Assassins without Stealth would fail in PK?



  • Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Also, there were some old school BMs that could keep u stunlocked for over 9000 minutes, but we dont have those anymore cuz people have no idea how to play their class anymore with all that BH, oracles and FC.

    Anyway to be honest I really dont see everybodies fear for sins..they so squishy...........

    over 9000!!!!
    Please donate money into my mailbox :)

    I'm poor as heck.
  • Posts: 633 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well actually its easier for a bm to stucklock someone now. Even if they are incompetent they can follow up a missed or messed up stun with occult ice.
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    sins without stealth would still have 35m range w/stun, would still be impossible to 1shot, would still avoid 25% of skills, including wiz ultis and whatnot, would still be able to permaspark without -interval, demon permaspark with - interval using daggers, and they would still have enough hax chi gain capacity to cast all their ultis in a row.

    but they would need a bit more skill, and that would be nice.
    lulz, please teach me how to stun lock with just 1 stun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

    they have 2 stuns, and a silence that lasts 4 seconds and cools down in 8. you would spend half your time silenced, and it doesnt even require any skill on their part.if the sin is charmed, and the csers probably are, you have 4 seconds to kill him, then hit him again for 20% of his hp or more.
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I find it very funny that Tideborns get soooo easily offended when this kind of thread starts b:chuckle short fish fuse?

    The topic starter just asked wether sins would fail in pk without stealth, he/she didn't say "Stealth is so effing hax it should be removed they fail QQ QQ QQ OP blablabla"

    There sure are pills for short temper b:bye

    +1. chill pills assassins? b:bye
    archer is awesome.
  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ok u cant run if u are stuned becuz when am pking a sin higher lvl than my self i stun them then i doble spark which gives me some HP then while they are stun i attack them with doble spark and as soon as my stun kool down wich take about 10 sec i stun agin by that time they are dead lolb:thanks so i kill higher lvl sins without them even touching me heheheheh

    All i have to say to that is the Sin you were fighting is made of fail.... And just curious but, was this a duel or a real pvp situation where a charm was involved? If it was a duel then i find it hard to believe you actually beat him, unless of course the Sin was uber fail. This is what happens in duels as far as BM's and Barbs go, challenged>focused mind>deaden nerves>accept>get out of stun range>shadow teleport>innerharmony>double spark> rising dragon strike>headhunt>auto>win.... Some BM's and barbs are geared better and the strategy varies a bit, but its fairly easy kill to HA users...

    Then theres pk'ing, where you have to worry about charms and such. sadly, i dont have much to offer in this area... i rarely find charmed barbs and bm's for whatever reason so i cant really tell you what i would do, and for the ones i do find i dont bother with seeing as how i dont want my charm ticked and neither do they...

    back to the topic... i for one find stealth extremely useful, pvp and pve. but we're talking about pvp here so i would have to say that it depends on the situation. for some situations stealth isnt needed at all whereas in others its a must do or die kinda thing, and to be perfectly honest theres no way any of us can really say that they would be fail without stealth. just say for a second they decided to not give them the stealth skill. for one, all of our skills would be completely different and the game would be completely different. theres no way any of us could know what they would be like without stealth... the fact is that we do and you have to deal with it somehow... anyways, i hope i didnt sound like too much of an idiot...
  • Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Well now that all of you sins proved that you can PvP without Stealth...time to take it out no? Oh wait nvm. QQ about how everyone is racist and butthurt and this is just a conspiracy yadda yadda yadda.

    Every sin I see either uses Stealth, 3 sparks, then stuns and tries to **** (obviously people haven't heard of absolute domain followed by alacrity), or jumps down, Bramble Rages, then runs away in stealth.

    Oh, you don't do that? Oh I forget, you can has cashshop too ^.^
    I honestly laugh how insanely geared sins start talking about how they can fight without stealth, alright, lets give everyone the cash shop advantage, wizards would ****, BM's would ****, pretty much anyone would >.>''
  • Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I promise you, if you took a Sin's stealth, they'd be SCREWED. Hate to QQ, but all they do during PvP is (rarely) hit you once (just for a sporting chance, MAYBE) turn invisible, wait for you to freak out, and then come up behind you and...

    stab-sta-stab-stab-stab....stabbity stab Mcstabbers.

    "You have been killed by ________." <-insert the name of a random coward here.

    And, it wouldn't be so bad if they picked on guys their own size...barbs and BMs. But no, they LOVE to hit robed classes....and what's frustrating is, if they couldn't turn invisible, those robed classes could probably two shot them, at the least.

    I know for a fact that, me hitting at least 3.5k a hit WITHOUT soulburn, I could take down a Sin....IF they didn't turn invisible. Just gimme a Soul of Stunning, honey. They're getting a taste of their own meds. >:P

    Now, I know the solution to this is...

    "lmao u n00b stop QQn @nd g3t s0me Pdef, n00b!!!11/1?!?!"

    -_- that still doesn't solve my problem if I'm trying to build for a magical death cannon of doom here, people. Of course that's the difficult part of this game is getting the right build for everything, but I mean come on.....

    Invisibility? Seriously? and you can only see guys with lower levels than you? Are you kidding me? And stun? Are they trying to copycat the BM's here? You're just making them even MORE obsolete than before...

    It's bad enough Psychics are replacing Wizards (an already underpopulated class, even before the expansion.) I would know...I get picked for squads way more than most of my Wizard friends, mostly because we as Psychics nuke some massive damage.

    Are Psychics OP? I don't really think so personally, having played a 9x cleric and a 4x Veno. (I preferred playing the Veno, but I couldn't resist the TB.) It's a magic DD. There's a change.

    But to me, Assassins are just like a copycat BM...with a few additives and a godmod. Go figure, next to venos, Barbs, and clerics, it is now the most populated class.
  • Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Eh, 2 wizzies and an archer would say sin's don't fail without stealth.

    1) I was 58 at the time and all 3 had TT60 weapons.
    2) I was uncharmed.
    3) I was grinding and had around 20% HP when they attacked.
    4) I used second wind when they landed behind me.
    5) Rejuvenation pots are tasty.
    6) I did not use stealth (didn't cross my mind at the time).
    7) I ticked the archer's charm.
    8) Archer bitched about his charm.

    Edit: In the end the archer did kill me.
    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear
  • Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Why not add a sound like this? when there is a sin around.

    Then u can pop a pot, or some genie skill, whatsoever.
    Problem solved, donations via mail kthxbye <3
  • Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Even with stealth.. I've seen many sins die by the hand of psys and wizzes after they come out of hiding..
    Evasion doesn't help u there..

    stop saying that ****, assassins can kill wizzes and psys without stealth in 3 hits: shadow tele, hit, hit...
    with stealth: Headhunt, hit.... owned
    HEY APPLE...
  • Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Too bad they do have stlealth, nao GTFO
    Original Join date: Nov 24, 2008
    Originally Posted by Russiee - Raging Tide

    As for Shadow Escape. "I am sin, I Shadow Escape on a boss, Boss attacks cleric and squad wipes. Lolol im pro fish".

    ^ So pro b:victory ^
  • Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    stop saying that ****, assassins can kill wizzes and psys without stealth in 3 hits: shadow tele, hit, hit...
    with stealth: Headhunt, hit.... owned

    So they gotta triple spark somewhere and shadow tele doesn't have a 100m range which obviously allows u to prepare facing a sin.
    I heard a sin saying it takes skill to play a sin, since u have to know which skill u have to use after stealth, but that's BS in my opinion. In "real" PK there are 2 or more ppl facing each other and have to use skills dependent on their opponents actions based on the situation. (or something like that...describe it how u want).
    If there's some1 who is just spamming his skills without watching what his enemy does, then he will easily be killed by any at least a bit experienced PKer at his lvl. Well, now we got a Sin who just starts with a spark, the same skill as always and either kills the player or disappears again and gains 3 sparks within a blink of an eye. Skill much?
  • Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    stop saying that ****, assassins can kill wizzes and psys without stealth in 3 hits: shadow tele, hit, hit...
    with stealth: Headhunt, hit.... owned

    It's not that easy... Heandhunt, sin gets expeled, undine, sutra, dead sin -> That's how it CAN go as well (depends on the skill.. er cash shop.. er equipment level of the sin tho b:chuckle)

    I have a sin as well, and I like them. But sins do not auto win against wizards.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    All i have to say to that is the Sin you were fighting is made of fail.... And just curious but, was this a duel or a real pvp situation where a charm was involved? If it was a duel then i find it hard to believe you actually beat him, unless of course the Sin was uber fail. This is what happens in duels as far as BM's and Barbs go, challenged>focused mind>deaden nerves>accept>get out of stun range>shadow teleport>innerharmony>double spark> rising dragon strike>headhunt>auto>win.... Some BM's and barbs are geared better and the strategy varies a bit, but its fairly easy kill to HA users...

    Then theres pk'ing, where you have to worry about charms and such. sadly, i dont have much to offer in this area... i rarely find charmed barbs and bm's for whatever reason so i cant really tell you what i would do, and for the ones i do find i dont bother with seeing as how i dont want my charm ticked and neither do they...

    back to the topic... i for one find stealth extremely useful, pvp and pve. but we're talking about pvp here so i would have to say that it depends on the situation. for some situations stealth isnt needed at all whereas in others its a must do or die kinda thing, and to be perfectly honest theres no way any of us can really say that they would be fail without stealth. just say for a second they decided to not give them the stealth skill. for one, all of our skills would be completely different and the game would be completely different. theres no way any of us could know what they would be like without stealth... the fact is that we do and you have to deal with it somehow... anyways, i hope i didnt sound like too much of an idiot...[/QUOTE]

    ok no it was not a duel it was a real pvp seturation i was randomly going around killing player lower and just 3 lvl higer than my self then this sin came and said u pk my freind and now am gona kill u the he went into stelth so i flow up in the air then he came out i juat landed and stun him then all he can say was i will be back with my lvl 80 cleric and he still naver came to this day. will u belive me if i told i me lvl68 barb killed a 82 cleric in duel tho lol BARBS RULE PWI YEAAAAAAAAAAAb:victory
    RasgoreThE DeStRoYer [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2010

    ok no it was not a duel it was a real pvp seturation i was randomly going around killing player lower and just 3 lvl higer than my self then this sin came and said u pk my freind and now am gona kill u the he went into stelth so i flow up in the air then he came out i juat landed and stun him then all he can say was i will be back with my lvl 80 cleric and he still naver came to this day. will u belive me if i told i me lvl68 barb killed a 82 cleric in duel tho lol BARBS RULE PWI YEAAAAAAAAAAAb:victory
    RasgoreThE DeStRoYer [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Well now that all of you sins proved that you can PvP without Stealth...time to take it out no? Oh wait nvm. QQ about how everyone is racist and butthurt and this is just a conspiracy yadda yadda yadda.

    Every sin I see either uses Stealth, 3 sparks, then stuns and tries to **** (obviously people haven't heard of absolute domain followed by alacrity), or jumps down, Bramble Rages, then runs away in stealth.

    Oh, you don't do that? Oh I forget, you can has cashshop too ^.^
    I honestly laugh how insanely geared sins start talking about how they can fight without stealth, alright, lets give everyone the cash shop advantage, wizards would ****, BM's would ****, pretty much anyone would >.>''

    I don't cashshop and I destroy a rank 8 Psy on here no stealth. He's got full pdef event gears mind you (warsong belt, cube neck, etc).

    We wear the same armor as you; we got 25% chance of dodging any attacks; we can crit more than you; when we crit we crit harder than you; we got 2 skills to tele to you instantly and one of them have a short cooldown; we got more stuns and longer freeze than you; we also have seal and sleep. What else do you want me to say?
    It's not that easy... Heandhunt, sin gets expeled, undine, sutra, dead sin -> That's how it CAN go as well (depends on the skill.. er cash shop.. er equipment level of the sin tho b:chuckle)

    I have a sin as well, and I like them. But sins do not auto win against wizards.

    I wouldn't expel a good Sin Xegeth. Experienced ones have Lawbreaker. You are better off saving the energy to self expel when Sin sleep+spark.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    physics are wast even tho they hit harder than wizz my barb one shot a 67 phys with spark
    RasgoreThE DeStRoYer [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ya sins stealth is good but they have to come out and attack anyways.and if where complaining about there stealth and how they fail we should complain about cleric heals archers crit barbs hp blah blah blah ech class has its Opness so lets not wory bout the sins stealth=D
  • Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    When Barb demon/sage spark, I can just sleep, wait, Tackling at range, wait. b:chuckle

    We are not loaded with stuns. BM have more b:embarrass.
    we got 2 skills to tele to you instantly and one of them have a short cooldown; we got more stuns and longer freeze than you; we also have seal and sleep. What else do you want me to say?

    ijs b:bye

    hope you can see this in China D:
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    wow this form is begining to get boring.
    RasgoreThE DeStRoYer [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Personally I love using stealth, but hate when people use it against me. I think it's only fair that assassins, being, y'know - assassins, keep their stealth. In my opinion, it's really what makes the character. I just get over it when other sins use it against myself, it's just a game - no need to be butthurt over being stunned and head hunted. b:victory
    [SIGPIC]<img src="; border="0" alt="">[/SIGPIC]

    b:dirty .EndGame. - Level 3 RPK faction on Harshlands server,
    recruiting 60+ for TW/TT/FB/BH/FC/VENT! Join the family,
    and remember folks - it's nothin' personal!
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Assasins r assasins.
    free 150 chi @ a level 1 skill
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok i say it would be harder 4 them 2 win with out there stealth skill a few ppl my lv an 4lv+ over mine, i drop them b4 they get to me , i stun them b4 they can tele to me it takes me 1-3 hits to kill them with out soulburnb:chuckle..but when there in stealth and they pop out of no were! thats like the end of me 80% of the timeb:surrender

    and i 4 got who said it... , but psy dont need to use white or black voodoo some times or there is times that u dont want to use i can go on and on but i wish not 2.bye bye b:bye
    what comes up must come down what goes in must come out! b:chuckle b:surprisedb:mischievous
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    OMG what is the problem with this.

    Would venos suck in PK without Nix? YES

    Would Wizards suck in PK without Kite? YES

    Would Cleric Suck IN PK without PLume shell,buffs? YES

    omg you can find something for everyone stop say sins suck without stealth its a skill all chars have something that helps them alot in PK. and sins dont fail in PK without stealth they got alot of other skills.

    Failing in PK = not kill any ppl at all, just coz a sin cant kill a certain char without stealth dont mean they fail at PK.
  • Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Imo the OP thing about stealth is that they can go back into stealth when you are attacking them / they attack you.. If they could walk around in stealth and appear infront of you they should not be allowed to go back in stealth without being seen by the person that gets attacked by the sin.

    An Assassin can get a +12 bow and just pop out and kill you in a few shots then when it gets targeted it goes back in stealth, allowing them not to get hit.. Its an awesome skill, and sins are squishy when attacked by magic so I do understand the use of it.. But if you could see the sin at least for a few seconds after they go into stealth when you have been attacked by one so you can counterattack it a few times before it reappears, that would make it more balanced in my opinion..
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] OH really? What a surprise.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    IMO yes sins can come in and out of stealth when they like in duels and PvP but this eats there mana and if your a true PKer a sins stealth is not a problem as they need sparkes to go into stealth during a duel or while in PK mode if you really want to pk with a sin get in first when they hit you stunn them if you have time and then use heavy DD or a big hitting magic atk also genies have some great skills that help in PK follow your genie skill tree and take a look there are skills that sleep your opponent, use their chi against then as wood damage, the way i see it is every class has its high and low pionts IMO. True PKers know the in's and out's of every class and usualy have at least 6 toons over lv.80 the best way to kill your apponent is to play as your apponent b:victory
  • Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    tigerfille wrote: »
    OMG what is the problem with this.

    Would venos suck in PK without Nix? YES

    I doubt that. Sawfly isn't that bad either. b:bye

    Would Wizards suck in PK without Kite? YES

    Anyone can kite, it isn't class dependant b:bye

    Would Cleric Suck IN PK without PLume shell,buffs? YES

    Anyone can recieve buffs b:bye

    omg you can find something for everyone stop say sins suck without stealth its a skill all chars have something that helps them alot in PK. and sins dont fail in PK without stealth they got alot of other skills.

    Failing in PK = not kill any ppl at all, just coz a sin cant kill a certain char without stealth dont mean they fail at PK.

  • Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    always funny to hear the QQ u fail u use stealth try to fight me without people, specially when they already gank lol. Had that scenary @ HO yesterday xD
    it was 7(6 charmed lvl90-100)v3(1charmed lvl89-lvl93)
    guess what we rolled them lol and then people start talking sh... like above b:laugh

    again for all u QQers that think stealth is unfair ... it's a skill from the squishiest class of all, that can be used to prevent dieing, and it has a 60 sec cooldown to use while battle, so the sin sure wont popup that fast again in such ganks(normaly b:surrender some do and kick your **** b:laugh)
    a sin that doesn't use stealth would be like a bm that doesn't stun, a veno without his nix/pet, wizards that don't use distance shrink to kite or seal, ... lol

    and for those that say sins can stunlock same as bms ... take a look @ the sins skills
    Headhunt stuns 5 sec requires 2 sparks cooldown 30 sec
    Shadow Teleport stuns 3 sec requires 1 spark cooldown 180sec
    thats it with the stuns! then u have seal and sleep skills
    Deep Sting 95% to sleep for 5 sec requires 50 chi(half spark) cooldown 15sec
    throat cut 95% to seal for 4 sec requires 1 spark cooldown 8 sec

    stun/sleep/seal-time overall: 17 sec cooldown to use all skills again: 180 sec(max cooldown)
    chi requirement: 4.5 sparks

    yes sins have skills for sparks:
    Inner Harmony gain 2 sparks cooldown 60sec
    Rising Dragon Strike gain 1.5 sparks cooldown 30sec
    Tackling Slash gain 50chi cooldown 15sec

    overall chi gained: 4 sparks cooldown to get them again: 60 sec yes u still can use Shadow Escape for 5th spark and wait 90sec to go to stealth in battlestate again, which is 100% necessary when u do some mass pvp.

    many people dont see the high cooldowns on sins skills! they simply are butthurt cause they get killed pretty fast. For those that say u don't need to be a good pvper to pvp with a sin ... go lvl a sin and try to fight 1v3 i bet u wont even get 1 of them down unless u can 1shot him out of stealth

    @ all of u fails learn to play your classes and stop QQing or move to a pve server
  • Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Why are people still posting on my thread? GM endthread.
    Please donate money into my mailbox :)

    I'm poor as heck.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    What is it you forum probates say these days.....pointless thread is pointless?

    But they do have stealth.

    But they do have stealth, and Archers do have bows.

    Now I know that the Assassin is the new kid on the block and therefore wears a huge sign proclaiming "Hatez me nao!" to the PWI population, but really - starting up a thread full of theoretical situations where Assassins would "fail" suggests nothing more than you being the latest casualty of one.

    Venos without pets would fail. Archers without ammo would fail. Clerics without their arsenal of buffs and heals would fail. Oh, I could go on, but if the penny's not dropped yet....

    Oh, how to end this mini rant? QQMoar / InB4Lock / Lolumad / InB4NerdLingoStarts blah blah blah

    Again this new Class is just something to bring Pw back on top with Wow( which is ****) but I seen alot on sins pking using sleth so ya they would get own and plus this person is just hating on the other classes. I toke out a Bm that was 20 levels higher than me with my magic attacks. But you can hate on them cuz the there sleath. But only the ppl who have to sleath cant attack other heads on like we used to do in the old times before this new class had to come on. When u get pk by a sin in sleath just laught at them cuz they had to hide from being attack


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