Ideas for Sin 79 skills

Posts: 754 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Assassin
Well there is a thread in the psychic forum were people like suggested 79 skills for a psy and it is rather interesting

So i thought i would make one for us Sins to think up 79 skills and too comment on each others opinons =P

well here's mine =]

Ragging Rapids

Mana 400
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 15 seconds
Weapon daggers

Reduces your attack level by 15
Increases your attack speed by 50%
Lasts 10 minutes

Overwrites Chill of the Deep
Post edited by Lusca - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Not good at thinking of these things.. but I'd really like another AOE or something else to make sins useful for rebirth and stuff. If not that, some kind of attack that's magical or some kind of attackrate boost.
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Whirlpool strike

    Range 8 meters
    Mana 300
    Channel 1.5 seconds
    Cool down 15 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    All enemies within 8 meters suffer constant physical damage
    Consumes 300 mana every 3 seconds inflicting base physical damage +100% of weapon damage and an additional 3189.4 physical damage

    Casting will not stop
    until Mana is depleted or the spell is cancelled.

    Requires one Spark

    something like that kristoph? lol
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Armor Rust

    350 Mana

    Lowers your opponent's physical defense by 50% gear value for 60 seconds.

    Cooldown - 90 seconds

    Requires 50 chi.

    This skill I've just made up could be very useful against HAs.
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Interesting skill ideas I'll give you that, but that AoE is very unlikely imo, two constant AoEs is quite enough imo, however I would like a third AoE skills, but meh.
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    - Backstab
    (Must Be Behind Target)

    Channel: 0.5 Seconds.
    Cast: 0.3 Seconds.
    Cooldown: 60 Seonds.

    Do Psysical Damage Plus 500% Of Weapon Damage Plus 3000.

    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    AoE stealth field on all nearby squad member, ends if anyone uses a skill or attacks

    no moar fb wines <3
  • Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Death Blow

    MP: 500
    chanel: 1.0 seconds
    range: melee
    cooldown: 30 seconds

    description: the bloodiest and merciless of all assassins techniques. stab the target in the back of the neck to deal base atk dmg + 400% weapon dmg + 4500 physical dmg. has 50% chance to kill target instantly and 100% chance to cause massive bleeding for 10 seconds equal to 3800 physical dmg. this skill ignores Physical defense of the target.

    can only be used while in stealth and only while behind the target. costs 2 sparks.

    basically to take down the charmed HA barbs/BMs with relative ease lol. and assassins are killers so imo they need atleast one skill that does insanely massive dmg to a target no matter what armor they have on. its what assassins do :p
  • Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Death Blow

    MP: 500
    chanel: 1.0 seconds
    range: melee
    cooldown: 30 seconds

    description: the bloodiest and merciless of all assassins techniques. stab the target in the back of the neck to deal base atk dmg + 400% weapon dmg + 4500 physical dmg. has 50% chance to kill target instantly and 100% chance to cause massive bleeding for 10 seconds equal to 3800 physical dmg. this skill ignores Physical defense of the target.

    can only be used while in stealth and only while behind the target. costs 2 sparks.

    *2 Weeks After This Skill Is Installed*

    /Rerolls an Assassin
    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    some good idea but im not sure about the whether numerical values stated would maintain game balance

    i think assassins should be given

    1. a backstab type move. either an active or passive that deal bonus damage if the assassin is behind the target

    2. a move which can only be used when stealthed

    3. a squad based move (i dont see assassins being much of a use in squads further increasing the amount of unrequired classes, srsly cleric and barb are the only truly required squad classes). i was thinking maybe either
    - a spell that grants the team invis for sometime(prevent squad wipe)
    - a team version of the 25% evasion move (kinda like clerics team defense buff that only becomes available after u get lvl 10 on the solo version)
    - spell that gives the squad 100% evasion for some time?

    4. a defensive move that gives the assassin a blade shield increasig defense and damaging anyoe that comes close (kinda like zhen moves but much weaker and assassin can move)

    5. a poison (wood) attack. assassins have no means of killing heavy armor. poison fits the assassin stereotype.

    6. an physical defense ignore/reduce debuff. assassins have nor means of killing heavy armor. ignoring armor (striking weak points) seems like the logical way to fight with small daggers.
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Poison escape

    Range 2metres
    Mana 250
    Channel 0.5seconds
    Cast 0.5seconds
    Cooldown 60seconds
    Weapon daggers

    Requisite cultivation : Whatever you have at 79 :P

    Casts a poionus shield around you and your movement speed is increased to the max for 5seconds. All enemies at 2metres distance around you will suffer constant Wood damage, while reducing their physical defense, their movement speed, their accuracy and their evasion a 50%

    Requires two sparks

    It would be nice to have this skill b:thanksb:laugh
  • Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    - Camouflage

    45% of your base MP
    Channel: 5 Seconds.
    Cast: 0.1 Seconds.
    Cooldown: 6 Minutes

    Copy your targets(enemy players) looks and transform into him for 2min
    Cannot be seen as an enemy by other enemy players
  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Range Melee
    Channel: 0.1
    Cast: 0.9
    Cooldown: 3 minutes

    Disable opponent charm for 30 seconds.
  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    1000 Mana
    Range: Melee
    Channel : 0.5 seconds
    Cast: Instant
    Cooldown: 5 days

    Tackle your opponent down with a swift blow to the head for 5000 damage. They will drop something from their inventory (except for bound items) and you will be able to pick it up.

    Can be used during stealth

    Requires 2 sparks to cast.

  • Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    - Camouflage

    45% of your base MP
    Channel: 5 Seconds.
    Cast: 0.1 Seconds.
    Cooldown: 6 Minutes

    Copy your targets(enemy players) looks and transform into him for 2min
    Cannot be seen as an enemy by other enemy players

    Wow, only one REASONABLE suggestion. The rest is pretty preposterous, especially with the suggested cooldown.

    Skill of the ancients

    requisite cultivation : aware of absurd suggestions
    10 MP
    channel : instant
    cast : instant
    cooldown : 2 seconds

    Kill all players/monsters on your minimap with a 100% chance of players dropping an item, or a 100% chance to get a mold or 100 oracles from monsters.
    Few people make mistakes with fire after being once burned, of people who regard water lightly many have been drowned - Yamamoto Tsunetomo
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    - Camouflage

    45% of your base MP
    Channel: 5 Seconds.
    Cast: 0.1 Seconds.
    Cooldown: 6 Minutes

    Copy your targets(enemy players) looks and transform into him for 2min
    Cannot be seen as an enemy by other enemy players

    Well, people see sin as a ninja, so i could add

    Kage bunshin no jutsu

    Mana (each clone=50mana)
    Channel 0.1sec
    Cast 0.3sec
    Cooldown 3sec
    Weapon Daggers (kunais and shurikens?b:chuckle)
    Requisite culti: who cares

    Creates clones of you (more mana=more clones) making enemy dont know who the real one is. Clones got only 1hp and do same movements as you. Clones can hit,jump, use skills... but their hits don't deal damage.

    Requires 10chi b:pleased
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Chain Throw

    Range 30metres
    Mana 200
    Channel 1.5seconds
    Cast 0.5seconds
    Cooldown 180seconds
    Weapon daggers

    Requisite cultivation : w/e

    Throws a hooked dagger at the opponent reeling them in.
    Hits the opponent for base weapon damage +2500 damage. The enemy is brought to the assassins location and immobilized for 4 second.

    Requires 1 spark to cast
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Chain Throw

    Range 30metres
    Mana 200
    Channel 1.5seconds
    Cast 0.5seconds
    Cooldown 180seconds
    Weapon daggers

    Requisite cultivation : w/e

    Throws a hooked dagger at the opponent reeling them in.
    Hits the opponent for base weapon damage +2500 damage. The enemy is brought to the assassins location and immobilized for 4 second.

    Requires 1 spark to cast

    get over here!
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Any skill to strip armor/decrease pdef by a % of equipment defense/etc. One thing that's noticeably missing when compared to assassin classes in other games D= That + stealth/backstab type skills.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    get over here!

    EXACTLY what i was thinking! xD I just tried really hard to not put too much of a hint to it's MK origin. b:victory
  • Posts: 597 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Chain Throw

    Range 30metres
    Mana 200
    Channel 1.5seconds
    Cast 0.5seconds
    Cooldown 180seconds
    Weapon daggers

    Requisite cultivation : w/e

    Throws a hooked dagger at the opponent reeling them in.
    Hits the opponent for base weapon damage +2500 damage. The enemy is brought to the assassins location and immobilized for 4 second.

    Requires 1 spark to cast

    Kinda sounds like Smokers, from Left 4 Dead
  • Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    b:chuckle I believe it was a mortal combat reference

    The clone idea though laggy does fit into the sins areas that aren't already taken care of.

    ex: (similar to another anonymous game) Mirror Image

    79/100 skill

    Creates 2 mirrors of the caster, each doing 55% of casters damage and will mirror skills used as well at the cost of 3x the mana for the skill used. Lasts 180 seconds.

    5 min cooldown
    800 mana
    channel 2sec
    cast 1sec

    would be slower than general used skills because it would need to be planned in advance, lets say you save it for the bosses in fb runs or cast well ahead of time in shadow form. 180sec cap so it can't be spammed away endlessly with an mp charm by making it last until depletion.
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited January 2010 bad at leaving 'descriptions' of the skill (like the stuff saying what it does blahblahblah)

    I do think though that our blinking with some other skills should be changed...the CD on the stun is ridiculously long...and every skill costs nearly 2 sparks (yes i know we can get it real fast but still)

    I'll leave a few skills id thought be nice to implement though (yes i have a SIN)

    1) [AOE]

    Tempest [insert whatever nice description you want]
    Cast Time - 2 s
    Cooldown - 45 s
    Duration - ~~~~
    Mana Cost - 2 spark + 100mp/s
    Damage - Base Physical + 220% [ 20%/lvl ] + ~1500 [+200/lv]

    2) [Special Crit aside Wolfs Emblem and 2Spark skill or 'Piercing/Painful' attacks]

    Deadly Precision
    Gives the assassin a 15%[+5%/lv] chance to dead 4x critical damage (so 400% not 200%)


    Nerve Points
    Gives the assassin a 12%[+2%/lv] to interrupt cast/channel skills


    Fatal Wounds
    Each attack dealt consecutively by the assassin gives additional damage equal to 15%[+15%/lv] of base weapon damage. Stacks indefinetly

    I didnt add skills for backstab since someone mentioned it...but I think these would be interesting to add since assassins are about accuracy and precision...much like shot one kill

    [Actually...I would've added a skill or two for images/stealth break/backstab skills..mabye tommorrow...hoping some of these could be deal with killing HAs]
  • Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    oooooooo i got another one.


    Chanel: 1 second
    MP: 300
    range: self buff
    cool down: 2mins

    Description: in exchange for half of ur HP increase ur atk lvl by 50, atk rate 60%, crit rate 50%, crit dmg +40%. you cannot use any other skills while berserk is active and your evasion is decreased by 50% and your def lvl is decreased by 40.

    lasts for 3 mins. requires 2 sparks. stacks with wolf emblem and other crit dmg increasing skills.

    pure DPS self buff skill :p. and before some tard ask "how can u use wolf emblem if u cant use other skills while its active?" you use wolf emblem and all other self buffs BEFORE u activate this skill durr.
  • Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have to admit that it would be nice to see the DD classes all have a zhennable aoe.

    cleric bb
    wiz aoe
    archer aoe
    bm/barb/sin/psy? lure

    too many lure only's, would be nice to see them have something they can use with more efficiency

    fyi - no idea if psy has a full round aoe
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    oooooooo i got another one.


    Chanel: 1 second
    MP: 300
    range: self buff
    cool down: 2mins

    Description: in exchange for half of ur HP increase ur atk lvl by 50, atk rate 60%, crit rate 50%, crit dmg +40%. you cannot use any other skills while berserk is active and your evasion is decreased by 50% and your def lvl is decreased by 40.

    lasts for 3 mins. requires 2 sparks. stacks with wolf emblem and other crit dmg increasing skills.

    pure DPS self buff skill :p. and before some tard ask "how can u use wolf emblem if u cant use other skills while its active?" you use wolf emblem and all other self buffs BEFORE u activate this skill durr.

    3mins? OMG poor of you if there is a group to hunt you b:surrender
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well, people see sin as a ninja, so i could add

    Kage bunshin no jutsu

    What about sexy no jutsu?
    The assassin bewitches enemies of opposite gender, causing stun of faszination, nosebleed over time and..well.. feel free to fantasize b:chuckle
  • Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    What about sexy no jutsu?
    The assassin bewitches enemies of opposite gender, causing stun of faszination, nosebleed over time and..well.. feel free to fantasize b:chuckle

    That was good oneb:laugh Im sure lots of people will want this skill lol but it should be an innitial skill b:pleasedb:bye The paradise is coming!
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think that the Chain Dagger idea is cool, but why would you use it when you can stealth + shadow jump anyways?

    I like the Nerve Points idea, and I agree that 'Sins are in desperate need of an attack that either ignores or decreases physical defence. There has to be some kind of balance on those HAs, particularly the ones with charms.

    An attack that can only be initiated while in stealth would be good, and while it would be cool to call it "Backstab" or "Spinal Tap" or something, I don't think it should actually get a bonus for being initiated while behind the target. (also, I'm not sure there is a way to determine what would count as "behind" the target)

    An anti-charm attack? Amusing, but unlikely to be put in since it would upset those who paid the cash to get one (admittedly, I would be among that group). A poison attack would also be a great way to take down HAs.

    Perhaps some of these ideas here will be part of the changes to attacks that come with the sage/demon choice (for example, perhaps slipstream strike will gain extra attack if used from stealth if demonic, or add a debuff if sage).

    And as for Sexy No Jutsu... Yes. Just, yes. Let's do it.
  • Posts: 754 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think that the Chain Dagger idea is cool, but why would you use it when you can stealth + shadow jump anyways?

    I like the Nerve Points idea, and I agree that 'Sins are in desperate need of an attack that either ignores or decreases physical defence. There has to be some kind of balance on those HAs, particularly the ones with charms.

    An attack that can only be initiated while in stealth would be good, and while it would be cool to call it "Backstab" or "Spinal Tap" or something, I don't think it should actually get a bonus for being initiated while behind the target. (also, I'm not sure there is a way to determine what would count as "behind" the target)

    An anti-charm attack? Amusing, but unlikely to be put in since it would upset those who paid the cash to get one (admittedly, I would be among that group). A poison attack would also be a great way to take down HAs.

    Perhaps some of these ideas here will be part of the changes to attacks that come with the sage/demon choice (for example, perhaps slipstream strike will gain extra attack if used from stealth if demonic, or add a debuff if sage).

    And as for Sexy No Jutsu... Yes. Just, yes. Let's do it.

    cause stealth tele then wizzie uses shrink you can pull them back just cause it would look so cool
    wiz teles away you pull them back xD
    and it gives you an excuse to shout get over here! in chat lolol

    and if a game called flyff which doesn't even have agro skills or magic defense can have skills that can only be used behind a target i'm pretty sure perfect world can add them in x3
  • Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I might die of enjoyment if I could yell "Get over here" again and again.

    On a serious note, setting it up with a 0 aggro to surrounding mobs would be pretty damn nice. Would give sins another party usage that actually has some serious benefit.

    veno and sin could then be lures - genies excluded

    Before the flame on veno being taken out, I have a 93 ven and as far as I'm concerned it's definitely a solo prioritized class. There is still a long duration bram though it'll go out the window to psychic, can still lure, DD, Tank, and crowd control in squads. Wouldn't be a horrid loss to give lure to a second class.
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.


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