TWs this Weekend %%



  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My PERSONAL opinion and message to Regen-

    You guys know by now that when IT gets ganked by multiple factions, they will defend the sure thing and probably won't show up to fight Regen. If you guys TRUELY wanted a nice long TW CHALLENGE, you would wait for IT, instead of doing 5 minute crystal rolls. If you can't wait 5 minutes for IT to do their own crystal roll and then come to Regen, then your actions so far have led me to believe that as much as you guys CLAIM to want a challenge, you ACTUALLY just want as much land as possible.

    Oh hush.
  • baldwinboy
    baldwinboy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The problem Chu would appear to be your numbers - summer has that affect every year etc. as Zero said charm costs add to attendance issues. That being said, as his screenshot showed, there was no challenge in A - a few of your uber DD could have taken care of them with a couple of barbs leaving the rest of you to be holding out in the Regen attack - at the very least if things then looked problematic in A war you could pull forces from those defending Regen but you would never have been at risk in A war and given yourself a chance in the Regen war but it isnt my place to critique your strategy only to suggest that your inference is clouded by undeniable facts based on reports from your own members as to how few were in the A war. (I use the term "war" loosely as I agree with Zero in that my interpretation of the TW bidding rules would suggest the A bid could easily constitute a fake bid.)

    Back on topic. I know we used to have to defend 2 and 3 way attacks regularly in Cala - early on we had to make adjustments to strategies but only once did we no show entirely to a faction - that was EQ and it pained me to tell faction we had to due to numbers. So please if you want to make an argument that it is about land and not having a good fight come up with something that has a little more substance behind it - we had no clue your attendance was off to the extent that it was or that your strategy against a sparsely populated faction like A would consist of your full force - at least Zero was open with regard to the real issue and I honestly hope as summer passes and charm costs drop that your numbers pick up as, lets face it, IT vs Regen are damn fun fights.

    As an aside was nice to have you guys attack us on Saturday, thus ensuring a good IT vs Regen war; and for the record, please never wait for our other wars to be concluded that's the fun and the challenge of the 2 and 3 way attacks.

    b:thanks BB
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    BB posted on PWI forums o.O

    Hi BB b:heart
  • Kamiller - Dreamweaver
    Kamiller - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yeah like zero stated our attendance is our biggest issue. Damn this summer time XD jk jk, lol! Anyways, like I mentioned earlier, we didn't know what to expect from A which was why we chose to defend that attack. It really sucks how it turned out because we could have had a much more fun and interesting TW with my favorite faction, Regen b:dirty Had A's TW begun before Regen's TW we for sure would have went into the Regen TW but it just didn't work out that way. Anyways, there is always next week, I have never missed 1 TW since joining InTandem so I'm sure you will see me there b:chuckle Let's make this upcoming TW's worth our summer weekend time ^^
  • Dsholder - Dreamweaver
    Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    A conclusion has been made that many reads believe me to be angry. As If i used any negative phrases. I've just simply put out the truth, and if those that read believe the truth in this thread is negative then that's your own personal fault.

    @ Zero : You can try to submit a report on fake bid, but let me say this. It wasn't a fake bid we had every intention to putting up a good fight and win. In fact! We made you send your entire force to the TW to fight us off and let you press your [NO-SHOW] button to the Regenesis TW.

    @ Aubree : You knew A only had 18 members online before the TW, so please don't pretend that you nor your faction didn't know the attendance, you used the A TW as a chance to no-show Regenesis. Would you of still pressed your [No-SHOW] button if A didn't bid at all? You TW purely for the money incentive.

    Click Below:

    Aubree Tws for Pay

    @Drunken_Chu : If it's really about the challenge than land, then you're in the wrong faction. You know what's Intandem is about. Play to win and win we will. Need Prooferz??? Click Below:

    Pay & Play to Win

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
  • Kristam - Dreamweaver
    Kristam - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I hate to say this but I'm beginning to feel sorry for you. I don't know you or why you are the way you are but if you are like this on a game that's ment to be played for fun and to meet people I really hate to imagine what your real life must be like. This is just a game. b:shutup Everyone does things differently that's what makes a person an individual. Just because things don't happen the way you believe they should doesn't make the other person wrong. I hope that eventually you can actually enjoy yourself doing something that's ment to be fun and not bring other people down on a daily basis as well as spread hate around, it's very pathetic. D:
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    A conclusion has been made that many reads believe me to be angry. As If i used any negative phrases. I've just simply put out the truth, and if those that read believe the truth in this thread is negative then that's your own personal fault.

    @ Zero : You can try to submit a report on fake bid, but let me say this. It wasn't a fake bid we had every intention to putting up a good fight and win. In fact! We made you send your entire force to the TW to fight us off and let you press your [NO-SHOW] button to the Regenesis TW.

    @ Aubree : You knew A only had 18 members online before the TW, so please don't pretend that you nor your faction didn't know the attendance, you used the A TW as a chance to no-show Regenesis. Would you of still pressed your [No-SHOW] button if A didn't bid at all? You TW purely for the money incentive.

    Click Below:

    Aubree Tws for Pay

    @Drunken_Chu : If it's really about the challenge than land, then you're in the wrong faction. You know what's Intandem is about. Play to win and win we will. Need Prooferz??? Click Below:

    Pay & Play to Win

    Ds... I'm with Kamkiller on this one... I feel sorry for you.

    It IS a fake bid if you know darn well that you don't have the strength and/or numbers to defeat the faction you are attacking. And you can be certain that IT would NOT have no-showed the Regen war if we were the only attacker - they've never done that when they are only under one attack.

    And really... no one cares why Aubree TW's, no one cares why anyone does it. So she does it for pay, so what? That makes her the devil? Why was A doing it? I'm guessing for the purpose of attempting to win a land to GET PAID for it.

    You are making yourself look a fool here, sir. And nothing you say on these forums are going to make a bit of difference to anyone because, from what I can see, the majority of people who read your threads think you're a joke.

    Grow up, get a life, move on, get laid, something. But as far as I'm concerned, you just named and shamed on these forums and this thread should be closed - along with any other ignorant thread you decide to post in the future.
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ds, A's attack on InTandem was indeed considered a fake bid. You had no chance at winning. I'm too lazy to go back and find the post by Frankie, but it was indeed described as what A's attack clearly was. So before you go around bidding on factions that you clearly have no chance at winning, do your research.

    As Willow said quite wisely, "Grow up, get a life, move on, get laid, something."
  • BaldwinBoy - Dreamweaver
    BaldwinBoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ds - You have a beef with Aubree - we get it. The fact you address her in a thread she has had the good sense to avoid is comical. But your personal vendetta though once an irrelevance is of conseqence when A are clearly trying to interfere in the TW arena - maybe you had what 30 people bail out last minute and couldnt field 40-50 - i doubt it. If your faction wants to TW, and I dont think anyone is saying you shouldnt, then by all means bid on a suitable opponent - your choice of target suggests that TW was the last thing on your mind.

    (yes Willow I posted again - my post count was ridiculously low afterall)
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ds - You have a beef with Aubree - we get it. The fact you address her in a thread she has had the good sense to avoid is comical. But your personal vendetta though once an irrelevance is of conseqence when A are clearly trying to interfere in the TW arena - maybe you had what 30 people bail out last minute and couldnt field 40-50 - i doubt it. If your faction wants to TW, and I dont think anyone is saying you shouldnt, then by all means bid on a suitable opponent - your choice of target suggests that TW was the last thing on your mind.

    As always, wise words from my fearless leader. You could learn a thing or two here, Ds.

    BB b:heart
  • Dsholder - Dreamweaver
    Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I believe how I act in real life doesn't affect much of how I act in a game. I will say this though, I was right two weeks ago. Every prediction I have had has come true. A was strong enough to hold off over 40 Warmonger members for over an hour without all of our members online so, with supporting evidence we believed we where strong enough to affect a two vs. one war against Intandem.

    Regenesis didn't pay us any coin, this was all decided independently by statistics based off of Intandem's leadership past. You can't claim it's a fake bid and then no-show the other competition.

    We did have enough force to scare the leader of Intandem into focusing purely onto our TW field, therefore we are not eligible to be considered a fake bid. Anyone remember what happened when Aubree was leader of Equinox and [no-showed] against Calamity to TW vs. Inversion and try farm them to show them, "hey if you gank us we'll farm you."

    Also, if Frankie is reading this, can you please tell the other readers that A bidding on Intandem isn't a fake bid? I find it childish they'd try to mass submit tickets because they lost a land.

    For members of Intandem: Stop preaching that you do TW for fun or play for fun, then falsely try to report other players, kill still in CoA, try to pk low lvls then get yourself farmed by their lv. 103+ mains and their main's friends; or threaten to report when we follow the TW rule system. You say you play for fun when your members disrupt players cube runs by killing them for -fun-. I say this, I don't allow Anyone, not even an employer to have fun at my expense. You call it QQ, I call it change.

    If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
  • Spearangel - Dreamweaver
    Spearangel - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I believe how I act in real life doesn't affect much of how I act in a game. I will say this though, I was right two weeks ago. Every prediction I have had has come true. A was strong enough to hold off over 40 Warmonger members for over an hour without all of our members online so, with supporting evidence we believed we where strong enough to affect a two vs. one war against Intandem.

    Regenesis didn't pay us any coin, this was all decided independently by statistics based off of Intandem's leadership past. You can't claim it's a fake bid and then no-show the other competition.

    We did have enough force to scare the leader of Intandem into focusing purely onto our TW field, therefore we are not eligible to be considered a fake bid. Anyone remember what happened when Aubree was leader of Equinox and [no-showed] against Calamity to TW vs. Inversion and try farm them to show them, "hey if you gank us we'll farm you."

    Also, if Frankie is reading this, can you please tell the other readers that A bidding on Intandem isn't a fake bid? I find it childish they'd try to mass submit tickets because they lost a land.

    For members of Intandem: Stop preaching that you do TW for fun or play for fun, then falsely try to report other players, kill still in CoA, try to pk low lvls then get yourself farmed by their lv. 103+ mains and their main's friends; or threaten to report when we follow the TW rule system. You say you play for fun when your members disrupt players cube runs by killing them for -fun-. I say this, I don't allow Anyone, not even an employer to have fun at my expense. You call it QQ, I call it change.

    You need this more than I do buddy...

    I think they can help you.
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ds, EVERYONE plays this game for fun. Its a game. Thus why we play it. Do you know why people play games? To have fun. If someone has fun doing something you disagree with, you suck it up like a big boy and get over it.

    You're not making any "change." If you want "change" then you're executing it badly and coming off as a childish and spoiled brat.
  • haphazardness
    haphazardness Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ds, EVERYONE plays this game for fun. Its a game. Thus why we play it. Do you know why people play games? To have fun. If someone has fun doing something you disagree with, you suck it up like a big boy and get over it.

    You're not making any "change." If you want "change" then you're executing it badly and coming off as a childish and spoiled brat.

    Just curious, If you see a member of your faction being a jerk and farming a lv. 30 repeatedly, and let's say that level 30 was asking them to stop. Would you encourage your faction member to continue farming because they're having fun, or would you ask them to stop because they're annoying the level 30?
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    BB im so proud that you haven't made any typo's yet b:chuckle

    @Ds its just tw sweety don't get all emo about it
    @drunken Cala could defend multiple lands at once, therefore they earned it to paint the map red. If you cant handle ganks dont tw and stop QQ-ing about it.
    @willow love youb:dirty
    @the whole of Intandem: Can't wait for tw this weekendb:cute
  • haphazardness
    haphazardness Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ds, A's attack on InTandem was indeed considered a fake bid. You had no chance at winning. I'm too lazy to go back and find the post by Frankie, but it was indeed described as what A's attack clearly was. So before you go around bidding on factions that you clearly have no chance at winning, do your research.

    As Willow said quite wisely, "Grow up, get a life, move on, get laid, something."

    Interesting philosophy you have there too, If you truly believed we "A" had no chance of winning, why weren't you able to defend both "A" and "Regenesis"? You completey no-showed Regenesis. So, are you admitting you used the "A" Territory War as an excuse to not show up to the Regenesis Territory War, like some of your fellow faction members. Also I don't need people to tell me to get laid, I don't treat other humans as objects as I don't allow me to treat as an object. I highly don't expect you to reply here much more, your leader will tell you to stop replying and you'll say, "yes master."
  • GoodStart - Dreamweaver
    GoodStart - Dreamweaver Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    I say this, I don't allow Anyone, not even an employer to have fun at my expense.

    Just a heads up Ds, I think nearly everyone that has taken the time to read this thread is having fun at your expense.

    (this coming from an extremely neutral point of view)
  • FatherTed - Dreamweaver
    FatherTed - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This thread makes my foot itch.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Just curious, If you see a member of your faction being a jerk and farming a lv. 30 repeatedly, and let's say that level 30 was asking them to stop. Would you encourage your faction member to continue farming because they're having fun, or would you ask them to stop because they're annoying the level 30?

    i didnt see for ages anyone at lvl30 going pk mode. other than this there is an harressment report...and i never saw any IT member get reported cause of harassement on lower levels. they "farm" players at equal you prolly thinking to go on your level 30 alt to OT just to find a reason to submit a ticket. All you have to do, is to mention your name and you will get farmed nonstop... yes...your life is that borring, and yes noone really likes you.

    Btw...before you bother about IT farming lvl30 players that dont exist, look at your own faction. Me and many others saw how awesome they are at pulling AOE bosses into safe zone. hypocrite much?
    Click Below:
    Aubree Tws for Pay

    Dont get this one..i go work as well for money. Whats wrong about that? She is a leader of a faction. You should know that you need like 15mil+/- for each TW. I wouldnt bother to TW either if i have to spend that much money each week alone.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    Click Below:

    Aubree Tws for Pay

    According to that, I also TW for pay :o

    Shame on me! b:surrender
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    We did have enough force to scare the leader of Intandem into focusing purely onto our TW field, therefore we are not eligible to be considered a fake bid.

    I totally lol'd at this sentence, (well okay, at pretty much everything you say, but this one in particular).

    You didn't "scare" IT into anything, (granted, I'm Regen and know nothing of what IT thinks, but I do have a brain and know how to use it, so...). From a totally outside perspective, (I wasn't in any of the wars this whole thread speaks of), IT did the smart thing, the sure thing, by no-showing Regen and fully defending against A - this way they were guaranteed to lose only one land rather than taking the chance of splitting their forces and possibly losing both lands if for some reason A had more than 18 members online at war time.

    My recommendation to A (hi KillerPuzzy if you bother with these forums b:heart I miss you!) is to use a forum, have TW sign-ups, (if you don't already), and evaluate where to bid based on the number of sign-ups by the time bidding rolls around - not enough sign-ups? Don't bother bidding on a faction like IT when you know you won't have enough online at war time to beat them - and it'll take a full 80, I guarantee, because IT is certainly no joke on the battlefield.

    It was my original understanding that A was formed "for fun," so if the bid on IT was just to mess around, fine. But if A is serious on taking land, try to take it elsewhere, because if you can only get 18 online for a TW, you'll never take an IT land unless it's in a 3-way gank and they choose your bid to no-show.

    I am of the opinion now that perhaps you, Ds, had hoped IT would no-show A to fully defend Regen, giving A a basically free land. Better luck next time.
  • Drunken_Chu - Dreamweaver
    Drunken_Chu - Dreamweaver Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm not QQing, TW is purely voluntary, and TW ganking is part of the game. I was just responding to Willowgirls post about not having a challenge. If Regen wanted a challenge then they would have one by simply waiting a few minutes. I don't care if Calamity could defend multiple factions, IT is not Calamity. However its more likely that Willowgirl was speaking for Willowgirl, not for all of Regen.
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm not QQing, TW is purely voluntary, and TW ganking is part of the game. I was just responding to Willowgirls post about not having a challenge. If Regen wanted a challenge then they would have one by simply waiting a few minutes. I don't care if Calamity could defend multiple factions, IT is not Calamity. However its more likely that Willowgirl was speaking for Willowgirl, not for all of Regen.

    Bingo, I speak for myself only - I am not an officer or anything in Regen, only a completely loving, loyal member for as long as my pixels live and for as long as Regen will have me.

    And my next question is this: If it were Regen facing the gank, would IT wait for us to finish a smaller war before making a push on our crystal? Would any faction? I think not.

    All's fair in love and war.
  • Drunken_Chu - Dreamweaver
    Drunken_Chu - Dreamweaver Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Answer: No we would not, because Regen is arguably the strongest faction on the server, so a gank just levels the playing field. Also if Regen did not exist and IT only had targets like EQ, I wouldn't put it past us to wait for a 1v1, because spending so much coin/$$$ for gear just to have a no show really does suck, and a good TW is one thing keeping our player base around. Lastly, Armagedon used to do that kind of thing all the time.

    Once again all my posts are my own opinion and not a reflection of IT.
  • BaldwinBoy - Dreamweaver
    BaldwinBoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Apologies to the OP but this thread has officially been derailed by commonsense. b:laugh
  • Lissan - Dreamweaver
    Lissan - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Apologies to the OP but this thread has officially been derailed by commonsense. b:laugh

    Rejection and hate blinds people unfortunately b:chuckle
  • PenutButer - Dreamweaver
    PenutButer - Dreamweaver Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Rejection and hate blinds people unfortunately b:chuckle


    I miss you b:cry
  • Viscosity - Dreamweaver
    Viscosity - Dreamweaver Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    +1 post count

    also... -eats popcorn-

    But seriously, I think the ganks making TWing more fun. I for one am not complaining if Regen gets ganked. It gives the opportunity for all the people who signed up for TW to enjoy that aspect of the game. Ganking also encourages the faction to apply tactics they wouldn't normally do in a regular 1 v 1. Its interesting to see what the faction that is being ganked will do.
  • BaldwinBoy - Dreamweaver
    BaldwinBoy - Dreamweaver Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Vis!!! no padding your post count.....! b:avoid

    Oh thats right Vis add something now to make the post appear meaningful :P Although, I totally agree with what you said.
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Vis!!! no padding your post count.....! b:avoid

    Oh thats right Vis add something now to make the post appear meaningful :P Although, I totally agree with what you said.

    BB grats to 3rd post b:chuckle
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh