Clerics : stop buffing everybody you find



  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I posted this on the cleric forum but now i think this is not just a clerci issue :

    I would like to see more reactions of players from any class.
    Any reaction is fine, i like it ;)
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    When a Veno throws on bramble guard on me and I am in the world I tell them never do that again and I go to char select screen and then press start again.

    I didn't know it would cancel buffs... thanks, good advice ;)
  • Ranfa - Dreamweaver
    Ranfa - Dreamweaver Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The only thing I find mildly annoying is if I'm running around low level towns and some random lvl 20-40 Cleric comes up to me to overwrite the lvl 10 buffs I already have on me. I appreciate kindness (or just intention to annoy) but boy, it's not fun when you are about to go and grind on an army of lvl 95+ mobs. b:sweat

    Otherwise I always appreciate some good buffs. Like some people already mentioned, full Cleric buffs are much more beneficial than a Life Powder. If getting your powder overwritten causes a world of problems for you, then chances are there is something wrong with what you are doing, not the buffs.
  • EthikaII - Heavens Tear
    EthikaII - Heavens Tear Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    We only want you to don't randomly buff someone without looking they already has buff or not . . .
    Please understand . . b:cry
    We not hating you Q.Q . .

    To late you and every other person that posted her ein Heavens tear is going on my don't touch list. If i see you dead somewhere asking for a res ill simply say "I would if i could bought you don't want me" -leaves-

    Why do we throw on spirits gift to melee type classes I alway wondered that.

    ..mine are on a macro so i don't care what just went on you wether it was pointless our not im not opening a window to press 4 buttons when i could simply press one and be on my way.
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Teeki - Dreamweaver
    Teeki - Dreamweaver Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I've encountered quite a few unruly players during my pwi career, demanding rez and buffs, giving me guilt trips if i don't fly across the map to rez and buff them (good thing that person quit). So I made a special auto-message that I rarely take off... "Will buff/rez for 1 gold, 1 gold per buff/rez." I find that unruly people tend to leave me alone, but the nice ones understand the auto-message is a joke and that I don't mind buffing/rezzing them b:laugh
    Remember, some people are alive only because it is illegal to shoot them.
    Perfect World International, customer dissatisfaction is guarenteed.
  • Candie - Raging Tide
    Candie - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I often come to Broken Bow Bluff amd buff/rez/help level 20-30 people . Just because . And I don't care if they have powder buffs .
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    Trying to help them without even asking yourself if the player want it is just selfish :

    "I think it is better if i heal him"
    "I think it is good to be buffed"
    "I think resurrecting him is good because he will not loose as much exp"
    edit : the resurrect example is really bad since you don't have to accept it, i admit.

    please, start to think that you're freedom has to be limited by other's one


    1) i DO ninja heal, buff and res
    1a) though i DO check if they have hp/mp regen on
    2) i DO pull one or two mobs off when i think somebody aggroed more than he can survive
    3) sometimes i do debuff boss someone is killing. makes life easier for them and i dont steal a single point of exp that way
    what is really amazing i usually get thanks for such behaviour too b:shocked some crazy ppl even come and ask for my buffs, but i see you agree that for such hard cases using buffs is acceptable...

    most clerics are helpful ppl, this class is expensive to play and they have to put up with a lot from others so anybody not helpful by nature usually quits pretty fast.
    dont like to be healed / buffed / helped in any way? tell the cleric to leave you alone and never dare to come close again and relog to lose these distasteful buffs (especially shields and attack boost are pain). im afraid thats all you can do as buffing doesnt count as harassment so sending a ticket wont get them banned, im so sorry b:surrender
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Why do we throw on spirits gift to melee type classes I alway wondered that.

    cuz when someone has no regen buff going such as powder we all (or most) use a macrob:chuckle

    see random unbuffed person --> feel helpful --> hit buff macro --> see what mines are around before killing somthing
  • Selquet - Sanctuary
    Selquet - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wow, just wow o.o

    The only time I will ask someone if they want buffs is if I'm about to give myself squad buffs and there's someone grinding nearby without, so they can get 1 hour buffs as well. I'm always careful about not overwriting powders when randomly buffing.

    Not everyone watches the screen 100% of the time, or may not be watching chat if they're busy killing. Sorry but I'm not going to stop, ask, and wait however long for a reply vs. quickly buffing and continuing with what I was doing.
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    2) i DO pull one or two mobs off when i think somebody aggroed more than he can survive
    That is what i call selfishness, you think but you don't know so you may be wrong.
    3) sometimes i do debuff boss someone is killing. makes life easier for them and i dont steal a single point of exp that way
    is anybody able to confirm this ?
    i never have done this so i am no sure but i really think you do get exp this way.
    i see you agree that for such hard cases using buffs is acceptable...
    There is a misunderstanding. I don't exceptionally agree with this. I almost always agree with this and thanks the cleric. But i do sometimes refuse to be helped. Example when i am fighting a boss. I do not want someone to interfere. This is my prey :)
    this class is expensive to play
    i know well ;)
    dont like to be healed / buffed / helped in any way?
    misunderstanding again.
    I have never said that. Try to quote me back !
    This is not a QQ about me. I said i do not care most of the time.
    This thread is to teach how to accept an other way of thinking.
    The proof there is a need in this way :
    I just said i might not think as everybody and as a consequence how many players come here to tell me something like "if you are not ok with that then leave".
    This is selfishness.
    relog to lose these distasteful buffs
    I just learned that so it help a lot but how should i relog during a boss fight ?
  • /Billion - Heavens Tear
    /Billion - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    k ill start telling clerics not to level squad buffs since nobody needs them and also tell them to not level rez since you can get scrolls. sound good?

    next time your dead on the ground dont bother asking a cleric for a rez. just take town. they might buff over your powders b:shocked
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    k ill start telling clerics not to level squad buffs since nobody needs them and also tell them to not level rez since you can get scrolls. sound good?

    next time your dead on the ground dont bother asking a cleric for a rez. just take town. they might buff over your powders b:shocked

    Read before posting.
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    im too good.... never thought to add /sarcasm at end of my post and got serious reply b:shocked

    to return the favor somehow: xp gain is based primarily on damage dealt (not counting squad dynamics here as thread is about not-wanted-nosy-clerics and i assume you wouldnt invite such a person to party) so anything that doesnt deal actual damage doesnt count towards xp distribution at all
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    im too good.... never thought to add /sarcasm at end of my post and got serious reply b:shocked
    I have put this because your reply implied you did not understood my thought.
    But if you had no intention to harm then i apologise.
    to return the favor somehow: xp gain is based primarily on damage dealt
    I asked for others to confirm because i am not sure but that doesn't matter.
    I was not telling you lied ;)
    i assume you wouldnt invite such a person to party
    that is exactly why i invite you to read better :/
  • Ayamet - Raging Tide
    Ayamet - Raging Tide Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yes clerics have great support skills.
    Yes clerics are usefull to almost anymody when times come.

    but there are two things i would like to tell you all :

    1 ) If you're in dire need to help somebody, ask him first !!!
    "do you want some buffs ?", "can i help you ?" and so on...
    really this is the LEAST you must do to be polite.
    Otherwise it is like entering somebody's home, sweep the floor and get away !

    edit : this is exactly the same than someone who "help" you kill a mob without you asking him.
    And i am not talking of exp here.

    2 ) HIGH IMPORTANCE !!! (because some clerics don't know, learning is always good)
    please DOUBLE THINK OF THE FIRST POINT when you want to use your GUARDIAN'S SEAL !
    This pesky skill CANCELS the effect of our much better and beloved powders !!!

    no, wait, never use it... that's better ! (my thinking though)

    Ending :

    Sure you try to do fine but you do not ! Again, if you want to help, just ask !
    It's simple and much more kind.

    The point here is not that I dislike this. The point is that there are people who do NOT want help.
    Trying to help them without even asking yourself if the player want it is just selfish :

    "I think it is better if i heal him"
    "I think it is good to be buffed"
    "I think resurrecting him is good because he will not loose as much exp"
    edit : the resurrect example is really bad since you don't have to accept it, i admit.

    please, start to think that you're freedom has to be limited by other's one and start to ask yourself :
    "Is this player thinking like me ?"

    edit :

    I know this is hard to understand, and this is harder to explain.

    My predicament is not that clerics do what i have written above
    but it is that players are often to much careless about others
    resulting in clerics doing this.

    I don't really care about that consequence, players are often kids and kids are careless :)
    It might be easier to understand this :
    You have 1000 players :
    990 who like beeing helped by others
    10 who dislike
    everybody who disagree with me here will say "i forget the 10 ones and just help everybody"
    i say "i will ask 1000 times to be sure because i care about the single one in front of me"

    edit :
    i think the same of all classes that buff/debuff or anything with no prompt.
    example : venos that bramble anyone for no reason.
    I think now this thread should have been in the general section but... too late :/

    Cool story bro. <3
    I'm very responsible, when ever something goes wrong they always say I'm responsible.
  • ExELFine - Heavens Tear
    ExELFine - Heavens Tear Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I can't believe venos have to come in here to QQ about too much buffs, hehe.

    Hey, our buffs may cancel your precious powder but your own bramble forces the aggro on us clerics. What you have to say about that?

    Venos: learn to NOT bramble clerics. Period.

    Don't worry, I'm not a random buffer... I only wait for others to beg for my buffs and that is only if they're on their knees.

    Tailor: lev 7
    Blacksmith: lev 6
    Craftsman: lev 6
    Apothicary: lev 5
    SEMI to 7/8 RETIRED, not from PW but from PWI :)
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I can't believe venos have to come in here to QQ about too much buffs, hehe.

    Hey, our buffs may cancel your precious powder but your own bramble forces the aggro on us clerics. What you have to say about that?

    i have to say you should read before posting...
    really... a veno ?
    three years is enough to play each class you know...
    and i already answered to this poor bramble argument :/
    (although the last time was actually just a question (from Zoomia i think ?),
    not a childish "you QQ but we can too")

    but as i said, i take the time to answer, even to uninteresting replies like this one.
  • Nexdonum - Lost City
    Nexdonum - Lost City Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I wish I was on RT server. I would follow you around and buff you. Only with Celestial Guardian Seal though.
    We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less. - Diogenes

    It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them. - Pierre Beaumarchais

    You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into. - Unknown
  • Purge - Raging Tide
    Purge - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    As any decent cleric, I always check buffs before delivering mine, but one time I was a little eager and only noticed at the last second that someone I was buffing must have been using a powder. I immediately whispered them "sorry, only just noticed you were using a powder". The reply I got was "it's ok, it was just about finished anyway, thanks".

    Thankfully, I am on RT and if I have the displeasure of encountering Kata, I will be able to give Celestial...just a pity there isn't an anti-ungratefulness buff...
  • ExELFine - Heavens Tear
    ExELFine - Heavens Tear Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i have to say you should read before posting...
    really... a veno ?

    Yes. A veno. As in "KataVeno"

    Besides, you're on Raging Tide server? Clerics must be really bored in there if they feel compelled to buff you or is it something else?

    three years is enough to play each class you know...
    and i already answered to this poor bramble argument :/
    (although the last time was actually just a question (from Zoomia i think ?),
    not a childish "you QQ but we can too")

    That's a pretty lame reply, proving my point tho *rolleyes*
    but as i said, i take the time to answer, even to uninteresting replies like this one.

    You sure must be bored sh1tless to come in here and start the most stupid thread ever written on this forum. But see how generous we clerics are: WE took the time to reply and treat you like an intelligent being, be grateful not hateful.

    If you ever come to Heaven's Tear, I'll make sure to give you my best buffs and heals.

    Tailor: lev 7
    Blacksmith: lev 6
    Craftsman: lev 6
    Apothicary: lev 5
    SEMI to 7/8 RETIRED, not from PW but from PWI :)
  • Henchman - Dreamweaver
    Henchman - Dreamweaver Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wait....So....People actualy use those powders D: I thought it was just for TW.... My mind... It is blown
  • Lylfo - Dreamweaver
    Lylfo - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I can't believe venos have to come in here to QQ about too much buffs, hehe.

    Hey, our buffs may cancel your precious powder but your own bramble forces the aggro on us clerics. What you have to say about that?

    Venos: learn to NOT bramble clerics. Period.

    Don't worry, I'm not a random buffer... I only wait for others to beg for my buffs and that is only if they're on their knees.


    You can just relog to get rid of their buff...

    And Henchman, no sane TW-er will use hp/mp regen powders....
    Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I will not repeat what is already said. Just read.

    Since the beginning nobody managed to argue against my thought.
    There are just "players" who wants to say how bad i am and how they will make me pay.
    Sometimes players who wants to say they are not the kind of player to do what i said and i thanks them for this.

    But without arguments i guess i am right then.
    I am still waiting for good arguments.

    And please, try to restrain yourself to say insulting things like ExELFine'spost.
    I might reconsider my kindness, regardless to what bad readers think of me.
  • Lylfo - Dreamweaver
    Lylfo - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I will not repeat what is already said. Just read.

    Since the beginning nobody managed to argue against my thought.
    There are just "players" who wants to say how bad i am and how they will make me pay.
    Sometimes players who wants to say they are not the kind of player to do what i said and i thanks them for this.

    But without arguments i guess i am right then.
    I am still waiting for good arguments.

    And please, try to restrain yourself to say insulting things like the second last post.
    I might reconsider my kindness, regardless to what bad readers think of me.

    Btw, as a veno, why do you need to use powders? Venos are known for the ability to stockpile pots and sell them to other players. (And also no repair cost while grinding, its like making money out of thin air!)
    Thanks Chillum for the nice Sig.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You can just relog to get rid of their buff...

    thanks to say that, you are the third one to do it :/
  • Henchman - Dreamweaver
    Henchman - Dreamweaver Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I was refering more to the more useful ones D: HP/MP regen works well early, But lets face it. HP MP food is way more practical
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Btw, as a veno, why do you need to use powders? Venos are known for the ability to stockpile pots and sell them to other players. (And also no repair cost while grinding, its like making money out of thin air!)

    again... read.
    where did i say i use powder as a venomancer ?
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I didn't know it would cancel buffs... thanks, good advice ;)

    It doesn't it is just not good to but Bramble Guard on castors like Clerics.Wizards and Psychics.It is not good to but it on another Veno unless they are werefox.Bramble Guard is only good on the person doing the tanking in this case Barbs.

    Don't tell me what I don't know about Venos as mine is higher than yours

    btw you are still on a new server with a smaller population base it is possible you still lack all the mats to make up powders and Venos don't need them anyway.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I was refering more to the more useful ones D: HP/MP regen works well early, But lets face it. HP MP food is way more practical

    HP MP food ? Do you mean pots ?
    If that is so i agree... for a veno a least :)
  • KataVeno - Raging Tide
    KataVeno - Raging Tide Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I doesn't it is just not good to but Bramble Guard on castors like Clerics.Wizards and Psychics.It is not good to but it on another Veno unless they werefox.Bramble Guard I only good on the person doing the tanking in this case Barbs.

    Can you make it more easier to read ? I don't understand a word :o
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