Story Time Choices - Unbelievable Adventures 1
Page 10
Sometimes life gives you a bad path to go down. Your life just keeps getting crazier today.
The pilot announces that the votes have been tallied and it looks like we're heading for Dallas with the fearleaders. Great, just great.
There are things up here that want to eat you, and things on the ground that want to eat you.
Once again you bare witness to the fearleaders shedding from human form into weird reptile/insect monstrous form with airplane seat debris flying around everywhere.
If there were stewardesses on this flight, apparently they have been used as decorations for the cabin here. Hmmm... doesn't look good.
The fearleaders start stalking/crawling toward the three of you. They are on the walls, floor, AND CEILING. What the?
The weapon that Nik handed to you and Lokfoot, reminds you of the tiny gun given to Will Smith's character in the movie Men in Black. You hope it also isn't going to launch you backwards forcefully when you fire it.
Nik tells you both to aim and squueze the device when the get closer. He tells us to try and not hit the airplane at all, or we could be sucked out of the plane, or destroy the plane.
No pressure, right? If I miss and hit the plane, we can become atmospheric popcorn. If I don't shoot, we become a Smurf/Starship Troopers buffet.
The blue girl troop makes their leaps toward you as Lokfoot simply starts smacking them into themselves like he's snapping a towel at someone. Why does he have a weapon again?
Nik starts firing like a marksman, taking out one after the other in assembly line fashion. You have about 5 of them working on surrounding you, drooling at the chance to devour a gamer.
You fire...
You took out two of them! The plane is still intact! All 3 of you make short work of the fearleaders until there are only a few left. They put their hands up and exclaim that they are surrendering to you all. One of them presses some keys on their forearm device right before Nik expired them.
The cabin fills with a lightning storm like air and all of you are blinded as something is filling up the airplane cabin. You feel a great pressure, and what feels like hundreds of hands gripping you firm, barely able to breathe.
As the air clears, you can see that Nik and Lokfoot can not move, along with you because the cabin is filled with hundreds of fearleaders, all of them making sure that you all can not move. Why are they holding you and not treating you like a snack?
One of them mumors "ze king will be here soon, and you will appeal to his mercy".
Meanwhile, like nothing is going on, you can hear the pilot over the intercom tell you that we'll be landing in Dallas in a little over an hour. I don't think we're going to make it for that long mister.
As what you assume is the king teleporting into the plane, you notice that many of the fearleaders are distracted as they are wanting to show their respect to their king.
You can reach the weapon Nik gave you and should have enough time to shoot their king as soon as they appear fully.
Why me? What did I do to have to go through these situations and make these decisions?
A17) Their king won't know what hit 'em. Maybe with the king deceased, the rest will surrender, make me king... or eat me?
A18) I'll wait it out and see what the king wants with us. After all, we aren't being pried out of teeth yet with toothpicks...Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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A18. If I was to shoot the king, I'd probably be dead in seconds. If I don't shoot the king, maybe we can get out of this alive. Attempting some kind of peaceful negotiations would probably get better results then the 'shoot first, questions later' mentality.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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A18. Peaceful negotiations are better than aggravating their king. Maybe I am able to talk some common sense into him. And considering there are a ton of fearleaders, I wouldn't have any chance to live if I were to kill him.I call it how I see it.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz!0 -
A18. If I shot the king and failed, I would probably be dead instantly. If I didn't fail, the fearleaders would probably get to me before I could shoot them too. Safer to see what he wants, and decide from there.0
I feel like shooting the damned King.
But I'll go with A18. Grab the gun anyways and wait it out. Hopefully there's a chance to hold the King hostage. =D0 -
A18.Negotiation 1st0
Page 11
As the fearleader's king teleports into the plane with a defiance of physics that you have never seen. He is rather human-like, which makes you, Nik, and Lokfoot look at each other like what the heck??
The king tell Nik that he has come for the rest of his technology so that he can eliminate the zombie storms across the world.
You think to yourself, that may not be a bad thing, but having a world full of blue humanoid reptile monsters ravaging humanity isn't a good idea either. It is like humans are doomed to be eaten by zombies, or eaten by reptile people.
The reptile people seem to not like competition for their food supply (anything that moves), which the zombies are devouring by every minute, or converting into more zombies.
Nik motions for us to be able to move freely to the king, and the fearleaders let go of us. The king and us 3 talk for awhile mostly privately and come up with a treaty of sorts.
You learned that the king's people call themselves Scalas, or "Silent Scaled Warriors", which are an evolved species of Earth that is older then the human line. They reside underground most of the time only coming to the surface to help change Earth's history for the good. Like any populace though, they all have their bad examples of their people and culture. Luckily, the Scalas DNA is resistant to the zombie effect.
When the DNAnities replicated and took over living tissues, that is when the zombie effect took hold and spread worse then airborne flu threatening all life on Earth.
The treaty that has come to pass where Nik will share some of his technology with the Scalas. In exchange, the Scalas and humans will be in an alliance of cooperation. After the war is over, the Scalas will go back underground to their homes and in theory, life will return to some form of normality.
The king explains that they have to go and take the plane with them. They will be bailing you all out over wherever you are currently at. He says that he has two warriors of which we can choose one of them to go with us on our surprise skydive.
Wow, a choice that doesn't potentially mean I might die no matter which one I choose? Sweet!
A19) The only male Scala besides the king comes forward, looking truly badass and fearsome. You thought the females of this group were fierce, wow the male's are bigger and nastier looking. I bet his ego is insane.
A20) The female Scala that has come forward looks attractively badass and seems to be a toned alligator/human warrior blend. She could add a new perspective to your group AND distract enemies.Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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A20, Ten bucks says with this current conglomeration of competitiveness and testosterone, we'll need a woman's help to diffuse conflicts, while kickin' buttocks and takin' names.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...0 -
Not sure which is better, but after some deliberation, I'd have to go with A20 on this one. Personally, I'd rather not have the male, which could probably rip me in half (Literally), and looks like he has the ego to do just that. I know the female probably isn't much better, but she may be more stable in the ego department, and could potentially be more rational and calm than the male when it counts.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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A20. The female seems to be just as capable as the male. The male looks even nastier than the fearleaders? b:shocked No thanks.0
The male seems too egoistic and stupid to listen to anyone.He'll prolly eat us up instead of helping.0 -
A20 only because I want the variety. =D
Otherwise I wouldn't have minded the mean looking thing. He might actually be a dumb ****... Praise him and he gets everything done for you!0 -
A20. Because having a female in the squad isn't too bad. Especially if there are certain tasks that only she can do. Don't really need another guy, he could be dumb for all we know.I call it how I see it.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz!0 -
Page 12
The king tells you that the Scala Repshi will be joining your group to help keep the alliance between Human and Scala going forward in this war.
Great, now there is four of you, about to be dropped out of the sky over who-knows-where.
In one day you have gone from a person with bad luck to having three others in your "party", with some serious instance events going on. There hasn't been very much sweet loot dropped, but it has definitely been a super hollywood stunt person's life it seems.
The others in your group seem to have their own special skills and abilities, what the heck is yours? Why do you keep surviving impossible events? Why do people even want to stay with you in such chaos?
Maybe you're just lucky.
You start to ask the king about parachutes as the fearleader plane electrically charges the air around you like during a thunderstorm, as it vanishes in front of you. Nik and Lokfoot have parachutes? How did they? awwww no...
Nik and Lokfoot tried to get to you before they had to open their chutes, but no luck so far. Lokfoot is closest, and is gliding toward you before you drop past him on your descent to Earth's shell far below.
You notice that the Scala is no where to be seen at eye level or below you, do they have a parachute too? Did you just not get the memo?
You look up and see the Scala heading toward you in a semi-dive reaching toward you, no parachute to be seen on their shoulders or back. What are their intentions? Are you going to be a mid-flight snack?
A21) Do you keep reaching for Lokfoot and hope he grabs you before the Scala lands on you for dinner?
A22) Or, do you try to prepare yourself for how the Scala is coming at you and hope for the best?
Note: Make sure that you read up on the previous pages so that you know what is going on to best help you choose your choices!Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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A22 ^^ bcz im uber sure he won`t grab me...^^
bcz i was uber scared and i scream`d alot..!!0 -
uh....................... A22! b:cute i ish too cute for it to eat meh!!!! and i ish poke hole from its tummeh if it eats meh b:chuckle xDDDDD0
A22. No way that Lokfoot will be able to grab me via a glide.
So, if the Scala tries to eat me, i'll just use his body as a heat shield and save my own ****
Other then that, I have nothing to worry about if the person who is coming at me in a dive (sorta arrow path, which is faster during free fall) to save my ****0 -
A22. She seems closer, and is more likely to get to me in time. I think I can be reasonably certain she has some method of survival in mind, and probably won't eat me (at least, not right now) because of the alliance.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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She/He will definitely save me,because....
I doubt darth will let it eat me b:cute.0 -
A22. I doubt the Scala Repshi will eat me since we do have an alliance between Humans and Scala as said by the King previously. And since they seem to be loyal to the King, I doubt they will go against the King's word and try to eat me.I call it how I see it.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz!0 -
How do you all know if the Scala is male or female? b:laughDo you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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darthpanda16 wrote: »How do you all know if the Scala is male or female? b:laugh
Well, since you told us this one is a female (see below), we're kinda assuming our new scaly ally is a female.darthpanda16 wrote: »Page 11
A20) The female Scala that has come forward looks attractively badass and seems to be a toned alligator/human warrior blend. She could add a new perspective to your group AND distract enemies.
I'd say that's a pretty good reason to say she's female, wouldn't you?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Lairian - Sanctuary wrote: »Well, since you told us this one is a female (see below), we're kinda assuming our new scaly ally is a female.
I'd say that's a pretty good reason to say she's female, wouldn't you?
I dont think he mentioned the female one is joining us.Which means i have to edit my post above0 -
Lairian - Sanctuary wrote: »I'd say that's a pretty good reason to say she's female, wouldn't you?
You missed the top part of the quote:darthpanda16 wrote: »Page 11
A19) The only male Scala besides the king comes forward, looking truly badass and fearsome. You thought the females of this group were fierce, wow the male's are bigger and nastier looking. I bet his ego is insane.
A20) The female Scala that has come forward looks attractively badass and seems to be a toned alligator/human warrior blend. She could add a new perspective to your group AND distract enemies.
We don't know whether the Scala Repshi is female or male. Hence I used the term "they".I call it how I see it.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks Santacruz!0 -
Page 13
As Repshi seems to grab you out of mid air without ripping you apart, her back seems to crack and snap as the shadow of some sort of growths have appeared which immediately starts slowing your descent on your drop to Earth.
Lokfoot and Nik seem to be gliding themselves down ok as you seem to be in a natural hang gliding combo with Ripshi.
You tell her thanks a lot, and she seems to either smile at you or snarl, it is hard to tell, and says: "Don't worry about it, I love the adventure."
As you all land just outside of a major city which appears to be in the middle of no where, Nik points at a sign and says, "Looks like we are in Denver, Colorado!".
Ripshi and Lokfoot point out that it looks like there is an airport in a different direction from going to downtown Denver.
All 4 of you start to huddle together kind of and start talking about which place to go when Ripshi looks up like a savage lion on the plains that just spotted their prey.
All of you look at what she is looking at and see a dark ooze looking mob of people running toward you!! You think that they must have seen the parachutes bright colors on the way down. Great, you could have been seen for many kilometers, just fantastic.
Zombie movie flashbacks start rolling through your head as you see what seems like the entire eastern horizon moving in unison toward you like a storm cloud with a tornado purpose.
Coming down the nearby freeway you guys spot in the distance what seems like a small convoy of vehicles zooming toward you all too. Nik pulls out a DLO (distance leveling optics) and scans the mob and then scans the convoy. He almost drops the DLO.
"Well... looks like zombies over there" as he points towards the mob. "or... zombies in the convoy, with other creatures with them, bigger then they are, they, they... are in the backs of the trucks."
Repshi says if we start running as fast as we can, that we MIGHT make it to the airport, or to downtown Denver just as either group of bionecros gets within 100 meters.
You notice it also looks like a snowstorm is coming too, as the freezing wind kicks in and the sky shuts above you.
Great, that is all we need... Mad Max zombies rolling in, a snowstorm coming, and a huge mass wall of zombies is hungry for us too...
Which is the best option? So many things to consider for survival...
A23) Let's go to Denver. Maybe we can get some supplies and vehicles while trying to lose the convoy.
A24) Maybe an airport could work in a lucky way again.Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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A23. A large city like Denver has more options than an airport, even a major one. There's more options for food with all the residencies (now likely abandoned and ready for looting), restaurants, and various types of food shops. There's weapons there, with guns shops, military supply stores, and other kinds (zombie slaying with a sword taken from a hobby/antique/specialty shop anyone? b:sin). All the tall buildings and small alleyways give a huge number of possibilities for either hiding or strategic ambush points. These would also serve as easily defended shelters if needed. All the abandoned cars, buses, motorcycles, and other vehicles provide a ready source of quick transportation should a retreat become necessary (you can even use a simple bicycle should the need arise). Plus, it's much easier to get onto the open road and escape from a city that has a huge number of exit roads (you can even go off road if you wanted). All in all, Denver is a better choice than the airport, with its limited supplies, few weapon options, less strategic defense points, lower selection of vehicles, and limited retreat options.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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But see, what if the city or the airport aren't deserted?
Can you imagine the whole city waiting to go all om nommy nom nom on you?
What if there are nothing but 50 miles of zombies in each direction?
What if there are non-friendly Scalas at the airport?
So many things to take into consideration, sheesh.
This guy better write a decent next page of the story, or I'm banning him b:chuckleDo you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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darthpanda16 wrote: »But see, what if the city or the airport aren't deserted?
Can you imagine the whole city waiting to go all om nommy nom nom on you?
What if there are nothing but 50 miles of zombies in each direction?
What if there are non-friendly Scalas at the airport?
So many things to take into consideration, sheesh.
This guy better write a decent next page of the story, or I'm banning him b:chuckle
Don't ban urselfb:sweat.This story is pretty fun to read.
BTW u typed an extra either on line 6,not that it matters much but I couldn't help but mention it
Anyways..A23.Since a snowstorm is coming,I rather go to town where we can find some living quarters to rest in.Also there is food and water for us to hold out till the snowstorm blows over;not saying the airport has no food but I feel much more secure about supplies in a town/city.Also,we can load up on weapons to kill any zombies that come our way.0 -
darthpanda16 wrote: »But see, what if the city or the airport aren't deserted?
Can you imagine the whole city waiting to go all om nommy nom nom on you?
What if there are nothing but 50 miles of zombies in each direction?
What if there are non-friendly Scalas at the airport?
So many things to take into consideration, sheesh.
This guy better write a decent next page of the story, or I'm banning him b:chuckle
Well, that's a chance we'll just have to take, either way. Nothing we can do about it if there are really. All we have to do is go to the city really. If it's abandoned, great, if it's zombie infested, we'll just have to kinck some undead ****, since we'd probably have a better chance with the city zombies that we would with the massive horde and mega zombies (or whatever those things in the trucks are) that we're running from. Shame on you Darth, for making us doubt the story and second guess ourselves. b:scorn
And I'm just curious, but how would one go about banning his/herself?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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Lairian - Sanctuary wrote: »And I'm just curious, but how would one go about banning his/herself?
I think he clicks the Ban button next to his name b:chuckle
But seriously,I'm wondering about that too0
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