Let's talk FC glitch (read first)



  • jaxaether
    jaxaether Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Yet, look at what the previous few posters in support of banning people have been saying. Go read it and tell everyone here that is not basically their whole argument. I'm not responsible for responding to every single post, just as you have clearly not read every single post that I have written concerning the matter.

    Actually I have. I've taken the time to read all the posts. And it's pretty clear you don't understand the issues at hand. To choose a few recent comments as an indicator that people don't have valid arguments beyond "it's against the rules" is specious. To say that unless people have leveled in the cube "the hard way" like you did, they have no room to comment is specious. So while I've read what you have to say, I don't give it much, if any, credence.
  • sethh
    sethh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Glitch FC is actually doing some drastical changes in game's economy like every glitch in other game (like jaxaether already explained shortly) It is the fact glitch is like over a month in game and Dev don't listen to you guys. I don't know how people can stand this kind of service...
    b:pleasedI'm ignorant :)
  • Massad - Harshlands
    Massad - Harshlands Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    jaxaether wrote: »
    People have given plenty of reasons beyond a simple "it's against the rules". Sadly, others are too lazy to actually read the reasons given. Probably a lot of the same people who are too lazy to actually play the content of the game, and have no problem with players reaching end game in 2-3 week's time.

    I see no point in reiterating the reasons exploiting this glitch is properly bannable. Why not actually either read what others have already pointed out many, many times in these 117 pages, or try to independently think through what it means to game play for so many players to completely skip through all of the game content? Wanna think more about how the ingame economy might be affected by so many endgame players?

    Or you can continue to plug your ears, and alternate yelling "lalalalalala" and "stop QQing", and make yourselves look even sillier. You're only pointing out your inability to understand the issues at hand.

    Not plugging my ears...I have thought about the economy... More endgame players means an increase for endgame equipment, this in turn drives up current gold prices (as was already commented on) with the higher gold prices and an increase in more players needing the endgame gear... Higher demand shorter supply= raised prices on items... Which will in turn cause the gold prices to further increase above the initial in flux.

    This is all fine and dandy for me because I have about 150 gold or so waiting to sell at the next huge spike. I dabble a lil bit in gold selling, and trading.

    A list of my toons

    Starting on pwmay I have a 100 bm lvled through questing, and zhenning. No bh runs and no fc's

    I have a 55 barb on same server same story...

    Move to pwi

    I have an 81 bm

    a 100 r8 archer

    a 96 r7 wiz

    a 59 archer

    87 sin

    56 cleric

    78 barb

    72 psy

    90 cleric

    To cut this short I have... 4 (I think) accounts with max # of toons on each

    Have I not payed my dues in lvling yet?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Other names include but not limited to LOKl_ _ClRCE_, _AnGeal_
  • Aizza - Harshlands
    Aizza - Harshlands Posts: 719 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Not plugging my ears...I have thought about the economy... More endgame players means an increase for endgame equipment, this in turn drives up current gold prices (as was already commented on) with the higher gold prices and an increase in more players needing the endgame gear... Higher demand shorter supply= raised prices on items... Which will in turn cause the gold prices to further increase above the initial in flux.

    This is all fine and dandy for me because I have about 150 gold or so waiting to sell at the next huge spike. I dabble a lil bit in gold selling, and trading.

    Well, the thing here is - most of the people that farm hard, vend hard - are not vending for end game gear. They are vending for people that DO level old school or are hitting TT and want to gear up their toons.

    I have a sin 101 w/ 5aps, and now a R9 Wep (soon to get the armor/adorn and then +10 it all) but she is for PVP...

    I actually have toons (one of each class) I level old school and have alot of fun doing it. I do not use my Sin or 100 Veno to help this toon for culti and such, I just join a guild, help them - let them help me and have a ton of fun (w/o them knowing my main).

    I found that there is alot of fun with playing old school and even when I log at lunch time, I work on their cultis or farm for mats so they can learn to craft their own gear, and make their own pots.

    So okay, I made my peace with those in a RUSH RUSH to get to 105, for what ever reason - because what DO they have left to do? Honestly.. they missed so very much.

    Me? I'll log today, hop on one of my alts, work on her culti, continue to make friends, have fun and farm hard on these most amazing maps (environments).

    Sometimes, you have to just do what makes you happy and not bend to the peer pressure. Any any time I can power level my alts, but I had a ton of fun leveling my now 84 Psy the old way, my 89 Cleric the old way - and ... well - I think I won't worry about the others do anymore... just so I am having fun.

    Interesting thing? My small ones have met, farmed with and befriended people that auto-hated my main. And I see a pretty different side to them too...

    Well.. I think Perfect World is what you make it out to be. My small ones I do not support from my mains - everything they farm, is theirs. No $, no stuff, nothing from my main characters... and I find .. a continual challenge from this.

    Been playing PW since Jan 2008 - I think this.. is what keeps me from getting bored.
  • DeffyNature - Archosaur
    DeffyNature - Archosaur Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Ok, I'm just wondering, has a single player you know of been banned? If so, was it at least perma?
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I find it funny how so many people defend the glitch.

    What's wrong with you people? Is the need to be 105 that great?

    We all agree it's a glitch and in consequence it's bannable ( Gm's said so too I think). How can you even think of defending the glitchers?

    PW is a game and it has some rules, right?

    If a cyclist, is caught doing EPO he get's banned - because he's cheating - do you guys defend him/her too?

    If someone ends their school with a 12 grade ( 12/20 = 60% ) and hacks the school's database changing it to a 20 grade, would you defend them too??

    I know it's not exactly the same, but it's the same basis.... you cheat, you get banned...

    How hard can it be?
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Some people just can't tell the difference between rules and opinions.

    Rules ARE rules,you can bla-bla all you want but you must respect them.
    Its not like an opinion"I think differently and I have the rights to think differently".
    Rules ARE NOT based on your opinions.

    If you don't like the rules enjoy the consequences(Or keep dreaming you won't have any).
    The only way to beat a troll is....to troll him back b:angry
  • Nniotora - Lost City
    Nniotora - Lost City Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I find it funny how so many people defend the glitch.

    If someone ends their school with a 12 grade ( 12/20 = 60% ) and hacks the school's database changing it to a 20 grade, would you defend them too??

    I know it's not exactly the same, but it's the same basis.... you cheat, you get banned...

    How hard can it be?

    you gave a good example what i trying to prove atm lets take your example(in red) i agree but whats happening now is this. 1 person ( 12/20 = 60% ) and hacks the school's database changing it to a 20 grade while the other sleeps with the teacher and gets his/her grade up to 20/20 are the both wrong or not? since example 2 is commonly accepted here in this game by mod and player alike
    100% F2P legit 105 since starting this game. Full rank9 jaded +12 seeker. .tinyurl.com/nocashshopHaters gona hate cuz they cant play a game
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    jaxaether wrote: »
    Actually I have. I've taken the time to read all the posts. And it's pretty clear you don't understand the issues at hand. To choose a few recent comments as an indicator that people don't have valid arguments beyond "it's against the rules" is specious. To say that unless people have leveled in the cube "the hard way" like you did, they have no room to comment is specious. So while I've read what you have to say, I don't give it much, if any, credence.

    Because that particular poster's whole argument is that people level too easily for too little cost, I simply said who is he to set the standard on "too easy" considering how easy hyper FCC has been already. It's an empty statement in response to something equally empty.

    1-100 in a couple of days is nothing, people have done it before this glitch, people will still do it now, don't see the big difference. Look at the posters above me, looks like I'm proven right again.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    you gave a good example what i trying to prove atm lets take your example(in red) i agree but whats happening now is this. 1 person ( 12/20 = 60% ) and hacks the school's database changing it to a 20 grade while the other sleeps with the teacher and gets his/her grade up to 20/20 are the both wrong or not? since example 2 is commonly accepted here in this game by mod and player alike

    Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by the second example.....

    What is commonly accepted by mod and player alike?
  • Nniotora - Lost City
    Nniotora - Lost City Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by the second example.....

    What is commonly accepted by mod and player alike?

    seeling frost below 75 or selling 69 trophy mode as 80+ cuz its considered a disign flaw as you can see in ToS
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players

    which makes alot ppl including me beleive nothing is the matter as ppl can wc and do design flaw even tho accoring to toS you cant
    so example 1 is design flaw
    example 2 is exploiting any bugs/glitches
    EDIT; i dont care if they make it bannable i jsut wonder why we get a half ***** resolve
    100% F2P legit 105 since starting this game. Full rank9 jaded +12 seeker. .tinyurl.com/nocashshopHaters gona hate cuz they cant play a game
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Thank you for the explanation...

    Is selling heads a design flaw? Because you could always enter FC before the quest requested it to, but people never did it cause it was certain death b:laugh

    I'm not in favour of head selling ( check any of my posts about it ) but it seems to me it's not exactly a glitch... maybe it's a designer flaw as you said.

    I'm in favour of locking FCC to players under 75 too, so no plvling happens there b:sin

    Hell I'm not even in favour of hypers or training exotericas and stuff like that, lol.

    About the banning part, I still believe that IF a player glitches on purpuse, they should get banned.

    Still, I think that handling a large number of Dragoons is way harder than buying heads, I'll give that to the glitchers... I never said it was easy... just said they were cheating
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I find it funny how so many people defend the glitch.

    What's wrong with you people? Is the need to be 105 that great?

    We all agree it's a glitch and in consequence it's bannable ( Gm's said so too I think). How can you even think of defending the glitchers?

    PW is a game and it has some rules, right?

    If a cyclist, is caught doing EPO he get's banned - because he's cheating - do you guys defend him/her too?

    If someone ends their school with a 12 grade ( 12/20 = 60% ) and hacks the school's database changing it to a 20 grade, would you defend them too??

    I know it's not exactly the same, but it's the same basis.... you cheat, you get banned...

    How hard can it be?

    but leveling in PWI is not a cycling race. It's not a race unless you make it a race, what does getting a good time for the PWI race do? What would you get? A candy bar?

    Leveling in PWI is not like getting grades. Grades are a reflection of your performance in school, it lets you get into better colleges or help your chances in your first job search. What about levels in PWI?

    You can argue that grades are hard-earned, but levels in PWI is not...and haven't been for a year. It's like if your school grades so easily such that 99% of the people get easy As, does it matter as much if the bottom 1% **** for an A?

    Again, getting a fast time for levels gets you nothing, unless you are ready to charge more or farm more. This is why I wouldn't want anyone banned, because PWI is so bad.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Daedallus - Sanctuary
    Daedallus - Sanctuary Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    but leveling in PWI is not a cycling race. It's not a race unless you make it a race, what does getting a good time for the PWI race do? What would you get? A candy bar?

    Leveling in PWI is not like getting grades. Grades are a reflection of your performance in school, it lets you get into better colleges or help your chances in your first job search.

    You can argue that grades are hard-earned, but levels in PWI is not...and haven't been for a year. It's like if your school grades so easily such that 99% of the people get easy As, does it matter as much if the bottom 1% **** for an A?

    Again, getting a fast time for levels gets you nothing, unless you are ready to charge more or farm more. This is why I wouldn't want anyone banned, because PWI is so bad.

    I mostly agree with you... then why exploit a glitch to get to 105?

    I never said it was easy, or anyhing like that... I just call it like I see it... cheating.

    As to easy grades and the harm it is for that 1% to **** their A's... yes it's still wrong.

    Easy levelling is wrong IMO, that's why I'm against training esotericas and hypers ( bh's at least teach you squad dynamics ).

    Maybe PW is on easy mode now... that's too bad... kinda removes the challenge bit, huh?
  • toast223
    toast223 Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    PW is on cash shop mode sir
  • sethh
    sethh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    toast223 wrote: »
    PW is on cash shop mode since 2009 sir

    b:pleasedI'm ignorant :)
  • Massad - Harshlands
    Massad - Harshlands Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    If someone ends their school with a 12 grade ( 12/20 = 60% ) and hacks the school's database changing it to a 20 grade, would you defend them too??

    That hacker who changed his grade will most likely end up working for a government agency or major corporation on cyber threats with a 6 figure income.... So what if he cheated on his highschool papers... And to follow up with a poster on that.... The one who sleeps with the teacher probably becomes a member of congress, ceo of the major corporation.... Or a **** star... All pay 6 figures lol.

    Now you see I find that whole thing funny... Because I knew people were lieing to me about my grades in highschool... I flat out flunked every class I could in high school every year I was there. I tried to see how little of a score I could get (-4% on sophmore mathb:victory)
    Then finally I went and took my ged (without studying) scored super high and every part of it. Did college which was a breeze...

    Now I get paid alot of money to be very well armed and walk around the american desert reporting who and what I may find.(I put it that way so I don't narrow myself down to much).

    Like Jungle says I love my job


    If it was up to my highschool grades however I wouldn't have even qualified for a burger joint job let alone a fed. So defend the guy who ****... eh. I don't really care. That gets put onto his record and the right people see it and chances are... Poof he is driven a new lexus before you even finish collegeb:chuckle
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Other names include but not limited to LOKl_ _ClRCE_, _AnGeal_
  • jaxaether
    jaxaether Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Because that particular poster's whole argument is that people level too easily for too little cost, I simply said who is he to set the standard on "too easy" considering how easy hyper FCC has been already. It's an empty statement in response to something equally empty.

    1-100 in a couple of days is nothing, people have done it before this glitch, people will still do it now, don't see the big difference. Look at the posters above me, looks like I'm proven right again.

    You haven't actually been proven right even once. Keep trying though? LOL.
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    jaxaether wrote: »
    You haven't actually been proven right even once. Keep trying though? LOL.

    When the Earthgaurd came out a Sin on my old server rolled a Seeker. He was level 100 in under a week. This was before people were doing the dragon glitch, soooo yeah.... there's that. And stuff.

    Also, there's other ways to power level without FC, just saying. I was past 70 on Lothranis in a Week without a single FC.

    ^Not directed to the guy I quoted.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty


    I read the forums naked.
  • tuvoc777
    tuvoc777 Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    When the Earthgaurd came out a Sin on my old server rolled a Seeker. He was level 100 in under a week. This was before people were doing the dragon glitch, soooo yeah.... there's that. And stuff.

    Also, there's other ways to power level without FC, just saying. I was past 70 on Lothranis in a Week without a single FC.

    ^Not directed to the guy I quoted.

    The larger factions on sanc have been quietly doing the dragoon glitch for probably close to a year now, don't kid yourself. But I agree that there are other ways people can level obscenely quickly. Those, however, are not against the ToS, at least they haven't been ruled such by PWE/PWI personnel as far as I've seen.
  • ChidoriAkuma - Heavens Tear
    ChidoriAkuma - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    i kindof hope they "fix" this thing by just severely nerfing the XP you get out of the "glitch"-summoned mobs, but otherwise leave the technique functioning. because it seems like a pretty challenging and potentially fun grinding method to do just for the bragging rights, at least from the screenshots i've seen.

    they could just make up a diff mob with the same characteristics and that gives 1exp, switch the summon the boss makes and voila... you got a glitch that gives 1000000 dragoons of 1exp-1spirt each, then no1 will ever do that because the amount of experience against repair and pot bill isnt worth it, they really should hire me o,o
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    tuvoc777 wrote: »
    The larger factions on sanc have been quietly doing the dragoon glitch for probably close to a year now, don't kid yourself. But I agree that there are other ways people can level obscenely quickly. Those, however, are not against the ToS, at least they haven't been ruled such by PWE/PWI personnel as far as I've seen.

    Last I check it doesn't take anywhere close to a year to hit 103-105 on goons.... people hit it in a matter of weeks. I doubt they found something that got them that kind of xp, hit 102, then sat there like "You know what? Let's wait and level in half a year! Kay? Kay!". No. I don't buy that. Maybe one or two KNEW about the glitch a year ago, but as for actually taking part in it and leveling efficiently? I doubt it.

    The Sin I'm talking about did it legit, I knew him pretty well.. he freaking lived in FC, the same way he pretty much lived in TT/Nirvana on 2x. Way to make yourself look good by spouting nonsense about people doing the goon glitch a year ago without any real proof. Just sayin'.
  • rgog
    rgog Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    They should fix it so the glitch takes away exp. intstead of giving it, that would be funny!
  • jaxaether
    jaxaether Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Last I check it doesn't take anywhere close to a year to hit 103-105 on goons.... people hit it in a matter of weeks. I doubt they found something that got them that kind of xp, hit 102, then sat there like "You know what? Let's wait and level in half a year! Kay? Kay!". No. I don't buy that. Maybe one or two KNEW about the glitch a year ago, but as for actually taking part in it and leveling efficiently? I doubt it.

    The Sin I'm talking about did it legit, I knew him pretty well.. he freaking lived in FC, the same way he pretty much lived in TT/Nirvana on 2x. Way to make yourself look good by spouting nonsense about people doing the goon glitch a year ago without any real proof. Just sayin'.

    It's pretty common knowledge that the larger factions have been using the glitch since well before it was known to the general server population.

    And I think it's pretty funny that as an example of how easy it is to power-level to 100 without the glitch, you use a SIN who "freaking lived in FC". Yeah, that method is available to everybody...b:chuckle
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    jaxaether wrote: »
    It's pretty common knowledge that the larger factions have been using the glitch since well before it was known to the general server population.

    And I think it's pretty funny that as an example of how easy it is to power-level to 100 without the glitch, you use a SIN who "freaking lived in FC". Yeah, that method is available to everybody...b:chuckle

    When it became widely available people were hitting 105 in a matter of weeks.... you're saying that larger factions have been using this glitch before it was well known but for some reason never went past 102/103? That seems like a load of ****, why would they suddenly wanna hit 105 now instead of hitting it months and months ago when it would have been much larger of an advantage since not many people knew how? I'm thinking you only say that larger factions did it back then to back up your point, but that's a rather pointless thing to do since you have no evidence to back up your claim.

    I never said it was "easy" to power level to 100 without the glitch, I simply said a Sin on my server got his Seeker to 100 in about 4 days without it. I also never said that method was available, if you're gonna try to pick apart what I say at least make sure you actually understand what I said.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    jaxaether wrote: »
    It's pretty common knowledge that the larger factions have been using the glitch since well before it was known to the general server population.

    And I think it's pretty funny that as an example of how easy it is to power-level to 100 without the glitch, you use a SIN who "freaking lived in FC". Yeah, that method is available to everybody...b:chuckle

    This coming from someone who is NOT actually from a big faction. They must know more about us than we know about ourselves!

    but anyways...anyone remember the race to 100 when the first new servers just opened? What did people use? lol.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Teiw - Sanctuary
    Teiw - Sanctuary Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Well, back when the Archosaur server first opened up. People quested/grinded to 30. Some oracled to 70 (takes more gold/tokens/coins than I wanna think about). Did bh59 till 80 then fcced non stop to 100? I remember there wasn't a limit to how many times you could activate hypers back then. But back then I was such a noob I didn't know what "TT" or "FCC" was and why my veno was never invited XD.
  • LadyAlicia - Dreamweaver
    LadyAlicia - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    another this is if they cant fix it. then take the exp out of doing the fc and give some sweet reward at end of exp and spirit .
  • wontgetfooled
    wontgetfooled Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2011

    rename the game to -> heads&nubs
    run daily events -> happy gooning
    and everything is fine

    oh wait ...
    this actually happens ?
  • katahuexcel
    katahuexcel Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Make PV mobs drop wayyyyyyyyyy more EXP because i miss old school FC, P.stone prices are inflated cause no one wants to kill holeenb:cry Unless you make it where I can feed my genie, wings, or make runes with mirages?? The fairy boxes i get now overwhelm me with mirages b:shocked *Notice I didn't say fix it?*b:thanks