Next to fail



  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    What makes you say sin sucks? they look ok to me.
    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste:
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • _miyuki_ - Harshlands
    _miyuki_ - Harshlands Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    from what I see I will judge we are all free to our opinionb:pleased who knows maybe as time pasess they may get better or just stay as is
  • Corwin - Harshlands
    Corwin - Harshlands Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail

    This word has now been used 182 times in this thread.

    That is the exact number of times another f-word was used in the movie scarface.
  • Uiztrollin - Harshlands
    Uiztrollin - Harshlands Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I still want to hear from Icon or Godsfear about the KoS...
    Echo started it all and he is not in Kingdom anymore. So i guess the KoS will be lifted on both sides..

    O well back to holding hands b:surrender
    Still, losing 5 members isnt failing
    "oh my you were 200 now you're 195, fail!"

    My contacts tell me as of last night it was at 17x.

    inb4 ss or you iz lying.
  • Alex - Harshlands
    Alex - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yes, those members did leave, I expected Alex and Legend to leave since their second day in Kingdom, it stoped at the last one on that screenshot.

    Only one ill miss is Echo

    I expect me and Legend to leave the more we kept hearing From Echo how you treat him and talk to him. "Echo go run HH for me NOW or else". "Echo, i'm demoting you because you only ran 50 HH's for me today instead of 70". God forbid the guy wanted to go level himself for a change, you'd throw a fit at him and scream at the poor guy.

    Personally if you even tried that with me i'd KoS your entire guild until none of you wanted to play anymore, but Echo's a nice guy so we tolerated your BS for his sake. All the KoS you started, we dominated for you. We didn't start any, but we helped win them.

    Then Echo starts spending more and more time with me and Legend zhenning, oh oh no good for Icon who wont have anyone to run HH and cube for him. Because Icon doesn't do that himself, no no no he's too busy leveling himself up and using Echo to do the work he should be doing himself.

    Echo was the leader of Kingdom, not Icon. Echo's the one who dealt with drama, did everything for everyone and held the guild together, and this little ****-ant Icon person is constantly putting him down over it. This idiot even refused the whole guild TW pay because a few people that were there shouldn't have been there (even thought TW was won in 26 minutes). Then quickly flipped it around and decided to pay when members started leaving.

    I'm not going to bring up all of your dirty laundry Icon, i don't really care to be honest. We spent all our time in Kingdom playing with Crimson people anyway. By the way, that world boss you brought the guild to kill, the one that took you all 3 hours to kill, everyone got something right? all went to you, there's a shocker. Kingdom is "Icon goes to lvl, while the rest of you do my job for me".

    You better hope Echo never makes a post telling everyone the truth about kingdom or you will lose your guild. By the way, maybe you should try talking to people on "vent" instead of being a keyboard hero. I never once heard you talk to me or Legend about anything, or echo for that matter. You just type type type because it allows you to say what you want. If you want to lead men, then act like one.

    Crimson is now the super power of the server hands down. Which works out since barba is a much better leader than Icon.
  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Wow that's harsh b:shutup
    I'm not going to bring up all of your dirty laundry Icon, i don't really care to be honest. We spent all our time in Kingdom playing with Crimson people anyway.

    Aaaaaaw b:cool
    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste:
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • Alex - Harshlands
    Alex - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Wow that's harsh b:shutup

    Aaaaaaw b:cool

    Sophi being one of the Crimson people we always zhen with. Mmmm Sophi.... b:dirty
  • Eragon - Harshlands
    Eragon - Harshlands Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    If you cant beat em, join em.


    After= kingdomh.png
  • Icon - Harshlands
    Icon - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Alex I have nothing to say too you, I dont like you, your loud so you think your liked. You never helped the faction, and you just enjoyed pvp for your own selfestime.

    You pked guildies, and act as if Ii should be praised to be in your presence? you dont impress me.

    Echo wanted to be in charge of HH, he asked for it funny enough he actually said to me " you go level ill do hh". Though guess what I still to date haveone more HH then him, you have a biasis opinion because he helped you. I never ordered him to do anything, he did it or he asked for it. Cube was his deal paying deity back for helping him buy a pet. Only time he was domoted when he was "****".He was in vent with you when you were attacking guildies, so I asked him wtf was he doing letting that ego stuff go down continually by you? because not everyone can see though your bs alex like I can.

    A faction of 200 cannot work unless everyone helps a little.
    Blade Echo and I pulled 95% of the weight we all wanted to crash and echo just did.

    You got help from people there because I did my job, you got to party with Crimson because I did my job, so dont question my leadership nothing would have happened had I not made a faction and put system in place. What you dont get is actually how much I do and did, forum vent every diplomatic innerguild issues hh recruitment bosses, so why dont you actually grow up and understand your voice dosnt mean anything till you do something that helps someone besides yourself because selfish people like you, alex, are why Kingdom has problems that overload onto a few.
  • Turnaround - Lost City
    Turnaround - Lost City Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2009
  • Referee - Harshlands
    Referee - Harshlands Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well I guess that's Kingdom going down. I did predict they'll fail like a couple of weeks back.
  • Armageddon - Harshlands
    Armageddon - Harshlands Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    wow Perdition on the fail list..ouch that hurts. Only reason we "failed" was cuz i went away for 2weeks and when i came back the guild joined Kingdom, but trust me wer not dead or weak. yeah im low lvl but my old guildies are still loyal and stronger than ever, so dont b surprised if Perdition comes back stronger and better
  • Jeffreys - Harshlands
    Jeffreys - Harshlands Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    everyone shhh!!! stay peaceb:cry

    i like everyoneb:kiss
    [Kylin Organizer]Having Fun In The New Serverb:thanks
  • Shinigamii - Harshlands
    Shinigamii - Harshlands Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    When will we be on the decent list hehe.. ^__^

    I'm trying hard.
    Death Note Rule #18
    A god of death cannot be killed even if stabbed in his heart with a knife or shot in the head with a gun. However, there are ways to kill a god of death, which are not generally known to the gods of death.
  • dieho
    dieho Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Oooh more insults from the one who roll me 15 on 1 and I roll 33 on 1, sadly you ignore all the previous posts in which you got trashed :D
    If kingdom is nonfactor then so am I rofl.

    Ah another one of your amazing outnumbering fights in which you roll everyone amazingly but sadly there is no proof.
    Well I'll pull one out of my **** too

    There were 5 LS and 3 pendulum grinding on bats I show up and 1 shot ALL of them then they came back and I 1 shot them all AGAIN then they cried a lot from sz, yes they were in sz and didnt dare come out.
    They drop me 12 g6 shards btw, tyvm.

    looks like literacy is not your strong suit. did i say i was even involved idiot. read again. i was flying overhead and SAW it. oh and read the rest of it you fail again. never said the entire kingdom guild was nonfactor just YOU.

    although kingdom is well on its way to full guild of nonfactors seeing as people are jumping ship every day.
  • Sophia - Harshlands
    Sophia - Harshlands Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Dieho is always around to give a good laugh b:thanks
    Any other 50 vs you that we should know about?

    What's going on in kingdom b:shutup ?
    Pendulum's definition of fair fight:
    Copy and paste:
    "That was a pretty fair fight and liek OMG they got ****ed up." - Wreck talking about the fight in the screenshot.
    "You're the worst mage ever" - Iffy 5 mins before I roll her 1 on 1

    We should keep that in mind next time you're crying in sz.
    Confessions by a SZ hero
  • xtazee
    xtazee Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    What's going on in kingdom b:shutup ?

    The usual drama, people leaving and...urm...well... b:shutup

    I miss Lessie ze troll...still in shock luv?
  • Icon - Harshlands
    Icon - Harshlands Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Lessie isnt in kingdom deiho, I wish she was =P

    Kingdom hasnt failed yet "Citdeal has left the building" they merged into us After we took land, now they are gone, well still be taking land.
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    xtazee wrote: »
    I miss Lessie ze troll...still in shock luv?

    Yeah dinner was so nice, I'm still in shock coz that chef rocks b:chuckle
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • xtazee
    xtazee Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Gief food...naow!!
  • Seleucia - Lost City
    Seleucia - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Diety Dont Leave b:sadb:cryb:surrender
  • Alex - Harshlands
    Alex - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Lessie isnt in kingdom deiho, I wish she was =P

    Kingdom hasnt failed yet "Citdeal has left the building" they merged into us After we took land, now they are gone, well still be taking land.

    Concidering half the people that left with us weren't from Citadel...and the others coming in daily...

    But yea Kingdom's fine. Sunshine and lollipops. They still have enough people to take PvE land. Will be interesting to see in PvP TW thought.


    Stop sending Echo whiney messages everytime one of your members leaves to join us. We're not "trying" to steal members, you're doing a good job on your own losing them.
  • Chioboo - Lost City
    Chioboo - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    icon/image leading a pvp guild ^_^

    thats gonna be funny to watch after all lands are taken
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I'm putting my vote in for Unrivaled to be the next to fail. It's a bunch of RPKing selfish guild hoppers that will all quit shortly. People in the guild will realize that nobody there is willing to help, and will leave.

    Last Stand has a large enough member base to not fail, at least not until they lose all their land.
  • godlike2008
    godlike2008 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yup Unrivaled like to RPK, least try too, i was grinding Cougerets Deprivers when Legend comes along, he unleashed a metal combo on me while i was fighting a mob he hardly scratched me so i carried on killing the mob, after the mob dropped i ran up to him hit him ONCE which ticked his charm and he flew off.....he's getting to that level where archers just suck against BM's, i also think hes 1-2 levels higher.

    Bit of advice mate, get yourself a TT Xbow that may help a bit, slingshots suck pvp =.=
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Well they are a new guild, give'em a week or 2 before you call'em next to fail lol... they aint lastfail.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Yup Unrivaled like to RPK, least try too, i was grinding Cougerets Deprivers when Legend comes along, he unleashed a metal combo on me while i was fighting a mob he hardly scratched me so i carried on killing the mob, after the mob dropped i ran up to him hit him ONCE which ticked his charm and he flew off.....he's getting to that level where archers just suck against BM's, i also think hes 1-2 levels higher.

    Bit of advice mate, get yourself a TT Xbow that may help a bit, slingshots suck pvp =.=

    yep, i said this on their youtube video of 2v7'ing eminence. archers pwn this level and start to get worse as time goes on. wr's get ly and xs and dont miss 3/4 times and 2 shot you with zerg. wbs start to have a godlike amount of hp and accuracy so you get 1 shot periditioned, wf's can finally afford phoenixes after saving up and eps and mgs still suck till 90. the massive sh*t talking is gonna come back to haunt them. then it will be like a replay of lost city. i just hope warhammer doesnt qq on world chat as much this time.
  • Alex - Harshlands
    Alex - Harshlands Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    I'm putting my vote in for Unrivaled to be the next to fail. It's a bunch of RPKing selfish guild hoppers that will all quit shortly. People in the guild will realize that nobody there is willing to help, and will leave.

    Last Stand has a large enough member base to not fail, at least not until they lose all their land.

    I remember one night, you were asking in guild chat for a long time for someone, ANYONE, to come help you with DoD and Slither. Icon was online, heck most of the officers were online, and your request for help was ignored. I also remembered i came to help you do both. Think you d/c'd on DoD thought. I'm glad Icon is sending you to mouth of at me, but at least mouth off something that's true. Rpker means i would randomly kill everyone i saw. If i honestly did that, at my level and class, i'd be rank #1 on the pk board. I'm not.

    See i don't quest, i never did quest, i never asked for any help with any quests. I grinded, and still do. You lower level people chose to do quests, then expect us to run help you do it the instant you need to kill something. You don't care we could be in a zhen on a miji. You don't care we could be pking someone who was pking our members. No all you care about is you want your quest done now.

    How many times has Icon come out to help you with a quest? Exactly. But you won't mention that now will you. Kingdom was not "Alex and Legend's guild". It was, and is, Icon's guild. You should expect the leader to lead, not rely on us to do it for him.

    Disapointing TryAgain...but c'est la vie. Oh and please don't listen to Devoted. Just because he sucked as an archer on LC in the higher levels, does not make it true. Archers never get worst, other classes simply get how they should be. The biggest killer on LC right now is an archer. Call him an exploiter all you want, but he can slap the **** out of everyone. Levels and gear people, levels and gear. Your class does not matter at all if you put in the levels, and the money to refine your gear like crazy.
  • Funkyfatface - Lost City
    Funkyfatface - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    Go on Sanctuary, there is an 8x archer there with a +10 TT80 Xbow, has full TT 80 gear all +5, seen him owned by a BM and barb his level NUMEROUS times, archers get slightly worse after 8x fighting melees and LA users, yes they can still one shot robes, LA wizzes and clerics are a pain in the **** for you, hell i even saw this archer with refined to **** gear in Sanc get one hit by another archer who was lower lvl with a stunning arrow, and his gear was absolutely **** compared, so it has nothing to do with gear, you will just not admit that your class gets slightly worse against anything other than robe users after 8x.

    There is a reason archers are top of the pk rankings on the other servers, that reason being TW's, reason why Bm's and Barbs are usually not high ranked? because the barbs job is to pull cats and when not pulling cats they are a minor DD so therefore usually don't get many kill counts, and the bm's is mostly to stun and dragon a group of people so a wiz or archer can let loose on them and then get the **** outta there, archers rack up silly amounts of kills in PvP TW's cos they can just run around 1 shotting robe users and because they are able to do more damage than most classes so they usually get most of the kill registers.
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited April 2009
    yep and at 90 robes just get harder. although im sure if you cash shop archer isnt as bad as i make them to be xD. dont get me wrong we still **** but nothing compared to how much we **** at 6x and 7x
This discussion has been closed.