


  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    no u haz drama

    lets make babies pl0xb:dirtyb:cute
  • Miss_Tika - Lost City
    Miss_Tika - Lost City Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    brutal1111 wrote: »
    I wonder what the rest of Spectral think about Mini "Raven" Tank 3d's

    apparently they're all for it...
    lets make babies pl0xb:dirtyb:cute

    **** off
  • LaTrappe - Lost City
    LaTrappe - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Also: uninstall guide:

    1. Get column some whiskey.

    2. Feed him said whiskey.

    3. Tell him MiniTank is talking about his daughter, and point him in the right direction. Or just something about being a dirty homeless guy, either works

    I lol'd.... and also.... hope a 12 year old single malt is compatible with Columns system.... brb making up semi believable story about MiniTank being a dirty homeless man and offering Columns daughter a lick of his purple lolipop. (purple cus its probably all infected and stuff)
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    **** off

    ill let you watch? b:sad
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Just to make it clear, Amour applied to Spectral I did not... Amour and I did however have a conversation about it. Here is how it went....

    True story.....

    True story?

    Very well.b:surrender

    Hope i don see you with a spectral tag over your head k?b:victory
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    True story?

    Very well.b:surrender

    Hope i don see you with a spectral tag over your head k?b:victory

    LaTrappe never "applied" nor inquired about being in Spectral.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • LaTrappe - Lost City
    LaTrappe - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    rukhmath wrote: »
    True story?

    Very well.b:surrender

    Hope i don see you with a spectral tag over your head k?b:victory

    Don't worry about it, I don't think i could stand to be in a guild with MiniTank and his butchery of the english language.
  • Siannoch - Lost City
    Siannoch - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    RedsRose: Official Special Guest the Xtacy Fan Club

    How this happen?

    Really needed to ask that Rose??
  • Kristoph - Lost City
    Kristoph - Lost City Posts: 2,016 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    How this happen?
    Wondering how much longer these **** packs are going to be around.
  • Miss_Tika - Lost City
    Miss_Tika - Lost City Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm confused b:surrender
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    RedsRose: Official Special Guest the Xtacy Fan Club

    How this happen?

    Really needed to ask that Rose??

    Its a signature and its funny.

    He put me in his and I put him in mine.

    ** everytime I change my sig someone has a problem with it
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    RedsRose: Official Special Guest the Xtacy Fan Club

    How this happen?

    Really needed to ask that Rose??

    You're just mad you're not on this list. Hag...

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You're just mad you're not on this list. Hag...

    hi xtacy! b:bye
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    You're just mad you're not on this list. Hag...

    That was not nice b:sad

    She does not understand nor has seen the arguments you and I get into ALL the time and your need to put me as a "Special Guest" to your so-called fan club.
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    That was not nice b:sad

    It wasn't but it made me lol.

    Hi YourMom

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • krazyness34
    krazyness34 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    As originally posted by MiniTank from Spectral. My response in Bold.

    So why are cq so bad?

    There control over the map has effected our server really badly. They have effected our servers economy and our servers gameplay.
    ** No, Greedy players of ALL guilds has affected the economy and game play, including those Spectral that play the Gold market which helps to raise prices. Ask a few members about it, some of them have been buying and selling Gold for this entire event. Also, the effects of new and recent sales, as well as the numerous glitches that are occurring throughout the game. It is not ONE guild or ONE person or ONE landholder that “affects” the way an entire server is run. It is the totality of a many number of things that will determine what you are claiming. And in terms of game play, you make your game play. Why are you letting others make your time in-game a horrible and awful experience?

    The Economy
    Here in the United States monopoly's(control by 1 specific group) are illegal. Reason being it gives a group a lot of power. For a cq buying things arn't such a big deal. If something cost a little bit more or bid a little higher its not a big deal. So say for buying gold if they want gold well they just bid over top of other and from this the gold prices are shooting up( but reminded not only cq does this aswell).
    Another reason it effects economy for a economy to work money has to be flushed out as much money is put into the game. If lands were more colorful money would circulate through the economy more freely. More people with money helps reduce costs and better the economy.
    Since cq has most of the land there are people on this server that can't pay for dailys and buy skills.

    This entire section is rather fail because you speak of CQ and then in your last sentence (in the first paragraph) you say it is not just CQ; but I will respond anyways. First, let me response to the Gold price issue. Read above. It is greed and the thirst for coins that drives the market, along with the want of “rare” end-game items. Now, look at CQ and tell me how many have the event items and how many do not? Look at Spectral members and tell me how many have event items and how many do not? Look at ANY other guild or player and tell me who has and has not. I think that you would be surprised at how diverse this event has been spread. The CS versus the Non-CS versus the CS on occasion versus the first time CS’er.

    Second, you fail to understand what exactly a “monopoly “is. Let me explain it to you: “exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it.” Now, IF you had originally used the Gold market as an example, you might have been given slightly more credibility because then you would have something to work off of. However, in generalizing the market of this server, you have failed in the idea that CQ has a monopoly over anything but land and even then the definition would not support that idea. Do not confuse monopoly with monopsony. Besides, this server has faced numerous market changes. Look up the following market types: oligopsony and monopsonistic.

    Oh and one more thing. Your very last sentence is laughable. CQ has all the land and as such people cannot do their dailies or get their skills? Sorry, but that was a sentence you should have read a few times. This is ridiculous and you know it. The problem with this is that right now people are LAZY and only are worrying about the event; throwing their money into items which they think will sell now or later at higher prices. Once again, I am brought back to greed.

    This pertains to the fairness any other persons gameplay to a cqs gameplay. * This makes no sense *

    A cq gets gear fast and refines gear fast due too the money they recieve basicaly they get things free. Everyother person on this server works hard for what they have. The only way to really keep up is to cash shop a lot for every other person. But fact is we all don't cash. People state they only get 2.5mil a week that isn't a lot. For me to grind up 2.5mil would take 15-20 hours probaly. This is very unfair.

    This made me laugh. First off, CQ has been known to farm their butts off and as a result they have gear and armor for their members. However, there are members that walked into CQ already having what they needed (really? Get out of here). Second, what you may define as “free” can be defined as anything but to CQ members. This is because they actually have to do things for the salary: world bosses, events and tw’s to name a few. Third, 2.5mil a week is not a lot, think about it real hard. Charms are 1mill, dolls are over 100k, orbs, socket stones, tokens, etc, etc, etc. 2.5 million in this market is chump change and I can promise you that there are MANY players with far more coins then about 90% of CQ. Sounds like a lot of other guilds I know. A few are the rich ones and then there are the average and down to the “poor”. Fourthly, CQ does have cash shoppers. As does Spectral, as does RQ, as does GZ, as does just about every guild on this server. If you can cash shop then yeah for you and if you cannot well be happy you are able to play the game for free because of them. How is any of this unfair?

    Cq also finds stopping people from leveling is fun aswell. We have had big pk wars and for what? Just so our 8x members could grind and level. Level 10x cq members simply don't know what to do anymore. Picking on people 10 lvls below them is their fun.
    KOS and Spectral does the same thing. You just have to find and know the right places to get CQ. 3rd map is usually the place to be or OHT.

    TW has lost its fun since this guild emerged. Cq use the excuse that we are kos land so no one gets lands. There arn't multiple wars on this map just one to take the server back. Guilds could have friendly wars to fight each other but with the map like this its not possible.

    So since Spectral came about the game is not fun? Friendly wars, is that not considered fake bidding to many? (Especially to guilds on all sides that may not know it is “for fun.” These “for fun” wars used to happen all the time with CQ.

    Do cq play fair?

    The answer is no. * How?*
    Cq has very dirty tricks. * Which ones? Because only CQ has access to certain pots and charms?
    Cq has used bribes to other guilds. A good example be cq bribe gz stating they get 3+ lands if they back down. * There is a difference between a bribe and an agreement. You are once again making assumptions.
    They put spys in our guild to mess with us even more. Not too long ago a cq repeated word for word what what said in our guild chat. * There are spies in both guilds
    They have payed for there players in cases. A member of ours was offered a plussed up 90 wep if he joined cq. * More then a few were offered because CQ saw potential in that person. This is not the first nor the last guild to make promises and offers.

    Types of people that join cq.

    I have categorized the 4 type of people that join cq.
    The greedy. People that just want money. * Hard to believe considering very few new members get salary from the beginning and at least half of the guild does not get salary.
    The weak. People that want no challenge and have no skill of there own so want others to do it for them. * This makes no sense.
    The people that dislike or don't care for others. Basicaly the staight up *******s of cq. * Get to know people before you judge, this is one of the reasons that real life is as jacked as it is. It is the stereotyping and ignorance that makes people think the way you are here.
    And the friends. The ones that are friends of the top 3 and are only in there to be with there friend. * MANY people join guilds to be with their friends. CQ and Spectral are no different in that respect.


    As a Spectral we fight to restore this server. We fight so everyone can have more fun including the guilds around us. I hope this will help people understand why cq is such a threat and why we fight them.

    There is nothing to be frightened about. As for saying that Spectral will restore the server, laughable. The same thing will happen in the end. One guild will control the entire server and they will become to others what CQ is now. A powerhouse full of egos and attitudes and as such, the hate will carry over. Besides, if Spectral wants to save the server and take it over so be it, they won one war and now they are super duper epically pro. The ego’s are growing already. I would hope you asked the opinions of your fellow guild mates before you decided to post something like this, since after all you seem to be the mascot for them.
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Wrong thread Krazyness, this is for discussion of the Xtacy fan club and MiniTank's spelling.
    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • LordKazahana - Lost City
    LordKazahana - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'm sexy and unbanned. Ohaider peoples.
    Kill a man, you're a murderer
    Kill 10 men, you're a psycho
    Kill 100 men, you're a monster
    Kill 1000...

    LEVEL UP!!!!!!!
  • DarkSniper - Lost City
    DarkSniper - Lost City Posts: 1,830 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Edit: Did some searching on specs forums and found this:

    The only way to win is to quit. b:bye
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    Edit: Did some searching on specs forums and found this:


    Lmfao...Dark.....I....well.....You are great!!! b:kiss
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    psst rosey..

    u get ur 100 skill yet?

    and if so, is it good? :3 I wanna see it ಥ~ಥ
  • MiniTank - Lost City
    MiniTank - Lost City Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I think as we proved yesterday In the other thread "CQ modern day facts" Your arguments/counterpoints are badly thought out and at best half truths. This is possibly because you either dont comprehend the issues being dealt with, OR as I believe (and I'm sure a few others do) you have the mental capacity of a garden vegetable.

    Now people have begun flaming Minitank like he deserves I'm sure he will have spoons come along and close it because "QQ teh conqueerears anz franz r maek fanniez uv me"

    Also MiniTank I believe you should uninstall your IRL, I think Column has a .45 he's been cleaning that you can use to effectively remove your IRL software :D

    All I proved was the trueth seeing as your guild can not prove me otherwise and the fact that your guild QQs a lot.
  • MiniTank - Lost City
    MiniTank - Lost City Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    ** No, Greedy players of ALL guilds has affected the economy and game play, including those Spectral that play the Gold market which helps to raise prices. Ask a few members about it, some of them have been buying and selling Gold for this entire event. Also, the effects of new and recent sales, as well as the numerous glitches that are occurring throughout the game. It is not ONE guild or ONE person or ONE landholder that “affects” the way an entire server is run. It is the totality of a many number of things that will determine what you are claiming. And in terms of game play, you make your game play. Why are you letting others make your time in-game a horrible and awful experience?
    Another reason it effects economy for a economy to work money has to be flushed out as much money is put into the game. If lands were more colorful money would circulate through the economy more freely. More people with money helps reduce costs and better the economy.
    Since cq has most of the land there are people on this server that can't pay for dailys and buy skills.
    [Second, you fail to understand what exactly a “monopoly “is. Let me explain it to you: “exists when a specific individual or an enterprise has sufficient control over a particular product or service to determine significantly the terms on which other individuals shall have access to it.” Now, IF you had originally used the Gold market as an example, you might have been given slightly more credibility because then you would have something to work off of. However, in generalizing the market of this server, you have failed in the idea that CQ has a monopoly over anything but land and even then the definition would not support that idea. Do not confuse monopoly with monopsony. Besides, this server has faced numerous market changes. Look up the following market types: oligopsony and monopsonistic.
    I know the economy is effect by everyone thats why i mentioned it. But cq gets what over 200mil a week? They influence the the economy the most out of any group of people in the game. Sorry i didn't know your brain couldn't figure that out.

    And i know what a monopoly is don't tell others differectly because you have trouble identifying one.

    Read this and all the definitions maybe you can learn what a monopoly is. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/monopoly
    Oh and one more thing. Your very last sentence is laughable. CQ has all the land and as such people cannot do their dailies or get their skills? Sorry, but that was a sentence you should have read a few times. This is ridiculous and you know it. The problem with this is that right now people are LAZY and only are worrying about the event; throwing their money into items which they think will sell now or later at higher prices. Once again, I am brought back to greed.

    I know people have trouble leveling up skills. And some are not lazy, they just keep using there money on items such as hieros. And that was just 2 examples. If people had more money more could say cube. Which also flushes coin out of the economy. Basicaly anything that has to do with giving coin to a npc.
    This made me laugh. First off, CQ has been known to farm their butts off and as a result they have gear and armor for their members. However, there are members that walked into CQ already having what they needed (really? Get out of here). Second, what you may define as “free” can be defined as anything but to CQ members. This is because they actually have to do things for the salary: world bosses, events and tw’s to name a few. Third, 2.5mil a week is not a lot, think about it real hard. Charms are 1mill, dolls are over 100k, orbs, socket stones, tokens, etc, etc, etc. 2.5 million in this market is chump change and I can promise you that there are MANY players with far more coins then about 90% of CQ. Sounds like a lot of other guilds I know. A few are the rich ones and then there are the average and down to the “poor”. Fourthly, CQ does have cash shoppers. As does Spectral, as does RQ, as does GZ, as does just about every guild on this server. If you can cash shop then yeah for you and if you cannot well be happy you are able to play the game for free because of them. How is any of this unfair?
    I can promise you Spectral works harder then cq does. We are always doing HHs for our upcoming 9xs. And guess what *drum role* we don't have pay. We work to better each other because we want to. Not for the damn coin. That coin is extra seeing as we do the same thing but without the pay. Therefore it is free because mats in a HH should be pay enough.

    And the prices may go up and a dollar may be worth more in this game but the time it takes for a non cq to earn that much off grinding and farming make a big difference. Mobs are not dropping more coin just because things cost more.
    So since Spectral came about the game is not fun? Friendly wars, is that not considered fake bidding to many? (Especially to guilds on all sides that may not know it is “for fun.” These “for fun” wars used to happen all the time with CQ.
    This has been going on for a while idiot. How is it fun to be in a guild of 8x or 7x or lower going up against a bunch of 10x that are geared out.

    The answer is no. * How?* Read further.
    Cq has very dirty tricks. * Which ones? Because only CQ has access to certain pots and charms? Do you stop at each line read further. The answer isn't always on the same line.
    Cq has used bribes to other guilds. A good example be cq bribe gz stating they get 3+ lands if they back down. * There is a difference between a bribe and an agreement. You are once again making assumptions. Many ex gz call this a bribe and for that they have left gz its self this is no assumption.
    They put spys in our guild to mess with us even more. Not too long ago a cq repeated word for word what what said in our guild chat. * There are spies in both guilds 2 wrongs don't make a right
    They have payed for there players in cases. A member of ours was offered a plussed up 90 wep if he joined cq. * More then a few were offered because CQ saw potential in that person. This is not the first nor the last guild to make promises and offers. Spectral does not pay to have there own members we have the people that are willing to join because they want to.
    There is nothing to be frightened about. As for saying that Spectral will restore the server, laughable. The same thing will happen in the end. One guild will control the entire server and they will become to others what CQ is now. A powerhouse full of egos and attitudes and as such, the hate will carry over. Besides, if Spectral wants to save the server and take it over so be it, they won one war and now they are super duper epically pro. The ego’s are growing already. I would hope you asked the opinions of your fellow guild mates before you decided to post something like this, since after all you seem to be the mascot for them.

    You show you have no care for this server. If the server can take care of itself till all the levels even out then TW will be a constant war which would be more fun for all. A person can only level so high and if there are two guilds of 10x then they would be pretty evenly matched.

    And the post has already been posted on the pwi forums but locked do to over excesive cq QQ.
  • brutal1111
    brutal1111 Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Ooll Ai Saz Ez The Trueth I R Raven Dis Be Mai 3d
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    psst rosey..

    u get ur 100 skill yet?

    and if so, is it good? :3 I wanna see it ಥ~ಥ

    Pft....20 Chrono Pages b:chuckle

    2 mill a piece

    Priceless......I have 1 page b:surrender
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • LaTrappe - Lost City
    LaTrappe - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    All I proved was the trueth and the fact that your guild QQs a lot.

    Yes because people without evidence are able to adequately prove everything.

    On a side note - MiniTank, you know that computers come with a magical utility known as a spell checker right? and do you even know which guild I'am in? Because if you are trying to say CQ are QQing I'm not in CQ.... and surprisingly enough.... all the other people flaming you aren't either.

    Hey MiniTank has it occured to you yet that you should just get off the forums because people don't want to read your nonsensical threads/posts?

    Has it occured to you how many of your Spectral friends have pmed me ingame to call you a tool? I'll tell you how many... Infact I won't because you wont understand the concept of numerical value without the aid of using your fingers as a tangible counting method.... and you just dont have enough fingers.... Infact you dont have fingers.... because you are a cabbage. GTFO of here.
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Pft....20 Chrono Pages b:chuckle

    2 mill a piece

    Priceless......I have 1 page b:surrender

    u disappoint the Bob...

    Know anyone with it? I wanna see it b:infuriated

    Maybe my hubby Column has it. b:thanks
    Yes because people without evidence are able to adequately prove everything.

    On a side note - MiniTank, you know that computers come with a magical utility known as a spell checker right? and do you even know which guild I'am in? Because if you are trying to say CQ are QQing I'm not in CQ.... and surprisingly enough.... all the other people flaming you aren't either.

    Hey MiniTank has it occured to you yet that you should just get off the forums because people don't want to read your nonsensical threads/posts?

    Has it occured to you how many of your Spectral friends have pmed me ingame to call you a tool? I'll tell you how many... Infact I won't because you wont understand the concept of numerical value without the aid of using your fingers as a tangible counting method.... and you just dont have enough fingers.... Infact you dont have fingers.... because you are a cabbage. GTFO of here.

    and i loled at the cabbage part xD. randomosity ftw
  • LaTrappe - Lost City
    LaTrappe - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    u disappoint the Bob...

    Know anyone with it? I wanna see it b:infuriated

    Maybe my hubby Column has it. b:thanks

    I have it. Can you see it? No... not unless you want to buy me a heiro.
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have it. Can you see it? No... not unless you want to buy me a heiro.

    >: meanie.

    Edit: wow i totally missed the fact there are 2 lvl 100 skills.. i fail.
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I have it. Can you see it? No... not unless you want to buy me a heiro.

    b:sad Want to see please b:surrender

    I need to know if worth it and have yet to find someone with them.

    Which one do you have?
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
This discussion has been closed.