Forums Re-design Redux!



  • Euphy - Dreamweaver
    Euphy - Dreamweaver Posts: 495 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I actually happen to really like this layout and skin! PWI you've out done yourself: I b:heart when you work with the community!!!
    Thanks again so much!
  • SupaRoyalty - Lost City
    SupaRoyalty - Lost City Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I actually happen to really like this layout and skin! PWI you've out done yourself: I b:heart when you work with the community!!!
    Thanks again so much!

    lies!!! b:angry
  • PequetteV - Lost City
    PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    way better but im having difficulty to see reded and unreaded text maybe light up the unread to make bigger difference
    genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
    starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

    go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

  • Grippieluver - Lost City
    Grippieluver - Lost City Posts: 9,807 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Would prefer it with no flash animation. Still horribly laggy. Colour scheme better, but still not perfect. Don't like the icons nor the ease of being able to hop to another user name for trolls.

    168j33c.png Needs to go. It's bad enough I have to look at it when I log in, without being reminded about it each time I visit the forums.

    The overall appearance looks amateurish. I'd expect a website/forum from a gaming company to look professional, rather than some freebie fansite that anyone could put together.

    this actually... i didnt look deep enuff.. but after being pointed out.. i totally agree
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thankiez to Dorset for the sig!

    MagicHamsta will remain in our hearts forever

    P.S. I am a female venomancer ^^ I know it's rare, isn't it?
  • sidmeyster
    sidmeyster Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Silly question but when I click on "Preview" it posts my post. I am having to use a different editor to do a BBCode formatting before posting here. It is quite irritating, what am I doing wrong? I have tried it on both FF and IE (both latest versions)
  • duvall
    duvall Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    So in summary the website has compatibility issues with IE6. Has anything been done about this? NO.

    Come on GMS remove fingers from posteriors and do something, even if it's only resing. Your website is the pits.

    So for the love of the game GO! GO NOW!

    Let someone who is half competent have a go.
This discussion has been closed.