Anniversary Pack Discussion



  • Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I love that whenever I choose to log in the Anniversary Packs await me.

    Shame that I'm not maxing my Daddy's credit card on them. b:cute
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    OH brother... then let me suggest you get one first. <rolls eyes>

    Are you alive when you play? Duh.

    DOH! It makes sense that I'm very much alive and kicking by being here and posting Mr Smarty pants.

    If you do not grasp the meaning of having a life,
    other than your in game life then I can very well see where you're getting your smarts from.

    You're telling everyone that playing a game equates to having a life?

    P/s YAY! DejaVu packs are back! They listened then ignored us.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i left pw with my lvl 71 account because of the gold prices(wanted a herc and also charms) then afew weeks ago my bro signed on with his account and gold had reduced alot in price. so i created a new account hence my low level. and in the same week these stupid anni packs came out and now gold prices are up again b:cry
  • Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Since we have the packs back in the CS, can Jones continue to give out his blessing too?
    One man's pain is another man's lol.
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Since we have the packs back in the CS, can Jones continue to give out his blessing too?

    ohhh that would be good... 3 months of blessing... I mean... why not? b:chuckle
    Call me San.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    My opinion is to get rid of the anniversary packs. It makes the game very unbalanced. Not only in gold prices and the general economy but also with gear. Cash shop users can now obtain rare items without putting forth any effort. If anniversary pack are here to stay I will not be quiting pwi. However, I wish the players could be informed if they are here to stay or will be eventually removed. I am personally more annoyed with the continual removal and redistribution of the anniversary packs than the effect they have had on the game. If you (GMs/Devs whomever) tell us they are going to be removed then please keep to that. If they are here to stay then just say so. Keeping players in the dark I believe is more harmful than the packs themselves.
    I'm a male veno...I know aren't we all, lol.
  • Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    first "anniversary" was somewhat of a benefit to most.
    What the CS'rs didnt need or want was sold to the non-CS'rs..granted, at a higher than normal price, but most ppl were content and got what they wanted. (note, I said -most-, which means you can't plz all the ppl all the time)
    But bringing back the packs again and again, (becuz of what ever reason) and continously knocking the economy off it's feet when its just making a feeble attempt to stand and steady itself?
    Good job there, off veteran players who are as sick of an economy that emulates some of our own countries REAL ones, not to mention disgust new players who can now see that this is very unbalanced.
    I'm not seeing the release of Tideborn helping much, but I guess we'll see, hmm?

    Btw, if it wasn't the anni packs, they would find something else to throw a wrench in the machine.
    Enough is enough already.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]The only regrets in life are the chances not taken.

    Mikael.. I loved you once - I love you still. Always have - always will. b:heart Ty for making me your wife - here and irl.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    With all the complaining...wonder if anything will be done?...
    Well, btw, when do they go out? (Or are supposed to?)
  • Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    The Way I see it is.. Their Anniversary Packs! Released due to it bein PWI Anniersary..
    Well its not PWI's Anniversay anymore is it ? NO !.. So wth are the Anni Packs Stil here?
    They are destroying the ingame economy so much !
    You have to take into account All Players and not just the Cash Shoppers !
    The Prices of gold have shot up and not only that but the things u can aquire from Tokens and such is not just effecting Boutique bought Items But EVERYTHING in the game..

    This Really is starting to turn into a bloody JOKE.. Please for the love of god get rid of the Anni Packs..
    Signiture Designed By meh ! b:cool b:victory
    Learn Chinese :
    Great! - Fa Kin Su Pah : Your Body Odor is Offensive - Yu Stin Ki Pu
    Thats Not Right - Sum Ting Wong : Stayin Out of Sight - Lei Ying Lo
    Are you Harbouring a Fugitive - Hu yu Hai Ding : Our Meeting Is Next Week - Wei Yu Kum Nao ?
    This is a Tow Away Zone - No Pah King : Did You Goto the Beach - Wei Yu So Tan
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    As I'm not the one in charge of sales I currently do not have an exact date to tell you.

    Players like i have the right to know when this sale (anniversary pack) will end. Every end event has an end date, so why doesn't this one have it? Stop draging and delaying with "im not responsible for this which mean i don't have answer for your question". Communicate with the one whos in charge of it and give answer right away!
  • Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    With all the complaining...wonder if anything will be done?...
    Well, btw, when do they go out? (Or are supposed to?)

    Sometime this month. Some people swear they saw Nov 1st/2nd on the announcement page, but, it changed. It's probably gonna run 'till the day they were release in Oct-- making it a full month.

    I hope they don't run it past that date.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i wonder if i can say people are **** for letting the event continues and game developers and GMs are bastardsb:chuckleb:byeb:pleasedb b:victory
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Making them in the first place was a terrible idea but bringing them back AFTER so many people quit is an even worse idea.

    Also I think the GM's and dev's are forgetting something while they're all so money hungry with this event, YOU HAVE TO HAVE A WORKING GAME TO CASH IN ON IT!!!!

    Instead of worrying about money for the moment actually FIX your game....... I am so damn sick of f'in bug reports and getting stuck on npc's heads while doing WQ.... b:angry

    AFTER you fix the game is a good time to have a big event celebrating and trying to pull in new players NOT WHILE ITS ****ED UP!!!

    .......sry, lost my temper a lil, game just crashed again.....

    Thank you, that is all b:thanks
  • Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    In my opinion. They should be removed at this time.

  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    The only reason why perfect world is worth playing is because it(was) a free-to-play game.
    By introducing anniversary packs into the cash it has become impossible to enjoy playing this game for free.
    In order to participate in and enjoy pvp or higher level pve one needs to purchase charms, dolls and refines and this has become impossible if one does not put a large sum of money into this game,
    This "large sum of money" equates to approximately at least $30US per month.
    $30US per month could pay for subscription to various other MMORPG's, which based on critical reception are much better games.
    By making perfect world effectively a pay-to-play game, the game loses its advantage against other MMORPG's.
    Thus in time perfect will lose players to the point where it will fail as a business.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Making them in the first place was a terrible idea but bringing them back AFTER so many people quit is an even worse idea.

    Also I think the GM's and dev's are forgetting something while they're all so money hungry with this event, YOU HAVE TO HAVE A WORKING GAME TO CASH IN ON IT!!!!

    Instead of worrying about money for the moment actually FIX your game....... I am so damn sick of f'in bug reports and getting stuck on npc's heads while doing WQ.... b:angry

    AFTER you fix the game is a good time to have a big event celebrating and trying to pull in new players NOT WHILE ITS ****ED UP!!!

    .......sry, lost my temper a lil, game just crashed again.....

    Thank you, that is all b:thanks

    I completely agree with this.

    This game is full of various bugs, for example, getting stuck falling down a fill, feet of character impaling flying manta during flight and being able to stand on the air next to fences and walls are just few.

    The player base has still not received complete coverage on the flesh ream issue. (Is it a bug or not?)

    Some skills are severly underpowered and should have been fixed in patches, namely damage-over-time abilties. What is the point of these abilities existing if there is no/ extremely limited use? Fix them! Multiply their damage by 1.6 or something, go run some tests for balance I DONT KNOW YOU MADE THIS GAME.

    Honestly I will not put anymore money into this game. My money would be better spent paying for a pay-to-play MMORPG that is not full of bugs and fail and in which I am guaranteed the ability to effectively participate in ALL of the game content (pvp, mass pvp (territory wars), higher level dungeons).
  • Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Some skills are severly underpowered and should have been fixed in patches, namely damage-over-time abilties.

    There are bugged skills also... cough... Magic Shell... cough...
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    you know what the irony of all this is?

    some players have begun to play frugally as a result - no charms, no GAs, no refines. those that don't touch the cash shop essentially become the most unprofitable players to PWI because they would have nothing to do with gold. it is the players who are eager to buy charms and dragon orbs that are driving people to sell gold. that gold has to come from somewhere, and so even if these players don't directly pay, they can create an incentive for someone else to do it.

    in other words, the players who want to keep up and are bawwing the most about the packs right now? they're important to PWI too. i think it's safe to say that prolonging this event is creating more freeloaders.

    now i realize that large demand for packs means gold sellers are selling like mad anyway, and probably outweighing the population of cash shop-less players, but the whole attitude that "you don't pay don't expect to be good" is simply wrong. As far as the company is concerned, money is money, who the hell cares who it came from? thus both the players who charge zen and the players who create incentives for others to charge zen should be important in the eyes of the company.

    i think they should have had a charm and d-orb sale during the duration of both anniversary pack events.

    the sales would not have caused gold to raise even higher because the anniversary packs basically create the upper limit for gold due to its massively higher demand. this would've made a lot of people happier i think.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    First of all i gotta say that thanks to the anni pack alone i have made 10 levels this week. second the economy of anything never seemed to bother me much cause ive always gotten more money as it went higher. so in my oppinion if your gonna change them then just lower the price on them in the cash shop. that might lower the price of things in game. those are just my thoughts people im not here to disagree or fight with your well thought out posts b:victory PWI 4EVER
  • Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    The only reason why perfect world is worth playing is because it(was) a free-to-play game.
    By introducing anniversary packs into the cash it has become impossible to enjoy playing this game for free.
    In order to participate in and enjoy pvp or higher level pve one needs to purchase charms, dolls and refines and this has become impossible if one does not put a large sum of money into this game,
    This "large sum of money" equates to approximately at least $30US per month.
    $30US per month could pay for subscription to various other MMORPG's, which based on critical reception are much better games.
    By making perfect world effectively a pay-to-play game, the game loses its advantage against other MMORPG's.
    Thus in time perfect will lose players to the point where it will fail as a business.

    Except that is exactly the business plan of everyone who walks out of college with a business major, do anything and everything to get to the top, once you get there (by walking over as many people as it takes) squeeze as much money as you possibly can out of the company even if it means sacrificing its chances of continuing in the future, then walk out with your 8 figure bonus.
  • Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    First of all i gotta say that thanks to the anni pack alone i have made 10 levels this week. second the economy of anything never seemed to bother me much cause ive always gotten more money as it went higher. so in my oppinion if your gonna change them then just lower the price on them in the cash shop. that might lower the price of things in game. those are just my thoughts people im not here to disagree or fight with your well thought out posts b:victory PWI 4EVER

    Oracle Noob. b:bye

    Good luck when you get into higher level stuff and don't know what to do.

    Also-- lowering them in the CS, are you serious? Gold would probably go up-- then again, I don't know how the economy works, but-- there will be a lot more people trying to get the packs if suddenly they see, "ohmigosh, anni packs are 50 silver! O.O" More people buy gold, more people offer higher prices, right? Someone correct me, please. >>"

    And... the main problem a LOT of people have with the anni packs are the fact that they are not only ruining the ingame economy, but they're giving out endgame gear that maybe 1% of the players over say... 70, have. Just guessing at the %%, but, it's pretty low.

    And if you came into the event without the money to invest in the packs, 95% chance you're still poor now. So the events aren't great for everyone.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    All I can say is..Goodbye people leaving, goodbye people going to leave..and welcome back when you can't stand to stay away and have to look at the expansion =P

    Also...A few hundred people (if that) quitting...isn't really that much. More people will always pop up.

    I sure know I'm not coming back be it expansion or whatever other trick that the Perfect World throws out at us to keep u all interested in playing this imbalanced game.

    Think of it this way, if non cash shoppers are finding it hard to afford even the basic stuff and get to LV 90 and get decent Lv 90 Gear with current Gold Prices, what chances are there for a player to even think about post 105 stuff or get them that's introduced with the expansion.

    Also, you forgot that with every Person that quits, he/she will always have a bad opinion about that game and will never recommend the game to any of his/her friends in the future, only leading to less people joining the game. I sure know I wouldn't recommend any of my friends to try out PWI, never ever.

    PS : I Just visit forums every once in a while to help out ppl with builds, game play, Questions etc till the forums fade away just like a memory, other than that, I'm least bit interested about getting back to an imbalanced game whose cash shop's sole purpose is to find a way to leech even the slightest bit of money from a player without considering it's non-paying player database. I had high hopes about PW but sadly, it just turned out to be another third rate p2p game.

  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    First of all i gotta say that thanks to the anni pack alone i have made 10 levels this week. second the economy of anything never seemed to bother me much cause ive always gotten more money as it went higher. so in my oppinion if your gonna change them then just lower the price on them in the cash shop. that might lower the price of things in game. those are just my thoughts people im not here to disagree or fight with your well thought out posts b:victory PWI 4EVER

    Because using oracles to get yourself to 90 is totally the best way to enjoy this game, amirite? Good luck working out what to do later on in the game. Make sure you don't forget how to properly work in a squad while you're busy with those oracles - nobody likes someone who's forgotten how to play their own class in a squad.

    As somebody else has said, lowering the prices of packs in the catshop would probably end up forcing gold prices to rise. Prices of all the things IN the packs have already fallen simply because there is such supply these days, but all the other more essential items remain high in price because of gold.

    I really couldn't give a flying rat's **** if Lunar Glade Ornaments or whatever they are are now down by 10 million. I want a perfect iron hammer to open my darned Supply Stash next level and finally free up that slot in my inventory. I would love to get a gold charm because I plan on going RB one day (and being an RB virgin it will be hard enough to get me into a squad willing to teach these days, everybody wants experienced people. Now imagine if I'm an RB virgin without charms. Nobody would take me.)
    The issue people have here is that items that could be essential to how they play the game remain expensive. Yes, Lunar Glade would be cool to have, but if you can't get to that level than are you really going to care if you can buy it or not?
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Nah, however I have been part of several protests about different causes before. It helps to get things changed when the people protesting do not make silly and easely proven wrong statements, since than it causes the serious issues to also be descridited as exagerations or simple unfounded complains.

    Can you honestly tell me, that if you were the person making the decisions, and you know you just had a record month of gold sales due to the packs, that you would keep reading a thread when people are claiming that the packs were not popular? You know how many you sold, you have the numbers, and they tell you they are not popular... are you going to belive them and keep reading or are you going to just dismiss it as "people will just say what they want, even when the facts point to something else."

    the packs are not popular as you can see from mass player outrage

    there is a small percentage of losers (who just care about enhancing there e-peen rather than playing the game) forking out hundreds of dollars increasing sales

    thus the demand for these packs is high

    the issue with the packs is not exactly the rise in gold price (although it making several integral components of the game effectively impossible for new players)
    that is determined by people who purchase gold using coin

    but they are not popular

    the issue is they make playing the game unnesacary buy giving players easy exp and end game gear
    dont give me your bull**** about 150 being endgame, lvl cap is 105 and realistically very few are going to reach that (especially with the soon-to-become noob, lazy, greedy and very small playerbase) . It is not worth lvling from 104-105, most would rather take a new character to 90+ (similar exp required)

    i will not pay real money for this game, nor will i buy gold with coin until anniversary packs are removed.
    i think this the stance all players annoyed with anniversary packs should take
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    It is free to play. It's a great marketing scheme because by the rule books they're are free to play. However, you have to spend money to compete with the average player.

    Packs are not popular demand. The fact that they silenced Duke's yelling is evidence enough of this.


    10 charcter limit
  • Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    please just dont make this mistake again...and dont repeat after that...and after...
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] i have seen PW was awesome xD
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Now taking bids on who thinks annivesay packs will be back for the month of December as a christmas gift and in January as new year anniversary packsb:chuckle
  • Posts: 371 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    They're coming back on December 1st as an early Christmas Present to the Players, Duh.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i believe that they should remove them for good, its sad and pathetic, i think they should also remove alot of other things as well, there were alot less problems back when the game was first released before they added all of this new stuff *sigh* the good old days
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    the packs are not popular as you can see from mass player outrage

    there is a small percentage of losers (who just care about enhancing there e-peen rather than playing the game) forking out hundreds of dollars increasing sales

    thus the demand for these packs is high

    the issue with the packs is not exactly the rise in gold price (although it making several integral components of the game effectively impossible for new players)
    that is determined by people who purchase gold using coin

    but they are not popular

    the issue is they make playing the game unnesacary buy giving players easy exp and end game gear
    dont give me your bull**** about 150 being endgame, lvl cap is 105 and realistically very few are going to reach that (especially with the soon-to-become noob, lazy, greedy and very small playerbase) . It is not worth lvling from 104-105, most would rather take a new character to 90+ (similar exp required)

    i will not pay real money for this game, nor will i buy gold with coin until anniversary packs are removed.
    i think this the stance all players annoyed with anniversary packs should take

    but if noone uses the cash shop how will all the high end wallets be any good
    i am the dark meaningless void that fills all of your souls.
This discussion has been closed.