Emergency maintenance - COMPLETE



  • Gadabout - Heavens Tear
    Gadabout - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Seems like alot of people are attacking the viewpoint that exploiting a glitch to intentionally gain an unfair amount of money is wrong. They try to sweep the fact that it is exploitation and cheating under the rug -"Watch this hand, not that one!"- but it is true, nonetheless: It is cheating, is wrong, and should be bannable.

    I would even go as far as to imply that those aforementioned, who show blatant disregard for the rules and for the fact that this glitch caused ill-gotten gains, are probably themselves guilty of the exploit.

    What's the matter? Don't want to lose the spoils of your crimes? Seems to me that accusing others of selfishness because you want to get away with rulebreaking is, itself, pretty selfish. It's also hypocritical.

    There's also the impact on the economy. If enough people have all this money, prices WILL rise. It's already true that only a select few can afford what they want, and now this will widen that gap. To avoid taking back what was wrongly acquired will ensure that no one but cheaters will succeed.

    You can be angry with me all day long, but it will not change facts. Fact: Exploiting a glitch IS cheating. That will never change. Until the worlds all burn, it will remain cheating. The sun will go out before this changes. Fact: Allowing cheaters to go unpunished will result in more cheating in the future. Fact: Allowing cheaters to continue doing what they do will ensure that no legitimate player will EVER have a chance for success.

    Don't try to tell me that cheating isn't wrong, just because you think I'm selfish for wanting repercussions for rulebreaking. It just doesn't wash.

    100% spot on ! b:thanks
  • Anjina - Sanctuary
    Anjina - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have no problems with rulebreakers being punished. If exploit happened and can be traced - hopefully actions will be taken. So far to me all of this have only be rumours, I have not read any confirmation, but I know there have been problems with log-ins, as my love could not access one of his characters anymore.

    If it would need a roll-back to fix a problem like that - I'd immediatly would say yes, as players have to be able to access their accounts.

    As for coins gained, if ill-willed exploit can be proven, take the coins, ban the players, whatever, but a rollback just because some feel others got coins they didn't make? Soz, no. A rollback for that reason will punish many innocent players, just because some are grumpy they don't have those coins too.
  • walkingthepath
    walkingthepath Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Actually, yes. The rollback would have to be a last resort, if all other options fail.

    Ban the cheaters, repo the coin, and fix the damage.
  • Vixentriel - Heavens Tear
    Vixentriel - Heavens Tear Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I disagree with you.

    People who lose theyr experience, speficially the lowbees do not get any events at all...

    all events are for 40+ which is pretty annoying if there is a sudden exp loss, speficially for those who leveled from 0-10 or 10 levels during the this glitch would be in a disadvantage.

    also, people who done fb 19 etc, will have dissadvantage to not use fb19 weap, sure quest can be re-done possible, but its still annoyign as **** to re-do it without you profiting of anything if there is incase an rollback. Only high lvls profit with the valentine event coming up.
  • Diminished - Sanctuary
    Diminished - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    One of the main annoying factors also is how people who buy zen (such as myself), are being peered upon by the exploiters with there bundle of coinage from which theyve gained through in-game illegality...

    So my REAL money ive spent on this game is now peanuts to those who are loaded with ''DIRTY COINS''....

  • tc2r
    tc2r Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ok, here's my 2 cents.
    I got a cash bonus recently, and bought myself some zen last night. I transferred it to my account this morning. I crafted a number of items, and did quite well with it. I finished a number of quests on my ALT, and he's now ready for FB29.

    Someone mentioned some inflation in gold prices at the auction house, and thinking it was due to new clothes, etc, I sold 3 gold in the auction house. I sold the gold primarily because over the last few days, I bought roughly 6-8 gold to purchase items in the boutique. this was a way to recoup some of the coins I had used.

    Now, a roll back will make me lose not only the quests and exp (which, admittedly can be redone) but also make me lose the items I crafted. I personally am not in favor of this.

    on top of all this, some of you think I should be banned for "abusing a cash exploit."

    Now, I am obviously not in favor of a rollback. As for bans on those who exploited the bugs, thats a different situation entirely. The problem is determining exactly who exploited what. I don't feel that I am ~evil~ or that I exploited anything. I'm sure there are a lot of people in similar situations.

    who cares...

    you can REDO ALL OF THAT, I just hope you exploited your gold enough to have about 900mil, that way in the future if they DONT do a rollback, you'll still be able to afford stuff.

    I wont. I didn't use or exploit any coins, which means that I, like many of the players here, will instantly become what will be the new "poor" why? because we dont have 80mil+ (or in reality, 200mil PLUS).

    Think about it. If players are running around wiht 200Mil that they got in 2hours. ... here are some facts

    those items will be put back up on AH for 10x what they are now. (Cause the millionaires will still buy them, what's 500k for lvl 30 armor when you have 500mil?)
    all other items in the game will go up, ALL of them

    quest rewards will mean nothing to anyone, who cares if they give you 100k for a reward, you're still broke now.

    A rollback is a bullet everyone is simply going to have to bite if you want things to stay normal. If you want to stay able to afford items. I can't compete with a lvl 15newb with 200mil in coins... It's impossible, I didn't exploit.

    I mean seriously whole guilds wont be able to compete with that. unless they too exploited.
  • Mari_chan - Heavens Tear
    Mari_chan - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    lol now would be a good time for you all to try out ether saga xD *goes to play it while PW is down*
  • Syrci - Heavens Tear
    Syrci - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    UK user - just logging on for the evening after work - missed all the fun.

    Not sure what the bug/issue was, but people should not underestimate the effect of an 'economic' bug in MMO games, hence I support a rollback (I would lose my hours this morning).

    Eve-Online had a major exploitation found recently, whereby major alliances had allegedly been farming a code bug for four years, totally skewing the power balance in the game. Ok - Eve makes a big play on its economic model (they even employ economists to comment on it), so the impact may be more important there - but it's still an issue here.

    Any game that ends up with stuff like TW, where performance of factions is influenced to some extent by the gear they have as well as the level they are, has to clamp down HARD on economic bugs otherwise many members will feel it is not a level playing field and quit.

    here here i agree it shouldn't be taken lightly. another case in point is a real big one that i'm sure more people than just i will remember; Runescape. it was a nice MMO with bad graphics but amazing amount of ifferent things you could do for such a low quality free game, but it had a major bot probem that caused lots of gold farming issues. several steps were taken tocounter this such as bot banning, then random events from farming too long to prevent bots from being able to profit as much, but it wasn't enough and snowballed to a mod set limit on items where you couldn't gouge or gift off items to friends without a relatively equivalent in-game value.

    now i highly doubt perfect world will go that far over this bug that was exploited but the fact is they need to nip this in the butt so it doesn't blow out of proportion. not to mention with so much more coin in circulation it means infation meaning our super overpriced DQ and mats that we constantly bicker about but no one really is making a giant effort to resolve will get even more overpriced meaning the poorer will stay poorer and then because such gouging on items we use all the time happens then you get a gouge on the value of gold and/or boutique items that are payer sold. and even with crazy stone and dragon quests, that reap very little if not 0 coins for completing them, it will still take a very long time for th economy to restabilize if it ever does due to the constant supply of coin from mob drops which people will be able to have more of because the exploitersnow can buy that overly epic gear or make those overly epic gears they need to just overly epic pwn every monster that walks.
  • Darksky - Heavens Tear
    Darksky - Heavens Tear Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I just have to say if i ll lose everything that i ve done today i ll be very pissed ..

    The solution is simple: ban the exploiers... i dont give a f*** who they are .. just ban on them ...

    i know something called fair play .. and free mmorpg loses this important aspect ..

    in this kind of games there a distinct group of low lifes ..they like use bugs, glintches etc ... other games like Counter Strike there is Cheaters they use, aimbot, wallhack, rapidfire etc ...
    This is like world it self, there are good ppl and bad ppl, fair persons and unfair ones ...

    well sigh ...

    GL for the PWI staff .. hope u fix this soon
    Oh noes...my avatar is bald b:shockedb:shocked <
    WTF b:laughb:laugh
  • Dark_Arbnger - Lost City
    Dark_Arbnger - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    so a few people exploited a glitch, that dosent mean the WHOLE server should suffer. a rollback would be one of the worst possible things even though i did lose 2 dolls and 10% during the secret letter event cause the server kept kicking me out -_-

    just ban the people that exploited the glitch or an roll back the people that mistakenly did it once. its simple the server keeps logs of all transactions, look for a absurd ammount an there u go ban em
  • Diminished - Sanctuary
    Diminished - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I just have to say if i ll lose everything that i ve done today i ll be very pissed ..

    The solution is simple: ban the exploiers... i dont give a f*** who they are .. just ban on them ...

    i know something called fair play .. and free mmorpg loses this important aspect ..

    in this kind of games there a distinct group of low lifes ..they like use bugs, glintches etc ... other games like Counter Strike there is Cheaters they use, aimbot, wallhack, rapidfire etc ...
    This is like world it self, there are good ppl and bad ppl, fair persons and unfair ones ...

    well sigh ...

    GL for the PWI staff .. hope u fix this soon

    Very well said
  • Bat_Woman - Sanctuary
    Bat_Woman - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hi can someone explain to me how people got 100mil off this glitch? I only logged on for a few minutes after the update to sell stuff in my cat shop before i left. I did see gold for sale in the ah for 350k each but i dont get how this allowed people to get really rich.
  • Gorgonia - Heavens Tear
    Gorgonia - Heavens Tear Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I spent $50 to buy gold and then coins cuz I'm saving for my Phoenix. Who's going to give me that money back if there's a rollback? I guess no one of you people who's asking for it will do. I live in a country where dollars are valued 350% of our local currency. So I'm not losing $50, I'm losing about $175. So if you find a way to give me my money back, then roll the game back 2 months if you want. IF NOT, just fix the problem and let's all keep playing the way it is. Not even mentioning that I leveled twice today xD!

    And for all those who complain about others having made more money in an hour than they made in a month... well, tough luck! Don't be envious and mind ur own business... or your own character. There'll always be somebody with a better armor or weapon... live with it and enjoy what u have.


    Im editing for the second time... I forgot to mention something. GM are capable of checking how much coins each of us have in our accounts. You can't have really saved up above 50m... it's not quite possible... so check on everyone having more than that amount and do what you have to do, ban if necessary... or take the money away from them. Punish those who are to be punished. NOT ALL OF US.
  • Diminished - Sanctuary
    Diminished - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hi can someone explain to me how people got 100mil off this glitch? I only logged on for a few minutes after the update to sell stuff in my cat shop before i left. I did see gold for sale in the ah for 350k each but i dont get how this allowed people to get really rich.

    i dont understand either...who stupid enough would pay 350k for 1 Gold...
  • Diminished - Sanctuary
    Diminished - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    WHO STARTED THIS ROLLBACK ****???? i havent seen any mention from a MOD or GM about a ROLLBACK ...CHILL OUT
  • roman6
    roman6 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    you guys...how am i going to live without perfect world!? someone tell me THIS!!!??
  • Deadlysweets - Heavens Tear
    Deadlysweets - Heavens Tear Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i started it thinkn i was in another thread and if i recall i did apologize geeze >.....<
  • dredsgirl
    dredsgirl Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    All Pwi Addicts Are Going Crazy Right About Now!
  • Dark_Arbnger - Lost City
    Dark_Arbnger - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    WHO STARTED THIS ROLLBACK ****???? i havent seen any mention from a MOD or GM about a ROLLBACK ...CHILL OUT

    just going off what people are saying so you chill out >.>
  • monarksan
    monarksan Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I just like to say, Thanks to the GM, I know that you are having a time with all the stupid, non-tech minded people out there. And to all that do not understand, in computers and networking, things happen; grow up and join the rest of humanity.

    "No one really knows how important you are until they need you!"
  • rubyian
    rubyian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I just have to say if i ll lose everything that i ve done today i ll be very pissed ..

    The solution is simple: ban the exploiers... i dont give a f*** who they are .. just ban on them ...

    i know something called fair play .. and free mmorpg loses this important aspect ..

    in this kind of games there a distinct group of low lifes ..they like use bugs, glintches etc ... other games like Counter Strike there is Cheaters they use, aimbot, wallhack, rapidfire etc ...
    This is like world it self, there are good ppl and bad ppl, fair persons and unfair ones ...

    well sigh ...

    GL for the PWI staff .. hope u fix this soon

    Completely agree.... The problem is, half the exploiters are little snotnoses with access to their mom's credit cards which means a big loss of income for PWI. I think it would be totally awesome if online games did that but I've never seen one with enough commitment to do this. They are all about profit in the endb:cry
  • Torsay - Sanctuary
    Torsay - Sanctuary Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I disagree with you.

    People who lose theyr experience, speficially the lowbees do not get any events at all...

    all events are for 40+ which is pretty annoying if there is a sudden exp loss, speficially for those who leveled from 0-10 or 10 levels during the this glitch would be in a disadvantage.

    also, people who done fb 19 etc, will have dissadvantage to not use fb19 weap, sure quest can be re-done possible, but its still annoyign as **** to re-do it without you profiting of anything if there is incase an rollback. Only high lvls profit with the valentine event coming up.

    If you really think like that at level 31 already then it's time for you to stop playing the game. No matter what will happen it won't get better for you.

    Even if this money exploit situation wasn't happening. If nothing was happening. This game isn't the right one for you.
  • roman6
    roman6 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    dreds...idk how im goign to survive...*MUST HAVE PWI***b:sad
  • sinner321
    sinner321 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    this sucks dude i just spent like all my coins i had on the game on a flying machine one of the sting ray things please dont take that and i just done my fb and other stuff i dont really wanna go back and do that stuff again sure i had fun with it but i just got like alot of socketed items and my favorite weapon and i gave all my coins from old characters that failed to level to my barbarian and he had alot and i just spent most of them on the sting ray i bought and im almost leveled enough to use it so i dont wanna lose all that stuff i just got and i just got alot of my manufacturing skills up so yeh o.o b:cry
  • Bat_Woman - Sanctuary
    Bat_Woman - Sanctuary Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Well it sounds unfair if people got filthy rich off this glitch and there should definitely be a roll back. I worked 5 months for 15 mil and for people to just be able to have 10 times that in a few hours is UNFAIR! I don't care if i have to sell all the stuff I sold last night again. I dont care if I'd have to grind out 5 levels again I got last night, I want a roll back. And for all you people who this your going to loose your gold you bought with money I'm sure you won't.
  • trinh
    trinh Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I agree that there should be a roll back. the thing is they must make sure that any gold that was purchased (with real money) gets credited back to the original purchaser as well. all the rest wont matter then, items can be re-bought and distributed as before at proper prices. ligitimate items can then be re gifted worn ect. ill gotten gains will be rectified unfortunaly there i wll be some lost exp so what 24 hours is not that bad.
  • Shota - Heavens Tear
    Shota - Heavens Tear Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    so a few people exploited a glitch, that dosent mean the WHOLE server should suffer. a rollback would be one of the worst possible things even though i did lose 2 dolls and 10% during the secret letter event cause the server kept kicking me out -_-

    just ban the people that exploited the glitch or an roll back the people that mistakenly did it once. its simple the server keeps logs of all transactions, look for a absurd ammount an there u go ban em

    The whole server will suffer from a broken economy.
    "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • rubyian
    rubyian Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    And for all those who complain about others having made more money in an hour than they made in a month... well, tough luck! Don't be envious and mind ur own business... or your own character. There'll always be somebody with a better armor or weapon... live with it and enjoy what u have.


    Im editing for the second time... I forgot to mention something. GM are capable of checking how much coins each of us have in our accounts. You can't have really saved up above 50m... it's not quite possible... so check on everyone having more than that amount and do what you have to do, ban if necessary... or take the money away from them. Punish those who are to be punished. NOT ALL OF US.

    Wow.....b:sad First part is stupidity on a whole new level. Second part is totally awesome.b:faint
  • Diminished - Sanctuary
    Diminished - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    roman6 wrote: »
    dreds...idk how im goign to survive...*MUST HAVE PWI***b:sad

    pmsl b:chuckle
  • Dark_Arbnger - Lost City
    Dark_Arbnger - Lost City Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    servers keep a constant log of transactions especially with AH and cash shop items it wouldnt be that hard to find the ENORMOUS sums of money that was made in that short ammount of time seriously, so a rollback is not needed an with PWI taking this time to do what they're doing there prolly searching server logs >.>
This discussion has been closed.