Rate a Character thread. Hot or Not.



  • Luna - Raging Tide
    Luna - Raging Tide Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Very cute, very...busty b:chuckle
    The eye color doesn't appeal to me so much, maybe a darker color would suit her better?
    The fash blends with her skin a bit too, but still a very cute character.
    4/5 <3

    That top makes most classes look busty xD My cleric had a small bust and they looked super huge b:chuckle
    b:surrender I don't like her eyes much either, I'm trying to get a make over scroll (PS: RT Server>WTB Make over scroll b:thanks IGN: Luna)

    I'll post another screeny after the makeover with my favorite fashion on her >:D
    9x Psy - Aquaryah - Sanctuary (Main)
    101 Cleric - Nevarya - Sanctuary (Semi-Retired)
    8x Sin - Luna - Raging Tide (Quit Forever)
  • Reijimuyi - Sanctuary
    Reijimuyi - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I agree fully with Kadabra. Grav gave her opinion, no reason to freak out at her. There are going to be the people who like the way you look, and there are going to be the ones who don't. Dashiko's characters may have been unique, i'll give her that, but they were in no way attractive. The eyebrows are menacing, the eyes are turned too far upwards, and the mouth is just awkward. As someone else mentioned, the face is a little pudgy. You are going to get comments like this, whether you like it or not. If you don't want anyones' criticism or opinions, don't go posting pictures of your characters.

    Why does everyone keep saying they're hers? Those are 3 different girls living 3 sep lives. Wtf.
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Who are these two Tideborn boys?

  • Reijimuyi - Sanctuary
    Reijimuyi - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Btw Dashiko Those ppl who said your chars aren't attractive, turns out they're in it against you dear. Lol don't sweat it.

    They say the eyebrows are fked up and i see nothing wrong with them. You've played this game way longer and seen alot of faces. Somebody's out to get you but do you know who it is?
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2010

    Btw Dashiko Those ppl who said your chars aren't attractive, turns out they're in it against you dear. Lol don't sweat it.

    They say the eyebrows are fked up and i see nothing wrong with them. You've played this game way longer and seen alot of faces. Somebody's out to get you but do you know who it is?

    Yeah Dashiko, Julaina, Vaquera Keep posting. Forget those form other servers, i think our violent defense sparked some tension. They say you're not attractive, ya could be jealousy or just plain hatred but it's not fact. They're doing it to keep you way from the forums.

    lol keep posting those chars are one of a kind. Never give up. Stay strong until your rise to fame dear you guys are beautiful.
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Thanks i was a bit discouraged i admit but i'm going to post it for the fans. Thank you angelo and muyi.


    Me and My husband.
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Apologies for Double Post.


    One Final Picture. If they have anything negative to say i will ignore because i know it's out to get me. Soo for the "sane" critics out there please rate ^^
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Alright a fair rating. 4/5 for the couple pic. First off i hate couples but thats the only deduction. Btw the dashiko looks in her pic resembles alot of favorited pics by her flamers dont some of you think? Favoritism in the house. Oh The second picture is awesome. Welcome to Hell lol. Nice nice i like 5/5 for the coolness. Dashiko's hot btw nice look. Evil sorceress.
  • Reijimuyi - Sanctuary
    Reijimuyi - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I'm gonna look at some of the posts of these guys and expose some posts. I remember Dashiko this one picture, She didn't look too attractive in it. A bad position. But yeah this guy bursts out she's ugly this and that and just totally flamed her. i mean it was bad. Dashiko never offends anyone and she gives fair ratings.

    But this thread has no guidelines. It seems when we (Kiangelo, myself or some other sanc members like something) it's shown as bad because we had a little fun flaming some people. But we should started giving them ratings just as they do Dashiko. Merciless and short.

    I'll look at the posts first.

    Anyway Dashiko you're awesome. But look at it this way. No one has been able to surpass your creativity. Maybe julaina or shidaoya lol. But looks like you guys swapped ini files. That's cool too they were probably inspired. Keep it going i wanna see more. Again, look out thread my ratings are going to be Like simon from american idol.b:laugh
  • devahazu
    devahazu Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Hope is super pretty! b:cute I want her dress >.> except purple or white.
    Hope gets: 5/5
    Grav would be prettier without the heavy makeup :D
    Grav gets: 4.5/5
    Kadabra is insanly gorgeous.
    Kada gets: 5/5
    Amourie has such a pouty face lol. I love it!
    Amourie gets: 4.8/5 (-.2 for the fashion+hair combo v.v;; sorry badazz outfit+floral doesnt really mix that well)
    Jaeseu matches very well. I love the bunny veno in anything pink <3
    Jaeseu gets: 5/5

    Me in one of my many fashions >:D

    Tch, and they said Dashiko looked bad... 2/5. Fish lady
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Grav is gorgeous, I haven't seen a familiar face on the 3 servers I've played on. I'm not even going to comment on the previous conversation, however I will say that a unique looking character doesn't make he/she handsome/beautiful. This IS a hot or not thread after all. Not a "unique or not" thread.

    Anyway, here's my veno on DW (Kadabra). She's got a smokey, dangerous, yet sweet look.




    Sorry for the size, couldn't re-size them without the images becoming extremely fuzzy :X

    Sigh* Quote from NWA: Check urself Before you Wreck yourself. So this is your idea of beautful eh? Not even gonna thrash or facepalm this guy. Just going rate 2/5 for "ORIGINALITY" meh...

    Guidelines i assume are: Look "REALISTIC" i guess. Be "POPULAR" i guess. Or Just be from Anywhere but Sanctuary server. Otherwise it's just criticism lol.
  • Satchidanda - Sanctuary
    Satchidanda - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Made it just as soon as i got pmed. I talked with one of the admins, he said

    "Don't bother posting there we had an incident like that not too long ago this girl was a first from harshlands and she was flamed mercilessly by random players of the same favoritism topic"

    and he had caught someone scheming it in another thread and banned that person. Well, i hope that answers how harsh people can be because someone's jealous. Here are my thoughts on Dashiko's characters and default design.

    First of all, why do they look the same?
    That guy Graviora said, They look unique but with different "frowns". I guess if a woman doesn't smile she's ugly until she does.

    FYI: Those pics of Julaina,Shidao and so one. They're not Frowning it's called adding feel to the picture. In the past they weren't all that but these girls, especially Dashiko seem to be working their butts off taking screenshots and messing around with her characters.

    The Favoritism i see here is that: If she don't look real, then she's ugly.

    Examples: Her eyebrows are too high, Her mouth is poorly shaped her face is pudgy. Hell have you seen the pictures most of you posted? IMO they all need to make it to the next thanksgiving feast. In case the ones who favor "REALISTIC" looking girls and are probably lesbians or guys pretending to be girls i may add.

    Dashiko's ini files look like Something from Science fiction or an Anime. Ever thought of that? I doubt it. So don't say her characters are unattractive because it's an "opinion" give a reason why you dont like it and be detailed.

    Saying "oh her eyebrows are jacked up" "oh she's frowning i dont like it" it's only saying you're out to get her for something or otherwise like Ray william johnson says "You're Trollin" Newsflash and reality check. She's going to keep posting here whether you guys like it or not. You can down her all you want but I for one am gonna be there to back her up because her pictures are splendid.

    Hell she must have alot of guts if she's posting pics to "INSULT" you guys. I doubt she knew her pics would make you all despise her. But Yeah keep it up we'll be there to knock you down. She's a player just like all of you and she values comments. So if you don't think about what she may have been through when you rate, then just go check yourself because you're no more talented than her.

    *Facepalms all the negative posters against Dashiko*
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Lol speechless Satchi. Did you just vent?
  • Satchidanda - Sanctuary
    Satchidanda - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Lol speechless Satchi. Did you just vent?

    Yeah, I'm sick of them doing this to her. Dashiko's a sweet person and is always helping people. Why don't people on sanctuary say she's ugly? Why don't my RL friends say she's ugly? Reason is it's because its Favoritism. It's all over the thread and i'm gonna sit here and battle it out. Dashiko doesn't deserve this. I mean yeah you guys got violent with your flames but sadly they seem to group all of you together and want to take you all out at once. I'm rescuing Dashiko and her friends.

    Another thing even if they are the same characters what difference does it make? Shidaoya for example looks like a freaking mistress. That moonlight picture was breathtaking. Vaquera looks gentle and like some kind of healer. Dashiko looks menacing and evil. Doesn't that make you wonder more about them? No these losers in this thread just want to down her with these "Opinions" and "criticism" Those characters are awesome and would make awesome "CONSOLE" video game heroes/villains. Hell they look like they'd be in a T.V series.
  • Reijimuyi - Sanctuary
    Reijimuyi - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Yeah, I'm sick of them doing this to her. Dashiko's a sweet person and is always helping people. Why don't people on sanctuary say she's ugly? Why don't my RL friends say she's ugly? Reason is it's because its Favoritism. It's all over the thread and i'm gonna sit here and battle it out. Dashiko doesn't deserve this. I mean yeah you guys got violent with your flames but sadly they seem to group all of you together and want to take you all out at once. I'm rescuing Dashiko and her friends.

    Another thing even if they are the same characters what difference does it make? Shidaoya for example looks like a freaking mistress. That moonlight picture was breathtaking. Vaquera looks gentle and like some kind of healer. Dashiko looks menacing and evil. Doesn't that make you wonder more about them? No these losers in this thread just want to down her with these "Opinions" and "criticism" Those characters are awesome and would make awesome "CONSOLE" video game heroes/villains. Hell they look like they'd be in a T.V series.

    Dude, i'm so with you. What's your connection to Dashiko?
  • Satchidanda - Sanctuary
    Satchidanda - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Dude, i'm so with you. What's your connection to Dashiko?

    She helps me do everything in the game she showed me the ropes when i asked and she gave me a few fashion tips. I learned she designs characters in a college. Which was totally unbelievable.
  • Julaina - Sanctuary
    Julaina - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    inspiring posts.

    This is The old Julaina. Hopefully this one will approve to some.

  • Satchidanda - Sanctuary
    Satchidanda - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    inspiring posts.

    This is The old Julaina. Hopefully this one will approve to some.


    Stunning...Is she floating? Love that Yukata. She looks peaceful. Some oracle of some sort.

    Before i go on. See anything wrong with this picture?
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    She still has that pudgy face lol. But that's what makes her look cute and young. Studying this picture, people probably thought Julaina thought this was "Normal" i highly doubt she did . She was trying to create fun by creating a physically impossible figured character (APPARENTLY) and give them biographies. Which certainly caught my interest. It's like a big picture book. The picture reads hundreds of words. Also, i'm sure if Julaina or Dashiko wanted to create something that looked "Normal" they could have done it. But that's just not them. So all you haters deal with the difference. Not everyone has to look like...lol w/e the hell you want em to look like.

    The only one i like in those previous posts is the one posted by Jaseu or however you spell it. That's a cute chick.

    haha Cwutididthar?
  • Reijimuyi - Sanctuary
    Reijimuyi - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Hey i found this picture in an old post from Dashiko.


    See now THIS picture isn't very pleasing. Too bright, she looks like she's on dope and yeah too menacing. This is a terrible picture. THIS i can understand. She looks hideous in this.
  • Satchidanda - Sanctuary
    Satchidanda - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    I Agree that one is terrible. Bad quality on top of it. Mainly the sun. Here's an old one of Julaina. THIS PICTURE SHOULD RECEIVE AN AWARD.


    Guess what they flamed her with bad comments for this one.


    one way, trolling. Good thing she didn't post it in this thread, she could have gotten it worse.
  • KiAngelo - Sanctuary
    KiAngelo - Sanctuary Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2010


    l_5733015db3dc4b66911c0892ddb5e2cd.jpg AWESOME

    SHE's HOT!!!
  • Julaina - Sanctuary
    Julaina - Sanctuary Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited April 2010


    l_5733015db3dc4b66911c0892ddb5e2cd.jpg AWESOME

    SHE's HOT!!!

    Amazing, what an honor. Lol wearing low level gear too. KiAngelo Found gold lol.

    She's actually "Normal" and not supernatural looking. 5/5 i have never seen it before
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well since my very first picture got flamed. I was afraid to post this one.


    thank you all.
  • Satchidanda - Sanctuary
    Satchidanda - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well since my very first picture got flamed. I was afraid to post this one.


    thank you all.

    Okay the eyes are a bit squinty BUT THIS IS THE DASHIKO I LIKE. WOW....

    So "original" omg you have to get this look back in game PLEASEb:sad
  • Reijimuyi - Sanctuary
    Reijimuyi - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    That ini is just Beast all over the other pictures. Dashiko thats a queen picture. Just pwnage. Never thought of seeing her look like before.

    Anyway lets compare. Which version is better

    This one

    or This one

  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Here was one i was too afraid to post also. It has some comedy in it. Well i take it back. I posted it once....Got flamed.

    So i want to know what you guys think.

  • Reijimuyi - Sanctuary
    Reijimuyi - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Here was one i was too afraid to post also. It has some comedy in it. Well i take it back. I posted it once....Got flamed.

    So i want to know what you guys think.


    LOL! Oh that chick behind you looks awesome. Again, her eyes are really squinty. But hey you had to start somewhere. NIce picture
  • Satchidanda - Sanctuary
    Satchidanda - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    LOL! Oh that chick behind you looks awesome. Again, her eyes are really squinty. But hey you had to start somewhere. NIce picture

    This is nice lol. The joke and all. But hey its a pleasure to see old pics of a sane looking dashiko lmao.
  • Dashiko - Sanctuary
    Dashiko - Sanctuary Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    This is the last of my old pics. This is a level 16-18 Dashiko.


    Her Very First look. I have never posted this before.