How to bot in Harshlands



  • Nukesrus - Harshlands
    Nukesrus - Harshlands Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    It's already known that Bearie bots. Me and a GM sat there spamming his chat + pms for like 10 mins + attacking him and ticking his charm. He was also using only normal attacks. GM said he banned him but the dude was back the next day. ;o

    Same goes for all these other people with accusations against them. They were banned but back in a matter of days.

    You defend something you know nothing about. b:bye

    I defend someone who didn't look like they were botting. And obviously, if he wasn't banned, then there was either not enough evidence of wrongdoing, or no one cares.

    Either way, my point was that the video was insufficient proof.
  • Ultimate - Harshlands
    Ultimate - Harshlands Posts: 649 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    you are a bit out of topic... or are my g8 stones more important then a server full of bots? You need to start to define your priorities

    LOL if everyone botting on server decided to kill one mob without using skills while other person watches for 30 minutes to make a video i wouldn't mind. Hell, i'll be 105 by the time these bots get anywhere close to 92 b:laugh
    Seriously if i were smart enough to configure bots and all that is involved on it why would you bot in a place like that to start with. I'd bot on physical mobs or air/water as melee at least.
    You shoudl be happy they are "botting"
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    @Sheo i liked u but now u are Kosb:angry
    I mean killing my wife?

  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    or no one cares.

    Thats what everyones been saying. u fail.
  • Seleucia - Heavens Tear
    Seleucia - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Thats what everyones been saying. u fail.

    LOL. Some people just dont know how to read literature. Its not their fault!!
    when you speak you dont make since try english classss before you you make your self look like more of a dumb **** but GG
    -DeathDealer (Harshlands)

    "Here in America, where PWI is located, we have a saying "Innocent until proven guilty." Also, "the burden of proof is on the accuser." Basically, you have to prove beyond doubt that he WAS botting. Short of being in the same room with him, you can't prove a thing. Therefore, he remains unbanned, and rightfully so."
    -LOLTANK (Harshlands)
  • Literature - Harshlands
    Literature - Harshlands Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'd bot on physical mobs or air/water as melee at least.

    The evidence of a fail bot

    The Ban Of a Fail Bot

    Looks like water/phys mobs to me...

    Sheos vid looks more like he's sitting there babysitting the bot...which is even more pathetic that botting afk. b:shocked
  • KlSSES - Harshlands
    KlSSES - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Lol have you guys watched Sheo's other videos? Sounds like he's moaning or jacking off while recording them.b:chuckle
  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited May 2009
  • KlSSES - Harshlands
    KlSSES - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    He said "ddduel" AND I JIZZED IN MY PANTS.
  • Seleucia - Heavens Tear
    Seleucia - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LOL if everyone botting on server decided to kill one mob without using skills while other person watches for 30 minutes to make a video i wouldn't mind. Hell, i'll be 105 by the time these bots get anywhere close to 92 b:laugh
    Seriously if i were smart enough to configure bots and all that is involved on it why would you bot in a place like that to start with. I'd bot on physical mobs or air/water as melee at least.
    You shoudl be happy they are "botting"

    WOW, u are soo fail, lol! PLZ just go away! gawd, my brain cells are imploding on themselves from reading that!!
    when you speak you dont make since try english classss before you you make your self look like more of a dumb **** but GG
    -DeathDealer (Harshlands)

    "Here in America, where PWI is located, we have a saying "Innocent until proven guilty." Also, "the burden of proof is on the accuser." Basically, you have to prove beyond doubt that he WAS botting. Short of being in the same room with him, you can't prove a thing. Therefore, he remains unbanned, and rightfully so."
    -LOLTANK (Harshlands)
  • Seleucia - Heavens Tear
    Seleucia - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    He didn't look like he was botting to me...

    Looked like a dude grinding, running around a bit, and then standing next to you after he logged out. The server just lagged and let you hit him.

    This is hardly definitive proof, especially as it doesn't really look different from grinding while pre-occupied.

    Also, on a side note: The game gives you a macro feature, effectively letting you grind with minimal effort. Set the right macro, click on the mob, press button, do something else.

    Rinse and repeat.

    I did it while studying for finals. I needed 55 shark kings, I set my earth-based macro, I click twice, I read while I wait. If you had seen me do that, it would have looked like I was botting too.

    The fact is, unless it's something stupid, like a bot that auto-paths to the same location while waiting on enemy spawns, you can't prove it.

    Here in America, where PWI is located, we have a saying "Innocent until proven guilty." Also, "the burden of proof is on the accuser." Basically, you have to prove beyond doubt that he WAS botting. Short of being in the same room with him, you can't prove a thing. Therefore, he remains unbanned, and rightfully so.

    First off, you have not seen a bot, so u dont know what you are talking about.
    Second off, the dude was running into a wall. Plz tell me you don't keep running into a wall.
    This is good proof, u just dont want to accept it.
    Good to see you brush your teeth often.
    Don't worry about seeming like a bot in game. From your arguments id say your IQ lvl was equivalent to that of a bot.
    Thanks for the pro insight into the judicial system. Judicial System, another thing you know nothing about. Keep digging your credibility into a hole!!
    when you speak you dont make since try english classss before you you make your self look like more of a dumb **** but GG
    -DeathDealer (Harshlands)

    "Here in America, where PWI is located, we have a saying "Innocent until proven guilty." Also, "the burden of proof is on the accuser." Basically, you have to prove beyond doubt that he WAS botting. Short of being in the same room with him, you can't prove a thing. Therefore, he remains unbanned, and rightfully so."
    -LOLTANK (Harshlands)
  • Nukesrus - Harshlands
    Nukesrus - Harshlands Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    First off, you have not seen a bot, so u dont know what you are talking about.

    How do you know this? (untrue)

    Second off, the dude was running into a wall. Plz tell me you don't keep running into a wall.

    Easily explained by lag.

    This is good proof, u just dont want to accept it.

    Proof of what? Botting? No, it's just a dude killing a mob.

    Good to see you brush your teeth often.

    Uh... what?

    Don't worry about seeming like a bot in game. From your arguments id say your IQ lvl was equivalent to that of a bot.

    Yeah, I'm an idiot. I spell properly and everything.

    Thanks for the pro insight into the judicial system. Judicial System, another thing you know nothing about. Keep digging your credibility into a hole!!

    Perhaps you'd care to enlighten me on the judicial system you so obviously are an expert on.

    I've been sig'd.
  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I've been sig'd.
    YO DAWG.


    Sam killed Ron.

    Nah, Ron could have fell on the knife at the 32715 degree angle and it was an accident.
    Accidents happen all the time, In fact I accidentally gave myself a paper cut earlier today while studying for exams.

    Sam is free to go.
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Did u read what I write? Do you want 30 minuts of me calling him bot? Do you want to see him trying to get a mob who is the other side of the wall? Do you want more 30 minuts of movies made by other player? this is a little part of the movie, if any GM care just pm, I can provide a entire movie in DIVX, if someone from your kos is calling you bot for 30 minuts do you will run against a wall and try to get a mob from other room till the next mob in this room spawn? Course you will... course b:thanks

    About my armour, yes is grade 8 and? what is your point? I am stupid because I use cash shop while you bot? Sry, I can stand to be called cash shop user

    Botting is better than 4 g8 shards.

    For botting, you get 3 day ban.

    For cash shopping, you lose weeks of RL pay.

    Figure it out yourselfb:shutup
  • missqq
    missqq Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    YO DAWG.


    Sam killed Ron.

    Nah, Ron could have fell on the knife at the 32715 degree angle and it was an accident.
    Accidents happen all the time, In fact I accidentally gave myself a paper cut earlier today while studying for exams.

    Sam is free to go.

    There's only 360 degrees.

  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    missqq wrote: »
    There's only 360 degrees.


    Holy ****.
    I hate you.

    Does anyone realize how little cash shopping items in this game actually costs? Just like every other game, it's like working @ 30 cents an hour to get most items.
  • icew1nd
    icew1nd Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't play on this server, I don't care. You have g8's in your turkey armor. I find this amusing. Hence my 'lols.' fgt

    sheesh, just give it up. you can't even compare it to botting which is cheating. if he can afford g8s why not? honestly, who cares?

    people buy what makes them happy. just a tip: study hard, get a high-paying job and enjoy life b:bye
  • ashez
    ashez Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    icew1nd wrote: »
    sheesh, just give it up. you can't even compare it to botting which is cheating. if he can afford g8s why not? honestly, who cares?

    people buy what makes them happy. just a tip: study hard, get a high-paying job and enjoy life b:bye

    It's pretty obvious Devoted is one of them broke **** niggaz hating on peeps that got teh many many $dolla$. b:cry

    This is stupid. all honesty, if anything we should allow QQme to bot more!!
    Coz apparently all the botting in the world still doesn't help 'em in TW :o
    Maybe try Google "PvP Bot" and hope you find something..? wakakakaka

    Schooled by ze "carebears"
    "Nova_: Their HIGHEST member admitted we roll them, we are more coordinated, we are more organised."

    oreally? b:pleased

    Le Crimson
  • Persephone - Harshlands
    Persephone - Harshlands Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    My simple reason GM's do not do much about people botting: most people who bot are huge cash shop users, and basically make GMs rich. GMs are like corrupt police and should themselves be banned. lolol. b:chuckle
  • Free - Harshlands
    Free - Harshlands Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    funny, how all the qqme try to defend the botters, pretty obvious that they bot too, allow it or botted in the past. beside about loosing cash via g8s... actually if u bot and dont get banned, im sure u have to put alot more cash into the game than 4 g8... and hell g8... u got g6 easy via jolly event, making g8 wasnt that expensive afterwards... im sure nyt or QQ or other heavy jolly event shoppers should be able to make 20 g8 via the stones they got.

    so pls stop making stupid comments, the video proves and if u r too stupid to accept it and try to help the game get clean of bots, shut at least up like all the other botters, which dont wanna show themselves
  • d33m0n101
    d33m0n101 Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I really don't care in which guild botters are.. QQme, Crimson, Kylin, etc .. doesn't matter. All botters should be banned! I mean... perma banned. Not only for like 3 days or so.

    So far I see only Crimson doing atleast something against botters. Looks like QQme is the only guild that deffends botters. Maybe because they have the most botters in.

    Anyways.. doesn't matter. If GM's don't start working on this problem.. well then this server soon is botters heaven and well.. dead since lots of players does not accept this bs and will just leave.

    Or option two what might happen.. a lot of more players start botting since GM's don't do anything to stop them.. means.. boting is allowd.
  • icew1nd
    icew1nd Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    ashez wrote: » all honesty, if anything we should allow QQme to bot more!!
    Coz apparently all the botting in the world still doesn't help 'em in TW :o
    Maybe try Google "PvP Bot" and hope you find something..? wakakakaka

    Schooled by ze "carebears"

    what??? 'master's of pvp' got schooled by 'carebears' ? b:surrender

    QQme owns crimson 6 vs 20??? crimson can't win equal numbers? b:surrender

    crimson only knows zerging in TW? guess who always zerged in that TW. b:surrender
  • Martin - Harshlands
    Martin - Harshlands Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    missqq wrote: »
    There's only 360 degrees.


    sorry, just had to say something. 31257 degrees is possible, you can exceed 360 degrees...
    PvE = F2P PvP = P2P
  • Pyrotessa - Lost City
    Pyrotessa - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Nothing new under the sun... every people on the server already knows that QQme has no particular rule against botter/scammers, any of them is more than welcome to their ranks. In fact, from what i heard, both their leader and director have been surprised botting and reported more than once. b:surrender
  • Starrr - Harshlands
    Starrr - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Here's your answer Antihero which concealment (fistme) has posted

    fistme will never reply to anyone in game except a GM, that's how he is, has been and will always be in any mmo.

    you sure about that? was whining at me and anti for 30 minutes after we killed him 10 times before. and besides according to your logic that video was no proof of botting either since they are not required to respond to any crimson idiots.
    Staring at the wall is much more rewarding than playing PW.
  • Starrr - Harshlands
    Starrr - Harshlands Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    First: I talk, u talk, we all talkb:victory

    Second: U never rolled me 1 on 1 only 3 on 1b:bye

    Third: Kitting only stun, stun, stun and telling me "destroing ur charm" its pathetic especially when ur stun arrow hits 200 +/-

    Please teach me to play

    i saw that one. what i seem to remember is that fail stuntkiller hitting and running back to sz then talking about how he was so great.
    Staring at the wall is much more rewarding than playing PW.
  • Skeptical - Harshlands
    Skeptical - Harshlands Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    icew1nd wrote: »
    what??? 'master's of pvp' got schooled by 'carebears' ? b:surrender

    QQme owns crimson 6 vs 20??? crimson can't win equal numbers? b:surrender

    crimson only knows zerging in TW? guess who always zerged in that TW. b:surrender

    3 hour war =/= schooled last I checked. In fact, 3 hours is about as even as it gets. I'm willing to bet you didn't even attend that war if you're saying we got 'schooled'. Don't speak where you don't belong.

    Crimson didn't win equal numbers, lawl. Nobody won. Not QQme, and not you.

    80 vs 80 isn't zerging, fyi. l2 mathz.
  • Aurian - Harshlands
    Aurian - Harshlands Posts: 538 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Most of u didnt understand but what he said was "Come get it, Come get it motha ****a, come get it"

    I loled
    i saw that one. what i seem to remember is that fail stuntkiller hitting and running back to sz then talking about how he was so great.

    It was funnyb:pleased
  • Walterthewf - Harshlands
    Walterthewf - Harshlands Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    3 hour war =/= schooled last I checked. In fact, 3 hours is about as even as it gets. I'm willing to bet you didn't even attend that war if you're saying we got 'schooled'. Don't speak where you don't belong.

    Crimson didn't win equal numbers, lawl. Nobody won. Not QQme, and not you.

    80 vs 80 isn't zerging, fyi. l2 mathz.

    I don't think you understand.

    Victory was never out of question as far as defending.
    I know defending is a lot easier, but as far as that SPECIFIC attack vs defend war, it wasn't even close.
This discussion has been closed.