Territory news at Sanctuary



  • iamcleric
    iamcleric Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    LMFAO b:chuckle
    slymeria wrote: »
    i meant in general lol. not bashing on you, just that you talk about your guild alot lol

    I would talk about my guild a lot too if we were able to surprise Nef and keep them on their toes. :)

    On a different note, the original poster of this thread is a bit late on his post of current Territory news at Sanctuary. Probably busy in real life.

    That's why on my earlier post, I was looking/asking for his news. (Though TheDan thought of it as negativity). Is it because the original poster is mainly biased towards a certain faction that he is unable to put into words what Nef and other factions (Regicide/Lionsoul) were able to accomplish yesterday? As you can see, some Nef members acknowledged Regicide and Lionsoul for putting up a good fight.

    Please stop the negativity against Nef or any faction at that. If you want to take out NefENDary(registered trademark), please do so with actions (PK or TW or DT or Arena) and be brave enough to accept defeat when victory evades you at the start coz sooner or later, as the wheel of life turns, those who are up can go down and those who are down can go up.
  • slymeria
    slymeria Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What exactly are you referring to? World chat recruits? 'Cause Dan doesn't do much recruiting in World Chat...

    Perhaps you have some... you know... examples?

    He is the faction leader and assumes his role very modestly. Honestly, Regicide is a fairly quite faction on Sanctuary Server. We are all pretty chill and laid-back.

    If anything I would say Dan doesn't talk about his faction enough.
    Sorry, but I don't really know where you are coming from with that post...

    Back on topic, the TW's this week was excellent! I can't wait for next week. Hopefully more factions will join the battle.

    I also wonder: We know Nef has the power to neutralize Legendary, but do they have the power to over-take them? I can't wait for the 2nd week of battle in this war... should be fun ^_^

    my post shouldnt have dictated an argument, nor a response from you. it was directed at TheDan, and he responded to it.

    as for proof, here: I thought people knew how to use this. apparently not. anyways, as i said, it was aimed at dan. if he needed you to jump in to defend him, thats just sad. if you felt the need to jump in and defend him, then thats just as sad. as such, i stated what i wanted. have a problem with it? too bad.

    to avoid making any drama ill withdraw myself from this thread, then. we know what provoking that kind of person can do.b:bye

    (PS: say buhbye to your lands, legendary. i hope you enjoyed your ride)
  • Vi_zexion - Sanctuary
    Vi_zexion - Sanctuary Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    UPDATE OF WEEK 05/04/09

    Week of May 04 2009

    Current Sanctuary TW Map

    This week we saw Nefarious take the second level one city,Thousand Streams.Congrats to Nefarious on their first level 1 city.

    What's up next week on the Sanctuary territory map?

    The last PvE city on Sanctuary has finally been taken.Farewell to those who hoped to attend a PvE in Sanctuary (unless they reset the map or...the wraith strike backb:avoid) now the map is all PvPb:sad.Now the two major guilds are expected to attack each other each week while others will be looking forward to gain back some territories as they challenge the two guild currently on the map.

    Current lead on Territories:

    1stNefarious with 26 territories.

    2ndLegendary with 18 territories.

    To be updated on Monday May 18 2009

    Zexion's quote of the week:"FINALS! TO HELL WITH YOUb:angry"
    In the end all that remains are the good memories you had with them.
  • MorgulLord - Sanctuary
    MorgulLord - Sanctuary Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    That's an incomplete update.

    For those who rely on this update to know whats happening on the server, that information is just 10% of what happened last weekend.

    Primarily, there were attacks on Nefarious from multiple fronts. We saw Legendary breaking the "status quo" to bid on Nefarious' land. We also saw Mpire, LionSoul and Regicide join in on the attacks. Nefarious successfully held off all their attacks.

    Legendary also had its share of defending to do when they successfully defended Dreaming .

    Quite a busy and fun-filled weekend.

    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally...
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I'm curious...why does everyone expect Nef and Leg to attack each other? It would seem to be counter productive. The moment this happened many other factions would jump in and attack one or both hoping to get an "easy" territory.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Vi_zexion - Sanctuary
    Vi_zexion - Sanctuary Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    iamcleric wrote: »
    I would talk about my guild a lot too if we were able to surprise Nef and keep them on their toes. :)

    On a different note, the original poster of this thread is a bit late on his post of current Territory news at Sanctuary. Probably busy in real life.

    That's why on my earlier post, I was looking/asking for his news. (Though TheDan thought of it as negativity). Is it because the original poster is mainly biased towards a certain faction that he is unable to put into words what Nef and other factions (Regicide/Lionsoul) were able to accomplish yesterday? As you can see, some Nef members acknowledged Regicide and Lionsoul for putting up a good fight.

    Please stop the negativity against Nef or any faction at that. If you want to take out NefENDary(registered trademark), please do so with actions (PK or TW or DT or Arena) and be brave enough to accept defeat when victory evades you at the start coz sooner or later, as the wheel of life turns, those who are up can go down and those who are down can go up.

    Yes my bad i can't post this in the morning i have school early anyways about your comment about me been bias take a good at yourself and for the post i've seen from you look at the one who bears judgment on me about been bias your obviously been bias yourself so you have no right to bare judgment on me as you seem to be bias so take a good look at yourself first before judging me you seem to have a negativity towards other guild other then Nefarious and it be really good if people didn't hide behind their "?" avatars before judging others in this thread or any other thread to degrade them.

    On a side note about our fight with Nefarious:

    Great Job Nef you now i've seen why you guys are number one on the map.That has been a long time since we've actually had to fight a 3 hour PvP TW.BigP one one hard barb to take down as to be expected from a Nefarious higher up,sinangel it was nice playing tag with ya sometimesb:chuckle sometimes it was just rawr! and it was a good and fun battle b:pleased
    In the end all that remains are the good memories you had with them.
  • Vi_zexion - Sanctuary
    Vi_zexion - Sanctuary Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    That's an incomplete update.

    For those who rely on this update to know whats happening on the server, that information is just 10% of what happened last weekend.

    Primarily, there were attacks on Nefarious from multiple fronts. We saw Legendary breaking the "status quo" to bid on Nefarious' land. We also saw Mpire, LionSoul and Regicide join in on the attacks. Nefarious successfully held off all their attacks.

    Legendary also had its share of defending to do when they successfully defended Dreaming .

    Quite a busy and fun-filled weekend.


    No need to was already said on previous post but if you want a complete TW cream filled news you forgot Legendary successfully defended again Dreaming and Automous there the 100% report is completed :)
    In the end all that remains are the good memories you had with them.
  • MorgulLord - Sanctuary
    MorgulLord - Sanctuary Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Dont get me wrong, but if you are not going to post a "Report" <which was the original intent of this thread> and expect people read other posts and get the details, why post one at all?

    I think it's either a complete one... or nothing. But then again, thats me.

    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally...
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    What exactly are you referring to? World chat recruits? 'Cause Dan doesn't do much recruiting in World Chat...

    Perhaps you have some... you know... examples?

    He is the faction leader and assumes his role very modestly. Honestly, Regicide is a fairly quite faction on Sanctuary Server. We are all pretty chill and laid-back.

    If anything I would say Dan doesn't talk about his faction enough.
    Sorry, but I don't really know where you are coming from with that post...

    Back on topic, the TW's this week was excellent! I can't wait for next week. Hopefully more factions will join the battle.

    I also wonder: We know Nef has the power to neutralize Legendary, but do they have the power to over-take them? I can't wait for the 2nd week of battle in this war... should be fun ^_^

    We avoid recruiting through world chat, though not because we don't have the 10K coins necessary to use a Teleacoustic, but because people should ask us to join, we shouldn't need to force them in. Personality and reputation will naturally draw interest into any faction. Recruit quality players with the intention of solidifying a good community. Permanent members I'd say. We're not in any sort of desperation at the moment, to shove in any high levels - no questions asked.

    Getting back on topic... I can't even begin to imagine what the TW map would look like maybe 2-3 months from now. We'll just have to wait for the complete news report I guess. b:chuckle

    Bah, half the threads on this server are TW related lol, what happened to all the tea parties? I kinda miss em, haha.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • HolyInferno - Sanctuary
    HolyInferno - Sanctuary Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    on update:


    wrong date

    someone else make it lolb:cute
    b:bye you were all swell peoples
  • Xaratul - Sanctuary
    Xaratul - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Where's my weekly update? b:shocked
    I feel so underinformed b:sad
  • _WillFire_ - Sanctuary
    _WillFire_ - Sanctuary Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited May 2009

    Where's my weekly update? b:shocked
    I feel so underinformed b:sad

    Well...Nefarious successfully defended on Friday against 3 factions at once. We won by destroying the opposing faction's crystal on all three. No small feat considering none of those factions were push overs and there were other circumstances in the background.

    Today and tommorow we will see smaller guilds. Kudos to them for taking a shot.
    Mark 12:29-37
    _WillFire_ 8x Combat Medic
  • Crystal_Clea - Sanctuary
    Crystal_Clea - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Today I am going to wake 4 AM to enter in my TW, I am from Audeamus, we already know we dont stand a chance, but hope Leg players can make a TW a little more durable :D.... its kinda stupid finishing the TW in less than 15 minutes if could have fun having a PK feast :P
  • MorgulLord - Sanctuary
    MorgulLord - Sanctuary Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Today I am going to wake 4 AM to enter in my TW, I am from Audeamus, we already know we dont stand a chance, but hope Leg players can make a TW a little more durable :D.... its kinda stupid finishing the TW in less than 15 minutes if could have fun having a PK feast :P

    I understand where you are coming from. But the bigger guilds look at it from a resource usage perspective. Less time spent in TW means less resources used <Charms, pots what not>. They'd rather save it up for battles they think might make a difference.

    On a different note, my appreciations to all the guilds <except the fake ones> that took part in TW this week. Its nice to see there are guilds who come to TW just for fun and expect nothing in return. Great job. ^_^

    I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally...
  • Evga - Sanctuary
    Evga - Sanctuary Posts: 779 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    I Want News!!!
  • Xaratul - Sanctuary
    Xaratul - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Today I am going to wake 4 AM to enter in my TW, I am from Audeamus, we already know we dont stand a chance, but hope Leg players can make a TW a little more durable :D.... its kinda stupid finishing the TW in less than 15 minutes if could have fun having a PK feast :P

    Interesting way to put it. I would have thought it insulting to not give you our best shot.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2009
    Closed as per request of OP.

This discussion has been closed.