TW Report - 10/01/2010 - 10/03/2010



  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    1st of all - Dear man , again I see you are very concerned about what we ( levi ) do both on forums and in-game . I'd also like to thank you & dancing eyes for showing such concern towards levi's lil' issues on our forums . But our bank is doing fine now , thank you for your concern .

    I'd also like to thank you for trying to make us look like the bad faction ( again ) .

    We're loving TW attention we're getting ( no1 likes levi ) as well as the " every1 team up vs levi " pk that happens from time to time .

    2nd - Dear Varden , you know I love you guys ( except Veritas & Shoosha ) even more than I love teasing llyria when it comes to axes for bms ( b:kiss ) . However that has no relation our server's TWs . The decision on who to attack (or defend ) weekly is ours & ours alone . What we do , is what we think is best for Levi since that's our primary concerns .( as it should be for every1 ~ isn't that right Man ? )

    My personal thoughts ? I'd love a fun 1v1 TW vs you guys since I've only had like one , but you're stronger now . Also , don't think that this gank is something we like ( at least I don't ) .

    Believe me when I say that it's not fun to spend 2 hours ( or more depending on the TW ) making squads/preparing for 5 min rolls . Hell if it would be just that , we could just tell every1 to go FFA in the TW and do whatever they please . So if you choose 1v1 us instead of NPC on sunday , pimpy will love you long time b:dirty

    P.S. - tell boogie to be gentle on me , her arrows might take some of my legit emo hair off that the chicks dig .... oh **** , I totally didn't say that * hides * ;
    - tell Kiki not to try to blind us with her cuteness ;
    - and most important of all , tell Tany that she won't get to touch Sar (mine <3 ) ;

    And to Man again - thank you for greeting us with your " nice guy " presence yet again while you continue being a " fox " in the background , attempt to steal other faction's members , have spies on us ( I'm sry I didn't accept to spy for you months ago :P ) and for caring sooooo much about what we do oh and let's not forget trying to approach Tisa with kind words after attempting to troll & make fun of her ( what , you were gonna ask her to join as well ? ) . For all this you get a big :

    GTFO !

    from me

    Continue being the fake nice guy . I'll stick to being the honest *** hole :)


    GL to all factions this weekend !

    Hmmm Levi having bank problems? Good to know but not something i'm really interested in. Sounds like you take losing pretty personally to me b:surrender. Don't worry I am also a competitive person.

    As for me stealing people, only virgin maidens are stolen.

    Lastly as for LEvi attacking Varden which i don't think i've said anything about...
    and didn't want to anger a faction who would possibly attack them in the future, this wasn't cowardice i'm sure just maybe making a wise faction decision.

    OH maybe i'll write a few more things, behavior of the aforementioned cleric have been quite illogical. Illogical things interest me. And i have nothing but respect for most of what Levi is and has been and done. Levi is good folk, my only small small beef being people who take winning way too seriously, and people with a little bit too big of mouths. Examples?

    People who talk bad about other people in their own faction, with faction mates like these then who needs enemies?

    There once was a wizard named Hao, he was a poor level 8x wizard trying to make his way in a hard world. 3 times did he respond to chats in West Arch desiring TT squads. 3 times did he teleport to Twilight Temple. Only to be told by the party leader sorry he was in qqme, and they (Levi) would not run with him because it was against their rules. Poor Hao b:cry I don't think it was very good sportsmanship from Levi to put rules like this, but it is there right. Just like its my right to complain about it.

    Fuzzy Wuzzy is a much more foxy person than I
    Sarah is the only vixen i ever want
    Dancing Eyes is the true sneaky fox of the server

    Sorry for giving away your true craftiness fuzzy and dancing. You are crafty in different ways though.
  • Aasimar - Raging Tide
    Aasimar - Raging Tide Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Let me fist start of by thanking every1 that participated in last TWs with/vs NPC. I'll go as far as to say it has been one of the most fun TW experiences yet for me.

    Yesterday war would not be as half as fun if there was no gank on NPC.
    NPC is rather a new faction with a lot of ppl that are getting used to working with each other. A place of possibilitys and new ideas if you wish.
    We experimented with some new squad setups to maximize efficiency in 1st two wars. However my opinion is that thees squads were not ideal for 1vs1 war that we ended fighting vs Varden. Our most experienced and best geared ppl were scattered through various squads. Good thing about it is that new people that are just starting to actively TW were trained in actual TW situations and how to act/what to do. Bad thing about it is that there was no real cohesion in attack and our response times were slow.

    Theory is one thing, applying it in practice is another - we still have a lot of tweaking to do. But I really have to say this - we have a rly good bunch of ppl that enjoy the game and I loved every second of TWing with them. xD

    Problems that we encountered yesterday:
    -people entering the war that were not suppose to (we had around 90ish ppl online) and blocking some of our Definat war troops from entertain the Varden war
    -our TW general could not speak in vent during the TW, the second in command had fever and had to leave rather early in the war and 3ed in command loges on late and didnt study the squads structure all that much not knowing what his squads are build of.
    -what I mentioned earlier with our experienced players being scattered to much throwout different squads.
    -some of our more experienced ppl missing QQ - well that's normal for any faction I guess - but those that were in there place did an excellent job :D
    -charms burning out lol - well, u know what, with this pwi economy i rly dont expect from ppl to be charmed as they were b4.

    All the good that came out of it:
    -we practiced a defensive strategy vs a gank
    -people that started TW getting addicted to TW fun and learning new tricks >:D
    -HAVING A TON OF FUN! Especially Varden war where ppl from two opposing factions were common chating or pm-ing each other with funny remarks on how this push or that defense went.. remarks on each others fashion and, this is not a joke, style on how some1 pulled of a set of skills as it was some sort of choreography LOL... I mean, the whole atmosphere during that war was relaxing.

    About Varden:
    Hell, they put up a good fight, no doubt. The got to our crystal numerous times and even took out some towers along the way. They were more organized, assist attacking a lot. I would know something about it >_<; was getting focused fired non stop which was kinda expected since I was always deep in their lines mowing down their DD's relentlessly.
    They kept on switching lanes A to C for their catas while sending most of their main force down B to meet us. I think our defenders did a mileage of a NY marathon between A and C gate.
    No crystals were smashed and NPC pulled of a 3h defense completing a full defense in their favor on 3 way gank. Lowest values on crystal HP as far as i checked:
    -Varden crystal down to 25%
    -NPC crystal down to 70%
    All in all, considering the tactics, ppl attending, lvl and gear: pretty much a death lock which benefiting NPC since they were defending.
    However, I have to say both factions have WON in that war. That amount of fun is rarely encountered. Players from both factions acting as real gents, with respect and kindness to the next guy. :D

    My highlight of that war: Killing their general 5 times in around a minute! LOL

    It goes something like this - Varden is doing a big push on B. They r coming on our B gate where they r meet by our defenders and PK fest begins. I reroute my attack squad to flank the attacker and we end up in the middle of their advancing snake on B with all the clerics, wizis and archers.
    I tab attack: Realty - their general - seal + drake ray + jump forward 1 hit - down.
    Tab to a new target (group of 3 - cleric and 2 archers) - swich to axes + speed + aoe stunt + 2 aoe's - all down.
    Tab, again Realty - switch to fists, 3 hits - dead
    Tab, veno in the air - jump on flyer, 4 hits . dead
    Tab, archer in the ari - speed on flayer on - stunt - 2 hits - dead
    Tab, guess what, Realty again - drop fly, jump back, turn, jump forward - 3 hits dead
    Tab, BM - run to, extreme poison, 4 hits - dead
    Tab, wizy - run to.. but, on my way to wizy, Realty rezes again - click target - 2 hits - dead.
    I stop, look around.. buch of NPC around me - kk, pause+chi pot ... u guessed it-- Realty rezes again - pow - 2 hits, dead again - releases corps. LOL

    I think every1 that was there had a great time and that's the most important thing. After all, its a game and games r suppose to be fun.

    And to all those that were asking for a 1 on 1 between Varden and NPC I'll only say this:
    3vs1 > 1vs1, and NPC prevailed. Happy now? (rhetorical)

    Again, great fight Varden.. i'll c ya tonight :D
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    We experimented with some new squad setups to maximize efficiency in 1st two wars. However my opinion is that thees squads were not ideal for 1vs1 war that we ended fighting vs Varden. Our most experienced and best geared ppl were scattered through various squads. Good thing about it is that new people that are just starting to actively TW were trained in actual TW situations and how to act/what to do. Bad thing about it is that there was no real cohesion in attack and our response times were slow.

    NPC is inexperienced with 1vs1 TWs? SHOCKING!
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    NPC is inexperienced with 1vs1 TWs? SHOCKING!

    That made me lol.

    Good fight, enjoyed the TW for once. Video will be up later on today or tomorrow.
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I tab attack: Realty - their general - seal + drake ray + jump forward 1 hit - down.
    Tab to a new target (group of 3 - cleric and 2 archers) - swich to axes + speed + aoe stunt + 2 aoe's - all down.
    Tab, again Realty - switch to fists, 3 hits - dead
    Tab, veno in the air - jump on flyer, 4 hits . dead
    Tab, archer in the ari - speed on flayer on - stunt - 2 hits - dead
    Tab, guess what, Realty again - drop fly, jump back, turn, jump forward - 3 hits dead
    Tab, BM - run to, extreme poison, 4 hits - dead
    Tab, wizy - run to.. but, on my way to wizy, Realty rezes again - click target - 2 hits - dead.
    I stop, look around.. buch of NPC around me - kk, pause+chi pot ... u guessed it-- Realty rezes again - pow - 2 hits, dead again - releases corps. LOL

    You were attacking single targets. Why haven't you uninstalled yet? Pro BM that attacks single targets with fists rather than stunning+HFing to allow the actual DD's to do the job is pro?

    You also went out of your way to attack someone when you could have done way more for the faction by HFing/Aoeing other clusters.

    Why are you making yourself to sound so pro when you were DDing single targets and flying around chasing single targets as a Support class?

    Okay so you aoe'd 1 cluster of people. Congratulations.

    Also saying you took 2 hits to kill them isn't really an achievement after having cash shopped so much. You are what I would call an amateur Spell_Caster in the sense of you don't know how to fully brag yet. Start yelling out every single hit on vent and you will trully master the art of fagg0try.
  • Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide
    Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    It goes something like this - Varden is doing a big push on B. They r coming on our B gate where they r meet by our defenders and PK fest begins.
    I tab attack: Realty - their general - seal + drake ray + jump forward 1 hit - down.
    Tab to a new target (group of 3 - cleric and 2 archers) - swich to axes + speed + aoe stunt + 2 aoe's - all down.
    Tab, again Realty - switch to fists, 3 hits - dead
    Tab, veno in the air - jump on flyer, 4 hits . dead
    Tab, archer in the ari - speed on flayer on - stunt - 2 hits - dead
    Tab, guess what, Realty again - drop fly, jump back, turn, jump forward - 3 hits dead
    Tab, BM - run to, extreme poison, 4 hits - dead
    Tab, wizy - run to.. but, on my way to wizy, Realty rezes again - click target - 2 hits - dead.
    I stop, look around.. buch of NPC around me - kk, pause+chi pot ... u guessed it-- Realty rezes again - pow - 2 hits, dead again - releases corps. LOL

    It also goes something like...

    No time to tab, Fuzzy is dead..
    Fuzzy is dead
    Fuzzy is dead
    Fuzzy arma, 20 NPC are dead
    Fuzzy target Aasimar, squad assist attack, Aasimar is dead
    Fuzzy arma, 20 NPC are dead
    Tab, stomp, 5 NPC are dead
    Fuzzy dead
    Fuzzy dead
    Fuzzy dead
    Fuzzy target Aasimar, assist attack , he dead
    Fuzzy arma 20 NPC dead
    Fuzzy target Aasimar, assist attack , he dead
    Fuzzy arma 20 NPC dead
    Fuzzy target Aasimar, assist attack , he dead
    Fuzzy dead
    Fuzzy attacks, 15 NPC dead..

    The point being me sure fun was had by all and at the end of the day, what else matter?
  • Amrd - Raging Tide
    Amrd - Raging Tide Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    There once was a wizard named Hao, he was a poor level 8x wizard trying to make his way in a hard world. 3 times did he respond to chats in West Arch desiring TT squads. 3 times did he teleport to Twilight Temple. Only to be told by the party leader sorry he was in qqme, and they (Levi) would not run with him because it was against their rules. Poor Hao b:cry I don't think it was very good sportsmanship from Levi to put rules like this, but it is there right. Just like its my right to complain about it.

    That was mostly done by TigerSensei, Nuff personally warned everybody not to do it because of how stupid it is and that it'll make us all look like idiots.
  • Mirko - Raging Tide
    Mirko - Raging Tide Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    this is the ego tripping topic?
    ohs, ok..

    Mirko barrages - Varden down
    Mriko ST and debuffs Varden barbs - barbs down
    Mirko barrages - Varden down
    Mirko kills all Varden arcanes and archers
    Mirko barrages - Varden down
    Mriko ST and debuffs Varden barbs - barbs down
    Mirko barrages - Varden down
    Mirko kills all Varden arcanes and archers

    hahaha, lol, jk...
    it was more like this:
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead
    Mirko dead

    (looking for ego building youtube videos, links pls)

    ManInTights, Sunkist, Shoosha, Veritas_, Lol_U_Mad
    you guys are maniacs..

    Mirko thinks that should Fuzzy concentrate more on pulling cata and less on running around in human form trying to arma ppl. Still that arma on my expel was epic, ty for laughs b:laugh
  • KingJoel - Raging Tide
    KingJoel - Raging Tide Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    That made me lol.

    Good fight, enjoyed the TW for once. Video will be up later on today or tomorrow.

    Boogie U tryed to Kill me lol but i used my Ninja Barb Skills and Slipped Away xDb:avoid But Very Good Fight
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Mirko uses demon quickshot. boogie dies.

  • Tainaker - Harshlands
    Tainaker - Harshlands Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    yo boogie lets spam FC this week plox i wanna lvl XD
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    yo boogie lets spam FC this week plox i wanna lvl XD

    I got school b:cute
  • Kastus - Raging Tide
    Kastus - Raging Tide Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    all i can say is that was a good fight NPC... i got to sleep at 5:30am because of u guys XD looking forward to victory tonight! b:victory

    Schooling QQme in The Art of PK since 2012
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ok my version of the TW recap:

    Rawrgh strolls lazily down B - Leviathan runs in fear
    Rawrgh enters base - Leviathan runs in fear
    Rawrgh sets up cow shop - Leviathan gets distracted by low low prices

    The video:
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Boogiepanda - Raging Tide
    Boogiepanda - Raging Tide Posts: 4,682 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Rawrgh sets up cow shop - Leviathan gets distracted by low low prices[/color[

    I missed the bargains b:cry

    -applies to join Levi-
  • Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide
    Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Mirko thinks that should Fuzzy concentrate more on pulling cata and less on running around in human form trying to arma ppl.

    Pull cata? Nahh... Fuzzy leave that job to the sage barbs for the most part. b:cute
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Hmmm Levi having bank problems? Good to know but not something i'm really interested in. Sounds like you take losing pretty personally to me b:surrender. Don't worry I am also a competitive person.

    *claps* ~ I applaud you for your smooth talking while being so fake . Yet you actually have the nerve to pretend you didn't know that you after you basically pm'ed some1 about that & tried to smooth talk her after making fun of her . Screenshots don't lie , ijs .



    People who talk bad about other people in their own faction, with faction mates like these then who needs enemies?

    Oh , you're referring to me here , thanks for your concern again !

    Yes I do that sometimes and yet all of it is with good intentions . I like to be honest you see , if some1 , ESPECIALLY if they're faction mates , friends online or irl ones fail then why lie to them and tell them they're doing good when they aren't ? How can they improve if they won't realize their mistakes & keep failing ?

    Oh and before I get called a " know it all here" know that this ofc , applies to me as well . I don't mind if I get yelled at for something that I did wrong , I'll gladly welcome it & try to improve next time , hell I'll even thank the ppl who called me a fail as long as they tell me what I did wrong ( and if they're right ofc :P ) .

    2 types of ppl here one that I like & one that I dislike and wouldn't want them around me , not in real life & not online :

    1 - The ppl who accept a bit of "scolding" , don't QQ/go emo about it & try to learn from their mistakes .

    2 - The ppl who get all butt hurt & start QQing when some1 tells them what they're doing wrong as long as that some1 is right & explains why , ofc .


    Like your sex life? b:chuckle

    Talking comes from experience b:cute
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • OptimusRhyme - Raging Tide
    OptimusRhyme - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    then there are Okras boys and girls from Rage.

    no. Rage was Jaood's faction.
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    TMP your starting to sound crazy.

    On one side of the coin you say Levi problems are levi problems, on the other you bring up your dirty laundry and want me to talk about it?

    No i don't care about your bank problems

    I did care to talk to Tisa and try to give her encouragement. I did tell her to stop being hyper sensitive YOu want to bring this up and talk about this? Leave personal things to personal things, don't degrade yourself like this.

    I think this conversation has become pretty dumb. Not something i have a stomach for.
  • pett
    pett Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    omg Aasimar - NPC, if you only knew how freakish that sounded - no other comment is needed here, ijs.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    I think this conversation has become pretty dumb. Not something i have a stomach for.

    I agree with you . We have nothing to talk about , this conversation isn't going anywhere .
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Drigan - Raging Tide
    Drigan - Raging Tide Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    We bragging about our war efforts?

    Lets see....

    NPC on crystal with 2 BBs up

    Dash in demon roar of pride, Knocks BBs down, HF fissure, kill a few of the unfortunates

    Still not killed despite being surrounded by 5 clerics and 2-3 catabarbs b:shocked

    2-3 BBs go up in seconds (Da **?) Demon stuns to knock BB out, Aoe some more, fewer dies again

    Still not dead and still within 2m range of 3 clerics and 2 barbs b:shutup

    Another BB goes up (chi hax? xD)

    Demon stun roar of pride AGAIN T_T to knock BB out. Aoe then die... cata die cleric dies

    Support BM, more BMs should try it sometimes b:bye
  • Asheera - Raging Tide
    Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    We bragging about our war efforts?

    Lets see....

    NPC on crystal with 2 BBs up

    Dash in demon roar of pride, Knocks BBs down, HF fissure, kill a few of the unfortunates

    Still not killed despite being surrounded by 5 clerics and 2-3 catabarbs b:shocked

    2-3 BBs go up in seconds (Da **?) Demon stuns to knock BB out, Aoe some more, fewer dies again

    Still not dead and still within 2m range of 3 clerics and 2 barbs b:shutup

    Another BB goes up (chi hax? xD)

    Demon stun roar of pride AGAIN T_T to knock BB out. Aoe then die... cata die cleric dies

    Support BM, more BMs should try it sometimes b:bye
    That's actually pretty pro, but you guys lacked DD since clerics put up BB so many times D:
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Drigan - Raging Tide
    Drigan - Raging Tide Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yes, is true. Can always do with more DD. You wanna volunteer being that DD? b:chuckle

    We'd take u in with open arms xD
  • Russiee - Raging Tide
    Russiee - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    you expected to die with clerics and cata barbs around? Means they know their class.
  • Drigan - Raging Tide
    Drigan - Raging Tide Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I think my point is more.. Sure u know ur class... But are we gonna keep letting the stuns knock u outa BB or gonna get some help from support sqds? b:sad

    Unless u ofc its ok for me to keep stunning
  • VeritasXXX - Raging Tide
    VeritasXXX - Raging Tide Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Despite the loss from Levi is was a great 1v1 from NPC. Being in Varden has been great since i joinedb:cute. The TW the people, ect, ect. It was alot of fun NPC thanks b:laugh.
    As for war efforts. Flying BowSin: Tab: kill Cleric. Tab Spark Dagger throw and one shot wizzie. Tab: Play BM and Power Dash and Bramble Rage in a large group of HA. ~~ Dead but lol at the ones that came with me, and the charm ticks.b:pleased
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    My war efforts :

    Trying to survive wiz nukes with venos trying to purge me b:cry

    /nuff said
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Tanich - Raging Tide
    Tanich - Raging Tide Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    My war efforts :

    Trying to survive wiz nukes with venos trying to purge me b:cry

    /nuff said

    QQ I never get wizard TW love b:cry is just those sins and archers that want to love up on me in TW b:sad
  • Choco - Raging Tide
    Choco - Raging Tide Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    QQ I never get wizard TW love b:cry is just those sins and archers that want to love up on me in TW b:sad

    Try Spell_Casters love and maybe ud end up being happy about archers/sins attacking you b:surrender