Can Evo handle 3 tws at same time?



  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    damn.. i still dont get one thing - how could i nuked Hong (had full hp) during last TW using Black Ice Dragonb if i cant kill ppl with 20 lvls below me using Blade Tempest which is way stronger than Black Ice Dragon?b:surrender

    Again, I don't recall BID doing 3k damage being a 1 shot. I actually didn't have full HP, daydreaming again? Unless you crit, but I don't recall seeing anything dealt from you being above my HP. Sure, maybe BT will one shot me once inawhile if your annoying venomancer spams debuff on me. But apparently, I die to your clerics more than you. I died like what, once from you? Being called a 1 shot being dealt 3k damage. The cleric 1 shoted me completely with HP buff doing 7k Tempest. So, how come you do **** damage compare to a Cleric, die faster than a Cleric and well, just completely fail compare to a Cleric? Pretty bad.

    Your almost as bad as Cheaper, he brags that he kills me way back then but even though it was nekorb doing all the sniping work. Apparently, you two simply don't understand what 2v1 or 6v1 is. Simply, your worse than Cheaper cause you actually die from me in a 6v1. Also, you lose on a 1v1 duel even though you have an advantage of having bramble hood on. I simply, don't understand what are you trying to prove. You lose to me on a duel, you were higher level, and you had buffs + bramble hood.

    ur pr0 BM killed 8 ppl during last TW - rly impressiveb:laugh
    and where did i mention wiz is able to kill 1 vs 1 a cleric?O.O u shouldnt drink so much ^^
    u're good as a pvp 1 vs 1 char and sux as a TW char (same as serjah) - that's all rofl (dont believe me? next TW will prove it easily - why should u support ur pt if they are noobs for u anyway?O.o) b:chuckle

    and seriously - talk to frozenflame b4 u write another BS about Blade Tempest dmg on arcane user w/o any shieldsb:chuckle

    If you haven't realize Blademaster's role for TW yet, they stun. Hey Sheswes, your a DPS and might as well focus on healing. FFS, know each role of a class please. I was more intended to gather chi to spam Lion Roar on people that tries to get the Catapult then going berzerk and owning your clerics or you. Honestly, not much to talk about. I literally, last TW, went up to you and you dropped instantly. Wtf is there to brag about? Bragging about how epic you are staying behind and flying skills?

    Sigh, again, you have no idea how to play this game. Just delete, you don't even know any kind of role. You berzerk on everything????????????? "HAHAHA look at this barb running away from me *chases* wheee *nuke* *10minute later* Serjah 1 shots you" Pretty sad you haven't realize that if your HP isn't full, the chance of 1 shoting occurs quite often.

    Apparently Sheswes, a german angry kid, has no knowledge on anything besides knowing how to AFK zhen, pop a blue name, and go berzerk doing his own things during TW. He also likes to screenshot every single possible damage from an epic player and find the lowest damage output to post on the forums. Infact, he haven't realize that in TW, BMs often get targeted. So, he targets a BM, 1 shots a BM at 2.5-3/4 HP and call him a noob. Supposely, he starts to talk **** with nonsense and haven't realize that he's making himself look like an idiot.

    This you?

    www . rochq .net
  • Serjah - Heavens Tear
    Serjah - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ur pr0 BM killed 8 ppl during last TW - rly impressiveb:laugh
    and where did i mention wiz is able to kill 1 vs 1 a cleric?O.O u shouldnt drink so much ^^
    u're good as a pvp 1 vs 1 char and sux as a TW char (same as serjah) - that's all rofl (dont believe me? next TW will prove it easily - why should u support ur pt if they are noobs for u anyway?O.o) b:chuckle

    and seriously - talk to frozenflame b4 u write another BS about Blade Tempest dmg on arcane user w/o any shieldsb:chuckle

    ROFL how can i fail @ TW when i 1hit 90% of ur members ROFL

    apparently u just talk to fill up space on a page, if a char that 1 hits 90% of a guild is fail at tw, then i dont know who is GOOD at tw. A 1 hit material lvl 93 wizz ? 1 hit even for lvl 80 archers :\ thats v sad
    A patch full of glitch,
    Makes my eyes twitch.
    Should i continue playing this game or switch,
    because this is a serious problem and not a simple itch.
    Some bug abusing noob gets rich,
    While a honest players get the ditch.
    Please rollback if you wanna enrich,
    or this game would just be a ****

    by xtrm9
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I want to see a vid of serjah TWing on his POV. I keep getting this image of him clicking very slow and can't change targets or something. I wouldn't be surprised if a regular 8x archer do more damage in total in a TW than serj.

    And there's gotta be a rule against posting a link to a vid that is older than the internet itself. Btw Hong, found a vid of you too. Must be that time you failed your test from playing too much PW.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I want to see a vid of serjah TWing on his POV. I keep getting this image of him clicking very slow and can't change targets or something. I wouldn't be surprised if a regular 8x archer do more damage in total in a TW than serj.

    And there's gotta be a rule against posting a link to a vid that is older than the internet itself. Btw Hong, found a vid of me too. Must be that time I failed my test from making too many predictions.


    According to Hisui's prediction for his upcoming test, he's going to get 100% on the test if he answers all the questions "Why not?"

    www . rochq .net
  • WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear
    WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Serjah in this video, dont **** with him


    The high lvl noob BMs i know ingame have ton of excuses : When they lost in duel, they say duel is nothing, and say PK is the real PVP, when they cant kill you in PK, they say BM vs BM PK = charm war, then they will say TW is the real PVP, in TW they say TW is about Teamwork so refuse to 1v1

    So is that mean it never have a real fight for BM 1v1?
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ...because every single person in our party has more kills than 96% of your guild. keep intentionally misinterpreting and spinning his statements, because when it comes down to it, desi destroys pretty much anyone in your guild, while you're fodder for our lvl70 archers.
    coz such a weak players like ur guild leader captured 80% of his frags killing some white name players lvl 30-60?
    ROFL how can i fail @ TW when i 1hit 90% of ur members ROFL

    apparently u just talk to fill up space on a page, if a char that 1 hits 90% of a guild is fail at tw, then i dont know who is GOOD at tw. A 1 hit material lvl 93 wizz ? 1 hit even for lvl 80 archers :\ thats v sad
    if u 1 hit 90% of ur members u should have like 300-500 frags per TW while ur pvp rank says u got 557 - u failed b:surrender
    I want to see a vid of serjah TWing on his POV. I keep getting this image of him clicking very slow and can't change targets or something. I wouldn't be surprised if a regular 8x archer do more damage in total in a TW than serj.

    And there's gotta be a rule against posting a link to a vid that is older than the internet itself. Btw Hong, found a vid of you too. Must be that time you failed your test from playing too much PW.
    owned xD

    and Hong - i was way to lazy to quote ur sad story coz i simply didnt read it except 3 first sentences... if u dont know the difference between BT and Black Dragon Ice - we have nothing to talk about rofl (and i tot ur knowledge about wizards skills is hugeb:chuckle)

    still w8ing for that "solid defence"b:laugh
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Desi - Heavens Tear
    Desi - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    ur pr0 BM killed 8 ppl during last TW - rly impressiveb:laugh
    and where did i mention wiz is able to kill 1 vs 1 a cleric?O.O u shouldnt drink so much ^^
    u're good as a pvp 1 vs 1 char and sux as a TW char (same as serjah) - that's all rofl (dont believe me? next TW will prove it easily - why should u support ur pt if they are noobs for u anyway?O.o)

    and seriously - talk to frozenflame b4 u write another BS about Blade Tempest dmg on arcane user w/o any shields

    wow you are such an idiot lol. me not being good in tw? majority of my kills are in tw. i just don't run around simply killing lower levels for pk ranks. i hold back when its needed and conserve chi to tempest your barbs. i've gotten 250 kills+ in a tw easily and less than 100 when i'm focus firing on your barbs. ask your barbs who kills them most of the time or when they take 10k+ crits.

    if you want to bring pk rankings into it i haven't been able to tw in the last month and i got into tw a few months later than everyone else. yet look im still so much higher than you. same goes for serjah. what your excuse for being down so low? oh lemme guess cause you are kissing the floor most of the time lol.

    and keep denying all you want but you didn't even tick my charm lol. as i said i'm not gonna reveal any of my trade secrets but i did not have plume shell on b:victory

    and the offer for you to confirm it personally is always open. just don't hold it against me if my hand slips and you drop dead b:cry

    and hisui you are basing your opinion of serjah on a tw where he had at max 5 fps lol. in the end he just ended up turning on max performance and barraging at your crystal. i'm sure you remember how that went. b:chuckle
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    "and i almost survived that chi-less skill + demon spark so ROFL"

    ^ #1 at almost surviving. pro b:surrender
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited January 2009

    According to Hisui's prediction for his upcoming test, he's going to get 100% on the test if he answers all the questions "Why not?"

    In the real world if you fail a test your firm will make you stay in a 4* hotel for an extra few days and re-take the test until you pass. Yay?
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    and Hong - i was way to lazy ... i simply didnt read it except 3 first sentences... if u dont know the difference between BT and Black Dragon Ice - we have nothing to talk about rofl (and i tot ur knowledge about wizards skills is hugeb:chuckle)

    still w8ing for that "solid defence"b:laugh

    I now completely understand why are you so stupid. Should've said that ages ago so I can just type "go die" "keke" "noob" "die plz" "cry moar".

    BT deals Phy+Mag, BID deals Mag. That's all I know and it still doesn't explain the fact why your damage is still weak overall.

    Alright alright.

    u=bad wiz. cheaper=better. u=die fast. u=1shot. u=1noob. u=crybaby. u=angry german kid. here iz da link=

    6v1=you die. u=dun no how 2 play. u=afk zhen. u=blue name. u=bzerk in tw. u=idiot. u=bad

    www . rochq .net
  • Desi - Heavens Tear
    Desi - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    coz such a weak players like ur guild leader captured 80% of his frags killing some white name players lvl 30-60?

    if u 1 hit 90% of ur members u should have like 300-500 frags per TW while ur pvp rank says u got 557 - u failed b:surrender

    lol hong had at most 400 kills before radiance and roc started fighting. he doesn't even pk anymore excpet for in cube. keep digging a hole for yourself though.

    and btw seems like some 93 pro wiz doesn't know much about wiz skills since he can't explain why i took less damage than a LA unbuffed wiz from BT lol.
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    "and i almost survived that chi-less skill + demon spark so ROFL"

    ^ #1 at almost surviving. pro b:surrender
  • WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear
    WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    In the real world if you fail a test your firm will make you stay in a 4* hotel for an extra few days and re-take the test until you pass. Yay?

    4* hotel is not too bad...its Mid-High class and the price is cheaper than 5 * b:victory


    The high lvl noob BMs i know ingame have ton of excuses : When they lost in duel, they say duel is nothing, and say PK is the real PVP, when they cant kill you in PK, they say BM vs BM PK = charm war, then they will say TW is the real PVP, in TW they say TW is about Teamwork so refuse to 1v1

    So is that mean it never have a real fight for BM 1v1?
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    man am i loling at these posts. u guys look so funny arguing back and forth about your damage. everyone here can kill each other. its been said.
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    wow you are such an idiot lol. me not being good in tw? majority of my kills are in tw. i just don't run around simply killing lower levels for pk ranks. i hold back when its needed and conserve chi to tempest your barbs. i've gotten 250 kills+ in a tw easily and less than 100 when i'm focus firing on your barbs. ask your barbs who kills them most of the time or when they take 10k+ crits.

    if you want to bring pk rankings into it i haven't been able to tw in the last month and i got into tw a few months later than everyone else. yet look im still so much higher than you. same goes for serjah. what your excuse for being down so low? oh lemme guess cause you are kissing the floor most of the time lol.

    and keep denying all you want but you didn't even tick my charm lol. as i said i'm not gonna reveal any of my trade secrets but i did not have plume shell on

    and the offer for you to confirm it personally is always open. just don't hold it against me if my hand slips and you drop dead b

    and hisui you are basing your opinion of serjah on a tw where he had at max 5 fps lol. in the end he just ended up turning on max performance and barraging at your crystal. i'm sure you remember how that went. b:chuckle
    u sux as a TW char - deal with it and i will prove itb:chuckle
    I now completely understand why are you so stupid. Should've said that ages ago so I can just type "go die" "keke" "noob" "die plz" "cry moar".

    BT deals Phy+Mag, BID deals Mag. That's all I know and it still doesn't explain the fact why your damage is still weak overall.

    Alright alright.

    u=bad wiz. cheaper=better. u=die fast. u=1shot. u=1noob. u=crybaby. u=angry german kid. here iz da link=

    6v1=you die. u=dun no how 2 play. u=afk zhen. u=blue name. u=bzerk in tw. u=idiot. u=bad
    huge !! - u failed once againb:laugh keep working on ur "solid defence"
    lol hong had at most 400 kills before radiance and roc started fighting. he doesn't even pk anymore excpet for in cube. keep digging a hole for yourself though.

    and btw seems like some 93 pro wiz doesn't know much about wiz skills since he can't explain why i took less damage than a LA unbuffed wiz from BT lol.
    dunno - maybe coz i was only 3 times in strike team so far?
    and the answer was in one of my previous post - DONT DRINK SO MUCH b:chuckle
    go do few test against frozenflame maybe u will find the answer there
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    i smell pk war. lets have a big pk war tonight somewhere, u robe users will be easy prey ^_^
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Defected - Heavens Tear
    Defected - Heavens Tear Posts: 637 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You know what would settle all of this "who is the best" argument? Whoever has the most high mats in their inventory. I can help.

    I'm selling 400 high mats (100 of each) for 800k.

    Who cares about damage when you have more high mats than everyone else. Buy my mats, you won't be disappointed. Heck, if Evo buys my mats, I bet they can handle more than 3 TWs at once.

    Less QQ, more high mats.

    Edit: HA! Sold already. You all fail, too slow.
    Changed my mind. Permanently Retired - Only here to troll.
  • Qiuyue - Heavens Tear
    Qiuyue - Heavens Tear Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    you Know What Would Settle All Of This "who Is The Best" Argument? Whoever Has The Most High Mats In Their Inventory. I Can Help.

    I'm Selling 400 High Mats (100 Of Each) For 800k.

    Who Cares About Damage When You Have More High Mats Than Everyone Else. Buy My Mats, You Won't Be Disappointed. Heck, If Evo Buys My Mats, I Bet They Can Handle More Than 3 Tws At Once.

    Less Qq, More High Mats.

    Edit: Ha! Sold Already. You All Fail, Too Slow.

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooo :(
  • Desi - Heavens Tear
    Desi - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    u sux as a TW char - deal with it and i will prove itb:chuckle

    huge !! - u failed once againb:laugh keep working on ur "solid defence"

    dunno - maybe coz i was only 3 times in strike team so far?
    and the answer was in one of my previous post - DONT DRINK SO MUCH b:chuckle
    go do few test against frozenflame maybe u will find the answer there

    go ask frozen how much he hit me for lol. spoiler : 595 when i plume shelled.

    i didn't even have bm buff b:pleased

    but anyway as i said you are just a weakling hiding behind a big guild. talking so much **** yet unable to back it up. the only reason i even posted about your bt damage was to show how **** it is to anyone near your level and how it doesn't justify you being a one hit wonder (in this case i mean you dying in one hit to half my under leveled guild)
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    "and i almost survived that chi-less skill + demon spark so ROFL"

    ^ #1 at almost surviving. pro b:surrender
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    go ask frozen how much he hit me for lol. spoiler : 595 when i plume shelled.

    i didn't even have bm buff b:pleased

    but anyway as i said you are just a weakling hiding behind a big guild. talking so much **** yet unable to back it up. the only reason i even posted about your bt damage was to show how **** it is to anyone near your level and how it doesn't justify you being a one hit wonder (in this case i mean you dying in one hit to half my under leveled guild)
    if im able to nuke ppl like Tomiko, Hong that means my dmg is so sux as u thinkb:chuckle
    and since frozenflame is a Light build wiz his dmg isnt good... for example: we tested our BT dmg during duel... he dealed 2800 while i dealed 2900... and it is almost 6k phys def vs 1,4k phys def so it should explain something (Black Ice Dragon was like 1800 vs 3000)
    and rly... next TW will prove u SUX - better deal with it now or u will be rly disappointedb:chuckle
    and about plume shell - it doesnt work against 2 others wizi's lvl 59 AoEs - and believe - they hit hard as wellb:chuckle ur little BM Hong knows something about it ^^
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Desi - Heavens Tear
    Desi - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    yes you will prove that i suck in tw by doing what? dying? k b:bye

    tomiko has 3k hp. of course you should be able to kill him. but im guessing as long as he sees you, you will once again die to a normal hit crit from his xbow lol.

    k so frozen does less damage than you by what 20 percent? i had no bm buff against frozen like i did against you or i would have taken even less? don't get why you are so adamant about denying facts.

    but keep digging that hole for yourself i am happy to provide you with the shovel b:kiss
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    "and i almost survived that chi-less skill + demon spark so ROFL"

    ^ #1 at almost surviving. pro b:surrender
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    yes you will prove that i suck in tw by doing what? dying? k b:bye

    tomiko has 3k hp. of course you should be able to kill him. but im guessing as long as he sees you, you will once again die to a normal hit crit from his xbow lol.

    k so frozen does less damage than you by what 20 percent? i had no bm buff against frozen like i did against you or i would have taken even less? don't get why you are so adamant about denying facts.

    but keep digging that hole for yourself i am happy to provide you with the shovel
    nr of frags will tell us allb:victory and nao cry again u got "noobs" in ur guild or however u call ur guild members, coz u got there pr0 players as well who can 1 hit 90% of Radiance playersb:laugh
    Tomiko with way higher phys dmg than u can be nuked by me but u still dare to claim my BT vs u w/o plume shiell deals max 1,5k, right?... u just FAILED badlyb:surrender
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    desi can infact one hit me, he can one hit (im pretty sure) 100% of radiance guild, including nemo, all he would need is a lucky high end crit, and some chi pots. i dont know about healmeplz, but other than that im safe from any one hits.
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    u sux as a TW char - deal with it and i will prove it

    Apparently, the incredibly horrible Wizard is saying people sucks as a TW character when his own character can't do jack.
    huge !! - u failed once againb:laugh keep working on ur "solid defence"

    I don't really see how did I fail. Is Water not magic? Do I have to like add the 6 second slow so your pleased or what? I guess, simply you can't understand anything I might as well be more specific. BT = Fire+PATK. BID= Water+increase magic attack % from weapon
    if im able to nuke ppl like Tomiko, Hong that means my dmg is so sux as u think
    and since frozenflame is a Light build wiz his dmg isnt good... for example: we tested our BT dmg during duel... he dealed 2800 while i dealed 2900... and it is almost 6k phys def vs 1,4k phys def so it should explain something (Black Ice Dragon was like 1800 vs 3000)
    and rly... next TW will prove u SUX - better deal with it now or u will be rly disappointed
    and about plume shell - it doesnt work against 2 others wizi's lvl 59 AoEs - and believe - they hit hard as wellb:chuckle ur little BM Hong knows something about it ^^

    Nuking a player doesn't mean anything. A level 30 Wizard can nuke me also, go figure. Your so called "nuke" can't kill anyone, so your statement is obviously false.

    Someone just admitted that it requires 2 level 59 Wizards AoE + normal nuke to take me down. What's going on here?

    www . rochq .net
  • Desi - Heavens Tear
    Desi - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    nr of frags will tell us allb:victory and nao cry again u got "noobs" in ur guild or however u call ur guild members, coz u got there pr0 players as well who can 1 hit 90% of Radiance players

    Tomiko with way higher phys dmg than u can be nuked by me but u still dare to claim my BT vs u w/o plume shiell deals max 1,5k, right?... u just FAILED badlyb:surrender

    jesus ****ing christ. how dense can you be?

    no. of frags? first of all im on defense and im a cleric so # of frags doesn't gauge my performance. i usually do the responsible thing and go mostly for your catas. im such an awful tw character that it takes multiple people to bring me down. i can kill pretty much anyone in your guild. b:cry

    so you "might" have killed tomiko when he was not at full hp, amped, purged or whatever. congrats you were able to kill an archer which most wizards should be able to do. he on the other hand can drop you while you have 1230913 clerics on you. but anyway apparently being able to kill tomiko makes your damage suck less against me? i don't get it. did the fact that i expose your small numbers against me embarrass you in front of your guild mates?

    also tomiko has lower phys def than me when hes not buffed and lower magic resist (since you seem to forget how blade tempet works)

    and about the damage. you are still going at it? i already offered you to come test it out but you passed. frozen hit me for 595 (with bm buff probably 300-400). ask him yourself. what makes you think that your pure int build would do a lot more. i mean let it go. im sorry that your low numbers hurt your ego but even if you hit me for 5.9k my charm would tick, i would live, and kill you b:surrender

    im pretty much tired of replying to you since its like trying to argue with a kindergartener. keep QQing and embarrassing your guild more.
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    "and i almost survived that chi-less skill + demon spark so ROFL"

    ^ #1 at almost surviving. pro b:surrender
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    who cares who can kill who, we can all kill each other, so why dont we all join my suicide occult? im still looking for my first member!
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Aiaiko - Heavens Tear
    Aiaiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hello Everyone :) its me Aiaiko from Evolution. Now that I have announced myself. I would like to just say a few things.

    1. Every faction has a few people in it whom do not do PK. Evolution just has more then most. Most of Evolution is here for the game play nothing else guys.

    2. Yes we lost to RoC in 10mins, and its also true that we have less PVP(TW) time then any other guild holding land at the moment other then the newbie guilds with mid levels, but our PVP gameplay will come in due time.

    3. WTH is a care bear?b:bye <
    One of these maybe?

    4. We do have a few PKers in our guild. Myself, DJ, Neifer, Celric, KrusH. etc to many to remember at the moment.

    5. I myself have no issues with any other guilds...I mean I hang with Rads and RoCs. Bloody_Roar being one of them. PKing is all in the fun of it.

    6. Our Leadership is just fine. So many things have changed.

    but yeah thank you all for your time hehe bai bai c-yall in game :)

    OH and Can someone please explain what is the real issue everyone has with Evolution? Please

    and oh Desi & Bookman Hi HI :)
  • doremi12
    doremi12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hello Everyone :) its me Aiaiko from Evolution. Now that I have announced myself. I would like to just say a few things.

    1. Every faction has a few people in it whom do not do PK. Evolution just has more then most. Most of Evolution is here for the game play nothing else guys.

    2. Yes we lost to RoC in 10mins, and its also true that we have less PVP(TW) time then any other guild holding land at the moment other then the newbie guilds with mid levels, but our PVP gameplay will come in due time.

    3. WTH is a care bear?b:bye <
    One of these maybe?

    4. We do have a few PKers in our guild. Myself, DJ, Neifer, Celric, KrusH. etc to many to remember at the moment.

    5. I myself have no issues with any other guilds...I mean I hang with Rads and RoCs. Bloody_Roar being one of them. PKing is all in the fun of it.

    6. Our Leadership is just fine. So many things have changed.

    but yeah thank you all for your time hehe bai bai c-yall in game :)

    OH and Can someone please explain what is the real issue everyone has with Evolution? Please

    and oh Desi & Bookman Hi HI :)

    Carebear is a word use by people who like to PK to describe someone who not fond/dislike on PK. Is a word from UO at the time when they have felucca (open PK - like lost city but not level restriction).

    ROC Strategy can be effectively countered. If they took 10 mins that mean they still have alot to improve. Generally, lighting strategy should take down crystal with 5 mins of porting, that if their formation not break from middle lane.
  • Hong - Heavens Tear
    Hong - Heavens Tear Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    We used the most simple strategy called Blitzkrieg. Unfortunately, if you can't counter that then there's no chance of even winning. My members were telling me to use a different strategy because Evolution could counter it. So I said, nah. 1 zerg is all we need, they suck. And what do you know.

    www . rochq .net
  • Grgumsh - Heavens Tear
    Grgumsh - Heavens Tear Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    doremi12 wrote: »
    ROC Strategy can be effectively countered. If they took 10 mins that mean they still have alot to improve. Generally, lighting strategy should take down crystal with 5 mins of porting, that if their formation not break from middle lane.

    .... who are you and why do you pretend to know what RoC is or isnt doing in TW?
    War has made me very paranoid, and when a man starts eyeballin me it makes my Agent Orange act up and I get the urge to kill.
  • doremi12
    doremi12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    We used the most simple strategy called Blitzkrieg. Unfortunately, if you can't counter that then there's no chance of even winning. My members were telling me to use a different strategy because Evolution could counter it. So I said, nah. 1 zerg is all we need, they suck. And what do you know.

    This strategy have been effectively countered in CN TW many many time. I will not post here but divesity is the key to winning and may you luck hold b:chuckle
  • WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear
    WhiteMasaX - Heavens Tear Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hello Everyone :) its me Aiaiko from Evolution. Now that I have announced myself. I would like to just say a few things.

    1. Every faction has a few people in it whom do not do PK. Evolution just has more then most. Most of Evolution is here for the game play nothing else guys.

    2. Yes we lost to RoC in 10mins, and its also true that we have less PVP(TW) time then any other guild holding land at the moment other then the newbie guilds with mid levels, but our PVP gameplay will come in due time.

    3. WTH is a care bear?b:bye <
    One of these maybe?

    4. We do have a few PKers in our guild. Myself, DJ, Neifer, Celric, KrusH. etc to many to remember at the moment.

    5. I myself have no issues with any other guilds...I mean I hang with Rads and RoCs. Bloody_Roar being one of them. PKing is all in the fun of it.

    6. Our Leadership is just fine. So many things have changed.

    but yeah thank you all for your time hehe bai bai c-yall in game :)

    OH and Can someone please explain what is the real issue everyone has with Evolution? Please

    and oh Desi & Bookman Hi HI :)

    hello welcome, this is your FIRST POST!

    A)i also dont know what carebear is....i thought carebear means no guts/scared/coward etc.... a bear always being it? b:laugh

    B) Actually Evolution have lot of nice people b:dirty but um they are One Big Useless Guild cuz they didnt do any GVG (Guild vs Guild tw)in the past 5 months, and they have earned enough $ from the lands.

    Because of this reason, there were all women and kids but no men in the war...thats why they got owned. But no worry, RoC is goin to take over Evo, and we promise we will protect you guys


    The high lvl noob BMs i know ingame have ton of excuses : When they lost in duel, they say duel is nothing, and say PK is the real PVP, when they cant kill you in PK, they say BM vs BM PK = charm war, then they will say TW is the real PVP, in TW they say TW is about Teamwork so refuse to 1v1

    So is that mean it never have a real fight for BM 1v1?
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