Zulu takeing over how am i not suprized?



  • Vixre - Harshlands
    Vixre - Harshlands Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Had a fun time reading your post... lets see...
    Oh GOD Long, you know they're nothing but sh*t....and MrLlama is about as good a leader as Jlung is at being a Wizard.
    Totally right, the post you quoted obviously a serious statement and not a troll, props to you for recognizing that.
    UNFORTUNATELY, you all seem to forget that Zulu has brawn AND brains, which is why nobody wants to hit them, because anybody who does is just asking for a KoS and an *** kicking.
    So if someone doesn't attack Zulu they'll be a safe list? I'll try this next time.
    They have (I think) two of the five most powerful Psychics in the server. (Longknife and I think UrDian is also in Zulu, and thunder_fist will be joining them soon. A personal goal of mine is to join alongside them as well.) They have several of the most powerful Wizards in the server. Not to mention, they have Jlung...and if you can get him down to 50% HP without ticking his charm, either you're 10x, or you're ganking.
    I don't want to be an *** and pick on Longknife... so we won't discuss the PVP aspects of this, but Longknife is a long way away from being as powerful as UrDian in terms of gear.

    And wow, a 10x can tick charms off of another 10x player! No way!

    And on the fact of "powerful" players on the server... I don't get the point you're trying to make here... so since Zulu has the most powerful characters on the game, you're going to go stack with them? Props to you for your courage and initiative. No wonder I'm losing TWs, I should of hopped to the winning side earlier.
    And Nurfed isn't exactly a TW idiot. It was pretty intelligent to block off Kylin's way of "escaping" their assault, so to speak.
    I've never talked with Nurfed much less know him, but everyone of my Zulu/ex-Zulu friends tells me that he's a pretty chill dude and is really good at organizing TWs, so I'll agree with you here. I'm pretty envious of his leadership and organization, I have respect for him from the way he's running Zulu. Although I'm quite confused on why the term "TW idiot" came up... and I don't understand how they're blocking off our "escape". We have land on the map... how do you escape that?
    Now the only land Kylin MAYBE POSSIBLY might be able to gain...is Crimson's land. Quite honestly, since none of them have so much as moved against one another, it's not going to happen.
    When KD was falling apart, Kylin purposely left the northern part of the map up for grabs for other factions, I can quite honestly say, Kylin didn't care aboutgaining control of the map. Maybe we'll start to care about maps, now that R9 items are coming out, but that's still a bit ways away, as we're only starting to have decent TWs again.
    Let them take the map, hell. It needs to be reset so Kylin can actually earn their land instead of hopping off what QQme and Over9000 gave away when they bombed. .....not that they will.....anybody else notice there aren't so many of them wandering around? Smells like Kingdom...terrible and rotting.
    Again, KY has never attempted map domination like KD did, so I see no grounds for "resetting".

    I think you might want to take a break from the game if you have such a beef with us, to apply a grudge on 190+ members of a community is just ignorant, you have probably never talked to more than 20 of us, much less knowing how 190+ of us really are. There's a much larger composition of new players that now have Kylin over their heads (such as myself), and your criticism for our attempts to put up a fight is just distasteful.

    I don't know why you're here on this game, but if you're just looking to joining a dominating team to steamroll everything else, than(hi Okeano :D) you are not really that dependable for any faction... sure, you 'll have your temporary uses, but you'll never amount to anything of true value; I bid you good luck to your future Zulu application.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    I don't want to be an *** and pick on Longknife... so we won't discuss the PVP aspects of this, but Longknife is a long way away from being as powerful as UrDian in terms of gear.

    In my defense, who isn't? b:mischievous
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    In my defense, who isn't? b:mischievous

    The other r8 psy that shareded/refined 3 socket rank 8...
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The other r8 psy that shareded/refined 3 socket rank 8...

    Theres actually 2 or 3 rank8 psychics but none of em is active in pvp at all >.>
  • Hellsarcher - Harshlands
    Hellsarcher - Harshlands Posts: 965 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    this is a post to born_free ur level 75 and i doubt you even knew what was going back in the old days so don't talk smack about stuff you were never there to see or know about..do not believe everything what players post till you expierence it b:bye words from a old HL player here b:victory and about the Jlung thing i can tick his charm but not kill him..i just plain dont have the weopon for that kind of damage at the moment
  • NightRage - Raging Tide
    NightRage - Raging Tide Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Theres actually 2 or 3 rank8 psychics but none of em is active in pvp at all >.>

    Money well spent.
  • Jlung - Harshlands
    Jlung - Harshlands Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    this is a post to born_free ur level 75 and i doubt you even knew what was going back in the old days so don't talk smack about stuff you were never there to see or know about..do not believe everything what players post till you expierence it b:bye words from a old HL player here b:victory and about the Jlung thing i can tick his charm but not kill him..i just plain dont have the weopon for that kind of damage at the moment

    its not a matter of ticking charm the point is u cant kill me hoeb:chuckle but damn this thread seems to like me b:kiss
  • Stretchlt - Harshlands
    Stretchlt - Harshlands Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    The other r8 psy that shareded/refined 3 socket rank 8...

    jakerfails or whatever shouldn't even be considered. longknife survives longer than him without r8.
  • Jlung - Harshlands
    Jlung - Harshlands Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    jakerfails or whatever shouldn't even be considered. longknife survives longer than him without r8.

    chels stop posting on your psychic nub nub
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    jakerfails or whatever shouldn't even be considered. longknife survives longer than him without r8.

  • Vixre - Harshlands
    Vixre - Harshlands Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    jakerfails or whatever shouldn't even be considered. longknife survives longer than him without r8.

    Was talking about gear alone, not skills.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Was talking about gear alone, not skills.

    Use your fashion fund to host a NPC gear tourney.
  • Hellsarcher - Harshlands
    Hellsarcher - Harshlands Posts: 965 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    its not a matter of ticking charm the point is u cant kill me hoeb:chuckle but damn this thread seems to like me b:kiss

    put dmg hax on -deals 121323234345545656565454545343 damage- Overkill b:victory
  • KuiXing - Harshlands
    KuiXing - Harshlands Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    this is a post to born_free ur level 75 and i doubt you even knew what was going back in the old days so don't talk smack about stuff you were never there to see or know about..do not believe everything what players post till you expierence it

    What lvl you are doesnt determine how long you've been playing. ive been playing since the pre-anni pack era and im only 7x, y? because im to fkn lazy to lvl my char. what lvl you are doesnt mean anything for how long you've been playing. b:bye
    I have the best mom ever, she brought me drugs and fruit juice - Reavღ
    Challenge accepted I'm going to go blow up the sun - FanFon
    Those crabs are like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going and going and going... - Wildsblade
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Hi my name is hellsarcher! I claim to be the best non-cash shopper even though I cash shop and have a .5 KDR.

  • Angarika - Harshlands
    Angarika - Harshlands Posts: 375 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    1337 thread is 1337
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    jakerfails or whatever shouldn't even be considered. longknife survives longer than him without r8.

    And I beat him every other week in the Tiger event, ijs. b:cool
    I <3 AGOREY
  • HappysHAIL - Harshlands
    HappysHAIL - Harshlands Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I think you might want to take a break from the game if you have such a beef with us, to apply a grudge on 190+ members of a community is just ignorant, you have probably never talked to more than 20 of us, much less knowing how 190+ of us really are. There's a much larger composition of new players that now have Kylin over their heads (such as myself), and your criticism for our attempts to put up a fight is just distasteful.

    I don't know why you're here on this game, but if you're just looking to joining a dominating team to steamroll everything else, than(hi Okeano :D) you are not really that dependable for any faction... sure, you 'll have your temporary uses, but you'll never amount to anything of true value; I bid you good luck to your future Zulu application.


    My name is Happy and I hate Kylin. The actions of a few are, in fact, representitive of a community of people. Just because there has been a changing of the guard does not mean that these new little scrublings Kylin likes to accept these days are free from the blame and persecution of their predecessors. While I may not have met more than twenty people from Kylin, I regularly wipe the floor with your zerlings at West, HO, SP -- generally the places you guys seem so fond of recruiting from these days.

    You seem to like the idea of linking "dependability" with "[something] of true value." Id just like to point out that your own faction is generally comprised of hastily recruited scrubs and largely inactive old members. Your own "dependable" and "valued" members have either quit the game or left faction already. Im just sayin.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    My name is Happy and I hate Kylin. The actions of a few are, in fact, representitive of a community of people. Just because there has been a changing of the guard does not mean that these new little scrublings Kylin likes to accept these days are free from the blame and persecution of their predecessors. While I may not have met more than twenty people from Kylin, I regularly wipe the floor with your zerlings at West, HO, SP -- generally the places you guys seem so fond of recruiting from these days.

    You seem to like the idea of linking "dependability" with "[something] of true value." Id just like to point out that your own faction is generally comprised of hastily recruited scrubs and largely inactive old members. Your own "dependable" and "valued" members have either quit the game or left faction already. Im just sayin.

    Sorry, but your name is not happy.

    And omg Vixre said hi to me before I even posted on this thread b:cold.
  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Sorry, but your name is not happy.

    And omg Vixre said hi to me before I even posted on this thread b:cold.

    Actually, in real life, his name is Happy Copernicus Smith. We make fun of him on vent for it almost everyday.
  • MindCrime - Harshlands
    MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    My name is Happy and I hate Kylin. The actions of a few are, in fact, representitive of a community of people. Just because there has been a changing of the guard does not mean that these new little scrublings Kylin likes to accept these days are free from the blame and persecution of their predecessors. While I may not have met more than twenty people from Kylin, I regularly wipe the floor with your zerlings at West, HO, SP -- generally the places you guys seem so fond of recruiting from these days.

    You seem to like the idea of linking "dependability" with "[something] of true value." Id just like to point out that your own faction is generally comprised of hastily recruited scrubs and largely inactive old members. Your own "dependable" and "valued" members have either quit the game or left faction already. Im just sayin.

    Can you do any better?

    What? PNButt you say?


    Yeah, didn't think so.

  • Vixre - Harshlands
    Vixre - Harshlands Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Just because there has been a changing of the guard does not mean that these new little scrublings Kylin likes to accept these days are free from the blame and persecution of their predecessors.
    That's awfully righteous; persecution upon the masses based on what you think of a few select members (which ironically are no longer in Kylin).
    While I may not have met more than twenty people from Kylin, I regularly wipe the floor with your zerlings at West, HO, SP -- generally the places you guys seem so fond of recruiting from these days.
    Actually we recruit from our friends list or here: http://kylin.darkbb.com/applications-f18/ , and I'm sorry about not having enough members to put up a fight with you, I'll start looking for a super rich friend to fund our gears ASAP.

    You seem to like the idea of linking "dependability" with "[something] of true value." Id just like to point out that your own faction is generally comprised of hastily recruited scrubs and largely inactive old members. Your own "dependable" and "valued" members have either quit the game or left faction already. Im just sayin.

    I don't know about "[liking] the idea of linking 'dependability' with '[something]' of true value", you're kind of putting words in my mouth here, I was just pointing out to the poster that I quoted that he would most likely be denied on his app to Zulu. Sure, we can never tell if any recruit that join our own faction may be "dependable" or valuable in the long run, but we could give those that applied a chance. We do have a lot of recent recruits, and going through the uphill struggle that we're currently in, their actions certainly reflect to us if they're "dependable" or "valuable" to us. Even the worst players could eventually amount to something noteworthy if given the chance and opportunities.

    Sorry, but your name is not happy.

    And omg Vixre said hi to me before I even posted on this thread b:cold.
    I bet you didn't even notice the "than" part in my post -_-, so disappointed.
  • Okeano - Harshlands
    Okeano - Harshlands Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    I bet you didn't even notice the "than" part in my post -_-, so disappointed.

    I did you btch b:beatenup.
  • HappysHAIL - Harshlands
    HappysHAIL - Harshlands Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Can you do any better?

    What? PNButt you say?


    Yeah, didn't think so.


    Your own "dependable" and "valued" members have either quit the game or left faction already. Im just sayin.

    I said dependable, not "Depends." No one summoned you.
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Zulu still happy about being the "best". All i see in zulu is 80% failure 20% skill not a big thing to be scared of. So what if they have "lvls","armor","alot of CSers" they still fail because they needed high lvls in the beginning to get where they are. Zulu did require any skill to get there. But if i ever need help being the biggest losers there are i will call on zulu for help b:thanksb:thanksb:thanks
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • MindCrime - Harshlands
    MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I said dependable, not "Depends." No one summoned you.

    Haha, You so cute!

    (Pinches cheeks)

  • HappysHAIL - Harshlands
    HappysHAIL - Harshlands Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    That's awfully righteous; persecution upon the masses based on what you think of a few select members (which ironically are no longer in Kylin).

    When joining any prexisting organization or group you are not only conding but assenting to their previous actions, believes, etc. I have every right to judge Kylin as it is now by what it used to be. Trash is still trash.

    Actually we recruit from our friends list or here: http://kylin.darkbb.com/applications-f18/ , and I'm sorry about not having enough members to put up a fight with you, I'll start looking for a super rich friend to fund our gears ASAP.

    Just want to highlight the fun parts of this for you. You admit that: A) Your entire faction cant beat me or PNButt B) You have to zerg to win C) Beg others to fight your fight for you. This pretty much sums up Kylin. Thanks.
    I don't know about "[liking] the idea of linking 'dependability' with '[something]' of true value", you're kind of putting words in my mouth here, I was just pointing out to the poster that I quoted that he would most likely be denied on his app to Zulu. Sure, we can never tell if any recruit that join our own faction may be "dependable" or valuable in the long run, but we could give those that applied a chance. We do have a lot of recent recruits, and going through the uphill struggle that we're currently in, their actions certainly reflect to us if they're "dependable" or "valuable" to us. Even the worst players could eventually amount to something noteworthy if given the chance and opportunities.

    Its lovely that you have such faith in your recruits, and then in the next sentence admit that they're "the word players." Atleast you know what type of people you're recruiting these days and dont try to pretend otherwise.
    I bet you didn't even notice the "than" part in my post -_-, so disappointed.
  • Lutirica - Harshlands
    Lutirica - Harshlands Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    When joining any prexisting organization or group you are not only conding but assenting to their previous actions, believes, etc. I have every right to judge Kylin as it is now by what it used to be. Trash is still trash.

    I must say happy you have anger problems b:sweat every time i see you talk you always have something bad to say happy. Poor soul b:chuckle
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • HappysHAIL - Harshlands
    HappysHAIL - Harshlands Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I must say happy you have anger problems b:sweat every time i see you talk you always have something bad to say happy. Poor soul b:chuckle

    You have your own thread for attention. Shoo, away with you.
  • MindCrime - Harshlands
    MindCrime - Harshlands Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Wait, did I miss something here?

    Happy was in Kylin?

    I'm guessing he must have been due to his gross generalization of everyone in that guild.
This discussion has been closed.