Are barbs really getting this greedy?



  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    On the other hand, I can spend 600k roughly on 3 hyper XP stones and get an hour of x8 XP gain which, if I'm careful, is good for 3 frost runs. Make twice as much XP as I could through gamma PER RUN (remember these will last for 3 runs) and I can do frost UNCHARMED. So for each run I spend 200k on the hyper, around 200k on repairs, and maybe 50k on apothecary items and make twice as much XP. Simply put, there is no reason for me to run gamma, why would I when I can easily get much more xp much faster and cheaper through frost?

    Ahhh... so the hyper exp really is worth it. Makes me wanna make money pretty bad now x[.
    Also, something that bugs me, is why is it people blame all this on oracles and bounty hunter and frost? Everyone claims that before when they had to grind for levels they learned to play their class which, to me, is pure BS. I played before frost was revamped and before bounty hunter released, back when an oracle was nothing more than a lucky drop for a quick 0.5% And, beleive me, there were people who couldn't play their class back then.

    I can say I've learned a lot more about playing as a barb by doing frost than I would by killing the same monster over and over, the same way.

    Oh I believe you. I started out on HT server and I've had several moments spent wondering how some high-levels (back, then 80-90) got to where they were.

    There were people who simply never really played their class. honestly, I've been faced with clerics who were spoiled by having higher clerics do all the work in other instance, or barbs who would constantly let the others tank, and never try it out themselves (and so on for other classes).

    Now, with added the speed of BH, oracles and hyper exp, it's worse. They don't even need to play their class well in order to get to 80, and probably even 90 now. I've had problems with oracle babies. Some don't care about learning their class, they just want the levels.

    However, there's always some people who do learn even as they oracle / hyper exp / BH their way. Sometimes you don't even need to play a class to know how it works. I started out my cleric and got him up with knowledge I got while observing other clerics. A wiz in my faction taught his mate to tank and grab aggro back as a BM - he's never even played one AFAIK. But he watched other people doing it.

    I still prefer hands-on experience myself, nothing beats that. I haven't oracled the cleric, but I leveled through 40-60 with mostly BH, and a couple questing sprees every now and then.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    some fool who runs around in circles all day hogging the mats.

    i thought this was pretty funny. b:victory
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    Also, something that bugs me, is why is it people blame all this on oracles and bounty hunter and frost? Everyone claims that before when they had to grind for levels they learned to play their class which, to me, is pure BS. I played before frost was revamped and before bounty hunter released, back when an oracle was nothing more than a lucky drop for a quick 0.5% And, beleive me, there were people who couldn't play their class back then.

    Exactly. Some people act all high and mighty because they leveled up by grinding. What is grinding? It's just killing the same monotonous mobs over and over again. Does that really take any form of skill? I run BHs daily and, from what I've seen, the only noobs are those too thick-headed to learn how to play, oracled or not. Heck, If I had the spare resources, I'd oracle myself.
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • VILKASS - Sanctuary
    VILKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Um... my alt is in the same lvl range as the OP.. I can't say I had any trouble finding barbs for bhs... unless it's the quiet hours when not many ppl on... Or later in the day when most already done their bhs... & none of the barbs ever demanded a free run...

    I dont do gama on that char though... Friend is a gamma barb o.O a few ppl have offered him free charms themselves... doubt he would ever ask himself though...
    wines with 65k buyin, even when there was another player willing to use his wines for 50k. Whoever is willing to use wines for cheapest price shouel be the one that wines BH. Others wont lety you pay with wine mats.
    Yea i experienced that.. um its anoying...
    But it's also annoying when u already make the wines & then smb goes OH I GIVEZ U MATS! ._. wow thanks for clogging up my inventory while I used most of my last $ to make wine, now I'm supposed to run around trying to sell those mats b:bye If somebody says prior to that they want to pay in mats its no prob. Though for most bhs it's cheaper now to make booze with tokens.
    Yes, Deceptistar, that is the one thing I miss the most, patience. I remember waiting a month to get a squad together to do Krimson. The kids now are only happy if they can get it right now, and if it isn't right now they complain.
    b:cute those are the good old days.

    If u don't like oracle noobs dont squad with them. U do bh/rb/w.e with smb that fails bad... Next time don't squad them again... oh wait... that's right... YOU want gamma... YOU want to lvl... YOU wanna do bhs NAO!!! So badly that those oracle noobs* or fails get away for asking for stuff since u're too desperate & have an option of either giving up or taking the idiot. Don't want a fail-cheap-charm-nagging-barb for rb? Don't take them. Oh wait... QQ now we have no barb... What we do now... No rb QQ. Other players have no obligation towards you (unless it's fact or w/e), they DON'T HAVE to do a bh/rb if they don't want to & agree to come just as u wc.
  • Jhalil - Heavens Tear
    Jhalil - Heavens Tear Posts: 865 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    *throws 2 cents in*

    I hate quoting, so this goes to the person who said a half decent BM could tank 69 with a competent Cleric. Well, there's your problem. I joined the server just before the 3 BHs a day. I used maybe..20 oracles, through out the level 30's to 40 I believe. After that, the only time I used oracles was when I was close to a level, needed that extra 10% and it would've been more profitable getting it now than waiting for the next BH (Since I would've gained a new BH or more EXP from Crazy Stone etc). I have spent a lot of my time researching my class, weapons, armor, skills, genie skills and I am fairly sure that I know how to play my class and what my role is. I know that I won't out damage an Archer at my level (Not till I go fists anyway) and I know there's no point in tanking if there's a barb. I know when to stun, which mobs and how and how to keep up my AoE and minimize damage depending on the mobs I AoE by using marrows or Balance (Genie skill).

    Now I was merely interested in learning about the class, for all I cared I would've gone through the levels doing bHs by just clicking on the boss and do damage while the cleric heals the tank and the tank..tanks. But, I found it more interesting to explore the class itself.
    Now, I certainly am not a fan of people who will Oracle their way up to the 100's for all I care. But, as long as they research their class and learn how to use what and when, be my guest. Spend 5k and get to 105 in 1 week for all I care.
    However, now to answer your question. Not all people will have the mindset I have, or you or any other "logical" thinking person. In fact, keeping in mind this is a game and a majority of the players are young children. For them to achieve that next level means so much more than knowing how to aid some people in a squad.
    So when you say that the problem when it comes to the lack of a barb can be solved by finding a BM who knows what he/she is doing and a Cleric who knows what he/she is doing you are actually just making the problem worse.
    Because now you don't only need a tank, but you need to hopefully get those 2 out of the hundreds of people who have been mindlessly going through the levels without experiencing any of the joys of their class. And then run your BH/FB/TT/FF with them.

    I've tanked Pole 3 times, I survived him 1 time with a Cleric who also had a 10x Veno I believe and she knew exactly what Pole could do. My charm ticked once. Which is not bad at all considering my level.
    The other two, I did it with two different Clerics which were around her level, one even higher (92). And somehow from her setting up BB before pole arrived I already sensed it was going to be a disaster. But eh, we were there anyway. So Pole arrives and needles to say, the moment he debuffed me, she kept using IH and a few moments after I saw that wonderful 7k hit on me from Pole, which soon resulted in me taking a nap on the floor. So it's really a gamble when you go in a squad as a BM tanking a boss that would require a good amount of attention. And even if you are blunt enough to ask "Did you use oracles?" or "Do you know how to play your class?". Obviously they'll answer no to the oracles, and yes to the other question.

    So yeah, to conclude this all. It's not only Barbs that seem to be lacking, it's clerics and overall "skill/knowledge" in the game, about the game.
    And to add to all of it, all the people who have used the method of brainlessly level and not wanting to know anything about their class, have also adapted the mindset which is "I'm a high level, I'm a cleric/barbarian. I'm the best and this squad sucks without me. So I get whatever the hell I want"

    Solution to all of these problems, you ask?

    "Hit the "O" (oh) key to access our in-game boutique"

    Or do what I did, and whenever you do get the oppertunity to squad with a good barb/cleric or any other class. Befriend them, and actually enjoy the other part of a Massive MULTIPLAYER online role playing game. It might pay off to get to know people. Up to this day, I can't log in without several people asking me to do a FF/TT with them, and all of which I know are good reliable folks.
    Still trying to move your cursor, eh?
  • Camerlengo - Dreamweaver
    Camerlengo - Dreamweaver Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My main on LC has no problem finding barbs (he's a Sin)- Now, Clerics take a fraking long time to find! 10-30 minutes usually. :/
    Full power to the Vagiroscope!
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Whole post

    I gotta agree.

    With a BM tank, some people hafta learn you can't go all out - and TBH, depending on the barb tank, you can't either. At 83 or so I was stealing aggro from a 92 barb who wasn't even trying to grab aggro... and I wasn't even trying either. AFAIK I was simply attacking. I had to stop attacking a couple times, as I was scared the cleric wouldn't notice who had aggro.

    Same thing happened in another BH run. The worse part is that the cleric never saw me get aggro and I got 2-shot on Pole when he debuffed. I wasn't even trying to grab aggro either, for all I care, tanks can tank... I'll happily stay back and DD sometimes.

    In FC, on normal mobs, I steal aggro on barbs. Almost guaranteed. I'm an offtank / DD, I'm made to AOE. My AOE damage is pretty good, my 1v1 damage sucks (I counter by using demon spark and HF), but what bugs me is that most clerics will still heal the barb despite I'm taking 90% of the damage, and the barb isn't trying to get aggro back. Happens a lot with bishop groups. Same deal when archers or wizzie gets aggro (I see that a lot in BH groups...)

    Are clerics even paying attention to who has aggro? Are people in general watching their party list to see whose HP is going down? Sure people mess up, I don't always notice who has aggro, especially if it swaps around way too much... but I get the worse luck outta that. Maybe it's me because I'm used to watch 4-12 health bars because of another game I play...

    And I see BMs doing the same. I was in gamma the other day on my cleric. Cleric has what, 4k HP buffed? I had a bronze charm. It was a partial faction squad but our BM was from outside (cleric, barb and wizzie were faction members). My charm could tick twice before he actually noticed that I had aggro, then the mobs would move on the wizzie. My charm couldn't keep up, I died. The wizzie got 1k'ed, quickly followed by archer.

    I started with a full bronze charm. I came out with about 35% of it. We didn't even reach the second boss. It was my first time as a cleric, so I kinda let it slide. But after talking to the wizzie... our convo on Ventrilo went like:

    Me: <insert rant against FB59, I hate the instance, everyone in my faction knows it>. Damn, I only have 1k off that bronze charm I bought from you...
    Wizzie: Where'd you use all that charm??? (He knows I heal myself a lot...)
    Me: That gamma run. *long pause* ... Not supposed to tick that much right?
    Wizzie: ... Nope. BM wasn't doing his job.

    All in all: Watch the damn party list guys. It's not hard IMO, and saves a lot of hassle...
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • Euphy - Dreamweaver
    Euphy - Dreamweaver Posts: 495 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Some of you guys got this elitist attitude. "He oracled, therefore he must be a noob at his class. I leveled up by grinding, therefore I must be pro." Pure BS.

    I'm sorry but I have to agree with this. I'm level 89. This is not super high by any standards, but I consider myself a capable cleric. I've been having fun healing since June and clerics are my favorite class through and through . I did grind throughout most of my 40s and 50s, and I think Bounties were introduced at some point during my 60s. However, I did not become a "skilled" healer by soloing. Soloing I rotated between cyclone and plume, staving off death with death with random heals... I became a good cleric doing bounties actually. It prepared me for Twilight Temple and Frost-cover Runs, in a way soloing never did. I learned when to spark so I could purify in time. I learned how to use chromatic healing beam without my tanks charm ticking twice.

    This "old guard" which I guess chronologically I'm a part of supposedly thinks one way of leveling is better to the other. I wish I could afford to oracle at times, and I honestly don't see how using hyper stones makes you any less "pro" then if you don't. The fact that I don't use them simply means I'll have to do more Frost-runs. Some of the best players I know used oracles to level their Tideborn or second characters. That doesn't make them any less capable. The fact of the matter is Perfect World does not require immense skill to play. Bounties, Hyper Stones, and Oracles have not made people less capable of learning how to play. In stead of posturing ourselves as better we should go out of our way to help this "new generation" and teach them what we've acquired over time. However, I think a lot of what I learned was from from other people. Be that other person. Not the one who puts down "orc nubs". Do more then complain. If someone doesn't know what to do, chances are they'll be thankful if you give them a tip. But be nice about it, and not condescending.

    To focus on the original topic... I simply don't squad barbarians that demand free wine. What are they going to do? If you have to ask someone for help that doesn't need the boss, then that is a different matter and the squad covers their fee. As for clerics... I've never had a free wine fee unless the winer was claiming drops or it was a faction run bounty. Its up to you who you accept into your squads. TT-drop order has been covered by hundreds of threads here. If you don't like the reality of it run it with friends, faction, or produce coins some other way to buy what you need.

    @XanZerstorer: I hope I'm not one of those dinky clerics who doesn't heal you on bishops XD
  • Tojop - Dreamweaver
    Tojop - Dreamweaver Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    In my day, I solo healed my fist/axe bm friend with 5 vit for polearm. And we walked uphill there AND BACK. In the snow. With NO shoes. And we were HAPPY to get our BH done.
  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm not a greedy person...

    I more times than not I pay for pots for a cleric, usually drop about a 100 event pots that recover 5k mana(I can't think of the name atm) I worked on this barb since lvl and I can honestly say I am a decent barb. I have been called good or great, but I see myself as decent. I can do what needs to be done to insure my squad stays alive. I agree BMs can tank BH69 with the right cleric. Yes other DDs will have to tone it down a bit. Though when doing FF people hate going with me cause I actually take my time and not rush through every thing just to get done faster.
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    I'm sorry but I have to agree with this. I'm level 89. This is not super high by any standards, but I consider myself a capable cleric. I've been having fun healing since June and clerics are my favorite class through and through . I did grind throughout most of my 40s and 50s, and I think Bounties were introduced at some point during my 60s. However, I did not become a "skilled" healer by soloing. Soloing I rotated between cyclone and plume, staving off death with death with random heals... I became a good cleric doing bounties actually. It prepared me for Twilight Temple and Frost-cover Runs, in a way soloing never did. I learned when to spark so I could purify in time. I learned how to use chromatic healing beam without my tanks charm ticking twice.


    @XanZerstorer: I hope I'm not one of those dinky clerics who doesn't heal you on bishops XD

    Nah, you're not. For the reasons stated above, lol. You're actually careful.

    Everyone makes mistakes, I'm the first one to admit it... but some people simply aren't careful. Gets annoying really. I had one who had a lv1 chromatic, and another who wouldn't come closer to bosses so chromatic wouldn't reach the meleers.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • Euphy - Dreamweaver
    Euphy - Dreamweaver Posts: 495 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My requirement for someone tanking Polearm is that they have 4,500 health and are using at least light armor though preferably heavy. Blademasters can easily tank him, its when fist-archers and assassins are trying it that I get worried and edge towards the little lake.

    @XanZerstorer: Yay! I'd love to Frost-run with you again sometime! *hugs*
  • Tapion_ - Dreamweaver
    Tapion_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yes barbs are getting that greedy, and if they die or even get a charm tick they leave squad and abandon you in the middle of the run. In my most recent BH we decided we'd get the job done faster with me tanking and went with that(yes, an assassin tanking, the barbs are getting that bad)
  • MistaBwanden - Sanctuary
    MistaBwanden - Sanctuary Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    My requirement for someone tanking Polearm is that they have 4,500 health and are using at least light armor though preferably heavy. Blademasters can easily tank him, its when fist-archers and assassins are trying it that I get worried and edge towards the little lake.

    @XanZerstorer: Yay! I'd love to Frost-run with you again sometime! *hugs*

    Tanking Polearm?
    Wow, never heard of someone trying that out. xD
  • Raivon - Lost City
    Raivon - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I just have to say, yes.. you run into oracle noobs who cant play their class, yes you run into non-oracle noobs who cant play their class. It happens regardless, granted, there are far more now than there were before. I started playing PWI about 5 months after release, but had to take month long breaks here and there. The problem is, you will always run into players who either dont want to listen, and dont know what they are doing or are extremely greedy either way. Its always been like that, regardless if it happens now more often than before. I've been in Frost with people who just dont want to listen and it takes 4 hours to do runs that should only take 1.5-2 hours at the very most. That just happens, its a sad state of affairs, but like ppl have said.. take a list of those who you just shouldnt ever run with again and do something else with your time til you have the right people. Thats what I do now.. its kinda lame at times not being able to do the things I'd like to when I have the time, but its better than being aggravated by doing runs with people who make everything worse and longer than what it should be when I have only a certain amount of time managed for it. Anymore people just dont research their class build, or what they should do in certain instances, or just dont want to admit that they dont really know what to do and cant swallow their pride to take advise from ppl who do. Like I said, a sad state of affairs, but that will happen with a larger player base and the recent ease to get high level quickly.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    To the people with queries about oracles:

    Now I personally generalise most oracle users. Why? Because the majority of oracle users tend to, you know, not have a clue how to play their class. I know a few oracle users hither and thither who actually know what they're doing, but they are a huge minority when compared to those who don't. Many other people have had the same experiences with oraclers. 99% can't play their class and the 1% who can don't really make you want to say "Oracle abusers are all AWESOME!!!"

    Therefore, it's not actually an elitist attitude when it comes to some of us. Some of us have actually squadded with these idiots and realised just how fail the majority of them are, and how badly this majority of oracle users suck.

    When we started posting this on the forums, I have little doubt a few newer players or perhaps, players who had never squadded with the fail oracle users, decided to "go with the general consensus" and call oracle users fail too. These would be the people who have the elitist attitude more so than the rest of us; the rest of us have witnessed first hand why most oracle users suck absolute balls.

    Oh, I'm only speaking for myself on this one, but I never said BH specifically made people fail. However, there are people out there who get babied through their BHs, causing ignorance when it comes to what they're supposed to do during certain situations. Not everybody, no, and yes BH can **** up and you suddenly realise you need to do something other than the generic "flesh ream" or "IH" or "fire arrow" - but there are people out there who end up in squads with a high level for 90% of their BHs to make it go faster and easier. These would be the people who BH power levels without teaching them how they're supposed to play.
  • Foxx - Heavens Tear
    Foxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Solution: find two venos and a cleric. Yaaaay.

    Thats not a solution for poleaxe. His debuf is too strong for a herc.
    HA veno would be ok though.
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Usually or better saying im always the one who go see if linus brig door is open so all days my charm ticks a lot there(sometimes we reset 4 times the bh), never have i asked for money or charms, its stupid, although im a cash shopper and i can understand the ones who arent and demonad that kind of sutff.....
  • Arron - Dreamweaver
    Arron - Dreamweaver Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm quite lucky with BH69, I'm the BM, my wifes the cleric, and our friend is the barb. :) My wife wines it and does 50-55k split for extra DDs, so it all works out.

    But i can agree with a lot of stuff here. there ARE noobs out there. I remember when we were doing BH29 on my alt and some veno said that you could pull Qingzi through the door (which of course is bannable). We argued over it so she did it anyway, turns out she got banned.

    Another noob was a barb in FC that went in at 96!!! and did NOT know what to do. I wasted a hyper on that run, and i wasnt happy. I died so much...

    Honestly? I hate the fact that barbs are demanding. The only few barbs i know are nice are the ones i go on runs with, nobody else. I went with a guildie who of course got first pick, he chose the GBA then gave it to me after, so he was one of the few considerate ones, but its hard to find a GOOD barb in terms of fairness, others just "QQ" all over the drops saying "OMG i need that too!" Even when they get the best drop.

    Barbs are pretty demanding, I don't like that :(
    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • VILKASS - Sanctuary
    VILKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Another noob was a barb in FC that went in at 96!!! and did NOT know what to do. I wasted a hyper on that run, and i wasnt happy. I died so much...

    o.o I've never tanked an FCC. I never needed to do it to lvl. What's your point? Have u even tried asking him if he was exp or needed help explaining things? Maybe was his 1st time o.O
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Like I said I played before frost was revamped, bounty hunter was around, and oracles were easy to get. Back when CS + WQ + Cube were your only dailies. And there were just as many people back then who couldn't play their class as there are now.

    I find it hard to beleive that you "learn to play your class" by grinding, i.e, killing the same monster over and over, in the same way.

    Yesterday someone offered to buy me 3 hypers if I tanked frost for them O_o.

    Does that make me greedy? (I accepted)
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Ninnuam - Sanctuary
    Ninnuam - Sanctuary Posts: 1,086 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I has been known to do 5 barb bh runs b:surrender
    I be pimpin' b:laugh
  • VILKASS - Sanctuary
    VILKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I has been known to do 5 barb bh runs
    I be pimpin'

    b:angry Ninnin u player! b:cry U said I was special!

    Bet this hoe is hogging all the barbs so other squads can never find any. b:angry
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    looking through this thread i see many "find a bm" coments

    seriouly despite the sheer amount of failed barbs/emo Q.Q barbs in sanc i meet WAY more bm's that have absolutely no clue how to play their class

    b:surrender never had any problems sucking up the bill and tanking in fact its kinda nice that i dont have to check aggro when i do

    b:surrender i often find that its the clerics that hide not the barbas have seen 4-5 groups for the same instance at B hunter all spaming for one...for hours this is the main reason i no longer bother with bh this game really needs a secondary healing class (maxed morning dew + maxed bubble of live + empower vigor will get your average bm through most non DoT and debuff bosss*

    b:surrender fail abound in every class keep the good ones nw or old around and just let the idiots/ignorant/how the hell are they breathing players go
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Or you could always find a veno with a herc
    Second: The same goes for clerics.

    fb 69 was given as example...
    you may not agree but imo bossess who debuff (like pole: decrease mdef and pdef one) shouldnt be tanked by pets. most ppl believe that when boss debuffs you need player tank and cleric - so you can purify the debuff in order to keep tank alive...

    that said - i hated looking for squad to do bh69... even though as cleric i had it relatively easy, and often squads found me... still on some days i just gave up because i didnt want to bother my barb and bm friends to run that again for me, and couldnt find decent and not-greedy random tank :(
    hugs to all nice tanks i met on random runs :)
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Competent clerics are kinda rare though. (Well, pretty much competent players in general are rare, but besides the point). I've died before alot in my 8x on pole even with multiple clerics and 7k hp. Of course in this case the BM nearly always gets the blame for "failing" and the squad goes on from there to refuse to take anyone but a barb in future bh's.
    i think im rather competent ^.^ and i did bh in 69 with bm tank quite a lot (and few times with a sin too). but i asked for one more cleric for that. barb just has more hp, giving me bigger safety margin... my bm friend said they did it with only one cleric just had to cancel a lot and have maxed marrow... i didnt blame 'my' bms i tried to solo heal then and i wont do it now, maybe it was me who was that half a second too late with puri and not them with whatever skill they used, idk, absolutely possible, anyway in my 80s i never managed to solo heal bm for pole: after 3 tries i just gave up and decided i cant do it :( with 2 clerics - 5,5k hp is enough, other cleric spammed ih, i purified, ih and even had time to aoe heal squad.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Barbs.... are mostly unnecessary. lol they don't do much damage, they can't hold aggro very well, and they emo WAY too much. Their hp and patk buffs are quite nice though b:chuckle
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Aurores - Heavens Tear
    Aurores - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Are barbs really starting to get to the point where they think they are gods now, and must demand getting their way for everything?

    Have a nice day, everyone. <3

    There, i fixed it for you b:thanks
    Retired b:bye
  • Xerafin - Heavens Tear
    Xerafin - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Barbs.... are mostly unnecessary. lol
    Thx ;)

    they don't do much damage, they can't hold aggro very well,
    I will not agree with that, barb is not for HOLD, but HELP to keep agro, in other words if i have 150 vit, right now, try to build ur BM on same vit, same str ... and we will see how you can hold agro ;)?

    Anyway BM, save good spells to swap from DD, to Tank, and back, but they fail in team.

    Imagine that Cleric have 'lag', BM with 4k HP is already down on one good shot, try to kill a Barb on one shot with 9k+ HP.

    Barbs are not designed to be DD they are Tanks, they have HP and that why we have spells like Flesh.
    and they emo WAY too much.
    Because 80% of barbs are DD, they do all to be DD, they go on Armagedon spell, and all DD spells, they don't care about Tiger mode, they don't bother to improve own str+vit, that why we can add 'no knowledge about how to play as tank' and end of ends, we have **** Barb, who don't know how to change from tiger to DD, and backward, to this or other situation.
    Their hp and patk buffs are quite nice though b:chuckle
    Thx i have all max, till my lvl ofcoz ;)



    Question is, are im a good barb or not? ;d
  • Dustins_ALT - Harshlands
    Dustins_ALT - Harshlands Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yes I am indeed a greedy barb! In fact I make my own guild pay me for tanking there bosses! I'm a greedy **** and I don't give a ****!b:sin

    ^ my barbs built, full buff in tiger.b:bye

    I'm not going to troll anymore T_T
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