Top five guilds



  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Im so indifferent on this topic; Im staying out of it entirely.
    I consider Taboo a friend and ofcourse im a member of Crimson, and it is unclear whether were getting better or not, how about we dont post, and come back tomorrow night and talk about this.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Im expecting 40 people online for evoke + yeah, should be a blast.
  • Woneo - Harshlands
    Woneo - Harshlands Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Im expecting 40 people online for evoke + yeah, should be a blast.

    Meh. try to 1 squad evoke.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Nvm, due to recent events i think 20 people will be on for crimson + evoke......GJ, you are improving.
  • VenomousEmo - Harshlands
    VenomousEmo - Harshlands Posts: 860 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Nvm, due to recent events i think 20 people will be on for crimson + evoke......GJ, you are improving.
    Cya tomorrowb:chuckle
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    <hates people that enjoy success due to someone elses down fall. or their way of achieving success is undermining their opponent until they can no longer compete. Where is killerkhan when ya need him.....You Have no Honor!
  • Auns - Harshlands
    Auns - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i swear....zulu scrwd kd up dude..but i guess nurfed completed his goal now, there will be 3 guilds fighting on almost equal ground for the tw map when kingdom gets wiped
    fun funb:surrender
  • Sauron_ - Harshlands
    Sauron_ - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Malli why u try so hard to pre-excuse KD of loose lands in future? Focus on rebuild faction and done. Dont try to analise other factions.
  • Sauron_ - Harshlands
    Sauron_ - Harshlands Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Taboo, i think KD is not in case to do any criticism about honnor lol.
  • Zoroaster - Harshlands
    Zoroaster - Harshlands Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    unless so many ppl here i dont hate kd i had a great time there and lot of fun .taboo is right there is no honor if only 30 ppl show up and crimson wins the tw.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination. b:laugh
  • LadyTsukiyo - Harshlands
    LadyTsukiyo - Harshlands Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    well you dont meet req now so **** off and alliance with takoda has done some great things to crimson so dont talk if you dont know what is going on. And btw this has become all about crimson and kd so tell me now whos comparing who to who???? Since zulu and kylin are miles away for now and kd want so called merge with us. Just tell me wtf do you think about that LADY??????????????'
    I wouldn't say the merge has done great things for Takoda or Crimson. Takoda used to be great. I did admire Takoda at one point, however it seems to be dying.

    I would say, a merge would be a great idea for Crimson. Sure there's rpk involved, but this is a pvp server. Secondly Crimson, could get oufitted with somewhat better gear that could help their chances and improve in TW. TW is the ultimate bragging rights. Gaining land, and conquering is good. And it would take both factions out of the massive hole.
    "If God gives you lemons, then get a new God"-Powerthirst
  • UberSkillz - Harshlands
    UberSkillz - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I wouldn't say the merge has done great things for Takoda or Crimson. Takoda used to be great. I did admire Takoda at one point, however it seems to be dying.

    I would say, a merge would be a great idea for Crimson. Sure there's rpk involved, but this is a pvp server. Secondly Crimson, could get oufitted with somewhat better gear that could help their chances and improve in TW. TW is the ultimate bragging rights. Gaining land, and conquering is good. And it would take both factions out of the massive hole.

    1 problem is crimson isint in a hole we fighting for something unlike kd fighting 2 prevent the loss of what they have. Together we can only go forward as far tw goes. Crimson already a strong faction we just need 2 improve our tw skill as unit not as individuals.
  • LadyTsukiyo - Harshlands
    LadyTsukiyo - Harshlands Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I wouldn't say the merge has done great things for Takoda or Crimson. Takoda used to be great. I did admire Takoda at one point, however it seems to be dying.

    I would say, a merge would be a great idea for Crimson. Sure there's rpk involved, but this is a pvp server. Secondly Crimson, could get oufitted with somewhat better gear that could help their chances and improve in TW. TW is the ultimate bragging rights. Gaining land, and conquering is good. And it would take both factions out of the massive hole.
    1 problem is crimson isint in a hole we fighting for something unlike kd fighting 2 prevent the loss of what they have. Together we can only go forward as far tw goes. Crimson already a strong faction we just need 2 improve our tw skill as unit not as individuals.

    Okay like I said a few pages back, there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. If Crimson is oh so strong, and is improving, then I would see them almost every day at West Arch, pking, or even Silver Pool pking. If you have time to pk, then you have time to improve and lvl. As well as fixing up your gear. :|
    "If God gives you lemons, then get a new God"-Powerthirst
  • Paimage - Harshlands
    Paimage - Harshlands Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Okay like I said a few pages back, there is a fine line between arrogance and confidence. If Crimson is oh so strong, and is improving, then I would see them almost every day at West Arch, pking, or even Silver Pool pking. If you have time to pk, then you have time to improve and lvl. As well as fixing up your gear. :|

    I rarely see KD members pking (perhaps cuz I dont play as much now?), I can name the ones that do it actively and that wouldnt go past 5 while Crimson has over 10 active pvpers; although, some ppl pvp cuz they want to use their time in-game pvping and not stuck in an instance for the limited time of play they have which is also my case and main reason why I also have crappy gears but still, you could try to spend sometime trying to improve your gears but in the end the volume of your pocket will make the difference. Those players that either spend too much time in-game farming coins to put high refinements on gear and those that cash shop will always have a better gear then sum1 that doesnt do neither of those or jus cant do neither of those for limited play time.
    So u can say Crimson members need to spend more time lvling and improving gear but you cant forget that not every1 has that time and KD was stronger then Crimson cuz they had more members with time to farm for good gears and that can cash shop, cant also forget about how long KD has over 15 territories which gives sum in-come, attracts players that want to TW(either ones that want to have sum fun defending those lands or those that jus want to get benefits from guild) while Crimson has been atking KD without that benefit of giving salary to members or at least help them with coins from the territories.
    A guild that can keep getting stronger week after week even with so many difficulties surely is a guild that you would take pride in being part of, and if those inside the guild see it improving then they are in the right way.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    This has really turned into one of the dumbest threads ive ever read.....Is it that hard to understand that KD is basically dead? TW faction getting 55 people online for TW = Dead. Crimson still lost plus Evoke. When KD got 80+ on for TW they got rolled. If they went against Kylin they would get rolled, if they went against zulu they would get rolled. How is that fun or improving? Stop talking about your "improvement" i dont care if you got your gear from +3 to +4, that is not the type of "improvement" we are talking about. and as it stands crimson has been exactly the same for about 7 weeks now. Rush lane B, dont use a scout, dont defend side lanes, once any towers go down you turtle the base with no attack at all, so we can bring our whole guild into your base also and roll you.....seriously, atleast attempt to change something jesus.

    And like i said....odds are crimson gets land tonight cause we will have 30 people total for evoke + crimson.
  • Auns - Harshlands
    Auns - Harshlands Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    crimson shold like...lissen to tabo.. but rather than merging, the top 20 kd should join crimson and them how tws really are done i mean they got experience, gear and lvls and succes ( to some extentb:laugh) and all that -.-

    iam sure most crimson members would like to get some salary for all the charm burn pots and repairs they are going throughb:shocked
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    taboo you are a silly rabbit man look this is what ive been saying was gunna happen to kd for ever you guys lost yer land and have nothing left cus of it the reason crimson is improveing is because with your full 80 they turned you away for a hour and a half wich is no small feat at all enjoy your dying guild mr director of nothing and just so everyone knows even when kd was strong the only thing they ever had was cash shopping it had nothing to do with real skill or anything give me mom and dads credit card and ill buy my way to the top too
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My god I swear these Crimson kids are as thick as walls.


    Ugh the inability to listen and get simple concepts through your skulls just astounds me.

    Enjoy being vultures. I'll be loling at you when you try to brag on world chat about beating us when we have 30 people in the instance. I'm sure you'll make it sound like some major victory. A story to tell your grandchildren about, I'm sure.
  • Os_city - Harshlands
    Os_city - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My god I swear these Crimson kids are as thick as walls.


    Ugh the inability to listen and get simple concepts through your skulls just astounds me.

    Enjoy being vultures. I'll be loling at you when you try to brag on world chat about beating us when we have 30 people in the instance. I'm sure you'll make it sound like some major victory. A story to tell your grandchildren about, I'm sure.

    Malilizi why are you so bitter its not crimson fault that kd is dead and we are not comparing to you at all we are just saying that we are improving each week so pls stop compering us to you and get your faction togather instead of telling us what to do tyvm
  • Cimon - Harshlands
    Cimon - Harshlands Posts: 279 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    mallizzi the reason we mock you now is cus you all had big heads for a while just sit back and enjoy your down fall im sure gunna
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]ty mystic man for the sig
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    It's not even about mocking. I really couldn't give two craps that KD is dying. Guilds die. It happens alllllll the time. There's no reason to cry about it.

    I just don't understand how people have such poor reading comprehension.
  • PipSqueak_ - Harshlands
    PipSqueak_ - Harshlands Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    My god I swear these Crimson kids are as thick as walls.


    Ugh the inability to listen and get simple concepts through your skulls just astounds me.

    Enjoy being vultures. I'll be loling at you when you try to brag on world chat about beating us when we have 30 people in the instance. I'm sure you'll make it sound like some major victory. A story to tell your grandchildren about, I'm sure.

    why you KD's all start cry now?
    it's pretty pathetic to see now that KD isnt the best faction anymore, you start talk about fun TW and numbers..
    i never seen KD members talking like that before, it used to be big mouth/e-peen talking..
    stop the QQ and feeling sorry for yourself. you're not the only faction that had bad times and went downhill.. Crimson have been there, KY also.. just accept what happens, take ur losses and rebuild..

  • Rhyme - Harshlands
    Rhyme - Harshlands Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    1. PNButt
    2. Zulu
    3. Goats
    4. Finger Licking
    5. Kingdom
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    How is there ANY QQ or feeling sorry for ourselves?

    God you people are stupid. I'm highly amazed that you manage to use a computer at all with the kind of intelligence your posts and responses show. You miss the point of people's posts time and time again and just try to spin things to fit whatever you already planned as your oh-so-witty response in your head.

    I need to stay away from the forums or the stupid is going to rub off on me.
  • LordPangu - Harshlands
    LordPangu - Harshlands Posts: 413 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Theres no point in continuing to argue about Kingdom and Crimson on this thread. If we lose we will congratulate and praise you for your efforts on stoping us even though you lot lost most of your members. If we win, we will be happy despite everything that happened but we wont trash talk or anything like that cause winning or losing is just part of the game and its not like most of us to do trash talk. The thing is alot of ppl didnt appreciate the attitude that some of Kingdom officers had towards others and are now satisfied with the fact that you guys will not have the same previlege you once had. Whether they express it saying "you guys suck" or "congratulations Kingdom, you did your best", what was done by you lot will never be changed.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Malilizi - Harshlands
    Malilizi - Harshlands Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The same privilege we once had? What privileges are those? What we did will never be changed?

    You guys act like I broke into your home and murdered your dog.
  • Juggernaut - Harshlands
    Juggernaut - Harshlands Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    If Kingdom loses a land to Crimson or Evoke tonight, the reason is solely based on Kingdom's failure, and not the success of either guild. Even with Kingdom in the state that its in, neither guild poses a great threat to Kingdom by themselves. If you are in Crimson or Evoke, and you can't admit that, then don't bother reading the rest of this because you will just rage harder.

    With Kingdom facing stacked wars tonight, we will see just how much strength is left in the guild. While Kingdom may be able to easily defend Crimson and Evoke in a one on one, I don't know how well they will do against both at the same time.

    But honestly, Crimson members, you are stronger then Evoke and stand the best chance at getting land tonight. If you do, then congrats. But don't for a second think that your victory was a result of your members trying harder, or improving your tactics and gear. Even on its best day, Crimson wouldn't be a threat to Kingdom. Your victory would only be the outcome of Kingdom's long and drawn out collapse. Even an infant can bend metal once the metal has rusted and decayed. Either way, you will get land eventually. If not tonight, then in weeks to come.

    Evoke members, I don't like to generalize people just because of what guild they are in, but I have never seen a single member show any kind of intelligence on the forums or in game. Your only function is to collect all the scum and garbage on this server, and unite them under a guild tag. Your TWs are a joke, you are unorganized and never improve, or change your strategy. When criticized, you rage and throw insults rather then improve whatever it is people are criticizing you for. You will have many chances to gain land in the upcoming weeks. I genuinely hope you fail at each and every one. If by some stroke of unfavorable luck you manage to take a piece of land, I hope you realize that you did nothing to earn it.

    Good luck to Kingdom tonight, they are going to need it.
  • Tiphreth - Harshlands
    Tiphreth - Harshlands Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    She actually did kill my dog, so don't make her angry.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I realize no matter how good the people left in KD are....we just cant compete in 2v1's with only 30 people online, so what do i do? i offer crimson some sugegstions about their TW and what they need to change, and the reply is that im QQing. Like i said, its one thing to not be the best, its a completely different thing to not even attempt to change for the better or accept help. b:bye
  • Desiree - Harshlands
    Desiree - Harshlands Posts: 635 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    lol, rage fest b:chuckle

    Everyone should calm down and join my tea party in South Arch b:cute