Concerns About Cash Shop Pricing



  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    raveneye wrote: »
    Hey what I don't get.... the cash shop items are "EXTRA"! You don't have to buy them. If you think they are too expensive, then don't buy them. It's that simple.

    True. But if no one wants to pay the "extra" shop items offered at those exxagerated prices, this game will fall within a month.

    I could also go out and try to sell Honda Civics at $500.000. But how long would I stay in business do you think?
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I know I posted this in the other thread, but for those not reading the other one I will post it here as well minus the poll thoughts, since the poll is over there and not on this thread.

    So here we are, nearly a week after Open Beta began, people have been complaining since the first day about the same thing, and now two threads, pointing out that either CS item prices need lowered or we need more zen per dollar.

    I believe that the price of zen should be changed to 250 or 300 zen per $1, then if any items have lower value than the MY-EN cash shop, those items can be raised to 5 - 10 cent higher than MY-EN price for this version. This will give people the feeling that there actually getting more for there money, more impulse buying will happen, and overall a lot more money for PWI.

    For now I can only have $15 - $30 extra for any sort of game a month. But with the right price it could like walking into Walmart hungry and coming out with $100 worth of stuff that you didn't really need. Especially if I just started a new character and want all the same nifty items my higher level has.
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    you know i just checked the LOTR in line payment (which very costy for me) and even them was cheaper then PW. and yea, LOTR is really a ferrari in MMO world so i can endure the price if i pay for something that big like LOTR. but PW? no way. dont think about yourself so high. this is not '97 year and you arent Ultima: on line. get to know your place in the market.
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    anjel wrote: »
    The Item Mall is there for you to purchase equipment and non-essential enhancements to make game play easier. The items that are offered there are not necessary for you to enjoy the game.

    Apparently you haven't spent much time playing any version of PW or gotten a character to a medium level. At a point, you will HAVE to use heiros or spirit charms or whatever they call them depending on which version you are playing. Thats just one example. And if they are priced beyond reach, it takes the enjoyment OUT of the game, making it futile to play. A heiro or charm is something you will buy on a regular basis, as soon as one runs out, you buy another. Looking ahead, if I can see I'm going to have to spend WAY too much money on just that one item, I'm not going to want to level my character up to where it will be useful to use them. That's one reason I'm dragging my feet to level my character now. I'm waiting to see what they're gonna do about the prices. Lower the prices and I'll invest in PWI and my character. Keep the prices the same and I can't afford to play. That's just the reality of it.
  • Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    for a bit of light relief... the real cost of charms
  • Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xauss wrote: »
    for a bit of light relief... the real cost of charms

    hahahahah xauss :)
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xauss wrote: »
    for a bit of light relief... the real cost of charms

    The cost of playing PWE - over the top, the cost of a laugh, priceless.
    Is this post appropriate?

  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    As I said on the thread with that laughable poll.

    I am already signed up for the Perfect World Europe closed beta. I'll be giving that a look and see how that cash shop is set up as well as what lag there is. If its better overall, I'll be spending my money there instead of here. The sad thing is that I am in the US and I can not afford the current prices as they stand now.
  • Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    odin wrote: »
    The cost of playing PWE - over the top, the cost of a laugh, priceless.

    more in OT here
  • Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    K2 networks and IAH games both acquire licensing for the same game (K2 Version renamed) in the Americas and the Pacific, respectively. Both adopt a monthly subscription model after closed beta on the free-2-play game. Failing to see a rise in business, K2 networks adopts a free-2-play-til-lv 20 model; IAH games opts to return to free-2-play with micropayments. Users not IP-blocked by IAH flock to their servers. Shortly thereafter, K2 networks also switches to a micropayment model, but the damage has been done, and is unable to recover most of their lost international client base, instead having to depend on new additions.
    On September 2nd K2 Network lost about 200+ customer on their game Global MU Online to PWI
    if PWI is going to be like this... history will repeat itself i guess in this episode.
    Sever: Lost City
    Making players RageQuit since 2004


    Hello, You have reached Severan on The RQ carebear's automated phone system
    To tell me I've got no life and I live in my mom's basement, press 1. To tell me that you are logging on your level 90 character to kick the **** out of me, press 2. To tell me that your friend is a GM and you're getting me banned, press 3. To tell me RQ is going to fail and talk more **** about RunQuick press 4. If none of these options fit your need please hold the line for idiot assistance, they will be with you shortly...
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    From the perspective of the devs I suppose it's not the point of appeal but how much potential money they could make off a base market without factoring any civics or sociology. Higher price = more money

    But in most cases lowered prices appeal to the wider public which basically brings in the factor of quantity >>>> quality. A few people could buy at high prices or multiple people could buy at much lower price and though the cheaper standpoint may result in a bottlenecking of the business at some point or failure if there aren't any new or interesting items it's better than having the game fail with extremely low profits.

    Because as I see it most people are already turning away from a FREE TO PLAY game simply because the CASH SHOP which is always the major business factor doesn't appeal. Lack of items and overpriced goods aren't exactly appealing. Most people will try to find the most cost-effecient deal around, and in comparison there are some new MMOs coming out that are similar to perfect world or new ideas like turn based MMOs. Now considering there will be major competition the companies will obviously compete for the best appeal whether that be through game design or extras you can buy usually a mix of the both.

    Eventually this game will die out, probably somewhat fast, so in order to maximize the net value it'd be best to drop the prices. Same deal with oil and gas as some people may point out but that has more to do with tax more so that public appeal.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    hello admin - we're waiting for price fix.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    troll wrote: »
    hello admin - we're waiting for price fix.
    Hello Admin,
    We are still waiting for the price fix.
    CB/ Ruin - Cleric
    OB/ Agony - Cleric
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Im not touching this great game untill the prices are fixed, Take a lesson from Requiem's book. Very low prices but tons of the communtiy are willing to spend money on it regularly. You make more money if you set prices really low so that tons of people can buy your stuff.

    Until you fix this I will be looking forward to RoM along with 100,000 other closed Beta Testers. Lots of which came from this game untill you showed your greed. I hope you self reflect on this and fix the prices.
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    *reposted from another thread as instructed bya forum moderator*

    I will give you 2 reasons to change it, and change it quickly, and SURPRISE, it's not a threat that I and my gazillion friends will go play the new MMOs coming out, I'll be here awhile even if I don't pay... others may leave, but that's not my point(s).

    FB]FIRSTLY[/b], sometimnes a business model just doesn't pan out. It's human nature when developing our success blueprint that we envision getting the most from our customers while providing the least. That's not an insult, that's business... maximization of profit margin. Since the items in question have no cost, every additional dollar is pure profit.

    It's obvious by the stalling of the company in the face of so many people who are complaining. The company is failing to understand basic human psychology. The complainer is NOT the troublemaker. The complainer is the one who is begging you to take his/her money. I know, I'm one of them. I want to buy more Zen now, but I won't.. not at the current valuation. Every person who posts reallyw ants to give you their money even if they say they never will. I seldom walk into McDonald's just to tell them I don't want any fries today. The more times someone posts, the more revenue you are losing.

    SECONDLY, you need to understand the psychology of mental ownership. Again, this is not an insult. I could be charging you big money for business advice, so take it if you see the wisdom. You have a F2P game. As long as my character is truly "free" I have very little that ties me to it except time in. That's powerful, but most of us have played other games, many games... and yet here we are at a new one.

    Every dollar you take from us from which we customize and personalize our characters, we take mental ownership. As long as I am walking around in the same armor everyone else has.. well, if I'm gone, nothing unique is gone besides the person playing it. But, when I start wearing that special outfit in just the right color, or riding that special mount... well.. now I have taken not only my time but my money to carve out a place in your world that's mine. The more i put in, the more tied to it I am and the more I am likely to continue to support it.

    These are reasons you should fix it now. You can continue to hold off thinking you'll find some trick to get a huge load of cash now before having to make changes. Yet, every day that goes by you are cheating yourself out of huge loads of cash. Time to let go of the original plan that you had and embrace a realistic one that will probably make you very cash-happy.

    Oh, while I'm at it. IF you are going to fix this, you need to fix one more thing. Stop holding back on the Cash Shop options. We know the items are there and your logic in holding them back is flawed. We are not going to buy what's there just because those are the only choices, and then by more as you open them up one at a time.

    Let me explain. I go to a cafeteria and I get to desserts and there is nothing but a bowl of jello and a piece of carrot cake. I choose the jello. As I walk away the cafeteria worker replaces the jello with a piece of chocolate cake. I don't really want jello and now I'm pissed because I was tricked into thinking there was nothing to choose from. I am unlikely to happily come back. Had all of the yummy desserts been out fro my choice I would have made my choice and then imagined what I would get next time since they all looked so yummy.

    Offering choices and variety brings people back. Trying to sell a small amount and withholding choices makes people feel cheated.

    Just my 2 cents.

    PS I know there is more available than what you show because if you search the auction it has all of the items potentially available. So.. just turn them all on. had you done so I would have already bought the "dressy dress", but I won't settle for the few choices you left me. Your loss... my money.. take it from me... really...

  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    When will prices go down? I'm a student that just started. I looked at these prices and was really shocked.
    Malaysia $6 = 20 cubi
    Here $20 = 20 zen???

    Wow... that's more than 3 times as much... Really high. Ooo well... I guess I will go to Malaysia.

    Anyone interested in going to Malaysia here is the website. It's much cheaper there and item mall has better items.
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xquisit wrote: »
    When will prices go down? I'm a student that just started. I looked at these prices and was really shocked.
    Malaysia $6 = 20 cubi
    Here $20 = 20 zen???

    Wow... that's more than 3 times as much... Really high. Ooo well... I guess I will go to Malaysia.

    Anyone interested in going to Malaysia here is the website. It's much cheaper there and item mall has better items.

    I've played the Malaysia version. It's true, their Cash Shop has more to choose from an better prices. I would, howevet, prefer to stay here. The community is SO much better. The Malaysia crowd are the biggest pack of perverts I have ever seen openly spamming for cyber-sex in the world channel. In addition, I'm really not in love with the poor English translations that most of the time make no sense at all.

    In the end, the games are the same and for the differences in teh Cash Shop I will either 1) go back to the Malaysia or 2) play something else. Before picking one of those options I plan to stick around and give this version an opportunity to make me want to stay.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    dagny wrote: »
    I've played the Malaysia version. It's true, their Cash Shop has more to choose from an better prices. I would, howevet, prefer to stay here. The community is SO much better. The Malaysia crowd are the biggest pack of perverts I have ever seen openly spamming for cyber-sex in the world channel. In addition, I'm really not in love with the poor English translations that most of the time make no sense at all.

    In the end, the games are the same and for the differences in teh Cash Shop I will either 1) go back to the Malaysia or 2) play something else. Before picking one of those options I plan to stick around and give this version an opportunity to make me want to stay.

    Definitely. I just won't spend a dime until they change up their prices. No GDP can justify a a 200%+ increase in price.I won't even get back into the reasons why we shouldn't have to pay over 3 times or Malaysian counterparts for less items because it has already been done. I'll stick around, but they'll get no business from me until the price is comparable to the MY prices. If these people don't understand lowering prices will get them more frequent business at a higher volume then their economic advisers need to go back to school.

    Btw I have to end all my post with the usually I STILL DIDN"T GET MY REWARD ZEN...thank you
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sigh.. even though this saddens me that they don't seem to be making an effort in keeping us informed. But, if they are going to be doing something about it we would have to wait becasue it is only natural and fair that if they do lower prices the people that did buy items from cash mall gets the lowered cost instead of the higher. I myself refused to buy anything until they lower cost but i know A LOT of people already has bought stuff and complained about it while buying which i find kind of dumb. well until this gets fixed i will probably just play out of boredom like 30 minutes to 1 hour a day.
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mas wrote: »
    Definitely. I just won't spend a dime until they change up their prices. No GDP can justify a a 200%+ increase in price.I won't even get back into the reasons why we shouldn't have to pay over 3 times or Malaysian counterparts for less items because it has already been done. I'll stick around, but they'll get no business from me until the price is comparable to the MY prices. If these people don't understand lowering prices will get them more frequent business at a higher volume then their economic advisers need to go back to school.

    Btw I have to end all my post with the usually I STILL DIDN"T GET MY REWARD ZEN...thank you

    Youll have to send multi emails till you get it. Also when will prices be fixed or is it an empty promise?
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    seanie wrote: »
    Youll have to send multi emails till you get it. Also when will prices be fixed or is it an empty promise?

    Until they agree it's broken, it won't be fixed.

    realistically, if I have a car for sale that's worth $5000 to most buyers and I have it priced for $15,000, there's really not a problem. I won't sell my car. If I'm happy not selling my car then I have no reason to lower the price. So.. until they decide sales are not good enough, nothing will change.
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    xkuramax wrote: »
    I myself refused to buy anything until they lower cost but i know A LOT of people already has bought stuff and complained about it while buying which i find kind of dumb. well until this gets fixed i will probably just play out of boredom like 30 minutes to 1 hour a day.

    Agreed as long as hypocrites like that exist it will only impede the process towards better prices. The majority of them probably aren't spending their own money so it figures.

    Anyway I want PWE/PWI to make a ton of money and be successful, but I'm not paying 20USD for a in game mount...So my wallet and I will wait until you guys get it together, and as always I'm still waiting on my reward zen -_-
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    mas wrote: »
    Agreed as long as hypocrites like that exist it will only impede the process towards better prices. The majority of them probably aren't spending their own money so it figures.

    Anyway I want PWE/PWI to make a ton of money and be successful, but I'm not paying 20USD for a in game mount...So my wallet and I will wait until you guys get it together, and as always I'm still waiting on my reward zen -_-

    Hang on a sec, yes the prices are unfair compared to what we are used to in the MY version of the game, but just because I decided to buy a little zen to save me from going broke in the game on pots and the high costs of mana as an archer, I'm now a hypocrit?

    Obviously our mass posts espcially on this thread have had an effect, they are at least looking for alternatives right now, hence the poll. Just because I bought a little zen doesn't mean my posts don't count toward finding a healthy solution. I am a proud gold buyer and cubits buyer from MY. I have spent hundreds on that game, and I am willing to do the same here if they rework the prices. For me dropping $50 for a few heiros is nothing, and for you it may not be as easy but don't think for one second that we all together have not influenced the company. I can see they are trying, and NO CHANGE comes over night, dispite what that fraud Obama says.

  • Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yeah, there's no need for name-calling and to defame other people. ^_^

    Keep your comments and opinions coming, nice and civil-like. The staff are reading everything in this thread, even if there's no direct responses. Naturally, as it's a hot-topic issue for them. :)
  • Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    skar wrote: »
    Hang on a sec, yes the prices are unfair compared to what we are used to in the MY version of the game, but just because I decided to buy a little zen to save me from going broke in the game on pots and the high costs of mana as an archer, I'm now a hypocrit?

    Obviously our mass posts espcially on this thread have had an effect, they are at least looking for alternatives right now, hence the poll. Just because I bought a little zen doesn't mean my posts don't count toward finding a healthy solution. I am a proud gold buyer and cubits buyer from MY. I have spent hundreds on that game, and I am willing to do the same here if they rework the prices. For me dropping $50 for a few heiros is nothing, and for you it may not be as easy but don't think for one second that we all together have not influenced the company. I can see they are trying, and NO CHANGE comes over night, dispite what that fraud Obama says.


    When did I call you a hypocrite directly? I didn't even see your post I was just agreeing with another member who commented on people such as yourself.
    Seems like you dissected my post and looked for the most irrelevant thing to analyze rather than discussing my underling point which shouldn't have offended anyone imho.

    Point is if you're posting in this thread complaining and rallying against zen price multiple times yet you're still using the item mall then indeed you are a hypocrite because you're directly hurting your own case. As long as there are people like you who are willing to break because you don't want to go broke in game (-_-) then PWE/PWI wont change the prices, AND BELIEVE ME THERE ARE ENOUGH OF YOU
    You're directly fueling both sides of the argument.
    I'm not condemning you, but if you can't hold out until they change the prices then don't complain. It's like being on strike yet crossing the picket line because you could use the extra hours... Bottom line is people like you make it easier for PWI to justify prices and if you can't see that then I'm done talking to you skar because it would seem you are incapable of logical thinking.

    Btw if I wanted to insult him I wouldn't have called him a hypocrite. Look up the definition because it's not an insulting word especially in the context I used it in...

    *Also I too spent tons of money in MY. That is part of the reason I got the cb invite in like 5 seconds even after quitting the game long before PWI even started the cb.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    oh forgot a point for those people that don't think heiro n charms **** /upgrade stones are not required later.

    My lvl 81 mage on china perfect world burns through one of each mp/hp 350k heiros in about 2-4 hrs when leveling. So yeah it isn't that I WANT TO, it's i have no choice if you want to level=/.

    As for upgrade stones while unless u want ur **** to break at high refines and **** you would pay for it.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am new to this game and here is what I have experienced while playing this game for a week now. My wife and I play this game together because she played the closed beta and pointed out the great customization and marriage capability in the game. I decided to wait until the open beta because I didn't like the idea of having my character wiped after closed beta ended. So here we are playing the game and enjoying every bit of it. Our decision was to try the game out, as I think many people do for these free games. If we liked the game, which we do, then we would invest what little money we could spare, after paying the bills of course, on item mall items.

    That being said, we recently hit level 20 with our characters and were excited when we finally reached that level so that we could marry each other in the game. Upon reading the requirements for the in-game marriage we noticed that it would cost us a total of 60 Gold which equates to $60 US. I thought to myself that this can't possibly be correct and that is what led me to this forum thread.

    I am going to point out something that no one else here has mentioned before. I can't quote how much it costs in other parts of the world but in the state of California, where I live, it costs $45 dollars to get married. That is assuming you have a good 'ol fashioned civil union and sign papers at the courthouse.

    So let's just look at this rationally. It's going to cost players $15 more to get married in-game than it would to get married in real life. I'm not going to flame anyone who meets online and has relationships in-game, that is your right. We met online ourselves. Something just doesn't seem right in the pricing when I browse through the item mall.

    I see the prices and I realize that the company has to make money. Heck, I want them to make money so that they can keep the game going. But, the pricing of the items and of the Gold itself always makes me think twice about purchasing anything from it. This goes for any purchases that most people are thinking to buy. I like to consider how much it costs and weigh whether or not the money I spend is worth the product being purchased. But if I have to think two, three, even four times before purchasing something, then eventually I think to myself that the item in question is overpriced and I don't end up buying it.

    I can honestly say that it wouldn't be all too ridiculous for me to spend $30-$60 a month in the item mall. But, only if I feel like I am getting something worth it. $20 for a mount, ya I'll just renew my subscription to another game. $2.50 for guardian charms that burn many people use daily, uhh 2 cheeseburgers is better spent. $10 for a new outfit (oh ya and you have to get pigments to dye them the color you want) no thanks I think I'll just buy a good book. $60 to get married, like I said before costs more than real life.

    I would have liked to have been able to have all my characters get married in-game eventually if the pricing was around $10 per character. Who knows? We may break down and still have at least one of our characters get married. But the point is if the price were say around $20-$25 total to get married I would eventually have 4-5 characters pay to get married and on top of that I would feel like I had extra money to buy some frivolous item mall items. As it stands I will only have one character likely to get married in-game and not buy anything else from the item mall.

    It is easy to make a lot of money up front with a good product such as this game. The hard part is keeping the customers coming back. And as someone else already pointed out, one of the most successful business models out there is Wal-Mart. They keep individual mark-ups at a low percentage but eventually the customer buys more in quantity equalling more profit and a repeat customer base.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Howdy all

    Im new to the game,me and my wife just joined 2 days ago.we like mmorpg's that give adults the option to be strong without having to be 13 and lifeless.

    I could easily afford 300usd a month for my wife and I to have a little fun to ourselves but that's not the point.

    GM'S i highly doubt your server population is made up of people like me.own thier own home,dont have much for bills,and have too much extra time to idle away the day.

    Even knowing this fact I could hardly bring myself to spend more then 50 usd a month on a video game.

    Me and my wife "level 5 and level 6 now" were about to go purchas zen for whatever prices you had up thier but then I thoght to check the forums and get feed back before I really get into this game and waste real life money on it.

    End result . We will not be purchasing Any Zen after reading through this thread.The player's have "through thier posting's" convinced us"two absolutly new player's never even heard of perfect world till 5 days ago" to not purchase Zen.

    That is what those player's have acomplished.

    Ps.We really are new to this game, If anyone wants to take us under thier wing and teach us the nitty gritty about this game"the ropes" and have 2 possible cash playing member's in thier guild.Feel free to contact me.My name is Jebbediah and we play in the pvp server I am a wizard and she is a blademaster.we are finding this game a little confusing having read through the website entirely and finding it lacking in detail it just gives general explanations.
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    skar wrote: »

    Obviously our mass posts espcially on this thread have had an effect, they are at least looking for alternatives right now, hence the poll. Just because I bought a little zen doesn't mean my posts don't count toward finding a healthy solution. I am a proud gold buyer and cubits buyer from MY. I have spent hundreds on that game, and I am willing to do the same here if they rework the prices. For me dropping $50 for a few heiros is nothing, and for you it may not be as easy but don't think for one second that we all together have not influenced the company. I can see they are trying, and NO CHANGE comes over night, dispite what that fraud Obama says.


    Why would you bring politics into a post about an online game? It's absolutely ridiculous. Plus I believe it's against forum rules.

    Lost City PvP server
    Teru ~ 6x cleric
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