Arcane Archers~



  • Genosuke - Heavens Tear
    Genosuke - Heavens Tear Posts: 352 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i might rebuild my stats to arcane, the mp drain from the wings is killing me.

    anyways, ur an archer, not a wiz
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i don't know why people feel compelled to bring not one, but two arcane archer threads back.

    ok let's get it straightened up for the last time:

    the only advantage to note of going arcane would be to have higher defense. and no you wouldn't switch between arcane and light, you would wear arcane. that is because arcane has high magic requirements, but less strength requirements than light. therefore, if you wear only arcane and put in less strength points, you don't lose out on as much dex. all about getting to use a weapon appropriate to your level and all that.

    the proper way to stat an arcane archer, if someone were to do it, would be something like

    6 dex, 1 str, 3 mag per 2 levels

    is it better than light armor and going pure dex?

    Arcane has higher pdef and mdef buffed. however, you don't get as much attack power or hp as a light build. the reason arcane casters can get respectable hp and defense while maintaining good damage lategame is because they put in vit. if you were to go arcane archer, you don't have that luxury because you don't have that many points to spend without gimping damage. the reason most archers would have more hp is because they can socket citrines while an arcane user would need garnets in order to prevent being 1 shot. also, light armor offers slightly better refines than arcane.

    in conclusion, this would be like going vit archer, sacrificing some damage for hp, but in this case you sacrifice damage and hp for more defense.

    there's the "logical defense" of the build. hits as hard as 3-1-1 vit builds actually.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • DrkLordZ - Sanctuary
    DrkLordZ - Sanctuary Posts: 297 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This thread is for those who play Arcane Archers~

    Archers that wear Arcane Armor

    if all you are going to do is talk down, or be negative

    your comments are NOT welcome!

    Please be mindful that not everyone plays the same way!

    This is just a small place, free of criticism or complaint from those that play as Purist, Hybrid, and Mixed build playstyles, or any that may not have been mentioned.

    I know I prefer playing an Arcane Archer for the fact I never have to worry about how I use my skills. :D
    I can just chain away~

    That and the whole Flight Meter mess
    ~20 you don't take any MP loss for Flying, but no regen
    ~30-33 you don't take any MP loss for Flying, and gain regen of +1
    [edit: Please remember, ALL Elves lose MP while in Combat, and even worse when your MP is Low
    (There seem to be no exceptions to this for Archers or Clerics)]

    (I discovered this playing on my other Archer)
    I will keep the amounts of regen edited as I come across them :)

    Any unique skill combos are welcome, even if you do not play as an Arcane Archer~

    The ones i plan on mentioning shall require MP that a Purist would not be able to utilize, i do apologize ahead of time :P
    I shall be focusing on those that will be of use to Arcane Archers

    DISCLAIMER: I do respect Purists; nonetheless, since so many people play as that, I would rather Not. It is simply a matter of opinion and taste.
    I am a unique individual and each of my characters are as well.

    Imagine yourself at level 80, who would win? A level 80 Arcane Archer or me? You have a choice of how to be humped hard by me in duel/pk. My .87 attack speed with my Soulsmasher or my .95 attack speed with Wind and the Clouds.
    Please donate money into my mailbox :)

    I'm poor as heck.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It would seem like the OP gave up on this thread a while back.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Elveenah - Dreamweaver
    Elveenah - Dreamweaver Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It would seem like the OP gave up on this thread a while back.

    i am just very upset that my hair was screwed up with the addition of Rising Tide

    it is so frustrating to finally find a perfect character in style

    i made her look like my dear friend in Arak, Iran

    even found a hair style very similar to hers

    and then have it ruined because instead of adding hair styles they change them & w/o any notice :P

    they should have given everyone a free makeover scroll


    when you change styles and it could very well make a lot of people upset

    1 free makeover scroll is not too much trouble

    (this happened to a few other characters on this same account) -.-;

    also i have spent some time noticing some things

    like refining anything from level 4 to level 16

    if that is true for Psychics

    then the same can be said for anyone else


    making characters that focus on refining lv 4 weapons and/or armor

    once you have the needed stats for said lv 4 weapons and/or armor

    you can do whatever the ^*@# you want w/ stats :D


    i am instead going to be making a Crossbow Archer (LA) w/ free points into Magic

    wearing all accessories to have Mag Res and Mag Stat

    i thought about a Crossbow Archer wearing Arcane Archer

    because i was making Marle from Chrono Trigger

    making a build off a video game character can be quite fun and very calculating

    i spent an hour, yes a whole hour, calculating the necessary stats to wear Arcane Armor & utilize a Crossbow

    for anyone that is interested i have the stat build

    at one point it squeezes in, just in time, then after that it does just fine

    though comes close at another spot

    i have done it up to lv7 or lv8 Equipment just to make sure it was even possible

    IT IS!~

    MarleGuardia on Dreamweaver

    i decided not to use her real name, Princess Nadia as that was the name she hated, that it's 13 characters NOT 12

    since she went by Marle anyway

    MARLE for the win :D

    unfortunately i got the eye color wrong, i need to make over so i can adjust the hair and eye color

    the hair is not tawny blonde enough

    and the eyes were supposed to be green -.-;

    i made them blue (whoops)


    and yes, good thing i did something different

    cookie cutter molds are oppresing as well as the attitude that comes w/ playing one

    actually, the fact that as long as your stats support your build

    NO ONE should be talking down about anyone's build

    actually from the start i never did anything Pure/Purist

    good thing, too

    it's so Malfoy & Slitherin *BARF*

    i would rather be a muggle like Hermione

    after this post i shall be posting from here on in as:


    if anyone makes a Yakra or YakraXIII

    [since they are shapeshifters and male, if you do make one, it had better be a Barbarian, w/ a whiter tiger build]

    your **** is grass

    that would be like making a Kefka knowing full well someone plays as TerraBradford

    unfortunately i think TerraBradford cannot be made (isn't the name size 12 and NOT 13 characters)

    oh, well :P

    and she will gladly marry any character named


    and a few other Crono variations

    as long as he is a Blademaster w/ Red hair and green, slightly teal, eyes
    and uses a Sword build

    game characters should always follow said game character in style and build

    and btw people that use default character creations are so lame
    Arcane Archer at your service
    I have high Mag stat and this is how I use my stat points:
    0 Vit 3 Mag
    1 Str 1 Dex

    I regain Mana while Flying
    I can use skills in ways you can only dream ;D
    I wear Arcane Armor
    I plan on refining my Bow
  • MarleGuardia - Dreamweaver
    MarleGuardia - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    People really can be tw@ts sometimes.

    "What's the logic" and "it's pointless" and "you won't get into tt squads". You know what that says? It says people are ONLY playing to be uber and get into high level instance squads. The "mmo's are for fun and friends" thing that you get spammed by QQmaor players when debating class balance and expense for a f2p seemingly complete rubbish.

    Do you really have any idea how sad it is to be "shaking your head" at someone enjoying a game trying something a little different? You're trying to be elitist or pro in a computer game. Get outside, get a life and stop failing if that's the case, seriously =/ The op probably has already tried playing with standard builds and got bored so decided to play around. At least they aren't the ones whinging in PvP and hurling silly flames and insults at each other and trying to grow their e-peen all day.

    Only criticism is the build. As has been mentioned 1 dex wont let you use a bow. ^^ Also i'd try wearing both arcane and hotkeying between a part of LA or two, would afford a lot more flexibility. Your damage would be an issue too, so I'd make weapon refinement a main priority, especially if you reach later levels.

    Anyway, keep it up and best of luck with it! ^_^ Don't mind the silly idiots who like to pretend they're pro, enjoy the game, have fun with it, experiment with whatever you can to make it actually work, and even make it your goal to surprise ppl =p

    EDIT: Whoa O_o 13 pages. I've probably gone and necro'd something in my boredom :P

    but, since i fixed my character *giggle*

    i should be getting less trolls, hopefully
    Crossbow {CB}
    Light Armor {LA}
    Elemental Resistance Accessories {ERA}

    1 Str
    1 Mag
    3 Dex

    and stat bonuses are +Mag~based

    and sockets for weapon: Water Dmg
    and sockets for armor/acc: Mag Res

    that should make me happy along with other people
    nothing too weird

    and i get a lot of Mag for flight, eventually
    can use High~powered DmgDl'ing Crossbows (and get 1 addtnl meter of distance)

    add Ice with Fire for a small Antipode effect


    Marle x Lucca is so gosh darn cute 255j9n7.jpg


    i did discover that Crossbow and Arcane Armor are doable

    i shall post if people request
    or private message as well~<3


    i made MarleGuardia to be just that~--> an homage to my favorite video game character

    unfortunately, no guns are available for Wizards to use or i would have made Lucca^^

    Flame~throwing Pyros UNITE!!!~
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]"After all that girl is our Princess Nadia. Marle, that is Princess Nadia, is a descendant of Queen Leene." Lucca talking about Marle's secret
    Crossbow wielder with Light Armor and Mag Res Accessories, going Sage^^ & Ice Dmg/Mag Res sockets ~1Str/1Mag/3Dex
    my homage to my favorite video game character *sniff*
  • RamArch - Lost City
    RamArch - Lost City Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Im sorry but i must say " Your a FAIL"
  • Endrnz - Dreamweaver
    Endrnz - Dreamweaver Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This thread is for those who play Arcane Archers~

    Archers that wear Arcane Armor

    if all you are going to do is talk down, or be negative

    your comments are NOT welcome!

    Please be mindful that not everyone plays the same way!

    This is just a small place, free of criticism or complaint from those that play as Purist, Hybrid, and Mixed build playstyles, or any that may not have been mentioned.

    I know I prefer playing an Arcane Archer for the fact I never have to worry about how I use my skills. :D
    I can just chain away~

    That and the whole Flight Meter mess
    ~20 you don't take any MP loss for Flying, but no regen
    ~30-33 you don't take any MP loss for Flying, and gain regen of +1
    [edit: Please remember, ALL Elves lose MP while in Combat, and even worse when your MP is Low
    (There seem to be no exceptions to this for Archers or Clerics)]

    (I discovered this playing on my other Archer)
    I will keep the amounts of regen edited as I come across them :)

    Any unique skill combos are welcome, even if you do not play as an Arcane Archer~

    The ones i plan on mentioning shall require MP that a Purist would not be able to utilize, i do apologize ahead of time :P
    I shall be focusing on those that will be of use to Arcane Archers

    DISCLAIMER: I do respect Purists; nonetheless, since so many people play as that, I would rather Not. It is simply a matter of opinion and taste.
    I am a unique individual and each of my characters are as well.

    Hmm, I don't want to trash you but I think it is a completely ridiculous way of playing archer.

    You miss out on ALOT of damage all for what? extra MP...and MP free wings (which you get at 30).

    But hey, if this is your style of playing an archer go for it. You may regret it in the future but I guess different people, different experiences.

    All I can say is good luck, and hope it dosen't fail.

    Also if you discover something awesome along the way, let us know and we can ALL go arcane b:victory
  • dekciw
    dekciw Posts: 954 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Pretty sure this is a troll or a highly stupid person.
  • Reico_M - Dreamweaver
    Reico_M - Dreamweaver Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    You strike me as the kind of person who would make a Heavy Armor'd Wizard, or Cleric. It's just all so wrong on so many levels.
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    (However, I did not use -69% on the casting time for take aim. Maybe I should have? But channelling gear would not reduce take aim's channelling time, so I have assumed that channelling gear would also not reduce its casting time. I should have stated this assumption explicitly, because it was a dubious assumption.)

    I love how adding -69% channeling gear was required to prove that this style of archer can win in a fight....

    What a waste...

    Just give that -69% channeling gear to a wiz then you'll really see someone rapeface....
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • lymphocyte
    lymphocyte Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    light armor wiz is also amusing