Only the Snowman featured this year! Living Snowmen NOT ingame!



  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You're at work on christmas day/eve? b:shocked Merry christmas anyway. b:victory

    No he isn't. But he made himself available for us Mods from home as a just in case thing. Asked him for help before I went to bed last night.
  • Guepard - Sanctuary
    Guepard - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Nice, I LOSE MY TIME, traveling to Etherblade, Plume and Lost city for ANYTHING, because there are ONE BUGGED QUEST for kill living snowman, but, no living snowman this year b:angry
  • Wickedqueen - Lost City
    Wickedqueen - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I personally would have liked a holiday event like last year that is where I got my xmas tome, but to be realistic they just released the expansion which in its self is allot of work. I do think the anniversary packs are way over done. but hey its there game. we own nothing we just play. I was once a cashshoper. Now I am not. I play sporadically. there is no point in putting money into a game that you do not play often, nor is there a reason to choose game over paying utilities or getting food for your family :P the ones that dish out hundreds at a time grats for them that they can do so. there is no reason to whine about what others can and can not do. if they have the income to do so good for them. if they cant that is fine to. PWI needs to recognize that some players have families and kids they can not afford to waist on a game >.> but like I just said before I'm happy that I can play (when I do play) the snow men are a great thing regardless of what people say. And I do thank PWI for the snowmen and the expansion. it gave me a renewed interest in the game. but for people to whine about not getting a massive event like last year. well don't cry about it. it took allot of work to get the expansion out. be happy there is that :D Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope yours is safe, happy and warm :D b:victory b:kiss
  • Guepard - Sanctuary
    Guepard - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    People cry for spend time doing bugged quests b:angry...
  • Gandora - Harshlands
    Gandora - Harshlands Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Something Im wondering is that why it that the other versions have the Tideborn expansion and get a full Xmas event. While we get only the expansion. Did we get the expansion last? Anyway to get the xmas outfits when the GMs come back from break?
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    bumping this because ppl keep spamming forums with christmas event questions....
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Seiowan - Harshlands
    Seiowan - Harshlands Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Ow... talk about teasing. I was looking forward to being able to obtain those chocolate items that Santa offers. Why they didn't just give us the event I'll never understand. If the event was here last year then all the background for it is already in the game, all they need to do is throw the switch. Metaphorically speaking anyways...

    Also, on an unrelated note, why is it people always confuse the world 'snowMAN' with 'snowMEN'? Snowman is for one, snowmen refers to many. I've even seen people write 'snowmens' to refer to multiples. Mind you, I often see the same mistake with the word 'women' as well. It's a mystery that may never be solved... along with why they cancelled the Christmas event.
  • Stagnate - Heavens Tear
    Stagnate - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol sorry no....ur paying for pixels....not events...sorry but i never saw a "buy this event" option in the cash shop. AND ya i would agree with u if this game was pay to play but sorry its not..this is a FREE game...and u spending money on it is completly up to u. And yup i am a lil see SOOO many people crying that the free things they give arent GOOD ENOUGH for them. SO sorry then Cesh, if u dont like it then dont GTFO...just stop charging zen....

    so sadly i HAVE to say it again....NOOOOO video game OWES u ANYTHING...shiiiitttt....even ur parents dont OWE u anything...and if u TRUELY believe that ANYONE owes u ANYTHING then uve obviously never gone out into the world

    edit: WOOOWWW and its still going on....well if this is how u guys wanna spend ur xmas...complaining about the LACK OF FREE STUFF....then have fun beeing a whiny gonna go enjoy what I DO have...because this thread is obviously full of little kids who think evrything in this world is free....and THEN SOME , cuz all the free stuff u get isnt good enough.....ANYONE who said the OWE u a xmas event..OBVIOUSLY has never worked hard for anything they ever got in their life.

    Merry christmas everyone ENJOY the holidays and this wonderful game!! ;)

    Dude what planet are you from? yes we as paying customers should expect something in return. With out paying customers this game doesn't exist, so it's not too much to ask for 1 event per year...btw if it bothers you so much that players are complaining then gtfo nobody is forcing you to read this
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    LOL @ Aelric... ur tellin me to do sum research....

    why dont u do your research....even tho i THOUGHT it was common sense...but all the OTHER PWs ARE NOT PWi.....there people go again at comparing this game to ANYTHING else....

    thats like saying "waaaahhhhh my brother got a "better" xmas present from santa that i did"....

    ya MAYBE im being a little extreme and maybe i DO needa calm down...but everyone sees xmas as a day to get sum free stuff ... and guess what they did give us free stuff (snowmen, expansion, etc.) BUT OH wait its not like last year ... its not like the OTHER u would do the world a lot more good to go cry a river sumwhere, then on here....

    everyone is OBVIOUSLY missing my here it is in PLAIN terms....

    BE grateful for what you GET/HAVE this xmas....and not cry and whine about what Joe blow across the street got, and what u DIDN'T get....

    they NEVER put any announcement saying there was going to be ANY kind of xmas event this year (aside from the sales) why just EXPECT it from them.....its so sad that sum people are turning xmas into a big QQ event over "wahhhhh the video game i play didnt get me what i wanted for xmas..wahhhhhh""

    JUST ENJOY the game and what they DID give...or GTFO....that simple

    If you expect substandard goods then the merchant is going to give you substandard goods. Carry on being contented and see what's going to happen next year. Instead of substandard it may be below substandard next time.

    Keep on accepting mediocracy as a level of competence and people will think that's just what you deserve and what you're going to get.

    All MMORPGs are the same and this one is no exception. They have to launch new content to keep exisiting players who have already reached endgame to continue holding their interests. Therefore, the tideborn, nirvana, etc. So in fairness, the expansion isn't a privilege that they're giving us. It was just a business decision on their part to keep players from leaving. On the contrary, we're giving them the privilege of our presence by playing their game.

    I just logged into the other MMORPG I was playing before I played PWI and quit that. They have 4-5 Christmas quests giving away their game currency and cash shop items. /facepalm Why did I quit that?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • leeian
    leeian Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    10. Introduce Warsoul Pa.... didn't see that. b:shocked

    Im still waiting on the GM pack u know the one that contains all the nice GM gear ......opps did i spoil the supprise of the next sale lol
  • leeian
    leeian Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If you expect substandard goods then the merchant is going to give you substandard goods. Carry on being contented and see what's going to happen next year. Instead of substandard it may be below substandard next time.

    Keep on accepting mediocrity as a level of competence and people will think that's just what you deserve and what you're going to get.

    Can we say tideborn starter city flashing screen glitch that is still there after the most recent patch. I know if my first ever char on pwi was a tideborn i would have uninstalled this game pretty fast. but having played pwi for about 6months I have come to expect major problems and glitches unlike all other games online. so with that and the major sale added instead of trying to fix that problem is there any supprise that the event was only 10% implemented?
  • Lishandian - Heavens Tear
    Lishandian - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hello to all the staff of PWI. I just want to say thank you for all your hard work for making this FREE game wonderful as it is. Your hard work is truly appreciated. I truly love the fashions you have put in the boutique and been getting them when I can. I know it is not a force issue to use the boutique, but more of a here is something else I can get if I want to if I feel like it. The last minute event for Christmas may be last minute, but the snowmen are really enjoyable and helpful. It's fun and selling those fireworks really help make ends meet for some of my characters. Please take care and may this Holiday Season be joyful and wonderful as well as the New Year to come for all of you and everyone who play PWI.
  • PanDeluTzA - Heavens Tear
    PanDeluTzA - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    snowman is awesome if they put and some high experience on it and some crazy reward id like to se that in every big city and maybe will be more players after that sux event with packs kind crazy to see gold is go up so much anyway Merry Christams to all and have a nice party b:kiss
  • mathaniel
    mathaniel Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hello All.
    I Wanna ask about XMAS Cards are the qest with them really works?Do i need all cards from 1-21 ?Cause its said that i need only sets from 1-14 and 15-21?Can u tell me on which level and when i can get qest to get CARDS from Number 1-14 ?Cause sb said me that it can be got from qest from Snow tamer but i m level 37 and i cant get it from him..Is it any special hour when i can get it or what?

    Pls reply me cause i want to do Santa QEST with XMAS CARDS.
  • Centetric - Lost City
    Centetric - Lost City Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    this event is good enoug to keep me playin for now

    "Through the darkness light can always emerge, it is only when the unwilling come upon this light that fear takes over. Emerging from this darkness takes more then courage, it takes faith in ones own mind and more importantly in ones own heart. To deny the light is to deny yourself the feeling of true happiness and true peace within your own soul. Denying your own happiness and your own soul is denying all that one has to live for."
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    leeian wrote: »
    Can we say tideborn starter city flashing screen glitch that is still there after the most recent patch. I know if my first ever char on pwi was a tideborn i would have uninstalled this game pretty fast. but having played pwi for about 6months I have come to expect major problems and glitches unlike all other games online. so with that and the major sale added instead of trying to fix that problem is there any supprise that the event was only 10% implemented?

    To be frank with you, I'm not surprised. With any major expansion there are bound to be glitches and bugs. Other game companies strive to fix them while PWI constantly bombards us with cash shop sales being labeled as 'events'.

    Other bugs that are still around, e.g. rubber band, cube etc. are being ignored and the reason given is they're busy with the expansion.

    Professionals would have fixed the existing problems before implementing any major changes. Amateurs on the other hand give excuses for their incompetency. I am not pointing the finger at anyone but if the shoe fits, wear it.

    Why are we being fed all this?

    1) We have all reached a state of apathy so much so we have accepted that as being the standard.

    2) For want of a better game, we are all just hanging around for the sake of it and hoping things will improve. I know I am, at least until I find a better quality game to move on to.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • HeavensWing - Sanctuary
    HeavensWing - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Just managed to get a hold of Kantorek who comfirmed that the Living Snowmen have not been implemented in this years Christmas event.

    Sorry for the confusion everyone and happy Christmas!

    EDIT: Actually there is no Xmas event as such just the Snowmen nothing else.

    Then why is there a living snowmen QUEST?
    Original Join date: Nov 24, 2008
    Originally Posted by Russiee - Raging Tide

    As for Shadow Escape. "I am sin, I Shadow Escape on a boss, Boss attacks cleric and squad wipes. Lolol im pro fish".

    ^ So pro b:victory ^
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so the Christmas extravagansza got moved over there? i have loved it over there! but please, in future, let folks know here they wont get the same treament?

    how about, for compensation, we get to have the New Years outfits in the cash shop, or, even better, as a present we can keep? please?

    Trash it. There are no plans to implement it at this time.

    Sorry for slow answer was updating the JD PM on some issues over there.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Seiowan - Harshlands
    Seiowan - Harshlands Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hello to all the staff of PWI. I just want to say thank you for all your hard work for making this FREE game wonderful as it is.
    I hate to be the one to break it to you, but with the Boutique prices, this game is far from 'free'. They get plenty of income if the gold sales and catshops are anything to go by, so don't feel too bad for them.

    I do agree, however, they've definetly put in plenty of effort into the expansion and the gameplay which im sure is greatly appreciated by all.
  • Nemesyk - Raging Tide
    Nemesyk - Raging Tide Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    curse words are unnecessary.

    we QQ about **** because its stupid things that can easily be avoided. Little incomplete projects that shouldve been worked out, and not just slapped together.

    For a company that makes millions of dollars, and with such a large variety of games, I would really expect them to release 'complete events'. Meaning, the NPC's work, the quests work. Its not that hard. I understand they were working on the expansion, and thats all fine and dandy. But they knew Christmas was coming. Why didnt they work out the fine details ahead of time? Its not like it was "OMG Christmas is here!!! /faceroll"

    Fail Dev's are fail dev's. And fail Management is fail management. They would gain a lot more respect if they came out and said, "Hey guys, we screwed up. We were more focused on the expansion than we were a Christmas event, and we are sorry to disappoint our loyal customers and player base".

    I swear, the only one who works his butt off and gets things dont all the way is eatswithspoons. He works on Twitter, Facebook, the Blog, and this forum/website, and if he cant get it done in time, or if he is late, he lets us know, 'hey guys, sorry, something came up, be patient with me, ok?'

    just wanted to quote this, solid truth

    i would like to add that our forum mods also work their asses off to try and get us info on things the GMs dont get to, and i'm sure we all appreciate that

    actually, i think i should clarify my thoughts...

    i know it's not the GMs fault for the bugs, problems, and other game-coding related fails. that's the dev's deal. however, it IS the GMs fault for the lack of company--->player communication. i understand there's alot of things the GMs need to attend to on a daily basis, however a quick post just to let us know what's going on isnt that hard to do

    the other thing is, the company as a whole needs more efficient/better management, including (as Ceshiari said) deadlines on implementation of things, and these vague "in the near future" statements need to stop. we as players need actual concrete "estimated date of release"
    Retired Character

    New main is Alexenokin of Lost City
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Perhaps some people should recive small "holliday vacations" from game to cool down a little?

    I am too think that after expansion PWi staff WAS NOT obligated to give us ANYTHING AT ALL when comes to this event... but of course even when someone turn on snow and snowmans giving us some free fuel for genies and flyers, some celestones... that fact was not in off to stop QQers.

    And about PWi moneys... gouys do you really think that Chinese dves gives us patches for free?
    They have as well programing staff which MUST BE payd off and moneys for thier salary comes from publishers payments for patches and expansions.
    In other words, some income from sales remain as PWi staff salary, <i think> bigger part goes to devs as payment for patches and honestly i rather want to see MMO company at the green when comes to income bcause this will gives some sort of guarantee that staff will be able to maintain servers as struggling whit each dollar and risk that one day when i will try to log in i will see notice "Due our financial problems we are unable to continue provide our services and because of this we have no other choice as commencing shut down of all our servers".

    Furthermore... many of you accused PWi for greed but i came here from game which right now is lamost unplayable because her staff was more focused on income form cash shop <permanent controlled by game staff by the way> as fixing sometimes two year old bugs and it is true that bugs are in PWi as well but i wonder if anyone can show me MMO without even a single bug present in game.

    After reading such threads like this sometimes i really admire GMs and mods selfcontroll when comes to banhammer...

    You are right, they do not OWE us anything. Just as we do not have to continue to stay here, buy gold and help them have a pay check. However; if they'd like to keep any of their playerbase intact, they need to at least attempt to make the players happy.

    A "bug" existing for 1 month while they work to fix it (more than adequate time) is acceptable. But, for the same "bug" to exist for a year is not. They tend to work on things that will profit them but that does NOT mean, they are working on keeping their player base. In case you don't know how economics work, happy customers keep spending money. Unhappy customers don't.

    They can continue to keep us sedated with promises and "near future" antics, but that will only last so long. BTW.. 2 year olds WHINE. Adults with real concerns about issues where they've spent their money and invested their time... a totally different matter.

    Tideborn release wasn't a "surprise" for us. It was a gimmick for them to try to keep their old players happy or bring them back. I've played this game for a year and I have to say that in comparison to other F2P games I've played...this game is tops for graphics and uberness. As for events, its ****. The game I came from had a christmas tree in every city. They had several events and gave FREE item from cash shop at ALL events, which they hosted at least once a week. The item only lasted 7 days, but it usually was something that wasn't in the shop yet.

    Sells aren't events. This company is totally skewed in its thought that it is. I've got 6 out of 8 characters that I play. They all have stuff from cash shop. Much of it I bought with real money. But I am DONE spending my money here. Call me a whiner if you want, I don't care.. but when all the cash shoppers leave, the game will fold and you will be the one crying.
    snowman is awesome if they put and some high experience on it and some crazy reward id like to se that in every big city and maybe will be more players after that sux event with packs kind crazy to see gold is go up so much anyway Merry Christams to all and have a nice party b:kiss

    I am not 100% sure, but I believe last year when I started this game (right after Christmas on my bm) that I got 600 exp per kill. I think you are right, they kinda nerfed it.
    just wanted to quote this, solid truth

    i would like to add that our forum mods also work their asses off to try and get us info on things the GMs dont get to, and i'm sure we all appreciate that

    actually, i think i should clarify my thoughts...

    i know it's not the GMs fault for the bugs, problems, and other game-coding related fails. that's the dev's deal. however, it IS the GMs fault for the lack of company--->player communication. i understand there's alot of things the GMs need to attend to on a daily basis, however a quick post just to let us know what's going on isnt that hard to do

    the other thing is, the company as a whole needs more efficient/better management, including (as Ceshiari said) deadlines on implementation of things, and these vague "in the near future" statements need to stop. we as players need actual concrete "estimated date of release"

    I believe this right here is the worst problem period actually. Its not that we are impatient 4 year olds expecting everything to be done right this minute. We'd just like to know WHEN we can expect completion of things. In comparison to 10 years from now, 3 years is "in the near future".
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    xarfox wrote: »
    Greetings everyone,

    The reason why there was not a "full fledged" Christmas event this year is primarily due to the recent release of the Rising Tide expansion.

    Full fledged? This event wasn't even "half fledged". The Rising Tide Expansion should have had the release date pushed back, if you saw that there was no way there would be a Christmas Event. I agree with others that this is the ONE event that was totally free, it really wouldn't have been hard to flip the switch for the same exact stuff we had last year. We aren't so much angry as we are disappointed. How could you NOT make some spectacular event for the #1 holiday in the country your main office is in? I don't think the release of the rising tide is a good excuse. Christmas has been coming all year long. The event wasn't even put up til after maintenance this week when people got so upset we STILL 2 days before Christmas did NOT have an event.

    As something of a consolation, we thought our players would at least appreciate some snow as well as snowmen.

    There is no snow in Tideborn City. Its not that we don't appreciate what is done, its that we know with the money PWI makes off of us that there could be "more". And in our own respect we actually demand more of PWI. Ppl keep leaving because its went from promises that happen but not on time to empty promises. I honestly really really want to stay here. Its getting harder and harder to do so with the lack of management PWI seems to have.

    We assure you that there are some seasonal as well as other in-game events that are currently scheduled and slated to appear in the near future.

    My first question here, are these events going to be FREE or are we going to be required to BUY stuff? And like one of the other posts, I'd like more of a date rather than "in the near future". I love this game, I really do. Its no mystery that most ppl who cash shop here spend more than any Pay to play game out there per month, PWI made more last quarter than the biggest P2P game out there. So why is it that we keep getting cheated with Sales being considered events?

    We hope everyone has a great holiday, and I assure you that 2010 is going to be an amazing year for PWI players. :)

    I hope your holiday is great too, I know mine was :)
    Please understand that players here for the most part voice their concerns and are upset because we truly LOVE this game. We don't want to leave. But with teh lack of management, events, fixes, etc.. people are getting tired of it and leaving. The rest of us.. are here trying to get a change. In this entire thread, what people are asking for is not unreasonable. Its not even difficult. I really do hope, that your statement of it being amazing is totally 100% accurate; because I can't handle much more disappointment with this game.

    10 characters
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Alot of you are saying they have done a great job at making this game and making expansions and what not, but what you do not understand is that the company PWE does not do any of this. All game content comes from the main Perfect World company in China (PWRD). All the employees of Perfect World Entertainment do is implement these things; which they do without any consideration to the playerbase I might add. The timing of the Rising tide expansion was strange to me, but there is no excuse for them not implementing the Christmas Event again, since every other version of perfect world some how had both. I can't find hardly anything to give credit to our GMs for, besides the horrible sales and cash shop "events." Also, I would not be the least bit surprised if they had everything they needed to fix some of the bugs in the game, but are too lazy to do so. Our Gms and the employees of PWE have become corrupt with money, their goal is to get more and more money, with little to no worry about what the players, their costumers, think or want.

    EDIT: Thank you Chinese company for an awesome game.
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Bladespelll - Heavens Tear
    Bladespelll - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If i might add my own two sense here. I have played 2 MMORPGs in my time and have loved them both. I have noticed several similarities in what happens with both. At the beginning it's a sensation but when they change one thing everyone makes an uproar over it and then they change it. Then people start to hate the change and gradually it changes into something that only spammers play, not saying that's what it of course cause it's not, and a few innocents. I know RS has become that for i have met the innocents and the spammers. After i left the other one and went to PW, I noticed the similarities between the two quickly. Gradually the same thing that happened to the other one has been happening to PW and that is something that i can't allow. As for the Anni packs you don't have to get them. In my faction i'm one of the few that actually pays money, but have less things then anyone else. The higher up lvls have the high lvl weapons and mounts and things all because they worked hard for them. So if you work for it you can make money your own way. Thank you for your time.
    With His Armor(Ephesians 6:13), I go into battle.
  • Gandora - Harshlands
    Gandora - Harshlands Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Alot of you are saying they have done a great job at making this game and making expansions and what not, but what you do not understand is that the company PWE does not do any of this. All game content comes from the main Perfect World company in China (PWRD). All the employees of Perfect World Entertainment do is implement these things; which they do without any consideration to the playerbase I might add. The timing of the Rising tide expansion was strange to me, but there is no excuse for them not implementing the Christmas Event again, since every other version of perfect world some how had both. I can't find hardly anything to give credit to our GMs for, besides the horrible sales and cash shop "events." Also, I would not be the least bit surprised if they had everything they needed to fix some of the bugs in the game, but are too lazy to do so. Our Gms and the employees of PWE have become corrupt with money, their goal is to get more and more money, with little to no worry about what the players, their costumers, think or want.

    EDIT: Thank you Chinese company for an awesome game.

    I love how we're the only version that doesnt get both TBs and a Xmas event, while other versions get both. I think the other versions also got some new Xmas content as well, while we miss out b:angry. There's no telling if the same thing will happen next year. I demand that we pretend that Xmas was delayed a month and get a full Xmas event this January, better late than never.b:beg

    Maybe we can get a Xmas event do to popular demand. If the packs can come back why not a popular event. I seem to remember people begging for a new server for the TBs and well, they got one. Please can we get a Xmas event in January.
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ok, someone explain this to me, please:

    • we are told no Christmas event, then *p0p*, snowmen!
    • snowmen are dropping cards, but mods say no card event, to trash the quest and throw away the cards.
    • we are told no full snowmen event/no Santa, then *p0p*!, we have a Santa in north Arch,with the card quest.

    now what?

    we will get the rest of the event, by dribs and drabs? i truly dont get this....this is *not* a poor company. i assume that the deves who work here are fully trained and qualified. one logical rule of any project is to not declare you are finished with it before it actually IS finished. to do otherwise is stupid. my father was project manager for Northrop for 30 years, heading major defense contracts, and i watched him and the QA process for planes like the Tigershark and the B2 bomber (both considered to be two of the best planes ever built, in the opinion of Gen.Chuck Yeager). and the process isnt a mindbender....just dont release a product till its fully tested, no matter how much the customer screams for it. i think PWI needs to take a page from this, and stop releasing half baked projects.
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Kristiona - Heavens Tear
    Kristiona - Heavens Tear Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    more upset of the mismangement of this game, if thier was not enough time for xmas event then tideborn should of been pushed back after christmas. at moment they have put in snowmen with several half implemented and broken quests from last year, making this game look like its run by university students that have no business sense or management.

    if thier not enough time to remove those half implemented xmas quests then the snow and snowmen should never of been put into the game this year and everyone should of been told that tideborn was chosen to be brouaght out instead of xmas event

    No matter how you put this people are going to be upset. Sure push back expansion then people would be complaining and bugging about when its coming out still. The snowmen we got is half what it was last year but who cares. I think with the pressure they were getting from all the QQ'ers or the I want it now people is why Tideborn is so buggy. Pushing to get things Now never gets the results all want. The GM's and mods are trying to serve the players as best as they can so people need to grow up. I came from pay to play game this game is Free so I don't see the point it making a mountain out of a mole hill all the dang time. Give credit where credit is due and learn to enjoy what you have.
  • Aelric - Lost City
    Aelric - Lost City Posts: 1,031 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    No matter how you put this people are going to be upset. Sure push back expansion then people would be complaining and bugging about when its coming out still. The snowmen we got is half what it was last year but who cares. I think with the pressure they were getting from all the QQ'ers or the I want it now people is why Tideborn is so buggy. Pushing to get things Now never gets the results all want. The GM's and mods are trying to serve the players as best as they can so people need to grow up. I came from pay to play game this game is Free so I don't see the point it making a mountain out of a mole hill all the dang time. Give credit where credit is due and learn to enjoy what you have.

    You dont understand. Our Gms/PWE DOES NOTHING! they get the game and all the expansions and all the content from the main Chinese company! I am not sure if they actually fix bugs or just wait for it to be sent to them, because of course we don't receive any types of announcements at all. All that it seems that PWE actually does is decide when to put everything they are given in, and atempt to make as much money as possible, no matter what.
    Thanks XRipetidex for the awesome sig!
    "I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope and that enables you to laugh at life's realities."
    -Dr. Seuss
  • Kristiona - Heavens Tear
    Kristiona - Heavens Tear Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You dont understand. Our Gms/PWE DOES NOTHING! they get the game and all the expansions and all the content from the main Chinese company! I am not sure if they actually fix bugs or just wait for it to be sent to them, because of course we don't receive any types of announcements at all. All that it seems that PWE actually does is decide when to put everything they are given in, and atempt to make as much money as possible, no matter what.

    I understand and know that but people just need to quit whining it won't change a thing.
    You never will please the whole game population. There are people that will never do anything more then whine. If all people want to do is whine like kids then maybe they should go make their own game or learn to except the bad with the good.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I understand and know that but people just need to quit whining it won't change a thing.
    You never will please the whole game population. There are people that will never do anything more then whine. If all people want to do is whine like kids then maybe they should go make their own game or learn to except the bad with the good.

    Damn right. You gotta just sit down and take it, mebbe pour a little more money into the devs pockets, and smile and thank them for every new bug we get regularly ever week, and meh, just shrug off the lies and empty promises, it's all good. Not like a lot of us are paying customers or something. Expecting quality and something in return for your cash is just being ridiculous.

    Oh wait... b:surrender
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