to blow on the game yet I didn't cs my gear. Not everyone is as completely **** as yourself.
  • ResMePls - Heavens Tear
    ResMePls - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,349 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I wouldn't mind the game so much without Assassins, 'Gooned toons, R9, or Powerleveling. Packs weren't too horrible either until they started giving away endgame gear....and spamming red bullsh!t all over my screen.

    No, I couldn't give a flying *** if JoeBlow from Catalyst got a ******ned token of best luck. GTFO my screen, seriously.

    I also miss the old developing staff, and GM's who actually game on this game instead of sitting on their arses twiddling their thumbs....This is the only game besides ONE I could name where I have never, ever seen the GM's come on for more than five minutes.

    (PS: The other game I mentioned is now discontinued. Hint.) b:bye

    D0 I sense s0me jeal0usy and crappy end game gear?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]I know what your thinking.
  • Viriilink - Lost City
    Viriilink - Lost City Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    lolz i hate when poor people QQ about their spot in society... you all just need to relize that if u had money to blow on the game you would cash shop too, who has time to farm 5 aps gear or r9? if u have that much free time u have no life XD

    It should be the other way around. If you're too busy and have no time for yourself. Then you have no life.
  • ImperfectDan - Archosaur
    ImperfectDan - Archosaur Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    lolz i hate when poor people QQ about their spot in society... you all just need to relize that if u had money to blow on the game you would cash shop too, who has time to farm 5 aps gear or r9? if u have that much free time u have no life XD

    lol only losers talk like u talk...

    i farmed my r8.. my 4 aps unsparked and all my refines... never spent 1 single dollar on game... it's not how much time u spend on game.. it's about how much u able to farm, and how u farm..

    the day PWI will be closed.. i will have lot of nice memories.. u will just have the bill of how much u spent lol

    till that moment.. i will go on spending my money on RL! :)
  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    the day PWI will be closed.. i will have lot of nice memories.. u will just have the bill of how much u spent lol

    till that moment.. i will go on spending my money on RL! :)

    I don't get this mentality. Spending money on PWI (or any form of online entertainment) is no less "RL spending" than buying a ticket to a movie. It's disposable income used on a temporary form of entertainment. In the end, you're not keeping what you *paid* for.

    Hell, I'm sure most people spend more money on alcohol per year than it would cost to buy r9. If you took that money and spent it on r9 instead of the alcohol, you'd get to enjoy it way longer (i.e. until you decide to quit) and your liver would probably be grateful.
  • lordhanzo
    lordhanzo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I don't get this mentality. Spending money on PWI (or any form of online entertainment) is no less "RL spending" than buying a ticket to a movie. It's disposable income used on a temporary form of entertainment. In the end, you're not keeping what you *paid* for.

    Hell, I'm sure most people spend more money on alcohol per year than it would cost to buy r9. If you took that money and spent it on r9 instead of the alcohol, you'd get to enjoy it way longer (i.e. until you decide to quit) and your liver would probably be grateful.


    not meant to be harsh, but most ppl that I've met or known that says "I dont spend money on game, I spend it on RL" usually has a bankrupt wallet, or doesn't has a job with enough salary to support them a month to have some left to spent freely on entertainment.

    repeat: most of them.
    repeat: that I've met or known.

    plus, saying spending money for entertainment "A" is better than spending money for entertainment "B" is nonsense. each to their own.
    I'm on Heavens Tear!
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I don't get this mentality. Spending money on PWI (or any form of online entertainment) is no less "RL spending" than buying a ticket to a movie. It's disposable income used on a temporary form of entertainment. In the end, you're not keeping what you *paid* for.

    Hell, I'm sure most people spend more money on alcohol per year than it would cost to buy r9. If you took that money and spent it on r9 instead of the alcohol, you'd get to enjoy it way longer (i.e. until you decide to quit) and your liver would probably be grateful.

    There are a lot of proven benefits to person-to-person interaction that you just won't be getting online. Same thing with physical exercise. So I wouldn't call them the same thing just because you paid for the same type of service, because the medium is different. And that does matter. For one thing, you tend to miss out on micro expressions, even if you use Skype, because of the delay between the connection. You also miss out on certain body language, and environmental factors that occur when your with a group of people. I'm not saying that people who spend money on video games are inferior, or that the only thing they'll have is a bill, or anything of the sort. That's patently untrue and sounds like a bunch of sour grapes. It's coming from someone who thinks they are better than someone else, or from a place of jealousy that they can't afford to do the same. Perhaps it just comes of thinking their form of entertainment is superior. Which is ridiculous for the reason you pointed out. I'm just saying going to dinner and movie with a friend is different than raiding a dungeon with a friend.

    I think this is why a lot of people who ultimately find love on video games, tend to make arrangements to meet each other face to face. And why sometimes this can suddenly cause things not to work out, or can cause the passion to grow into a full blown marriage. The internet attracts anti-social people who can't interact with others face-to-face exactly because it's missing that human element and emotion that they just aren't as well equipped to handle as others. It's not that everyone on the internet is anti-social or that everyone who is anti-social like the internet. Certainly not, but that element could potentially be attractive for that reason, the lack of human contact..
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Channman - Lost City
    Channman - Lost City Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    well tbh if it wasn't for those CSers 2 things would happen
    1)they game would become P2P
    2)would have to shut down due to lack of money

    yeah it sucks but at the same time every game out there does this cause they have to, and yes i have money i can blow on this game but i chose not to
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    the day PWI will be closed.. i will have lot of nice memories.. u will just have the bill of how much u spent lol

    till that moment.. i will go on spending my money on RL! :)

    I didn't like this kind of comment.... b:surrender
    It a comment that simply mean to make those who charge zen look stupid... b:beatup
    A comment that can easily create haters. b:shutup

    Most people that charge $ in game are people that doesn't have much time to spent their precious time to work for in game money. Especially with fact that gamers this day usually are a casual type.
    They can play for a long time like the old hardcore type, but just for the fun. They can be careless about immersion or hard work in game, all that matter is fun factor. (aka end game in today PW, or people that play skyrim but don't know and didn't want to know about elder scroll lore)
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • zombienationz
    zombienationz Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Jewelscalen is so strong!!!

    lol i remember back in the before time, in the long, long ago, trying to kill dismal shade when the highest lvls were nearing the 60's and our best chance to kill it was a veno who actually had a hp charm that needed the quest to XD we died so many times. back when day to day was a challenge to get anywhere, back when the game was indeed the perfect world to be in and now it's just turning into trash but i've come this far i guess whats another (insert fabulous ammount of money here)
    well tbh if it wasn't for those CSers 2 things would happen
    1)they game would become P2P
    2)would have to shut down due to lack of money

    yeah it sucks but at the same time every game out there does this cause they have to, and yes i have money i can blow on this game but i chose not to

    Yea and thinking up game breaking packs to make epic ammounts of money at the cost of hastening the end of the f2p game was the absolute best idea anyones ever had in the terms of longevity, the game won't shut down, gold will never go back down, times for this game have been altered and the people act a fool and settle their gambling addictions because one person was kind enough to point out that "some people spend RL $ because they don't have RL time to grind in game money" fact is NOBODY should spend that kind of time to get 40 mil for deicides etc etc on an online games it's just stupid lol but hey if you want to spend the rest of the year playing the f2p game that shafts you every week in terms of what a bucks worth thats your business. get jobs godamn no lifers fund comunist china, create the perfect world
  • /Groovy/ - Harshlands
    /Groovy/ - Harshlands Posts: 688 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I remember times when, CSer or not, you had to be skilled to be successful.

    The game now is: charge Zen, buy levels, buy gears, buy refines, double click enemy -> win.

    I remember doing my own FB's with just 2 friends of same level
    I remember when grinding or farming mats gave you enough coins to buy good mount or aerogear, or TT mats for gear
    I remember when doing TTs took some effort but was worth it
    I remember when TT90 green and gold were suitable for PvP and PvE
    I remember when doing instances required good team composition and skill
    I remember when 1vs1 fights in PvP took longer than 5 seconds, even with 5-10 lvls difference
    I remember when you had to fight for grinding/farming spots and World Bosses and that fights often turned into huge mass PvP
    I remember doing Friendship Quests
    I remember when only "obvious" dailies was 1 BH and Crazy Stone, then you could go and do whatever you wanted
    I remember when hitting lvl 100 was a real achievement, people would WC it and get congrats from friends and randoms alike
    I remember when playing this game was about having fun, PK-ing or doing instances with bunch of friends and not about endless farming or charging Zen to get OP gear and run around oneshotting others.
    Packs World International
  • snufalufaguss
    snufalufaguss Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I remember stalking chezedude and swordman on Dreamweaver.
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I remember when playing this game was about having fun, PK-ing, pure drama, or doing instances with bunch of friends and not about endless farming forever 24/7 catshop, complaining, bullying people, open pack, buying cash shop pet, become 5 aps, or charging Zen to get OP gear so we can run around oneshotting others, compete in tw, and accepted in random squad.

    Oh and don't forget to +12 our equipment after new skills from underworld come. b:chuckle
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • mrbufarra
    mrbufarra Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I like the new stuff, the old game was just another chinesse game. Now is a better game.
    If u dislike this game enough just quit, if u like it but are frustated, find a job then cs a bit... then u will love this game b:victory
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I remember doing my own FB's with just 2 friends of same level
    I remember when grinding or farming mats gave you enough coins to buy good mount or aerogear, or TT mats for gear
    I remember when doing TTs took some effort but was worth it
    I remember when TT90 green and gold were suitable for PvP and PvE
    I remember when doing instances required good team composition and skill
    I remember when 1vs1 fights in PvP took longer than 5 seconds, even with 5-10 lvls difference
    I remember when you had to fight for grinding/farming spots and World Bosses and that fights often turned into huge mass PvP
    I remember doing Friendship Quests
    I remember when only "obvious" dailies was 1 BH and Crazy Stone, then you could go and do whatever you wanted
    I remember when hitting lvl 100 was a real achievement, people would WC it and get congrats from friends and randoms alike
    I remember when playing this game was about having fun, PK-ing or doing instances with bunch of friends and not about endless farming or charging Zen to get OP gear and run around oneshotting others.
    Through all this, what's sad about it is that all these game elements (or most of them anyway) are still there, still playable. But most people regard them as obsolete or "inefficient" despite the fact that... y'know, they're fun.

    You can still form good teams for instances. You can still run anything in PVE with TT90 gear and do just fine, assuming you know how to play your class properly. You can still hit 100 with BH/CS and MQ and probably Cube, with maybe an occasional FF on the side if you feel like it. I'd say PVP is the only thing that's irreparably damaged, and even that can be done among friends. Just not, y'know, TW.

    If people would actually try to play the game the way it was designed, they'll find that it's still mostly intact. Hurting, but intact. The number-one mistake you can make in this day and age is to say "oh, that's just the way it is now" and scramble to keep up with the Jonses.
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • SovereignVis - Sanctuary
    SovereignVis - Sanctuary Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Yes I miss those days too! Before the Tideborn came, the game was awesome. b:cry
  • lordhanzo
    lordhanzo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    to add: no one seems to use Chat Room in-game anymore nowadays :P
    I just came back recently to see how much this game has changed.
    Sadly it doesn't seem to be for the better, so yeah, we can reminisce of the good ol' days.

    Now I have to ask, am I now the only Player with a space in his/her name?

    look !!1! a rare Barb !!1! quick throw ur pokeball 1!123!!
    I'm on Heavens Tear!
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I remember when GM didn't **** up game with +11 and +12 orb fiasco. b:angry
  • Celesse - Harshlands
    Celesse - Harshlands Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    The only thing I really dislike about the game the way it is right now is how unwelcoming it is to new players. The game is already so established that it's hard to get into it if you're new (or not coming from a different server).

    I don't know a single person who is actually 'new' to the game. If somebody tries to join it's really way too hard to get into it the way you could several years ago.

    The community's inability to grow is the only thing that pisses me off.

    I don't mind the high gold prices, because it's now possible to make tens of millions of coins in a day. (Through BH100, Nirvana, Selling FC). Packs I actually find to be great, they support merchanting and keep a large supply of tokens available for the F2P community to use. As the price of things goes up, so does the amount a person is able to earn.

    The only thing that isn't cool is if someone is coming into the game with 0 knowledge about it or how it works, it really isn't easy to learn your way around without CSing. On top of that, who would want to spend several hundred dollars on a game they just started a couple days ago?
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    The community's inability to grow is the only thing that pisses me off.

    The only thing that isn't cool is if someone is coming into the game with 0 knowledge about it or how it works, it really isn't easy to learn your way around without CSing.

    I believe this is the biggest problem of the game at the moment. Yes, leaving aside rank9 and whatnot that turned PK into a child's play, PWI lacks new players.

    Whenever I get to play on lower level toons, do some quests or BHs, sooner or later people end up talking in squad about how they have this and that and how many level 100 toons they possess...
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Nymfysubstaz - Dreamweaver
    Nymfysubstaz - Dreamweaver Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Because these are all valid points. And no one is saying we don't like the game, we are here and in forum so obviously we do care. I think this page says sooo much about the game and where it's headed. Take head of this pretty well done thread. I adore this game and adore playing. Girly dry humps everyone cuz well I'm me, staz! Don't make me come up there! LOL


    Aaaah ****...page 12 not this one! FFS
    Everyone needs a good innocent girly hump every now & then.