Pwi 2012

nimh88 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2011 in General Discussion
New expansion coming:

New race, 2 new classes... new race has the ability of "third eye" that can see thru sin's invis.

Will you stick around??
Post edited by nimh88 on


  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    What an early announcement...

    Nice to know that they're planning that far ahead, I guess.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
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  • nimh88
    nimh88 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Actually this expansion will be out this December according to the announcement.
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    oh ;x

    lol, that seems so soon after just getting the TBs, but at least it will offer some balance.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • ArchAngel - Dreamweaver
    ArchAngel - Dreamweaver Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    cool..if the thread is true, we will have a new race this coming Dec. xD
  • raijinken
    raijinken Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The amount of excitement I have right now is unimaginable
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    "Perfect World 2012" is the name of the expansion relating to the Mayan end of the calendar at 2012 and is based on a disaster type event.

    So new races? Around December?

    Hmm... who didn't believe me when I predicted this months ago? b:chuckle
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Cool more money for PWE because people will abuse Oracles and Hypers so they can hit lvl 100 super fast.
  • KrittyCat - Dreamweaver
    KrittyCat - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Seems like this new race is gonna frequent TW battlefields then...
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • Tricannon - Dreamweaver
    Tricannon - Dreamweaver Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    OMG i cant wait I MUST SEE IT:O
    If I sound like I hate you, please don't take it personally...chances are I actually do.
  • nimh88
    nimh88 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    The name of the new race "灵族", probably is best translated to be "Wraith" in the context of the story.

    The two new classes, one is "剑灵" which means sword wraith, the other is "魅灵" which I don't know how to translate... maybe demon wraith?
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    "Perfect World 2012" is the name of the expansion relating to the Mayan end of the calendar at 2012 and is based on a disaster type event.

    So new races? Around December?

    Hmm... who didn't believe me when I predicted this months ago? b:chuckle

    I'm interested in this 4th dimension of the "spiritual world." b:pleased
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  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Shivalia - Lost City
    Shivalia - Lost City Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Can you guys actually read this page? @_@ Its all numbers and pictures for me.
    Wonderful drawing of Shivalia done by the ever talented Shirrii of Heavens Tear. b:heart Much love to you forever!
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Since nobody has bothered to do this yet.....

    Google Translate, I thank thee, even though thou is not perfect, thou works wonders:

    October 22, 2010, China's leading online game developer and operator Beijing Perfect World Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Perfect World) announced that its national pilot of the original 3D online games for "Perfect World" will be December launch of a disaster theme pack "Perfect World 2012." In "Perfect World 2012", the perfect world, a disaster occurred due to a huge change, players will explore this new world, and to shoulder the important task of rebuilding the perfect new world.

    "Perfect World 2012" LOGO

    "Perfect World 2012," a quality of game background from the Mayan prophecies about the end of 2012. In a perfect calendar 2012, an earth-shattering disaster strikes a perfect world. With the mysterious ability of the "family spirit" after a disaster foreseen the perfect new world, and lead perfect lives set foot on the mainland to find the unknown fate of the journey, the perfect reconstruction of the hearts of their homes.

    Concept map lava disaster

    The fourth-dimensional world - through the Inner Senses

    Perfect calendar 2012, after stunning disaster, staged a miracle of life, awe-inspiring rise of the underground world. Inner Senses of the world from the underground, is a new race "spiritual family" originated. They will be here, together with other ethnic groups to rebuild their homes. After the disaster, the New World across the "sea and air to" four-dimensional space, different space for the players to bring across the magical experience.

    Primitive concept map flood

    Third Eye - the magic of Spirit of Family

    The new race "spiritual family" has to discern the future of the third eye. Disaster, spiritual family foreseeable future through the eye in the sky a perfect new world, offers hope for all creatures. Two career family spirit, "Jian-Ling" and "Charm Spirit" is the use of its powerful ability to control nature, to lead people to overcome disaster and rebuild their homes. In "Perfect World 2012", players will experience the magic of the third eye, and the charm of the two new career.

    Concept of the world map of underground

    Second life - to reproduce the perfect New World

    Earth-shattering disaster, a perfect world, ushered in a second life. Under the leadership of the five races, the perfect place in the world with rapid change. Lonely old homes back to life, the grand gang base where they stand, the dream of home just ahead.

    Perfect World concept map

    Another journey - the epic journey of creation

    In "Perfect World 2012", players will experience the world the protagonist the embodiment of the pattern changes, the mysterious witness to the rise of spiritual family, and to shoulder the important task of rebuilding the perfect new world, personal interpretation of the epic journey of creation.

    "Perfect World 2012" is about to penetrate the veil, a quality disaster theme, more challenging games exciting! Perfect World will take place how far? How to turn the race to bring new surprises? More Games News, stay tuned, "Perfect World 2012!"

    On "Perfect World":

    "Perfect World" is the perfect time to create well-made epic 3D online games. Games for the concept of freedom, the first free-flight system characters to customize the system, personalized fashion system, and its brilliant screen, rich content, a sound system has been in hot pursuit of global players, enjoy the "best 3D online games "reputation. Stable operation of more than four years, were introduced the "Wrath of God punished", "Wizard War Song", "Mermaid Legend", "fairy magic unbounded" four large-scale expansion, and by virtue of its excellent quality of the game exported to the United States, Japan, United Kingdom, Singapore, South Korea, dozens of countries and regions, in hot pursuit of the global players to become the world on behalf of online games in the field of the original charm of the Chinese national leader in online games.

    About Perfect World

    Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD) is a leading China-based online game developer and operator. Perfect World primarily based on self-developed game engine and game development platform network gaming. Perfect strong technical ability and creative game design capabilities, combined with a deep understanding of the game market and extensive experience, enabling the company to constantly and rapidly introduce popular games welcome to meet changing customer needs and market development. Perfect present self-developed online games, including massively multiplayer online role-playing games: "Perfect World," "Legend of Martial Arts", "Perfect World," "Zhu Xian," "Red Cliff", "Pocket Journey to the West" and "God Ghost Legends "and" Fantasy Zhu Xian, "and an online casual game" Hot Dance Party. " Perfect present for most of its revenue from the Chinese domestic market, while the game is also authorized to include Asia, Europe and South America countries and regions of the major gaming operators. The Company also operating in North America and Japan, the game generated revenues. Perfect World will continue to develop new business models to maximize shareholder value is committed.
  • Feral_Wrath - Lost City
    Feral_Wrath - Lost City Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    im sorry but wheres it say anythign about pwi on there?
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    So basically the people who play these two new races will have a new racial type power called "Third Eye". Which if what the OP said is correct works as a counter to the Sins stealth.

    Well besides re-rolling a BM/Barb for the awesome HA and HP pool.

    Along with that, according to the story plot they are going to reforge a new world....

    God Why does this sound like it was based on WoW: Cataclysm launch =.=''?

    Anybody wanna take bets on it launching the same date as WoW new expan?
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    im sorry but wheres it say anythign about pwi on there?

    Um...Considering the fact that this is the china expan, it is gonna happen to PWI too. So BOOYAH! :P :P

    Along with that, i'm guessing from idiots trying to sue them and other junk they have offically changed their companies name to Perfect World.
    Next in line for this is the fact that the name of the expan is "Perfect World 2012".

    So now do you see where it says PWI?
  • KrittyCat - Dreamweaver
    KrittyCat - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Use Google Chrome, it worked wonders for me ^^

    Also, it is being released in CHINA in December, so we probably won't get it until February or later...
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • earo
    earo Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    So basically the people who play these two new races will have a new racial type power called "Third Eye". Which if what the OP said is correct works as a counter to the Sins stealth.

    Well besides re-rolling a BM/Barb for the awesome HA and HP pool.

    Along with that, according to the story plot they are going to reforge a new world....

    God Why does this sound like it was based on WoW: Cataclysm launch =.=''?

    Anybody wanna take bets on it launching the same date as WoW new expan?

    Edit: re-read, it did say 12月 (December)

    I do agree that it has a lot of similarties to WoW.

    But not Cataclysm, more like the Burning Crusade... what with the "4th dimention new world" (outlands anyone?)

    Tho... the "Cataclysm" subtitle does go with the "2012" and they both refers to the "end of world" thingy...
    Where in WoW, the old world gets destroyed, and in PW (not sure yet) but it probably refers to something being destroyed too...

    And, yea, "Wraith" is more like it for the new race, 2 new class (sword wraith, spirit wraith) why does the new class sound like a slightly different version of Blademaster and Mage?...

    As for the "3rd eye"... it doesn't really say what it does, but it did suggest that it has something to do with "future sight"...
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    earo wrote: »
    Um... WoW Cataclysm comes out this year... 12/7/2010...

    And that PW 2012... is well... 2012...

    It's not going to be the same date, and yes... I do agree that it has a lot of similarties to WoW.

    But not Cataclysm, more like the Burning Crusade... what with the "4th dimention new world" (outlands anyone?)

    Dude the NAME is PW 2012. NOT the release date.

    As Kritty said tho, since this will be released for China in December, we will probably get it sometime between February and April or so. Depends on how fast they release the other version patches. Since we are currently about 200 (give or take a few) patches behind China, we'll have to wait and see.

    But considering the fact all our patches have been for the last few weeks are "Local minizations" we might luck out and get the release the same time as China. But it all depends :/

    But yeah it sounds like outlands, also considering the fact that it is a "destruction" it's more like Cata than TBC.
  • KrittyCat - Dreamweaver
    KrittyCat - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,273 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I seriously don't see these classes coming in as near-copies of the Blademaster and Wizard. The Sword Wraith(?) class will be similar to the BM, but will probably have its own subtle differences, while the other one, the Spirit Wraith(?) will be more like a reverse cleric (a lot of water/metal skills, but used more for debuffing enemies than buffing friendlies). Just my opinion, so we will see how it pans out!
    (Signature credit to NowItsAwn)

    Survivor of Snow-Mageddon 2010, "The Great Earthquake" of 2011, and Sandy 2012 b:victory
  • NSAT - Lost City
    NSAT - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    it says the 3rd eye is for all players "to experience." if thats true, anyone can use the 3rd eye to see thru stealth. most popular class -> least popular class
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Kiss sins goodbye
    -rerolls clawcher-
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  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Remember to not discuss other games all. Remember how hard it was to get "wow" uncensored? lol
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  • cinderboy
    cinderboy Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2010
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  • Pressa - Heavens Tear
    Pressa - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Its about time they finally put some progress on the dam wraith war we been fighting those dam things for almost 3 years now and some others have been fighting em longer.

    Honestly I want them to change the dam map like a total makeover new skins some new houses a few more npcs or new outfits that would revamp almost everyone's willingness to play despite the system it runs in. I just hope they don't cop out on this one like they did with the tideborn and only create a slightly different map and some new instances. Sure races are fine but its still the same place and your still doing the same thing in the same place.

    If they put a new design on some places on the maps like wraiths gate which should be just a swamp by now cause its totally been beaten to extinction.
  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited October 2010
    Did FW fail in China so bad that they're trying to transfer the vamp and bard classes to PW? b:chuckle
  • cinderboy
    cinderboy Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    volst wrote: »
    Did FW fail in China so bad that they're trying to transfer the vamp and bard classes to PW? b:chuckle

    With queues with a waiting list of 7000+ players and more not being able to get in due to some tech error, i wouldnt say it's a fail >..<
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  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ooooh, so, just as the leveled sins and psychics on the oldest servers are finally getting numerous enough to have a clear affect in the territory war scene, new classes are being released to add further confusion to rostering for wars... Strangely enough, I like the idea. b:laugh
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
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  • volst
    volst Posts: 180
    edited October 2010
    No one will play the melee one if it doesn't have 5 aps/barb-level tanking capability. The magic one will just be another magic class rarely anyone plays.

    Gonna be easier to get top ranking for tiger event though. b:quiet
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