FB tabbers dont deserve drops



  • Kyna - Lost City
    Kyna - Lost City Posts: 1,597 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    :/ I say the person that made this thread should be shot and we can end the discussion right here.

    Like I stated before, the tabber didn't have to LET you do it and if it weren't for them having the tab you'd have no fb to run. It's that simple. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill people.
    Thanks Silvychar for the sig :D
    Fanfiction found on the forums or at rikasstorycorner.deviantart.com
    LOST CITY! -> home to the original badasses of PWI b:cool
    ... and a few losers....
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    im only living up to my heros at Kyoto Animations glory! theyre the ultimate trolls in the universe ~_~;

    teasing people with what was thought to be a second season to haruhi only to say it was a reairing for more $$ ~_~; DAMN YOU KADOKAWA! GIVE US OUR HARUHI!

    Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! The re-airing has 14 new episodes! Thanks for getting me to look into that. Your status as troll is hereby rescinded. Of course this torpedoes your excuse for acting trollish, so your troll status is hereby reinstated.
  • Quetesh - Dreamweaver
    Quetesh - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Here's my opinion about all this:

    If you want molds... just do the fb untabbed. That way if a mold drops it's yours and none would argue that.
    If it's a tabbed fb then the tabber should get molds. Why? Because the tabber has to chose 5 ppl out of 50-100 that want if for the xp, rep, sp. Not to mention that any fb can be done with a squad of same lvl ppl as the fb. Yes it takes longer... but it's an experience that gets killed by fb running. So... you got chosen out of the other 50-100 people that wanted in. You get xp, sp and rep in a very small time frame with low possibility of dieing and with pretty decent repair costs to your equipment compared to grinding.

    If the xp, sp and rep wasn't worth the run then everyone would do untabbed runs all the time.

    Yes, maybe the tabber has no use for the mold... but he has better use for the money he/she makes from selling the mold then you do.

    At my lvl i make about 100k for 30 mins of grinding. Why would i want a 200-300k mold from lower lvl fbs that i wouldn't even use? But how much would a low level do with that money?

    Even if it's a 10mil mold and the tabber can't use it he/she should get it just because he picked you out of the other players that wanted to "help".

    And don't forget that the tabber chooses the team that goes in so you have to convince him that you are the right guys to help, if not the tabber could get another team in less than 1 min.

    If you guys say that the xp, sp and rep isn't worth an fb run and you can get that amount from grinding or doing quests then why do fbs in the first place? or why do them tabbed. Just run an untabbed one and keep all the drops for yourselves and do those OMAs for the rep.
  • Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    There are three types of FB squads.

    The Elitist
    The Elititst will do the FB and snag all the drops they can, for themselves. They are usually well over the FB level and have made many passes at it, in their time. They leave the newer players with a sense of awe and wonder over the how they were lucky enough to get such high level characters to help them, with the FBs. In most circumstances, their levels keep the mobs and bosses from dropping anything, but coins. On those rare occasions when something worthwhile does drop, it is attacked swiftly, and without warning, feeling justified by their levels to get anything of value. When the FB is over, they pat the tabber on the head and further impress the tabbers good fortunes, before vanishing forever.

    The Needy
    The Needy will do the FB, for the sole purpose of getting the Exp, SP, and Rep. They can negotiate the drops, but they are most likely going to the tabber. The impress upon the tabber that the tabber is the one that has to power, in such runs. However, they are usually such high level that there are no drops, leaving the tabber disillusioned about their fate, at higher levels. When the boss is killed, and the FB completed, they thank the tabber before scurrying away, before the tabber realizes they just got screwed outta drops due to levels.

    The Generous
    The Generous will do the FB, for the sole purpose of giving the drops to the tabber. Usually, they are just over the FB level, leaving the bosses a chance to drop. Sometimes, they will load the party with low level characters, to guarantee drops. On the occasions that they are unsuccessful at getting drops, they will rerun the FB, untabbed, to force the boss to drop more than coins. When the boss is dead, and they are leaving the instance, they will try to leave as fast as possible, to get away from temptation and make their repairs in private, never letting the tabber know what sacrifice they had to make.

    Not too many people realize that they fall between the top two types. Somewhere, deep down, they wish it was them getting the sexy mold. They wish they had been a little more greedy, in terms of drops. It's ok. Just don't let it go to your head with you're level 90, trying to bully your way through an FB19. You'll end up with egg on your face when that person turns out to have a level 100 main. And they want to PK you.
    Good post? d=(^_^)=b
    Bad post? q=(-_-)=p
    Troll post? t(^_^)t
  • Eleckzar - Heavens Tear
    Eleckzar - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    There are three types of FB squads.

    The Elitist
    The Elititst will do the FB and snag all the drops they can, for themselves. They are usually well over the FB level and have made many passes at it, in their time. They leave the newer players with a sense of awe and wonder over the how they were lucky enough to get such high level characters to help them, with the FBs. In most circumstances, their levels keep the mobs and bosses from dropping anything, but coins. On those rare occasions when something worthwhile does drop, it is attacked swiftly, and without warning, feeling justified by their levels to get anything of value. When the FB is over, they pat the tabber on the head and further impress the tabbers good fortunes, before vanishing forever.

    The Needy
    The Needy will do the FB, for the sole purpose of getting the Exp, SP, and Rep. They can negotiate the drops, but they are most likely going to the tabber. The impress upon the tabber that the tabber is the one that has to power, in such runs. However, they are usually such high level that there are no drops, leaving the tabber disillusioned about their fate, at higher levels. When the boss is killed, and the FB completed, they thank the tabber before scurrying away, before the tabber realizes they just got screwed outta drops due to levels.

    The Generous
    The Generous will do the FB, for the sole purpose of giving the drops to the tabber. Usually, they are just over the FB level, leaving the bosses a chance to drop. Sometimes, they will load the party with low level characters, to guarantee drops. On the occasions that they are unsuccessful at getting drops, they will rerun the FB, untabbed, to force the boss to drop more than coins. When the boss is dead, and they are leaving the instance, they will try to leave as fast as possible, to get away from temptation and make their repairs in private, never letting the tabber know what sacrifice they had to make.

    Not too many people realize that they fall between the top two types. Somewhere, deep down, they wish it was them getting the sexy mold. They wish they had been a little more greedy, in terms of drops. It's ok. Just don't let it go to your head with you're level 90, trying to bully your way through an FB19. You'll end up with egg on your face when that person turns out to have a level 100 main. And they want to PK you.

    *This story is based on the title of the movie The Good, Bad and the Ugly.*
  • Xiaotutu - Heavens Tear
    Xiaotutu - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    considering how 99% of squads for fbs are random loot and not free, the same would apply to all2tabber which means this is a $hitty and useless argument

    Umm yeah but the odds of a tabber on a "all tabs go to tabber" rule fb, would dramatically increase as opposed to "free for all!!!woot" rule.
    ahh but im not aware it takes a squad to win lotteries, does it? for ex if you want to persue the lottery example, its closer to a group of people making a group, just because you paid the most out of the group dosnt mean you get the car, it goes to whoever wins it or somone who can use it with prefrence to the person who paid most then leaders/helpers unless you want to sell it and share profitz, coins/others are in enough abundance that its already split equally

    Yeah but tabber is the only one with the ticket :S the rest just tag along for the consolation prizes of exp rep sp.

    And if it's on the finders keeper rule whoever needs it more doesn't necessarily gets it. Refer my previous post if the tabber needs the mold would he/she/it be guaranteed to get the mold? No, right? And if it's higher levels helping the tabber with fb then it's most likely outdated for them.

    The last I checked, it's easier for higher levels to grind/tt for money than lower levels so in this vein wouldn't the tabber need it more? As for who paid more...how do you determine that? The cleric who burns more mp charm? The tanker with repair damage? So when you go grinding with a group do you demand more drops cos you burn more mp charm?

    you know before when we ran fbs, we said gratz u got the mold instead of OMFG GIME THE FRACKIGN MOLD, and nobody complained that they didnt get mold, and nobody would ask to have a mold for free in the fb unless maybe if they could use it

    Yes and if they could use it under that rule they might have to watch as someone else higher level than them gets to keep it and sell for money. That's not very nice for the tabber.

    lol first of all you dont use herbs for wine lol. secondly even with wines and w/o higer lvs to help you you would be stuck there for hours as well as probably having a few deaths, and wine is only 200k ish if you make it and most ppl farm it while they grind anyways.

    My bad my bad, meant to say that wines are made with mats although the logical conclusion would be herbs :p BUT I know from personal experience that if you wine the fb you won't take hours, provided you get a proper squad with good tanker, good cleric(s) good veno and good DDs. Even if they're all around the level of fb it can still be done if everyone knows their job. Same thing about deaths.

    True enough having higher levels hastens the process, but it's not without gain. If it's a thankless/rewardless job what's all those fb rooms for?

    This rule creates drama, cos there's always gonna be arguments about who needs it more, and I can see some "I need it but you won't give it to me instead you sell it for money you greedy wah wah" arguments. Tabber keep drops keeps it simple, that's my opinion you can agree or disagree :)
  • Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear
    Wrathfulsynn - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    *This story is based on the title of the movie The Good, Bad and the Ugly.*

    Well, I was thinking of only using two(Needy and Greedy), but greed doesn't cover the attitude and I know people that fit into the last category.
    Good post? d=(^_^)=b
    Bad post? q=(-_-)=p
    Troll post? t(^_^)t
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    That is your choice to participate in TW no one is forcing you to.I would say there needs more balance when to comes to any sort of pvp in this game.I would argue the charms need fixing if I were you.

    Don't you know how to farm and it is not tabber fualt because of your equipment.Don't use that as an excuse for not giving them a mold as they will be doing what you are doing now if they get to higher lvl.This is if they continue to play.
    lulz yes ur missing the point, that im not INSANELY RICH equip is a side note i u dont need good equip to do fbs lol
    PS: you missed the point
    PPS: you missed the point completely
    PPPS: you missed the point

    Umm yeah but the odds of a tabber on a "all tabs go to tabber" rule fb, would dramatically increase as opposed to "free for all!!!woot" rule.straw man i c u!!! its not a free for all its clear and simple, 3*/mold are given to tabber then a runner IF THEY CAN USE IT and random (whoever got it) if they can not and this includes the tabber. again saying its a free for all woot rule is a misrepresentation

    Yeah but tabber is the only one with the ticket :S the rest just tag along for the consolation prizes of exp rep sp.above

    And if it's on the finders keeper rule whoever needs it more doesn't necessarily gets it. Refer my previous post if the tabber needs the mold would he/she/it be guaranteed to get the mold? No, right? And if it's higher levels helping the tabber with fb then it's most likely outdated for them. not always eg those axe thingies everone wants calamaties or whatever is useful until lv 90

    The last I checked, it's easier for higher levels to grind/tt for money than lower levels so in this vein wouldn't the tabber need it more? As for who paid more...how do you determine that? The cleric who burns more mp charm? The tanker with repair damage? So when you go grinding with a group do you demand more drops cos you burn more mp charm? HL also use wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more money. take for example, TT70 armor costs about 10 mil, takes about 5 days to farm TT90 40mil ish not to mention skills cost a $hitload again generally in a FB everone has approx same costs with exception of veno who probably uses abit less...

    Yes and if they could use it under that rule they might have to watch as someone else higher level than them gets to keep it and sell for money. That's not very nice for the tabber.whats your point here? its fair BECAUSE its random if nobody can use it. this means its a matter of luck, you win some you lose some. grow up

    My bad my bad, meant to say that wines are made with mats although the logical conclusion would be herbs :pfermented friut actually, beer is from wheat/corn i think BUT I know from personal experience that if you wine the fb you won't take hours, provided you get a proper squad with good tanker, good cleric(s) good veno and good DDs. Even if they're all around the level of fb it can still be done if everyone knows their job. Same thing about deaths.not really lower lvs usually are really really bad at running fbs they never ran before, they dont know the way/shortcuts/mobs to kill and how etc.

    True enough having higher levels hastens the process, but it's not without gain. If it's a thankless/rewardless job what's all those fb rooms for?lulz theres like 1 in scant and the guy is mostly afk bord ppl lulz?

    This rule creates drama, cos there's always gonna be arguments about who needs it more, and I can see some "I need it but you won't give it to me instead you sell it for money you greedy wah wah" arguments. Tabber keep drops keeps it simple, that's my opinion you can agree or disagree given its slighty more complicated but its still incredibly simple also much more beneficial to all:)
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    lulz yes ur missing the point, that im not INSANELY RICH equip is a side note i u dont need good equip to do fbs lol
    PS: you missed the point
    PPS: you missed the point completely
    PPPS: you missed the point

    I did did I it seems to me you and Tear are doing the whinning the in this thread.I got great suggestion for the both of you give up on doing any FB runs.Don't forget you got alts.

    You two are giving Sanctuary a bad name to play on as other will go to other servers after reading this.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • randompersona
    randompersona Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I know I'm extremely late to the party, and, my opinion will be discarded 'cause I'm quite a low level, but-- those of you saying that the dropped molds can be used on alts and such...

    Why take something from them to help your alt, when most likely they don't even have the advantage of having a higher char to help their lower one out? The "greedy noobs" are still trying to get started and get a foothold in PWI, and you're gonna take something from them to help an alt when you already have established yourself? I don't see high levels riding beginner's aerogear, and most of them have some kind of fashion. If you were so in need of money or money to buy something-- sell the stuff you don't need. Beginners don't even have that option.

    Lower yourselves down to their level for a change, and try to remember what it was like trying to establish yourself in the game. Have a little charity for once and help others.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I did did I it seesm to me you and Tear are doing the whinning the in this thread.I got great suggestion for the both of you give up on doing any FB runs.Don't forget you got alts.

    You two are giving Sanctuary a bad name to play on as other will go to other servers after reading this.
    contribute to the topic at hand or leave. srsly
    I know I'm extremely late to the party, and, my opinion will be discarded 'cause I'm quite a low level, but-- those of you saying that the dropped molds can be used on alts and such...

    Why take something from them to help your alt, when most likely they don't even have the advantage of having a higher char to help their lower one out? The "greedy noobs" are still trying to get started and get a foothold in PWI, and you're gonna take something from them to help an alt when you already have established yourself? I don't see high levels riding beginner's aerogear, and most of them have some kind of fashion. If you were so in need of money or money to buy something-- sell the stuff you don't need. Beginners don't even have that option.

    Lower yourselves down to their level for a change, and try to remember what it was like trying to establish yourself in the game. Have a little charity for once and help others.
    sounds pretty sturdy however, fbs does include 71 89 etc
    PS: im not a "greedy" person i get all my money from trading/grinding/rb/TW pay could use more but not guna steal a mold i cant use, wont give you a mold you cant use either. most of the molds i got that i could not use (and nobody else could) were given away to friends. i often help ppl kill bosses or biuld a squad for fb/tt/bosses/rb aswell as help with biulds/stats etc

    280gold ftw (waiting for sale lulz) ;)
  • Zhou_Yu - Heavens Tear
    Zhou_Yu - Heavens Tear Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Lol @ how you all insult him for posting his opinions, if anything you all should be ashamed for insulting someone for voicing it. Censorship is illegal FYI. (Unless it is slanderous or libeling material)

    His point is: Everyone deserves a chance at it, not just some kid who uses a tab.

    FYI @ The genius who said hes afraid to use his real character and is on an anon alt...
    dont jump to conclusions, assuming makes an **** out of U and ME. His account is forum banned temporarily for posting a link to meatspin.com lol...

    And it's my opinion that both of your opinions are moronic and it's also my opinion that you both are idiots. How's that sound to you? Remember, you shouldn't be hateful to me because I'm just expressing my opinion. b:laugh

    Their account was banned for breaking the rules in the forum? Hmm, thank you for providing proof that they're an idiot. And the fact the you, while trying to defend them, provided this evidence; gives further proof of your own mental inefficiencies.

    If the amount of XP/Spirit/Rep is not enough of a reward for you during a FB run then by all means, please, go elsewhere and grind. Leave the FBs for the rest of us that would rather spend far less time to get the same rewards on a quick FB run then an hour of grinding.
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Wow ... I can't believe how selfish the OP and those that agree with him are.

    Helping a lowbie with their FB is completely optional. If you don't like helping, don't do it. Simple as that.

    The value of a mold to a lowbie is far greater than to a high level. Even if they can't use it it can be auctioned off.

    The same amount can be easily made by a high level by grinding or doing a few TT runs.
  • randompersona
    randompersona Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    contribute to the topic at hand or leave. srsly

    sounds pretty sturdy however, fbs does include 71 89 etc
    PS: im not a "greedy" person i get all my money from trading/grinding/rb/TW pay could use more but not guna steal a mold i cant use, wont give you a mold you cant use either. most of the molds i got that i could not use (and nobody else could) were given away to friends. i often help ppl kill bosses or biuld a squad for fb/tt/bosses/rb aswell as help with biulds/stats etc

    280gold ftw (waiting for sale lulz) ;)

    >.<' Forgot about the higher level ones. For those, depends on how much the tabber contributes... I'm more thinking of the lower ones, sorry. b:sweat

    *Edit: Plus, I have no experience whatsoever in the higher level ones, so, yeah. In fact, I don't really know what whining something is other than it makes it a /lot/ easier. And it costs lots of money. >.<'

    But I did get drops on my last FB and I was willing to give them up if my squad wanted them...

    **Edit: The people that say 'gimme' and don't say thank you to the squad deserve no drops, IMO, though. I say thank you five or six times during my FBs/whenever people go outta their way to help/whenever a Cleric buffs or revives/ect. I don't understand people that don't at least say thanks for stuff like that.

    ***Again: Can't wait 'till I'm higher level on my Cleric so I can refuse the rude ones that demand a rez. Or rez them and let them get killed again. ^^ Will max my revive just to be able to be 'Maxed rev but none for you!'
  • Viper_girl - Heavens Tear
    Viper_girl - Heavens Tear Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Low high, level FB doesn't matter. FB71,89 well aren't wealthy 90+ going to be needed for that?

    The idea is higher levels helping lower levels.

    Anyways, it just shows ... join a good guild that isn't full of greedy people.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    contribute to the topic at hand or leave. srsly

    You don't control this board don't forget.

    I am I am saying if it was me I would give it to the tabber why becasue I know I will get a better one later.I can redo that with my guild anytime I want.I would like to welcoe new people to this game instead of making them fustrated as adverstised tabber get drops and you all go for their drops.This isn't the only MMO online don't forget.

    I will say this if high lvls stopped helping or starting stealing low lvl drops.They would form their own squads sure it might be more longer a little harder but atleast they will get their fare share of the drops.I never once got mold except through the my guild that helped me.I might not have noticed the earlier ones maybe those high lvls took mine.I am not whinning about it only one gold mold to date.

    It is like I said they can form thier own squads leaving high lvls to grind,grind,grind and more grind.That is what would happen in your perfect world.I can see low lvls doing fine untill they catch up to you.I actually try to help out in my FBs becasue I don't like to leach on to others.It comes from another game I play as we don't like leachers.Then there is the loss of exp for high lvls to bad.

    When a squad says tabber gets mold and you don't like it leave and go grind some more.It is either take it or lumb it.

    Clerics can also charge for their buffs.How would you like that or res?
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Numuta - Heavens Tear
    Numuta - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Well..as you can see i'm not that far along..only lvl 42. but for all of my fbs i always offered to split drops. i don't demand anything from anybody..the drops aren't even why i'm doing the fb. my in game sis Lisi has always had my back and she always demands i get drops even when i offer otherwise and no one has ever -ever- complained about it. infact i did get a mold..and my friend zeb -made- the weapon for me. what you are saying is..well..selfish and pompous and down right digusting. complaining and insulting people. it is one thing to state an opinion. hey..i think that the fb drops should be a little more evened out. not that i'm not happy to help but it would be nice to get a little something for the effort. is that so hard? as for that chick with the a name. you are disgusting as well.you talk all high and mighty. but you're as terrible as the op. you have no respect for anyone..so we have no respect for the both of you. i hope you never do another fb as long as you play..no one's game needs to be poisoned by you
    If you look to the dawn
    and wish...
    I'll be there for you
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]~Antipathian Honnor~
  • Numuta - Heavens Tear
    Numuta - Heavens Tear Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Btw...has the op said anything after the first page? i tried to read through this whole darn thing but it's sooo long x.x
    If you look to the dawn
    and wish...
    I'll be there for you
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]~Antipathian Honnor~
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    And it's my opinion that both of your opinions are moronic and it's also my opinion that you both are idiots. How's that sound to you? Remember, you shouldn't be hateful to me because I'm just expressing my opinion. b:laugh

    Their account was banned for breaking the rules in the forum? Hmm, thank you for providing proof that they're an idiot. And the fact the you, while trying to defend them, provided this evidence; gives further proof of your own mental inefficiencies.

    If the amount of XP/Spirit/Rep is not enough of a reward for you during a FB run then by all means, please, go elsewhere and grind. Leave the FBs for the rest of us that would rather spend far less time to get the same rewards on a quick FB run then an hour of grinding.
    Misguided lacks of judgment without foresight of consequences does not make one an idiot. It just means they lack common sense.

    For you to patronize or belligerently insult someone because of their opinion being a variance of your biased opinion makes you the equivalent of the SS and the **** regime. Imbecility comes in all shapes and sizes, this one being in the form of a barbarian. Your evident emnity in your misguided, worthless post just goes to prove my point. The idiot here is you sir.

    Rather than insulting my wife like a prick, you should go put your worthless piece of trash post where it belongs, as it evidently doesn't go here. Making an **** of oneself isnt very becoming so heres to you my friend:

    birds of a feather need to stick together right?
  • turtlewax
    turtlewax Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Ah, Godwin's. Not a bad score though 20+ pages of troll food. Nice job, mickey.
  • Redmenace - Heavens Tear
    Redmenace - Heavens Tear Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Misguided lacks of judgment without foresight of consequences does not make one an idiot. It just means they lack common sense.

    For you to patronize or belligerently insult someone because of their opinion being a variance of your biased opinion makes you the equivalent of the SS and the **** regime. Imbecility comes in all shapes and sizes, this one being in the form of a barbarian. Your evident emnity in your misguided, worthless post just goes to prove my point. The idiot here is you sir.

    Rather than insulting my wife like a prick, you should go put your worthless piece of trash post where it belongs, as it evidently doesn't go here. Making an **** of oneself isnt very becoming so heres to you my friend:

    birds of a feather need to stick together right?

    You know, Tear - I haven't followed all of this thread, but are you *really* the right person to be deriding the lack of Civil Discourse on this forum?

    I know you have a big pile of rocks there, but that big recycled glass house you're standing in has a few cracks in it.

    I certainly don't endorse the previous *sshat insulting your family, but perhaps you might *now* understand how some react to some of *your* bouts of verbal rabies, now and then?

    It would be nice if you were to remember that feeling, the next time you decide to get out the big CrapHammer and start flinging it about.

    Just something to think about, Golden Rule and such.

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    turtlewax wrote: »
    Ah, Godwin's. Not a bad score though 20+ pages of troll food. Nice job, mickey.
    mikey was my cousin's account :P.
  • MissEbil - Heavens Tear
    MissEbil - Heavens Tear Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    LOL @ this still going on.
    Proud member of the VenoMafia.

    b:flower Read my FanFic! b:flower
  • DollParts - Sanctuary
    DollParts - Sanctuary Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    stfu all of you.
    We already know majority rules in favor of giving drops to tabber.
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    What were we all talking about again in this thread??
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Crazydan - Heavens Tear
    Crazydan - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,178 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    That all FB drops get mailed to me plz
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    That all FB drops get mailed to me plz

    Mailing my 1 bleeping star drop that I got in my last FB now. Freakin son of a can't get a descent piece of feraking #$^#$&^$&@#$&amp;@#$#&amp; good drop.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Nelae - Heavens Tear
    Nelae - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    That all FB drops get mailed to me plz

    if you get anything in mail you dont need pass it to me b:surrender
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    me want teartroll back!! b:laugh
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    mikey was my cousin's account :P.

    Which you managed to get banned from the forums.
This discussion has been closed.