Top Factions



  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    brent40 wrote: »
    I would add my hairy ***, I think that would contribute more to this forum than you have with your self righteous conceit.

    This has become my morning paper, the news papers are too full of morons and it is one sided.. can't call the journalist out on their BS.

    I played on arch server alongside most of these contradicting ***-buckets, and now when I read, and see them spew illogical puke all over the forums, i have that privilege to comment. If you don't like it, suck it...

    Illogical puke? I'm sorry, what?
    List of my territory war videos:
    ht tp://
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    brent40 wrote: »
    i have that privilege to comment. ...

    and you're obviously confident about that privilege, evident by your inability to use an avatar

    lawl so obvious you're afraid to get trashed on if you used your real name, self-proclaimed vaglna right here ladies and gentlemen
  • Posts: 49
    edited October 2010
    and you're obviously confident about that privilege, evident by your inability to use an avatar

    lawl so obvious you're afraid to get trashed on if you used your real name, self-proclaimed vaglna right here ladies and gentlemen

    Yaya!!! Ice is here, those monkey shots wins us all =)
  • Posts: 49
    edited October 2010
    Illogical puke? I'm sorry, what?

    Don't be, You will fit in wherever you get in....freeloader
  • Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Alts FTW. b:shutup
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Alts FTW. b:shutup

    So if I'm not mistaken you were the QQing Brent?
    This is so unlike you.
    List of my territory war videos:
    ht tp://
  • Posts: 324 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    So if I'm not mistaken you were the QQing Brent?
    This is so unlike you.

    Oh god no.

    I was making a cynical reference to Kat's earlier post asking people to cut the drama, after which most blank avatar's started showing up. b:shutup
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    brent40 wrote: »
    Better than me? I would have to be one trying to compete for it to have any effect. I just made a valid statment... So lower your teenage driven e-peen and try that on someone that really cares..

    No Brent is obviously a fail Fatalis now probably gone on to fail Phoenix. Evident by his irrational attack on Saraise, who, from what I understand, hasn;t been on vent for any length of time in months.

    As i said before tiny little brain and other parts that get hard making idiotic comments that have no relevance to the topic at hand.
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    gershwinn wrote: »
    No Brent is obviously a fail Fatalis now probably gone on to fail Phoenix. Evident by his irrational attack on Saraise, who, from what I understand, hasn;t been on vent for any length of time in months.

    As i said before tiny little brain and other parts that get hard making idiotic comments that have no relevance to the topic at hand.

    Ooh, I probably know who brent is (The one most butthurt when i went to Fatalis TW meetup with the Elusive logo on top of my head and became cranky and just plain stupid with massive e-peen fail).

    List of my territory war videos:
    ht tp://
  • Posts: 49
    edited October 2010
    b:chuckle guessing games are fun!
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    Ugh, spies. I have never understood that whole concept.

    There is nothing I knew on the inside of any faction regarding TW that an outsider couldn't equally learn by just paying attention. b:surrender So unless you are somehow sneaking an director or maybe a marshall into a TW faction, but even then I really doubt there is much to be learned that is worth that kind of effort.

    Now, sneaking an alt into the faction holding 1k so as to be able to smuggle ironguard contriband? THAT I understand. b:laugh
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited October 2010
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    C'mon Kat, you of all people know I don't have an alt in Narla. Have to ruin my attempt to get everyone scrutinizing some of those newbies you got over there, don't ya? Everyone looking at when I log out, which of them logs in, etc. etc. etc. b:chuckle

    A lame attempt, but you couldn't even let me have that, could you?

    Wet blankets, all a yuns . . . .
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 49
    edited October 2010
    Ugh, spies. I have never understood that whole concept.

    There is nothing I knew on the inside of any faction regarding TW that an outsider couldn't equally learn by just paying attention. b:surrender So unless you are somehow sneaking an director or maybe a marshall into a TW faction, but even then I really doubt there is much to be learned that is worth that kind of effort.

    Now, sneaking an alt into the faction holding 1k so as to be able to smuggle ironguard contriband? THAT I understand. b:laugh

    The person with the weird name just thrives on that stuff.. Sitting in faction chat catching everyone up on the gossip > leveling and being an asset.
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    brent40 wrote: »
    The person with the weird name just thrives on that stuff.. Sitting in faction chat catching everyone up on the gossip > leveling and being an asset.

    I will admit, I do talk in faction chat more than I level, but that does not make me not an asset (Or if you're too stupid to understand double negatives, it means "I am still an asset"). The reasoning for that is because schoolwork's caught me right when I am having fun with this game, and therefore, the most I can do for the guild is to interact via faction chat and attend and record Territory Wars.

    You cannot assume directly that I make no contributions to the faction just because I don't level very fast. If you are lurking inside Elusive and not interacting with other players, you really need to leave the faction if you find going on your alt and insulting fellow guildmates anonymously is fun. If you are not in Elusive and somewhere else, you need to really work on your aspects of this and this. You also need to stop acting like this and this.
    List of my territory war videos:
    ht tp://
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Yea we need ppl to keep faction chat active and record videos. While levelling and gearing up is very important, we still need ppl to help on the other details. Ji transcribes the orders from vent for those that cant hear. Recording does make this very dead server more fun, and enables us to look at beautiful parts of the TW we missed.

    And RL>game, and summer is over, many of us have other fun/tiring things to do. I barely play the game, just catshop and cube most of the days, and tw on weekends. I enjoy just chatting on faction, only thing keeping me from leaving the game entirely....

    (But might try new pvp server on PW - MY , mayeb see some of u there hehe)
  • Posts: 49
    edited October 2010
    I will admit, I do talk in faction chat more than I level, but that does not make me not an asset (Or if you're too stupid to understand double negatives, it means "I am still an asset"). The reasoning for that is because schoolwork's caught me right when I am having fun with this game, and therefore, the most I can do for the guild is to interact via faction chat and attend and record Territory Wars.

    You cannot assume directly that I make no contributions to the faction just because I don't level very fast. If you are lurking inside Elusive and not interacting with other players, you really need to leave the faction if you find going on your alt and insulting fellow guildmates anonymously is fun. If you are not in Elusive and somewhere else, you need to really work on your aspects of this and this. You also need to stop acting like this and this.

    Your poor lame excuse is old, face it, you like to grab on to the nut sacks of successful factions and sit around and brag and gossip as if you had any part in it. Anyone can press F9...

    Rest of your dribble is just that. As far as I am concerned elusive wasn't built on "friendship" so I have the privelage to say WTF ever I want, even if it is to a "guildmate"
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    moaning all day because of the apparent lack of respect towards your validity to speak about particular things is kind of a lost cause when you never says anything of interest that would prove your worth taking seriously anyway

    all anybody sees is: blah blah blah i'm too low to join narla, too bad to join elusive, and too much of a nerd to score even a ginger chick so I think i'll go take my anger out on 'em all
  • Posts: 49
    edited October 2010
    Shabby alabaster shard from west arch merchant = 530 coins

    Mystical tome fragments from Proclivity's cat shop near the teleport = 180.000 coins

    One way trip to frostcovered city via the teleport stone = 10.000 coins

    A 110 lbs geek calling someone a nerd on a MMO forums = priceless
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    hahahaha guy you really don't get it do you? trying to defend yourself from being a nerd by plugging pwi details into a really trite mastercard commercial isn't exactly going to convince anybody over, which you obviously care so much about doing because otherwise you wouldn't have to hide who you were

    i mean i know i leave you speechless often but, yikes, don't tell me that and making up fake weights for people are due up first in your repertoire of rebuttals because that would really leave me concerned

    here, friend, listen to some tunes and maybe you'll feel good enough about yourself to grow a pair

    saying heyyyy oh
  • Posts: 49
    edited October 2010
    isn't exactly going to convince anybody over, which you obviously care so much about doing because otherwise you wouldn't have to hide who you were

    If I cared, why would I "hide"? Seems to me if someone was trying to gain anything from the actions they do here, or in game they would do so using whatever name they wish to enhance. So try a better conspiracy theory.

    I never said I was trying to "convince" anyone of anything. You do that well enough on your own.... the "lolz" behind your back is whats epic!

    And that's allllllllll it is about- the "lolz", thats about it. isn't that why you like being an arrogant jerk? because itz teh funnehz?b:bye
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    brent40 wrote: »
    If I cared, why would I "hide"? Seems to me if someone was trying to gain anything from the actions they do here, or in game they would do so using whatever name they wish to enhance. So try a better conspiracy theory.

    I never said I was trying to "convince" anyone of anything. You do that well enough on your own.... the "lolz" behind your back is whats epic!

    And that's allllllllll it is about- the "lolz", thats about it. isn't that why you like being an arrogant jerk? because itz teh funnehz?b:bye

    haha you hide because you care, not because you don't care. if you didn't care (like most of us) you'd be posting from behind an avatar, but since its obviously more than just teh funnehz to you, you're afraid of saying what you do on your real name. now i'm really concerned that you're in such a state of denial, you can't even acknowledge the most rudimentary point of the thread that is your blatant dodging of confrontation in fear of getting trolled for who you are

    at least when tivas brought his broken engrish *** to the forums he didn't cry from an anonymous name
  • Posts: 49
    edited October 2010
    haha you hide because you care, not because you don't care. if you didn't care (like most of us) you'd be posting from behind an avatar, but since its obviously more than just teh funnehz to you, you're afraid of saying what you do on your real name. now i'm really concerned that you're in such a state of denial, you can't even acknowledge the most rudimentary point of the thread that is your blatant dodging of confrontation in fear of getting trolled for who you are

    at least when tivas brought his broken engrish *** to the forums he didn't cry from an anonymous name

    Why should I? Ahhhh so your simpleton mind can find fuel for fire! that is after all what children do right?

    I don't post on the forums under my chars name simply because I have a few, my char and what I have been posting to you or anyone is irrelevant to each other on topic at hand. and lastly I don't owe you or anyone for that matter an explanation as to what I do and don't do on these forums..

    btw, another acct?
  • Posts: 1,301 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I remember when TAR0NDAR rocked it out on tw. Defended I think it was 60~ people ranging from mid 40s - 85 with 23 people, max lvl 72 on 3 seperate occasions I believe. Inevitably we lost our land of course. I was just a wee lil mid 20s fluffy then. :)

    ^ Had the makings of a good faction til everyone went back to HT :(

    <3'd PvE tw.

    This was when the server was alive of course.

    PS who's the top factions on there now? I remember narla had pink ummmm, some sick coloured territories near buried bones.
  • Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Pink is the shiznit. But you know who rocked the pink better than any other on this server?

    yReMaeRD. Man he wore that pink loud and proud. He was SO proud to be Narlian.

    And now....he is in Elusive. *sigh* You know its bad when the football team loses their head cheerleader.

    But yeah, pink is ownage. idc what any other server says -.-

    Oh! Hai, Arch server! b:bye

    P.S. I love how after you delete your char, your avatar remains. AwesomeSauce. <3 You my little Narwhals! b:kiss
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I hope members join pink even if I'm part of green.
    List of my territory war videos:
    ht tp://
  • Posts: 695 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Top Archosaur Factions

    1. Elusive

    2. Narla

    3. The rest of them...

  • Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Top Archosaur Factions

    1. Elusive

    2. Narla

    3. The rest of them...



    All respect due where needed, you misunderstand the core drive of Narla.
    At least, I'd like to think
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2010
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    All respect due where needed, you misunderstand the core drive of Narla.
    At least, I'd like to think

    You've been gone a long time, Rob. You've been gone a long time.
    I find this funny and if you are thinking it is turning into just Elusive and Narla on the map you're sorely wrong. Watch what Fatalis and Impulse will be doing in the next couple weeks, that will be the big kicker. Although I respect Proski and his faction, there are too many bad apples in their for it to sustain itself.. unfortunately; I hope they succeed in bringing competition but I don't see it so far. Impulse and Fatalis both have good players and refined communities, when they come together I see a lot of people flocking to them.

    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."


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