TWs this Weekend %%

Dsholder - Dreamweaver
Dsholder - Dreamweaver Posts: 626 Arc User
edited July 2011 in Tideswell (East)
Intandem's leader underestimated their faction, or wanted to farm the members of A because of A members pking Intandem lately, showing Intandem they don't own everything.

A only had 18 members on, but the leader of Intandem thought the threat was to large to defend vs. both Regenesis and A. It was just to complicated for them to figure out the defence so they sent a full 80 vs. 18 people.

Please post how you'd done if you where the leader of Intandem, weather you could of turtled both or just give up the Regenesis TW completely too.

If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.
Post edited by Dsholder - Dreamweaver on


  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Is your butthurt era over yet? Nobody gave or will ever give a fishpoop about it. b:bye
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    While I'm not a fan of InTandem.. it does make sense to go for the sure thing instead of trying to win both wars or trying to beat Regenisis and possibly lose both lands...

    Oh.. also..

    Ds you take this game waaaaaay too seriously, stop beeing so butthurt over every little thing. "QQ I r gunna makez thred aboutz how IT iz had does fight mah factionz cuz dey is dun wantz ter fights Regenimasis" Grow the **** up you sorry *** crybaby. If you're gonna whine and about every little thing at least have the decency to make sure they're important.

    F*cking idiot.
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Wow Zan b:cute You said what I always wanted to say but am too nice to.
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    It doesn't matter what we would do, what matters is what she did.

    Sure it's a controversial decision among many people, and even people in "IT;" however, she had a choice to make, and choose the easy target to defend, there is nothing wrong with that, every fight IT has had with regensis to the best of my knowledge was hard fought on both sides, and as history as shown us all, even with a full 80, regensis is still good/strong enough to beat even IT, which is the faction that has the best chance at beating them... when it's 1 on 1, and as I am sure some people have noticed IT, hasn't bidded on Regensis in a while now, again nothing wrong with that, IT/the old eq has always had trouble beating regensis/calamity especially when there is a coin incentive such as coins for the more lands a faction owns.

    No matter how unpopular a lot of Intandem decisions/members have been, all the hate towards everyone in IT, is getting really out of hand, IT, is no different then any other faction out there. Every faction has members that do questionable things, that make the rest of their faction members look like they all do it/that faction is a complete... well for the lack of a better word... bad faction, and not in a good light.

    I have seen numerous assaults against IT, namely by the same person over and over again, we understand that you are passionate about your hate, but stop channeling it into negativity DS, feed on that hate, and use it as a recruitment tool. (Just be careful how you use it as a recruitment tool if you recruit for your faction, as bashing them, could just as easily turn new members away... but meh whatever you do, I wont try to stop you in game, or here, don't really like the drama. xD) You are just making yourself look bad, and as a side effect your faction and it's leaders, for not putting a stop to the nonsense you constantly spew over world chat. (granted I once agreed with some of the 'nonsense,' and perhaps a part of me still does agree with you, but I am certainly not going to voice them here, much less world chat over and over again.) Then again it is their faction, and if they are fine with you as a member then more power to them. :)

    I know another long winded post by Slivaf
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Niner - Dreamweaver
    Niner - Dreamweaver Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    While i dont really like IT myself...theres no point in making a thread about this....who cares what they do?
    just let them be....would u like it if people made forum threads about everything bad that u did? o.o
  • Nael - Dreamweaver
    Nael - Dreamweaver Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Lol full 80. Is that what it looked like from your end?
    I didn't even want to bother because I knew A was a waste of time (and it was).
    For the record I didn't agree with how the defenses were handled tonight either. Leaders had good intention, just didn't turn out well.
    Hey A, do all of us a favor and keep your silly little shenanigans at OT. You can be an *** all you want there I don't care, just don't interfere in TW's because that's the only thing many of our members have left in this game.

    I just feel sorry for the good people in Regen who were looking forward to this week's double TW as I was.
  • Liliai - Dreamweaver_1330589035
    Liliai - Dreamweaver_1330589035 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2011

    Wow...never thought I'd say this but...

    Zan lol :o

    And yah, DS, give it up already.
    All this QQing of yours is getting pretty boring~
    \\\ You were born an original. Don't die a copy. \\\

    ~My Characters~
    {Liliai - 101 Mystic} ♥ {Schulyer - 101 Psychic} ♥ {Adilah - 95 Veno} ♥ {/\rri - 71 Assassin}

    *Currently taking a break from the game*
  • Loarvion - Dreamweaver
    Loarvion - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    IT is just doin what old eq used to do but in there defense this is the safest course of action

    Calamity RIP 6/11/2010 same day as my birthday tyvm whoever destroyed it for lovely birthday present ;) almost 3 years u will be forever missed

    what will happen now
  • Viscosity - Dreamweaver
    Viscosity - Dreamweaver Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I've always viewed IT as the old EQ when (ironically) Aburee was the leader. Their actions seam no different than what they used to do back then.
  • IFarmMyShet - Dreamweaver
    IFarmMyShet - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    nice % for someone that was 102 not a month agob:avoid
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    nice % for someone that was 102 not a month agob:avoid

    Yup ;o I sense a hypocrite.
    I've always viewed IT as the old EQ when (ironically) Aburee was the leader. Their actions seam no different than what they used to do back then.

    We discussed this before, Nami, but its the same reason people see Regen as Cala, still. b:surrender Every faction will deny it, but it still stands. Then again, a leader of a faction leads his/her way in their style. As an IT member, I feel Aubree should not be bound to her time leading EQ.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Yup ;o I sense a hypocrite.

    I do too... tickets at the ready everyone, let's get him banned for abusing a glitch. b:cool
  • Namari - Dreamweaver
    Namari - Dreamweaver Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I didn't want to say anything because I did have some respect for Ds. But week...after week...after week. Of endless qq about IT. It gets old. And maybe I'm just hormonal for a little while longer at least, but I'm kinda sick of it.

    I will admit that there are some members of IT that I may never get along with. I will also admit that I've poked fun at them with my half-TW reports (I mean no harm, folks). But seriously, IT reminds me of old-school EQ in the sense that some decisions made by the leadership isn't always the most popular. But it made for some really epic TW's back when Cala ruled the server.

    In other words: I'm out of ****ing popcorn, man. Quit it for a while.

    Hi Loar! Hi Vis! *licks*

    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.

    My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle

    Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Comparing IT to EQ is like comparing apples to oranges, only EQ are the oranges and IT are the apples, but apples that are all full of worms and totally unpalatable. The only comparison is, like apples and oranges are both fruit, EQ and IT are both factions - in my opinion, the similarities end there. From my viewpoint, IT is little more than all the rejects, the place where the biggest jerks in the game finally end up because no other faction wants them. (I will apologize here to any in IT who may not actually be jerks, as I'm sure there must be at least a few because every faction has it's good and it's bad members.)

    I wasn't in TW last night myself, but I will actually give IT a little credit on these particular wars - a smart move was made in defending only one war, the "sure thing" war, rather than trying to split their forces and take a chance on losing two, rather than only one, land. In case you didn't know, defending factions aren't actually able to see how many people are online in the attacking faction... They went with the likely choice for a successful defense is all.

    Ds, I don't know you personally, but I would recommend some anger management classes to you. It's. Just. A. Game. Yet it clearly makes you a little crazy inside (I've seen more than enough threads with your name on them to see that you have some serious rage buildup) and I think maybe it would be best if you took a break, took a step back, and stopped letting the actions of others in a world made of pixels cause you so much anger. Who cares what IT does or what decisions it's leader makes or how they defend or attack or anything? All you are doing is feeding their egos by giving any kind of attention to them, so stop it already.

    And really.... A attacked IT, not the other way around, and you guys attacked likely knowing you couldn't throw a full 80 into the fight yourselves, so what did you expect? To win with 18 people in there? Or did you just hope IT would fully defend Regen, allowing you an easy win? Get a therapist and pay them to care when you QQ because I'm thinking that no one here cares.

    And hiiiii Zanny, I loves you!
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Comparing IT to EQ is like comparing apples to oranges, only EQ are the oranges and IT are the apples, but apples that are all full of worms and totally unpalatable. The only comparison is, like apples and oranges are both fruit, EQ and IT are both factions - in my opinion, the similarities end there. From my viewpoint, IT is little more than all the rejects, the place where the biggest jerks in the game finally end up because no other faction wants them. (I will apologize here to any in IT who may not actually be jerks, as I'm sure there must be at least a few because every faction has it's good and it's bad members.)

    Only quoting this paragraph since I want to refrain from commenting on anything else, regardless of how much truth you spoke.

    As for this paragraph, I am not so sure I agree with your analogy, though I do get what your trying to say that the Eq that is now, is not IT, likewise for any other faction that may have ties to IT.

    I think its more like this... old eq was like a red apple, and the IT we have now is a green apple, the new Eq we see today is like a Silver orange. b:avoid (please don't take any disrespect if you wanted to be a different fruit, and if you did, sorry. D:)

    What I mean by those comparisons is that while IT is definitely not eq, It will always be compared to the 'OLD Eq' after all the shadows of our past have a tendency to follow us around, and hound us until the days we are ALL able to move on from the past. It is the same case for regensis, they will always be known as the faction that left calamity behind, and had a rebirth with a new name, albeit still as powerful as always. ;x

    A new name doesn't change the opinion that other people have of you and your faction members, the past does always seem to find the sneakiest ways of catching up to us. =X

    (I am not trying to be mean or disrespectful to anyone, IT, and Equinox are by far two separate factions in this day and age, as is every faction out there.)
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Hi Willow! :D
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Ds you take this game waaaaaay too seriously, stop beeing so butthurt over every little thing. "QQ I r gunna makez thred aboutz how IT iz had does fight mah factionz cuz dey is dun wantz ter fights Regenimasis" Grow the **** up you sorry *** crybaby. If you're gonna whine and about every little thing at least have the decency to make sure they're important.

    F*cking idiot.

    It's because Dsholder is about as emotionally developed as a pre-pubescent girl. That's why he cannot seem to get over his nerdrage.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • ColdSnow - Dreamweaver
    ColdSnow - Dreamweaver Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Are you trying to play the moraliser for your faction? As i know your leaders alt (in A faction as well) and an officer of your faction got reported with screenshot for luring AOE boss into snowy village b:chuckle
    It was IT barb who agroed him and lured him away and it was me and Regen cleric who rezzed and healed him and others.
    Work/Look on reputation of your faction first before pointing fingers at others.

    First at all it werent even 80 people in IT. Second dont attack if you dont expect to win against them in any way (full 80 or full 30, doesnt matter).

    Strange that your leader started to bash a drama on worldchat today, complaining about IT, even tho it was him who attacked them and had "only" 18ppl. Its like complaining that the thief couldnt steal the wallet, cause he didnt had enough friends with him. Get more people, dont blame IT for lack of members.

    From my viewpoint, IT is little more than all the rejects, the place where the biggest jerks in the game finally end up because no other faction wants them.

    Thats wrong, Ds got rejected.
    If i m trolling and spamming on forum...then i cant sleep and need a good laugh
  • HexOmega - Dreamweaver
    HexOmega - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,342 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    b:heart willow

    oya we were looking forward to 3hour tw,

    teh friends i have in IT and me were excited to have two full-time TWs this weekend
    and - well ya friday was ...disappointing for both parties really

    regen had difficulty building good squads too, we barely hit 80 on friday and no buff rainbow, some classes seriously missing

    then finally with full base buff, newly made apoth and everything expecting 80 vs 80 full turtle fun war it turned out to be a crystal bash QQ lame
    i like potato
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    b:heart willow

    oya we were looking forward to 3hour tw,

    teh friends i have in IT and me were excited to have two full-time TWs this weekend
    and - well ya friday was ...disappointing for both parties really

    regen had difficulty building good squads too, we barely hit 80 on friday and no buff rainbow, some classes seriously missing

    then finally with full base buff, newly made apoth and everything expecting 80 vs 80 full turtle fun war it turned out to be a crystal bash QQ lame

    I crystal bashed your mom last night. b:avoid
  • Kristam - Dreamweaver
    Kristam - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Kamiller from InTandem btw, was too lazy to switch toons. Anyways, Regen fights are my favorite!! Love you guys, the fun never fails and awesome job you all did at our crystal XD Can't wait for next week b:dirty Anyways, I have nothing against anyone in this game or because of the faction they are in. I have never been a member of Cala/Regen or EQ and am in InTandem so it's just funny to hear everyone always saying InTandem is purely old EQ, not that there is anything wrong with that. Also, like mentioned earlier, every faction has a few bad apples that doesn't make the entire faction a bunch of *** wipes. I have never had a problem with anyone and nerd fought before because I play this game for the sole purpose of having fun and making friends ^^ Anyways, we can all be adults here or you can act like you are still in the 6th grade, your choice. About the TW's, they are done based on what is believed to be the best strategy not based on what everyone on the server thinks we should be doing. Fighting new factions is a learning exp. We can't know everything about everyone and know exactly what to expect. TW was not on our side this weekend but again, we are still learning. Same thing as our attack on Regen, we are learning and evolving, give us a break XD Just because most are from old TW factions doesn't mean there aren't lessons to be learned still. Anyways, peace and love DW.

    PS, sorry I was all over the place, I tend to do that a lot b:surrender
  • Namari - Dreamweaver
    Namari - Dreamweaver Posts: 598 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Fighting new factions is a learning exp. We can't know everything about everyone and know exactly what to expect.

    Agreed 100%. I'm in Vanquish and about a month or so ago we went against o_o. My alt was in it at one time, so I knew that there were a few members in there that are Regen alts (maybe other factions' alts by now, but back then it was mostly Regen alts). I thought it would be an easy fight. Then we went in and was like "wth is this ****?!!" I think that was the most frustrating TW I've ever been in, and I was in Calamity, so I know what frustrating TW's are like.

    Even the TW against FAMINE last night was a shock to me; I lost half my charm (yes, a psychic lost half a charm; after about 15 one-hits within 10 minutes, you tend to get a bullseye on your ***) to a faction that we all thought were going to be 5-minute wonders. I can't remember how long it lasted, but it lasted a lot longer than 5 minutes, and we learned that you should never underestimate a faction.
    Censorship is the bane of creativity. Censorship is the bane of personality. Most of all...censorship is the bane of identity.

    My main is Ivy_. I'm better known as Destini. Also known as _Yvi. Yes, I have an identity crisis. b:chuckle

    Looking for a signature for this character. Wanna make me one?
  • WillowGirl - Dreamweaver
    WillowGirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Kamiller from InTandem btw, was too lazy to switch toons. Anyways, Regen fights are my favorite!! Love you guys, the fun never fails and awesome job you all did at our crystal XD Can't wait for next week b:dirty Anyways, I have nothing against anyone in this game or because of the faction they are in. I have never been a member of Cala/Regen or EQ and am in InTandem so it's just funny to hear everyone always saying InTandem is purely old EQ, not that there is anything wrong with that. Also, like mentioned earlier, every faction has a few bad apples that doesn't make the entire faction a bunch of *** wipes. I have never had a problem with anyone and nerd fought before because I play this game for the sole purpose of having fun and making friends ^^ Anyways, we can all be adults here or you can act like you are still in the 6th grade, your choice. About the TW's, they are done based on what is believed to be the best strategy not based on what everyone on the server thinks we should be doing. Fighting new factions is a learning exp. We can't know everything about everyone and know exactly what to expect. TW was not on our side this weekend but again, we are still learning. Same thing as our attack on Regen, we are learning and evolving, give us a break XD Just because most are from old TW factions doesn't mean there aren't lessons to be learned still. Anyways, peace and love DW.

    PS, sorry I was all over the place, I tend to do that a lot b:surrender

    Well-said, and yes, last night's TW was a total blast (and I'm not just saying that because we won, I promise!). I'd always rather have a challenge than a 5-minute crystal bash and, when it's possible for IT to do so, they never fail to give us that challenge.

    It takes time for factions to build and grow and learn to work together as a team - and this is where Regen has an edge because so many of us have worked together for so long. I surely look forward to many more challenging TWs like the ones we've fought with IT these last couple of months - logging on, spending an hour or more preparing, buying charms, etc., and then finishing a TW in under 10 minutes always feels like such a let-down, so it's really very nice to have had the TW we did last night, (again, not just because we won, but because we were challenged and had to fight hard for the win).
  • Lissan - Dreamweaver
    Lissan - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well-said, and yes, last night's TW was a total blast (and I'm not just saying that because we won, I promise!). I'd always rather have a challenge than a 5-minute crystal bash and, when it's possible for IT to do so, they never fail to give us that challenge.

    It takes time for factions to build and grow and learn to work together as a team - and this is where Regen has an edge because so many of us have worked together for so long. I surely look forward to many more challenging TWs like the ones we've fought with IT these last couple of months - logging on, spending an hour or more preparing, buying charms, etc., and then finishing a TW in under 10 minutes always feels like such a let-down, so it's really very nice to have had the TW we did last night, (again, not just because we won, but because we were challenged and had to fight hard for the win).

    I miss TWing b:cry
  • Xx_Zero_xX - Dreamweaver
    Xx_Zero_xX - Dreamweaver Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    hey Ds ... 18 ppl online in the faction, 10 of them catshops or f.k'n around at OT cuz this wasnt a serious TW at all for u guys .. for us yes.we wanted some fun with Regenesis but lately sign ups arent looking good some days . so many people in vacation and others cant afford charms sometimes with them being we couldnt risk losing 2 wars... so pls stop talking sht that aint true k , and quit the game alrdy nothing else u can do bsides trolltrolltroll /facepalm b:bye


    how many people were there LOL ... like really u say 18? hell.... 18 people is 4 squads and 1/3 of one at least theres some1 to KILL u can see i was standing there doing nothing when i took the SS because there was absolutely no people.... learn how to count man b:shutup
    btw if any complains about the BoA's on spawn point... nothing u can do since u guys atacked b:victory
  • Xx_Zero_xX - Dreamweaver
    Xx_Zero_xX - Dreamweaver Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    forgot to say ... i miss you Lissan come back and TW b:cry b:angry b:cry
  • flooow
    flooow Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I miss TWing b:cry

    maybe you should stop being a pansy and log in for once :P

    Im still waiting for you to give me all ur stoof since u basically quit the game b:cry
  • FnBaronHero - Dreamweaver
    FnBaronHero - Dreamweaver Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I read alot of forums but I'm not really a massive poster, but COME ON Ds. Give the **** up lol.

    I log on, I see Ds QQ in world chat.
    I go to OT, I see Ds QQ in common chat.
    I leave OT, I see Ds QQ in my whispers.
    I LEAVE THE ENTIRE GAME - and I see Ds QQing on the internet. Next thing I'm waiting for a blimp to fly over my house with a banner blowing in the wind "InTandem are da noob derpa derpa me gone hate them i hav sin help meh derpa derpa. derp!".
    Seriously, if that happened, I wouldn't be as surprised as you might think.

    You got rejected, there there. We destroyed you when your BootyCamp nubs tried to gank us, there there. Now seriously, get out of our way and let us have the fights with Regenesis that we want to have - let the only two faction on server capable of having fun endgame TWs actually fight against each other proper, or stop complaining that we owned you in both factions you were in that thought they stood a chance.

    I'm not arrogant, I'm a realist. Noone except Regenesis stands a chance of beating IT in a 1v1 and vice versa. We aren't gonna send anything BUT full force to anyone that we plan to defend from because it's happened in the past we have underestimated factions and lost when we knew we could have won.

    Seriously bro. Get a life, and a bandaid for your butt-hurt ****. And some, like, friends.
  • Xx_Zero_xX - Dreamweaver
    Xx_Zero_xX - Dreamweaver Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    well said Baron.. u da man bro b:cool i love u b:laugh b:heart
  • Drunken_Chu - Dreamweaver
    Drunken_Chu - Dreamweaver Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My PERSONAL opinion and message to Regen-

    You guys know by now that when IT gets ganked by multiple factions, they will defend the sure thing and probably won't show up to fight Regen. If you guys TRUELY wanted a nice long TW CHALLENGE, you would wait for IT, instead of doing 5 minute crystal rolls. If you can't wait 5 minutes for IT to do their own crystal roll and then come to Regen, then your actions so far have led me to believe that as much as you guys CLAIM to want a challenge, you ACTUALLY just want as much land as possible.