[Server maintenance tonight!] 5-31-11 [COMPLETE]



  • Miss_Hentai - Dreamweaver
    Miss_Hentai - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Venomancer, no matter how many alts and how many I'll make them in future,
    Venomancer will always stay my primary character
  • krisnda
    krisnda Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited May 2011
    I don't understand the repetitive comments, sure there's those "grinding days", but I love my veno and wouldn't go to any other class (but doesn't change the fact that I have alts.)

    Meh, to each his own.
  • mannysgirl
    mannysgirl Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I made a veno and still a veno it was a long hard path but fun still having fun with it. now im also building an archer lol who am i kidding i have one of every class except phy and mystic. but my veno is my favorite.
  • Myralis - Sanctuary
    Myralis - Sanctuary Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Started out as cleric.. got to 80ish or something..
    Got bored, TT or any instances pissed me off. Hated spamming Ironheart. Hated dying and having all responsibilty. Hated being there for heals alone while everyonhe else had fun.

    Figured venos look cool, made one.
    Got fascinated from the start, rolled through levels and retired my cleric more and more until I basically quit her at 91.

    And here I am today.. proud 101 veno, with both herc and nix and on my way to rank 8 :3 Lastly found the patience to get my cleric to 100 too, nirvana can quite be fun on her still. Funny, I had to get a veno for main to find fun in playing my cleric again lol

    Totally in love with veno^^ Knwoing bout aps and the power it brings but meh.. I'm playing for fun. And I'd be bored twitching things to death. Veno all the way ^__^
    [ -- Wolves - Alpha | Hurt me, I'll bite back. Hurt my pack, I'll snap your neck. -- ]
  • Praxalis - Archosaur
    Praxalis - Archosaur Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Was a cleric for over a year rolled mystic and am loving the new class. But regardless somehow I always end up being the darn healer so clericing never escapes my blood XD.

    Off topic-how much of the chinese updates (like phys immune nirvana boss + 1k fix) will we get tonight? b:surrender
  • monkeyshatter
    monkeyshatter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2011

    *Throws them*

    Monkey see, monkey get!

    Oh, wizard. When I quit, it was when levelling was still hard and painful....and stuff.

    My attention. You has it.

  • krittycat
    krittycat Posts: 4,187 Community Moderator
    edited May 2011
    My attention. You has it.


    PM me with what the heck your avatar is...I promise I won't spread the news all over the forums...

    b:chuckle*crosses fingers*

    The first class I played was a cleric. I quit him because A) I built him wrong, and B) I was playing a West Coast server (Sanctuary) while living on the East Coast (MD). I then proceeded to quit Sanctuary and create a barb on Dreamweaver, who I stuck with until I changed servers again, this time to Harshlands, where I am leveling a Seeker.

  • Amourie - Heavens Tear
    Amourie - Heavens Tear Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    once a cleric always a cleric b:dirty
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I started on Veno.

    And I officially retired it right after buying a Nix.

    It's broken, useless for endgame/PVP, and unless APS gets a cap reduction, or the playerbase becomes less stupid, it will be an unwanted class for endgame. I fail to see any reason to play it.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Infernia - Harshlands
    Infernia - Harshlands Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    PM me with what the heck your avatar is...I promise I won't spread the news all over the forums...

    b:chuckle*crosses fingers*

    The first class I played was a cleric. I quit him because A) I built him wrong, and B) I was playing a West Coast server (Sanctuary) while living on the East Coast (MD). I then proceeded to quit Sanctuary and create a barb on Dreamweaver, who I stuck with until I changed servers again, this time to Harshlands, where I am leveling a Seeker.


    I wouldnt think I was wrong if I said its Gargantakong. (His avie). Or one of the bosses using that model anyhoo :O

  • Dralighte - Harshlands
    Dralighte - Harshlands Posts: 1,540 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    My first char was a wiz... I really put bad stats, I gave up. I made a barb, it was to much boring...but I learned much by that timem, and I made this wiz b:cute
    Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Aracnius - Dreamweaver
    Aracnius - Dreamweaver Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    started as Archer \o/, after about lvl 36 i realised how hard it was to play this game... then i realised archers are not supposed to have magic b:surrender

    after him i started a psychic, the day the TB expansion came out, still playing him as my main

    since then i have restated the archer to be not fail \o/ now he is lvl 80 and a lot more active again
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:surrender
    -Waiting for the day they replace these stupid bear smilies with monkey ones
  • Jellytoast - Sanctuary
    Jellytoast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,295 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The first class I made was a cleric, but it was on Heaven's Tear. I found out my boyfriend played and swapped to the server he was on (Sanctuary) and made a cleric again. b:cute
    jellytoast - Demon Cleric
    Wizzypop - Demon Wizard

    "We cannot solve our problems with the same
    thinking we used when we created them." -Albert Einstein
  • Yukkuri - Heavens Tear
    Yukkuri - Heavens Tear Posts: 624 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Barb, because wolf.
    Information: It is proven that the majority of the Perfect World International player base suffers from "Motorcylophobia".

    -Every single patch to an MMO causes players to cry: "They Changed It, Now It Sucks". Every. Single. Patch. -Taken from TV Tropes.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The first class I played was a Cleric, I stuck with him for about two years. Every time I tried to play another class I'd just go right back to him, I really loved my Cleric and enjoyed running instances on him.

    Of course... I eventually began seriously levelling a new Blademaster and he soon became my main, I really enjoy being able to solo most of what I need and being able to do insane amounts of damage with him. I guess I'm just more suited to a Blademaster :P
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    <--- First Class and Chracter

    Even have another 102 Sage Cleric on a Different Server....I guess that is how much I love being a Cleric...b:surrenderb:chuckle

    (I have played every other character though, except Seeker xD)
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Sir_Puma - Raging Tide
    Sir_Puma - Raging Tide Posts: 780 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Hey all, we will be having server maintenance tonight from 11pm PDT until 1am PDT!

    What was the first class you chose to make when you first started playing PWI? Did you stick with it? Why or why not?

    Veno...Cause I was a animal tamer and liked it "elsewhere"

    Didn't stick with her, i'm a guy...And well beeing hit on and sent the occasionnal embrace, no thanks, not for me....b:surrender
    Proud supporter of the new expansion. Sure it has it's share of bugs, like any games. But for a pure farmer/grinder, that's a whole lot of new mobs to go beat up b:chuckle
  • Ceiba - Sanctuary
    Ceiba - Sanctuary Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Cleric, All my skills but purehearted are sage, I also have all my 79s and both 100s skills. I hate PWI staff but will always love my cleric. b:pleased
  • CrystalSkye - Heavens Tear
    CrystalSkye - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    yayy finally maintainance * and oh cleric is my first char and i love it* b:cute
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Nope, I played every other class up to about 10 and really couldn't stand them, before the tideborn expansion. The main noob reason? I couldn't fly. Then I found the cleric and since I could fly places, I actually liked it. Now, I realize this was an idiotic reason, but I was new and it was valid to me at the time. Luckily for me, I've since realized that I actually really love playing a cleric. Even if I occasionally complain when I wind up in a fail squad, or when other people occasionally ruin the fun for me because they forget there is a person behind that character that they are being so bossy and rude towards. b:chuckle I'm kind of screwed as I reach endgame though because melee classes (in this and in pretty much every single last fantasy game I've ever played) bore me to tears even if they do tend to be more powerful. meh. When it stops being fun I'll quit both the forums and the game.b:pleased
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Kyanelle - Heavens Tear
    Kyanelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 562 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    What was the first class you chose to make when you first started playing PWI? Did you stick with it? Why or why not?

    My first was an archer but I deleted her at lvl 14 cause I really didn't like her. Next I tried a veno and loved it. Now I have a cleric, bm, mystic, psy, sin & seeker.

    Karma will get you when you least expect it. What goes around comes around.

    It's called Karma and it's pronouced "haha f you"
  • Rickioo - Archosaur
    Rickioo - Archosaur Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    started a barb about 5years ago on a server not to be named LOL and yes i still love barb today and its my main b:chuckle
    Started Playing Early June Of 2005 Back In The Very First Beta In Perfect World History

    The True Old School b:cool
  • Sweet_kill - Heavens Tear
    Sweet_kill - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    archer ~ I love putting arrows between peoples behind b:kiss
    Enrage archer
    Wife of Anneliesse b:dirty
  • Davitiel - Heavens Tear
    Davitiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Yep, Cleric was my first character I made back when PWI started. I've tried them all and developed them to get a taste on how they're like. But I've sticked with my Cleric, Barb and now Mystic.

    I wonder what we're getting after maint. Hmm...
    And now faith, hope, and charity remain; but the greatest of these is charity.
  • Celestyna - Heavens Tear
    Celestyna - Heavens Tear Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    started mage and cleric both on the same day, one to level singly one to level with my then bf. after awhile mage sorta lost out and cleric took over full time. I played cleric 2 or so years, still use her time to time but i have leveld alot of others now. mage still is lvl 62.. the nub
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    My first class was a veno. I stuck with her for awhile, but I literally never play her anymore. I chose this class because I liked the idea of having a pet to work with. But now my main is my mystic sooo I guess having pets still draws me in. lol
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • Pacquiao - Lost City
    Pacquiao - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Do they update guild icons too when they do maintenance?

  • LovelyDeath_ - Harshlands
    LovelyDeath_ - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I started PWI on December 2008, as my First MMO, b'coz i got a new internet connection which cud atleast let me play online games and I had no ****** idea about what i need to do.. I made a BM b'coz I saw him holding a sword and I wanted to play a class which slices and all (me and my imagination)..
    Played him for 2 years like.. got him to be 5aps with +10 weapon then i saw wat all things a Sin can do which is not possible with other classes.... So made this sin ^^

    Despite of all the QQs and Ego issues people/kids have.. I love playing my sin.. I only play BM if 1.) there is must NEED of BM and we cudn't find one or 2.) its 2x drops ^^ :P
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Do they update guild icons too when they do maintenance?

    Yes indeed, however it used to take about 2-3 weeks after you submitted it to show up in-game. b:thanks

    On topic, when I started in April 2009 b:shocked I asked my friend about all the classes before starting a char. I liked veno since they have pets, and my previous MMO had a pet class in it, so yeah. Stuck with her till 90 when i rolled my first alt, a cleric. Ragequit after tokens/TW pay/funky UI/etc. Eventually I came back, missed my friends.

    I still play my veno and cleric, also have a mystic, seeker, archer, sin, another archer, another cleric, a barb, more... lool After my original game-dreams were crushed, I just became an alt-o-holic.

    Also thanks PW for my 2 demon/sage event cards from the last tiger event. b:thanks b:laugh b:victory
  • Quinnie - Heavens Tear
    Quinnie - Heavens Tear Posts: 314 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    archer, still is my main next the other 3 chars i play active