Tideborn - Tale of Mermaid news



  • natedog97
    natedog97 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Many people here have pledged their love for physics. b:cute

    Yay for beinga physics major and knowing the difference b:laugh

    Really people just think about it..



    Now write it 100 times and get back to us.
  • Alexeno - Sanctuary
    Alexeno - Sanctuary Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Speed debuffs can be fixed with pots....

    i would assume the debuff would be forced. try reading my later post as well b:bye
    They pretty much ignored the thousand of complaints they got so far about flesh ream

    no, they fixed it. but then all the venos QQ'd so they put it back and said it was normal for it to not suffer pvp reduction
    jokerxdude wrote: »
    I called it!


    And if the mounts are random bubbles, so help me-!

    that's kinda sorta BLATANTLY OBVIOUS lol. of course sins will be LA, and of course psys will be arcane.... /facepalm
    natedog97 wrote: »
    Yay for beinga physics major and knowing the difference b:laugh

    Really people just think about it..



    Now write it 100 times and get back to us.
    Could no one really spell Psychics?

    I mean honestly... b:shutup

    QQ MOAR. omfg, you children find the most random and pointless **** to whine about. who the hell cares if they spelled psychic right? we all know wtf they're talking about

    "Hell hath no fury like Alexeno trying to prove his point" -Mizuoni
  • natedog97
    natedog97 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    QQ MOAR. omfg, you children find the most random and pointless **** to whine about. who the hell cares if they spelled psychic right? we all know wtf they're talking about

    QQing about QQing... Interesting concept.

    I guess I should have added some more b:laugh 's and b:chuckle 's so you would realize that I don't care I'm just being a wise ****.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    QQ MOAR. omfg, you children find the most random and pointless **** to whine about. who the hell cares if they spelled psychic right? we all know wtf they're talking about

    It just makes you look stupid, and we all love laughing at stupid people.
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    natedog97 wrote: »
    Yay for beinga physics major and knowing the difference b:laugh

    Really people just think about it..



    Now write it 100 times and get back to us.

    Imagine the QQing once they realize what they really just claimed to love...b:chuckle
    QQ MOAR. omfg, you children find the most random and pointless **** to whine about. who the hell cares if they spelled psychic right? we all know wtf they're talking about

    You're way too angry over a sarcastic joke. b:cute
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Alexeno - Sanctuary
    Alexeno - Sanctuary Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    It just makes you look stupid, and we all love laughing at stupid people.

    yes, which reinforces my assumption that you are children b:cute
    You're way too angry over a sarcastic joke.

    no, i'm -annoyed- with people who complain about stupid **** b:laugh

    now lets get back ontopic before you all get this thread closed for spam

    "Hell hath no fury like Alexeno trying to prove his point" -Mizuoni
  • natedog97
    natedog97 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    lol Alexeno <3

    I'm not a child by any means.

    My inner child is another story.
  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    ye Im playing psychics too, sad thing is that there wont b any new servers though... But I understand why since the new server arent so populated.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Lilah_Orchid - Sanctuary
    Lilah_Orchid - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Psychics look fun but Assassin is my choice @__@ i cant wait for them to be released lol
  • Dominatiger - Sanctuary
    Dominatiger - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    and I cant wait to pk assassins :D, easy kill for heavy users.

    after all, a good sin is a dead sin
    Happy Sauce face

    Manufactured by Konariraiden
  • Centetric - Lost City
    Centetric - Lost City Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    and I cant wait to pk assassins :D, easy kill for heavy users.

    after all, a good sin is a dead sin

    plz stop actin like a know it all................

    how do u know u can pk 1 easy >.>

    "Through the darkness light can always emerge, it is only when the unwilling come upon this light that fear takes over. Emerging from this darkness takes more then courage, it takes faith in ones own mind and more importantly in ones own heart. To deny the light is to deny yourself the feeling of true happiness and true peace within your own soul. Denying your own happiness and your own soul is denying all that one has to live for."
  • Lilah_Orchid - Sanctuary
    Lilah_Orchid - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    plz stop actin like a know it all................

    how do u know u can pk 1 easy >.>
    I agree you never know if Assassins will pwn o.o
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I'm shocked, how many high level players want to throw up their time of playing and millions spent coins and they want to start again with new character. I never would do that. I spent 8 months of playing and will next months or years, but starting from beginning? NEVERb:infuriated
  • Tawnos - Dreamweaver
    Tawnos - Dreamweaver Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    At first I was worry because I really like the races so far so a new one might be an ugly one! But your videos show a really good looking race! I am pleased!
  • OmniaGurl - Lost City
    OmniaGurl - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Tideborn main city


    HEY LOOK ANOTHER ZEZIXX MOVE!!! hi korren... so explain how u got into the new map to us b:laugh cause last i checked if u used town portal at the edge of the map u get teleported to a spot you can't move from. So explain?
  • Alucinogeno - Harshlands
    Alucinogeno - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Mild trolling will follow...

    The classes won't be all that great in the end. They'll look cooler than the old ones because they are new. But if you think about the loads of tweaks and nerfs that will follow their release (because at first they will be bugged and OP) they lose their appeal.

    Assasin-aside from the cool name is basicly a squishy melee class. Another fist blademaster. It will have some special features at first that will pwn at early 30s but there will be genie skills and pots to get past them. Another class to be one shot by wizards endgame. Also nixes will eat this class too.

    Psichic-Will it hit harder than the wizard? No. Will it be able to get a nix? No. Will it be able to deal large amount of criticals in a short time? No. Will it be able to heal like crazy and sleep a person for ages? Maybe the second one. It wont be a main damage-dealer, that is sure. And I don't think they'll get high HP either. They'll get the BM syndrome called "I'm not the best at anything"

    Lets face it there's hardly a place for an assasin in a team. Also psichics will pale compared to wizard and archers.

    Only exceptionally good players will rise to the top with these new classes and they will be scarcer on the pk board than BMs these days.

    My sig says it all.
    Factionless ATM.

  • natedog97
    natedog97 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    You bring up valid points I think.

    However, looking specifically at the psychic class... (sorry future assassins I could care less about your release b:chuckle)

    If you look at all magic classes their dmg is all very high (Wizard the highest, cleric 2nd and venos last) So to say that they will be weak is a long shot.

    As far as value to squads. The Sacrifice skill is enough to get them a spot over other DDs because they would be able to "save" party wipes by killing themselves for the cleric. Not to mention they are sure to have buffs that are more squad worthy than the archers evasion buff and the wizards frost melee.

    You are right that it will take a bit to get any on the PK boards and I do not believe that they will be "the best". But as I have said many times.. You can kill ANY class with ANY class so you are right it will come down to the skill of the person playing. But to say that they will be "underpowered" is a wrong they will just require different tactics than some players are used to.
  • Alucinogeno - Harshlands
    Alucinogeno - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    natedog97 wrote: »
    You bring up valid points I think.

    However, looking specifically at the psychic class... (sorry future assassins I could care less about your release b:chuckle)

    If you look at all magic classes their dmg is all very high (Wizard the highest, cleric 2nd and venos last) So to say that they will be weak is a long shot.

    As far as value to squads. The Sacrifice skill is enough to get them a spot over other DDs because they would be able to "save" party wipes by killing themselves for the cleric. Not to mention they are sure to have buffs that are more squad worthy than the archers evasion buff and the wizards frost melee.

    You are right that it will take a bit to get any on the PK boards and I do not believe that they will be "the best". But as I have said many times.. You can kill ANY class with ANY class so you are right it will come down to the skill of the person playing. But to say that they will be "underpowered" is a wrong they will just require different tactics than some players are used to.

    Absolutely true

    Believe me I want to like the psychic. Badass looking guy with magic orb. Who wouldn't like it? But I don't see any skills that would give it a staple advantage in pvp over other classes. I don't flame on BMs but the new classes will suffer from the same lack of an edge in 1vs1 battle.

    My sig says it all.
    Factionless ATM.

  • natedog97
    natedog97 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I would say the ability to amplify dmg or purge gives any class the edge in 1v1 PvP (venos own when used properly) and both of which have been talked about for Psychics. The copy tactics also could get quite interesting in 1v1 situations...

    Either way its all speculation at this point.
  • Reane - Sanctuary
    Reane - Sanctuary Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Great post, i cannot wait for the expansion b:pleased oh and if no one has posted this yet, doesnt that mermaid form give them like **** power in DT b:surrender oh and if there is a 5% OHKO move on assasin, it better not work on bosses... (thinking about a mob of assasins spamming that skill on world boss/TT) and if phsycic is to replace veno as debuffer/damage amp i certainly hope the amps/debuffs are stronger since neither new class can have a pet...
  • natedog97
    natedog97 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I actually dont think that the amps and debuffs would need to be stronger depending on how hard the skills hit.
  • Shadow_Katee - Heavens Tear
    Shadow_Katee - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    HEY LOOK ANOTHER ZEZIXX MOVE!!! hi korren... so explain how u got into the new map to us b:laugh cause last i checked if u used town portal at the edge of the map u get teleported to a spot you can't move from. So explain?

    Sorry to play little wanabe GM b:chuckle but i would not advice to make right now any attempt to get there because entering this area right now might effect in insta ban from game if detected

    However looking at all those screens i am sill wondering WHY there are soooo many mushies??b:shocked
    Do Tideborns eat mushrooms at diner or what?b:chuckle
  • natedog97
    natedog97 Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Tideborns don't eat mushrooms any more than other classes....

    The Devs were just on them when they created the map b:laugh
  • rexberry
    rexberry Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    our leach skill isnt a buff tho.. for venos, you have to actually use the skill to leach and wait for cooldown.
    Since this is a aura or buff.. every hit they take without skills will leach hp.
    So the veno leach... which hardly gains a decent amount of hp back, is not like the vampire aura.

    .. but still the sin's will be paper and all that leaching prolly wont matter.
    I doubt anyone would really run from a sin.. more or less the sin will be running for its life from every class out there once its initial attack combos fail to kill its target.

    Hi again. I absolutely agree with the the idea that assassins will be a vulnerable class, but here's the thing~ they're supposed to deal large amounts of damage. If you combine large damage with a high % life leech, it's easy to see why this shouldn't be ignored.

    But yeah, I have another question~ Do you think other classes will be able to hit the assassin while she's invisible and they still have her targeted? If not, that skill would be as useful for escapes as it is for sneak attacks.
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Suggestion of guild names for new Assassin class

    1) Long John Silver
    2) Slippery when wet
    3) Backstabbers (should have a back stab skill in this case)
    4) Fish breath
    Any more name suggestions??
    P/s Just kidding for the fun of it. b:chuckle
    www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6J9LLe2Jlg<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary
    XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    rexberry wrote: »
    But yeah, I have another question~ Do you think other classes will be able to hit the assassin while she's invisible and they still have her targeted? If not, that skill would be as useful for escapes as it is for sneak attacks.

    I think it will work like this..

    Once the sin is finished channeling the cloaking skill.. it will not be target-able (without the use of some special skill or pot) and if you already had the sin targeted, it will un-target.

    Applying a DoT onto the sin before it cloaks, the sin will become visible once the DoT ticks.

    If a cloaked sin is in range of a AoE attack, it will become visible.

    If you begin casting a spell before the sin starts channeling its own cloaking skill.. your spell will still fire after the sin has had already finished channeling. The sin would then become visible again. ( your spell will interrupt if the channeling is not past half way? maybe i dunno) OR Your skill will just interrupt if the sin cloaks during your channeling time.

    there will be a pot and genie skill that can detect invisible sins in a small radius around for maybe 10 seconds.
    and maybe even the Psy will have a skill that can detect invisibility? maybe

    just my thoughts on this.

    i believe sin's will become a hard class to fight in a duel
    Hard class to fight in duel because of its cloaking spell.. since there are no charms, a sin can go invisible wait till the skill has cooled down.. attack you.. then cloak again to deal another strike. I also saw skills like blind and seal on that list. Cloak, uncloak, blind, deal lots of dmg, cloak, uncloak, attack, seal, cast big long channel skill, cloak again.. and so on.
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • Silver - Dreamweaver
    Silver - Dreamweaver Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Im sooo +1 Slippery When Wet XD but in the case of those
    1. Sperm Whales
    2. The Sce-men
    3. Lil Swimmers

    Just playin around with names XD
    Most Ironic phrase in the English language is Common Sense, its easiest concept to understand yet few people ever grasp it.

  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    rexberry wrote: »
    Hi again. I absolutely agree with the the idea that assassins will be a vulnerable class, but here's the thing~ they're supposed to deal large amounts of damage. If you combine large damage with a high % life leech, it's easy to see why this shouldn't be ignored.

    But yeah, I have another question~ Do you think other classes will be able to hit the assassin while she's invisible and they still have her targeted? If not, that skill would be as useful for escapes as it is for sneak attacks.

    I used to play a bow amazon in D2. It had 42% life leech from the equipment.
    I could play it by just letting it stand there and shoot away with the barb whirlwinding and life leech hp without having to pot.
    /faint if the new assassin class is going to have a high percentage of life leeching.
    On the other hand, /faceroll keyboard works great in these adverse situations. hehehe b:laugh
    www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6J9LLe2Jlg<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • rexberry
    rexberry Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I used to play a bow amazon in D2. It had 42% life leech from the equipment.
    I could play it by just letting it stand there and shoot away with the barb whirlwinding and life leech hp without having to pot.
    /faint if the new assassin class is going to have a high percentage of life leeching.
    On the other hand, /faceroll keyboard works great in these adverse situations. hehehe b:laugh

    Yeah LeirtA. Me too. Vampire Gaze + Ethereal Zodded Shaftstop + Windforce/Ethereal Titans Revenge + 2 White Rings + 40 Hex Charms + 64% LL Ammy.

    I miss those days.
    What's your main's screen name for Lost City? I'll whisper you in-game sometime b:cute.
  • Lady_marta - Dreamweaver
    Lady_marta - Dreamweaver Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Suggestion of guild names for new Assassin class

    1) Long John Silver
    2) Slippery when wet
    3) Backstabbers (should have a back stab skill in this case)
    4) Fish breath
    Any more name suggestions??
    P/s Just kidding for the fun of it. b:chuckle

    Seamen. b:victory
    God of healing, bless those that stand before you...
    Grant me the righteous power to banish evil!
This discussion has been closed.