Calamity Threat



  • Bullseye - Dreamweaver
    Bullseye - Dreamweaver Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This guy is right, this whole thing is stupid, don't know how it got to 9 pages

    Correction: 10 pages :P
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    EQ is soo pathetic....

    Gratz guys on showing your new low....lolz You do realize... anyone in Cala knows BB and they know that he would never do something like this, he is the point of contact for every new recruit for crying out loud....unless there is some evil BB out there (in which case I want to meet him because our BB keeps raising the bar of honorable conduct on me lolz)

    Although speaking of evil twins, we do have the 'cool' AJey in Cala and evil Agay in EQ lmao so it's possible?

    In anycase the worst this 'evidence' can do is give cala a bit of bad PR --which we are used too,

    yay for stomping out ganks for 34+ weeks ^^ calamity FTW

    pure coincidence or intentional pun?

    either way, this made me LOL


    I am really sick and tired of this.

    1- From what little interaction i had with BB, only one had a negative experience and he swiftly apologized afterwards(it wasnt directed at me). I am not agreeing with either sides because we all have skeletons in our closets and we dont know who this could be.

    2-EQ nor cala has an immaculate reputation. So...stop trying. People are only human and they make mistakes, amirite? The bad ones are the people who arent willing to change. If i wanted to, i can go to screenshots and show a ton of horrible things said to me by cala members and at the same time, some things said to me by EQ members.

    Do i dislike either faction
    Do i make posts like these on the forum
    Do i look good in leather?

    3-Im laughing at all these people talking about "grammer" who are misspelling it in their posts and/or using horrible grammer themselves.

    4-Cant we all get along. Lets just one shot each other for 3 days and then have fun the other 4. No need to make this game stressful, makes me not want to play anymore than i already want to(and im really starting to dislike this game or maybe this server).

    man i had a whole rant in my head but i forgot it >.<

    Rant Ends Here

    EDIT: Also i agree with the just because it says BB its his alt thing.
    Thats like saying MizuNeko, MizuNinja, RyuuNoMizu, Mizukage, Mizukii, Mizuki are all alts of mine. (they arent btw :P)
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    baldwinboy wrote: »
    As again it would appear that good intentions are being twisted by the purveyors of this character assassination let me state that I did indeed pm TroubleDD and ask if I could come visit thier vent. I was graciously invited and brought to their attention that a screenshot they had clearly taken had been used by someone (??) in such a manner on these forums and that they should be aware of it as to some it may suggest that they were complicit in this whole mess - something I didn't beleive to be the case and wanted them to be able to protect their own credibities. Heaven forbid such courtesy could then be used against me too. I left their vent with the understanding they knew nothing about it but would look into the chain of custody of the screenshot and deal with it accordingly. I guess I really should not be surprised that their first visit appears to have been to EQs vent. Thereafter, the approach I took to question why this got to this stage without thinking about approaching me in the first place and the intentions I had, to make sure they were not unwitting victims of the aftermath of this pathetic attempt to smear me and Calamity, have been used against me too.

    To the leaders of Vanquish I meant what i said when i brought this to the attention of you and hoped it would be cleared up in a manner that would not reflect on you poorly. To the several officers of EQ that appear to relish spreading mistruths and baseless allegations in this thread - set a better example to those that follow you.

    As again, it would appear that good intentions are being twisted by the purveyors of this character assassination. Let me state that I did indeed pm TroubleDD and asked if I could come visit their vent. I was graciously invited and brought to their attention that a screenshot they had clearly taken, had been used by someone (??) in such a manner on these forums, that they should be aware of it. As to some, it may suggest that they were complicit in this whole mess. Something I didn't believe to be the case and wanted them to be able to protect their own credibilities. Heaven forbid, such courtesy could then be used against me too. I left their vent with the understanding they knew nothing about it but would look into the chain of custody of the screenshot and deal with it accordingly. I guess I really should not be surprised that their first visit, appears to have been to Equinox' vent. Thereafter, the approach I took to question why this got to this stage, without thinking about approaching me in the first place, and the intentions I had, to make sure they were not unwitting victims of the aftermath of this pathetic attempt to smear me and Calamity, have been used against me too.

    To the leaders of Vanquish, I meant what I said when I brought this to your attention, and hoped it would be cleared up in a manner that would not reflect on you poorly. To the several officers of Euinox that appear to relish spreading mistruths and baseless allegations in this thread - set a better example to those that follow you.

    Yes, I do see how meticulous his spelling, grammar and punctuation are. My aologies, for falling for such a mail, which clearly was written by a child. It couldn't be more clear to me now, seeing as he would never use an acronym such as EQ, run-on sentences, poor spelling, or punctuation mistakes. However, in my defense, I do not see him talking on a daily basis to notice his flare for grammar. I was not able to make the disticntion. My sincerest apologies, again.

    Seriously though, who cares if they made the threat? That is how this game works, making allies and taking out others allies.
  • Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver
    Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A few more posts and this topic will reach Jonny Storm status.
  • Zatra - Dreamweaver16
    Zatra - Dreamweaver16 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yes, I do see how meticulous his spelling, grammar and punctuation are. My aologies, for falling for such a mail, which clearly was written by a child. It couldn't be more clear(er) to me now, seeing as he would never use an acronym such as EQ, run-on sentences, poor spelling, or punctuation mistakes. However, in my defense, I do not see him talking on a daily basis to notice his flare for grammar. I was not able to make the disticntion. My sincerest apologies, again.

    Seriously though, who cares if they made the threat? That is how this game works, making allies and taking out others allies.

    Maybe you should check your own spelling and grammar before correcting others.
  • Chezedude - Dreamweaver
    Chezedude - Dreamweaver Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    all this reading makes me want to eat a pie.
  • Graviora - Dreamweaver
    Graviora - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    All I have to say is...

    Wow. :/ 'Tis a game.
  • Illyana - Dreamweaver
    Illyana - Dreamweaver Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    all this reading makes me want to eat a pie.

    What kind of pie? Wait 4 more days for pi day.
    5.0 "Pure" 8jun Sage Clawrcher of Dreamweaver
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    What kind of pie? Wait 4 more days for pi day.

    we are doing pi day at our school b:sweat

    *pretends act like Pi Day is childish while enjoying the selection of delicious pies...*
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    That is all.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Maybe you should check your own spelling and grammar before correcting others.

    LOL I do not claim to not have typos, and "more clearer" you need to run that through microsoft word, my grammar was correct. Flare is also correct.

    I simply posted this to show that the people who claimed he had perfect grammar, spelling, etc were sadly mistaken. So I ask you to refer to your own advice for correcting others LOLOLOL.
  • Loarvion - Dreamweaver
    Loarvion - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    its a PvE server if u dont wanna be pkd go blue =) otherwise dont complain that anyone no matter who killed u

    Calamity RIP 6/11/2010 same day as my birthday tyvm whoever destroyed it for lovely birthday present ;) almost 3 years u will be forever missed

    what will happen now
  • Kasumi - Dreamweaver
    Kasumi - Dreamweaver Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    you put a Permanent KOS out on our PK faction members wow now thats just pure childishness. if you have Vanquish over your head you will be KOSed

    lol where are you getting this from? who's saying that?

  • Andres - Dreamweaver
    Andres - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Man this is why QQnox isn't recruiting, our sis... eh the other faction has QQness and drama well distributed.
    I would suggest that you also run word spell checker before posting, I believe Safari and Firefox have built-in engines for it.

    Nevertheless, you are right, you never said you don't do typos, neither did I when I talk about anyone, myself included, even though english isn't my main language. What I did say, is that the person that wrote such mail does not have the language and grammar sense (in use of words more than spelling of such) that BaldwinBoy has, apologies for the misleading, must've been lost in translation or something.
    Seriously though, who cares if they made the threat? That is how this game works, making allies and taking out others allies.
    It's not about making or not the threat per-se, it's about how you people (ironically, most Equinox members) are so eager to have his head on a platter when this matter clearly doesn't concerns you, the server, or anyone else other than Vanquish leader and BaldwinBoy.

    You are eager to make this look as if it was a Calamity mistake, as if the 190+ members of Calamity typed that down in the forums for BB to copy, paste it and send it to Vanquish leader. You are assuming that this person is guilty of such deal even when it isn't entirely clear who BaIdwinBoy (the alternative shop) belongs to. You are desperate to show the server how mean Calamity leader is, sustaining the completely stupid idea, that a person would make a threat from an alt that's named just like his main. Even trolls in this forums as the one that created this thread are way smarter than your assumptions (and therefor, I assume, than you.) and didn't even try to post this under his/her main account.

    This is not how the game works Aubree, it's how some of the people in charge of Equinox want it to work... Don't forget I did get to have some insight from Equinox as my sister and I were both there when this server started, she stayed there even after I quit the game and later when she moved to Calamity. From the start of this server I saw Equinox build and destroy alliances as they felt like. first bloodpact to attack Calamity, then Armagedon to attack Calamity, then Calamity to attack Armagedon, then Immortal and Armagedon to attack Calamity, then Vanquish, then Firestorm, then Dynasty... In all this time you have spread propaganda that goes from spionage, to fake bids, to drama starters, to money-hunting members, to paid-to-stay members... I never saw a single post in Calamity forum regarding Equinox tactics that was not created by our own intel, unlike certain tactic handbook that magically appeared in Equinox forums, No need to deny you spied our vent and forums, as not only duchess but Halo already admitted to me such deal. Just like in the server start, Immortal roster appeared there. Oh I remember, I was there, I saw. As your own members have stated, Cheeze, Miz, Graviora, Illyana (as he at least gave BB the benefit of the doubt), and other EQ members that have showed their face in this thread, that they just want to enjoy the game, to play for the fun of the TW. You should follow their advice and stay as you were before, nice and quiet, because assuming takes the last 5 letters from the word and makes you look like one. I could do assumptions too.

    I assume that Illyana and Kasumi are trannies as they chose to play a female character that has a male gender option.
    I assume that you married DrAgQQnZ in hopes to be the second warsoul of the server
    I assume that Drag married you because he wants the experience as I know he still calls, asks and mails Sazzy because she came to RT with me.

    Incredibly *******ry on my side no? I apologize, now you see how we all feel.
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver
    Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Man this is why QQnox isn't recruiting, our sis... eh the other faction has QQness and drama well distributed.

    COLOR="Red"]Insert wot no one's going to bother to read.[/COLOR

    You should follow their advice and stay as you were before, nice and quiet, because assuming takes the last 5 letters from the word and makes you look like one. I could do assumptions too.

    I assume that you married DrAgQQnZ in hopes to be the second warsoul of the server.

    "1 li3k h0w u add teh qq in wurds s0 u s0und l3ik a pr0."

    Anyway, enough with the idiotic flaming. Andres, I know you have an obscene fetish with the phrase "QQ," but in all honesty, it emphasizes the fact that your pseudo-highfalutin language is really an ugly facade for your vacuous arguments.

    Look at your advice to Aub. You tell her to stay nice and quiet because assuming takes the last 5 letters of the word and makes you look like one (although in your case, it's the first 3). Then you go and "do assumptions" right after advising her.

    So. . . I guess you're just too good for your own advice. Or maybe it's just bad advice.

    Why is it that ex-Cala are trying to fuel flame wars eh? Active Cala members still exert restraint for the most part. It seems like there's a good reason for the "ex".
  • Badger - Dreamweaver
    Badger - Dreamweaver Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ROFL All i have to say is i know BB and that's NOT him. Every time i try to think of those words coming out of his mouth it just cracks me up laughing. and i know for a fact 100% that the shop alt is not BB either.
  • NightRage - Raging Tide
    NightRage - Raging Tide Posts: 1,582 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    OK so you believe the culprit of this childish piece of mail from whoever sent that i dont care who anymore but there is something i do care about.

    Calamity your childishness is showing now, you put a Permanent KOS out on our PK faction members wow now thats just pure childishness. We have not trashed your faction nor have we sought to argue. We have attempted to come to the bottom of this which as you know will be impossible as people are hiding behind other names. You guys really need to grow up and let it go, it is a game have fun do whatever but attempting to ruin the fun for others and bring down a faction by saying that if you have Vanquish over your head you will be KOSed thats just BS....Seriously grow up and get over it.

    Every white name is KoS on a PvE server.
  • Andres - Dreamweaver
    Andres - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    "1 li3k h0w u add teh qq in wurds s0 u s0und l3ik a pr0."
    Oh baby don't go mad on me, I was just proving my point, everyone can make assumptions and those will clearly **** someone off, as you just did with me right now. Quite honestly I don't need to spend the time, text or cash you do to "be pro" as it's not part of my lifetime achievements to excel in an online game, you can have fun with that if that's what fulfills you.

    Not that it's of any of your concern, but I decided to leave PWI and Calamity in december after we took Etherblade out of your clumsy hands in 10 minutes because sitting on my **** 16 hours a day doing dailies and playing with pixels, isn't my idea of having fun anymore. I enjoyed a month long vacation and now I'm back to do do dailies while at work or college, I dont play on weekends because I have needs unlike you to see more of this life other than a monitor, mostly why I haven't reapplied, although I'd be surprised if I was ever accepted back, cause I got tired of your bull**** and started speaking my mind, which of course, isn't much of Calamity angle when whoever is speaking is as a smartass as me.

    In my opinion, I didnt add QQ enough to portray your actions, as I am indeed the director of a faction called QQnox. Now who's making the assumptions again? b:cry you break my heart Fizzy
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • JamesJutsu - Dreamweaver
    JamesJutsu - Dreamweaver Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I kinda agree with NightRage. Although you have to build respect from all other PK's if you don't want KoS. Being a memeber of Vanquish myself, its now sorta hard. See here is how I see things. Not to QQ about anything, of course, but really, cala, if you take the whole map..where is the fun for the rest of the factions? To be honest most of cala members are cash shoppers..and don't really need TW payments, you have proven you are indeed the best faction in Dreamweaver, aside from Eq. That don't mean you should rub it in, give some of the smaller TW faction's a bit of pride ya? KoS on faction Prodigy instead =3

    At the end of the day take the whole map this game will become boring for a lot of people. lot's of rage quits will happen, then NO ONE, will be there to fight you. then people from cala will quit...I believe something like that happend on Harshlands, I heard **** load's of people left.

    Like I said..give the noob factions a chance?
  • Meowmerz - Dreamweaver
    Meowmerz - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    this is just funny and pathetic.
    replying to this thread just feeds the fire (i guess i just threw a log in)

    the end.

    i just made some red velvet & german chocolate cupcakes...who wants?

    *checks spelling...forget about the grammar i'm hopeless at that part* LOL!

  • Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver
    Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Oh baby don't go mad on me, I was just proving my point, everyone can make assumptions and those will clearly **** someone off, as you just did with me right now. Quite honestly I don't need to spend the time, text or cash you do to "be pro" as it's not part of my lifetime achievements to excel in an online game, you can have fun with that if that's what fulfills you.

    Not that it's of any of your concern, but I decided to leave PWI and Calamity in december after we took Etherblade out of your clumsy hands in 10 minutes because sitting on my **** 16 hours a day doing dailies and playing with pixels, isn't my idea of having fun anymore. I enjoyed a month long vacation and now I'm back to do do dailies while at work or college, I dont play on weekends because I have needs unlike you to see more of this life other than a monitor, mostly why I haven't reapplied, although I'd be surprised if I was ever accepted back, cause I got tired of your bull**** and started speaking my mind, which of course, isn't much of Calamity angle when whoever is speaking is as a smartass as me.

    In my opinion, I didnt add QQ enough to portray your actions, as I am indeed the director of a faction called QQnox. Now who's making the assumptions again? b:cry you break my heart Fizzy

    My bull****? When have I spouted anywhere near the copious amount of that stuff at the rate you do? Trying to assert the fact that you have a life via forum trolling pretty much undermines your entire argument. Good day and have fun enjoy your "life" (ie: browsing forums).
  • Loarvion - Dreamweaver
    Loarvion - Dreamweaver Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    seriously james i didnt get the memo that vanquish r KOS in fact i always liked vanquish they seem to be a pretty nice faction perhaps u or trouble can elaborate who told u that vanquish r on our mysterious KOS or y the mail man frgt to send me the memo b:shocked

    Calamity RIP 6/11/2010 same day as my birthday tyvm whoever destroyed it for lovely birthday present ;) almost 3 years u will be forever missed

    what will happen now
  • Andres - Dreamweaver
    Andres - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My bull****?
    Don't be so full of yourself, I was obviously refering to certain officers that your faction has and I mentioned back to the first post you quoted that creates this kind of arguments. I honestly never met you or cared to talk to you or you to me.

    Computers and cellphones with browser applications are made for more than just gaming and camming (****) Fizzy boy, for example, it only takes an alt-tab and F5 while I'm doing my homework to see if you posted, laugh, and keep trolling you. 'Tis the age of mobility young lad, haven't you heard?

    Anyway, I'm out of my PC and check on you tomorrow Fizzy, my mail is in Cala forums in case you'd like to continue this. You have a good day too sir, hope the pixels are worthy. b:kissb:bye
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • JamesJutsu - Dreamweaver
    JamesJutsu - Dreamweaver Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    seriously james i didnt get the memo that vanquish r KOS in fact i always liked vanquish they seem to be a pretty nice faction perhaps u or trouble can elaborate who told u that vanquish r on our mysterious KOS b:shocked

    No we not got KoS...I'm saying if PK'ers don't want KoS, build up good PK rep. earn respect from others.
  • Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver
    Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Don't be so full of yourself, I was obviously refering to certain officers that your faction has and I mentioned back to the first post you quoted that creates this kind of arguments. I honestly never met you or cared to talk to you or you to me.

    Computers and cellphones with browser applications are made for more than just gaming and camming (****) Fizzy boy, for example, it only takes an alt-tab and F5 while I'm doing my homework to see if you posted, laugh, and keep trolling you. 'Tis the age of mobility young lad, haven't you heard?

    Anyway, I'm out of my PC and check on you tomorrow Fizzy, my mail is in Cala forums in case you'd like to continue this. You have a good day too sir, hope the pixels are worthy. b:kissb:bye

    No. Your Freudian mechanism of repression is probably keeping you from remembering that you HAVE met me AND talked with me (like what a week and a half ago). I don't think I'll ever forget the only lvl 95+ archer I've ever fought to get oneshot by an unsharded, unrefined TT60 without using a single spark.

    And I have done gamma with you way back. All you could talk about was when you used to do gamma with Binky and Goonz on the account given to you.

    Andres, you're so full of yourself. Your posts have to be interesting to troll.


    Hope that's enough food for you for a week.
  • Anarchy - Dreamweaver
    Anarchy - Dreamweaver Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This turned into EQ bashing how? Way to use 3rd grade name calling.. classy as always.

    What is stomping out a gank btw?

    I can't really be bothered to show the respect of classy-ness to a faction whom's leader can't even be bothered to post with his infamous ingame name, rather a lesser known alt.

    However, that aside I still find it hard -okay impossible- to play nice with EQ in normal circumstances, don't worry though if I burnt your noses with my soft flaming: I was punished accordingly :P 90% of the time Cala keeps me on a leash and lets me play on weekends ^^

    Although I maintain: If you see smoke, look to the source ^^

    Anyways, sad to see I missed most of the fun, but that's what I get for having a life I guess -sadface-

    WTS: Life
    This person they make me out to be? She irritates the hell out of me too :D
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *points to sig*
    *goes back to the HT forums*

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Zatra - Dreamweaver17
    Zatra - Dreamweaver17 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    LOL I do not claim to not have typos, and "more clearer" you need to run that through microsoft word, my grammar was correct. Flare is also correct.

    I simply posted this to show that the people who claimed he had perfect grammar, spelling, etc were sadly mistaken. So I ask you to refer to your own advice for correcting others LOLOLOL.

    I did run it through microsoft word.... guess what it came up with.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Clearer is correct, or more clear is also correct, but more clearer is not correct. You only need to put more in front if you do not add the "er". b:chuckle Ask your 5th grade teacher.

    As for me marrying goonz, no I have no interest in a warsoul. It was for him being him, the friend I have had for a very long time. As for Sazzy I couldnt care any less if he calls her etc.
  • Zatra - Dreamweaver17
    Zatra - Dreamweaver17 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Try looking up flare and flair in a dictionary and then tell me its correct.
This discussion has been closed.