Sick of veno steriotype



  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I find that now that I have hell skills, I sometimes have to use MP pots. Also, its really nice not having to use hp pots cuz now I can spam them during pvp.

    Also, someone in there said solo hh isn't really is. Just kinda boring. But of course a lot of people just use a heavy thing to hold down their heal pet button and watch the magic happen.

    Oh and pvp...I can kill a lot of people without moving, and just sending my pet around. Most of the time i'm not really even paying that much attention, anything that's not 9x just dies for the most part.
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm gonna have to agree with Crucifix.

    The only acceptable excuses for a veno to be out of money are:

    -I just bought a herc
    -I just bought a phoenix
    -I just bought a whole new tier worth of gear
    -I just leveled every single skill I have
    -I don't know how to properly play my class to it's fullest potential.
    Seems you're doing something terrible wrong if your a veno and have big repairs/pot bills. Why would u wanna tank the mobs yourself when u have a pet for it b:shocked

    To me its a huge waste when a veno dont know how to use their pets full potential. And how the hell do you have 2 mobs on you? Is it that you don't pay attention to mobs in the area, or is it that u wanna kill several mobs at the same time? You can just use herc to aoe you know. Or maybe you cant afford a herc b/c you're tanking 2 mobs all the time and have to spam pots lol.

    I don't have any repair costs at all and don't spend many mp pots, just occasionally have to get new hp-charm from farming hh80/90 b:surrender

    I dont want a damn herc I have no SOF OR PF but i coulf have both tonight if I want. I swear to god PWI is full of greedy people. All any of you see when you see a veno is coin. Tell me something what is that coin worth? Nothing thats what. I could go out and have my uncle spend $2k on gold and sell it and have all the coin I want. A game is about having fun not makeing a worthless in game currency.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I dont want a damn herc I have no SOF OR PF but i coulf have both tonight if I want. I swear to god PWI is full of greedy people. All any of you see when you see a veno is coin. Tell me something what is that coin worth? Nothing thats what. I could go out and have my uncle spend $2k on gold and sell it and have all the coin I want. A game is about having fun not makeing a worthless in game currency.

    to some having fun is uh w/e you do, to some having fun is competing with others on some sense, do you not see pvp , tw, pk wars, trying to get good gear, a high level, would those all be classified as greed to you?
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    to some having fun is uh w/e you do, to some having fun is competing with others on some sense, do you not see pvp , tw, pk wars, trying to get good gear, a high level, would those all be classified as greed to you?

    No saying I'm wrong or don't know what I'm doing cause I dont worry about coin is being a greedy person. Just because all you want is coin don't make others wrong for not caring about it. Does it??

    Mosz you have to admit all they are saying is about the coin I'm not makeing. You can ask mystic I know how to play my veno and make coin whenever I want something. I also know how I like to play my veno.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What everyone is saying is that you are making it hard on yourself. A veno doesnt need to use pots heiro etc and if u choose to fight in a way that does require them it doesnt change the fact that they dont typically need them it simply means you are making it hard on urself.

    Its like someone telling a gunman they kill people from range and dont get hurt and the gunman replying "Im sick of people telling me i dont get hurt!!! I run up to people and whack them with my gun and they scratch, punch or kick me sometimes so i do get hurt!!" It doesnt mean what the person said is any less true just means said gunman is an idiot who likes to make things hard for himself.
    Official Guild History

  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What everyone is saying is that you are making it hard on yourself. A veno doesnt need to use pots heiro etc and if u choose to fight in a way that does require them it doesnt change the fact that they dont typically need them it simply means you are making it hard on urself.

    Its like someone telling a gunman they kill people from range and dont get hurt and the gunman replying "Im sick of people telling me i dont get hurt!!! I run up to people and whack them with my gun and they scratch, punch or kick me sometimes so i do get hurt!!" It doesnt mean what the person said is any less true just means said gunman is an idiot who likes to make things hard for himself.
    So I shouldn't like a challenge. BTW the gunman thing dont rightly fit cause of the fox side of veno. There are basicly 3 types of veno. Fox, arcane, and hybrid.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Hazardus - Heavens Tear
    Hazardus - Heavens Tear Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So I shouldn't like a challenge.
    Not at all challenges are a good thing.
    There are basicly 3 types of veno. Fox, arcane, and hybrid.
    Yes I know all three types.

    I see you have fun making the game more challenging and that is fine.

    But just because you like it that way doesn't mean everyone else will. For e.g. the fox form veno, if often ignored by so many veno players.

    A fox form is actually a better party based veno than a pure int one. Whilst having its own merits its still overlooked by 90% of the veno crowd since its not as solo-able or levels a tad slower than a full int veno might.

    Also 'fun' is a relative thing and to many fun = hording coin so you can have the best/rarest/oddest/pointless items.

    You have a choice. You choose to fight mobs in a challenging way and have fun doing it. Most people wouldn't, but you do, thats important.
    As a barb can I just up and say, hmm I wanna kill mobs without any repair bills? Answer, no.

    The veno is one of the most diverse and flexible characters in PW, and is meant to make hordes more money than any other class since, its also meant to have more expense than any other class i.e. pet food and skills. I cant imagine what it' cost me if I had to feed something every five minutes.
    But now with things like Xmas blessings, that expense is gone.
    Also legendary pets add to the imbalance. A veno can easy grind 20mil from lvl10-50. Hmm, maybe a Barb/BM could too by say lvl60. Now you have a fantastic item that those 20mil can be spent on. What do I do with my 20mil?
    A full set of latest and best and heavy refined gear and weps and jewelry cannot some close to what an asset a herc is to a veno. Hmm, maybe war souls might, but they'd cost more like 200mil+.

    Skills. All classes pay through their nose for skills. In fact looking at ecatomb I find that skill costs are the same for pretty much all classes. I cant afford to level my skills. I level maybe one every three or four levels now.

    Someone said having 300K in the bank is not rich. It bloody well is, I've been down to 5k in the bank before b:surrender.

    No other class can solo TT like venos. I once got it into my head to solo TT1-1. I died before I could even make it to the first boss. Why? I cant lure one by one like a veno. I got ganged.

    I think venos will continue to be the subject of envy until they introduce some items, CS or otherwise that will equate to a herc for other classes.
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    So I shouldn't like a challenge. BTW the gunman thing dont rightly fit cause of the fox side of veno. There are basicly 3 types of veno. Fox, arcane, and hybrid.

    Fox, arcane, and hybrid? what do you mean?

    The only really useful fox form skills are purge and amp damage most of the time. Stunning blow for those archers who like to get ranged and there's that accuracy thing for melees I guess.

    does it make me a hybrid because I use purge and amp? or because I switch back and forth from fox form to run fast?

    I dunno, I find enough challenge collecting coins to buy gear so that I can actually compete with someone with a +6 bow.
  • Daerys - Sanctuary
    Daerys - Sanctuary Posts: 1,022 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I dont want a damn herc

    That is hands down the single most **** statement ever uttered by a Venomancer.

    A game is about having fun not makeing a worthless in game currency.

    Is it fun wearing level 40 gear at 60? Is it fun doing half the damage that you should be? Is it fun walking everywhere when you could get a mount? Is it fun dragging everyone you play with down by being a gimp?

    Personally I enjoy being good at my class, and part of that means spending a lot of coin. I guess I'm just weird that way.
  • nocturnalbastard
    nocturnalbastard Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    If there's one stereotype I'm sick of more than a red named veno flying on a cockatrice with a nix is the complaining veno.
  • Damewort - Sanctuary
    Damewort - Sanctuary Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Fox, arcane, and hybrid? what do you mean?

    I think she meant fox, caster and hybrid (basing on skills).
    Fox - mostly fox tree spells and maybe few caster spells (bramble, for example)
    Caster - mostly caster spells and few maybe few most important fox skills (purge, for example)
    Hybrid - Has lvled up both trees and fights depending on situation. Mostly some of the skills are underleveled.
    Foxes gets bigger repair bills than casters and hybrids as they more tend to fight with their pet not to hide behind them. I tend to fight with my pet, so I get hit time after time, so usually I have around 5-7k repair bills after 1hr of killing. Not sure is it much for venos or not.

    @Tigriss - challenges are fun. Just remember that there is a border between looking for challenges and stupidity. One thing is facing challenging situations, but other thing is making yourself problems to have challenges. I can understand that you aren't playing game to earn in-game coins, just don't forget that you need money for necessary items - armor, weapon and skills. Btw, earn some coins and try Cube of Fate - that will be a challenge for you :)

    @Daerys - Veno with out legendary pet is still a veno. Veno-moneymaker isn't the only reason why ppl play venos. Not wanting to have herc is ok too. Difference is between not wanting it because you don't feel need for it and not wanting it because of some silly principle.
    (yea, I am one of venos who doesn't have herc and who isn't really aiming to get one as I don't feel need for it. When I feel need for it, then I will get it)
  • Isala - Sanctuary
    Isala - Sanctuary Posts: 1,607 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm going to say it, and I know I'm going to get flamed...

    But stop whining. Those stereotypes are there for a reason, and you know what, time after time after time after time, they are proven to be TRUE. Yeah, there are poor venos, that can't do all the amazing and shiny things that other venos who can simply play PW while they are sleeping can. Guess what? I'm one of those poor venos. I chose that for myself. I'm always tweaking my gear, several different sets worth, I might add, I'm always buying new skills, both for me, and my pets, which my tank happens to be a Magmite, by the way, not a herc. I'm never going to get a herc.

    Don't like the stereotypes, too bad. Not all of them are bad, and some deserved to be lived up to. Every class has it's own stereotypes, and you see them every time a topic like this is resurrected for another go around. Example, "I want to Crit like an Archer" Minus those HA Archers, most Archers Crit a LOT. So, that's a TRUE stereotype. "Wizard is a hard class to play." Yes. Wizard is a very difficult class to learn. It comes with a difficulty curve. Everyone who has ever played a wizard will tell you that, or to STFU and learn to play your class (IE, babies do not play wizards). So, that's another TRUE stereotype.

    Venos, when played like the norm, are the money making class. We wear robes, and pump all unnecessary points into Mag. Then, we get a very powerful tank, and go kill things, and kill things, and kill more things, amassing a small fortune. Do all Venos play like that? Not a chance. I'm probably an "Abomination". I'm kinda proud of it. Compared to the normal Veno, I'm a joke to a lot of people. You see me QQing about what people say should be the norm? I don't think so. I've found my niche in this game. I know where I belong, and I don't let the opinions of others get me down.

    Oh, and on the note of Venos with excuses to be broke? I'm broke right now, because I'm saving up a couple millions to pay a cleric for a favor. b:chuckle
  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Seems you're doing something terrible wrong if your a veno and have big repairs/pot bills. Why would u wanna tank the mobs yourself when u have a pet for it b:shocked

    To me its a huge waste when a veno dont know how to use their pets full potential. And how the hell do you have 2 mobs on you? Is it that you don't pay attention to mobs in the area, or is it that u wanna kill several mobs at the same time? You can just use herc to aoe you know. Or maybe you cant afford a herc b/c you're tanking 2 mobs all the time and have to spam pots lol.

    I don't have any repair costs at all and don't spend many mp pots, just occasionally have to get new hp-charm from farming hh80/90 b:surrender

    Arcane Mage venos that manage to never get hit because they hide behind their herc/golem shouldn't have big repair bills.

    Hybrid venos, Fox Form venos, and Arcane Mage venos (yes, they don't have to hide behind their pet all the time) that don't hide behind their pet will have big repair bills from time to time.

    Something I find intriguing happens to be that while there are three different general builds for venomancers, and many ways to play a venomancer, everyone always looks at the venomancer class and treats most venomancers as if they were Arcane Mage Venomancers.

    To me, it's a huge waste when someone makes statements about someone else's play style simply because it's different from their own even though that play style is successful for that player.
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    That is hands down the single most **** statement ever uttered by a Venomancer..
    Why do I need a cash shop pet?? To solo TT early?? I didn't get my golen till I was in my 40s. Herc may be a legendary pet. That don't mean venos have to have it. I'd much rather have my golem then a pet that is constanly sitting and molesting itself.

    Is it fun wearing level 40 gear at 60? Is it fun doing half the damage that you should be? Is it fun walking everywhere when you could get a mount? Is it fun dragging everyone you play with down by being a gimp?

    Personally I enjoy being good at my class, and part of that means spending a lot of coin. I guess I'm just weird that way.

    I been mostly running around in 3* gears through out my lvls. How?? I save all mats I get and make and make gears till I get ones I like. Don't take much coin either. BTW I'm also flying around on a Flametalon. No desire for a land mount well atleast till we get ninetails. All my skills are maxed as far as I can get them. So how the hell and i dragging anyone down?? Just cause I don't care about coin dont mean my stuff aint leet. I have no pot expenses. I use the ones I find and pay for charms. When I need to lvl skills I go spend 110k or less on gold get pet packs open sell to other player rinse and repeat till I have enough for my skills or the gold trade runs out of low priced gold.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    i agree with a lot of what you have to say here...thank you!

    and i have some points/comments i would like to make to posters here in general and particular:

    a. please dont say that one veno is better than another/plays better/etc. no one here knows what that person's homelife is like/how much time/attention they have to give to the game. maybe they just like being able to run around their with their pets, level a little when they feel like it, or whatever. *that is their choice*, and no one has the right to feel superior to another player because of the amount of time/money/toys they have ingame. the money i have in the bank right now is what is left from selling my beloved shadou cub...i saw no choice but to do so, to be able to get ahead of bills enough to begin to level up everything. i also help out my children from time to time, especially when someone ingame takes advantage of them and robs/scams them, or if they need something that they have been working toward, but not been able to get, etc.

    b. i am becoming damn sick and tired of the growing attitude that if someone doesnt have a cash shop pet that they are not serious about the game, or trying hard enough, or 'wasting' money on fashion. i for one do not like the sexist way the devs designed womens armour, turning us all into skin toys for males to drool over. i am a practicing Roman Catholic, and i will dress my characters, to cover that armour. yes it costs-ingame coin and real money. but i feel its important, and no one has the right to critizise my choices. others can do what they like-just because i dont approve or like what others wear, does not mean i am going to interfere. i dont do that, and have never done it ingame.

    c. there also seems to be a growing trend toward dissing players who do not have hercs, to prefer those who do when choosing FB teams,etc, leaving out the fact that there are many who have pets that have skills that are as good or better than a herc. this is not fair to others, and i hope that this doesnt continue.

    d. but i have noted a problem that i think that new owners of hercs may not be aware of...your big yellow babes are faster than many of our more ordinary pets, and as a result, wind up KSing owners of caught pets. this is a real problem in areas where there is more than one looks like the herc owners do ok with each other (not sure, since im not one, nore likely to be), but the rest of us have trouble getting the mobs we need because your guys again and again zoom in on a kill while ours is still rumbling his way to it. yes, i could send in my dharma, but she cant take the beating that a golem i have to start using her as my tank, just to be able keep the kills i need from being accidently stolen by a big yellow guy?

    please, when out hunting, look around you, take note of what other players are in your area, and what sort of pet they are using, and adjust your hunting so that all can share the mobs in the area without there being a problem of KSing.

    to sum it up...i am a veno. i play as a fox in FBs, caster when i am in areas where my long range spells will keep my pet and i safest, and run as a fox with them when i simply want to enjoy the experience of being lithe, swift and beautiful, with beautiful and fun pets. this game gives us the chance to be what we cannot be IRL, and that is why i am here, and to hopefully enjoy the company of others who feel the same way....though it seems that only the angry people frequent this forum....b:sad

    I'm going to say it, and I know I'm going to get flamed...

    But stop whining. Those stereotypes are there for a reason, and you know what, time after time after time after time, they are proven to be TRUE. Yeah, there are poor venos, that can't do all the amazing and shiny things that other venos who can simply play PW while they are sleeping can. Guess what? I'm one of those poor venos. I chose that for myself. I'm always tweaking my gear, several different sets worth, I might add, I'm always buying new skills, both for me, and my pets, which my tank happens to be a Magmite, by the way, not a herc. I'm never going to get a herc.

    Don't like the stereotypes, too bad. Not all of them are bad, and some deserved to be lived up to. Every class has it's own stereotypes, and you see them every time a topic like this is resurrected for another go around. Example, "I want to Crit like an Archer" Minus those HA Archers, most Archers Crit a LOT. So, that's a TRUE stereotype. "Wizard is a hard class to play." Yes. Wizard is a very difficult class to learn. It comes with a difficulty curve. Everyone who has ever played a wizard will tell you that, or to STFU and learn to play your class (IE, babies do not play wizards). So, that's another TRUE stereotype.

    Venos, when played like the norm, are the money making class. We wear robes, and pump all unnecessary points into Mag. Then, we get a very powerful tank, and go kill things, and kill things, and kill more things, amassing a small fortune. Do all Venos play like that? Not a chance. I'm probably an "Abomination". I'm kinda proud of it. Compared to the normal Veno, I'm a joke to a lot of people. You see me QQing about what people say should be the norm? I don't think so. I've found my niche in this game. I know where I belong, and I don't let the opinions of others get me down.

    Oh, and on the note of Venos with excuses to be broke? I'm broke right now, because I'm saving up a couple millions to pay a cleric for a favor. b:chuckle
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This whole thread makes me so glad I play on a pvp server.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    This whole thread makes me so glad I play on a pvp server.

    Why is that? Is it because no one on a pvp server can actually play and enjoy the game for fun? They can't try out new builds, and take their time playing? They are forced to have no individuality whatsoever and be exactly like everyone else on the server or you gank them 24/7 for being different.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Eorween - Heavens Tear
    Eorween - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    blah blah blah..all i see is bI4tching and whinning little TARS.
    if you dont like the class dont play
    if you dont like anyone have any advantage over you in the game quit.
    cause some other class always will.
    if you dont like other people in *YOUR* spot of grind go play a single player game.
    If you dont make enough coins in game for your needs, go buy some gold.
    if you too cheap to buy gold, STFU

    *you are those that want everything free and pay nothing for it*
    *still complains when things are free*
    *next you want other people to do things for you free*

    what the hell do you people think that anything is right or wrong or fair.
    do you people think you are the **** in you are NOT so why do you think it be that way in a game.

    grow the hell up, play or dont play.
    if you think you can change PWI's way of designing the game do so, so we dont have to heard you complain who*es
  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    blah blah blah..all i see is bI4tching and whinning little TARS.
    if you dont like the class dont play
    if you dont like anyone have any advantage over you in the game quit.
    cause some other class always will.
    if you dont like other people in *YOUR* spot of grind go play a single player game.
    If you dont make enough coins in game for your needs, go buy some gold.
    if you too cheap to buy gold, STFU

    *you are those that want everything free and pay nothing for it*
    *still complains when things are free*
    *next you want other people to do things for you free*

    what the hell do you people think that anything is right or wrong or fair.
    do you people think you are the **** in you are NOT so why do you think it be that way in a game.

    grow the hell up, play or dont play.
    if you think you can change PWI's way of designing the game do so, so we dont have to heard you complain who*es

    All I see is your standard cut and paste statement. Why do I have a feeling you didnt read anything anyone posted in this thread?

    Oh and where is the report button at?? You know so I can report her for typing in a manner bypassing the filter.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Why is that? Is it because no one on a pvp server can actually play and enjoy the game for fun? They can't try out new builds, and take their time playing? They are forced to have no individuality whatsoever and be exactly like everyone else on the server or you gank them 24/7 for being different.
    finally something agreeable.

    yes PVP server players have such a superiority complex.... what makes you any better? theres nothing "pro" about being killed by some whiny high end geared jerk 24/7 just because theyre having a bad day. the whole kill or be killed makes it sound almost entirely annoying to start in. i go PVE because PVP causes too much drama, look at our tw guilds here, and how unstable and drama queenish they are.

  • Tigriss - Heavens Tear
    Tigriss - Heavens Tear Posts: 760 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    finally something agreeable.

    yes PVP server players have such a superiority complex.... what makes you any better? theres nothing "pro" about being killed by some whiny high end geared jerk 24/7 just because theyre having a bad day. the whole kill or be killed makes it sound almost entirely annoying to start in. i go PVE because PVP causes too much drama, look at our tw guilds here, and how unstable and drama queenish they are.


    Tear look at what servers most of the people that are saying I'm and idiot for how I like to play are from. Kill or be killed, WTH are we just a bunch of beast?? Of course you know I'm agreeing with Tear and ZOE.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"
    Thankies Crystalynnex
  • Bigroach - Harshlands
    Bigroach - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm getting soo sick of other classes telling me I dont kill my pet does. or I don't get high rapair bills. or I don't need pots cause my pet takes all the damage. I'm sorry to tell you other classes but not all us Venos hid behind our pets. Wile my pet is killing one thing I'm killing another. So shut up about what I dont get or take cause of me having a pet. Cause I do get high repair bills. I do take lots of damage. Most of the time I got two mobs on me when my pet has one. SO STFU!!!!!!!!!b:angryb:angry

    i agree most venos do use thier pets like a romian shield but if u really ask urself y ur pet is diein its really ur fult pets r ppl too!!!not damn shields!
  • Bigroach - Harshlands
    Bigroach - Harshlands Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    n fact if tha pets **** ppl off so much y not inorge tha damn pet n chase tha veno like she robbed yo mama?
  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Why is that? Is it because no one on a pvp server can actually play and enjoy the game for fun? They can't try out new builds, and take their time playing? They are forced to have no individuality whatsoever and be exactly like everyone else on the server or you gank them 24/7 for being different.
    finally something agreeable.

    yes PVP server players have such a superiority complex.... what makes you any better? theres nothing "pro" about being killed by some whiny high end geared jerk 24/7 just because theyre having a bad day. the whole kill or be killed makes it sound almost entirely annoying to start in. i go PVE because PVP causes too much drama, look at our tw guilds here, and how unstable and drama queenish they are.


    I guess its just a different mindset. I love the drama. Mostly I just get bored of the PVE aspect of this game easily. And yes, I have tried different things besides the norm, I have fox form skills and I've spent time just grinding in fox form. Its not really that much different.

    I don't see why there isn't individuality on a pvp server. Especially talking about venos. They're the only class who can wear robe, LA, or heavy and still be viable in endgame pvp.

    w/e i don't really feel like arguing today, its nice and sunny out. have fun with whatever you do and it doesn't matter to me.

    Tear look at what servers most of the people that are saying I'm and idiot for how I like to play are from. Kill or be killed, WTH are we just a bunch of beast?? Of course you know I'm agreeing with Tear and ZOE.

    When you're agreeing with zoe you know there's something wrong with your argument.
  • mbrunestud
    mbrunestud Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    blah blah blah..all i see is bI4tching and whinning little TARS.
    if you dont like the class dont play
    if you dont like anyone have any advantage over you in the game quit.
    cause some other class always will.
    if you dont like other people in *YOUR* spot of grind go play a single player game.
    If you dont make enough coins in game for your needs, go buy some gold.
    if you too cheap to buy gold, STFU

    *you are those that want everything free and pay nothing for it*
    *still complains when things are free*
    *next you want other people to do things for you free*

    what the hell do you people think that anything is right or wrong or fair.
    do you people think you are the **** in you are NOT so why do you think it be that way in a game.

    grow the hell up, play or dont play.
    if you think you can change PWI's way of designing the game do so, so we dont have to heard you complain who*es

    this should've been in the supply box is not a gift waaaaah thread...that would've been like...poifect

    you cant really blame people for making a statement about the veno class that is true when the player plays the class to its fullest potential. i know for a fact that archers are also cheap and efficient when grinding, i also sometimes like fight mobs with swords (dont rip my head off fellow archers, its str req is within the my str+4 limit) just for the heck of it and end up with massive hurt and repair costs, but i still accept that archers are cheap when grinding because well, its true when i spam frost + autoattack all day. theres nothing wrong with some stereotypes, its only bad when people hate you for it; and when that happens, its those people who have problems, not the fact that the stereotype itself exists
  • Voices - Lost City
    Voices - Lost City Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Instead of substantiating that classes were hard to play, you decided to undermine my position not by refuting my position, but by attacking the level of the character I choose to post on. When you learn to refrain from making such attacks we might get somewhere, until then, do be quiet. b:bye

    Who the hell are you? Do you even know what this thread is about? You're talking about ad hominems when the rest of us are laying seige to the easy2play class. You're the little **** kid who accidentally took a wrong turn out of the parade and you're desperately clinging to me wanting me to go with you.

    No sir, there's a manhole. Go take a dive would you?

    And to the rest, carry on.
  • OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear
    OMGLAZERZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Who the hell are you? Do you even know what this thread is about? You're talking about ad hominems when the rest of us are laying seige to the easy2play class. You're the little **** kid who accidentally took a wrong turn out of the parade and you're desperately clinging to me wanting me to go with you.

    No sir, there's a manhole. Go take a dive would you?

    And to the rest, carry on.

    You really should watch what you say since blatantly flaming someone like that contributes nothing to the thread. Maybe you shouldn't be posting in this thread since you are unable to contribute anything of value.
  • Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
    Tearvalerin - Sanctuary Posts: 3,787 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I don't see why there isn't individuality on a pvp server. Especially talking about venos. They're the only class who can wear robe, LA, or heavy and still be viable in endgame pvp.

    3 1582 Wizard Ayano-chan Sanctuary Legendary <- from kill list on our server. (how a stupid veno moved ahead of him and vert ill never know.. killing alts maybe :D?)

    hes light armor :P. i dont agree with your statement, i know plenty of LA wizards good at pvp.
  • XPapewaiox - Lost City
    XPapewaiox - Lost City Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    When you're agreeing with zoe you know there's something wrong with your argument.

    YM just ended the thread. GG. If you don't believe me, read Zoe's (from PvE server) signature.
  • Foxraikov_ - Heavens Tear
    Foxraikov_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    and coming here whining about it, achieves....what? nothing
    just pay it no mind and enjoy the game
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]When I am defeated in this battle a truth will be born in this world. And a fleeting dream will transform, slowly filling with color. And only when this ordeal is finally overcome, will my soul at last be allowed to leave my physical body. Then let us test it. Whether Whether my spirit can become a lance... capable of piercing through every one of you. We'll see if I am truly such a weak human being!

    6/20/10 Last day
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