[Discussion of Territory War Changes 8-5-10]



  • Conavar - Heavens Tear
    Conavar - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    joyjoyjoy wrote: »
    honestly u don't need tw pay to prepare charm. If u want to use charm, there are always other ways to make money. all the other faction w/o a land can do it, so can you.

    And we have a winner ..... Pay change is fine ... Bidding change sucks
  • Durdey - Harshlands
    Durdey - Harshlands Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    For you IDIOTS who think that this is a "Positive Change" that will "help the economy" and "lower the gold prices".

    You're dead WRONG!

    IF PWI wanted to LOWER GOLD PRICES, they could have removed the packs, dropped sales and gave us fun events instead of finding more ways for us to try and drop another dollar in the game.

    NO, they didn't do that.

    The only reason the GM/Mods are even mentioning something so irrelivant is so you sheep can just get side-tracked with hopeless ideas that they're doing it for you. (the player)

    This game is about money, has always been about money. You think china wanted to provide us with a fun game out of the kindess of their hears? NO, they wanted to make a profit from the kindess of your wallet!

    The new update just screws with the game in a way that makes the players feel like they been ***** by some random guy on the street and left as a pitiful soul.

    Of the ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES to find ways to lower the gold prices, this wasnt a reason... if anything it's just a side-effect to them making more real money.

    Kudos to you PWI. I'm loggin out, not even going to play with your update.
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    And we have a winner ..... Pay change is fine ... Bidding change sucks

    precisely, nail on the head.
  • kati10999
    kati10999 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    so did i get banned for being right when i said introducing +12 orb packs after saying u want to lower gold or because i said that that is hypocritical

    what rule does that break? did i target sum1? and say your are a hypocrite? or what

    in before this acct is banned for asking it in a question lol
  • Channman - Lost City
    Channman - Lost City Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited August 2010
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    seconded. gg pwe

  • KBar - Harshlands
    KBar - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Okay, "Mouthing off at the GM's" is not really the best word choice for that rule (though that is what's on there).

    Basically, personal insults on us (moron, idiot, etc..) aren't allowed on the forums. We don't allow them to be used against the players either.

    If you want to complain about what's going on, that's fine, but please focus your anger on the issue instead of at the human beings who are trying to listen to you.

    Then what about the pages and pages of people calling each other idiots, noobs, or ****? I don't see their insults getting deleted. Sounds more like blatant hypocrisy than forum monitoring.

    Thank you for all your feedback. We understand that this is a drastic change to the Territory War system. However we believe that in time, things will shape up in PWI for the better. Something I'd like to mention since nobody has yet brought it up: There is one constant complaint that the economy is becoming inflated with coins. So much in fact that you can't purchase 1 Gold without paying 400-500K worth of coins. A big reason for this is that large powerful guilds have been sitting on their property and collecting a fat paycheck every week without doing anything. Since they are the ones that can afford the high priced Gold, the Gold being sold at 400K is still being bought, and prices remained.

    With this source of income gone, we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will.

    That's not to say that we don't have any power to change this system, or that this system is not going to be tweaked with. Over the next couple of weeks we will be monitoring TW activities, as well as the economy to see what kind of affect this change has in these two areas.

    Thanks again for your passionate responses. It truly shows the love you players have for PWI.


    Hey, that's true...except the new bidding hall will make people pay large amounts of real money for incredibly rare items (probably more than the item is actually worth), and that combined with your refusal to remove the random packs and apparent inability to compensate players for the DQ price drops means that gold prices will most likely not be going down. If anything, the price of gold will go UP due to this update.
  • Wolfiepochie - Lost City
    Wolfiepochie - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ...Hate the new login screen WHY SO BIG IM NOT ****ING BLIND. Also nice new HORRRIBLE chat.
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Wouldn't it be much easier and better to just lower or even fix the winning sum for a TW and just do the same with the pay you get from land owning every week?

    Mirage stones are just a laugh. Come on? That's like getting crabs for christmas.

    And this sure as hell won't make it easier for smaller factions to get TW going. They will be to scared to lose their hardearned(?) coins if they lose a bid.

    These changes could very well lower the amount of coins necessary to win a bid, hopefully even to a level where smaller guilds would feel comfortable risking its loss.
  • LEFTSIDE - Lost City
    LEFTSIDE - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i blame this change on Almon
    just like i blame everything else on him
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    kati10999 wrote: »
    so did i get banned for being right when i said introducing +12 orb packs after saying u want to lower gold or because i said that that is hypocritical

    what rule does that break? did i target sum1? and say your are a hypocrite? or what

    in before this acct is banned for asking it in a question lol

    Bump for this

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Guys, seriously, just close this. It will keep going and going and going nonstop and people will spam and spam QQ about it, we all know its a made change and there's no easy way back.

    PS: HT ragequit peeps, donations are welcome @ my mail b:thanks

    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • GHealz - Archosaur
    GHealz - Archosaur Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    These changes could very well lower the amount of coins necessary to win a bid, hopefully even to a level where smaller guilds would feel comfortable risking its loss.

    franki...ur a hopeless dolt...end thread
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Tempest FTWb:bye
  • turdbird
    turdbird Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2010
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Your recent TW changes remove the benefit of owning land. I know for a major TW faction we spend huge amounts of money both in-game coin and ZEN for our wars each week. You want to remove the reward which makes all of that worthwhile and you think we'll continue to do TW? You've got to be kidding.

    TW should be a coin sink. Giving coin as a reward for TW was always a bad idea. Every MMORPG I have ever played had a huge inflation problem and giving mass sums of coin as a reward for TW was far from wise. Now TW is a money sink. This is good for the economy as a whole. You are correct though that the reward for TW needs to be worth it (especially now that it is a money sink). I am not wild about mirage stones being given as a reward (there are enough of those in the world already too) so something better should be given instead. The new items needed to make the best equipment are a good start. Perhaps more of those items should be given out than is currently planned. Perhaps other items should be given out as well (ideally not items that can already be acquired a ton of other ways like mirage stones). People should want to TW for the rewards, but the rewards should not be coin. TW should be a coin sink to help the economy out. This change has done a lot to help in that regard. But you are totally correct that if the rewards are not sufficient to make factions want to TW then the rewards need to be improved (mainly because TW will not be an effective money sink if factions are not bidding high to begin with).
  • Perikita - Raging Tide
    Perikita - Raging Tide Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I couldn't be arsed to read all 60 pages of posts, so...

    If you think secret bidding with no refund if you don't win is ok, can I have this for the things I sell in auction house? I would very much like that :)
  • LEFTSIDE - Lost City
    LEFTSIDE - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Dear Pwi,

    You have now FUBAR'd this game to hell.

    thanks for this **** up b:bye
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Stop it. Now.
  • Saiyori - Dreamweaver
    Saiyori - Dreamweaver Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    truekossy wrote: »
    I AM a person who's been here since the beta.

    Gold didn't jump up to 200k til chest of coins/iron hammers came out except for getting close during our first battle pack sale.

    TW factions causing gold to spike up to 500k? Did you even play? Try the fact that if you got lucky, you'd get 10 mil from 2 gold and they were giving out endgame items in packs.

    I'm not saying it was the TW only that raised gold, but it sure helped. Plus, that takes time to flood the game with coins. It wasn't an overnight thing.

    The packs, imo, were what hurt the economy the most but this patch will not be the end of the world. I still think it will make things better in the long run.

    Flame if you must, but I would like to see what happens first, myself.
  • Pattoe - Raging Tide
    Pattoe - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    These changes could very well lower the amount of coins necessary to win a bid, hopefully even to a level where smaller guilds would feel comfortable risking its loss.

    Why mess with a system that works? Sure alter it, half or even quarter the payout, it wouldnt bother me, change the minimum amount you can bid to 100k from 500k sure... but why make it non-refundable and why make the bidding secret?

    the notes said it was to stop fake bidding, this wouldn't stop fake bidding at all, it would probably make it a heck of a lot easier. (I explained why exactly in a previous post which was probably completely ignored just like this post will be.)
  • IsisBlack - Lost City
    IsisBlack - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    prettybarb wrote: »
    like u can rpk enways b:cute

    Kinda makes me giggle when people use an alt to insult you on a forum. To scared to show who you are? LOL
  • Anna_Sweg - Harshlands
    Anna_Sweg - Harshlands Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Okay first things first 10million coins being reduced to mirages that are going for arround 12-15k a mirage. This is a crazy reduction in value especially considering the ammount of coins spent on the average strong TW. I know I as a veno spend 360k for a charm every fight if everybody that shows up goes with the same cheap charm and u have 50 people show up your at 18million coins. Then u have the towers that are 100k a pop to put up. This means that in order to get the value for the land beyond the prestige of just holding it one has to hold the land now for 20 weeks to pay for one TW. Secret bids
    are a dumb idea. In all my playing of pwi very few fake factions have ever place a bid on my server(Harshlands). And no refund if you bid gets out bid why take the risk. I guess the secret bidding system if one is allowed to bid 1 coin is a reasonable risk but to throw away 500000 coins at something worth only 1,800,000 if another faction bids 500001 makes it so anybody placing a bid has to be a complete moron or sure nobody else is going to bid on the land. This encourages exactly the collusion that you say your trying to fight. In the current system if you get out bid by a non land holding faction u can most the time bid on another land held by the same faction. This system prevents most fake bids on Harshland as it doesnt stop one from getting attacked to launch one. The case where its most valuable to launch fake bids is if 3 major factions are attacking you its better to reduce the likelyhood they get the same time by making it 6 with 3 fake bids that u dont have to show up for. Then its more likely that you can defend your land if you have active players that can show up for 2 days of tw.
    Rank IX gear. I think I have an interresting idea of how one should obtain it. The servers have a major problem with TW not happening for as many people as they should.(potentially this is the most fun thing PWI has to offer it needs to mean something)
    My solution is have a point of Guild Victory in the mmorpg. This is obtained by holding 3 major cities and a certain portion of the map. The guild that achieves this gets 10000 rep per member and each member gets the component nessisary for rank IX gear. After acheiving this the guild is broken up and disbanded with normal land compinsation paid to leader one last time. This would potentially mix up the comfortable little holes we make in the game with shifts in power that are monumental but yet interresting and help keep the fusing of new blood into guilds fresh and active with available lands after each clean sweep for smaller factions to fight over.
  • Alphae - Lost City
    Alphae - Lost City Posts: 1,512 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Wtf Is Wrong With Chat. Omg My Eyes.
  • GHealz - Archosaur
    GHealz - Archosaur Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    u are a sick child
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Tempest FTWb:bye
  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    u are a sick child


    i try my best

    QQmoar, moralphags
  • Saiyori - Dreamweaver
    Saiyori - Dreamweaver Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    erethizon1 wrote: »
    TW should be a coin sink. Giving coin as a reward for TW was always a bad idea. Every MMORPG I have ever played had a huge inflation problem and giving mass sums of coin as a reward for TW was far from wise. Now TW is a money sink. This is good for the economy as a whole. You are correct though that the reward for TW needs to be worth it (especially now that it is a money sink). I am not wild about mirage stones being given as a reward (there are enough of those in the world already too) so something better should be given instead. The new items needed to make the best equipment are a good start. Perhaps more of those items should be given out than is currently planned. Perhaps other items should be given out as well (ideally not items that can already be acquired a ton of other ways like mirage stones). People should want to TW for the rewards, but the rewards should not be coin. TW should be a coin sink to help the economy out. This change has done a lot to help in that regard. But you are totally correct that if the rewards are not sufficient to make factions want to TW then the rewards need to be improved (mainly because TW will not be an effective money sink if factions are not bidding high to begin with).

    ^ This is lovely b:victory
  • Yamiino - Heavens Tear
    Yamiino - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Holy mother or jesus christ, I don't like this update!

    Patcher is taking too long and I wanna go ingame already >,>

    WTB> -12% channeling BELT or RING pm me with link or mail me ingame HT server, ty.
  • Alliekatt - Lost City
    Alliekatt - Lost City Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I just logged into game
    The new chat/everything is horible. What were you thinking? =_=. Is this some elaborate plan to make us all ragequit or something? O_O Cuz yall just took a giant dump on this game.
  • Vyxxee - Sanctuary
    Vyxxee - Sanctuary Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I have to say thank you for adding the ability to drop items into chat.

    I also appreciate that you made the font more readable, although it's still too small. I have poor vision and have spent the last year desperately trying to read that small, difficult font type and size.

    The labels will take some getting used to.

    Making the font type and size configurable for each person to suit their own taste is a far superior solution.
This discussion has been closed.